Wednesday, September 14, 2011

While everything else hits the fan round the world James Michel and David Pierre one in the same Calle Parti lepep shadows Democracy and Promises good governance through sham Election of National Assembly!!

New Mauritius Hotels Says Third-Quarter to June Loss Widens to $33 Million

New Mauritius Hotels Ltd. (NMH), the country’s biggest leisure company by market value, said its third-quarter loss widened 41 percent due to losses in its airline catering unit.
The loss for the three months through June increased to 133 million rupees ($4.7 million) from 94.5 million rupees a year earlier, the company said in a statement published on the Port Louis-based Stock Exchange of Mauritius’s website today. Revenue increased 7.4 percent to 1.45 billion rupees.
“The current low season proves to be more difficult than anticipated,” it said. The Indian Ocean island nation’s low season for tourism is from April to September. The group’s catering unit accounted for 33 million rupees of losses in the quarter, it said.
Tourism and textiles are the country’s biggest foreign exchange earners, with Europe accounting for almost two-thirds of tourist arrivals. NMH, as the group is known, manages hotels under the Beachcomber brand, with eight resorts in Mauritius and one in Seychelles, according to its website.
New Mauritius Hotels’ nine-month profit increased 12 percent to 769.5 million rupees, the company said. Profit for the full-year will probably be higher than a year earlier and may improve further in 2012, it said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Kamlesh Bhuckory in Port Louis
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin at


  1. Only Alain St Ange will say that we are making more money from tourism, despite sharks at Anse Lazio and tourists being kidnapped by armed men in the region.

    In the meantime, James Michel's main preoccupation is holding sham elections, and raising his two fat and dirty fingers at democratic elections and say fuck democracy.

  2. Eoula pissar dir nou kote dan ki rezyon ki touris pe ganny kidnap by armed men?
    When you have fcukall to say against the regime what don't you just shut your mounth!

  3. Hey pissedoff...if you do not have anything to do or come up with decent political discussion i think the best thing for you to do is go and play with your own shit

  4. Why is David Pierre visiting State House in the morning ?

    Workers at State House and people nearby are posing themselves this question. What is David Pierre’s business at State House practically every morning ? He drives up there and returns more than a hour later.

    Who does he see there ?

    Who is handling him there ?

    Seychellois want to know what is going on, because these underhand activities taking place in our country make this election a real farce. What is happening should make everyone in the opposition stop and wonder what is the real role of David Pierre and his mis-named ‘Mouvman Demokratik Popiler’. Is it not just a contraption to legitimise Parti Lepep and James Michel in this election at the end of September ?

    It is clear that the contact with State House started when David Pierre went to see Danny Faure to sell-out SNP. Ask yourself then, if it is the continuation of the same operation, with one big difference this time. David Pierre is not just selling out himself but all opposition supporters as well. He is negotiating for his own interests, but to succeed he needs votes. David Pierre is selling you a pig in a poke.

    David Pierre must come clean with all Seychellois. He must explain why he visits State House, who he sees there and what he is discussing with them. He must come clean on his real agenda.

    As a voter, you must realise that there are many underhand activities going on behind closed doors. Don’t dig a hole for yourself, out of which it will be difficult to escape. David Pierre says he is in the opposition, but he does not talk with the opposition. He talks with State House. What do you call this ?

  5. Hey pissar I will not go and venture where you dwell but please answer to the allegation that you've made: Dir nou dan ki rezyon ki touris pe ganny kidnap by armed men?

    ...I didn't think you could answer that because you are just full of crap like all those other stupid allegations on here!

  6. LIMA, Kenya Tourist have been kidnapped and killed.

  7. "LIMA, Kenya Tourist have been kidnapped and killed."

    And why has this got anything to do with Seychelles and PL?

    You guys are a total waste of time!

  8. Boycott à la Albert Rene

    During the 2008 Mont Fleuri bye-election, ancient president Albert Rene asked his party’s supporters to boycott the election. He told them to stay at home that day, or take the day to go shopping in town. For the upcoming National Assembly elections, the opposition are asking the 25,000 who voted for Messrs Ralph Volcere, Philippe Boulle and Wavel Ramkalawan to do exactly the same. DON’T GO TO VOTE.

    To quote Mr Rene, “this election is a farce and a waste of time”. The boycott that the opposition are asking is to indicate the level of confidence that we have in the state of democracy in our country. Seselwa are fed up with being taken for a ride.

    The boycott is how we want to send a clear message to the government of James Michel and Parti Lepep that we refuse to take part in their farce. What is required of them is to implement electoral reforms and let real democracy flourish in our country. Seychellois want a decent country to live in. The opposition are not after titled positions, but want to see justice and democracy.

  9. Don’t go telling lies

    Was lying to the Seychelles electorate one of David Pierre’s first acts as leader of Mouvman David Pierre ? During a press interview on nominations day, David Pierre said that he had personally met and interviewed 35 people who wanted to be candidates for his party.

    What he failed to tell the Seychellois people was that it was very hard slog finding 25 candidates. What’s more, while people were resting at home on a Sunday, he arrived seeking signatures to endorse his candidates. In the end, his choice was very limited and desperate. He was embarrassed to say that he had approached a number of SNP representatives and activists who flatly turned him down, despite some saying they were promised huge sums of money. The only thing that was easy for David Pierre was to kid several individuals who did not realise they were putting a rope around their neck. In some cases, several members of the same family had to be cajoled into standing. The morons, the mentally ill or the alcoholics were more than welcomed to stand for MDP. What matters is just Pierro.

  10. So, listening to David Pierre's candidates read their speech (stuttering through it and apparently those who are challenged by the written word will have to learn their speech by heart, unless the money from Parti Lepep is enough to employ a ventriloquist) it seems that David Pierre wants to save us from the return to one-party state. He is the saviour of our democracy. The 11 opposition MNAs that we had in the national assembly made democracy complete. That must be maintained, even if it means just Pierre as Leader of the Poodle Opposition in the national assembly.

    His new chums at SBC should give him a new job after these elections. Pierre will make a good stand-up comic. SBC can retire James Michel.

  11. Would any of you boycotters agree that the 2008 Mont Fleuri election was a huge FARCE and a waste of the state's money? After all, JFF resigned, then ran again for his own position and why? Because he couldn't get his way in assembly due to abscence(medical). When you have politicians like that, one might as well stick to the already crappy ones we have.

  12. MDP=Mouvman David Pierre + Parti Lepep – Reform Elektoral

    Seychellois, in particular those letting themselves being duped by David Pierre, must understand well that the man is just a smokescreen for Parti Lepep. He has his own personal interests at heart in everything that he does. To understand this, just look at the name of the party that he has formed.

    He first called his party PDP. He tried to con people saying this meant Parti Demokratik Popiler. False. It meant Parti David Pierre. When Mr Volcere objected and threatened legal action, Pierre rushed through a name change and called it MDP. Once again, the man was playing with the alphabet and duping people. The true meaning of MDP is Mouvman David Pierre.

    It is clear that this man is obsessed with his own image and is just stringing along those who have allowed themselves to be used as candidates. He knows it. In fact, he is laughing behind their backs. After all the abuse hurled at him by Jourdanne, Jane, Marlene and Doreen, he has managed to turn them into halfwits and has made them his slaves in a party designed to serve just him.

    It is sad to see how these loud-mouths have fallen into his trap. He gives no details on his deals. Jane gets the crumbs and allows herself to be convinced that she is strong at Au Cap. Careful that the election does not baptise you 'Jane 30'.

    The deal struck by David Pierre was to marshall 25 candidates so that the election can be held. Danny Faure did not want Parti Lepep to win all 35 seats in the assembly without an election. David Pierre is just fronting for Danny Faure and duping those 24 people.

  13. Just for the sake of fairness and educative response.

    Dear pissed off i have read the comment about armed men kidnapping tourist well maybe the author of the comment is laughing at you right now for being a Seychellois but ignorant to paradise day to day activities.

    Armed men are Somali pirates which takes tourist from their boats in our territorial waters and many close attempts to shore Seychelles was made by them Somali pirates if not for Internationale aid against piracy.

    A big article on two tourist that was captured in our waters was written by stb ceo allain saint ange, maybe you should read it on e turbo news!!

    As for this David Pierre going to state house issue, we all know that we need pictures to prove it so lets take some if he does the same routine every morning. Let's make responsible attacks with facts not cries to save a fallen party and disciples.

    At least SFP proves it's allegations and has never been sued once. Such lesson needs to be learned my friend!!

  14. I don't have to read anything on e turbo news.
    Gill claims that he likes to call a spade a spade and since we are on his blogg lets accord him that courtesy, lets call a spade a spade.
    The shooting of that tourist and kidnapping of his wife has no bearing to Seychelles or the somali pirates in our waters so go and educate your moronic SFP and MSR colleagues or eat your own bullshit!
    When it happens in Seychelles we'll discuss it like we discussed the shark attacks although we may each have different views!

  15. I said "tourists being kidnapped by armed men in the region". Do you think your average tourists in Australia or Europe know that there are 1,000 miles between Seychelles and where the attack took place ?

  16. Pissedoff mon tom, ler oun kanmi aksepte sa koman en zom, pa parey en fam an sezon pi pa ganny pip. Don't come with the crap about "I don't need to read eturbo news". Gill beat you on this one and outsmarted you so have a time out till you calm down bro.

    Prezan riy zonn bonom.

  17. It doesn't seem that we're reading the same thing. Maybe if you could briefly jump out of Totof's backside and read from my angle....soon after you can dive back in and wallow in shit!

    Le bonhomme Pisse-doff

  18. Things we should be Pissedoff with:

    - shammed election
    - fake politician
    - failure to implement election promises
    - failure to abide to the UN resolution on Human
    Rights and election recommendations
    - corrupted police force
    - corrupted judges
    - requiring expertise from abroad to tell us to
    install a net after 2 tourist had been attacked
    by sharks
    - requiring experts from abroad to tell us that
    dam La Gogue is running dry
    - requiring a group of scientist to tell us after 3
    years of study that the 'tonnier' are destroying
    our heritage yet they still haven't made a
    suggestion to resolve the problem.
    - SBC sport coverage...


  19. not least...

    - the mass hotel building without adequate infrastructure to support them

    - lack of upgrading of the powere net to meet the demands of a growing population

    - lack of investmetn in water collection system to meet teh same demand

    - lack of expansion of our roads to meet increased traffic load

    - lack of transparency in our financial system

    - lack of expertise in our ministery of finance to cope at an international level(autumn 2008 proved that)

    - lack of a serious opposition in our politics

    - lack of impartial judges in our judiciary

    - lack of honest politicians in general

    etc lakelera

  20. Rhonda gendron MurphySeptember 15, 2011 at 6:34 PM

    well said Rosen

  21. But that's ok cause the rest of the world is the same so we must turn to the right & per usual.

  22. James Michel has practically given up on solving the country's problems. His ex-Irish Prime Minister chum left him a buzzword after a management powerpoint presentation at State House -- OWNERSHIP. He has been down south today for a nice day out (now the real opposition are boycotting the sham elections). At Anse La Mouche and Anse Boileau, he told the people of those districts to get off their backsides, stop blaming the government and take care of coastal erosion and climate change themselves. He would not be talking like that to voters if SNP was taking part in these elections. But David Pierre is no threat and Michel should know. The one-party state arrogance really never went away.

  23. "The one-party state arrogance really never went away."

    & you've just many years later!!!!?????

    It's the people who keeps the government in power, through fear or curruption, it is still the people who keeps the government in power.


  25. Was it not all blamed on the international financial crisis ?


    REF: A. A) PORT LOUIS 267
    B. B) PORT LOUIS 316
    C. C) PORT LOUIS 365

    Classified By: Ambassador Cesar B. Cabrera for reasons 1.4 b and d.

    1. SUMMARY: (SBU) An overall lack of transparency and
    corruption throughout the ranks are behind the Seychelles'
    recent international appeal for help after a chronic lack of
    foreign exchange, loan defaults, drastic inflation, and an
    excessive debt burden of 175 percent of GDP effectively left
    the country bankrupt. After defaulting twice on government
    debt payments, Seychelles will be forced to accept economic
    reforms they have so long rejected and possibly confront and
    correct a seemingly corrupt, government controlled, opaque
    economic system. END SUMMARY.

  26. Not sure if one should laugh at the absurdity of so many of those comments however it does go to prove that there is freedom of speech and democracy lives in Seychelles. However some are in total denial and a few are bitter and twisted. I am convinced that they do not believe in their own rhetoric . The real anger is now levelled at David Pierre simply because he has out smarted some and made buffoons out of Wavel, Volcere and Gill . He has cleverly out manoeuvred the lot and WILL be the next leader of the opposition and do not be surprised if his party gets between 25 to 30%. the raw reality is that the Seychellois have given up on the pathetic politicians such as Boulle, Volcere and Gill. Gill will NEVER go to the polls as his main fear is that even paltry Boulle and Volcere will do better than Him. Gill is the biggest coward within our political circles and like all spoilt brats cannot tolerate defeat even more so, crushing defeats. Many of us lost total respect for him when he lashed out at our frost President, Sir James Mancham. Sir James gave him a chance of a lifetime to be elcted on the DP platform and what does he do, puts a knife in the back of Sir James by crossing the floor and joining the Reds who he insults and calls communists today . Gill proudly has in his profile that he has studied in China, a COMMUNIST country but yet sees fit to rubbish them. Having studied psychology and attested to his irrational behaviour Christopher Gill is a classical case of someone who is very angry with the world for rejecting him. He wants to be a Mancham but cannot be because he simply does not measure up. He never measured up to Peter Gill the man who kindly let him use his name. He has a disproportionate ego and so can repeat so much about said about Gill but I am not one for simply repeating what could possibly be in accurate. Christopher Gill your bitterness has made you an ugly person inside. Take a deep breath and look at yourself in and out. Do you honestly like what you see? Would you like your child to emulate you? Why are your only friends those you depend on you economically and do not invite you to their homes? Then we have Rhonda Gendron who is another twisted one. Her distaste of the Rene Clan really stems for her rejection by Rene himself. Rene's second wife Sarah has a sister who is Rhonda's sister in law. As much as the Gendron family fraternises with Albert and Sarah Rhonda was treated as the ugly sister and she just cannot stomach that. Now we know Rene's liking of the fairer sex and The fact that Rhonda never caught his attention is seen as a slur in her eyes. Rhonda let us tell you once again, you really have to sort out your body odour. Deodorant ain't that expensive. So guys give Pierre some breathing space and dear Christopher and Rhonda stop being ugly!

  27. Is it Mr P or Mr PIpi. I agree with you about a lot of things you are saying but you are wrong about Philip Boulle. He is not here to win power and money but to show a clean politiks.
    Gill en gro piti gate avek vylin mani.
    Albert Rene Pa oule war femn ki y vylain ou zoli but to undress Rhonda Gendron he will need a gas mask and glove to go down under!! Fer per!!
    Leave nou blan Boulle away from those other dirty polititians. You like David Pierre but I can tell you that he would get more votes then Pierre.

  28. Pierre has said that he will be another Mancham, hanging around Michel like a bad smell.

  29. My goodness this debate is really of the intellectual type where the opposers who have nothing better to argue with are teeing to personal attacks and peoples' body odour.

    Sometimes I wonder who really stands for freedom of speech here.

  30. Pisssedoff,
    Sorry in advance,i think you have your head stuck in Pierro's rear end and that is the only box you will be thinking within.

    Why is Pierre visiting State in morning?He hopes early morning no one will identify him going to negociate his final salary increase and other perks.He even trying to put himself in the skin of Manchan by saying he will be another mancham.But which Mancham ?iS IT the one we knew in 1976 OR the one rubing shouders with Pp?Pierre must understand that Mr. Mancham is an idividual with his own identity and capacity it is in his genes it is not transferable.

    As to St Ange he has failed,he should step down.He should be replaced for this industry in too important for our ecnomy ,urgent actions must be taken to bring back the industry of the rail before it is to late.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  31. Why is Pierre visiting State House every morning ?

    He has the morning sickness.

  32. Abe zot o Mr P
    Abe abe abe zom ou pann koze bougla me komdir gran mounn ounn keke!...and I can smell it from here!
    Mwan Pissedoff will now stop talking about odours and fat Totofs!

  33. Rhonda gendron MurphySeptember 16, 2011 at 6:19 PM

    Why would any decent and respectable woman want anything to with FAR?Look at who he has been with? and how his hands are soiled with the blood of the innocent..

    Don 't you have anything better to contribute than filth..who stinks now?Only filth can generate filth like that..

    How about the truth ? or some scintillating ideas to help our country. Your brain is in the gutter so deep and just cannot come out of there..

    How pathetic...

  34. Rhonda gendron MurphySeptember 16, 2011 at 6:31 PM

    and whoever you are.. someone I do not wish to know anyway.. your extreme attempts to stop me from writing and posting comments ..they are not working! You do not control FB or the USA!

    You must really be grasping at straws and have some kind of phobia to resort to such are only making yourself look bad.. AMEN!

  35. Rhonda Gendron MurphySeptember 16, 2011 at 6:48 PM

    FYI :rene's current official..wife is his third..not his second you seem to know so much..get your facts right! Of course I do not know what the other women he was /is involved with are called ..hmm... menageres?

    Filth breeds filth..

  36. No dear not grasping for straws only gasping for air!

  37. Rhonda gendron MurphySeptember 16, 2011 at 6:50 PM

    coward is as coward does..use your real name ..the fact that you are afraid to do so..WHY?

  38. Shouldn't it be "stupid is as stupid does"?

    I keep telling you lot; my name is Doff, PisseDoff

  39. Rhonda I salute and respect you don't let those illeterates discourage you from contributing on this blog. This is their attempt to silent the opposition and they will stoop to any level to do it.

  40. Rhonda Gendron MurphySeptember 16, 2011 at 8:09 PM

    Anonymous..Thank you..and I do realise that is the will not work on me.. we all know who we are.. and what we have done or not done.. imperfect I all of us humans..I am proud of who I am..and where I come from..

    Yes i am lucky to be the "Ugly Sister" that was rejected....because that definitely sets me apart from all the other filth around..and makes me the exception to the rule of "You have to sleep with FAR to be anyone in SEYCHELLES'

    Imagine that!.. I surely must have one something right!

    May God bless you all even the ones with nothing to contribute but filth ..

  41. Rhonda gendron MurphySeptember 16, 2011 at 8:12 PM

    God's light must have been shining on me so bright that HE made me invisible to all that is bad around me protecting me from the eyes of EVIL!..Thank you GOD!

  42. Rhonda Gendron MurphySeptember 16, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    You Cannot Srenghten One By Weakening The Other; And You Cannot Add To The Stature Of A Dwarf By Cutting Off The Leg Of A Giant.


  43. Boulle for clean politiksSeptember 16, 2011 at 10:36 PM

    Boulle ki la...
    Rhonda why are you quoting the Lord then freely insult others?
    You need to accept other people's opinions as well even those of other opposition members.
    From school days at Regina Mundi you looked down upon others and even on your recent visits to Seychelles you have shown a lack of respect for your school mates. They opened their homes to you and you then saw fit to rubbish what they had.
    From school boys kept away because you have very bad body odour. This is not filth but a fact. Do us all a favour and use deodorant . Do not take it so personally. Iy happens but if your friends were genuine they would tell you. We do not all like Rene but he is a legend in this country. You are insulting your own mother, sister and sister in law by saying the things about women around Rene. I have worked around Rene and he has always acted decently. Yes he is a lady's man and if given the signals I am sure he will try and sleep with the lady. You ARE pissed off because like the boys from the college Rene was not attracted to you. You are not that ugly and would pass but that body odour is a killer honey. Failing deodorant try half a lime or vinegar but not down and under. Laba trenpe in Javel. Please do not ignore our advice.

  44. Bad option!!!!!!!!!javel will bleach the pubic hairs.
    When????? are we all going to get serious.
    we still behave like children having a go at each other,,,,,,,,
    I think it's funny how the pot is calling the kettle black.

  45. Smelly KelKel. Non, No NyetSeptember 17, 2011 at 11:10 PM

    Zot ban la sa zafer pi kelkel I en problem serye. Nepli en fars. De semen pase mon ti lor en avyon Kenya sorti Nairobi. Mon asis obor en mon kousin sorti gran ter ki ti pe al travay lor bato ton. Mon papa sa loder kri fer envi vomi. PA les Seselwa vin parey zot. Ban Mamn lasanble fer tir tak lor spray ki met enba lebra ek Dan kartye. Vot pou sa boug ou famn ki pro met nou sa........

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  47. I agree completely!
