Friday, February 17, 2012

Bram Stellar to become naturalised citizen of Seychelles by the power vested in the president

After asking so many questions as to why bram stellar who was brought in to terminate air Seychelles is still hanging around in Seychelles in view that Ethiad owned by sheikh khaliffa has its top officials running the show.

We have found out through a little bird high up in the immigrations office where stellar is seen making his way every mornings and afternoons with documents that stellar is going to be gifted citizenship and will be staying on at air Seychelles for work as a seychellois. The pay according to the little birds whistle will not be touched and the conditions of his employment will stay the same, the only difference is he will be bram stellar seychellois.

It is common for the red regime to give a returning gift or consolation prize to a deed well done in their favor but we just would like to point out that if mr stellar becomes seychellois he will still be keeping at least seven seychellois out of work.

Stellar needs to go home and that salary and perks needs to go to seychellois.

Seselwa unite 

Sesel Pou Seselwa!!


Anonymous said...

The constitution deos not allow foreigners on GDP to become or even apply for citizenship.Pp is again rapping our constitution in the same way as it has done in the case of RAMADOSS who now wants to be minister in Seychelles,and many others.Those foreigners illegally gifting our nationality must know that they would be allow concider non-Seychellois even in hundred years becuase for the simple fact that they were gifted our nationaity illegally and when the time come be it in hundreds years or more they would have to give back what they have illegally optained and it is not the among of years that would legitimate what was for the very beggin illegal.And these ofreigners like starknow that his attempt to illeglly become seychellois is illegal but still he is in our immigration to corrupted our laws.Your passorts woould be revoked guys,your are simply illegal in our land and there would be no exception before the law.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

GOP of course Pissedoof

Anonymous said...

Michel and Pp it seem you dont want to stop your bad habit,then we have to stop you soon.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what Stellar was doing at the airport welcoming Blue Panorama.

But again it is getting very boring to say that we only have ourselves to blame for Parti Lepep's abuses. We keep voting for them.

Anonymous said...

Be Stellaror others we need to free our institutions from foreign control;We and indenpent and soveiregn Antion ,foreign3erws should in anyway controlling our instituions.

Jeanne DÂrc

Pissedoff said...

Ti Johnny for the rate that you talk out of your arse zanmi, by now your friz must be worn out and only the outer layers are hanging down almost reaching your talon lipye and only being held by your underwear matapolan if you do wear any you garbling son of a bitch because every word you utter are now sounding something like “FWACK! FWASK! PHAWASK! The amount of times you have threatened to remove Michel and Pp the Arab spring have come and gone on full cycle and are now back again and is so fcuking fed up of waiting for you and SFP to do your deed that even Maldives have lost patience and have jumped on the bandwagon!
So dalon stop with those empty threats and shut the fuck up gay boy!

Anonymous said...

Mubarak said the same thing when Tunisian revolted,so did Gahdafi and others they thought it would not happen to them but it did.

All dictators are doomed to an ignominious downfall.No African dictators have ever left office with dignity,respect,honor and the adulation the the people.They have all left office in shame,disgrace and infamy.History shows that dictators live out the last day like abandoned vicious dogs _lonely,godforsaken and tormented.Like all those ex-dictators the butcher is no exception.He would have three choices:Justice beofre national or Interantional tribunal(he would have t ochange his designer siut for pirosn jumpsuit),the dustbin of history(like Gahdafi) or if he can make it to the Airport fast enough to Dictators' safe haven(home away from home)Saudi Arabia(at least until their turn come).

The revolution is slowly but surely apporaching our shores,it is now in Yemen;BAhrain,and there is no reason why it won^t reach our shores.

Jeanne D'Arc

Pissedoff said...

Kouyon, Mubarak was a dictator and US stooge. JAM is a democratically elected president and if anyone should be foolish enough to forcibly remove him from office they will have to reckon with the full force of the Army and Police AND THE PEOPLE because we put him there!
And before you come with your old scratched record about the coup d’état the people had their chance to remove SPPF when FAR reverted back to Democracy and multi party back in 1991 but instead they gave you and your multi party the finger and told you up to this day to take a bloody hike - so forcefully that YOU GILL were left with no option but to cross the floor and try and crawl to us – but we told you to sod off!
Gill your anger is not with Pp or SNP or NDP or PDM you are pissedoff with the people of Seychelles because they keep telling you to go and get stuffed!

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that Bram Stellar is more deserving than a Seychellois? Are we going to start a war of words to deface our constitution in order to protect some expats?

Anonymous said...

What do you say Pissedoff ?

Anonymous said... I said, JAM was elected by the people of Seychelles with more than 55% of the votes.It was a democratic process kouyon!
If you can spell AK-47 thank a teacher!Aret rod lagratel wa kit ou konson nilon lo koltar wa taye Zendak.

Anonymous said...

Vote rigging was never a norm in democratic election process and is not by repeating and singing the praises of the butcher that would make his frauds legitimate.I know you never live in a free society for you to understand what democratic elections are all about that is why we^'re here to educate communist indoctrinated guys like you.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Gratter, you will find it gnawing the balls on the butcher.That is what is why he changes shorts to robes like Khalifa.The gratter uses to leave his balls in peace.

Jeanne D?Arc

Anonymous said...

gratter doesn't want to leave

Anonymous said...

When did the people of Seychelles elected democraticly Michel?Why then when Michel thinks he was elected by the people he niminated Gappy at the helm of Ec to manipulat votes?Why was Pierre illegally gifted a seat to play the stooge of PP?Why does Pp refuse Seychellois abroad to cast their vote?Why illegally over-ruled court judgement in Piere cases?It is really difficult for a communists to understand of will probably take them a generation just to figure out what a democratic election is.Frankly any mentally stable persons would know the different betwwen fake and genuine elections only a fool does not understand his foolishness.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Pissedoff post 4.29PM concerni9ng <Cuop Detat

Pisedoff the truth is that pp is afraid of a coup detatv for they know they will end up like Gadhafi."2) This is a new generation of soiders not those who conspired in 1976 aND ARE NOT READY TO BE VICTIMS FOR mICHEL CRIMES.3)THE MILITARY is teemed with SFp supporters from TAZAR to SCG.4)there might be a handful of them entice by Khalifa dollars to butcher their people but they must know while they would be butchering the people on the streets their families at home would be experiencing the same fate.And once Pp topple they would face military court meaning capital senttences for those find guilty.Pp has three choices:change itself and that rapidly,face people's revolution or coup detat,it is up to Michel.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Well, Pissedoff, you evade the question. Should Seychellois be thrown on the scrap heap while Stellar remains even if his job has gone to an Etihad employee ?

Anonymous said...

A marocan man arrest by FBI in the US trying to blow the US congress house, at court he say the fight against terorists is a fight against müslims,sick peoples.

Anonymous said...

Pissoff answer those comment that put to you?you are trying to be communist leader on this blog.
That's how debate is done question and answer pissoff, but you hide when it's to hot for you,your are like Michel he also can not face proffersional journalists to answer question.

Anonymous said...

Us arrest Marocain.What does that tell us,what messageit send?Well,that we might well one day expereince the same fate by Pakistanis and other ofreigners Pp illegally importing to ur shores and gifting our passports.It shows us also that often peoepl coming from Islamiccountires have difficulty to integrate ,in fact they refuse to integrate but rather come or go to others countires becuase of economic reasons but have no intension of integration nor abide by the hsot country laws.The Marocain is in fact a naturalize Marocain(Thus now US National).We have seen the same things happened in UK some years ago wherby UK nationals of Pakistanis origine conducted a terror at on BRIT metro station and i can give lots of such example.In other owrds those people (mostly coming from Islamic countries9cause real problem to the countires who hosted them becuase of refusal to integrate,to learn the host countires culture,tradition etc. Often like In Canada once the Naturalized the want to oppses their fate on natives and even wnat democrqtic govenremnt to change or implement Shaira law in the justice system to pleased them.In other words they do not change or integrate but want you to change yoursleves,adapt to their imported culture and even mobify your rule of law to fits them.

We should not be surprise if one morning we wake up and find out that a Pikistani national who were gifted our passsport by PP explode himself in a Bar,restaurant,anywhere were there were US Antional ,Tourists,or other European national as revenge for sonething that happened out our country or in an islamic country.There are lots of proven teorror acttacks that confirmed such pratices.These guys just cannot accept others than thmesleves or those of same religion as them ,all others are concider non -beleivers and must be butchered even in their own home.I am calling on Michel the butcher to revoke all our passports gifted to foreigners and if he cannot have those passports because those who illegally obtained them are already in Afganistan then the butcher must present a list of names to Interpol and other interantional agencies in order to arrest or track them should the attempt to enter any potential countries where they can conduct their teorror acts and that includung Seychelles.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Khalifa is a good example of what i said above.He does not want just to live in our christian land but want to contorl us,change our faith,change our culture for arab culture,change our religion to Islam,change our tradition to Arab traditions,oppose his will on us instead of rspecting us,destroy our environment instead of helping to protect it etc..etcc
It is in their genes.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Pissedoff is still evading the question. Why should Seychellois be thrown on the scrap heap while expats keep their jobs ?

Anonymous said...

Gratter! No matter how many time you will flush... Gratter will be right there akoz Gratter pou toultan contiyen grat zot fes e tan zen tan zot pou mars lo zot pous lipyie.
Si zot pa con ten kit peyi avyion i enkor alle vini. Ouswa mont la ba Silwet kot ban oubliye enmenn zot conson malbardile ek semiz matapolenm.


Anonymous said...

To pissed off the people of seychelles has been told since the begining of the presidential election the reason why they never have closure from the communist regime when they vote for fake oppositions like NDP and SNP even old boulle.

They where told we are not in a democracy which they thought ramkalawan boulle and volcere could have found that out before, but sadly it took christopher gill and a team of youths tired of the bullshit to educate the people.

Pissed off for your information each and every election was shadowed by fake opposition participation and calling faul play when all was done with money in their pocket, if we the people of seychelles where so very kouyon to believe you and michel re election then answer us this.

Why are we undertaking electoral reform's to democratize the process? If we are doing so now then what was the prior elections status? why did snp ndp and boulle went on sbc calling out all election violations and then suddenly saying michel was rightly elected? Is paying of the opposition a democratic condition or inadmissible to democracy?

pissed off there are thousands of ways to oust the presidency from office and believe me your army police will stand aside and irish with arabs will run home or get bombarded by the us the eu for interfering in our internal affairs.

PL enjoys and relish in deluxe while others ser sang easy to get rid of PL just contiminate their relish and they are gone, so far we have dealt with savy david adams guy and many more to name a few seychellois knows soon come democracy freedom and regime change

Anonymous said...

Both Ram Volcere are counterfiet oppostion leaders?How to spot them?Simply by checking their records and actions.They always the first to crticize the regimewith long aritcles in their parties' newpapers(for personal publicity)when call on them for action,te hide,they create,invent,and find excuses,pretexts to invade responsibility and dicisions.
They always prefer to take the easy road by accepting the status quo,they measure every action by prctecting their turf and promoting their self-interests.They turn a blind eye to criminal behaviour,to them,it is not how you play the game,it is about winning,they beleive the neds justifies always the means.They do not care about the future they won't be awareded for their efforts,instead,the future takes a back seat to hitting the next astrnomic bonus.

For them politics has turned out to be the safest,lucrative business for any time hasty investor to move from a bike to a BMW.They are the classic case of obedient stooges agreeing to fake the reality.And with their identity crisis ,they helping the butcher causing a lasting havoc on the people and the nation.

So much bravery of cawards that theycan not tell the different betwwen people's interst verses their petty theft of public resources and assets.

it should be our business to make the butcher and his sobedient stooges feel worthless as they surely are andtake their "fake" desperate attempt to stay alive.

it is surely brillant work for the butcher with nothing to hold him together but his obedient stooges.The butcher has been able to make weak-men obedient to fake reality in tjhe face of disastrous result.That is personal achieve or the butcher.-what about another Doctorate for our Dear leader?

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

personal achievement for

Anonymous said...

We mourn the passing away of Miss Eva Ramkalawan. Condolences to the Ramkalawan family.

Anonymous said...

Republic of San Serriffe

I held my peace when SBC aired it. Onezime’s masterplan to drive 50% of the population mad every night with what he calls “news” will fail, as far as I am concerned.

I held my peace again when Alain St Ange sent his press release to eTurbo news (you know, St Ange keeping the world tourism trade informed on news of … Alain St Ange). No need to bust a vein. Only Mozart from his African hideout reads such things avidly. He in turn will issue his own press release based on St Ange’s press release and STB will make sure he has a good time when he is next in town.

But now that Seychelles Nation has belatedly waded in this weekend, I can no longer hold my piss. To be fair to Nation, like its political sibling, it too was only regurgitating a press release from the St Ange STB. In the propaganda stakes, Nation is determined not to be outdone by SBC. Sibling rivalries played out for all to see, encouraged by St Ange.

Alain St Ange is the new Josef Goebbels. But who is the real target of his naked propaganda ? Could it be someone with an honorary doctorate degree from Teri University and a handful of degrees in violence from 5 June 1977 university ?

St Ange wants us to believe that the UK Guardian newspaper has written a flattering report on Seychelles. The deception was repeated by SBC, Nation and eTurbo News and disseminated over different days.

Guardian disclaimer

In fact, the report on Seychelles was written by a company called ‘The Report Company’ who plants such reports in the Guardian as advertisement.

In fact, the Guardian is keen to deny responsibility for these adverts from “The Report Company”. Its disclaimer is prominent and says “this is an independent publication, brought to you by The Report Company, who take sole responsibility for its content.”

In fact , such reports are a money-making wheeze by “The Report Company” . It is possible that the report on Seychelles was written in collaboration with the Parti Lepep government, hence the very flattering tone and the Guardian disclaimer. It is not what St Ange and the Parti Lepep government are telling us -- it is not an independent report written by a leading British newspaper.

In fact, as someone pointed out in a letter to the editor (editor of the Guardian -- Nation will never print such letters), the report on Seychelles reminded him of the Guardian’s 1977 April Fools Day report on the Republic of San Serriffe, an Indian Ocean island nation.

In fact, the parallels are spooky.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last comment. In the same publication the Report Company prints publcicity from several soi disant key players in the Seychelles economy, abstraction made of the young men who streched their creditials and qualification, I was apalled to read from the CEO of SIBA that Seychelles registers aircrafts. We did but the registers were closed down about 10 years ago, when the ICO came down and forced them to close it down after they were registering aircrafts right and center wihout investing in the resources to monitor these aircfafts. What remains is the Air Seychelles and a few crafts plying the local scene. It is frightening how someone so ignorant is given the responsibility of the such an importaant sector. People sniggers everytime Fanny speaks. Help us God!

Anonymous said...

Pissedoff keeps evading the question.

Why should Seychellois be thrown on the scrap heap when expats keep their jobs ?

Anonymous said...

Parti Lepep buys 'advertisement feature' in the Guardian and then claims the Guardian has written about Seychelles ...

Anonymous said...

We visited Guardian News paper this morning and had a talk with them about what they had written.

Anonymous said...

The Guardian wrote the report on San Serriffe not the one on Seychelles. It was an advertising feature supplement distributed with the Guardian and the Guardian would have been paid for it. At the end of the day, Parti Lepep government would have paid for it.

Anonymous said...

The gaurdians should come over here meets with SHTC members,Seychellois hotels,guest houses,restaurants owners,and others in order to interview them and ask them their opions of how the found our bankrutped toursim indutry, i am sure the Gaurdian will learn from the other side of the coin.We could dirve them over to La Misere that they can see for thermsleves that flatten a montain to build a bunker is not environmnet protection but distruction.We could take them to Praslin to show them the RAFLLE hotel ,a very ugly hotel ideed that they can see how the environment was rapped by an arab Kamel who ignorre and have no understanding of environemnt protection,They could go them to Beau Vallon in order to see how wetlandas have been rapped by Russsian dessarteurs.Then they can meetwitn ordinary citizens.ask them their views on how their natural habitat is being rapped by foreigners.I am sure they will find that comments made unilateraely or dictated and sent to them by PP is total another picture on the grounds.

Pp rushed to publish Gaurdian's articles and think becuasee it is a ofreign newpapers that said so we are then automatically going to beleive in it.(it is a colonial mentality whereby that the master said was just accepted and bleived in without question)we must note that back in those colonial days our people was illeterate.Michel thinks our people are still ignorant and must know that Guardian is saying is an opion we donot shared for we know the true and real story.Seychellois do not lesson on environemnt from no one ,our people was ecologists and environemtnalists long boefore the whole world even thought of protecting the environment ,it is not a fabricated article by a foreign Newpapers that is going to 5rteach us leasson either.

Our tuorism industry is at free fall and since the sell out of our Airline to Khalifa the problem has intensfied and nothing show that the free fall will stop soon unless Pp change course.So If Michel think Gaurdqain's article will bursh painted Pp's image and turn failures and propagandas in to reality it will just not work.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Michel is going in th UK i hope as soon as he put his foot on the ground interpol put the handcef around the hand of this criminel.


Anonymous said...

We should inform interpol.But maybe also organize a welcome protest for him on his arrival or what about some fruits tarts for his ugly face?Mr Tall should send Camoron a xopy of the butcher biography in order that is well -informed of who the terrorist he is going to shake hands ?The same butcher who did not send a congratulation letter to the Queen on her Diamond anniversary few weeks ago.Some fruits tarts or some protest banners or a combination of both?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

David Cameron may be new to the game and unaware of Seychelles' history and furthermore he badly needs somewhere to jail Somali pirates, but rest assured that Queen Elizabeth is fully aware of Seychelles' history. She will know she will be shaking the hands of a killer, but she has no choice in the matter. It will not be the first time that British diplomacy has required her to shake the hands of a killer.

Michel will no doubt enjoy the pomp and circumstance of the occasion. He demands no less these days. But he should be under no illusions that in return the British government will demand that he returns home with Somali pirates in tow to be housed and fed at Montagne Posee.

The inclusion of Rolf Payet makes you wonder whether any UK university has been leant on to give Michel an honorary doctorate. The visit will be seen as a failure if he comes back without one.

The Queen may be tempted to give Michel an honorary knighthood (Michel wants to be on a par with Sir James Mancham KBE) but perhaps she has learnt her lessons from the Mugabe saga where she had to take away Mugabe's knighthood.

Pissedoff said...

Ti Johnny you are so intoxicated with sperm overdose that you cannot see facts for fiction kouyon!

Which interpole...err pol ki pou arrest JAM? The one that is policing the world or the pole that is intered in your anal...errr internal?

Anonymous said...

Pissedoff keeps evading the question.

Why should Seychellois be thrown on the scrap heap when expats keep their jobs ?

Anonymous said...

pissedoff is not laughing when it is his turn to answer questions.

Anonymous said...

Why should Seychellois be thrown on the scrap heap when expats keep their jobs ?

Maybe because the Seychellois are not doing a good job at being pissed-off. Maybe things will change if the government raise the price of Beers and our dear Nenes.

Anonymous said...

Eoula ban BONOBOS I/we don't invade questions, WHY... because you can't handle the answers.

SFP is a DEAD PARTY as far as I/WE know not a single vote sooooo FAR.

RAMADOSS with one hand tie at the back and one eye close can pull out more votes then SNP/DP/BOULE/and YOU, yes YOU put together!

Anonymous said...

You mean Parti Lepep supporters will vote for Ramadoss. It says a lot about THEM !!!

Anonymous said...

You resemble a STATESMAN... ou enkor pe dormi foutou, leve soley in fini pet montanny....

POLITICIANS are here to win the next, next and next election...

E zot kontinyen aboye devan en konmpwiuter.


Anonymous said...

We will never accept or allow RAMADOSS a pseoudo-Seychellois have controlled over us like his Indian expats did in FIJI.RAMADOSS will never become minister and less President of our land of which is not a National.His illegaly obtained citizenship will be revoked.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Watch this space!

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