To defend Truth and Justice and expose crime and corruption
A brief summary of Irish Corruption and cover ups
by GWalshe
My name is Gerry Walshe I am Irish an electrical contractor by trade and have worked in the security industry also. I was told about serving Irish soldiers buying Arms on the black-market to supply to a secret origination in the Seychelles in 2007. In 2008 I saw documented evidence of weapons manifest and bank accounts etc. so I wrote to the Minister for Justice and senior Garda from 2008 onward but they ignored me, lied and lost evidence to covered up these crimes.
On the 19th March 2010 I launched the Spirit of origination and website which played audio recordings of Peter Dempsey owner Director of C.I.A. ltd Confidential Investigations Athlone a security company, whom both serving and former Irish soldiers were working for. In the Audio he is telling me about the serving Irish soldiers buying the weapons on black-market and how they doubled crossed him and took over his contract and how he was suing them for €16 Million over it. I produced the Irish High Court Document he was referring to which shows a physical link between CIA ltd Athlone and AVER International Ltd the other security company involved with both former and serving Irish soldiers and the former Governor General of the Central Bank in the Seychelles.
The story was investigated by the Seychelles media who printed several stories about it, approximately thirty stories have been printed around the world including some small coverage in the Irish media. For example the Sunday World who did not approach me for information wrote an article called Spooks in Paradise on the 27th June 2010 were they implied Irish soldiers were buying weapons on the black-market in South Africa to supply a Seychelles Police force to fight Somali pirates. Note the Seychelles Government has signed an agreement with its neighboring Countries to stamp out small illegal arms trafficking not participate in it. Plus no legitimate Police Force or Army would buy their weapons on the black-market of another country to fight a legitimate treat.
The fact is that I have been writing to the Irish Politicians and Gardai since 2008 to expose this and they have ignoring me and my claims with offers of proof, all the main political parties and countless individual politicians were contacted and asked to take action.
Dermot Ahern the Minister for Justice in a Dáil response 29th June 2010 stated he was not informed Government officials were buying guns. There are several registered letters to Dermot Ahern and senior Gardai to prove he was informed. Senior Garda and Enda Kenny also received copies of this correspondence in 2008 and correspondence from Enda Kenny shows he also passed on my information to Dermot Ahern. Brian Cowen who was also sent documentation on this matter was asked to sack Dermot Ahern over these illegal arms and cover ups and Minister Cowen passed on this information for Dermot Ahern to deal with. Minister Ahern has covered up these crimes and lied to the Dáil so he is compromised and is unfit to be Minister for Justice the facts now show Dermot Ahern knowingly concealed and mislead the Dáil by withholding this information in order to passed his 2009 Criminal Bill which is surely also compromised. Further more he has now recently lied directly to the Dáil in relation to his knowledge of this matter so it is clear Dermot Ahern and his 2009 Criminal bill should be challenged.
Listen to the Audio link at the beginning of part 1, under the picture of Irish Army Rangers in Jeep and have a look at the Irish High Court Document which names the two security companies involved with former and serving Irish soldiers and the former Governor General of the Central Bank Seychelles Francis Chang Lang. Also look at the various links to news articles under the picture of Michael Mc Dowell.
The Sunday Independent who were the first news paper to print the story in Ireland on
13th June 2010 and did verify information is available on line. The Sunday World 27th June is not available on line but they did report the story and bar the suggestion Irish Army soldiers were buying guns on the black-market for Seychelles Police to fight Somali pirates other wise gave a reasonable account. Other smaller Irish media sources Sovereign Independent, We Are Change and the Phoenix also covered the story but many other Irish News papers did not.
A Note worth mentioning Paul Williams went to the Seychelles for a week in June 2010 and wrote approximately six pages for The News of the World about the wonderful job the Police and Army are doing combating the Somali pirates in the Seychelles. He did not report and totally ignored the illegal Arms story and the fact while he was in the Seychelles the Le Nouveau Weekly broke a front page story with pictures of Tony Killeen the Irish Minister for Defense and former Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald with an article called:
Irish involved in illegal Arms Deal with Seychelles Government
Note the only Irish politicians who vigorously tried to expose these crimes were, Deputy Martin Ferris who has asked several questions in the Dáil and as mentioned there is evidence to show Dermot Ahern lied to him in his Dáil response. Also Senator David Norris who on the 6th July 2010 had a 1500 word Seanad debate about the Arms trafficking scandal which no Irish News paper reported on.
A few other politicians made small attempts and wrote letters, one from the socialist party and a few from the Labour party.
Brian Cowen passed on my calls for the sacking of Dermot Ahern to Dermot Ahern to deal with and Tony Killeen will not comment on or answer any questions on the matter.
Good people of Ireland and the World start to care the Politicians and State bodies who are involved in these crimes and their lies and cover-ups must be held accountable so start now and make your voice heard.
Please support Spirit of and its call for Truth and Justice with accountability.
Information and any kind of help and support will be much appreciated.
Contact email:
Yours sincerely,
Gerry Walshe.
Links to News Paper Articles in Part 1
PUBLISHED: July 5, 2010
FILED UNDER: Corruption
TAGS: black-market : G Walshe : Gerry Walshe : Government : Seychelles : Suppressed
Thanks for telling us the true side of the stor.,keep exposing Pp mafias.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
This does not make sense to me as to why the Seychelles Army needs to buy weapons illegally when firstly we are not fighting any clandestine war or supplying arms to any warring factions in the region. Seychelles has no sanctions against it and can by arms from anywhere. So where is the catch?
ReplyDeleteTo resale it again illegally .It does not make sense to you ,but does make sense to crook.,After all that how they make the multi-millions either by stealing form the people,or get involve in lucrative and illegal businesses .Wikileaks has given you a good example of how Pp operates,is it not enough ?
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc