President James Michel has announced major plans to restructure the Government during his State of the National Address at the National Assembly this afternoon. The speech was broadcast live on SBC radio and television. “The people of Seychelles elected me to serve them. And I shall continue working for them, as I always have. In this task, I shall need faithful, loyal and competent collaborators. These collaborators will be principally the Ministers whom I appoint. When they accept this position, they accept the responsibilities attached to it. They must agree to set aside their personal interests and ambitions.
They should not use their positions to raise their status or for personal gain. They have been placed there to work hard and for a period of time. They are not appointed for life. They are above all, at the service of the people, and they remain in their posts for as long as their services are required. The same principle applies for civil servants” said the President as he announced new ministries.
The President has announced the formation of the following ministries;
1. Finance- portfolios for Finance,Commerce and Investment (PierreLaporte poor afif casualty of danny faure)
2. Internal Affairs and Transport - portfolio includes the Police Department, Immigration and Civil Status Department, and the Prison Services Department. (Barry Faure)
3. Environment and Energy (Srdjana Janosevic)
4. Tourism and Culture (Lize Bastienne)
5. Social Affairs, Community Development and Sports (minister shamlaye demoted to)
6. Employment and Human Resources (
7. Education (macsuzy mondon remains)
8. Health (Dr.Ramadoss)
9. Foreign Affairs (Adam remains)
10. Lands and Housing (Christian Lionnet after spending time in the desert rolling around with girlfriend on taxpayers expenses)
11. Natural Resources and Industry (Allain St Ange)
12. The Vice-President’s portfolio-Information Technology & Communications and Public Administration.
13. The President’s portfolio- for Defence, Legal Affairs, Information, Youth, and hydrocarbons
“Government restructuring is not a game of musical chairs. The rotation of a minister to a new ministerial post is not only normal, but it is often a necessity. Another minister will continue the work and prove himself/herself.
The decisions I have made on government restructuring have been taken after much reflection and they have been taken solely in the interest of the Seychellois people. In the new Seychelles, we will not tolerate the creation of empires, “said the President.President Michel also said that corruption in the public service will not be tolerated and that those who are guilty would be severely sanctioned.In his analysis of the economic situation, the President said that in spite of the world recession the Seychelles economic indicators remained fundamentally strong. “ We were able to maintain a positive and encouraging economic growth of 5%. Again last year we succeeded in achieving the objectives of our economic reform programme. These included a budgetary surplus equivalent to more than 5% of our gross national product. This allowed us to continue reducing our public debt which now stands at 76% of our GDP. We also increased our foreign exchange reserves, now reaching almost $290 million,” said the President.President Michel also urged the nation to embrace the New Seychelles. He described it as prosperous nation that is intelligent, united and harmonious.
“ A society that is caring and compassionate. A responsible government leading a force of workers who are disciplined, motivated and serious, and also responsible citizens who are ready to take responsibility for their own future. A country that empowers its citizens, that provides them with adequate resources and the tools to enable them to earn a living, and to create wealth. A country that has zero tolerance for corruption, criminality and social delinquency. A country that is actively encouraging innovation and creativity. We can all see ourselves in the New Seychelles.”
Pathetic post a bit like the person that posted it
ReplyDeletePathetic post a bit like the person that posted it
ReplyDeleteYou are right. It is PATHETIC to think that Janosevic, Batienne, Barry Faure, Ramadoss and, yet another opposition turncoat, St Ange will be appointed ministers.
ReplyDeleteSo it will happen. The PATHETIC president has created the extra ministries with little work to do for his inner circle. He does not look further than his nose.
Not so long ago, we were being told that the tourisn industry was makng great strides because it was directly under the president. Now we are told it is great that there is a specific ministry for tourism.
Michel is a fool. Parti Lepep's supporters are fools. The rest of this country -- the majority -- are no fool.
Another opposition turncoat. Albeit one that came from SPUP and Parti Lepep. Then it was for upholding the great principles of the St Ange family. Now, anything goes for pure GREED. We now know the price of the St Ange's "principles". The irony is that Michel worked that one out long before the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteMichel is an ignorant. Doesn't the man know that the universal symbol for the declaration of love is a TOMATO not a government ministry ?
ReplyDeleteThis os just sfp speculation you fools. Like i said pathetic attempt
ReplyDeleteI'll put money one or two mistresses getting into the cabinet.
ReplyDeleteThe above is for sure. Cannot help wondering an old ugly stinky phart like jam can keep these beautiful but cheap slutes satisfied. it beats me!
ReplyDeleteThis government is a /drugs dealings/prostitutions/ criminals/arms dealing/mafia affairs. Soon they will have their own site of blue movies.(if not already) including human trafficking.
ReplyDeleteSaint Ange also is bringing few mistresses and family on board. He sent some young people for training in tourism après y deman fess. Pathetic sick white pig!
Do not forget the smoker of all smokers christian lionnet zonm ki al lo baz, pou rod son stuff.
ReplyDeleteWe even know that this jean-paul isaac is holding back on posting some perversive pictures of christian lionnet love making in the desert with a chick that jean paul knows and has worked with.
Lionnet if made minister it would be like opening a paradise for all drug dealers and prostitutes in seychelles.
Come on jean-paul post the pictures especially the one with lionnet smoking on the ghetto with the boys, the last time you published him almost screwed a chick in the arab deserts why not post the whole deal is that not what your about truth?
Si zanpol i annan portre pou pibliye i pou fer li a son moman sa pti liki son manman, i en menas e i devret ganny eliminen sa pilot kominis.
ReplyDeleteI pe espere si lionnet i ganny promote pou li met online, fodre kas son liki si lionnet i konnen. Apre tou christian akfer i al les en fanm met en bann portre koumsa lo internet i pa konnen ki lekip gill trou fes zot pas zot letan lo internet?
Mon menm monn war wall sa fiy e mon ti etonnen pou war sa bann portre, pou en PS lo la.
Lionnet i devret deal ek sa liki son manman avanler i tro tar.
Sesel pou tou seselwa gill!!
Michel has done what is normal is a one-party state namely you take the same you recycle them and here we go again .
ReplyDeleteThe butcher spoke about several issues ,but unfortunately the butcher never practice what he preaches.
The Butcher:"We must work together-work hard".That what SFP has been calling for.But how can we work together when his goverenment monopolize Stae institutions and never consult the neither the people nr the opposition?
The butcher:"We must find ways to reduce our reliance of Expat labour".Finally the butcher agreed with us though he does not seem to know how to proceed.
The Butcher:"Our youth is one of the important pillar of our new Seychelles"I am not sure of the New Seychelles,but surely for the continuity of our nation for generation to come.But why has the butcher given Carte Blanche to his escobars to poison our youth with hard drugs?What has the Butcher to offer them as opportunity?
The Butcher:"The evolution of our society sometimes result in us lossing our moral compass".Partly true.However,in our case is not the evolution thast has made us loose our moral compass but the every essence of one-party state what produce patronage,corruption,cronyism,and moral deficit and so on.
The butcher:"We have to reclaim our communities from the hands of bandits"But Dr.Michel who created those bandits?Surely not the oppostion you have been on power since independence.Crimes.bandits etc are ills of society created by the Pp system,who has too long ignored the welfare of the people.
The Butcher:"The new Seycheels we are creating can only succed in democracy".But the problem is that democracy is the govenremnt of the people,by the people and for the people,not one-man-one-party is different from a thguocracy which the ogvernemnt of thugs,for thugs and by thugs.
The butcher's new govenremnt is a rycled of the same incompetents.Having a pseoudo-seychellois ,to the like of RAMaDOSS is not a good sign.This guys is illegal obtained our nationality,he canot even speak our language,does not know anything about our culture,traditions,history and he is not even married with a Seychellois antional(like it is common partice in India,he bought his wife in India and there he is proclaiming himself as Seychellois.We must be careful ,we should refuse any foreigner controlling high positions in our institutions ,else we end up like the Fijians wh once show their land robbed by Indian illegal citizens.
It is time to get rid of theose monkeys and take back our country from those crooks and their foreign friends.Time for regime change!
Jeanne D^`Arc
For James Mancham, the universal object for the declaration of greed is a sycophantic letter to the editor in Seychelles Nation.
ReplyDeleteThe butcher spoke about refroms.
ReplyDeleteWell reform requires the tranforming and sharing power with others.Any dictator who allows meaningful refroms is committing suicide,so The butcher proposed refroms will never happen.There are no change of a criminal to the likes of the Butcher to continue in office if there is reform.The butcher had no change of winning an election should the democratic genie is left out of the bottle.
The only gerniune reform must come from the people,so it is high time we take our country back from those crooks and their foreign benefitors and sponsors.
Jeanne DÂrc
We need to insert the barrel of a gun inside James Mancham ass and eliminate him. It is the only way to shut him up forever.
ReplyDeleteAny volunteers please.
Ti Johnny?!?
ReplyDeleteRolph Payet wants to be education minister. Sorry rolphy they do not accept people that sleeps which students just to get a post or good grades.
ReplyDeleteMacsuzy will have to stay on and protect khaliffa's interest and ask for more watch and colored crayons from UAE.
Team Prediction:
ReplyDelete1. Finance- portfolios for Finance,Commerce and Investment (David Pierre)
2. Internal Affairs and Transport - portfolio includes the Police Department, Immigration and Civil Status Department, and the Prison Services Department. (O Berlouis)
3. Environment and Energy (Sinon)
4. Tourism and Culture (Air Sey Savy)
5. Social Affairs, Community Development and Sports (Seypec Adam)
6. Employment and Human Resources (W Herminie)
7. Education (Comarmond)
8. Health (M Berloius)
9. Foreign Affairs (Glenny)
10. Lands and Housing (Joli Couer)
11. Natural Resources and Industry (Hodoul)
Michel could have made a full disclosure and announcement of the re shuffle and new appointments.
ReplyDeleteHe did not.
So the world is free to speculate.
When he makes the announcements, we will comment as we choose.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
The butcher is not sure himslef who to named thus he is testing the public pole ,opinion first, in order to make a chioce to at least pleased the public.It would howeverbe difficult to pleased the public the way the country is in a mess without any end of the tunnel.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D Arc is spot on again.
ReplyDeletePL agents under instruction, have been trying to sound off SFP to guage leadership position on new appointments.
James Michel, PL, SFP position is clear: we do not care who you appoint to any post. We are not interested in musical chairs. SFP is interested in three things: 1. Democracy, for your part deliver it; 2 Freedom, this is our birth right , 3. regime change, this we will do ourselves after you respect 1 &2.
Your government has no legitimacy, and it is a sham government that has bankrupted Seychelles.
It is SFP position, that those that serve you, do so out of lack of self confidence in themselves as humans and they betray SESEL POU SESELWA everyday as you sell our patrimony.
Seselwa Unite!
Christopher Gill
The Leader
Seychelles Freedom Party
Minister of Finance - Mr
ReplyDeleteFree Speculation -
Christopher Gill. Economy Expert Minister of Information - Mr JP Isaac. He is always breaking news
Minister of Justice -Law Expert. Minister of Transport - Mr Jean Paul Isaac. Aviation expert.
Last but not least - Minister of Foreign affairs. Jeanne Darc the great diplomat.
Minister of land Use- Mr Leonard Francis Gill to Start his Sesel Pou Seselwa policy of land aquisition a la Mugabae.
Minister of Tourism - Derek Savy (State House Any Time Now). Expert in helping the small fish survive amongst the big fish in Tourism. Oh I forgot he already left SFP and crossed the floor to the dark Side.
Minister of Culture - Mr Cometant
Looks like James Michel cabinet will be made up of fabrikes if this is true.
ReplyDeleteDavidson should use some of that money to fund the opposition and bring down PL. We all know that if the opposition is properly funded at elections, PL will be defeated. He can then get back all that PL has stolen from him.
ReplyDeleteNow the opposition are eyeing Davidson as a potential cash cow to fund their lavish lifestyles and Isaaq's prime cut rosbif!
ReplyDeleteBreaking news Allain St Ange has been appointed minister of tourism
ReplyDeleteIt was predictable and expected.But the most rediculous appointment is MITZY LArue.From being a primary school teacher to minister is for her a personal achievement.Here ,we got a person without any adminitrative experirence,nor any knowledge in medicine or any degree related to health but there she is Minister of Health.Such redicule can only be found in communism, and one understands why our country is a free fall,for in Pp government one is not given promotion due to his or her ability but on how supportive one has been to the party.
ReplyDeleteChanging faces while following the same old failed policies will simply amplified the curse on our people.
Time for regime change.
Jeanne DÂrc
Staff at Victoria Hospital must prepare for organizational implosion!
ReplyDeleteMITZY LArue as minister of health?
ReplyDeleteWe are going back in the 60s.
DR DE era is coming back!
"Pase lot pti mazenbik" as the great ambasaderyier eoula would say.
Be prepare for more things to get worse in our healthcare,peoples who suppose to live 2 years more they gona live only one more week nothing will get better with communist,regime must change.Metsy la Rue has health minister a se fer liki communist,were she get her degree in medicin dan fes Michel?
What happen to the Cuban educated DR.JUDE GEDEON, is he not more qualify then MITZY?
ReplyDeleteI guess he is not too RED!!
Met pare GROBONM pou fer la tisann la tou.
An men ou prop boutey pou POSYON.
Met pare ou fes pou sa gran pikir.
Tia bon bez enn sa gran pikir dan fes ti Johnny! La ki ya sot anler e kriy lasasen comminist!
ReplyDeleteReligion!Seychelles women praying for world justice!it will be nice for them to ask Michel and communist if their have been justice in Seychelles for the last 35 years communist have been in Power?
ReplyDeleteSorry i forget to write a few words more,Those women should ask Michel and co were is justice for those peoples who lost their love one with this brutal communist regime.
ReplyDeleteWe want to see justice for stilling Seselwa billion we want to justice for stillIng Seselwa propety and selling them to foreigners.
We want justice we want to see justice but the pray of those peoples willnot bring any justice,only voices of Seselwa peoples can bring justice.
Free Speculation-
ReplyDeleteYour state of mind explains well, and conclusively, why the opposition of Seychelles has not made an inch of progress in 18 years, and it explains why Michel can get away with appointing Mitcy Larue as a Minister.
Start saving money to pay for your treatment abroad yourself.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
PL members are boiling with rage at the appointment of new ministers. The more qualify members are being overlooked for ministerial positions and are being surpassed by the MItzys.
ReplyDeleteUnder foruty years of PP mismanagement our health system is falling part.Instead of making progressive we aregoing back to the feudal time where BONNONM BIBWA was the main doctor, when we depended on herbal treatment,and all sorts of voodoo practices etc...
ReplyDeletePp in the fourty years on power has never understood that Health services are expensive,with new technologies and diseases the cost of heatlh will be always expensive and sponsoring free health services as for fourty years we are doomed to operate in deficits.It is a constitutional right for our people to get free health care but we must also understand that the way it is sponsor cannot be
What could PP has done if those donkeys would have brains and nor emptied our coffers.They could have for instance,fourty years ago start putting aside or open an account to independently sponsor our health services instead of taking millions each year from net revenues of the country which just cannot sponsor the cost especailly since our economy is small and health treatemnt and equippemnts become more expensive.In other words.just image Pp goverenmnt would have put let say 200-300 MILLIONS DOLLARS for the purpose toady we could have been using this money to sponsor our free health system without the need to dig in the governemnt annual revenues and millions of doallars could have been saved and used for other things.The percentage that such amount would have generated to date would have been morethan enough to sponsor our health system and keep it on a high standard without pouring governemnt income each year to keep it afloat.The same system could have been use for our Education,Retirement,Defence department-Made them independence form annual revenues by providing them with seperate revenues that do not depend of our Natioanl economy revenues.This would have left miilions of dollars in the hand of govenremnt for other projects-like keeping Airseychelles on its feets,developing our fishing industry etc etc..
Pp does not just have solutions but they can not even thinks and be creative.Thus time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
Soon Ramados will replace her and everybody will be more than happy to have a professional in the position.
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