Monday, October 22, 2012

Somali Pirates May Just Be The Perfect Tool For Another "Jardin Du Rois " In Seychelles While Our Seychellois Convicts Are Ignored From Rehabilitation!

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Our man in the Seychelles who's locking up the pirates of the Indian Ocean - but why is Britain spending a fortune on a jail in paradise?
PUBLISHED: 21:00 GMT, 20 October 2012 | UPDATED: 11:55 GMT, 21 October 2012
Comments (74)
Briton Will Thurbin helps to run the high-security prison housing one hundred dangerous Somali pirates

Will Thurbin poses at Montagne Posse Prison with his dog Lucy, while prisoners look on. He's a former governor of HMP Parkhurst on the Isle of Wight, the prison that once housed the Krays and Ian Brady
Behind the 15ft high razor wire, a huddle of men in yellow jumpsuits sit on their haunches, while others stand staring blankly into space.
Armed guards wander among them and  keep watch from a rickety corrugated-iron watchtower.
This hilltop compound, surrounded by jungle, is Montagne Posse prison, which is Creole for ‘Mountain Rest.’
Some of the prisoners face a rest here of up to 22 years. Many are Somali pirates, imprisoned hundreds of miles from home in the Seychelles, under the guard of 47-year-old Will Thurbin.
He’s a former governor of HMP Parkhurst on the Isle of Wight, the prison that once housed the Krays, Ian Brady and Peter Sutcliffe.
‘We’ve got about 100 pirates here,’ he says.
‘They are a mixture, some convicted and some still on remand, who can wear their own clothes.
'Their sentences vary, depending on their behaviour at the time of capture, whether or not they resisted arrest.’
Over 20,000 ships pass the Horn of Africa annually, and the cost to the international community from piracy has been estimated at £4.1 billion a year.
According to the International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre there have been 70 attempted hijackings already this year, and 13 ships have been taken hostage.
Although most of the prisoners at Montagne Posse were caught in the Indian Ocean in little skiffs carrying AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenades and ladders rather than fishing nets, they still claim to be fishermen.

Montagne Posse prison is set in remote mountain scenery. Some of the prisoners face a rest here of up to 22 years. Many are Somali pirates, imprisoned hundreds of miles from home in the Seychelles
That’s even after they have been convicted in UN-funded courts in the Seychelles – where two British Crown Prosecution Service lawyers are currently working.
There is a huge multinational naval operation to prevent piracy, but the problem has always been that even if pirates were captured their guilt was hard to prove, and then no one knew what to do with them anyway so they would be freed and allowed to return to piracy.
The UK is spending £9 million on helping detain and prosecute pirates.
And a new Regional Anti-Piracy Prosecutions Intelligence Co-ordination Centre is due to open here in January 2013, funded largely by the British taxpayer.
Piracy now is organised crime and there is concern that it could diversify into drugs, so their focus will move to the kingpins.
It will be fronted by Garry Crone, a senior Serious Organised Crime Agency officer, on secondment to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Piracy has become big business. In Somalia there are men who have made serious money, crime overlords laundering fortunes round the Gulf, and Britain is helping hunt them down.
‘These people are not a slightly more menacing version of Johnny Depp,’ says Crone.
‘It’s organised crime, with hierarchy, structure, a rewards basis, and strategic alliances between the groups.’
The Seychelles may have been the tropical honeymoon idyll of choice for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, but there’s trouble in paradise.
The economy, based on fishing and tourism, was in danger of being ravaged by pirate attacks. Their fishermen could not fish after several boats were taken hostage, and yachts and cruise liners no longer risked coming to their jungle and coral islands.
‘Our revenues from fishing and tourism fell 30 per cent in 2009,’ says Joel Morgan, the Seychelles Transport and Interior Minister
Even worse, the Seychelles imports 90 per cent of its food and fuel, and insurance premiums for delivery went up by 50 per cent. The result was soaring inflation. Then a tanker with vital supplies of cooking gas was taken hostage.
‘We were within a couple of days of running out of gas,’ says Morgan.

A Somali prisoner at Montagne Posse. 'The costs of rehabilitation are great but the human costs of doing nothing with prisoners to reduce their reoffending are greater,' said Thurbin
In March 2009, a Seychelles yacht, the tourist charter Indian Ocean Explorer, was captured in the country’s territorial waters.
The tourists on board had left the boat earlier that day, but the captain, Frais Roucou, and his crew were forced to sail to the Somali coast, where they spent 88 days in captivity before being released when a ransom was paid.
The Seychelles realised it was under attack, so the government decided to volunteer its courthouses and prisons to put on trial and incarcerate Somali pirates captured in the Indian Ocean.
But under new EU law, any pirates captured by European navies could not be sent to a country for trial where the prison and the justice system were not up to EU human rights standards.
It was also thought, under UK law, that pirates captured by British ships had to be brought before a British magistrate within 48 hours, which was impossible from a warship in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
The alternatives were either to hang the pirates from the yardarm, or just keep releasing them, unless a country around the Indian Ocean could be found with a suitable justice system and the inclination to help.
‘It was a mutual understanding that the Seychelles would take this part of the burden – bringing the pirates to justice,’ says Morgan, in his office close to the old British colonial courthouse where suspected pirates are now tried.
The legal process was helped by some bright spark noticing that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea could be interpreted to mean that, since piracy was an international crime, pirates could be tried anywhere – and the clock on getting pirates in front of a magistrate only started ticking once they hit dry land.

'We hope to be self-sufficient in vegetables by next year. Growing vegetables is a useful skill for the prisoners when they leave. I want to set up art classes as well,' said Thurbin
It was this decision by the Seychelles government that brought Will Thurbin here from his family home in the Isle of Wight as a UN mentor to their prison system.
This year he has been working directly for the government. Until recently there were also six British prison officers working here on secondment.
‘The British prison system is a good model for us,’ says Morgan.
‘We are a former British colony, so our judicial and prison systems were modelled on the UK’s in the past – it’s just that ours had got left behind.
'We have received legal assistance for our criminal justice system and through the UNODC trust fund the UK is providing money to rebuild the infrastructure in the prison.
'They are also helping to expand the capacity of the police.’
Montagne Posse is not the only pirate prison the UK is financing.
We have also provided $800,000 to refurbish a prison in Bossaso in Puntland, a relatively stable region of Somalia; $1,050,000 to build a new prison academy and Ministry of Justice in Garowe in Puntland; and $400,000 to refurbish a prison in Hargeisa in Somaliland, another reasonably stable area.
The governor of Hargeisa, John Wilcox, is another ex-governor of Parkhurst.
According to Morgan, the intention is that as soon as there is an adequate prison structure, all the pirates in the Seychelles will be sent back to Africa to serve their sentences.
But is this all money well spent? Lindsay Skoll, the new British High Commissioner in the Seychelles, is keen to point out our strategic interest.
‘Piracy is a global problem but it affects our national and commercial interests. Ten per cent of our oil and 50 per cent of our gas is imported from Gulf states and is transported through the Gulf of Aden.

The great fear, not publicly voiced, is that piracy may spill over into terrorism
‘We’re spending £4 million over three years on maritime security throughout the region, including the Horn of Africa.
'Perhaps this is just something we are very well suited to: judicial reform, prison reform.
'The UK takes a holistic view of piracy – who and where are the financiers, who are the big kingpins and what are the root causes?’

Will Thurbin proudly takes us on a tour of his manor, pointing to Montagne Posse’s garden.
‘We hope to be self-sufficient in vegetables by next year. Growing vegetables is a useful skill for the prisoners when they leave. I want to set up art classes as well.’
He misses his home, his wife Jane, his two sons, and the family lurcher, although a dog near the prison has adopted him.
‘This is going to be the volleyball court and five-a-side football pitch,’ he says, pointing to a patch of Tarmac littered with piles of fencing and concrete blocks.
‘Exercise is important for getting rid of aggression. We’ll have a timetable for who can use the gym.
'The prisoners need structure in their lives.’
So far the renovation works – a new 60-cell block, a sewage recycling block, a fish preparation centre and kitchen, a planned auditorium, the gym and multi-faith room and the volleyball court – have cost the UK taxpayer nearly £400,000 ($600,000).
The prisoners are also all learning English and now get two square meals a day – huge plates of rice with fish or chicken and vegetables.
‘Some of them are very thin when they arrive, and they are quite relieved when they realise they are going to be well looked after.’
Thurbin rejects accusations that he is too soft on his inmates.
‘Some people believe prisoners should be locked up and the key thrown away. I point out that the majority of prisoners will be released back into our communities at some point.
'If nothing is done with them they are likely to reoffend, create more victims and come back into prison. One of the victims might be them or a loved one.
'The costs of rehabilitation are great but the human costs of doing nothing with prisoners to reduce their reoffending are greater.’
We pass three Somalis chopping undergrowth beneath a retaining wall, as part of the renovations; one, an older man called the ‘Captain’, says: ‘I’m just a fisherman.’
The young guys start giggling, but the Captain says crossly: ‘I’ve been a fisherman since I was 18. I’ve never been a pirate. But the EU ships stole all our fish.

The cost to the international community from piracy has been estimated at £4.1 billion a year
'There is no government in Somalia to patrol our sea. We don’t know what the future holds for our country.’
This is the Somali excuse – and perhaps for the Captain it has a nugget of truth – although he has obviously made some serious money, since he is keeping three wives and 18 children on his savings while he’s serving his sentence.
Far below Montagne Posse, by the sea, Garry Crone shows me around the building site that will soon become his new headquarters, the Regional Anti-Piracy Prosecutions Intelligence Co-ordination Centre, towards which the UK has contributed £550,000.
Thanks to the internet and mobile phones, organised crime, like the rest of the economy, is becoming globalised.
‘We could probably have done this from the UK,’ says Crone, ‘but we’d lose a major opportunity to train regional police officers to deal with transnational organised crime.
'We’re starting to see heroin come down to the coast of Pakistan for shipping across the Indian Ocean to Kenya.
'A skiff was stopped the other day with a couple of hundred kilos of heroin on board.’
Crone is aiming for a centre of 28 members of staff: ‘Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands are involved, as are the U.S. Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, the UAE and Mauritius are already here working with us, too. We’ve got ongoing discussions with France but that’s a little bit up and down. ’
The great fear, not publicly voiced, is that piracy may spill over into terrorism. So far, the official line is that the pirates and the terrorists don’t get on, but it seems likely that the terrorists are trying to grab some of that pirate gold for themselves.
The solution, everyone agrees, is peace in Somalia – piracy won’t stop until the pirates have alternative jobs, and their hostage ships can no longer lie with impunity off Somalia’s coast.
The Department For International Development has announced plans to spend £63 million a year in aid in Somalia until 2015, of which 40 per cent will go to help shore up the stable autonomous region of Somaliland.
Back on the mountain top, Daud, a twentysomething pirate, explains he used to be a water engineer.
‘But there were no jobs in Mogadishu,’ he says.
Is that why you became a pirate?
‘I’m not a pirate. I’m an illegal immigrant, like those people leaving Libya. I was trying to get to South Africa to find a job.’
Perhaps by the time Daud gets out – in six years’ time – with his gardening skills and fluent English, there will be a Somalia ready to employ him again.

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  1. Somali pirates should be send back to theri homeland and should in any case be given asylm becuase there is a risk of paving the way for uncontrol and massive invasion.For note what the Somali called Captain said"I am a fiherman ,not a pirate,i an immigrant"the last part of his word show that there is a change in Somalis tactic namely from being pirates to becoming immigrant in Seychelles.Seychelles must in any case become the next target for immigrants ,our country small only having problem with the massive invasion of uncontrol expats which by the way should be reduce and set quota for.Moreover,there would be a risk of creating ethnic problem in the long term in our country,for Somali are mainly muslim and often hard to make them intergrate ,as often they would be more ready to defence ,fight even excute terrorist acts again us as well as other National such as tourists in the name of Allah.Recent history has showed be it in Europe Uk terrorist attack(that even generation after,such communities rarely integrate and most often create more problem to security,peace and threat to their host countires).

    Furthermore,Morgan ,Pp have in the past help , invest in building prison in Somaliland to repatriate Somali pirate arrested here,in order that they are prisoned in Somali than in Seychelles,well Pp should intencifes its force in ensuring that Pirate are repatriate to sit for their snetnece there in somali.We cannot financed,feed,educate,house Pirates and invest million of dollar for their well fare while we cannot evven feed our own people.

    We cannot articificially modify our society(becuase immigrant weîll result in that like it or not)creating cultural,religoius,social,tension when we done have it.seychelles do not hVE PALCE TO WELCOME IMMIGRANTS especially economic immigrants.We cannot allow to build an artificial nation on an already existing Nation who buld their culture,tradition,nation century ago to then be destroy by potential oteerirsts somali disguise as immigrants after comiiting cirmes against our people and country.

    In any case we must open our door to Somail immigrants,Once the first set foot here we willl start instead of seeing Somali pirates in our EEZ we will see boat poeple who voluntarily,conciously entrying our EEZ boat full with childrens,Old women,handicaps rasing a white falg in our water which would mean rescuing them and giing them asylum.

    Yes, EU passed law that allow them to judge and prison Somali pirates in their country.Germanxy just sentenced a few last week.

    jeanne D'Arc

  2. So now we know who Jeanne is, sa pti fenm sitting in her cosy office at the City Council Australia with nothing to do.Paid by the Australian Government just to file her nails , do facebook, blog and looking pretty.

    What is here is also on your page, who would have thought!

  3. Your fantasy make you think you who Jeanne is,haa haa we will continu make youu gussing liar.

  4. You know!continue.

  5. How about you take your stupid crystal ball and smash it over your head. Kouyon who the hell you think you are to come here and start pointing fingers.

  6. You can never have a proper debate with Seychellois, you say cow they say pig.

    Stick to the topic and if you don't have anything concrete to share shut the hell up. Who cares who Jeanne is.

  7. Eoula bous ou!

    You call me cow. I will call you PIG back.

    Call me kouyon. I will call you bez ou manman back. Et voila!

  8. You know what? I cannot see you and you cannot see me. VOILA! something wrong with your crystal ball. I am all smiles.

  9. 1.48 Am

    I am right here on Praslin helping calming young Seychellois without jobs who are getting angry and even ready to tAKe jUstice in their own hands to stop foreign invasion of their land as well as taking their jobs.tHEY LOOSING APTIENT!

    As for Expats that should be immdaitely reduced.We should in any case accept Somali ex-pirate and future economic immigrants to invade our land.If you give one Somali asylm in 24 HOURS LATER YOU WOULD AHVE BOATS FULL WITH THIER WHOLE FAMILIES drifting in our EEZ with White flags coming to ask for asylm,And we would not be able to control them, for it would be worst than Piracy.

    Not also ,statistics show piracy has been reduced in the last two,three years by 50 percents and with the recent military operation by Kneyan foces which took control beaches,and villages where pirates were based it would probably be reduced further down.

    Why does British sponosring Prison here for Somali?The naswer is simple,they had made the bad experience with massive immgration problems form such Countires and do not want tany more National from such countires ,Threat fro tis society.Thus ,to avoid taking Somali prisoners who often after their sentnces would be granted aslym ,Brit has decided that the best way to do that is importing this problem to another state And the best one its has found to get rid of immigrants from invading their country is to date Seychelles for the pretext of piracy proiveds this rare opportunity.

    Artificial so called Multi-culturalism,we donot want on our land for it will be a poison for our peaceful,harmonious society.
    And cultures Pissy, are not diverse,Cultures are a force of many WILLS acting in concert,as one Will.This one will to moulded in one WILL,often take centuries to acheive.thus we cannot allow it to be artificially be modified by immigrants nor by Expats workers.

    Pp and ilk might say we not toelrant.Tolerant is a word that comes from the ability of a body to learn to tolerate a poison,and immigrantion is a poison to societies.Under the scenario of tolerance,we are supposed to live with the poison of artificial diversity and build up a culture,our resources,our religions ,our lives,and voting sovereignty to fulllfil the utopia of our parasites of diversity goals,agendas .

    No Seychelles sand Seychellois should not make the mistakes of other counitres ,by voluntarily creating problems that it do not have.

    I think there are enough example of the risks,danger that we donot repeat the mistakes of others.Muslim Muaritian protest of a caarcature show us what could happe if we open our doors to terrorists. we should learn from it.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  10. Tghese many wills in order to be moulded in to one will took centuries.

  11. anymore of bad english, i will vomit.

  12. The message is important and it seems you getting it.

    And one more thing.I heard PP illiterates telling us that economic development keeps and promotes peace within a Nation.No PP,the best peace keeper of National peace is DEMOCRACY it entails all the grediences needed to keep peace.Thus,freedom,equality ,Human Rights and so forth.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  13. The invitation to visit Desroches is for both you and Isaac. We want to kill two birds with one stone.

  14. Seychelles is backward, Morgan tells British newspaper !!!!!!!

    Do we have to read foreign newspapers to find out what our ministers really think about how SPUP/SPPF/Parti Lepep has run the country into the ground ?

    Morgan to Daily Mail -- ‘We are a former British colony, so our judicial and prison systems were modelled on the UK’s in the past – it’s just that ours had got left behind."

    The little coward will not dare say that we are backward on SBC.

    Former British colony. Now a Khalifa colony.

  15. Back from where?From Mars?
    It jus"t that ours had got left behind,said Morgon.Yes in deed not because it is absolated but because Pp raped it and never resepcted it.When you refused the population to exercise their freedom of free expreression,of speech ,of assembly there nothing ,Yes they have been voluntarily left behind by those who decided to do so in order to subjugate thier people.The idea that all laws must be some how modify, updated to make things happen ,is a false prophecy uses as an exucse to hide reality.No country in the world modify their law like changing trousers either.

    Give us a break Morgan!Abide by the book,maron!

    Jeanne D'Arc

  16. Why a radio station on Praslin!when media in Seychelles are not fair and transparent.Its better you build something that is more important for Praslinios Pp a better hospital with a emergency room.

    Sfp supporter

  17. Morgan keeps his job when he lies. Perhaps he should be sacked when he speaks the truth.

  18. Camel Colony run by Gurhkas

  19. Communist never speak the trurth especialy those kind,seen years there been lieing,but some seselwa still to blind to see.
    But SFP no evil knowlege will vanish one day! god knowlege will come back one day.

    Sfp supporter.

  20. Sorry i mean know!evil knowlege will vanish,god knowlege will back one day.

  21. Praslinois as the previous blooger says , do not need to see their tax moneyted in bulding a uselss Tv station but
    -Want to see job creation
    -A new Hospital equipped with an iCU unit to serve both Praslinois.Digous and and other emergency cases.

    - a DAM to solve their water shortage
    -New Generators to solvee their electricty shortage
    Streets lights to light their streets thus reduce theft
    -Programme of rehabilitating their long burned mountain to give them back thier original beuaty(important for tourism industry)
    -renovation of Public roadss
    -Use EVE island as a place ot develop Amenties or live night for tourists (will creates lots of jobs in Pubs,Restuarants,Game rooms etc...)
    -Specialized Shpos (means stop seeing Indain merchants selling everything and controling the market)Specialized Shop will produce more shops(more jobs,more tax for collect,also on liciense, etc...)and also give customers various choices.
    -Praslinois want to see TAX money collect of Hotels,Guest houses,TAIxs,boatcharters,and all of businesses on Praslin stay in Praslin for the development of Praslin and by Praslinios.Praslinios do not as have been allows the case Dictator who presents thmeslves as Semi-god and think all they do is dvine and do not belong to them.
    -Praslinois need More power to decide waht goes on in the districts from importation of expats,destroying mountains to build ugly foregn hotels(raffle)from their patrimony illegal being sold,etc..
    Praslinois want That Praslinois only are canditates for local post offers on Praslin for they beleive one of their own is better equipped,better understand therr nneds ,not one parachute from another districts whic often want to be elected for the salaery that ot defence their interests.Any cnadidates not originated from Praslin,Praslinois think they should they want to be their districts administrators before being candidtae must have live over more than two to three years permanently on Praslin.

    Praslinois do not need a Pp propaganda machine on their island,should they think or find it distrubing We reserve the right to close it down by asking Pp thugs to do so or by our oen means.Praslinois will not lwet them be fools by criminals.

    The reason Pp find it necessary to waste tax payer money for such a shit is political motivated-The butcher think Praslinois will love him ans as biggest district the Butcher hope Praslinois will help keep him stay on power and continue to rob abd subjugate the whole Nation.Or shoudl there be a riot,protest on main land Mahe PP can divide the country and get Praslinois on their side to protect their crooked arse.Make no Mistake PP,Praslin will be the place where the first shot will be shoot to start the revolution.I am here to ensure that happens if necessary.

    Jeanne D^^Arc

  22. Ti zako blan must start to tell Seselwa the truth othetwise he will be include on the red list,for now we put him on the yellow one.Morgan do you learn your childrens at home for not telling truth?

  23. Pissy
    you read it well. I repeat-We will shut down this propaganda machine should we find it too distrubing,bias,etc..

    We are not going to allow Pp thugs to abuse Praslinois to protect their arses.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  24. Zann you want independence of Praslin what?
    No ,more autonomy on decision amking on projects that take place on Praslin
    -That taxes collect on businesses stay in Praslin,for the development of Praslin by Praslinois-

    -Eve island is use to build vegetable and fich market,specialized Shops(means for instance,shop for selling jeans of all kinds and sorts nothing else,the same for other spcialized shop that is the sell only elctornis eqquipement if the shop is specilize in electorns,etc.. will creats more shops, more jobs ,more tax to collect ,more licence to be paid,customer will spend more for they have choices etc.. )No need to go to Dubai.
    -Eve island (part of it)should be used to build restaurants,pubs,gym,coiffeur salons,game salon,disco,and amny other projject related to tourism(night lives).And amny more latready mentioned in my above commments.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  25. Correction-Pissy may ask Zann you want independece of Praslin?

  26. They dont have money in there coffer is empty,zot in touni.Jeanne you plane are very good,but we are living with a goverment that is bankrupt empty living on debt from foriegn country and at the same selling us and our belonging with foreingners and they are corrupt.

  27. We dont love Michel on Praslin no way we hate him!the only one that love Michel on Praslin is mum of Nathalie and Mitsey la Rue and Biyoko.

  28. ThWe do not have moey,they do have they have stolen billions for us.
    A second TV station,main aim ,for communsit or dictaorship is to ensure there is an alterantive means to keep contact with the popualtion should there be a poeple revolution attempt on Mahe and the Butcher think that a second station privode a mean of spreading its proganda in such a scenario.

    We live with a banrputed system,aes,Thus the need for Praslinois to have more power to control from theft,corruption,embezzlemnt and all the other vices perpetrauted by central dictatorial governemnent.For instance,should we had more power at district level,the gorss destrcution of the nevironemnt By RAffle authorized at the Poite Buro by a handful of criminals would ahve not happened.The invasion of cheap labours in hotels owed by foregners would have not happened.

    But there is many more importance to having autonomy and control.For instacne,Prasliois local governemnt would have had set up its own economic plan adaptablr to the need of Praslinois and the island.We could have develop our own indsutry(be it fishery,e,g use curiese the second island where coc de mer exist9turn it into a special botanical garden)where we could introduce endemic fspecies be it flora and fauna such as CRAPO;cameleon,etc. that exist in Seychelles but which both many Seychellois have never seen or tourists see thme only of would have been unique thus evne Seychellois would not hesistate to visit9good for the toursim industry an ettraction more and worth paying landing fee to visit.

    In all that the most important hing we must retaint especailly after the econmic crisis Pp creates, is that should Districts have more automony in deciding their economic priority ,the risk of having a whole country banrupted as now will be minimize for it district though would be affected won't be affected in the same way,for each havd developped its own economic startegic with different partners thus making our economic not denendent of a central body,where Seychellois cannot influence enough .In a word,it will avoid us from putting our egges in one baskets.Thus the risk of seeing a repetition of experiencing such a grave economic break down would be minized for each Districts wold have its own capital and account (though i think there would need to be a central monitoring body to control of how money are used thus reduce corruption etc..).

    Jeanne D'Arc

  29. Michel know we donot love him nor Pp thugs.Thus he determination to embezzled tax payers moey to invest in grandios project on Praslin which is a discrimination with the hope Praslinois would lovwe him and give him the kind of protection he and his ilks might need should ther be a people revolution starting on Mahe.The Btûtcher wants to build a safe haven for himslef and ilks her on Praslin hoping Praslinois would love him thus should something happens(Pp is feeling something will happen)he can use Praslinois as scapegoat,sicuide bombers,a shiled of protection for himself.For the Butcher has long been thinking about it,and has feel it coming.there isno a lot of place for dicttors to hide.N Korea,Cuba,Zimbawe still there,but i donot think those dictators also under pressure would want more problem by taking in The butcher in thier country.The only Idctadom left where all dictators run too when in danger to date is Suadi Arabia-Idi Amin was ther,Ben Ali,ExPresident of Yemen,And others.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  30. a shield of protection for his thugocracy.

  31. Morgan does not tell the whole truth to Daily Mail when he said 'We are a former British colony, so our judicial and prison systems were modelled on the UK’s in the past – it’s just that ours had got left behind' He should have said that ours were dismantled by Albert Rene after the Coup d'Etat. The Police and Prison were the two institutions that would have ensured that justice was done had he been brought to court for his involvements in the bombing incidents at the Reef Hotel and Radio Seychelles. His arse was spared by the injudicious Chief Minister Mancham.(First big mistake!) That was his fear and dislike for Police and Prison. For a time, the Prison was a Detention Centre for Political Detainees,and almost empty of crminal inmates, many were made officers in his trusted army. Prison itself has constantly been on the move,from Union vale - Grand Police - Long island and now Montage Posee. Those two institutions suffered under the phobia of a deranged communist,this is why they are inefficient, unprofessional and need to employed foreigners. Another sad chapter in the history of SPUP/SPPF.

  32. And of course tmoney collected at district level ,a percentage of the amount would anually be paid to the central government.And in an economic crisis districts could help bailed out central governemnt,

  33. Morgan,does not say that communism has destroyed all those good instituions the Brit left us and as well as wasting the billion of heavy Pound sterlings Brit. left in our coffers to ensure that Seychelles the country they so loved stay prosperous.Heidid not say that police was converted into a machine of terror to protect the communist system interest and subjugates the mass .

    Jeanne D?Arc


  34. Anonymous said...
    Below is the article from Seychelles Weekly, dated 9 December, the day of the Court of Appeal's infamous judgement in the PDM affair. The Court has since ruled in favour of PDM. With all 3 judges having current or past close or personal connections to the ruling party, it was naive to expect a different ruling.

    This is tragic to our democracy.

    We have been receiving highly credible information that Parti Lepep are reverting to dirty tactics to get David Pierre and the PDM into the National Assembly. Pressure is being exerted on the panel of judges to overrule the decision of the Constitutional Court that ruled against the eligibility of the PDM for a proportional seat in the Assembly based on the results of the boycotted assembly elections.

    In a last ditch attempt to get PDM to the assembly and add some credibility to the single party assembly, the government of James Michel has the support of the Attorney General. Mr Ronny Govinden has shifted his allegiance from the State to connive with government in supporting Parti Lepep, and has distanced himself from the Chairman of the Electoral Commission who has been forced to resort to seeking legal representation from another lawyer. This is tragic to our democracy.

    The most troubling aspect of this sad episode that is being played out lies with the panel of judges of the Court of Appeal. The chairman, Mr Francis MacGregor, himself a former speaker of the Assembly and Central Committee member of Parti Lepep, is still active in his support of the party. Only two weeks back, we published a letter he sent to the Constitutional Appointments Authority where he has attempted to influence their decision in appointing the controversial Judge Domah to the Appeals Court for a second tenure. Judge MacGregor will waste no effort to submit to his political masters in reversing the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

    December 11, 2011 2:42 PM

  35. Even if the get Pierre in the Assembly,waht matters is that the people of Seychelles do not recognized him.MNAs are elcted not appointed which was the case of Pierre.Secondly regardless how hard PP presents him shaking hands with Michel ,this would not legitimized neither his appointed nor his presnts in the Assembl<y. beucase in the end what counts is waht Seychellois the owner of this land think.And what they think so far on Pierre is that he will have to give back all the money he is illegally pocketing as illegal MNA once PP is toppled:And there would be know pardon for criminal who conciously know he is committing a crime on the peole of Seychelles.If he cannot pay back Montagnee Possee would be ready for him.

    That PP raped our justice is normal practice in a ditatorship.The reason why foreign judges were illegally appointed to illegal control our institutions is to ensure our justice system is not independent and all those monkeys like Francis Mcgregor will do all the can to pervert our justice for it allows them to avoid paying for their mountain of crimes committed on the people of Seychelles.But regardless how hard they try,one thing is sure,change is on the offing,no one can stop it for happening.Remeber waht Pp did the last three decades,it did everything to ensure that guns do not get into people's hands,today PP is doing anything and everything to ensure the people of Seycheles do not march.But as recently history shows in Tunisia,Lybia,Egypt,Yemen,soon Syria no one force can ever resist or survive poeple's power.It might take a little while in some cases like in Syria but peoples' victory is inevitable.

    Jeanne DÀrc

  36. Oh! My! I have miss lots of read lately. I shall be back later after I have had a little snooze. Meanwhile get your butt ready because from what I can see here many of you needs to be spank, especially those who cannot ever seems to understand the troubles that our country is facing.

    Some needs to get off their white horses and show respect to those who are working day and night to make some change that this country is desperately crying out for.

    Clair D'Lune*
    SFP supporter.

  37. Clair you lazy bitch, what have you done for SFP lately? You live all the hard work to Jeanne and suddenly you want to tell others to get off their high horse. How about you get off your lazy ass huh!

  38. LAZY ass hummm,
    All Seychellois has a role to play in liberating their land from PP thugs.It is a duty and right which is not limited to Chris,SFP members and supporters, but each individual.Do not try to divide the people on issues that united them.

    Jeanne D'Arc


  40. The vile comments do not break us, they expose you.

    All this back room kitchen talk is fine at arpent vert, but please do not bring this rubbish to this blog.

    I said please.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  41. It is the rennaisance moral taught at NYC.Naecisssists are often vindictive and often stalk and harass.They hold grudges indefinitvely.They rarely forgot and a slight or an insult-real or imaginative.Let PP apologist with his ghetto lingo.Let him keeps bullying himself.Ignore him.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  42. All this back room kitchen talk is fine at arpent vert, but please do not bring this rubbish to this blog.
    October 23, 2012 12:55 PM





























  46. To the person who called me a lazy bitch, check closer to home.Who in heaven's name has been sitting on their lazy butt for all these years doing nothing? WHO?
    Who has been sleeping on duty, while receiving a fat wage at the end of month? WHO?
    What I do or don't do for anyone is my busyness.
    I have a very fair idea who you are, and you know too well that I don't give a damn about you and your nasty attitude. I am not here for you I am here for the love of my country. So to hell with your arrogance.

    Clair D'Lune*

  47. Izako...
    I mean Izak o, bai-de-we, whatever happened to that Chenard inheritance? Did Bernard cough up in the end?
    Donn en Seybrew bougla now that you're in the money?

  48. Zot wi fer ketsoz ker.

    Clair D'lune

  49. A monkey always sees the tail of his mates' never his own.

  50. Hey! No need for that I was only joking!!!

    I'm sorry but you guys should chill out. I'm beginning to see what the other bloggers are talking about!

    Clair D'lune

  51. JPI bez al grat ou boyo wa fer byen!

    Clair D'Lune*

  52. Si ou boyo i grate sa pa ve dir ki pou JPI osi i grate...
    Non-non, sakenn grat son prop boyo.

    kombyen malbar dan land o pe touye aver ou fes sal

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  53. JPI now it is Bernard Georges and your business. We only cam to know about the Chenard through this blog. If it was a private matter, why the hell did you publish it here.

    Ex SNP Supporter now SFP Supporter.


  54. Anonymous said...
    Below is the article from Seychelles Weekly, dated 9 December, the day of the Court of Appeal's infamous judgement in the PDM affair. The Court has since ruled in favour of PDM. With all 3 judges having current or past close or personal connections to the ruling party, it was naive to expect a different ruling.

    This is tragic to our democracy.

    We have been receiving highly credible information that Parti Lepep are reverting to dirty tactics to get David Pierre and the PDM into the National Assembly. Pressure is being exerted on the panel of judges to overrule the decision of the Constitutional Court that ruled against the eligibility of the PDM for a proportional seat in the Assembly based on the results of the boycotted assembly elections.

    In a last ditch attempt to get PDM to the assembly and add some credibility to the single party assembly, the government of James Michel has the support of the Attorney General. Mr Ronny Govinden has shifted his allegiance from the State to connive with government in supporting Parti Lepep, and has distanced himself from the Chairman of the Electoral Commission who has been forced to resort to seeking legal representation from another lawyer. This is tragic to our democracy.

    The most troubling aspect of this sad episode that is being played out lies with the panel of judges of the Court of Appeal. The chairman, Mr Francis MacGregor, himself a former speaker of the Assembly and Central Committee member of Parti Lepep, is still active in his support of the party. Only two weeks back, we published a letter he sent to the Constitutional Appointments Authority where he has attempted to influence their decision in appointing the controversial Judge Domah to the Appeals Court for a second tenure. Judge MacGregor will waste no effort to submit to his political masters in reversing the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

  55. It is a Knagaroo court.Judicairy has never been indepent nor free to operate without the abitration ogf the polite Buro members.Be it Macgregor,Romney,and the rest are the product of Pp,floowed into high position to pervert justice.The ruling of PDM cannot be justify even if PP concocted a court comedy in an attempt to legitimate Pierre illegality in the Assembly.Ruling of a fabricated process to simply justified the unjustifiedable ,And try to legitimized a fraud,does not amke it legal,legitmate because an state control court rule in favor of something illegal ,it would become legal.

    Under,a dictatorship no institutions is independent nor are those appionted in high positions,so the ruling in favor of PDM,a fake politcal aprty should not be a surprise.

    There is an example,of how biased,unindependt our justice system is namely in RAMADOSS v7s Glenny Savy process.While there are hundreds of cases still depending fro years,Ramaddoss/gGlenny case ,which is a recnt case,was brought ot the court weeks after Glenny sued RRammadoss,it show that there is two kind of justice one for the poor and one for the hanful of pp elite who fell previledge and beleive being previldged is something normal.

    Why so many foreigner are illegally controling our institutions,it is for the same reasons,to ensure there is two kind of justice one to protect pp eleite one to sanctioned ordinary Seychellois.

    But it is though primodial that SFP keeps it watch,expose those Kangaroo ruling ,for beneath the rule of man entire great,the pen is mightier than the sword.And you brave Seychellois jouranlists,Human rights advocates are doing more than the sword of Pp cowards can intimidate the people of Seychelles.Your courage is helping bring about the change that our country needs.And this change would take place.Keep exposing pp kangaroo justice.

    Jeanne D'Arc.

  56. Zann ferm ou boyo¨

  57. Dog,Pp Kangaroo court ruling in favor of illegal PDM is a pervertion of is a monckery of justice thus canot be trust nor be recognized.a toal disregard for rule of law,but also our instituions.A disgraceful act against the people who did not elected fake Pierre.MNAS are elected not appointed.Judas regradless of how times SBC shows him and Michel shaking hands,or labeling him as oppostion leader organizing meeting with foreigners (the later probably ignored he was appointed not epected),would never be rocognize as such by Seychellois.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  58. Pissdoff read your holy book than you will see throw reality,nothing to say tir ou figir lo sa blog maron and stoping using your gehtto vokabiler on this blog.

  59. If she turns up at all to see Volcere get hanged and quartered by the regime's obedient judges, will Mathilda be wearing one of her trademark mini-skirts ?

  60. who wants to talk about short skirts, why can't we speak of the prevailing truth.

  61. Truth does not exist nor show it's face on Gill's blogs!
    Truth is barred on here!

  62. This is where you are wrong. Gill risked his life to expose the truth.
    I am 100% on his side. However tomorrow is Ralph Volcere's day and I believe everyone who cares about peace and justice their give their full support to Ralph Volcere.

    SFP Australia

  63. Explain how Gill risked his life and please none of that bullshit about his uncle trying to kill him.

  64. By exposing the dictators and criminal for who they truly are. By knocking every single doors around the globe reporting the cruelty and corruptions.
    Make it your duty to read the blog from time to time, right here you will see his devotion towards our country.

    SFP Australia

  65. More corruption are been brought and promote by foreigners investment in Seychelles with this corrupt regime corruption is getting stingy on the island and worst to come for Seselwa.

  66. These supreme court judges have been humiliated time and time again by the court of appeal judges. Their decisions have been reversed all too often, especially in politically-charged cases. The irony is that the supreme court judges are more experienced than the court of appeal ones. Just look at Twomey who failed to become even a magistrate in Ireland.

    Twomey's complaint is frivolous and a clear abuse of power. Being a two-bit court of appeal judge has clearly gone to her head. The complaint should never have reached the court in the first place, and the court should never have given it the time and seriousness that it has given it.

    Now the duty of the supreme court is clear. Uphold law and order, the constitution and free speech. Crack down on abuse of power by anyone, including court of appeal judges whose decisions are usually met with universal derision even by the political paymasters whom the judges set out to please in the first place.

    Dodin should throw out the case and castigate both Govinden and Twomey for wasting judicial process and time, while real criminal cases go unheard because judges are too busy with political cases. With a bit of luck, Twomey will get the message and return to Ireland for good dragging her drunk brother along.

    But we must not forget that Dodin comes from Parti Lepep, one of those political appointments that have tarnished the independence of the juidiciary. So, we will not be surprised if he gives a political judgement against the opposition. The fight continues.

  67. Does Anybody know what has happened to Pat X, Gary Tall, Leonard Francis Gill, Sang Wong, Derek (State House Anytime Now) Savy etc..Have they all abadoned SFP. Nepli tann Zot

  68. The real US of A. The one we all love dearly!



  69. "Does Anybody know what has happened to Pat X, Gary Tall, Leonard Francis Gill, Sang Wong, Derek (State House Anytime Now) Savy etc..Have they all abadoned SFP. Nepli tann Zot"

    October 24, 2012 5:00 PM

    Pissedoff opened their eyes. He made them see what a bunch of lying good for nothing low-lifes those guys at Doclands are!

  70. Why you want to know were there are?is it your bussinees piss, bez en rob lo ou!not all peoples spend they time like you on computer.Its more important to be on ground than spending most time behind a computer.

  71. Piss your own eyes you cant not open to see what has been going on all those years on the island,you want to open other peoples eyes your are full of shit.

    Sfp supporter

  72. Waiting to see what would happen in the court today. Lets see if they have raised enough money to pay the judge to close the case, or if Ralph will listen to Mathilda's offer?

    There are so many criminals in Seychelles that should be brought to court for judgement, why Ralph Volcere?
    Number one murderer FAR himself, when will they arrest him and asked what he did to Simon and Mike? Ask Berlouis where he hid Françis Monchouguy's body? or may be Berlouis's little weaked witch wife should know, she do know how to use her body to lure those the want to kill in.well this is something for you people to work on, I have already said too much!

    I guess we all have to get used to oppression rouge system.

  73. My class was given a day off to study for the big test tomorrow, because I am ahead of my studies it has given me the chance to catch up of the things that has been happening on this blog.

    ** Anonymous said...
    Explain how Gill risked his life and please none of that bullshit about his uncle trying to kill him.

    October 24, 2012 2:05 PM**

    Mr Gill classifies strength. Strength and truth has always been the heart of SFP. Though they may sound angry at times they are a humble bunch who wants success and justice for our country and people.

    And if I may say so, grave injustice like persecutions of innocent people plus discrimination would not keep on happening if there were more people like Mr Gill. He is indeed courageous for doing what those have preferred to hide under the carpet.

    Furthermore SFP have wisdom and their devotion has brought spotlight to many Seychellois around the world. They delivered what fake opposition has failed to.

    Don’t ever forget that in a country where you are guilty until proven innocent is a country where justice are being miscarriage, hence the failure of success in Seychelles.

    Justice, liberty and freedom are Seychelles Freedom Party common goal and if the people of Seychelles knows what is good for the success of our country “they will do what is right by joining SFP”. Because SFP will not turn away from truth; they will not silence when the people are being victimized and most important of all they do not exchange silence for bribe.

    ** Anonymous said...
    Explain how Gill risked his life and please none of that bullshit about his uncle trying to kill him.

    October 24, 2012 2:05 PM**
    I hope I have answered what my Aunt could not, she is a very busy woman.

    Lisa marie

  74. So the case against Volcere, where Govinden and Twomey were abusing their positions, has descended into a farce. While Dodin finds Volcere guilty, he has only ordered that LNSW publishes an apology in duplicate.

    This is a judgement that is designed to please the Parti Lepep while allowing the judiciary to limit the damage to its reputation.

    Why didn't Twomey take a civil case and ask for an apology in the first place ? Why waste time and the country's resources ? The last year has reminded us that we have too many rotten people in high places, prepared to abuse their position at the drop of a hat because we live in a rotten country.

    If we had a truly independent judiciary, this case would have been thrown out.

    If we were living in a decent country, Twomey and Govinden would not hold responsible positions in public life.

    Today we have a reminder that we live in a rotten country and the rot is widespread.

  75. Govinden should be sacked ! He got together with Twomey to stitch up Ralph Volcere. The idea of the attorney general and a court appeal judge getting together to try to jail a newspaper editor, knowing they can rely on judges for help, is revolting. More disgrace brought to the country. We are now asking the question again -- do we have an independent judiciary ? I think everyone deep down in their hearts know what the answer is.

  76. It is a FARCE. Don't apologise. That would be admitting you were wrong. Pay the fine instead. Take a sak goni with R1 coins (all R10,000 in coins) and take it to them for the fine.

    This looks to me like a political judgement, made at State House. Find the editor guilty but don't make him a martyr by sending him to jail.

    Volcere has exposed weaknesses in the regime. Not bad work.


  77. Below is the article from Seychelles Weekly, dated 9 December, the day of the Court of Appeal's infamous judgement in the PDM affair. The Court has since ruled in favour of PDM. With all 3 judges having current or past close or personal connections to the ruling party, it was naive to expect a different ruling.

    This is tragic to our democracy.

    We have been receiving highly credible information that Parti Lepep are reverting to dirty tactics to get David Pierre and the PDM into the National Assembly. Pressure is being exerted on the panel of judges to overrule the decision of the Constitutional Court that ruled against the eligibility of the PDM for a proportional seat in the Assembly based on the results of the boycotted assembly elections.

    In a last ditch attempt to get PDM to the assembly and add some credibility to the single party assembly, the government of James Michel has the support of the Attorney General. Mr Ronny Govinden has shifted his allegiance from the State to connive with government in supporting Parti Lepep, and has distanced himself from the Chairman of the Electoral Commission who has been forced to resort to seeking legal representation from another lawyer. This is tragic to our democracy.

    The most troubling aspect of this sad episode that is being played out lies with the panel of judges of the Court of Appeal. The chairman, Mr Francis MacGregor, himself a former speaker of the Assembly and Central Committee member of Parti Lepep, is still active in his support of the party. Only two weeks back, we published a letter he sent to the Constitutional Appointments Authority where he has attempted to influence their decision in appointing the controversial Judge Domah to the Appeals Court for a second tenure. Judge MacGregor will waste no effort to submit to his political masters in reversing the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

  78. Ralph Volcere defence team were very weak towards the procecution.
    Appointing Boulle and Derjacques as his counsel is a serious mistake on Volcere's part.Thanks God he did not end up eating bread and water for a few months.

  79. Obama running for a second term has exposed Marc Houareau, owner of Today in Seychelles, as a right wing looney. But also a hypocrite because his paper all too often kow-tows to the Parti Lepep government.

  80. Well said Lisa Marie. Thank you for you support and mature insight.

    I will get Jean Paul Isaac to mail you an SFP t-shirt and ballpen that you will proudly wear when you go on the beach with your Australian friends.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  81. Send it to Lisa Marie Presley.

  82. There was talk of Marc Hoaureau replacing Ramkalawan at SNP. That would have been disastrous.

  83. So, Dodin accepts that Twomey can be influenced and intimidated. Presumably that applies to all judges. But who is influencing and intimidating them ! Certainly not people without power.

  84. Hi Lisa
    I have the pleasure in informing you that your t-shirt and biro is on the way.
    Please send me a picture when you wear it on the beach. I want to see how it flows down your slim curves and the tips of your nipple protruding from it...
    ...sorry I sem to have got a bit carried away there.
    Anyway enjoy wearing your t-shirt.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel pou Seselwa

    Jean Paul Isaac
    Secretary General

  85. You sick bastard Jean Paul Isaac that is supposed to be my niece and she is underaged.

    Clair D'Lune*

  86. Pissdoff liki ou grand mere stop using names of other peoples to write your bullshit which hole did you come out.

  87. Send a t-shirt to Twomey. She can wear it with her mini-skirt as she goes round Victoria.

  88. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. Marc Houareau will support whatever capitalist system that allows him to get filthy rich by whatever means.

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. Sick animals from PL is at it again. Using others people name to write stupid nonsense. Zako zako menm

  92. Marc Hoareau might WIN an election, Ramkalawan has LOST at least 6!!!!!! The opposition needs a FRESH HONEST FACE!!

  93. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  94. It doesn't matter who leads SNP the fact is Christopher Gill will NEVER EVER hold a political office in Seychelles again.
    He had his chance but he got greedy and he blew it!

    By the way thank you for dividing the oppositions...we own you one.

    Your Red Friend.

  95. Ram will never be President of Seychelles and i hope so and we will make sure he dont.

  96. Nobody wants RAM as president. Between RAM and Gill I think it's a tie...but to be fair to RAM, Gill will never get one percent of the votes that RAM got in his tenure as opposition leader!

    The Red Devil

  97. whores are all PL mpthers, whores are in national house, in our court system.

  98. national house is a hole for whores.

  99. Let us also remember that all the SFP hierarchy exist today because their mothers were whores otherwise Christopher would not be. Isaac would not be. Commetant would not be.
    Think about it!
    Who was it that said; don't throw stones if you live in a glass house....?

    The Red Devil

  100. Red devil you guys we will use force to get you communist out Power we are losing to much with foreigners and foreigners will not have place to run and Seychelles airport plane land one time in a mounrh.

  101. There are two types of whore on this island:
    1. those who sells their body on the street to put
    food on the table
    2. and those who sell their bodies for favours and
    Some slaves are worth more that the others but at the end of the day all slaves are chained together.

    Who was it that said; don't throw stones if you live in a glass house....?

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  102. Glad you could separate the two. Now Mr SFP spokeperson plese tell us; which type of whores were the mothers of SFP Heirachy, your No. 1 or No 2?
    Please do tell us as we are waiting to find out as well!

    By the way, your above comment re the slaves have no relevance whatsoever with my previous comment. Maybe you should stop smoking that shit before you come on here. I can put in a good word for you with Ti Johnny-Le-Gay and he can give you some good stuff, home grown from his kouzen Commentant!
    The Red Devil

  103. Marc Houareau is too right wing, capitalist and opportunistic to lead the opposition.

  104. It was Gustave Dodin the Parti Lepep politician and not the independent judge that spoke today.

    But even Twomey will be disappointed with the decision. She is a big loser.

    Last December, she wanted Volcere jailed there and then for having the audacity to question her disgusting conditions of employment. It is unbelievable that she could have been influenced by an article in Seychelles Weekly which, let's be frank, she had not even read before delivering a judgement which could only have been decided in State House.

    Dodin has gone to great lengths to avoid jailing Volcere. He has asked Volcere to apologise. Failing that Volcere must pay R10,000. Failing that he will send someone to seize Volcere's goods to the value of R10,000. What a joke !

    Meanwhile the judgement effectively says that Twomey is unfit to be a judge. She cannot concentrate on the facts of the case before her. No one must a word while she "thinks" about the case. What a joke !

    Parti Lepep avoided sending an opposition editor to jail. It will look bad on Michel's application for Mo Ibrahim prize. With both Faure and Rene agitating for Michel's resignation and handover, it looks like the JJ Spirit Foundation will be submitting the application a lot sooner than we think.

    Other editors may be cowed by this judgement. But Volcere has come out fighting. Don't expect an apology.

  105. Here's an idea. I say that mathilda twomey puts on her sexiest mini-skirt (I know she has a few) and pays a visit to Volcere.

    Volcere will play "Apologize" by Timbaland.

    You never know, one thing could lead to another. Stranger things have happened in this country.

    Here's the lyrics.


    I'm holding on your rope
    Got me ten feet off the ground
    And I'm hearing what you say
    But I just can't make a sound
    You tell me that you need me
    Then you go and cut me down
    But wait...
    You tell me that you're sorry
    Didn't think I'd turn around and say..

    That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

    I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
    And I need you like a heart needs a beat
    (But that's nothing new)
    Yeah yeah

    I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
    And you say
    Sorry like the Angel Heaven let me think was you,
    But I'm afraid

    It's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
    Woahooo woah

    It's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
    I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
    I said it's too late to apologize, yeah

    I'm holding on your rope
    Got me ten feet off the ground...

  106. A victory for Ralph Volcere. There was no way this kangaroo court was going to find him not guilty. They have form. The fact that they have not sent him to jail -- which I am sure Ralph Volcere would have preferred -- shows that Parti Lepep knows that there is a limit to how far they can push people like Volcere before the real revolution is unleashed.

    The apology is ridiculous. As Volcere says, apologise for what and to whom.

    Don't even appeal, unless he really wants to go to jail. The goons there are waiting for him to appeal.

    Let them come and take R10,000 worth of stuff.

  107. Ralph Volcere -- apologies not on the cards.

  108. I can't believe I just heard Govinden say that the press must protect state institutions from scandals -- by not writing about these scandals.

    What is SCANDALOUS is a judge conniving with the attorney general to jail an opposition editor.

  109. Poor Mathilda Twomey. She has made herself the object of ridicule.

  110. The day Albert Rene and James Michel confess to the murder of Simon Denouse and tell us where Francis Monchouguy is buried and the day they apologies for several murder of innocent people this will be the day that we will apologies for exposing truth.

    Zot ou le dir mwan tu sa bann zonm sesel ensent? fer ket sos ek zot lekor pas bon pu la sante sa, demen zot mor vent a besoin kupe pu fernm sekeil.

  111. The judges seemed to have wanted to concoct a blalance verdict in order to polish the tarnished instittution image as well as their own credibility.But,as they have again demonstrated the judidicary cannot be indpenednet under a dictastorship.

    The judges wihle rocognized,critized Matlida's scandale and literally portraited her as loooking more as a protitutte than a judge representing an public insitution.However,for whatever ,reasons,these same judges decided to sanctioned voclere for alerting the public opinion of a public scandale,which in fact he was doing his civic duty as a citizen.

    Voclere was asked to pay Sr10 thousand rupees for the court cost, and excuse himself for exercising his duty and right as a citizen.

    Which planet are we?Absurb-istan!

    jeanne D'Arc

  112. It is not warming up to anyone. Have you ever heard of the word democracy?

    SFP Australia

  113. Democracy is just a byword at SFP - they don't practice it!

  114. SNP,Pp have never pratcice it seen years just a bag of sucker in Seychelles politic letting his peoples suffer under a brutal regime.

  115. Pissy
    Democracy, SFp practices it on a daily basis,debating with supporters and opposition apologists like you is called freedom of expression which is entails in democracy not the system you supported dictatorship.Asking for fair and free elections,independent judiciary,independent Electoral Commission,etc... these are all to be found in democracy not dictatorship,if we did not practice democracy we would not have asked for refroms,and all the above only achievable in democracy.

    Grow up Booby!

    Jeanne D'Arc

  116. From Dp officer

    Voclere actions so far needed to be criticized for they help PP survival.Supporting Him in this court case,whereby he is wrongly been accused and asked to pay SR 10 thousands to cover the court cost ,is simply rediculous.We supporting Him as an ordinary Citizen , victim of Pp biased and arbitary justice. Just as any other citizen would have been victim of PP kangaroo justice.

    Jeanne D'arc

  117. If Volcere decides to apologize for telling the truth then everything else that he published in the future could be easily discredited and have less and less effects on his readers. We should all encourage him to take this bout to the next level regardless of what our dogma is.


  118. Voters fraud in the USA

    Texas threatens to arrest international monitors sent to watch US election

  119. US problem is not our problem we have enough shit going on in Seychelles, watch in your back yard first.
    Volcer must not apologize a group of crimanls.

  120. If he doesn't he will be in contempt of court!

  121. Voclere should in any case apologize for being the whistleblower for a scandale committed by a Pp judge.Apologizing means he is giulty--He must allow Communsits to do waht the use to do namely turn the victim into the culprit.The culprit is Maltida,recognized,critized by the same jduges who now want to sanctioned Voclere for doing his civic duty.

    One more thing i want to say,i regard to IMF.Carol Baker was praising PP rogue govt for its supposed success.Note that this time around while IMF parrot C.Baker was praising PP she did not provide a single offical figure as IMF use to do and a common practice at IMF.The reason She did not give figures is because they are bad, things have worsen.And the identication that things are worsening is when tC Baker said" We came to discuss the negative economic issues coming up next year".I
    The afrcan Lady i do not know if sghe ignorant like Michel or eas paid to say,That Michel an idiot,role in briging peace in the region.
    Well ,first,there is a politcal conflict in Madagascar,not a war.Apart from Madagascar there is no war in the indain region.So that role Michel is supposedl<y paly for peace in the region when there is no war.Peace takes place when there is a war .

    Secondly,it s absurb to hear,CEMESA representative talking about peace,securtiy when The organization has never been able to deliver in regard to peace and security in Africa.

    -Seychelles attack by somali priates,COMESA or AU could not provide a single raft to help Seychelles in its fight.
    -The actual Rwandan Dictator is violating Congo territory,COMESA ,AU cannot stop him.

    Islamic terrorists are invading and aneexing Mali,COMESA and AU are fialing to take yction.
    There is a famine hitting aprt of Kenya,AU can not avoid it,And the list is endless,so what the hell is this Lady talking about?

    jeanne D'Arc

  122. Note that Mo Ibrahim african index of goveranace for this year 2012, goes not to PP rogue govt as Nation/Pp wants to tell us,but to Sierra Leone.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  123. Voclere case ,was PP conducting ad search and destroy mission to wipe or at least ,intimidate the free press for Exposing PP keltocrats.Pp court wanted to not only intimidate Voclere threaten him with jail sentnece:The threat to snetence him was an attempt to give us the impression that Voclere could ahve been jailed, the in fact the hopes of Pp by giving the impression Voclere could have been jauiled is to intimidate others or at least hope they would ease their exposure on PP.
    Michel ike all other depraved dictators preceding his fears and laothes the independent press more than anything.Like Emperor Napoleon expressed his deepest fear of the press when he said"Four hostiles newpapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets"In Seychelles that could be translated "one journalist is to be feared than thousands of soldiers.The power of the free press are such a fearful instrument for dictators that they must constantly try to intimidate juornalists to reduce their own fears.

    Jeanne DÂrc

  124. True but how come Pp doesn't persecute you for all these "truths" you come up with everyday just like that guy said on the other page? You guys have done and said more than enough to be made to qualify to be made to dissapear?

  125. Interesting comments from Peace Maker, I am waiting patiently for an answer from both Christopher and Wavel, should be interesting.

  126. Peace Maker, uncle to Lisa Marie...
    Gill o, ase fer liki ek dimounn don! Pou ki ou pran nou liki ou manman. How fucking dare you patronize us like this?

    Peace Maker, SFP Australia, SPF Timbakfuckingtu...all are CHRISTOPHER GILL and his twisted state of mind.

    Now when Ramkalawan exposes you to the Seychellois people you shit yourself and bring on a PEACE MAKER FROM AUSTRALIA...WHO COINCIDENTALLY HAPPENS TO BE LISA MARIE'S UNCLE?

    Gill O, pran en vaper, al ros mamelles e bez sot dan kanal wa fer byen bez ou manman malediksyon!

    Pissedoff ki RED RED RED!

  127. Pissedoff
    We have been seeing The butcher self-proclaiming himslef as Africa's chief -of -Peacemarkers for the Indian Ocean region,while there is no War in the Indain Ocean,maybe he was dreaming of embezzling MO Ibrahim Money,it did not work.we also seeing Mancham preaching about peace ,maybe he could not accept that the Butcehr is kidnapping attention for him.
    The people of Seychelles is awating democratic change rgiht here in their land and want their leaders to care of their problem,the countzry for there is enough mess created by Pp to fix up not an idiot like the Butcher wasting their money promoting himself as Blue Helmet chief officer for Africa.
    It seem that African after trying to disguise thmeslves as democrats,have find a new field to abuse that as peacemakers-Charles Taylor in his last stand at the Haag proclaimed that he was in fact a peacemaker for Liberia,just as ex-dictator HABRE of Chad think to.Or could it be that all the wind of change blowing over part of Africa scaring The butcher to death that make him disguise as peacemaker?

    Jeanne D'arc

  128. It seem that African dictators



    Source: ~Grapevine~

  130. Psst! What happened to the boycott? I guess you are now back to misleading the people. Shame on you!

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  131. Actually as leader of the SFP I just received a letter from Mr. Gappy secretary via email asking why we do not attend the Election Reform as SNP and PDM DP to give credibility to the process that proceeds as a flawed process.

    We have of course, cited our reasons and wait for Mr. Gappy's reasonable reply.

    As I said, any peep out of the meek fake opposition SNP they are done in.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  132. Post Mr Gappy's email on here for us to see.

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