Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bernard George Executive Committee Member Exposed for Working With PL (James Michel) To Give FIU Credibility and Save country's Face For Human Rights Abuse and Illegal Seizures. How Many SNP Executive are in league with PL?? Stay tune while we expose!!!

The Recording is the exact copy from Steven and Terry Scholes over a meeting which Lawyer and executive committee member of the Seychelles national Party MR Bernard George. Mr. George throughout the recording is clearly not acting for his client Steve but in fact for the dignity of FIU and Seychelles for a higher power which is the PL Executive Sham Elected President James Alix Michel.

We know that SNP can go to state house to make deals for high pension and salary but now we also know that they are also under employment and state house thumb.

Seselwa open your eyes and Unite for change!!

See Link for Recording:

Stay Tuned with Seychelles Reality while more corruption is exposed!!


  1. Pissedoff was complaining that SFP wanted the boycott to disintgrate SNP as main oppostion party.Well if the boycott has put Pp naked,PDM in its grave and dito to RAM and SNP,which all indications seem to show its the case, than you all deserve it .,Seychellois are want directions and solutions ,stooge parties and traitors but leaders like Chris with integrity,comitted to the country and people,and leader that set good examples.All stooges ,conspirators,traitors,anyone who prostitute with Pp to prolong our people surfering will be exposed .

    jeanne D'Arc

  2. You pretty much said what i could not effectively communicate. +1

    My blog:
    simulateur de rachat de credit

  3. Zot boycott in bez bakfire ek zot la zot parey dyab dan delo beni!

  4. So who is next Guys Ferrari or Ramkalawan??

    Expose them all leave no stones un turned Seychelles needs to be free from these sell outs.

    RAm also is complaining about the boycott,he said it has broken SNP into pieces,and his party is almost inexistance,i think its still exist in name only.It was in fact a general clean up ,it did indeed has an effect at all level.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. Ferrari has been exposed already.

    Ramkalawan will be exposed again, since we have done that already, until he shows up to the Round Table and stop dirty dealing. However, we do not believe he is capable of that, so we are not holding our breath.

    The end product objective, is not to destroy SNP.

    The end product is to bring about a solid opposition that is of high integrity and fights for the cause of Democracy and Freedom, not their personal pockets. We will work with anyone with those ideals, we will even support them if they rise up against they defunct leadership.

    We do not have to be stooges of Communists to live in our country.

    SNP leadership have set a low low bar of conduct for politicians. It is a disgrace.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  7. "Ramkalawan will be exposed again, since we have done that already, until he shows up to the Round Table and stop dirty dealing."

    Gill is a blackmailer. Dirty scoundrel.

  8. The leader of SFP is a blackmailer. Listening to the first few minutes of the recording, all I can hear is a lawyer who believes his clients are guilty trying to convince them to settle out of court to avoid imprisonment.

    Can I assume that Bernard Georges has refused to pay Gill and now Gill feels he has no choice but to make the recording public ?

  9. No Beranrd was intimidating his client in order that he can removed and pocket more money from them while bending to PP's desire to steal thoese guys.It is tate organized mafia.

    Moreover,is it not the voice on Beranrd on the tape,you should be enable to hearfor yourselve the facts instead of saying bullshit.

    Jeanne D`Arc

  10. Pissedoff
    It is not blackmail ,it is proof.I know Beranrd is your comapnion at SNP and you will attempt to defence him even when things are cristal clear,for you are all traitors ,you all prostituted with Pp for the last eighteen years which has resulted in the prolongation of our people surfering , bankruptcy,sell outs,etc..

    I would advice you to take this opportunity to come out clear,for time is changing fast .faster than SNP and PP ever expected,time for justice is on the way,ask for forgiveness when you still have the change nad you change in now.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  11. Reply to SNP Blackmail-

    Black mail involves a threat in exchange for money so the threat is not carried out.

    Freedom Party or Mr. Christopher Gill is not interested in money from SNP.Hence, we are not blackmailing you.

    We are interested in uniting the opposition. Aside from that, we could really careless what you do.

    So show up to the meeting of opposition round table, when next called. Finally, Behave!

    Failing that, we will continue to do our job, which is to make the people of Seychelles aware, of the Truth in their Reality.

    This no one escapes.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  12. Bernard Georges can make any deal it wants with Michel or PL.

    Fuck off SFP.

    Leave SNP alone.

  13. Gill realises he has big problems to become a serious opposition party. SNP is ignoring him and SFP. In fact, it is clear that SNP thinks that PDM poses a bigger threat to them than SFP.

    For the last national assembly elections, Ramkalawan successfully destroyed Pierre's credibility and SNP held on to the bulk of its support to remain the main opposition party in Seychelles.

    Gill is trying to copy Ramkalawan. As Gill already lacks credibility, SNP does not think that it needs to attack Gill's credibility.

    The lesson for PDM and SFP is that it is pointless setting up a new party, simply because you cannot work with your previous party. You are bound to fail. Both Pierre and Gill look like pathetic political figures in Seychelles at the moment and they are getting nowhere.

  14. SNP attack christopher Gill everyday on star and just as sfp exposes snp and pl PDM was exposed by sfp to the point where David Pierre did not even receive a seat on the national assembly table.

    POOR snp fanatics and fake profiles are going delusional over the fact that no one in seychelles has the majority of supporters as all freedom loving a seychellois ia asking for unity to commit Ramakalawan is a failure and his result is david pierre and jane carpin example, jane dissolves the assembly with the golden vote only to take part in the election to get back in which failed and now she is pursuing court case alongside pierre, in comparison kalawan says we are in ademocracy for years and years he made deals with pl for money lifetime pension and after presidential big defeat he says gill was right there is no democracy we should boycott, now he says i am real opposition my terms or no terms at all after boycott proved no democracy exist in seychelles.

    LIKe father like spawns. No wonder pissed off is in dreamland saying christopher tried to black mail bernard because he did not read that the recording was given by bernard former client which he was robbing with the state to post gill should post these emails and get rid of snp sell out mentality once and for all.

    SNP si en zanfan i grandi e vinn malelve i lafot paran akoz si zot ti dres zot zanfan e konport zot lekor proper depi lontan maybe then you would have had proper children not sell outs and power hungry rabbits!!

    I dare you to attack SFP again this time i guess SFP will POST a VIDEO They should maybe then pissed poff pa pou war kler....

  15. SNp is a part of Pp not the oppostion that why RAM 2waste hios time attacking other oppostion memebers.The second thing that is painful for RAM,SFP has closed down SNP,supporters are all registering as SFP and that means RAm pension and all the others perks are in danger.His persoanl interst was always about his people ,SFP action has brought that to an end.

    Jeanne D?Arc

  16. Christopher Gill Great, what will you do about Bernard Georges a shareholder of your paper? He will unravel Britains efforts don't you think? Seselwa Unite! Seselwa Pou Seselwa!
    Yesterday at 6:22am · Like

    Le Seychellois Mr Gill, just to set the record straight, Le Seychellois Hebdo Proprietary Limited is a company entirely owned by Mr Gervais Henrie and Miss Lindy Vital. This information is public and available at the Registrar Office.
    Yesterday at 11:09am · Like · 2 people

  17. SNP should be thanking us for exposing sell out Georges.

    Instead, they attack us because they know Georges is a sell out, just like the rest of them.

    All along, they have been using us.

    Now, they want to use us for 18 more years.

    We will not finish here.

    Gervais Henri- thank you for correcting my incorrect assertion that Georges is a share holder of your paper. You are lucky he has nothing to do with it. Now you will have to find a party that has nothing to do with Georges and company, since, there is much more dirt coming down the road and it does not look good.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Seselw Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill




  19. SNP Spreading lies-

    You say we are spreading lies.

    This is your defence of a digital recording of Bernard Georges, with his client, and his admission that he has another client, apparently James Michel, higher then FIU.

    Pathetic indeed.

    We in Freedom Party and all Seychellois, are sick and tired of SNP leadership selling out the people of Seychelles to James Michel.

    Is James Michel the God of SNP?

    He is not the God of Freedom Party.

    He is the worm of Freedom Party.

    The digital says what it says. It is a dialogue between B. Georges your Hero and key advisor to Wavee rell Ramkalawan , a priest millionaire and ex paid informantto SPPF.This means, that SNP has for years now, been under the influence of PL and SPPF through Georges and others to soon be exposed.

    You who is still in SNP, all 75 of you, you are indeed a shameful and pathetic opposition, because simply, you accept to fall under the influence of PL SPPF Communist.

    What kind of opposition have you become.You have become, a pussy foot opposition. Why? Your main man Bernard, is a paid worker of James Michel. Pathetic. Now you know why SPPF PL laughed at you in the National Assembly, when you were there.

    You seems to have held hostage Boulle with his 2% and Volcere with his 1.5 %. You can keep them hostage if you like, but the people that voted for them are intelligent. They will vote SFP in the future of course.

    Why, we in Freedom Party know what the program and way forward is.

    Hence, we will expose you, and when you are exposed, all of Seychelles will know you are a fake opposition, and have been for years now.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  20. Spreading awful lies.

  21. Bernard Georges is a crook - he cats for his own benefit.
    He has screwed others this way and will do his utmost to look all nice and clean.
    Beware the snake.

  22. Reply to "SNP Pathetic- Spreading awful lies"-

    Is this your only defence?

    After 18 years, this is all you have to say?

    The digital recording is clearly Bernard Georges speaking. His clients have thanked us for exposing him in Seychelles. They are $500,000.00 short of funds. Half went to Michel and a portion to Bernard Georges.

    Will anything be done about it?


    Why? Because he is part of the PL set up in the quasi SNP opposition and has been for a long time.He is a top man at SNP and he is protected by PL.

    He will answer to no crime, because of the complicity of the State in committing the crime, along with him as a co-conspirator.

    There are no lies being spread, only the Truth is being presented to open people's eyes to the CANCER in the opposition.

    There is more coming.

    The real lie is SNP acting like an opposition. It is not. It is a "fielded opposition", that got out of control. Hence why PL pulled David Pierre out of its belly to field him. Pierre learnt his skills at SNP Headquarters.

    The loss of control in SNP is due to one thing: Motivation was on money like the digital says, not on working for a better country, at any point.

    All the fancy speeches were made to fool us into believing they were fighting for us. They were fighting for their pockets all along.

    I call on all Freedom Loving Seychellois, to abandon SNP today.

    Join Freedom Party, and help us work for a better country. We must all consolidate under the Freedom Party banner, and let SNP fight between themselves over money.

    No other opposition entity today, is viable or is up to the task aside from Freedom Party.

    I call on all Freedom Loving business personalities, who have made great sacrifice, abandon your AID of SNP and shut the pipes down.

    Do not give them one cent again, to allow them to mis use the funds and work for PL as the digital exposes they do.

    Let PL finance them. We will get over this, and we will move on. We will learn from our mistakes and we will keep HOPE alive.

    Freedom Party agenda is clear: 1. Democracy, 2. Freedom, 3. Regime Change.

    Have a great week, and live as free men and women, it is the key to destroying communism on these shores.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  23. Mr. Gill, you forgot to mention that this $500,000.00 is Seychelles Rupees 6,250,000.00, before VAT.

    Thank you.

  24. Regar Publications
    and Xpress Printing respectively.International
    groups like Amnesty International
    and Reporters sans
    Frontières are against any government
    moves to criminalize freedom of
    expression.Am convinced that the entire
    episode was an orchestrated attempt
    to shut the paper down and get
    rid of it, because Le Seychellois
    Hebdo is linked to the Seychelles National

    Gervais Henris clearly says it here that the paper is linked to seychelles national party the above is an extract from an article in "Le seychellois vol 1 issue 2 from the 30th september 2011.

    Henris is publishing in accord with his flock of executives that includes bernard george which clearly has a say in the paper despite henris denial. Hell i could open a paper with my brother fro boulle but he would be on the side lines just like lindy vital.


  25. The SNP has betrayed not just their supporters, but all of Seychelles.

    They have betrayed and deceived the entire internationally community for years and years.

    They have betrayed all their financial contributors.

    It is a disgrace of unfathomable degree.

    The British High Commissioner should be made aware of this.

    Cambridge University needs to be made of this.

    More to come!

  26. I listened to the tape and do not find anything untoward on the part of Mr Georges. He gave a legal advice and that is all.


  27. Vox-

    Go listen to the tape again.

    He says to his client: "my other Client is higher then the FIU"- get it? No one else is higher then FIU in Seychelles, except for James Michel.

    My Client wants to finish with this.....take half $500,000.00 you can be on your way....put the money in my account."

    We will do a transcript of it to clear the matter conclusively to reduce speculation on the matter. Hence your point Vox, will help us develop the Truth .

    The implications of what is behind these statements are heavy Vox, perhaps heavier then you ever imagined it would be.

    Sorry, but the Truth hurts sometimes. We need to lick our wounds and move on.

    The scary thing, is that there is more to come.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  28. I will listen to the recording again (tonight), i must admit to fast forwarding a bit (since it runs in 1 hour).


  29. Gill, you are clutching at straws, like a drowning man does. Let us have the transcript. But add nothing and leave nothing out. It seems no one is reading into the recording what you are reading. You have received a recording of Bernard Georges and you want us to think this is incriminating evidence. It is not. The damage being done is to SFP and not Georges. And you have quite clearly stated you are doing this to force SNP to your round table. You are really deranged. You are destroying SFP even before it has had its first public meeting. No wonder Jean Paul is having roast beef for lunch. He knows at this rate the good times will not last much longer.

  30. Gill will want everyone to listen again and again until we come round to his point of view. How arrogant is that ?

  31. SNP Magna-Pathetic-

    We are in contact with his former client who referred to him as a "thief" and applauded the making public of the digital.

    As rightly pointed out by one blogger, over SR. 6,000,000,000. 00 was being scammed from these Clients.

    In light of Vox valid comment, and in light of your "clutching at straws" false accusation against my person, we have commissioned someone in London who is doing the transcripts.

    That will be loaded in reasonable due course, as we understand the digital is long, unedited, unabridged and noisy at times, which shows it is authentic like a real Rolex.

    For your information, Gill's do not clutch to straws and neither does Freedom Party.

    We have a culture of clutching to facts, Truth, Reality,Accountability.

    If you SNP Pathetic had that culture, you would be in power after 18 years of effort had you not been faking it all along to fill your pockets- all of you in leadership position.

    Freedom Party would not exist today if you had done that!

    I suggest you start showing Freedom Party some respect. You will respect Freedom Party, either standing, kneeling, or on your belly.

    The choice is yours.

    Have a great day!

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  32. SNP Magna-Pathetic-

    We are in contact with his former client who referred to him as a "thief" and applauded the making public of the digital.

    As rightly pointed out by one blogger, over SR. 6,000,000,000. 00 was being scammed from these Clients.

    In light of Vox valid comment, and in light of your "clutching at straws" false accusation against my person, we have commissioned someone in London who is doing the transcripts.

    That will be loaded in reasonable due course, as we understand the digital is long, unedited, unabridged and noisy at times, which shows it is authentic like a real Rolex.

    For your information, Gill's do not clutch to straws and neither does Freedom Party.

    We have a culture of clutching to facts, Truth, Reality,Accountability.

    If you SNP Pathetic had that culture, you would be in power after 18 years of effort had you not been faking it all along to fill your pockets- all of you in leadership position.

    Freedom Party would not exist today if you had done that!

    I suggest you start showing Freedom Party some respect. You will respect Freedom Party, either standing, kneeling, or on your belly.

    The choice is yours.

    Have a great day!

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  33. SNP Magna-Pathetic-

    We are in contact with his former client who referred to him as a "thief" and applauded the making public of the digital.

    As rightly pointed out by one blogger, over SR. 6,000,000,000. 00 was being scammed from these Clients.

    In light of Vox valid comment, and in light of your "clutching at straws" false accusation against my person, we have commissioned someone in London who is doing the transcripts.

    That will be loaded in reasonable due course, as we understand the digital is long, unedited, unabridged and noisy at times, which shows it is authentic like a real Rolex.

    For your information, Gill's do not clutch to straws and neither does Freedom Party.

    We have a culture of clutching to facts, Truth, Reality,Accountability.

    If you SNP Pathetic had that culture, you would be in power after 18 years of effort had you not been faking it all along to fill your pockets- all of you in leadership position.

    Freedom Party would not exist today if you had done that!

    I suggest you start showing Freedom Party some respect. You will respect Freedom Party, either standing, kneeling, or on your belly.

    The choice is yours.

    Have a great day!

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  34. There is not need to forced an already defeated man to the round table.The round table is to discuss on how to move forward in order to finish with the one aprty and give the people their freedom and liberties hijacked by PP and minions.The round table is in fact an opportunity for RAM to for once do something constructive for his people and country after years of being bedfollow to the butcher.
    RAM can chose what he wants,stay stooge of Pp or use this opportunity to come out clear.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  35. Thanks for using the time and effort to write something so interesting.

    My blog:
    Rachats De Credits

  36. Jeanne D'Arc, don't you read what Chris writes ? I know he goes on and on and on and on. But I would have thought you would be hanging on to every word he writes. If not you, who ? Tell me.

  37. Do Not Hang on to my words. I am but a human being of no consequence to the world I live in.

    Hang on to every word of Bernard Georges and Ramkalawan.

    You will respect Freedom Party either standing kneeling, or crawling on your belly. The choice is yours.

    There is more to come.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill

  38. Gill O! You are really starting to get on my nerve with this “SNP pathetic” bullshit!
    Now you’ve even upgraded them to “Magna Patehtic” To be honest bougla you sound so mega-pathetic saying it all the time. Why don’t you use something else for a change….I dunno….maybe SNP motherfuckers!? ….or bann SNP liki lakarlenn zot manman….or SNpi pissar…..anything but SNP pathetic my pathetic “fwend”…okey dokey?

    Why are you guys at SFP so fucking bitchy...depi Totof, Tipol Johnny zot en bann bitch premier Zandark li i en gran kalala nek nek nek neki nakanoum
    muff-dive tou lazournen foutou!
    Si zot le siporter SNP bez aste!Tou SNP are for sale!

  39. You speak for yourself. I like being called SNP Pathetic by the one who is peddling awful lies.

  40. Pissedoff
    You surfering from depression,I know the "DEGA" done by the boycott is hard to accept,but it is the people who has spoken and they have said no to PP stooges and co-conspirators.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  41. I don't hink those three stooge represents any political parties. They are just hanging on to a string of hope and looking out for themselves.

    It is a shame that nobody in the SNP camp is concern about the comportment of their leaders. If you are not in it together (just for the money) then these guys must have put some voodoo on you. Do not wait for too long and risk ending up like Pierre and Carpin.

    Rise me brethren and kick some butts, the future of SNP rest in the hands of those who are willing to put their egos aside and collaboration with all oppositions for a better Seychelles.

  42. People know SNP is corrupt. They are leaving them everyday.

    Ramkalawan is trying to play statesman but international community do not trust him anymore.

    Magna Pathetic, all overnight.

    How do you like that?

  43. People know SNP is corrupt. They are leaving them everyday.

    Ramkalawan is trying to play statesman but international community do not trust him anymore.

    Magna Pathetic, all overnight.

    How do you like that?

  44. There's only one party that delivers and that's Pp.
    We are welcoming all that are abandoning SNP and bientot we will gain fifty percent of SFP supporters Tipol will cross over to our side!

    Name and address withheld for fear of going on the list of things to sort out...

  45. I listened to the recording again and have the following opinion:

    1. Bernard Georges at the time the conversation was recorded appears to have been representing Stephen Scholes who was being investigated by the FIU and charged with Money Laundering along with Terence Stewart. It is not clear if Georges was representing Stewart then.

    2. Georges also claims to be representing someone/some authority 'higher' than the FIU. The deal given by that someone higher was that Scholes pleads guilty to some charge and half of the money seized be returned back to him. It is unclear what was going to happen to the remainder.

    3. The money was to be remitted to Georges account who would in turn forward it over to Scholes and co (personally i beleive that Scholes would have had some difficulties in getting money back from Georges, and that is for reasons which many of us know by now).

    4. I did not hear of any evidence of wrong doing from Georges in the recording. He came with an offer from someone in authority (someone who appears to have the power to influence or even order the FIU), it could easily have been the Attorney General or a politician.

    5. The type of dealing occured between Georges and client are common occurences, in crimial jargon known as plea bargaining...pleading to a lesser charge in order to save time and money to going to court. Mr Gill being a lawyer himself would be aware of such things.

    6. The question is whether Mr Georges an opposition leader should have been involved in such negotiation/dealings where it appears there has been an abuse of power on the part of the FIU/prosecutorial powers of the govenrment and the right of some people appears to have been violated...especially in light of the fact that the money was eventually returned to the Scholes and Stewart? My opinion is that as a politician Georges should have stayed clear of such cases because it has some political undertone.




  48. It is Beranrd the politician that is under scrutiny and since he is a lawyer he should know better and that in itself agravate the situation.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  49. Vox very good theory and research to add to the justification of the recording your version noted but in reality you got the names wrong.

    The names are steven scholes and Terry scholes no stewart. Their money was only given to them in the amount of 450,000 usd sbc broadcast the courts verdict on the news.

    As for clarification in the recording there is a part where i heard bernard george saying i got a phone call telling me you can do this not that. Ronny govinden is not higher than the FIU the FIU only responds to James Alix Michel he made that clear to all seychellois and his administration.

    Bernard clearly said that the FIU and the country needs to walk away with dignity from this so do you think the FIU would have not expressed their concerns through James Michel and tell me why would michel tell the Attorney General to manipulate a case for a favorial verdict when he owns the judges and can get them to do his bidding at the lift of his phone receiver.

    Good theory but reality se realite...

    I took many hours to clearly listen and examine this recording and it is clear the voice is bernard george and it is clear that this recording was made with his clients awareness maybe awareness that lawyer George is either a crook or he is working with the people that has stolen the scholes money.

    So one question you need to respond to is where did scholes get the recording from if it was not there's?? They smelled bernard from a mile away i even bet you if gill gets scholes to talk you will here that snp tried to cash in with these guys and so did many others in exchange for money.

    En SFP suporter debouryer lespri.

  50. The opposition is in better shape than ever

    Delighted opposition supporters in Seychelles got a massive boost when the election results were announced. We saw clearly that we are a force to be reckoned with, and that our strength is on the increase despite all the obstacles placed in our path to discourage us. Seychellois are demonstrating that slowly, slowly we are getting more determined and will soon smash the barriers before us to claim a Seychelles that is truly free and democratic. The opposition is solid and will stand by all Seychellois, and defend them and our country.

    SNP supports opposition movement

    For the election boycott campaign, SNP joined with NDP and Mr Boulle to encourage Seychellois to either stay at home or spoil their vote. We led this struggle together and we have let the government and the international community know that we are serious and that we will not be pushed around. The result shows that this calculated strategy worked. It is our country, Seychelles, that was the great winner in this election. The conclusion that everyone, especially Mr Michel and his government, must get is that Seychellois will stand firm when it is necessary. For our rights, we will do it.

    SNP supports the democratic process

    The election result also shows that we still have a very long way to go towards true democracy, despite 18 years of multi-party system. SNP once again extends its support to all partners in the opposition to continue the fight for democracy. We renew our search for better laws and better practices for us to make progress. We will support the Seychellois people, to make sure that our people and country get what is best. There is no place for mediocrity in our democracy.

    Stand firm for Seychelles

    We call on all those who have always supported us to stand firm. We are looking ahead in a serious manner and we must level the playing field. There is no place for discrimination and favouritism in our country. There is no emperor or lord in our country to dominate our lives and our future. This land is for all of us. Together, we will decide its destiny. As we always say, “Sesel i pou Seselwa!” This means we all have a stake in it and we will never allow anyone to command our lives. We will forever remain the master of our destiny.

    We push on with the struggle

    Since 1977, many have been struggling for democracy in our country. Others joined the struggle later and today more people are showing determination and coming forward to play their part in moving this country forward. We need everyone, if we are to succeed in this struggle. We need to consider all ideas to find the best strategy. We ask you to come forward. If we do not do it for our country, we will go backward. Together, let us show our determination and together we will pull off a real victory for Seychelles.

    By Wavel John Charles Ramkalawan.

  51. Wavel
    If you think we need to concider all ideas to find the best strategy,
    what are you waiting for then to join the opposition round table?

    Jeanne D'Arc

  52. Jeanne D'Arc, if you have a question for the leader of the opposition, please ask nicely. Wavel is clearly reaching out to the 2 or 3 who support SFP because he believes that everyone can and should contribute to the struggle and when your children ask "what did you do in the war against Parti Lepep, mummy ?", you can impress them with your answer. The same goes for rosbif JPI.

  53. Reply-

    The end of the digital clearly indicates that Georges was working for the client he was speaking to ( Scholes) and a state official prosecuting him. This is a gross conflict of interest. In any other country Georges would be in jail.
    This shows a great lack of integrity, beyond the artificial veneer of acting like a gentleman.

    The higher person then FIU he refers to is James Michel. Why? There is no one else higher then FIU in Seychelles. FIU is answerable only to President James Michel.

    FIU is also based at State House.

    The recording was done by the clients, and they released the details to Freedom Party.

    Why would they do that?

    They did not trust Georges, and there was a lot of money riding on his effort. $ 1,000,000.00 Or Sr. 12,500,000.00.

    From his admission, he infers that his "Higher then FIU "Client will obstruct Justice and the court process to get a favourable judgement for FIU. This means he is a co conspirator to a charge of Obstruction of Justice, if we had a decent country.

    The western embassies and offshore companies banking in Seychelles need to take note of this scam and obstruction practice on going in Seychelles.

    The fact that Georges is also a leader of SNP and he is overtly obstructing Justice, and co-conspiring to manipulate the court process,Justice, and the outcome of a case, all motivated by money being banked into his Client Account, shows that money has been his motivation, and it is no different in SNP for the last 18 years.

    Hence, they are not to be trusted.

    This digital highlights, another example of how under handed SNP functions in this country. Here it is a top leader of SNP, functioning as a Lawyer, but the underhandedness is the common thread running through all his actions.

    This is the same lawyer, who one day was doing deeds for Khalifa, the next day, he was in the protest line at La Misere. He says he wears different hats. The man is not kidding.

    One day, he was Mario Ricci's lawyer, the next day, he was in St. Paul handling affairs of the Church.

    These are but a few cases there are many, perhaps too many to mention here.

    People of Seychelles have had enough of Sell outs!

    Unfortunately for us, SNP is full of them, except for Bernard Sullivan who has held on through thick and thin like a real hero.But a true hero, faces facts and deals with it.

    More to come.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Leader of Freedom Party

  54. Guys SNP pe fer kwar si zot fermen akozzot in vann nou ek Parti Lepep pou larzan lopozisyon pou mor.

    Tou sa la se zis kouyonri sorti dan lagel wavel per visye, ki i pa pe dir se ki si nou anvoy zot fer fout e SNP i Fermen zot pou tay ti galo kot SPPF Parti lepep me selman james misel pa pou aksepte zot akoz en ta siporter lepep pa pou le vot pour zot si zot ranmas ramkalawan akoz i annan loder larzan i pou vin donn konpetisyon vol larzan bann gran fes dan parti lepep. Legzanp bann SAvy!!

    SNP letan poun fermen nou pou annan sitan aminisyon pou defons sppf akoz la ki kouyon pou sorti letan laplikasyon gro plas par bann ex snp ek misel pou ganny rezete. Alor i pou atas rezon ki i pa oule zot dan tim direkteman la na konnen.

    Ramkalawan i pe tranble dan son soulye letan i fer son bann mitting e war zis poursantaz boulle ek volcere ki an nonm non pa son siporter zis de fanatik ki lo dol father.

    aret kwar dan kouyon ramka i dir tou lopozisyon zwenn akoz i pe fer kwar ki iankor annan la mazorite me i malere pou dir ki kominote enternasyonal pa pou debout deryer ramka inn fini mor mon menm tande ki gill pe ganny koze dan labous tou etranze ki vin statehouse misel i dir mefye li i en politisyen danzere.

    Sheikh khaliffa i pe koz lo gill a plizyer repriz, bannla i dir ki volcere ek sa weekly i a touy zot state house e dan weekly gill i annan kolonn. Boulle i rankontre ek sa de boug tou le vandredi me nou pa war en bout ver pe mont kot boulle.

    Selman sa kouyon pret i dir zwenn ansanm ase fer liki don.

    Bougla mon pa siport ni gill ni volcere ouswa boulle parkinson man me mon pe fer ou konnen ki ler ou ferm ou kouyonad parti pa fer konmsi ou pe vin kot nou pou demann lazil politik akoz noun pare pour ou e nou pa aksepte kosonyen nou.


  55. Gill, listen again !

  56. Reply to ML's below comment

    "mon menm tande ki gill pe ganny koze dan labous tou etranze ki vin statehouse misel i dir mefye li i en politisyen danzere"

    ML; I was actually enjoying your battering of Ramka and the others until you came up with the above comment then I realised that you were only a turd that dropped out of Gill’s arse mon vieux!
    Another Gill promotion by his man Friday ti toto JPI!

  57. Terry and Steven Scholes listen again!

    Just because you are $500,000.00 less in your account does not mean Bernard Georges conspired with FIU and higher up to steal the money.

    You gave him the money. So you should shut up and stay silent.

    This not the time to accuse Bernard of anything.

    SNP Supporter

  58. Yes- let Bernard steal Scholes money . He apparently has a license from PL Higher up to do just that.


  60. The party being SFP, right ?

  61. According to SNP Magna Pathetic-

    SNP leadership has every right to steal money in complicity with FUI Michel. In this case, it is $500,000.00 or as rightly put out over Rupees 6.8 million.

    Bernard did the Khalifa deeds and SNP said it was none of our business.

    Annette Georges did the Scr. 1.0 deeds for Felicite Island for Albert Rene and SNP said that was none of our business. Value of Felicite Island is at least $300 Million today.

    There are so many more incidences, and SNP says it is none of our business.

    Well SNP, when it comes to the wealth of the people and our national heritage is being pillaged wantonly, we will make it our business.

    The time for sell outs in the opposition of Seychelles is over.

    The time for PL to do what is pleases, is over.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Leader of Seychelles Freedom Party

  62. Répondre à l'appel Jeanne D'Arc à l'unité-

    Parlé comme un véritable «Ange de la Vérité".

    Mettez les attaques contre moi de côté, je suis profondément blessé lorsque je vois quelqu'un comme M. Dhanjee virale batailles coûteuses pour exposer le PL corrompu dans les tribunaux, étant attaqué et tenté de côté.

    Je ne suis pas d'accord avec tout ce que M. Dhanjee fait ou dit, mais je vais défendre son droit de dire ce qu'il aimerait dire même si c'est difficile à faire.

    Quelques exemples de son travail:

    Dhanjee travaille activement, aux usagers de drogue rehab, il ne mérite pas une voix?

    Dhanjee déposé cas cour constitutionnelle lui coûte plus de 75.000 pour invalider les résultats de l'élection présidentielle, at-il méritent d'être fustigé?

    Dhanjee a maintenant déposé une autre affaire qui lui a coûté 75.000,00 de révoquer les juges seychellois non sur le banc lors des appels Seychellois peut faire ce travail, et ce n'est pas un besoin urgent de nommer les Seychellois non. Ce que le premier cas, est un autre cas caractéristique. Est Dhanjee méritent d'être fustigé?

    Je ne crois pas.

    Cette vemon qui est dans le camp de SNP est écoeurante.

    Il doit être arrêté ou il détruira le SNP.

    Le mot, c'est la Dhanjee n'est pas assez bon pour s'asseoir à côté de Ramkalawan à une table ronde. Etes-vous les noix de personnes?

    Jésus a mis de côté ces perceptions quand il a arrêté la lapidation d'une prostituée ville quand il dit à la foule: «Que celui qui est sans péché jette la première pierre».

    La foule regardait à Jésus, abandonné leurs pierres, et ils sont partis.

    Grandir les gens et de tri vous-mêmes sur. L'opposition ne peut pas se permettre de votre tirades enfantin et stupide plus.

    Il ya beaucoup en jeu et nous devons tous travailler vers un objectif commun.

    En ce moment, il ne semble pas vous les gens dans le leadership du SNP savent même pas ce qu'est le but.

    Changer de cap, et de montrer à la prochaine table ronde M. Boulle calls.But vous aurez de s'asseoir à côté de M. Dhanjee. Envoyer le pilote de la première réunion, de sauver la face.

    Quand vous faites, soyez assuré, je vais arrêter blog-ment vos mégots à la mort.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill...

  63. Giving the game away, Gill.

  64. French school in Guam.

  65. Pissedoff
    PP ,RAm should give the game away,SFP has the people behind it as the boycott has shown.I know you would like to get rid of Chris then you could continue fools Seychellois ,particiapte with Pp to prolong their suffering and turn them into modern slaves while you and RAm enjoy your milions stolen from them.
    But you know what the more you criticize the more we find it necessary to continue.In fact the more you critcize us the more determine we are cause each time you attack SFp we know and porve that you afraid and you know that this party unlike SNP.PDM is not to buy.

    Of course the more we expoes your infamous leader ,the more you would be louder and cough up everthing you have to justify his crimes,However,unfortunately your mumbo-jumbo does not have any impact towards the victims-namely Seychellois.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  66. Pissedoff i piti batar Pti Frans. I spesyalis dan loder fes. koman lontan, i tia kapab diriz departman tir-by me le fe ki tir-by in aboli i pa ti kalifye pou okenn lezot gro pozisyon dan Sesel alors son maman avek led FAR ti anvoy li Langleter pou donn li en laveni. Me i paret ki i pa oule kit son vilen manni.

  67. Did Scholes and Stewart not publicly dismiss Georges in court or did I witness something different?
    Why would this be done unless they were aware of his back door dealings.
    Also,he stated in court that he would not be taking any payment for his fees.
    But yet the Hogan of the FIU insisted that he be paid $10,000 as part of the ransom release for the men to leave Seychelles which had to be paid via their lawyer. The men always made it clear that there was nothing to hide but yet Bernard Georges refused to do as they asked,including taking 10 days to get Scholes wife and childrens passports back.
    Fantastic this two faced bastard has finally been exposed.
    Unless these two men had suspiscions following previous meetings, why would they even tape him in the first place and then get rid of him the next day????
    It is obvious that Georges is telling Scholes to "pay up to someone high up or you will never leave" and that he was "concerned for their safety".
    After months of these guys fighting their corner, why all of a sudden did they plead guilty to something??
    Surely had the FIU and Govinden had even a shred of evidence they would have taken ALL the money in the account or do they allow supposed "international fraudsters" to walk away with money?
    Always did and always will be obvious what was going on and the only bad thing is that the British men held on to the recording for so long but well done to them for coming forward.
    It now becomes more clear what these victims went through.
    Having had words with these 2 guys just before they left,it was never about the stolen money,it was about their reputations.
    Believed them then and believe even more so every word now.
    Looking forward to reading the full recording.
