If anyone has spent too much time on
government of Seychelles budget, living off the magical budgets of the state
without delivering clear serious results, it is the Attorney General Mr. Ronny
Let's start with basics. Every
office has to be orderly. Files have to be in the right place, and they have to
be filed. Computers and printers that do not work, need to be fixed or sent out
for parts. They cannot be stacked against the wall in an Attorney General's
Office. I had one meeting at that office last year, and I was shocked to see
files piled up high like mangoes on a table for sale along Roche Ciaman. For a
legal professional office, it is simply disgraceful, and there is no excuse.
Anytime a Attorney General has an excuse for something, it means he or she is
taking the job too easy, and enjoying the sense of the power of the office too
much. It is unacceptable.
Let's take an example. The Attorney
General turned up for the Electoral Reform Round Table once, attended a morning
session, then he left and never came back again. If the Attorney General does
not take this exercise seriously, and if he does not see the need for his
leadership in this exercise, how serious is the exercise in the first place? In
the past, when we drafted constitutions and political arrangements, the
Attorney General's were always present, and took the issues head on.
Let's cite an example of Abuse of
Power, just one, but there are likely many. The People vs. Jean Paul Isaac (criminal).
In this case, Mr. Govinden's office decided it was going to prosecute the
Secretary General of the Seychelles Freedom Party (SFP) and seek 12 months
imprisonment for a beating he received, while in Police custody in 2010. The
case was filed out of time by Mr. Govinden's office , beyond the time
limitation bar.
(191. Except where a longer time is specially allowed by
law, no offence, the maximum punishment for which does not exceed imprisonment for six months and/or a fine of five hundred rupees shall be triable by the Supreme Court in its summary Jurisdiction
or the Magistrates' Court, unless the charge or complaint
relating to it is laid within twelve months from the time when the matter of
charge or complaint arose.)
No Attorney General in the civilized world would file a
criminal case out of time. The fact that the case was in deed filed out of
time, shows that the Attorney General's office has become bias, and selectively
prosecutes opponents. Another case that is bringing not dis-similar shame to
the Michel Administration, is the case of Ralph Volcere.
Let's look at the international
obligations front. Mr. Govinden has enough money to travel and attend Attorney
General conferences around the world every year. But he complains that he does
not have resources to file country reports under international obligations
concerning Human Rights in Seychelles. It is a disgrace that shames the Michel
Administration. In the age of I-pads, 5th generation I phones, country reports
could be compiled as the abuse case rises.

Gone are the days when we need files
and files of hard copy documents to file a country report. In spite of that,
that did not prevent the PL from fooling the UNDP to fund money to prepare a
country report. But Seychelles under Mr. Govinden was late as usual, and is yet
to file a country report on human rights.
I wonder what the excuse is
this time Ronny?
The bottom line is that there is nothing
that can whip our Attorney General into legal shape faster then a career in the
private sector. I suggest that Mr. President Michel do us all a kind favor,
the world, all Seychellois, even the Attorney General ' Annual Conference held
around the world every year, send Mr. Govinden into the private sector to
lawyer about, so he can become the real best lawyer Seychelles has ever had.
You will be doing him a great favor, he will thank you in the long run.
If in a small country of 88 thousands population an Atterney Genral does not have time to do the job he is paid to d then what would an Indain or Chinese Attornney generals say (they who have the two largest popualtion in the world?Or died Ronyy never understood his duty or was he badly trained in law?Whatever the reason he biasedly represent Pp rogue governemnt and not the interests of the country as we all remember in the illegal seel out of land to Khalifa or when Khalifa wanted to build a MOsuqe in a Christian Naval base he was there not to defend Seychellois interests but to authority pp conspiracy.
ReplyDeleteWould he be successful in private SECTOR ?i doubt it, taking in consideration of all those young ,dynamic and well .qualified lawyers we have today who stidied in the best Universities in western world unlike RONNY who got a degree in Mauritius and never had any practical experience at all.I propose thatPp offers him a job as MILLER at the ungly,unefficient wind turbines farmer at Victoria harbour.
Thing will always fall part as long as PP in on power .The first step toward betterment will be to deal with the roots of the problem which is PP regime.
Jeanne D'Arc
The Attorney General is there to advise the Government on legal issues.His job does not constitute to bring private prosecutions against individuals,like in the case of Jean Paul Isaac.A waste of space and money.
ReplyDeleteRONNY you have failed to deliver then the best and honroable thing to do is simly give your demission and let the job for professionals .
ReplyDeleteFor your own honor, please do not wait for the Butcher to publicly sack you thus udermine your already damaged reputation.Do it voluntarily it will spare you from shame.You are simply not qualified enough,and indelendent enoug fo such an important task.Go my little lad,go find another life.FAR needs more Seychellois workers on his mango farm in Australia,now that Pissedoff has left.Dugasse is already there he needs reinforcement. go for it .
Jeanne DÂrc
The justice system must be the main pillar of any democratic society. As such it should always aim to be above reproach, without blemish. Although I am not privy to have observed the mismanagement of the AG's office (as alleged). the Article 191 quoted above is very clear and without any ambiguity. For the AG not to have been able to interprete this article correctly and do what is required of his office, is gross negligent and unpardonable. The AG, however, is entitled to give his explanation as to why his office is badly managed.
ReplyDeleteSimilarly, I was shocked to read in our NATION last week that a young man who had commited the crime of breaking into a private property in 2007, was only brought to court,last week and was sentenced to 6 months jail. Almost 7 years since the crime of a relatively minor crime. Disgraceful in a civilized society.
Who is responsible for this?
ReplyDeletealmost 6 years (not 7 as quoted)
I support Ronny going into private practice and a lot of business people will support him.
ReplyDeleteGo for it Ronny, the World is your Oyster.
Article 165 (1)(2) (a) Attorney General can be removed for ...inability to perform his functions.
ReplyDeleteHe cannot file a case in time and files them out of time. That is inability to perform his functions.
He cannot file a single country report on Human Rights, Seychelles is obligated to file for past 19 years. That is inability to perform his functions.
He cannot remove broken printers and broken computer from the office, nor insure there is orderly administration of the AG office.
That is inability to perform his functions under Article .
He could not attend the Electoral Reform Round Table, a function he had to perform.
The mess in his office typifies his personality and explains his incompetency to do his job.
ReplyDeleteWhen Pp appointed this amateur to the highest legal office in the land,back them there was already questions among legal profeesionals of his competency.They bleived that Pp was appointing a child in stead of an adult to a postion that he was obviously to immature to handle. and they were right.
No one seems to have confidence in AG not even his own shadow therefore he should give his immediate demmisiion and that unconditionally ,he can ask Mathilda to acomapany him too.
jeanne D'Arc
We are exposing the AG on a poor job record, and SNPL is giving us Tuesday noon for something.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder, they are so pathetic.
I thank the 1500 viewers today.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletePageviews now 137069.
October 5, 2012 4:11 PM
Pageviews today 138125
Gill, stop lying. There have been 1056 views since Friday, over 3 days ago.
The BOYCOTT is biting. People are staying away because the discussion is non-existent. No one reads what Isaac posts.
ReplyDeletethe page views look real good to us.
Keep it up.
Pathetic SNPL Leader
ReplyDeleteYour people are staying away because your people are faced with utter shame, disgrace, under your leadership.
They expect you to be serious, and answer questions put to you as a Public Figure, to make them look good for supporting you; make them proud for supporting you. Instead you bring them shame and disgrace.
Instead, you worm in and out of with these different personalities act smart by taking people for fools. It's all you, only you. That is why people do not comment.
The Seychellois people are not fools.
You surround yourself with crooks. They do your bidding.We expose that no different from when we expose PL crooks. At SFP, a crook is a crook no matter what party he is from.No crook should be in government nor should any crook aspire to be in government- crook!
When honest people like myself, Isaac, and others in Freedom Party confront you, you call us names. You curse our mothers, you call us gay, you call us lesbians, as if it bothers us.
You can call us all the names you want, it will never change who you are: 1. Brother of Zomn Lib, 2. EX-Paid Informant, 3. Pensioned opposition leader( pensioned by your own opponent [sic] ), 4. you are a disgrace to the Protestant Church, that needs no further mention, but it explains why the Church suffers from loss of support tremendously in recent times.It's not the Bishops that cause the loss of flock it is you and Bernard Georges, that grand crook of all crooks, I say.
I can go on in details, but I will spare your family the aggravation under your tutelage of deception.I will keep the details to myself, as I am still, in spite of having to engage in debate with something like you, a gentleman.
Stop wasting our time at SFP , sell out! You have been caught red handed under your green cover up, now go on your merry way, and let us do the work that has to be done to bring change to our beloved motherland Seychelles.
Mitt Romney will cancel Big Bird's salary, I am going to cut your silly pensions for life! So I suggest you find a real job, pathetic.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
The AG has to go.
Why lie about viewings on this blog ? Didn't you expect to get caught out ? That's pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThere is no lie Pathetic, it is there for everyone to read and track.
ReplyDeleteOur comments are estimates, they are accurate enough.
For someone that bathes in lies, colognes in lies, spreads lie butter cream over himself, you really stretch yourself to call me a liar.
Pathetic beyond belief.
Does'nt any one in your Pathetic party ever tell you to just shut up, so you stop damaging yourself?
Is SNP full of cowards to that extent where they let you do whatever you want even if you are killing their party?
If so, by all means keep those bearers of silence right next to you.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Denis Wiehe is kidding himself if he thinks he has any moral authority and can tell me how to live my life.
ReplyDelete1056 views since friday is brilliant.Better than the SNP website where they get 5 views per day.
ReplyDeleteWell done SFP.Keep up the good work!
1056,that is more copies of le Seychellois sold every week.Another mouthpiece of SNP.
ReplyDeleteThank explains the boyo cot. Thank you brother SFP!
Pathetic SNPL the day is not over yet.
ReplyDeleteWe will have 1,500 soon enough.
How many times a day do you make your la sainte clique click on the page?
ReplyDeleteYou employ one just for that, non?
What Ronny Govinden to go private! It cannot be! he will have no client and will starve out there. Better for him to keep milking the AG job as long as he can. We do not want to increase the list of Social Security recipients, do we? The guy is an idiot and pompous at the same time, I would not hire him as a junior lawyer in my law firm.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHow many times a day do you make your la sainte clique click on the page?
You employ one just for that, non?
Jp give this dog a bone then he can stop barking!
ReplyDeletePiss this Q you can ask your self first i think you are the one all day on this blog.SFP are on the ground doing every thing that fake political party have not done in the past 35 years
Ronny is going to invest Turkey,Cheng lenn,Dugass are already in Australia investing with IMF bail out and Seselwa tax money and money of our land island they have sold to foreigners.
Some people here are so Petit, me and all my school mates cannot help laughing. We are from 14 to 16 years, yet we have lots more common sense than you. GROW UP STOOGES!
ReplyDeleteMe and my mates are coming to Seychelles to teach losers fro PL and all fake opposition a few things.
We will walk the street with our posters, we will fill the air will be filled with our voice, we will march, we will scream teaching you fools how to a demonstration of freedom and liberty. If not we are planning for rotten eggs to be thrown at this lack of taste monument they call zonm libe.
Rony's fat guts is full of killer farts, one of his farts can kill a nation. watch out for that fat ugly stooges, he cannot be trusted with girls under age.
ReplyDeleteRonny incarnates the regime incompentency.This guy was appointed in a position which he has no knowlegde of, never understood his duty,power,responsible and limits.The failure of the his department typifies his imcompetency.He does not have sufficient brain and ability to even run a welk stall.That he he was given a task of which is ignorant of so indicates that the person who appointed him is as much incompetent as Ronny.
ReplyDeleteRonny should be immediately fired!
jeanne D'Arc
Reply to second comment-
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the AG office did bring a case against Jean Paul Isaac seeking imprisonment of the Seychelles Freedom Party Secretary General. So it has used a public office, for a private prosecution, particularly, since the case filed was out of time and barred in the first place.
We should file another human rights violation on this as well.
"Rony's fat guts is full of killer farts, one of his farts can kill a nation. watch out for that fat ugly stooges, he cannot be trusted with girls under age." October 9, 2012 2:39 AM
ReplyDeleteGILL are you having a laugh?
You are laughing at Ronny's guts when you have to drag your from the floor, zot o!
Underaged girls? Who else but you and Isaac download semi nude pictures of underaged girls on here?
Who else but you and Isaac invents support from underaged girls from accross the world?
ReplyDeleteThere had been rport from USA state dept. acusing Pp thugs being involved in sex trade and SFp as well as other non governemental press have reported on it.We have seen MAnooinvovled in indesent act,Francis larue too.In a word it seems Pp thugs have an appetite for raping under age girls.I say raping, for i can no imagine that under age will sleep will old perserve guys vonlutarily.
So do not try to put the blame on others.Take your responsibiblity and most importantly stop abusing Humanity.
As Chirs says,we must write another letter to Human rights organization on this abuse of power by Ronny as well as that of police abuse on Marcus Botsoie.
And Pissedoff,it is high time you get your derailed thought on track else i see you entering LAZIL before Xmas.
Note that down Pissy.
No savior will ever come from within the bowels of this rotten system.A closed and archaic system is fundamentally unable to transformion and self-transformation and can only produce a vicious circle of decline,exerably leading to exhaussion of resources as Pp has bravely demonstrated for the last thirty-five years .Like one of my schools teachers used to say"if you leave rotten meat out,expect maggots".That is how the whole wretched system looks.
No need to prop up what is broken and can never be fixed8from within).
Jeanne D'Arc
I was just put on guard yesterday that Ronny Govinden has said that he will not make the same mistake again when it comes to cases against me, and that he is waiting for me to make a slip up desperately.
ReplyDeleteRonny can continue waiting as time will catch up with him way before i slip!!
Pissed off-
ReplyDeletePiss off!
• Situation from 1987 to December 2011
ReplyDelete• Cumulatively, as of December 2011, there have been 502 PLHIV reported of whom 58% (290) males
and 42% (212) females. Currently, there are 323 (182 males and 141 females) PLHIV, representing
56% males and 44% females. A cumulative 162 clients (87 males and 75 females) have been started
on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) to date10.
• Table 3: Cumulative data from 1987 to December 2011 (Source: CDCU, 2011)
• Local Situation from 1987 to December 2011 (Cumulative data)
• PLHIV 502 (290M / 212F)
• PLHIV having developed AIDS 230 (141M / 89F)
• Deaths 94 (58M / 36F)
• HIV Positive Pregnancies 82
• Living with HIV/AIDS 323 (182 M / 141F)
• Clients on HAART 162 (87M / 75F)
• Left Seychelles 85 (51M / 34F)
seselois arete pitin
ReplyDeleteSNP pathetic aret bez fer mwan riye.
ReplyDeleteZot pa kapab kre zot prop blog internet zot vinn lo pou gill pou gele, why don't you try that with james michel boycott sa saler pou lavi boycott sa pansyon boycott later vole par bernard george, kaple dan fes ek zennmanrmay par sandy arisol ek anthony derjaques.
why did you not boycott parti lepep giving you money for the 3rd october beating?? Senp akoz ou ti lev kalele ek en fanm gard e i ti bez ou. Can you believe they paid you thousands for indecent instigation in public. Where is the morale wavel??
another is this isaac character he gets sued for standing for people and exposing the truth and you dare compare your shit to him.~
Brother and sister i laugh at wavel when i here him say le trwa oktob pa pou repet ankor yet marcus botsoi in sirbir pli gran beze and no compensation as there news paper said.
Kwa ki snpl pou fer pa ariv ankor, apart ki vre sanzman pou tou seselwa??
Reply to last comment-
ReplyDeletethey do not boycott misel because they get money from him.
2.47 Pm
ReplyDeleteyou missed the miilions or billions stolen from the people since four decades.
Thank you SFP for all you have done to open our eyes and work to move Seychelles in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteIgnore these people that just use dirty words to attack you. It just shows you what they are made of, very little.
Absolute garbage...which revolution? Cuba or North Korea?
ReplyDeleteAre these real people from over here in Seychelles? Which school did they go to?
Danny represent you, so, his failures are your failures. Alors, dil avek!
St Ange receving award for what!many hotels are empty in Seychelles, award for destroying our tourisum industry.
ReplyDeleteSfp supporter.
The award was for hosting routes Africa and using E-Turbo for press releases.
ReplyDeleteLittle did they realize that St. Ange e turbo's everything, so the 65,000 addresses put a spam block on Seychelles articles.
A SFP Supporter,
Hello Jeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind me I am just a young viewer who likes surfing the net occasionally and your friend Lisa Marie who happens to be my school mate introduced me to your interesting website. I have been intrigued by the many comments I've read on here.
If you don't mind can I ask you why you call the Seychelles people dogs, donkeys, idiots etc?
As someone who is trying to win people over to your side and your way of thinking shouldn't you be setting a good example?
I mean, the politicians here in Australia, no matter how bad they get it from the public they still maintain their cool and behave in a dignified manner. They never publicly insult anyone. Just check their blogs and see for your self.
Even Lisa Marie is upset by your language because that is not the way she has been brought up and she believed in you so strongly.
Anyway I'd better go on facebook for a little while before I go to bed.
ReplyDeleteOur father who art in heaven, hollowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive GILL and ISAAQ who trespass against us and lead us not into the temptation of blogging on Seychelles Reality but to REMEMBER TO BOYCOTT THEM and deliver us from SFP’s evil AMEN.
how about the ticks who art in your ass , and how about the bribes who art on your account does that count or not. How about you stop using the name of the Lord to blind us from seeing your true colours. Fada share the bribe to the poor so that you don't burn from the fire of hell.
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