UAE Takes 40% Interest and Control
Most are knowledgeable of the 40% interest the UAE carrier Etihad has taken in Air Seychelles. Many have called this a national shame for Seychelles. It is a shame. Etihad Managing Director has said that after the acquisition: “Etihad is not considering any other acquisition because its plate in now full with the purchase of Air Berlin and Air Seychelles”.
Indeed the Etihad plate is full. It has also negotiated full control of Air Seychelles, in spite of the ex-national air carrier having only One (1) single Boeing 767-300 that can do international flights. Etihad has placed its own CEO and Chairman at the helm of Air Seychelles and they even control the domestic segment of the Air Seychelles Company. Here is where our problems start and I will propose solutions.
Domestic Fare Hikes Outrageous!
Last week Air Seychelles hiked air fares between Mahe and Praslin from Sr.512.00 round trip to Sr. 1,600.00 round trip. This rate was a local residential rate and Tourist were already paying in hard currency the high way robbery rate now applied to residents purchasing tickets under some sort of code. This rate is not only outrageous, it is ridiculous. In Europe one can purchase a ticket from Heathrow to Spain for 20.00 pounds. Most of these domestic flights are empty or operate under 50% capacity.
Even Minister Morgan had no clue the price hike was on the way. Poor Minister Morgan kept in the dark by his own Frankenstein creation.
In the past Air Seychelles advertised over Twenty (20) flights to Praslin per day. Today, we are lucky if Air Seychelles runs Four (4) flights per day to Praslin. It is doing close to what Cat Cocos does. But the boat carries over 500 people on two trips. Air Seychelles can carry 80 passengers on Four (4) trips. Do the numbers and you will know the loss of market share for Air Seychelles over the years?
Service Is Just Plain Bad
The other common gripe with Air Seychelles domestic for years now has been that service is just plain bad. It sucks. It is a bad experience. Delays on Air Seychelles are common. Flight cancellations are a regular event. The front desk check- in clerks treats you like you are baggage yourself and rude is a polite pronoun for many of them.
In spite of being advised by management to be polite with travelers, the system they are tasked to run, is patently flawed and they too being human, run out of patience when faced with reoccurring failure of Air Seychelles ability to deliver good service at a fair price.
Cat Cocos Beating The Plane To The Ground
The other inter-island option for travelers is Cat Cocos. They run a more efficient check in service than Air Seychelles domestic. They are even more professional and handle your booking much quicker. On the route, you are offered a choice of seating classes, food, beverages, and even in route DVD and CD entertainment. Even better then Air Seychelles; the seats are clean and laundered regularly. Leatherette seats are available in Lazio class and they do recline. When one takes the delays of inter island Air Seychelles into account, you get to Praslin on Cat Cocos in about the same time as taking Air Seychelles, but it is much cheaper. An economy seat runs for Sr. 169.00. A Lazio Business seat with food and drinks cold towel, a smiling hostess and reclining seat cost Sr. 285.00. If you take Ten (10) trips, you get one free. On Air Seychelles, you can take 1,000 trips, you will not even get a coke for free, but you will be guaranteed one thing: before the 1,000 trip, the ticket price will go up and so will your blood pressure.
Competition Will Clean Up This Mess
A plethora of bad reviews has plagued Air Seychelles for years now. We complain to management, they do nothing. Today, even management does not know what to do.
Air Seychelles Domestic is now run out of Abu Dhabi. It is a reality and it is a pure shame. To clean up this mess which is having a detrimental impact on Praslin and La Digue as possible destinations for guests, the time has come
for the private sector of Praslin, La Digue and Mahe to come together and create another airline company to make inter island flight feasible and functional with realistic pricing and a “Seychellois Spirit” service. This is the only solution at this point to rectify a non responsive Air Seychelles, to the problems we have been facing with its operations for years now. The recent callous price hike is simply the straw that broke the camels back.
Make Public Share Offers Raise Capital For new Planes
To push this along, business leaders need to group and act. Make a public offer to raise capital to buy new planes and deliver excellent inter island service from Mahe onwards. The company should be 100% Seychellois owned and we can leave Air Seychelles in the hands of James Michel and Etihad. We can even call it “Seychelles Airways”, and put an end to this madness that is hurting our tourism industry and the entire inter-island community, which even includes misguided Communists as you know.
After Seychelles Airways is off the ground, let’s go find the right plane to do direct flights from Europe our main markets and get back into Tourism with a “Seychellois Spirit”.
We can do it, yes, we can!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
The word 'rude' is an adjective.
I think it is a good idea and proposal to call on all those involve in the tourism industry from Local travel agencies,Hotels owners,guest houses,Yatch clubs to Restaurants.What about a joint venture between Cat Coco and Air Seychelles Domestic Airline?A joint venture would mean sharing costs,expenses,assets but also provide a more interesting price to the customers etc...etc..
Our industry is in danger all stakeholdres should do what they can to save our domestic airline.Let us show Pp failure regime that Seychellois have brains and potential to bring in solutions.
Jeanne D'Arc
Do they even know what an adjective is?
Simple why don't you Jean Paul alias Jeanne D'Arc start a domestic airline together with Gill and ofer us twenty flights a day at Scr 200 a ticket return. You are a so called Dalian aviation expert and Gill a super businessman both trained in Communist China who you seem to insult continuously. However all you can do is insult, blame and make a lot of noise but never able to stand for an election, run an airline or any thing else for that matter. Just a bunch of buffoons!
Sesel are for hard working Seselwa and not for you good for nothing loudmouths. Also why don't you start a ferry service that is cheaper than Cat CoCo??
I sense a surge of anger from the last comment.
We point out the fault lines. Private sector will handle the problem and individual initiative.
Air seychelles is pathetic and no one can defend it's record.
Bashing Gill or Issac or Jeane D'arc just shows how much of a loser you are, because it is baseless and personal not substantive.
No wonder Seychelles is in a mess today.
Grow up.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
I sense a surge of anger from the last comment.
We point out the fault lines. Private sector will handle the problem and individual initiative.
Air seychelles is pathetic and no one can defend it's record.
Bashing Gill or Issac or Jeane D'arc just shows how much of a loser you are, because it is baseless and personal not substantive.
No wonder Seychelles is in a mess today.
Grow up. You sound like a Beer Bottle.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Excellent proposition, and since that PL and his cronies have no idea how to run a business, I think it is better that Seychellois stands together firmly onto this idea. So far this government has failed our country, our people and now our unborn children. A private hospital well equip, with real doctors is also a good idea. Don’t even expect PL to accept this idea, but be certain that they will later still Christopher’s idea, as their own.
Clair D'Lune*
Jeanne D'arc is now Clair D'lune.
SSDP - Same Shit Different Pseudo
Still can't bloody write!
Pissedoff, dear why are you so Pissedoff dear? Didn't your mama fed last tonight?
Awww! Mon pa pissedoff mwan....well mon Pissedoff me mon pa pissed off...!
whatever you say dear.
Clair D'lune*
Si vous etes Clair D'Lune alors moi je suis l'aimable Lubin...
et je ne veux pas ta plume!
whatever you say dear.
Clair D'lune*
Volk it is about our nation and country since Pp has no idea where to start and get the problom solution ,as citizens we are just bringing ideas thus helping Pp idiots find solution.
What does SNP;NDP;Boulle propose?Nothing as laways not even a bad idea.
Jeanne D'Arc
Just a word on the COSTA inccendent.The inccident is advertizing our country more than the Pp reigme ,St Nage and any thing done sp far.The whole world ahs discovered our beautiful islands.
Thought tht world is reproting the incident and showing pictures lives,Pp communists do not hesitate to lie.Pp said it is two tug boats pulling COSTA while on Frech Tv they clearly show(even spoke to the ishing boat captian live) that it is a Frehcn fishing boat tugging the ship.Communists can just not stop lying even in day lights. and in disasters.
What a samhe !
jeanne D'Arcv
Parti Lepep are used to lying to us about what they do. This time we have pictures to prove they are liars.
Nation gave the impression that the French trawler was not doing much, whereas it was actually towing the cruise ship and the tugs sent by Parti Lepep were nowhere to be seen. I bet the tugs are still moored in Victoria.
But beware about that type of publicity linked to piracy and Costa Cruises. Raises the country's profiel but not likely to encourage safety-conscious tourists.
It wasn't Seychelles' doing that this ship's engine had to catch fire and it's not our doing either that pirates operate in the Indian ocean. Only idiots like you at Dockland would shift this blame on the government and that is because you are more of a spiteful idiot than we thought you were!
As for the publicity you of all people should be glad for it bez ou manmanm! You criticise it yet your livelihood depends on it!
Ou vreman en gro liki ek kaka dan ou latet ou Gill. You are the kind that would cut your nose to spite your twisted fat face you fool!
I am not Gill, please.
A blogger asked the question "reduce Expats how do we then cope? 1)first it must be said that 50 percent of exapts doing menial jobs can be replace in 24 hours should Pp search for them and pay them a Seychellois salry and not that of a cheap foreign laboourer.")Pp governemnt can conduct a campaing of recruitment in counries aborad where there are many Seychellois Austrilia,Uk etc thus they must be paid as an Expats.3)In western countries government collect statistics on what jobs or experts they need or have too much,then the information they collect is used to orient students of which jobs or professions they need to take or their countires would need ,thus providing infos to students in order that they take a profession which the country lacks but also ensure that students after their studies go a job in the profession they learnt.On the long term such practice provides the country with experts at all time,instead of taking a profeesion where they not sure to be able to get becuase there are laready to much experts in the field they chosen.
Jeanne DÂrc
I asked the question on STAR during the state of the nation address. It was a SARCASTIC question. Michel is only saying it but it will never be done.
Pissedoff thinks I am Gill and Jeanne D'Arc does not know which blog she is on. Beam me up Scotty.
(AP) -- A Seychelles government minister says passengers aboard a disabled cruise ship will spend 10 to 12 hours longer at sea than was needed because a French vessel pulling the ship refused to give way to tugboats from the Seychelles.
Joel Morgan told the Associated Press that the cruise ship Costa Allegra likely would have arrived in port Wednesday night local time if the tugs had been...
Morgan is contradicting St Ange. It's chaos.
Both want to use the situation to promote themselves instead of coordination to deliver a good job.
What Pp governemnt could have proposed is to pull the sihp to the nearest coral Island with an airstrip,disembarked them there and then fight them to Mahe,while the Ship itself could continue be pull empty by now all passagers would have been saft in Mahe that it is called Common sense!
Jeanne D'Arc
Lying to us has become second nature to them. But you would have thought they would think twice about the foreign media.
Pissedoff dear, you seem to have a personal vendetta against Gill. Does his intelligent bothers you? Personal attack is not going to help you dear; it will not take you to the round table. We come to this blog for discussion finding a resolution for our country we claim to love. but if it is insults you want, I might have to give you some soon.
Clair D'lune*
It is a strategy that he hopes would give him an accuse for not jioning the oppsotion round table.He must find an excuse to fake,if it not i hate Gill is something else.It Put the blame on others is a well-known communist tactic but unfortunately in the contury we living it is not enough to put blames on others and hope to get away with it.
Pissedoff is probably asking himself what if SFP come to power tommorrow morning what am i going to do for a living,i donot even have a certifcate in anything like my master the Butcher,how would i mange to sponsor all those expensive toys i have?Would the new democratic elected judge come after me for being part of Pp conspiracy?wHERE AM I GOING TO HIDE ,I DONOT HAVE FIREND IN THE aRB WORLDS TO RUN TO LIKE THE BUTCHER?In a words Piseedoff is concerned about his fate thus all these rediculous criticism.
Jeanne D'Arc
Clair D'lune* said "I might have to give you some soon"
Degre mwma rotin sa zafer...weee!!
May I remind you that we are here for a solution you useless fool!
Your sellout government do not care if you live or die you pathetic fool.
Clair D'lune*
@ Pissedoff..You're totally detached from reality. Your pervert communist dreams make no sense to a rationally thinking person. If you had some education, you wouldn't talk this way.
Pisedoff just has an abnormal behaviour (he might has inherited from his grandpa,Deginyen,it is in his gene,DNA),or maybe becuase he probably boozed too much BAKKA. Abnormal behaviuor contributes to maladaptiveness in an individual,it leads to personal psychlogical distress,shameful,self-induced,dangerous etc....If you do not get me Pissed,our poor Prof .Dr. the butcher can surely translate that in street lingo for you.
Jeanne D'Arc
Clair D’lune, Jeanne D’arc are indeed Gill in drags. I used to think it was Isaaq but Isaaq is only Ti Johnny the gay German Schwanzlutscher refuge.
Two days ago a question by an SNP was posed at Jeanne D’arc also asking her to remove her head from Gill’s arse and read Les Seychellois but instead of JD it was Gill that answered that HE doesn’t buy Les Seychellois and he will not read it – he forgot himself in the heat of the moment and compromised his pseudo!
Gill what’s with the female pseudos, is it psychological? Why couldn’t you have chosen something like Jean or Pierrot or Theophile? When you chose Clair D’lune it wasn’t “moonlight” that you chose it was the female “Clair”! Did your mummy make you play with dolls as a child?
And Gill you sound desperate and cornered. All those things you are telling me are like water off a duck's back. Do you want me to go away?
Let’s take a vote!
You know what Gill? You guys at SFP are so uptight and pissed off that you should condsider changing your party's name from SFP to SPP: Seychelles Pisseoff Party!
Who knows I might consider joining....just to piss you off even more! LOL!
I read all newspapers including REGAR for i like reading RAM's assault on PP ,like like seeing him playing his comic show of crticism but as always he never truned up when call on him for action.
Pisedoff,you do not have birth certificate on me,and i cannot let a psycopath invent my sex given to me by GOD.By the way i misted SNP question ,please ask me again ,i would be please to answer RAM.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissedoff dear, I am not Gill, but I will take this as a COMPLIMENT for the fact that Gill is an intelligent man. One that you can never be. one, that you will always envy, one you wish and dream you could one day become. But there is only one Christopher Gill, the one who opened the door to reality and truth.
If your life sucked, it's time you stop blaming Gill.Blame it on your pathetic government or perhaps the ZAKO who brought you up.
Alright let’s be honest and blunt;may be your upbringing is crap. And may be you have been hurt – physically, emotionally and/or psychologically either by your parents or your sellout goventment. BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TAKE IT OUT ON GILL OR ANYONE OF US HERE.
Go and get a life ZAKO come back when you have something concret and valuable to share.
Unlike you I have a job to attend to. keep on eating leftovers, Arab be pren ou pou kouyon.
Clair D'lune*
No body sucks up to Gill like that therefore I must maintain that you are Gill because you have a habit of bursting into a rhapsody of self-praise whenever this issue comes up! You just cannot help your vanity you glorious leader of SFP! LOL!
Democrats do not self-praised themsleves they let the pople do itOonly communists ,dictators do that for they belevie they above the normal human being.You do not hear the Buhcet praising his failures and he really beleive in it himself that he think we also do.
Jeanne D'Arc
Clair D'lune comment of 5:32 PM
Ki ou pe fatig ou ek sa ou? Let Gill speak for himself unless you are Gill himself! If not then continye swiy son boyo!
Gill signed up for this when he started these blogs. He is always having a go at FAR, JAM, Ramkalawan et al but I don't see any of them moaning about it! Remember what he/you said a yesterday on another blog; "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." alors you know what they say; if you can't stand the heat...
Pissedoff dear,I will rather swiy boyo Gill (whatever that mean) it cannot be worse than eating crumds of the Arabs and Russians plate like you do, or drink from caca fontain at la Misere.
See how pathetic you really are you cannot even hold a proper conversation/debate without blaming your failure and failure of your inadequate government on Gill.Furthermore you keep telling me that I am Gill, again I will say THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENT.
We live in a very corrupt, uncaring and greedy society it's pathetic and I don't sympathise with any one who support SPPF/PL
We lost a Hero/our leader once; he was murdered in cold blood on the street of London. And we all know who’s hands are stains, JAM & FAR! All we ask is our right to vote overseas, and I can tell you Pissedoff that it aren’t gonna be your bunch of red snakes or green snakes who will win. I lost hope the day they killed Gerard. To me and many others Christopher Gill is a God sent. GIVE US OUR RIGHT TO VOTE AND YOU SHALL SEE FOR YOURSELF, you pathetic useless fool!!
I understand there has to be a place for everyone, and some people are more intelligent than others. But Iam having difficulty finding a place for scum like yourself Pissedoff, the only place for you is under the table eating crumbs. GOOD LUCK DEAR.
by the way the above is from Clair D'lune*. Alaways telling the truth for what it is , don't hate me.
hahaha all I know is, mon lo/dan latet Pissedoff day and night wondering who Clair D'lune* is hehehehehe! weeeeeeeeeee pa kass latet Pissedoff you will end up with a heart attack.
I don't suck up to Gill or any man for this matter, but I give credit where/when credit is due.
So loooooooooong Pissedoff.
Clair D'lune*
My calculation could be wrong, but it’s worth to look into it. Your idea is great Gill, to find shareholders could be hard at this time of global recession. Again nothing is impossible.
Wonderful excellent idea, but however it is costly.Even a small charter service with one airplane would cost 700,000,000 to start
You'd need a decent plane, and a commercial pilot, plus hangar space, an arrangement with an aircraft mechanic to do maintenance.
Between salaries and aircraft maintenance and fuel you're looking at spending 300,000per year, so you'd need at least that much revenue.
Nothing is impossible.
You right,but still joint venture provides much more adventages than being crumbling alone ,and good organisation and management can also has a posstive effect on the company..For instance,all partners involve reduce their risks and capital and resource sharing.
Jeanne D'Arc
In addition to that one can also look at tranfering those so call IDC plane to Airline thus allowing the domestic airline to make these trips rather than IDC thus give the domestic line more leverage of operation:Tax payers money being used by IDC to operate a separate airline can be invested in our domestic airline but als oby transfering all local operation to Airline the local line can see their revenue increase :There is no need to spend tax payers on a seperate IDC fleet to enrich GLENNY .The domestic airline should be the only one doing these trips to outter isalnd etc..By doing so the local airline will have more state capital.
Jeanne D'Arc
You're looking at quite a few years and quite a few million rupees before you get permission to buy or lease your first airplane.
Dear Clair D’lune only a swiyer boyo would say that they would rather wipe Gill’s arse than eat crumbs! If you don’t know what swiyer boyo means then you shouldn’t be on this blog!
You see I don’t really care who you are. As far as I am concerned no one in their right mind can suck up to one person like you do to Gill that is why it can only be him hiding behind this pseudo!
Tall despite him being a bribe collecting loser living on a promise and playing make believe ambassador without country and portfolio and rudderless Isaaq who has trouble dragging his big head would not stoop as low as to admit liking wiping Gill’s arse!
So Clair D’Lune if you think wiping Gill’s are is a compliment then good on you, after you’re done wiping his arse please by all means keep in touch we might find a cushy job for you!
You said “we live in a very corrupt, uncaring and greedy society it's pathetic and I don't sympathise with any one who support SPPF/PL”
I do not think that any SPPF/PL supporters give a toss if you sympathize with them or not. Trust me we are not losing any sleep or appetite over it so get over yourself!
As for the hero that you’ve lost, remember, when you mess with and betray hardcore professional mercenaries that you sent to kill us and whose ass we kicked there are risks and a price to pay so fuck off and get over that too or contact Scotland Yard and ask them to re-open the case!
“You lost hope the day they killed Gerard”? Typical leech, you cannot do anything for yourself and have to depend on others to do your dirty deeds for you no wonder you are proud to wipe Gill’s arse, loser!
As for those abroad that wants to vote and change things by all means come here and cast your vote who the fuck are you all to sit there in whatever country you are sponging from and dictate to us hardworking Seychellois how to live our life! We kicked your kind out of power and it’s been 34 years, for the last 20 of those years with democratic elections you’ve still been rejected by the Rasins so if that is too much to digest bez al sot dan kanal obor Les Mamelles, I’ll even pay your fares if you can’t afford a trip back here from your dole money!
So dear Clair D’Lune don’t talk to me about eating crumbs when you have Gill’s dick in your mouth and the only thing between your hand and his arse are two plys of toilet paper!
I don’t depend on bal Seselwa to eat when I can get a proper job and work for a living in my own country!
And you don’t have to worry about my place, you will know that I have a place here! I am established, rooted and native! How about you? What use are you where you are from? What have you done for Seychelles you hopeless dick!
By the way: In case you are confused and lose direction, when I
said to go and jump dan canal I meant Ros Mamelles not Les Mamelles remember NOT Les Mamelles because ti men pou kas ou liki if you make an appearance there!
NO rather to stop given millions of tax payers money to Savy's family and other pp cronies.Pissedoff,at least we proposing solutions what has RAm to porpose an increase of his salary for playong the stooge party?
Jeanne D'Arc
He never lost hope for we knew that an artificial system like communism cannot sustain and cannot live forever, almost all communist state have vanished into the dustbin of history the few left is just a question of time that they also disssapeared in the back hole of history.
Jeanne D'Arc
OPPPPPS i forgot to tell you that it is now the few communists left loosing hope that their world of utopia will vanished and they will end like Gadhafi or Mubarak.
Jeanne D'arc
When Gill will be en vieux bonhomme grenn file pe anmas koko Guam PP will still be in power Sesel....even if they are not it will definately not be SFP!
I said it several times and if you short minded i will repeat again-PP WILL CHANGE OR WILL WE CHANGW IT-I PROMISED YOU IF PP DO NOT REFORM THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM AND FORCED ITSELF TO POWER AS BEEN THE CASE NOW -WE WILL USE FORCED.I am not going to accept anothet hundered years of communsism not even one day more-Pp has until 2016 to to do the reform if not we will reform them.We long ready!
Jeanne D'Arc
Dan mon blue!
With you Gill it's SSDD!
It is good that ti si Dna mon blue!For if it was in "Dans mon CUE" the way we would haveto get it out would be surely much more painful than Khalifa's penetration.
Jeanne D'Arc
You wouldn't know because sa pti penetration ki ou ganny ek ti kalele Isaaq pa ni satouy ou gro lanis las!
Lekel sa bon siporter SNP ki pare pou protez PL/SPPF avek obsenite. I paret ki i soufer sak fwa zot kritik JAM. Mon'asir ou i en pasyen mantal kin perdi tou sans realite.
Lekel sa?
Pissedoff pe pass son lalang dan fess Albert ek James, position y senze ten en ten. Pissedoff y kontem tete pip Albert penden ki James pe push kaka dan son colin.
Dear Pissedoff,As far as I am concerned no one in their right mind can suck up to serial murderers like Albert and James like you do. this is why I am here to support a good man who is putting up a fight for for freedom and justice.so no, it is not him hiding behind this pseudo! It's me!
Tired of getting on Gill’s case now you are picking on Tall and Isaac, (just between you and me pissedoff) you will never be the man they are! You will always be the little person with a left over bone!!
The thing is the stuff you are talking about is nothing more than pure rubbish coming from a sick mind, Pissedoff dear, I deeply pity you.
That is why people like yourself & companion who knows nothing of Communism,socialism or Marxism can spout contempt for its ideas without knowing any of its ideas just the image that has hung around it.
Pissedoff said that ""I do not think that any SPPF/PL supporters give a toss if you sympathize with them or not. Trust me we are not losing any sleep or appetite over it so get over yourself!""HA! HA! now you are losing appetite, HA! HA! GUD TO KNOW!
You know what my dear,Losing sleep is not the only thing you will get from me, because what I am about to tell you will spin your little head. You see Pissedoff, I am usually a good honest person but I have learnt lots from your corrupted government. And I am pleased to do business with them, for I have them right in the middle of my hand. Pissedoff dear I travel Europe to Seychelles at least two to three times a year. The merchandise in my shops is a lot cheaper than in any other shops. Now this is where your little head will spin, go and work it how and why!
You may be right saying that I am a leech; your government is not only corrupted but also a bunch of fools who lets me leech of them, and this is why my business in Seychelles is blooming. One thing though I have never leech of my Hereos.
What Gerard wanted to do is to save the people from being tortured, murdered, or disappearing. It was his right as a Seychellois/catholic/Hero. On the other hand your Marxist/dictator was very afraid of him, they would not accept another opposition such as Gerard the hero because they know they would lose big time. Hence the reason they used your tax money to have him murdered.
Christopher Gill, Tall and Isaac are continuing what Gerard has started, and it was long overdue. My hat to the guy’s at Dockland.
Pissedoff dear,I do not have Gills dick in my mouth, these sorts of job can only suit your grandmother, mother, aunties and your daughters if you have any. What I have for Gill is respect/compassion/admiration for I know he has our best interest, and interest of peaceful country at heart.
Clair D'lune*
By the way Pissedof do you think you could pick me up from the airport on Monday, I might have a job for ya, packing and unpacking merchandise for my shops. A lot better than using your mouth as a vacuum cleaner for sucking up crumbs.
All my love
Clair D'lune
So, if Pissedoff think that Clair D’lune is Gill, How the hell will Gill get his dick into his own mouth? This here is enough to see that Pissedoff is a very confused and disturb person.
And thats exactly the point, there is no political left any more it is crying out for new ideas which SFP are trying to do. lets hope it goes better than what is documented here by this sick communist dreamer, Pissedoff, who is totally detached from reality. His communist nonesense make no sense to a rationally thinking person. I hope that Clair D’lune take no notice of Pissedoff pathetic remarks and his sick comments.
Don Lápaix
Let’s get back to business, this Pissedoff person in nothing more than an outraged crying baby.
Air lines business abroad is tough due to fierce competition. I suppose if it is being use only around Seychelles Island it should not be too much of a competition, since that they want over 1,000 return from Mahe or Praslin. I would think one can do much better. Offcourse depending on petrol cost. I have already given an approximate cost from one of the blog above.
Be aware that from starting an Airline business to establish industries leaders, the process constant learning and adaption required effort and time. Operations are labour intensive and subject to government control and political influence.
An important first step in sourcing the airplane is to consider financing options. Which JeanneD'arc have made a valuable suggestion "joint venture".
Let’s hope that the Seychelles government is prepared to help with finance/loan , which I don’t see it from happening unless off course they are given all rights .
Best thing to do I suppose is to approach business Seychellois people in tourism industries and Seychellois overseas to join in the said venture.
Donn .
Pissoff i touni like his communist freinds he is looking for arabs pou abir li dan son fes that's why he sound sick and paranoid.
Pissoff you got the massege form JD?2016 communist will be no more in Power.
Air seychelles needs real competition. What a bloody stupid thing to say after we have just witnessed the near death of air Seychelles after giving it so much competition from emirates airways, Qatar airways and etihad airways. You and the government can say what you like but the real reason for the death of our national airline and loss of jobs there is simply because we opened the door wide to competition. I am not against competition but then let us not complain when airfares go up now that air seychelles is flattened by competition. We are being punished and now you idiots ask for more competition !!!!!! You obviously like punishment or you are sadists who enjoy spankings where it hurts
"So, if Pissedoff think that Clair D’lune is Gill, How the hell will Gill get his dick into his own mouth? This here is enough to see that Pissedoff is a very confused and disturb person."
Don Lápaix
March 3, 2012 4:38 AM
Maybe he is a bedroom yogi!
Johnny sa i parey lavant later...nek nek nek nek nek i ganny avoye mem...for years zot pe dir regime change...now it's 2016? When we get there what will it be? 2021?
What's wrong with NOW?
Answer me ti kouyon or go crawl under that rock where Gill found you!
Pissoff why you so paraniod about regime change do you have also blood on your hand like a butcher?Dont get to much paraniod about regime change, change today change tomorrow or 2016 it will one day.We want to keep communist keep on gussing,Pissoff why you did dress you like a communist monkey for carnival so
tourists can have a attraction.
Then stop mentioning regime change and "time for regime change" kouyon!
Talk about what you can do and not what you cannot do!
At least SNP NDP Boulle PDM has participated in past elections what about you?
Air Seychelles went under not because of competition, it went under due to the crooks that was to busy to give a shit of what was happening around them. Management was poor due to self-indulgent. NOTHING MORE THAN CROOKS INCREASING SOME ZERO ON THEIR BANK ACCOUNT.
Donn Lápaix
( Pissedoff needs some Psychiatric help )
Election is a one-party state has no value for it is not dmeocractic.Democrats would never participate in fake election like SNP:NDP_BUOLLE- WHO ARE PAID TO PARTICIPATE FOR THEY ARE AS BERANRD gGEORGE publicly said (loyal opposition to Pp),thus collaborators.They are useless to society ,there interst in doing politics is for their pocket not the intersts of the people.
Jeanne D'Arc
Air Seychelles was a victim of the world economic downturn and if anyone thinks that they could've done better why didn't they come forward and offer their advice instead of hiding behind a computer acting like en bann docteur konn tou!
Bez donn lapaix dan zot boyo!
I meant: Air Seychelles was a casualty....
Victim of Parti Lepep incompetence.
No come forward,because no one what to work with communist bandit.
Communist always put the blyme on others.it is never them responsible.I guess the the shark attack last year was becuase of the world financial crisis.That Mr Davidson must fight to gain back his stolen asstes is abecause of the world fianacial crisis.That Pirates hijacked two Seychellois that PP is doing nothing to get them free is probably also becuase of the world crisis.That we do not have enough fresh water suplies it is surely beucase of the world srisis.That Khalfia shit in our river it was becuase of the owrld crisis.That after fourty years of independnece we still do not have a efficent fishing fleet it is of course becuase of the world fianacial crisis.In a word,every porblems we have were created by the world crisis even 1977 coup D'etat.
give us a break dog!
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Shark attack was because ou fanm i tro al lav so taba sal dan delo anse lazio e sa loder ek zi taba i atrakte requin parey laso mir!
If it was a Seychelloise she had a right its her homeland.What is an Idain refugee RAMADOSS self-rpclaimed Seychellois doing as minister of Health in our sovereign country?Is there no Seychellois experts in medicine for this position ?
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissoff the crise in the world happen 3 years ago,but before crise Seychelles was long time bankrupt.Why you dont shut your gap now putting blame on the world crise after communist have stolen billion and put in Swiss bank on their account.
Communist ha dem mafia.
Pissedoff when are you and your sell-out government admit to the crisis that has been brought upon our country and people, is purely from their own greed/Self-indulgent, mismanagement/. KOUYON, ZAKO pa ti fer pou rule a country. This is why our people are in crisis today. Pissedoff dear, , you cannot blame everything on world crisis. Why don’t you blame it on those Russians prostitutes that your sick government bring in our country to satisfies their sickening ego. ( paid with our tax money )
The seychelles evils regime defines Seychelles of being free as one in which the price is concealed.Yet we woketo discover the price of even the most basic foodstuffs had tripled or quadrupled under the regime system.
The voice of Seychellois is lost among the hoots and whistles of Russians/Arabs and the evilish regime.
SPUP/SPPF/PL has been a failure from the very beginning. Now they have finally found themselves an escape goat “the world crisis”.
Jam said: "let's blame everything on world crisis"and kouyon like Pissedoff believes.
Communists is never to blame,it is always the others faults.probably Catro,Kim,and other communists are singing the same old song too.
In fact the reasons that our country failed is simply becuase communism thoery of economy does not work.
Communism failed fro many reasons.While in priciple the State contorl/owned the means of production what this means in practiceis that individuals highly placed in the system the control of production,and these idividuals tend strongly towrad corrutption,Dissasaited from his own self-interest and dominated by the corrupt and bureaucratic apparatus of the party,the average individuals found themsleves politically powerless and poorly motivated economically,unable to enjoy most of the fruits of his own labor.In addition to being corrupt the size and inertia of the state bureaucracy made for ineffeciancy of administration.Combined with the mismanagement,thier illeteracy in economy,lack of vision, bogus bisunesses,lack of tranparency and accountability and politcal freedom and so forth,all the traits to failure is united.Without geniune politcal reforms PP policies is paving the way for more devastating economic,social problems to come.And reclycling the same guys while following the same failed policies we must not expect significant change.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Failures always have an excuse, as to why they failed, and never look in the mirror.
Pissed off- when you look in the mirror, say Vieling Aero Leasing company and name the Board of Directors.
Then say Air Seychelles, name the Directors.
Then count how many Directors sit on both Boards.
Then count how many planes Vieling leased to Air Seychelles.
Then you will know why we changed the seats so many times....and the paint, and why Air Seychelles is BANKRUPT.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Vieling never leased planes to Air Seychelles. Where is your proof. Painting of a Plane every so often is required as part of its maintenance programme. It is also customary for airlines to overhaul the interior every so often. Maybe your Side Kick Pilot Isaac could have told you that
SPUP/SPPF/PL are communist and everyone knows that.Because their policies are failures.
It's a brutal government, who has establishes a system of violence, and force creating fear in the people's heart.
This gouverment are failures and to compensate for this, they intimidate and force the people into working harder, yet they themselves knows nothing about hard work. Big promises but could never deliver.
SLAUGHTER has already happened and still happening, LOSS OF WORK has already happened and still happening, POVERTY through out the land and it will soon followed by STARVATION.
Where self-interest is eliminated as a motivation for production, it is replaced by its cruder sort of self-interest in the form of fear of death. The government slaughters citizens to keep the rest in line. And blame their failures on other people.
Clair D'lune*
Pissedoff let us look at your dear leader dictator michel the butcher through the mirror.
Dictators to the likes of Michel the butcher do not want to be known as dictators but rather to be known as the saviors of the nation.
But their records and practices just contradict their fantasie fo omnipotentIn all dictaorial set up,all elections are won by the party of the dictator,Continuous electoral victories for one party is an indication of a questionable regine becuase people naturaly prefer changes and something unnatural is going to prevent it.
The tool that is being used as in all dictatorships is to use all state resources for their politcal agenda and propaganda.The dictator used and abused state resources for their politcal agenda and propaganda.All soical and public institutions are run by coteries of stooges or relation and manipulation of any step in the lection is simple.Election are held while the dictator holds power and not under a custoidan governemnt.
Public opinion:-the key to hide cult personalities.All dictator are in general cult personalites but many of them (like the butcher)have come to favor incresingly grandiloquent titles and honours for themselves-For instance,Idi Amin the notorious Ugandan dictator styled himself as "His Excellecy,President for life,Dr Idi Amin Dada ,VC,DSO,MC etc..etc..etc
Corruption and development:People suffer from innumberable hardships but reports from the centralbank will always shows otherwise.Most prifitable industries ,businesses are exploited by few individuals in the regime.Economy and strategic institutions are controlled by a family oligarchy and cronies.
Dictators like the butcher do not spend their ill-gotten wealth ,but the state pays for the dictator and his siblings.Unrealistic expenditures for fake development projects and waste of public finance for massive constructions.
The regulatory institutions and law inforcement mechanism are controlled by the regime through selective cronies.The make sure checks and balances are all ornamental.---
All dictators oppose the right of information---They fear adverse public opinion and that for obvious reasons-more than the dictators themsleves,their families and cronies fear information and hence the public will no get to know the wealth of the dictator while in power.The public images created by the dictorail regime paint a saint picture so that the public never believe that the dictator is corrupt.When the institutions set up,is deliberately emasculated, the public to beleive that tit is only the dictator who can vitalize sanity anddevelop the country.The dictator was born to liberate us from all possible evil.He is the demi-god who can make things happen and no one lese apart from him can do.
You want more Pissedoff?
Time to finish with Pp thugocracy.Time for change.
Jeanne D'Arc
It is nearly impossible to change a nation that is so selfish like the Seychellois overnight. Nou latitid i 'bef dan disab sakenn vey son lisye'. We can try by first learning the meaning of courtesy and try to implement it on a daily basis and then with a little empathy we can regain the unity we are striving for.
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