while reginald alcindor visit's the deputy prime minister in uk for women delegation SFP deals with real problems back at home and empowers seychellois living oversees to handle visits and meetings.
Am starting to see clearly now what snp wants and why they hate sfp!
They hate SFP,because SFP are doing a better jobs than Ram and crew have been doing in the last past years. They been just taking put in them pockets and they are all mutimillion in the past few years for being corrupt now Seselwa are paying the prices because of bad opposition leader who are corrupt like Ram,Pierre,Boulle.
Be on your guard, look carefully and you will not miss a thing. Seychelles is today inundated with Gurkhas from Nepal. These soldiers are loyal to whoever pays them. They were professional soldiers who are also used as mercenaries. Minister Morgan refuses to tell us how many of them there are here, but we know there are 100 spread everywhere. That begs the obvious question. Is Michel having his own personal army to protect him only. Think carefully about what we have written. We are not quite mad. Seychellois like to let the cat out of the bag.
Where are black Seychellois in the Government ?
Like we all know, Seychellois like to talk behind each other’s backs. When it is time to speak up frankly, they prefer to keep quiet. But one of the more incisive comments that all Seychellois are making on the composition of the new government is the absence of black people. People are saying that it would seem that Michel likes to surround himself with white people, no matter that it is the same Michel whose party likes to accuse SNP of being a party for whites.
The question that we are compelled to pose is where are all those black people that Parti Lepep like to mention in their speeches as proof of educational advancement and the recognition of these people.
Are these people good for propaganda only, but too inferior for ministerial positions ? Or is it true that Michel does not like black faces at State House ? Just look at the delegations that accompany him on overseas trips as damning evidence. A question for you. When was the last time Michel set foot on mainland Africa ? That is not a trick question.
Seychellois police not good enough for Michel
Seychellois were shocked to find foreign people, better known as Gurkhas from Nepal, in police uniform on patrol in town. The question we have is where are the Seychellois for these jobs. Has Michel not got any confidence in Seychellois for law and order and we now look to Gurkhas for every little problem ?
All this shows that Michel has no plan for Seychelles. It also shows that things continue to get worse in our country. If police jobs are now being reserved for foreigners, soon there will be no work for Seychellois.
Seychellois, let’s keep our ears to the ground to find out what is happening in our country. If crime has skyrocketed in the country, we must ask what have Michel and Parti Lepep done to tackle this scourge ? Have they contributed to the proliferation of crime by protecting criminals and letting them run riot for political reasons ?
May be Seychelles police is not good enough for him ,because he has not train them to be police.He has train them to be gard bou.Seychelles police know that their leader are also a thiev and friend with foreingners MAFIA. How can we expect them to catch criminels,When that sytem are them self corrupt.
Yes Michel brought in his personal army but the real reason is because he does not trust Danny Faure which is protected by albert now and Sarah at all. Sarah funds Volcere ndp and now snp has made a deal that cease of funds to PDM they are following sarah albert and danny, the promise is a coalition government. But what is real is one cannot trust albert since danny inherits the seat as VP he may order a hit on michel thus michel knows all is loyal to albert and brought in his own army. There is no opposition except for that gill and sfp band everyone elese has been bought just look how defensive the seychellois hebdo and weekly went on michel when danny faures port folio for finance was reppealed. Listen to allen butler payet sing the song after a couple of whiskey and you will know.
Where are black Seychellois in the Government ?
Well at the moment this is a very good question as derjaques, Henrie and many countless others do not consider themselves as black entity. These guys got a chance to walk side by side to a ferrari and george whom used to brutalize or abuse on black people even one family threw slaves overboard ships if refused to work. Henrie and all the rest are under PL payroll and this makes them part and parcel of the government of the day window dressing of the realities thus why ask where are the blacks if you form part of the ruling party? We could have said George Bibi but that was well taken care off when volcere kindly sacked him! Try and ask wavel if he is black youll have a shock, the guy drives a mercedez benz purchased from embassadors seats alongside philippe boulle are you going to be able to sell him your kia? No way he is PL and PL has done away with this black mentality and in with the whites!
Seychellois police not good enough for Michel
Well seychellois police have become not good enough in seychelles for michel ramkalawan volcere and boulle now pierre. The reason why is bernard george spends his time freeing criminals, volcere keeps criticizing anything they do right and when they do good he goes to state house with ramkalawan and demands someone be sacked. The police force are tired of having to be dictated their jobs or kicked around for the amusement of fake oppositions and a communist regime just to fake democracy. Each and everyone that was sacked from the police force for abuse of power on the people of seychelles are now either right back in there in the ndea nscd or even traffic or spy for the regime.Yet ndp snp claims the job was done and people are safe, the question is people are police officers as well so who will protect them. If they go to ramkalawan ramkalawan tells bernard bernards client who is higher than fiu will know and one will lose his or her job if they go to volcere ramadoss finds out the regime finds out. If they try boulle boulle tells volcere or refers them to henrie which is the same thing over but in a different skin!
Please we dont want to see any communist film from China Shown on TV. We have seen want communist are in the last 35 years,why should we watch more communist phylosophie fuck the Chinese. They own peoples are asking US for protection, because this bad communist regime in China now they promot mire shit in Seychelles?
No matter how you hate communist China you can't live without made in china essential stuffs. You woke up in the morning you use made in china tooth brush AND YOUR RAZWAR. Men, you put on your made in china shirt, your LANMORES, your shoes or MAYDANPOUS. Ladies, SA SOUKSAN, SA KANSON NYLON OU MATAPOLANM, SA LOPOUD in the crack POU TIR LODER. SA PENY POU DRES SA BAN SEVE REZOR. The list are long, so no matter how you hate chinese people, you still need their supplies.
Which Parti Lepep magistrate is hearing Jean Paul Isaac's case. I can't believe they will let him slip through their fingers. We will soon be protesting in town to get JPI freed. Won't we ? Free the Docklands One !
Yes,Pissy,Mr >Aglae is a hero,he does not let his vision of man be distorted by ugly,cowardly,and mindless like you.
On protest.Your fear of seeing those freedom drums circle your Pp of palace of mud makes you thrill.To try an get the pressure off you then you have found a rediculous tactic blame other for being afraid of prtoest.
SFp is pathing the path for Seychellois to exercise their freedom of expression,assembly as stipulated by the constitution by pressuring PP,RAm,BUolle and Electoral Commission to propose bills of freedom of expression.Just imagine if we would have put our confidence in persons like RAm,Volcere,Buolle and other stooges probably Seychellois would have never been able to exercise their freedom,thus their human rights. We will rptoest not when PP,Ram,Buolle think we should ,SFP control the playing field thus SFp will decide together with the people when it is necessary,how,where,howlong etc... If Ram.Buolle are used to taking dictation from PP ,SFP is genuine party ,it is indenpendent it does not need to be baby sit like stooges parteis such as SNP;NDP,SPUPU:SPPF,SPT,.SMB whatever their names.
SFp will make you find your lost freedom you poor little con.
SFP is paving the path to freedom? I repeat again, don't drag your feet in the sand if you want foot print! When there is election step in the race and don't call for BOYCOTT! Start making LAPLENN NIVO now! You have 4 more years! It's more then enough, get some bulldozers,caterpillars and start from DOCKLAND! kEEP zonmlib INTACT!
We sometimes say,"THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY", often to justify actions that may seem questionable.It is free country and we have the freedom to do, undo, fly in and fly out and seek whatever is good or bad for us. Yet, there are many things in life that paralyze us, misunderstanding, worries, fears over the consequences of any action, lack of communication, lack of self-confidence in ourselves, and the lack of joy. One could say that all these things keep people secluded in a self-imposed confinement. Such imprisonment to which we have not been sent by any human trial, rather than our innerself, is much more frequent than we sometimes care to believe. Many times it prevents us from taking a risk to do the right thing and making a difference in the lives of others.
Sl SFp ,i repeat participated in the last election and that by a suceesful boycott that has since then forced Pp to reforms,SNp to the dustbin together with NDP.Boycott is part of the game,it has proven its efficacity.Second SFP is well-organized as it has also proven,its strategy works and you can understand that a aprty that konws how to makes things work will not take advice or dictation from stooges parties or its dozen of followers who have in the last eigteen years sleep with the beast.Keep your adive fro yoursleves or give it to Pp,SNP,NDp;SMB;SPTC;SPUP;SPPF etc...
Do we really have freedom?Freedom is the state of being free at liberty rather than in confinment or under physical restraints;exemption form interanl control,interference,regualtion etc...;the power to decide actions without restraint;politcal and antional independence;personal liberty as oposse to slavery and bandage; a salve who bought his freedom;the absence of or release from ties,obligation;civil liberties as oppose to sujection of an arbitary or despotic govt... the power to exercise and make dicisions without constraint from within or without,autonomy...etc..
Morover,you talk about sometimes fear of your actions becuase it might affect or dsiturb others basically...you right on this point and the reason why is simply becuase man is a social animal born in society and have needs that can only be satisfy by society.Hence since you a social animal living with others,your freedom somehow must be naturally regulated in order that all meembers of the soicety you aprt of can benefit from equal rights,obligation etc...that is physical freedom(keep in mind your spiritual freedom is none limited and always absolute).let me put it the other way round,absolute freedom is the ability or freedom to make a choice and act on it completely detached from influece of exteranl contrl or otherwise influenece of external forces such as society,peope etc..In other words absolute freedom is to fulfil your desires without any limits,but as our desires are always influenced by exteranl forces or reasons,so abosulte freedom should be a place where influence is non-existent which is a paradox itself as if there is no influence there would be no desires.Even if you would left alone on a island like Robinson Crusoe with no one around,you are still not free of your needs which include eating,drinking etc...it is not possible that you do not fell hungry,thirsty for eternity.Thus freedom can not be absolute.
Pissoff we have 4 years, you and co had have 30 years but still no one could make a different and could not even bring any change and freedom for Seselwa in the past 30 years just took but dont give bac lije aways is the case with corrupt politician like you.
Your strategy of BOYCOTT is not going to work.I/We told you before and i will say it again eventhought you hate it. If you think it will work, keep doing it and PP will win A-TOU-KOU. Ou grenn menm ya pas disan. Si ou kwar mon menti si kwar mon lalang demand A-BUTLER-PAYEYE...... errr PAYET ler in bez son MARIBRIZAR ek SON GATO MASPEN.
You still under shock and lost your memories, otherwise you would have realized how successful it was and the damage done.Of course we will not listen to crooks who have totally bankrutped our economy to give us lesson on what works or not for ,for pp crooks failures are success ,for example i heard Dr Michel the butcher last weekly saying again our economy is in goood shape while facts and even LaPorte contradict him.How do you want us to get out of this shit ,when those at the helm cannot differennciate between failures and success?
Under pressure from the SFP exposure of PDM as a fake opposition, Mr. Ramkalawan referred to Simon Gill as "TON SIMON" in the last session of the Electoral Reform as he went to a tea break. As he approached the exit, he hugged Mr. Simon Gill of PL.
Has SNP reconciled with PL to replace PDM as a fake opposition?
Please clear the air, Mr. Ramkalawan.
We are still waiting for people in SNP to speak up and expose this fake opposition leadership.
With RAm nothing in clear,but there is an old saying that says"time is an excellent teacher"Has RAm his lesson and done his homwork?We will need to wait to see,for stooges like PP rearely face the public.
" To know how good a horse is, you much watch it run.....for a long time".
What we witnessed is nothing but a pure shame.
I feel sorry for those who supported him and were victimized for it.
I feel sorry for those who are most helpless in society that counted on him.
I feel sorry for those who reached deep into their pockets and donated millions and millions of Dollars, Euros, Rupees, to now have to face this reality that they are dealing with a simple sell out!
Henceforth why Freedom Party will not enter into any alliance with this old horse. This decision is the right decision.
" To know how good a horse is, you much watch it run.....for a long time".
What we witnessed is nothing but a pure shame.
I feel sorry for those who supported him and were victimized for it.
I feel sorry for those who are most helpless in society that counted on him.
I feel sorry for those who reached deep into their pockets and donated millions and millions of Dollars, Euros, Rupees, to now have to face this reality that they are dealing with a simple sell out!
Henceforth why Freedom Party will not enter into any alliance with this old horse. This decision is the right decision.
So Gill, do you think that Ramkalawan "hugged" the wrong Gill ? You have been asking for a hug for a long time. Instead you got the boot up your ample bum. Ramkalawan can be cruel sometimes.
RAM hug his his stooge friend that feeds him.A hug for a stooge with contaminate the good job SFp is doing.SFP does not sllep in the same bed as PP like SNP,buolle.Moreover,Nation last week wrote of how Chris is working hard to get a genuine refroms.It wrote about many concerns that need to be calrify and so ofrth.Chris was the only person to ensure that things were going according to the expectation of the public .On the other Hand no words form RAM,BUOLLE VOLCERE thus meaning they satify with very thing no proposal on their aprt nothing at all as always.Waht a shame!Instead RAm has time to hug S.Gill as PP thug.
To the following comment: So Gill, do you think that Ramkalawan "hugged" the wrong Gill ? You have been asking for a hug for a long time. Instead you got the boot up your ample bum. Ramkalawan can be cruel sometimes.
May 28, 2012 2:48 PM
Christopher Gill would be a fool to want a hug from wavel since he has prostituted this action on several people that is PL or fake opposition, we know he used to hug david pierre on a good job danny faure on army vessels when invited, bishop weihe when he went to dinner and michel was visiting the pope, we know he hugs a few pf those mistresses that special organizations are trying to get off the corner of independence house.
We know he would rush into leopold payets arms jean paul adam even hendrick gappy though he claims election frauds. Sleeping with the enemy can have viral consequences but as long as rams pockets remains full he will hug the gates of state house if he has too!
Hugging a person means you appreciate him.A hug is the shortest distance between friends (in RAM case it is theshortest distacne between thugs,collaborators etc..)
PISSY Sex slavery continues under Ppthugocracy thoug SFP aand indenependet newspapers have been ringing the alarm bell on several occasions.PP refuse to control private jets of Russain mafias known around Europe to be involve ion sex slavery and Arabs like Khalifa are lalso known to conduct such practices till PP allow private jets to land without custom control.With or without custom control,with or without policing experience any Seychellois would indentify such a human trafficking just by asking the question"How come that private jets come at regualar interval teem with yong EASTERn/ASTRALIAN girls to our shores and are driven directly to Barbaron to Khlifa plâlace and Russian owned hotels.One does need interNnational training on how to identfy sex slavery to discover that,just those come and going of those foreign private jets teem with young white girls is enough to set the alarm on.
PP thugs know very well waht is going on in regrad of foregn sex slave in our country but PP has allowed khlaifa nad russians mafias that bail them out to do wahtever they want in our land.You could imagine that also hard drugs enter our land through those private jets for often sex slavery,drug trafficking,and other hard crimes go hand in hand.
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1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»PIERRE and clicks must be shitting in their pants and that without realizing it.Keep exposing those stooges Mr Aglae.
Jeanne D'Arc
while reginald alcindor visit's the deputy prime minister in uk for women delegation SFP deals with real problems back at home and empowers seychellois living oversees to handle visits and meetings.
Am starting to see clearly now what snp wants and why they hate sfp!
shame on wavel and camp!
They hate SFP,because SFP are doing a better jobs than Ram and crew have been doing in the last past years.
They been just taking put in them pockets and they are all mutimillion in the past few years for being corrupt now Seselwa are paying the prices because of bad opposition leader who are corrupt like Ram,Pierre,Boulle.
Michel’s own personal army
Be on your guard, look carefully and you will not miss a thing. Seychelles is today inundated with Gurkhas from Nepal. These soldiers are loyal to whoever pays them. They were professional soldiers who are also used as mercenaries. Minister Morgan refuses to tell us how many of them there are here, but we know there are 100 spread everywhere. That begs the obvious question. Is Michel having his own personal army to protect him only. Think carefully about what we have written. We are not quite mad. Seychellois like to let the cat out of the bag.
Where are black Seychellois in the Government ?
Like we all know, Seychellois like to talk behind each other’s backs. When it is time to speak up frankly, they prefer to keep quiet. But one of the more incisive comments that all Seychellois are making on the composition of the new government is the absence of black people. People are saying that it would seem that Michel likes to surround himself with white people, no matter that it is the same Michel whose party likes to accuse SNP of being a party for whites.
The question that we are compelled to pose is where are all those black people that Parti Lepep like to mention in their speeches as proof of educational advancement and the recognition of these people.
Are these people good for propaganda only, but too inferior for ministerial positions ? Or is it true that Michel does not like black faces at State House ? Just look at the delegations that accompany him on overseas trips as damning evidence. A question for you. When was the last time Michel set foot on mainland Africa ? That is not a trick question.
Seychellois police not good enough for Michel
Seychellois were shocked to find foreign people, better known as Gurkhas from Nepal, in police uniform on patrol in town. The question we have is where are the Seychellois for these jobs. Has Michel not got any confidence in Seychellois for law and order and we now look to Gurkhas for every little problem ?
All this shows that Michel has no plan for Seychelles. It also shows that things continue to get worse in our country. If police jobs are now being reserved for foreigners, soon there will be no work for Seychellois.
Seychellois, let’s keep our ears to the ground to find out what is happening in our country. If crime has skyrocketed in the country, we must ask what have Michel and Parti Lepep done to tackle this scourge ? Have they contributed to the proliferation of crime by protecting criminals and letting them run riot for political reasons ?
Long live SNP !
Crimes are skyrocketed!becsuse most of the peoples committed crimes belong in PP camps.
We must get PP out to bring crimes down in Seychelles.
May be Seychelles police is not good enough for him ,because he has not train them to be police.He has train them to be gard bou.Seychelles police know that their leader are also a thiev and friend with foreingners MAFIA.
How can we expect them to catch criminels,When that sytem are them self corrupt.
Michel’s own personal army
Yes Michel brought in his personal army but the real reason is because he does not trust Danny Faure which is protected by albert now and Sarah at all. Sarah funds Volcere ndp and now snp has made a deal that cease of funds to PDM they are following sarah albert and danny, the promise is a coalition government. But what is real is one cannot trust albert since danny inherits the seat as VP he may order a hit on michel thus michel knows all is loyal to albert and brought in his own army. There is no opposition except for that gill and sfp band everyone elese has been bought just look how defensive the seychellois hebdo and weekly went on michel when danny faures port folio for finance was reppealed. Listen to allen butler payet sing the song after a couple of whiskey and you will know.
Where are black Seychellois in the Government ?
Well at the moment this is a very good question as derjaques, Henrie and many countless others do not consider themselves as black entity. These guys got a chance to walk side by side to a ferrari and george whom used to brutalize or abuse on black people even one family threw slaves overboard ships if refused to work. Henrie and all the rest are under PL payroll and this makes them part and parcel of the government of the day window dressing of the realities thus why ask where are the blacks if you form part of the ruling party? We could have said George Bibi but that was well taken care off when volcere kindly sacked him! Try and ask wavel if he is black youll have a shock, the guy drives a mercedez benz purchased from embassadors seats alongside philippe boulle are you going to be able to sell him your kia? No way he is PL and PL has done away with this black mentality and in with the whites!
Seychellois police not good enough for Michel
Well seychellois police have become not good enough in seychelles for michel ramkalawan volcere and boulle now pierre. The reason why is bernard george spends his time freeing criminals, volcere keeps criticizing anything they do right and when they do good he goes to state house with ramkalawan and demands someone be sacked. The police force are tired of having to be dictated their jobs or kicked around for the amusement of fake oppositions and a communist regime just to fake democracy. Each and everyone that was sacked from the police force for abuse of power on the people of seychelles are now either right back in there in the ndea nscd or even traffic or spy for the regime.Yet ndp snp claims the job was done and people are safe, the question is people are police officers as well so who will protect them. If they go to ramkalawan ramkalawan tells bernard bernards client who is higher than fiu will know and one will lose his or her job if they go to volcere ramadoss finds out the regime finds out. If they try boulle boulle tells volcere or refers them to henrie which is the same thing over but in a different skin!
Short live SNP,NDP, PDM Boulle Alias Parti Lepep!
God help us all!
Please we dont want to see any communist film from China Shown on TV.
We have seen want communist are in the last 35 years,why should we watch more communist phylosophie fuck the Chinese.
They own peoples are asking US for protection, because this bad communist regime in China now they promot mire shit in Seychelles?
No matter how you hate communist China you can't live without made in china essential stuffs.
You woke up in the morning you use made in china tooth brush AND YOUR RAZWAR.
Men, you put on your made in china shirt, your LANMORES, your shoes or MAYDANPOUS.
The list are long, so no matter how you hate chinese people, you still need their supplies.
Send Isaac to jail !
To the sucker who hate Chinese.
Which Parti Lepep magistrate is hearing Jean Paul Isaac's case. I can't believe they will let him slip through their fingers. We will soon be protesting in town to get JPI freed. Won't we ? Free the Docklands One !
Gill does not believe in protests. Too bad.
A Hero for 7 days is a Hero.
He has exposed a fake opposition.
For this, Mr. Aglae has served all Freedom Loving Seychellois well.
He has made history.
On the matter of protest, we will protest when the time is right.
Those who can see well into the past, will see farther into the future.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
The time is never right for you. Except the time was right when you crossed the floor. Timing was not a problem then.
Yes,Pissy,Mr >Aglae is a hero,he does not let his vision of man be distorted by ugly,cowardly,and mindless like you.
On protest.Your fear of seeing those freedom drums circle your Pp of palace of mud makes you thrill.To try an get the pressure off you then you have found a rediculous tactic blame other for being afraid of prtoest.
SFp is pathing the path for Seychellois to exercise their freedom of expression,assembly as stipulated by the constitution by pressuring PP,RAm,BUolle and Electoral Commission to propose bills of freedom of expression.Just imagine if we would have put our confidence in persons like RAm,Volcere,Buolle and other stooges probably Seychellois would have never been able to exercise their freedom,thus their human rights.
We will rptoest not when PP,Ram,Buolle think we should ,SFP control the playing field thus SFp will decide together with the people when it is necessary,how,where,howlong etc...
If Ram.Buolle are used to taking dictation from PP ,SFP is genuine party ,it is indenpendent it does not need to be baby sit like stooges parteis such as SNP;NDP,SPUPU:SPPF,SPT,.SMB whatever their names.
SFp will make you find your lost freedom you poor little con.
Jeanne D'Arc
paving the path
SFP is paving the path to freedom?
I repeat again, don't drag your feet in the sand if you want foot print!
When there is election step in the race and don't call for BOYCOTT!
Start making LAPLENN NIVO now! You have 4 more years! It's more then enough, get some bulldozers,caterpillars and start from DOCKLAND! kEEP zonmlib INTACT!
We sometimes say,"THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY", often to justify actions that may seem questionable.It is free country and we have the freedom to do, undo, fly in and fly out and seek whatever is good or bad for us. Yet, there are many things in life that paralyze us, misunderstanding, worries, fears over the consequences of any action, lack of communication, lack of self-confidence in ourselves, and the lack of joy. One could say that all these things keep people secluded in a self-imposed confinement. Such imprisonment to which we have not been sent by any human trial, rather than our innerself, is much more frequent than we sometimes care to believe. Many times it prevents us from taking a risk to do the right thing and making a difference in the lives of others.
SFp ,i repeat participated in the last election and that by a suceesful boycott that has since then forced Pp to reforms,SNp to the dustbin together with NDP.Boycott is part of the game,it has proven its efficacity.Second SFP is well-organized as it has also proven,its strategy works and you can understand that a aprty that konws how to makes things work will not take advice or dictation from stooges parties or its dozen of followers who have in the last eigteen years sleep with the beast.Keep your adive fro yoursleves or give it to Pp,SNP,NDp;SMB;SPTC;SPUP;SPPF etc...
Do we really have freedom?Freedom is the state of being free at liberty rather than in confinment or under physical restraints;exemption form interanl control,interference,regualtion etc...;the power to decide actions without restraint;politcal and antional independence;personal liberty as oposse to slavery and bandage;
a salve who bought his freedom;the absence of or release from ties,obligation;civil liberties as oppose to sujection of an arbitary or despotic govt... the power to exercise and make dicisions without constraint from within or without,autonomy...etc..
Morover,you talk about sometimes fear of your actions becuase it might affect or dsiturb others basically...you right on this point and the reason why is simply becuase man is a social animal born in society and have needs that can only be satisfy by society.Hence since you a social animal living with others,your freedom somehow must be naturally regulated in order that all meembers of the soicety you aprt of can benefit from equal rights,obligation etc...that is physical freedom(keep in mind your spiritual freedom is none limited and always absolute).let me put it the other way round,absolute freedom is the ability or freedom to make a choice and act on it completely detached from influece of exteranl contrl or otherwise influenece of external forces such as society,peope etc..In other words absolute freedom is to fulfil your desires without any limits,but as our desires are always influenced by exteranl forces or reasons,so abosulte freedom should be a place where influence is non-existent which is a paradox itself as if there is no influence there would be no desires.Even if you would left alone on a island like Robinson Crusoe with no one around,you are still not free of your needs which include eating,drinking etc...it is not possible that you do not fell hungry,thirsty for eternity.Thus freedom can not be absolute.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissoff we have 4 years, you and co had have 30 years but still no one could make
a different and could not even bring any change and freedom for Seselwa in the past 30 years just took but dont give bac lije aways is the case with corrupt politician like you.
Like always the cases with corrupt politicion like you Pissoff.
Your strategy of BOYCOTT is not going to work.I/We told you before and i will say it again eventhought you hate it. If you think it will work, keep doing it and PP will win A-TOU-KOU. Ou grenn menm ya pas disan. Si ou kwar mon menti si kwar mon lalang demand A-BUTLER-PAYEYE...... errr PAYET ler in bez son MARIBRIZAR ek SON GATO MASPEN.
You still under shock and lost your memories, otherwise you would have realized how successful it was and the damage done.Of course we will not listen to crooks who have totally bankrutped our economy to give us lesson on what works or not for ,for pp crooks failures are success ,for example i heard Dr Michel the butcher last weekly saying again our economy is in goood shape while facts and even LaPorte contradict him.How do you want us to get out of this shit ,when those at the helm cannot differennciate between failures and success?
Jeanne D'Arc
Under pressure from the SFP exposure of PDM as a fake opposition, Mr. Ramkalawan referred to Simon Gill as "TON SIMON" in the last session of the Electoral Reform as he went to a tea break. As he approached the exit, he hugged Mr. Simon Gill of PL.
Has SNP reconciled with PL to replace PDM as a fake opposition?
Please clear the air, Mr. Ramkalawan.
We are still waiting for people in SNP to speak up and expose this fake opposition leadership.
At SFP we will not be fooled for another day.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
With RAm nothing in clear,but there is an old saying that says"time is an excellent teacher"Has RAm his lesson and done his homwork?We will need to wait to see,for stooges like PP rearely face the public.
Jeanne D'Arc
There is an old saying:
" To know how good a horse is, you much watch it run.....for a long time".
What we witnessed is nothing but a pure shame.
I feel sorry for those who supported him and were victimized for it.
I feel sorry for those who are most helpless in society that counted on him.
I feel sorry for those who reached deep into their pockets and donated millions and millions of Dollars, Euros, Rupees, to now have to face this reality that they are dealing with a simple sell out!
Henceforth why Freedom Party will not enter into any alliance with this old horse. This decision is the right decision.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
There is an old saying:
" To know how good a horse is, you much watch it run.....for a long time".
What we witnessed is nothing but a pure shame.
I feel sorry for those who supported him and were victimized for it.
I feel sorry for those who are most helpless in society that counted on him.
I feel sorry for those who reached deep into their pockets and donated millions and millions of Dollars, Euros, Rupees, to now have to face this reality that they are dealing with a simple sell out!
Henceforth why Freedom Party will not enter into any alliance with this old horse. This decision is the right decision.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
So Gill, do you think that Ramkalawan "hugged" the wrong Gill ? You have been asking for a hug for a long time. Instead you got the boot up your ample bum. Ramkalawan can be cruel sometimes.
RAM hug his his stooge friend that feeds him.A hug for a stooge with contaminate the good job SFp is doing.SFP does not sllep in the same bed as PP like SNP,buolle.Moreover,Nation last week wrote of how Chris is working hard to get a genuine refroms.It wrote about many concerns that need to be calrify and so ofrth.Chris was the only person to ensure that things were going according to the expectation of the public .On the other Hand no words form RAM,BUOLLE VOLCERE thus meaning they satify with very thing no proposal on their aprt nothing at all as always.Waht a shame!Instead RAm has time to hug S.Gill as PP thug.
Jeanne D'Arc
Ramkalawan can hug whoever he likes.
I personally, am not looking for a hug from a sell out priest millionaire, who uses people, then spits them out.
Lately, it is clear, beyond a doubt, in my mind, this man wants to replace David Pierre as a loyal and fake opposition.
Someone in SNP should stand up and speak out, show some courage, or go down like a bunch of cowards.
SFP will support you, as long as you stand for TRUTH.
I will take my chances with tree for hugs, thank you.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Doesn't Jean Paul give you hugs ?
SNP Pathetic Hug-
You are all a bunch of sell outs.
Whether I hug a tree or Jean Paul, does not change the fact that you are a bunch of sell outs.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
I am sure you would rather hug Jean Paul.
To the following comment: So Gill, do you think that Ramkalawan "hugged" the wrong Gill ? You have been asking for a hug for a long time. Instead you got the boot up your ample bum. Ramkalawan can be cruel sometimes.
May 28, 2012 2:48 PM
Christopher Gill would be a fool to want a hug from wavel since he has prostituted this action on several people that is PL or fake opposition, we know he used to hug david pierre on a good job danny faure on army vessels when invited, bishop weihe when he went to dinner and michel was visiting the pope, we know he hugs a few pf those mistresses that special organizations are trying to get off the corner of independence house.
We know he would rush into leopold payets arms jean paul adam even hendrick gappy though he claims election frauds. Sleeping with the enemy can have viral consequences but as long as rams pockets remains full he will hug the gates of state house if he has too!
The hugless are angry.
Beware of leaders that hug the General's of opposing army!
James Mancham syndrome has infiltrated the SNP.
Hug David Pierre and hug Jane Carpin SNP!
Hugging a person means you appreciate him.A hug is the shortest distance between friends (in RAM case it is theshortest distacne between thugs,collaborators etc..)
Jeanne D'Arc
Volcere can hug Mancham and kiss him between his beard.
Or kiss Khalifa between his rear bushy beard.
Jeanne D'Arc
Sex slavery continues under Ppthugocracy thoug SFP aand indenependet newspapers have been ringing the alarm bell on several occasions.PP refuse to control private jets of Russain mafias known around Europe to be involve ion sex slavery and Arabs like Khalifa are lalso known to conduct such practices till PP allow private jets to land without custom control.With or without custom control,with or without policing experience any Seychellois would indentify such a human trafficking just by asking the question"How come that private jets come at regualar interval teem with yong EASTERn/ASTRALIAN girls to our shores and are driven directly to Barbaron to Khlifa plâlace and Russian owned hotels.One does need interNnational training on how to identfy sex slavery to discover that,just those come and going of those foreign private jets teem with young white girls is enough to set the alarm on.
PP thugs know very well waht is going on in regrad of foregn sex slave in our country but PP has allowed khlaifa nad russians mafias that bail them out to do wahtever they want in our land.You could imagine that also hard drugs enter our land through those private jets for often sex slavery,drug trafficking,and other hard crimes go hand in hand.
jeanne D?Arc
Nobody can hug Totof...they can't get their arms around him...sigh!
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