Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Communists Are Fixing The Books in Seychelles

A common thread with communist regimes is that they have to fake success all the time, everyday, 365 days a year, year after year, to stay in power. To fake success, they have to fix the books.

This idea, of book fixing has stuck with communists from the early days of Karl Marx.

 In Seychelles, the communists in paradise are not an exception they are experts in implementing the rule. Never under estimate a thug that lives under a coconut tree.

IMF Pops in Unannounced 

Last week, the IMF popped into Victoria unannounced, and called for an extra ordinary meeting with the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Seychelles. The staffers all lined up, and made their way to the leather seats of the Ministry of Finance conference table to face the IMF Chief of Division African Department and lead for Seychelles program, Mr. Jean Le Dem . Mr. Le Dem is neither a politician nor a business man. Accompanying Mr. Le Dem was Mr. Nikoloz Gigineishvili, an economist who regularly has been visiting Seychelles.  Miss Nkunde Mwase, economist from the Review Department of the IMF was not present.

Mr. Le Dem is tasked with seeing through the communist government of Seychelles second generation reforms in taxes, and streamlining and cutting government largess and abuse of government funds, when mis- appropriated. It is no surprise he turned up after: 1. an election, 2. the approval of a supplementary budget approaching Sr. 300 Million for 2011, part of which bails out Air Seychelles again…..for now.

Where Did PL Get The Money

The big question of course, that no one asked is where did PL get the money for the Supplementary Budget to spend nearly Sr. 300 Million beyond a budget which was already high because it was an election budget. They did not earn it, since Fishing is down, and Tourism, though numbers are up according to STB and Alain St. Ange, the bottom line is severely down, Two (2) years in a row. It seems St. Ange, is recruiting any street walker, from any city, to be a Tourist in Seychelles, based on the receivables. But unfortunately, the situation is more complicated then that, I will address it in future article, after the World Bank visits Seychelles in the first week of July 2011 in cooperation with the IMF and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) which was here last year when Aida Der Hovanessian, country manager for Seychelles and the region paid us a short visit.

FDI Plummets

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI ) in Seychelles these days has plummeted. After PL chased everyone away by seizing a number of bank accounts and transfers, and the water crisis has surfaced, and it is obvious that we do not have capacity for future growth and investment, FDI went from $2 Billion under James Michel, to now likely under $90 Million, this year. Only  Sheikh Khalifa  of UAE is still putting money in Seychelles, and the PL are handing the ribbon cutting to the UAE in Seychelles, an unprecedented overt action that demonstrates the progressive and systematic selling of our patrimony.

James Michel formula for economic growth is very dangerous and likely very lethal to the overall health of the Seychelles economy. His policy of “Sesel Pou Arab” will have a negative impact on the economy unless it is a total sell out. At which point, Seychellois will be regulated to 3rd class citizens in their own country. We are well on our way.

Why Print Money Now After Elections

When communists regimes cannot make business work on a national level, and money is short to get through the humps of fiscal shortfalls, they print money. To do so, they will tell you every reason why the old bills of  are suddenly no longer good and a need for new bills is necessary, even if they just printed a new batch the previous year .

Here it appears, they have done this to take the old illegal print bills (undeclared print) out of circulation before the IMF shows up in August. Unfortunately for Pierre Laporte and the PL, the IMF showed up last week.

Suddenly all the advertisement of printing new bills, to replace the old ones printed last year, not Ten (10) years ago, stopped on SBC. I wonder why?

If this is so, it is the equivalent of a Central Banker being caught running in town naked for the IMF.  Mr. Laporte will have to explain himself, failing a reasonable explanation, he should be called upon by the free journalists in Seychelles to resign unconditionally, for venturing into political servitude as a central banker, which is illegal in Seychelles under the Central Bank Act.

Did someone say this guy came from the IMF or a polka music band?

Direct Impact  on Every Seychellois Even The Communists

The direct impact of printing more money is “Inflation” , which IMF has adjusted to nearly 6% now, perhaps higher by years end. This means cost of living will go up in Seychelles fast, faster, perhaps fastest.

Too much Rupees in circulation will mean devaluation gradually of the Seychelles Rupee to hard currencies like the US Dollar and Euro.  This will compound Inflation and Cost of Living.

Steady taxes on fuel of over 450% will keep the Seychelles economy crawling for years as the overall cost of living remains high, and the destination remains costly and not affordable  under JJ Spirit, sham President- elect Michel.

Uncertainty in external factors, which I shall treat in future articles, will reveal that I was wrong about a Ten (10) year downturn for Seychelles which I proclaimed in 2007. I will adjust my sails now to assert a Fifteen (15) year downturn for us under the current communist regime, if there is no change, because with communists, you can always be sure of one thing: they will always make the wrong move when it comes to the economy.

Communists know how to spend money, and beg for money well, but they do not know how to earn money and instill the will to earn money and excel in their people. They are great at regulating people to welfare wards, then attack them for being on welfare in the same breath. They are famous for giving holidays for a political event, and ignore the economic realities of the cost of such fanfare. Even when they are bankrupt, they will give a holiday for going bankrupt. In line with this logic I expect, October 31st, will be set aside as National Bankruptcy Day for Seychelles, since this is the day in 2008 that James Michel declared we were BANKRUPT after he told us the previous year, we had cleared all our debts and we were debt free.

With this in mind, we must be prepared for the second phase of the paradise financial collapse post Lehman Brothers Bond default, the next round of downturns for us will be long, deep and drawn out for many years.

I wish I was wrong.

Fixing Numbers Does Not Fix Reality PL

After the PL is finished with this little charade yet to be exposed, we will be back to the same mess were in before the PL rigged the presidential elections and handed Michel a faux mandate.

Fixing numbers, does not fix our reality…..we are still digging for water, and the amount of cancer cases is surging at our hospitals today. Why do they hide those numbers?

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!

Christopher Gill

Seychelles Freedom Party's Blog keeps Making A Difference For Seychellois and Seychelles!!

Following a recent article from this blog showing corruption in the government of James Alix Michel changes has been effected and  a press Release from state house below shows this!! Lets see if these changes can solve the pending issues and general public concerns.






The President has appointed Mr Gerard Hoareau as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Planning Authority, effective from 1st July 2011. 

Mr Gerard Hoareau, who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Surveying, held senior management positions in the Lands and Survey Division for 8 years before moving briefly to the private sector in 2009.  In 2010 he was appointed as CEO of the Seychelles Land Transport Authority (SLTA).

Mr Hoareau will also serve as Chairman of the Planning Authority until such time as the structure and composition of the Board of the Authority, as set by law, have been reviewed.  This appointment is in line with the President’s declared intention of reviewing the functioning of the Planning Authority to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and to enable it to deliver a better and faster service. 

Mr Jones Belmont who was until recently Chairman and Chief Executive of the Planning Authority will take up a new post as Consultant on Project Management in the Department of Finance & Trade.

Mr Parinda Herath, who is presently the Deputy CEO of the SLTA, will be appointed as Acting CEO of the Agency from 1st July 2011.  Mr Herath holds a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering, and has nine years’ experience in land transport engineering.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Environment, Transport & Energy has also appointed a new Board of Directors for the Seychelles Land Transport Agency, in accordance with the SLTA Act.  The Chairperson of the Board will be Ms Veronique Laporte, with Mr David Bianci as Deputy Chairperson.  The other Members of the Board will be Mr Parinda Herath, Mr Gerard Hoareau, Superintendent Godfroy Hermitte, Mr Damien Thesee, Mr Daniel Adeline, Ms Lena Desaubin and Ms Monica Figaro.

The Board of SLTA is also effective from 1st July 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A New Seychelles Under James Michel Even Goes As Far As Animal Violation and allowing One To Be Violently Killed With A Hammer To The Forehead. !!

Seychelles Government may not care as much for animals as the international community for Animal Protection; but justice should be given to save Lazio and Rodney!!
Lazio is the last horse Mr.Rodney Amade of the Seychelles is left with after his other one was brutally murdered by rivalries on a night of desperation. Rodney's horses were a gift from a foreigner known as Ernest who had the pleasure to bread such fine animals on the Island with Rodney as the care taker.

It seemed logical his choice to surrender his horses to Rodney when being deported for reasons still unknown.

Rodney is the type of person that is one with nature and with his animal. Only yesterday he had two horses and today only Lazio remains. 

Lazio is a special breed which is presumed to be almost declared on the list of endangerment to extinction, yet Seychelles judiciary versus MR. Amade by state influence is taking time to handle a case whereby this rare and exquisite animals life hangs in the balance.

The whole issue is about spacing for the animals to exercise and the trainers to use there uniqueness in the Seychelles islands and make some money for sustenance and business which Rodney excels at. 

Even if beaches in Seychelles are deemed to be free for everybody, Lazio has been marked with a death threat if ever spotted touring the white sandy beaches of Grand Anse Mahe to Barbarons. 

The Owner of a group of horses bread by foreigners working under her orders is in constant feud with Rodney and Lazio. So by being a wealthy foreigner in Seychelles your doors are wider to get through than any other locals seeking James Michel's Administration for help. Another reason why this sham elected President prefers foreigners over the locals is their money.

This is just as typical as the ideas of  "Sesel pou Arab" by James Michel's Party "Peoples Party".

Michel's "Se Nou Ki Lepep" is true when you come to think of it because money is the route to all evil and if the same police officers that took the oat to serve and protect the innocent has failed and clouded by corruption and abuse. Just as the head of the country would move mountains for a certain Arab Sheikh then So will the forces that he wills by force against Rodney and Lazio.

Save Lazio and Help Rodney!!! Seychelles Freedom Party is making a call to aid a friend and save the life of an animal a faithful and needy. 

We have societies that receives large donations to aid the animals and to ensure their protection even the state gets recognition for such. Even if this government and administrations would still allow the injustice and unfair crimes to pull through. So contact us at freedom party; help Lazio and Trainer Rodney to go where him and his animal would be safe and can coexist with society.

A shame to be an animal in Paradise with your life in the balance.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Glimpse Of James Michel's "Nouvo Sesel", With A Dead Opposition!!

No water for local business man and the common man of Seychelles, yet daily distribution at 17:00hrs on wards to foreign businesses, Eden Island, former ministers homes, Sheikh Khaliffa's Properties and James Michel's home and more.............

With the parliamentary elections well under our feet James Michel's DA and MNA's Remains fast asleep on human right as well as the so call SNP opposition Majority and the Judiciary. A family at the beginning of the road to the Ex-Allamanda Resort Anse Fort Bans and hotel are being victimized and deprived of access to move about yet this government is set on selling islands and properties at the cost of one rupee. The family which uses their vehicle a truck to function as Takamaka is a distant away from town, has seen that a construction has decided to bolt a tight squeeze so that they would have to use buses and footpath. The owner of the truck said that a case is currently in court yet the construction goes on despite any attempt of an injunction so they can move freely. Another Seychellois family is put in a cage all under the "Nouvo Sesel" which James Alix Michel has proclaimed. See pictures...

Planing Authority either plane slackers on the job or corrupted, a small alley way for the Residents of Chenard Estate Plaisance agreed to build walls to boundary their properties and leave a small way for vehicle access to and from their properties. As per a rule stated to one of the Residents by the Planing Authority their should be a certain amount of distance fro the road to allow vehicle flow and rain debris down wash. 

Unfortunately today under the "Nouvo Sesel" things remains same for one man whom his family and friends saw constant interactions with the district MNA present MR. Bernard Adonis whom might currently not be in the country at present. This individual without due respect to planing authorities and neighborhood folks has chosen to build his wall directly within the road access such as he saw fit to himself. Despite contacting the planing authority till today the situation remains same and a traffic hazard for the neighborhood people.

This individual also doing a  massive construction chose to use a very heavy vehicle to shorten trips of his coral fill deposits on a property just above and wrecked his neighbors drive in path in the process. This is the state of planing authority and James Michel's war on corruption in his government and sub departments; just another bed time story see picture and denote for yourself............

Stay tuned in with a Seychelles reality as Seychelles Freedom Party Tours the Seychelles exposing the "Nouvo Sesel" which James Michel is creating and a Silent opposition is endorsing!!

If You wish to report your own violation contact J.P on 515174 at any time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Are The Court Of Appeals Rigging Elections With The Executive Branch???

United Kingdom to see a Peaceful Protest After Congratulating The Sham Elected President of Seychelles in Office!!

For Seychelles and for all freedom loving Seychellois, a group of Our citizens in the United Kingdom are amassing in wide numbers to do a Peaceful protest at the Amnesty international  to demand their right to vote and other Democratic Resolutions from their home country Seychelles.

The ongoing process by a wide number of discontented Seychellois in UK, have written to ask for  the UK Police to assist in the protest an event which in Seychelles has proclaimed by PL through the Commissioner of Police to be illegal when he went on live media threatening the use of force and fire arms in case of any more protest escalating. 
The UK will be granting the Freedom loving Seychellois their right to peaceful Assembly and protest. David Cameron will have to disclose a statement based on this as international pressure will be pouring down his alley.

Wavel John Charles Ramkalawan confirmed by the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly through Betty-May is not in the country at the moment on approval from a written request to Speaker Patrick Herminie. He is in the UK at present, but will shortly be returning to the Seychelles prior to the protest. With his given background,as a former informant for Berlouis, and a number two contestant in every election against PL. 
The so called Father now a Priest Millionaire and still leader of opposition (SNP) caved into the Speaker of the assembly’s pressure to cease a Boycott and return to the non level playing field  in fear of his fat cat salary and pension for life, made by the state being put at risk.

It is a slap in the face for the said 41% of opposition who had chosen to listen to Ramkalawan’s steps of down the drains Boycott stolen ideas of Christopher Gill at the last minute. In view that Seychellois overseas are taking action for a home which they can only come back to for a short while not even to exercise their political rights, in fear of their safety for knowing Real Democracy and having grown accustom to “The Right to” without interference.

Note that all these freedom loving Seychellois are determined to see that “Sesel pou Seselwa” is one of the key addresses to the UN, UNHCR, UNCCPR and other international Agencies when they will be pouring their hearts out to the world.

Chapeau goes to Doris Volcere and Family as courageous and supportive she is to all the Seychellois that cannot be there to assist in making the Echoes of a small island state heard all across the world.

Ramkalawan has let down the people of Seychelles, but the People of Seychelles will not let down Seychelles. Be it from the deepest corners of any state of the world Seychellois will strive for freedom and prosperity.

Once again Seychelles freedom Party calls out to all freedom loving Seychellois who really wants Unity and Real Democracy to come and Join us, Even our disgruntled SPPF/PL Brothers and sisters and the SNP or NDP’s  are welcome to assist in change.

God bless all Freedom Loving Seychellois every families and friends and everybody around the world for that matter!!