Will it be Superintendent Ted Barbe or will it be Godfra Hermitte our next Seychellois Police Commissioner??
Ted Barbe:
Ted Barbe is allege to be the favourite candidate for the job by PL even to the extent that he was sent on a course to be able to meet the post requirements and be one of PL's smart Compol. This goes further; Mr. Ted Barbe is also known as a lepep supporter with loads of his family from Praslin at the heart of Parti Lepep's Strong Arms. He is well groomed in computer instances and is quite young for the job.
This man is believed to be an individual that would do all of PL's bee-dings without any questions asked and is not so well loved or admired by other members of the police force.
Godfra Hermitte:
Godfra Hermitte is allege to be a suck up to PL's bull but a very well qualified fully experienced police officer. Unlike Barbe he is allege to have been related to the deceased Ricky Hermitte that was killed and it is also said that he does not entirely agrees with some ways the police force functions. Hermitte was often seen on television doing the work to cover up on PL's behalf but he is said to be of opposed view. Hermitte is by far PL's greatest Pick to hide the real intent of human rights violations by appointing someone that they think will give credibility to this regime. If they appoint Hermitte he will not only give credibility to the regime but as a faithful servant of his master he will do whatever they say. Parti Lepep is very cunning.
Hermite is far more qualified than TED. The family of the later ,is known around Praslin to have been gifted governemnt houses and that the whole family members ,not beucase they needed it but beucase they are fierce and unconditional supporters of the rogue Pp regime.
ReplyDeleteWhat would a competent Police Commisionar needs:
-An excellent background in law inforcement.
-Should the ability to delegate and has excellent communication skills
-A competent commissionar need to be confident but not arrogant and be asblt to lead and inspire the organization.
-Must be a briliant public relations person with exceptional public speaking skills and effectively communicate his vision to his staff and public.
-He must be a creative thinker,unbiased and be able to understand the specific needs of the country/communities.
What Praslinois who know TED very well, can say is that TEd BARBE has none of the above.So Hermite is better fit for the job.
Jeanne D'Arc
Gill I note that you are campaigning for a WHITE police commissioner!
ReplyDeleteCHIMP :) :) :)
It is not about white ,black ,blue or anything to do about race here .. it is about competent and TED BARBE just does not have it.Even,many of his colleagues in the organization agree.It ture though,that in almost all dictatorships the dDear leader would apoint those with less qualification,experience etc... for often they execute the dictators^^ dictations without thinking ans moreover a Semo -god to the like of the Butcher wants stooges that obey him not those that would disagrre with him.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
I don't care what colour a commissioner is, as long as he is a Seychellois of capability.
ReplyDeleteLet people comment freely.
Leave colour out of this you pathetic racist.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Which one supports Danny Faure and which one supports Michel ?
ReplyDeleteDanny Faure is getting impatient and Michel is keeping his overseas travel plans secret.
Not even Faure knew about the Sri Lanka visit.
Never mind about Faure and Michel. Irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteFocus, I say focus on the ability and qualification of the two (2) men.
Your contribution will make the decision, since the leadership does not have a clue who to choose.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party.
Do you want the job, Gill ?
ReplyDeleteIt will easier for Gill to get this job than a hug from Ramkalawan.
ReplyDeleteHow can he be hugged with that bunbag hanging from his belly!
ReplyDeleteGill does not hug paid informant. This was James Pillay's job.
ReplyDeleteGet serious.
ReplyDeletewe donot give ourselves titles like the butcher.We earned by what he gain as qualification .
On BUNBAG-The butcher has the bunbag around his neck the same one that he forgot to handover to Khalifa when the later polluated our rivers.Should the Butcher handed over this bunbag around his neck on time to Khlifa we would not have our rivers contaminated.
we have oa job for RAm- as enfant coeur.May be that will amke him stop participating in PPs robbery.Bishop Weihe would help him to.
Jeanne D'Arc
We earned what we gain as qualification.
ReplyDeleteSeychelles President's visit to Sri Lanka expects to boost trade and bilateral relations
ReplyDeleteMon, Aug 20, 2012, 08:48 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Aug 20, Colombo: A high level delegation from Seychelles led by President James Alix Michel arrived in Colombo today for a three-day visit on an invitation of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Rishad Bathiyutheen, Sri Lankan Minister of Industry and Commerce welcomed the Seychelles President and his 15-member delegation.
The high-level Seychelles delegation comprises among others, Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean Paul Adam, Minister of Natural Resources and Industry Peter Sinon, and Delhi based High Commissioner of Seychelles to Sri Lanka Waven William.
"This is a historic occasion for Sri Lanka-Seychelles bilateral trade and general relations. We have not received such a strong delegation from Seychelles in recent times," welcoming the delegation the Minister has said.
The Minister has expressed hope the visit will boost current trade volumes which is around US$ 2 million.
According to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, in 2011, Sri Lanka's exports to Seychelles stood at US$830,000 while imports were at US$ 1.64 million.
Main products exported from Sri Lanka include tea and fishing vessels but the Ministry believes that gems and jewellery, furniture, boats and plastic products have export potential in the Seychelles market.
During his visit from August 20 -23, President Michel will meet his Sri Lankan counterpart President Mahinda Rajapaksa and hold bilateral discussions.
On Tuesday (21) President Michel will deliver a lecture on "The Role of the Small Island State in the Global Tapestry," at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations.
He is also scheduled to meet Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris, and several other key leaders of the government.
Foreign Minister of Seychelles Jean Paul Adams visited Sri Lanka in April and held discussions with his counterpart Prof. Peiris on a multitude of issues that are of mutual interest to both countries.
During discussions with Minister Bathiyutheen, Adams revealed that Sri Lanka has become the shipbuilding hub for Seychelles.
Adams expressed his desire to start direct air links with Sri Lanka and establish a shipping hub in the country as Seychelles is using many ships build in Sri Lanka.
Seychelles and Sri Lanka have been working very closely as Members of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IORARC) and as members of the Commonwealth Group.
The article express some good points that were long overdue.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, there is no mention of James Michel's request for Sri Lanka to support his quest for a Security Council seat at the UN.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
The point is -- why the news blackout in Seychelles. Is Sri Lanka now more transparent than Seychelles ? Even Burma is getting better than Seychelles, with the announcement that official media censorship is ending.
ReplyDeleteWhen will the official censorship of state-funded media like SBC and Seychelles Nation end ?
Despite what SADC says, Michel's actions show that he thinks there is political instability in Seychelles and he could be overthrown anytime. Of course he can only be overthrown by his own army, vice president and ex-president Rene.
ReplyDeleteWhy then can't Michel tell us about his visit to Sri Lanka and when he is due back ?
Is he hoping to come back and catch Danny Faure red-handed and use this as an excuse to get rid of him ?
The black out exist because the SBC is not free, it is not independent.
ReplyDeleteAll the more reason to BOYCOTT round table until Michel sets it free.
I cannot tell you how many people tell me they stop watching SBC because they are sick of being mind controlled.
Today flies a kite, as Michel denies us recourse to justice for human rights abuses
ReplyDeleteSave the SADC Tribunal, Today in Seychelles tells us in quotation marks to leave the Parti Lepep government in no doubt that this is not the view of the newspaper. N Tirant lifted the contents of the article from the internet. She gave prominence to Desmond Tutu and John Sentamu's campaign to save the Tribunal which SADC leaders killed off last weekend. Better than the nothing that we expected and we must admire Today for that.
But that's as far as it went. There was no Seychelles angle to the story, lest it upset James Michel. Was that just factual reporting or cowardice ? As all Today readers also have access to the internet with our new fibre optic submarine cable connection to the world via Tanzania, Part Lepep will feel that Today told us nothing that we could not find out ourselves in the absence of a state crackdown on access to www.Google.com and search words like 'Seychelles', 'SADC'.
Today left us wondering what was Seychelles position in all of this. Did Michel fight to keep the tribunal ? You can be certain he lined us with comrade Bob Mugabe on this. It was the job of the newspaper to tell us.
What about our own home-grown Tutus and Sentamus ? Don't we have any ? Are they all scared stiff of defending human rights, if it means upsetting the Parti Lepep government.
And what of our SADC elder whatever Mancham who recently went to Egypt to 'observe' elections at the behest of SADC ? Why is he silent on this issue ? He does not want to upset the Parti Lepep government and SADC and give up these cushy all-expenses-paid and no-expense-spared numbers that they lob his way now and then.
Today should have nailed its colours to the mast, rather than beat about the bush. If it thought the SADC tribunal was worth saving, it should have come out and said so. It did not need to beat about the bush, as it is all depressingly familiar with Today. It should have upbraided all those who profess to defend human rights and peace but kept a deafening silence over the denial of justice for those whose rights have been trampled on by their government. It can only do that by showing with a modicum of courage in the first place. Today should have shamed Michel, Mancham, Wiehe and Wong. But that would have been uncharacteristic of Today. It prefers kite-flying journalism.
Today does not fly kites just on this article, it does that every DAY.
ReplyDeleteIt cloaks itself in the robe called INDEPENDENT.
It positions itself for no greater good for Seychelles, aside from greater profits for its shareholders, and possibly political or government jobs for its writers.
CAA can confirm N. Tirant has applied for judgeship two times and has not been accepted. This will explain why TODAY has been spineless and a big let down to all of Seychelles.
She should either change her editorial posture or resign. Alternatively, perhaps its directors can reposition the paper for the real betterment of Seychelles.
It is a shame, in my humble view, that so much colour ink has gone to waste on paper at a time when Seychelles needs serious public and private contributions to guide her through the hell epoque she has entered.
Oh what a circus. Mathilda is back in town. Lock up the constitution and audacious editors for their own safety.
ReplyDeleteThe circus that passes for Court of Appeal sittings has resumed, and disgraced judge Mathilda Twomey is in town.
Despite what Seychelles has done for her by rescuing her from the dole queue in Ireland, she does not seem to think that Seychelles is a fit place for her and her family. So, she flies (no doubt first class) between Ireland and Seychelles whenever the disgraced Court of Appeal sits.
She swans in for two weeks at a time, 2 or 3 times a year, to maul our laws and our constitution much to the pleasure of the Parti Lepep government. She had to place a perverted interpretation on the constitution to get a leader of the opposition appointed, after the electorate had put two fingers up at David Pierre and his Parti Lepep backers.
So, expect no surprise next week when Twomey and Court of Appeal tell us that James Michel was right to re-appoint Court of Appeal judge Domah despite what the constitution says. Appeal Court judges now hearing cases brought on by other appeal court judges. Gross. Dysfunctional. But that's Seychelles under Parti Lepep. No one expects it any other way.
For good measure and to heap more disgrace on the judicial system, Mathilda is in town to ask a fellow judge to jail a fearless newspaper editor who dared raised questions about her fitness to be an impartial Court of Appeal judge. The attempt for a summary jailing back in December failed. But the attempt to muzzle the free press continues. And if the Supreme Court judge rules against Twomey, she will be in the Court of Appeal waiting for revenge should that judge ever need recourse to the Court of Appeal in future.
How can we expect her to be un-bias and impartial in the Volcere case?
ReplyDeleteIf she cannot be un-bias and impartial then she should be disqualified as a judge.
CHIMP :) :) :)
The Seychelles Police Force is a failure due to the consequence of a failed State. The minister of Police is an endemic monkey who thinks he is clever and the commissioner of Police is a Gorilla look-alike who thinks he is King-Kong!
ReplyDeleteSeychellois police officiers under Pp tyranny do not get the standard of training needed nor the qualification .For in communisits states police forces sole objective are to brutalize the people and protect the system.Most Seychellois police officiers under PP do not have any degree law,in adminatrative work most are under qualified,when it comes to police traits it is that comaprable to Cuba,N korea.
ReplyDeleteWe will need to change the whole way of train9ing,recruiting etc.. our police officers in order to porduce profeesional police officers as we know in western world.
Time to get rid of Pp.
Jeanne D'Arc
they are all twit, all le pep. even trou kler will do a better job.
ReplyDeleteGill o!
ReplyDeletePa ou lasours income SFP ki gard inn derasine?
"Zofisye lapolis lo Praslin ti dekouver e aras en total 80 plan drog kanabis dan bwa Grand Anse Merkredi pase pandan lazournen. Sa bann plan ki mezir ant 35 santimet a 55 santimet grander ti lo en propriyete gouvernman. Napa personn ki’n ganny arete an relasyon avek sa dekouvert"
KANABIS" mon vieux tortue" is not the subtance creating dozens of criminals each year but HARD DRUGS being imported and sold by Pp EScobars, the same the Butcher publicly told us he knows them all.
ReplyDeleteIf they have not been arrested is becuase Pp police officiers are ineffective.Therefore,ask Pp to deliver,it 's a governemnt responsiblity and duty to do so.I remind you ,that NDEA confiscated a boat teemed with tons of heroin on Mahe ,no single pp escobar arrested and brought to justice to date.
Jeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteYou did not spot out that i said"mon vieux (LA)Tortue".it was not a mistake but just showing respect to your sexual orientation for i was told you a TRAN....TY.I was trying to find a balance, in order not to offend you by calling you Ms or MR while being both. ça vous va,Ma vieille tortue.
Jeanne D'Arc
Call me what you want mon pou toujour en grenn lo ou!
ReplyDeleteMon pou parey en pikan lo ou derriere ki tanzan tan wa bezwen grate1
You seems to be a fan of David Philoe probably Jean Ali to(both Praslinois who we deported to Mahe in 1977).While you en PIKAn lo nou derrier we will be the pain in Pp arse.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
YOU deported David Philoe and Jean Ali? You en dezarter kinn sove Guam. Ou ki en boug displaced ki napa parwas. Ki napa oken loyalty pou oken district dan Sesel? Ki pa ni zans Praslin wa dir ki ounn deport Philoe ek Ali?
ReplyDeleteEoula Gill a.k.a. Zandark ase bez donn dimoun kouyon don. La ou kwar ki ou pli Pralinois ki bann natif Praslin!
Ase fer mwan kouyon don!
Monn deza deman ou, la mon deman ou ankor. Si ou vre zans Praslin don mwan en pli semp reset Tiangomon. Si ou pa konnen bez retourn zwe dan labou anba pon Mamelles ek ou bann kouzin dan ou pti kanson desire, ti gren ek kalele pe frot dan labou!
MONKEY :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteWe did not deported them,we simply thought back then that their songs did not made it with Praslinois the later like freedom)thus we dicided to send them over to Mahe where their songs were already making success among PP thugs.
Jeanne D'Arc
You did not "deported" them???
ReplyDeleteBe fes ou manman that's not what you said on your post to me on August 28, 2012 12:37 PM
Perhaps the below extract will jog your memory:
"You seems to be a fan of David Philoe probably Jean Ali to(both Praslinois who we deported to Mahe in 1977)."
Jeanne D'Arc
Zandark a.k.a. Gill, all I can say is ou lalang ek fes liki ou manman!
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