Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why Parti Lepep Keeps Power And Seychelles Never Sees Change!

Profiling these politicians:

Ralph Volcere:

Editor of Le Nouveau Seychelles Weekly and Leader of the New Democratic Party, this guy is known for his loud voice and big promises, several Seychellois claims that Volcere is a rogue and brute they even say he talks ruff to his supporters and staffs even sacked his secretary general George Bibi by changing the locks on his door at his office Mont Fleuri. Volcere hires temporary help from loads of Corgate estate make an easy and quick buck guys or girl that would clean paint or carry things for him. Volcere is a dear friend to Dr. Ramadoss even to the point of financial assistance, he even claimed in public he took money from the guy to keep his political party and paper functional.

Volcere's family dwells in England and his kids the ones that he tells people of are sent to England schools with all expenses paid for and can even afford expensive holiday trips to and from the Seychelles. Volcere wants to be president!

Philippe boulle:

Philippe is a lawyer and businessman just another soldier of fortune that claims that laws of Seychelles is being disrespected when they sell off land to foreigners or do not follow proper procedure to naturalize foreigners. Though for 18 years he did not raise this point today he did and despite that he has been a lawyer throughout. Boulle 's offshore company is said to profit more from foreigners inputs such as example in the plantation club case where the saudi Arabs are now proprietor and some of these Saudi are holding seychellois passports. He has not contested one of his friends and clients. He also wants to be president!

Wavel Ramkalawan:

Ramkalawan leader of the SNP and Preacher man is of an SPUP family father Bethew Ramkalawan the builder of zonm lib after Pauline Ferraris designed it a monument adored by PL and mother EVA former candidate of the SPUP for st louis and activist and finally Wavel himself faithful son allege to be paid informant to Berlouis former minister of defense leading to so many miss fortunes for a lot from the MPR time.

Wavel the spitting image of zonm lib is now a lifetime pensioner with his whole crew after voting his own salary and perk in the national assembly, he is also a wealthy business owner many lands and assets with shares in businesses, he has many vehicles and a massive green house at st louis where he stays and is still claiming to be the real leader of opposition in terms of defacto. Ramkalawan Wants to be president!

David Pierre

David Pierre a former teacher and SNP executive member said to resigned from snp and formed his own political party within seven days under the same regime he opposed alongside ramkalawan. Pierre also voted on the lifetime pension and salary during his time in the assembly with the snp crew. Today Pierre is very well known for his assets and his post as leader of opposition given to him by a court ruling in the court of appeals after an all out boycott by the other political parties. Pierre has many assets and perks as Ramkalawan did and voted in for himself as well as his lifetime pension. His motives are not clear but he wants to be president!



  1. Hey JP how about yours and Christopher Gills credentials


  3. This article is contributed not written by us.

    But it makes sense.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  4. Not written by you?
    Tell us where you got it so that I can go and get a copy for myself.

    This has the hallmark of Jean Paul Isaac. Badly written with grammatical assasination and bad spellings i.e. "miss fortunes"
    Did you mean "Miss Lafortune" or "misfortune"
    Nobody in Seychelles writes like that except Jean Paul Isaac. That's what you get when you do those online courses run by Vietnamese - They teach you to fly a kite and award you a Jet Fighter pilot license. I dread you getting your Neuro-surgery diploma...

  5. Anonymous said...

    Not written by you?
    Tell us where you got it so that I can go and get a copy for myself.

    This has the hallmark of Jean Paul Isaac. Badly written with grammatical assasination and bad spellings i.e. "miss fortunes"
    Did you mean "Miss Lafortune" or "misfortune"
    Nobody in Seychelles writes like that except Jean Paul Isaac. That's what you get when you do those online courses run by Vietnamese - They teach you to fly a kite and award you a Jet Fighter pilot license. I dread you getting your Neuro-surgery diploma...


    E ou la ...a coz ou pa al bez plant banan!

  6. Akoz mon ankor pem esper mon lapel lanmans ver sorti kot pissedoff!

  7. Shut your fucking mouth when you dont have no thing to say donkey you just like old machine working on one cylinder, you better watch Asia terorist dont put a bom da fes in the near future kabo la po piss.

  8. Shut your fucking mouth when you dont have no thing to say donkey you just like old machine working on one cylinder, you better watch Asia terorist dont put a bom da fes in the near future kabo la po piss.



  9. Ti Johnny-le-gay akoz ou pa al fer orgy avek ou dalon Mikrokaka laba dan biro SFP Timbaktu ek bann Timbaktutounn?

  10. Akoz mon bizi pe plant mon gro banane dan plato ou fanm. Me pa i gou!

    October 30, 2012 6:07 PM


  11. Whoever decided to contribute this article is an idiot. Tell us something of substance and please write proper english.

  12. Funny enough his return coincided with the sentencing of his brother for land fraud in Guam and his sudden return to riches. No longer a tranper kazye. Now a self proclaimed Hotelier. The wooden chalets previously rented out as houses now hotel bungalows. He uses this new title of hotelier as a reason to join SHTA becoming a comitee member where 1 member even considered him a waste of space. He now claims to be Seychelles saviour and thinks he has the sollution to everything and no one in Seychelles can match his intelligence. He is a genius and all seychellois that disagree with him are low life idiots. How long until he reverts back to lepep. With a loan of 3 million in arrears and money still owed to VCS his debts are climbing. Even his wanna be neuro surgeon side kick wont be able to mend his brain when it goes in to breakdown mode.

  13. Pou fer byen dan lavi nou bezwen annan konfidans
    pou nou eksele nou bezwen annan arogans!
    Si sakenn i gard son arogans andan son expertiz,
    e, pou napa lager. An efe, mwan mon napa okenn laraz ek sa. Mon bezwen donn respe kote respe i merite!

    lo kote Gill, i pe zis dir keksoz ki bann intelektyel dan sesel pa ose koze dan piblik pagra zot a ofans swa zot zanmi oswa zot BOS. par ekzamp, li i pa per pou li koze pagra y'a perdi son bouse manze. i napa sa lafreyer ki nou nou annan. I lo menm level ek bann Ramka, Volcere ek lezot seselwa kin kalifye pou kre en party politik.

    Mon asire ki y'annan plisyer size ki petet mon pa tonmb dakor ek Gill; Sa pa drol, akoz sakenn de nou i bezwen annan son prop ketsyon e parfwa en semp repons i sifizan pou fer balanse en rezon. Mon kwa Gill inn fer kler akoz i pann reste dan sa bann kalite party. Noun touzour apresye lir son bann lartik nenport kote ki i ganny piblye. Nou annan en gran respe pou son vsyon e nou bezwen ankouraz li pou kontiyen devyal bann sekre ki permet bann elite kontiyen sis laser seselwa.

    Eski ou kwar ki Gill i vantar dan vid? Montre ou figir avek ou lakizasyon e les nou desid pou noumenm. Si non! Met en bouson ladan. Dir sa kote mon pa tande!

    Zot ti touy Gerard ler zot ti konpletman detri sports dan sesel ek zot zoning; Sa ti zot revanz pou revolt etidyan kont NYS. Zot pa pe pans detri pti hotelye pou esey detri Gill. Non? I hope not!

    Mon pa pou demande lekel ki ti pe fer kwa sa zour akoz sa in pi lo bazar!


  14. Adendum kom dir li mem;

    I pou zis la pe touzour grind son masinn ek son pti zako lo son zepol!

    Pa i vre Izaaq?

  15. The Three President and counterfeit oppsition political leaders have nothing to offer this country.It is clear though RAM;Volcere and Boulle try to present themslves as our saviors that their parites are affiliated and satellites fo PP rogue regime.Their aprticiaption is elections are just to escort and give legitimacy to PP in the eyes of Interantional community.Those three stooges invade decisions la palgue.they concentrate all their force of short term personal interests.You see them only every five years on elections to fake reality and then vanish into the woods and hide from the responsibility and the people who voted for them.

    The three Pp gatekeepers cannot be trust nor should them be allow to be Presidents for they are not fit to represent Seychellois and the country.Voting for any of those three stooges would simply mean changing Pp dcitatoship to a new breed of tyrants.

    Boycott the three fake Presidents.

    Say no to Pp stooges

    Jeanne D'Arc

  16. Piss you are hoping that never happen,we all freedom loving Seselwa know why you dont want to see that happen you afraid that you also have to face real justice for stealing billion from your peoples.

    Sfp supporter Johnny

  17. This communist are signing paper to all communist country like North Korea a country that even have food to feed his nation.Communist want to give more of our passport to korean,Chinese ,Sri lankan,Pakistani ect stop this donkey call Michel before this bring a civil war on the island.

  18. Give this donkey a bullet in his asrch,then he will stop.

  19. So called believers of Free speech. can you tell me why part 1 of my profile on Gill was deleted. Did I unveil too many truths. Practice what you preach before you accuse others.

  20. Piss can you tell us whatt St Ange is signing with North Korea?to bring north Korean tourist or what!Becarful Communist the UN have sanction on North Korea for not give up there atom boom only Seychelles are freind with country like that dont to intergret in international community.I hope he dont let those bastard come and steal our fish.

  21. So stupid was the person that deleted my first comment he did not realise that the following was also about Gill.
    Funny enough his return coincided with the sentencing of his brother for land fraud in Guam and his sudden return to riches. No longer a tranper kazye. Now a self proclaimed Hotelier. The wooden chalets previously rented out as houses now hotel bungalows. He uses this new title of hotelier as a reason to join SHTA becoming a comitee member where 1 member even considered him a waste of space. He now claims to be Seychelles saviour and thinks he has the sollution to everything and no one in Seychelles can match his intelligence. He is a genius and all seychellois that disagree with him are low life idiots. How long until he reverts back to lepep. With a loan of 3 million in arrears and money still owed to VCS his debts are climbing. Even his wanna be neuro surgeon side kick wont be able to mend his brain when it goes in to breakdown mode

  22. We are also friendly with the United State who has a few nuclear bomb in every corner of the earth.


    Your capitalists friendly countries have place sanction on every nation that do not support their agenda of the New World Order. They have use depleted uranium in Iraq.


    There may not be a Nuclear bomb on Mahe but there is a good change there might be a few on Diego Garcia ready to blow up this part of the world.







  25. Gill why did you delete that person's post telling how you ripped of your Italian girlfriend? Are you afraid of the truth that your comarade Comentant is talking about? Is that why you hate foreigners and don't want them in Seychelles...in case your Italian ex-girlfriend has mafioso connection and they might bump you off?
    You've been calling every single Sechellois politician thieves yet the biggest thief is you!
    Explain yourself instead of deleting these posts that exposes you you bloody crook?
    You are the biggest thief of all!
    You steal and cometant hides you behind his bible you drug smoking thieves!

    Gill ou en voler! Ou en bandi!

  26. Drugs was introduce in Seychelles by Albert Rene and at the time his best mate Henri Pool.They were hidden in embalm turtles at the Office of SPUP.
    His goons was involved in selling on the streets of Mahe and then collecting the money to finance his bombing campaign,the import of illegal weapons and the military coup on the 5th of June 1977.
    So do not blame Commettant for the Seychelles narcotic problems,blame Parti Lepep!

  27. Drug was also introduced by African-Seychellois. When African countries gained their independence these "kenya-born" were deported to Seychelles they brought with them suitcases of drugs. The only possession they were allow to take back.

  28. Are you talking about Guy Sinon, Cabeta and Company?

  29. Cabeta and Guy Sinon..

  30. When this gang took Ak-47 they were all high on drug,there were so high until Michel shot their own man Francis Rachel,Michel misst his target and took down Francis Rachel.

  31. Before the 5Th of June 1977, the drugs that SPUP imported was smuggled with the help of Mr. Quatre and distributed by Mr. Lai-lam and Cado through the Black Power Movement. After the coup, the Black Power Movement was banned and the drug trade was handed over to the Tanzanian military who would bring in plan-load of marijuana every Wednesday from the main land.

    I wouldn't be surprise if you tell me that PL is distributing heroin to our youth. It is deja-vu!

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  32. Reply to Gone in Hiding SNP Pathetic-

    Now you are back to being "Anonymous", with false information and false allegations.

    First of all we do not owe VCS a cent. We have paid for all our printers, and ink. The quality is very, very good, and we will be looking into buying more VCS products next year.

    Secondly, the chalets I built are made of timber, so what? They are a sustainable product and I am building more now as I invest in my country through good times and bad times. Sometimes I put them up myself.

    Thirdly, no one at SHTA says I was just taking up space. The SHTA is a professional organization made up of people in the Tourism Trade. The time I spent on that Board, I pulled my weight and contributed to many issues concerning tourism development and safety of our visitors to our shores. I remain proud of my contribution and support the SHTA 100% today and its leadership in Tourism issues. Everyone should do the same.

    Fourthly, your attacks say only one thing, Pathetic:- anyone that stands up, speaks out, is assertive will get the wrath of kankan and lies, false allegations, that you do dish out.


    Because you enjoy the status quo, a fat pension, and a royal life as a filler to a fake opposition, no different then David Pierre.

    I suggest you allow the SFP to focus its energy on the PL.

    If you cannot do that, go home and have some tea, paid for by the taxpayers of Seychelles...add three tablespoons of sugar if you like, we will pay as usual, right?

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  33. Reply on comment on Peter Gill-

    It is sad when I see someone misrepresenting simple facts for out right lie and false statements just for political survival.

    Fact: Peter Gill was a co-founder of SPUP in 1964 to push the ideology of Sesel Pou Seselwa at the time, wherein all of Africa was saying: "Kenya For Kenyans", Tanzania for Tanzanians, Gambia For Gambians.

    False statement: that Peter Gill was a vendetta driven person. If anything, he was the opposite.

    Fact: Peter Gill was not my father. My Father is Mickey Mancham by blood. Peter Gill was if you can say it a step father remotely. But his ideals of Sesel Pou Seselwa, are ideals that he taught us and he lived it, even in exile. He believed in Sesel Pou Seselwa, even though Rene abandoned the ideology and to a greater extent today, we see James Michel wholesaling Seychelles to Arabs,along with his collaborator associates in the opposition who brought Khalifa to Seychelles.

    If we can stick to facts, we can seek out Truth.

    If we can do that, we can start focusing on solving our national problems and the reasons why Seychelles fails under PL.

    The time to come together is now, not when a storm has destroyed our country.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  34. Gill stop protecting them. Others get pension too;-

    Jean Francois Ferrari;

    Annette Georges;

    Bernard Georges;

    Sandy Arrisol;

    Colin Dyer;

    Regina Alcindor;

    David Pierre;

    Roger Mancienne;

    Gervais Henri;

    Alain St. Ange;


    The whole damn lot has been pensioned off to play along with PL.

    The game is this: come to the table, let's play some poker. No one loses. You take a little, we take a lot, and keep the people guessing.

  35. Swiss are giving names of some Greek politician that have stolen billion hide in Basel.what you politicians in Seychelles are doing that you can not try to start and invsetigate this case who those peoples from communist have million on their account in Switzland.

  36. To settle your mind, I will write to the Swiss National Bank and ask for the list of Seychellois Citizens that have deposited funds into their accounts.

    Then we can load it right here.

    Thank you for your energy sell outs. You inspire me.
    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  37. You are taking the lead and show initiatives. This is a brilliant idea Mr. Gill. The enquiry from the Swiss National Bank should have been done by the either the Minister of Finance or the Governor of the Seychelles bank. Several countries have already done just that and have received details. Why do we in Seychelles have to hide, when 17% of our citizens are claimed to be living under the poverty line. Every day I observe our folks down down in the Social Services offices. I wonder why.
    Even you do not get a reply from the Swiss bank Mr. Gill - you have achieved something already.
    Best Wishes.

  38. You are taking the lead and show initiatives. This is a brilliant idea Mr. Gill. The enquiry from the Swiss National Bank should have been done by the either the Minister of Finance or the Governor of the Seychelles bank. Several countries have already done just that and have received details. Why do we in Seychelles have to hide, when 17% of our citizens are claimed to be living under the poverty line. Every day I observe our folks down down in the Social Services offices. I wonder why.
    Even you do not get a reply from the Swiss bank Mr. Gill - you have achieved something already.
    Best Wishes.

  39. We do not expect to get no reply from the Swiss National Bank.

    There is growing pressure internationally to expose these accounts.

    The fact that the Swiss National bank (SNB) made the information of the gross deposits, is indicative that they are willing to share information.

    I imagine they are waiting for Pierre Laporte to write them a letter.

    But Minister Laporte is already scamming one Central Bankers salary, and a Ministers' salary at the same time, while he tells all ministries to cut back expenses.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  40. Pierre Laporte

    Write the letter.

  41. Of relevance to the topic under discussion Novemeber 3 2012 - 9.40 AM...
    It is widely reported in the Western media that the British government has confirmed that it has frozen $6.4 million in development aid to Uganda. The Prime Minister is being accused o theft. The report stated that the money which was meant to be aid for the reconstructions in Uganda were stolen by State officials.
    Ireland is joining the British government in suspending aid, citing corruption.
    It begs the qustions - why do officials who are given access to our taxes and capitals feel they are at liberty to abuse their positions and misappropriate our money however they feel like it? In the case of Seychelles, we say bravo to the Minister for pointing out that funds cannot be accounted for - But what are you going to do about it Minister?

  42. Breaking News

    Pierre Laporte is preparing letter to ask that holders of Swiss Bank Accounts who are Seychelles Citizens be made Public.

  43. When Ministers are appointed, they are expected to make decisions affecting their port folio, without having to seek prior permission from elsewhere. Isn't this this is why they are appointed?? The Minister should not expect us, the populace to reward him with 2 lumps of sugar and a pot of honey, for merely pointing out to us that our money has disappeared. The Minister should get on with it and attempt to recover our money. If he gets the sack, for doing something good for us, we should support him. By contrast - I dread it that, if I go to the market tomorrow and steal a packet of fish, I would most likely be given the sack from my meagre job - and probably be given time at Montagne Posee! The Minister should not just talk about how clever he has been 'detecting' money missing. He should get on with his reponsibility, urgently. After all we dont want to be known as "lazy ass" - do we?

  44. Pierre Laporte has vowed to expose all of PL with the IMF

  45. Laporte is scheduling a secret meeting with Swiss National bank.

    Can one of his secretaries confirm this for us?

  46. In plis ki ler pou Laporte ouver sa laport lo sa deba koripsyon!


  47. Corruption in Seychelles start with its President and spread all over communist office or departments, seen foreigners are landing on the island with some euro and dollars corruption,in pli pi ki avan!

  48. Pierre Laporte said he will not stop to expose corruption, even if it takes him to State House.

    He will replace Michel if he has to.

  49. Action speaks louder than words!

  50. navigate to this websiteget redirected here click to read morewhy not check here newsher comment is here
