February 16, 2012
The Guiness Book Of World Records
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RE: Record Breaking in Doctorate achievement by the Seychelles Head of State
To whom it may concern,
This is a request from myself Jean-Paul Isaac to add the achievement of the Seychelles head of state President James Alix Michel’s name and all time achievement of a Doctorate in the book of world records.
Normally it takes time and great deeds and study for an individual to attain Doctorate level, but in view that our president of a small island state in the midst of country bankruptcy, transitioning to democratic practice promised for over 34 years from one party state due to Judiciary corruption, Abrogations of the country’s supreme law of the land (Seychelles constitution), sanctioned for no submission of human rights report over 18 years and being one of the only person to be gifting his country to another head of state; land plots for one rupee, the country's international airline through a bad deal over shares and a people. He has achieved Doctorate level in no time alongside many others with an existing prior degree and lesser flaws. Now that’s a record!! I firmly believe that this call’s for the Guinness book of records to note that he may just be the only individual to have done so and get away with it, even faster than any dictatorship regime.
This is a small extraction from a press release from state house the office of the head of executive body of Seychelles Governance to show what I mean:
Normally it takes time and great deeds and study for an individual to attain Doctorate level, but in view that our president of a small island state in the midst of country bankruptcy, transitioning to democratic practice promised for over 34 years from one party state due to Judiciary corruption, Abrogations of the country’s supreme law of the land (Seychelles constitution), sanctioned for no submission of human rights report over 18 years and being one of the only person to be gifting his country to another head of state; land plots for one rupee, the country's international airline through a bad deal over shares and a people. He has achieved Doctorate level in no time alongside many others with an existing prior degree and lesser flaws. Now that’s a record!! I firmly believe that this call’s for the Guinness book of records to note that he may just be the only individual to have done so and get away with it, even faster than any dictatorship regime.
This is a small extraction from a press release from state house the office of the head of executive body of Seychelles Governance to show what I mean:
“The Chancellor of TERI University and Director-General of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Dr RK Pachauri, has conferred an honorary Doctorate in Philosophy on President James Michel, who is also Chancellor of the University of Seychelles, at a convocation ceremony at TERI University in Delhi this week.
Dr Pachauri awarded the honorary degree ‘in view of President Michel’s contribution to society,’ particularly as an ardent advocate of the cause of small island states and the preservation of the environment.
“The TERI University expresses deep respect for President Michel’s leadership in the fields of environment and his efforts to foster sustainable development, by conferring on James Alix Michel, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa,” said the Registrar of TERI Univeristy, Dr Rajiv Seth.
Honorary doctorates were also awarded to the Former President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo, the Minister of Environment and Minister of Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of Norway, Erik Solheim, Nobel laureate Dr Elinor Ostrom,and Group General Manager and Country Head of the HSBC Group in India, Naina LalKidwai.”
See Link for full Press release: http://seychellesreality.blogspot.com/2012/02/if-james-michel-can-be-gifted-doctorate.html
See Link for full Press release: http://seychellesreality.blogspot.com/2012/02/if-james-michel-can-be-gifted-doctorate.html
Thank you for your consideration, and i await your reply.
Jean Paul Isaac
Plaisance Chenard Estate
Tel: + (248) 2 515174
depi lontan prezidan ti pe etidye lo son i phone ek black berry pou son degre, he deserves the doctorate.
ki ou problenm ek sa ou?
be eski ou prezidan i konn servi internet lo mobile phones li?
lir byen apre ou a konplent misel in ganny doctorate lo proteksyon lanvironnman pa pou etidye pou son fason amenm keksoz!
AND SFP call themselves intelligent. The people at the Guiness book of records will probably consider Jean paul Isaac for biggest Joke.Are these people really serious.
Congratulation JPI for thinking of our Dear Leader,no one of PP thugs nor in SNP thought about it the way they are busy robbing the country and the people.They so busy that they even forget their Dear Leaders world wild achievement.
A word on Mr Pachauri on Michel achievement in the environemnt field for which he was awarded a doctorate.Though all my respect to Mr-Pachauri own achievement,i must say though that comparing an Indain and a Seychellois aprreciation of what environemnt protection is ,i must say that Seychelles is light years from Indai in this field.For example,for an Indian throwing dead corps in Indai's biggest rivers of which waters they then drink,bath in already shows the different.So it is ironic and inacceptable for usto allow persons coming from countires were environment protection is so bad to come an tell us how to protect thr environment noting that our people were praticing environemnt protect even before the world became conscious on the issue.Moreover,looking at the butcher's recoords on environemnt that is the guy that has destroyed the country's environemnt and ecosystem more than any seychellois combined.He has illegally allow Khalifa to flatten a virgin mountain to built a bunker,illegally allowed another family member of Khalifa to flatten a mountian pn Praslin to built an ugly hotel call RAFFLE,he has allowed some foreigners to built illegally directly on our beaches,he has allow foregeiners to destroyed wetland at beauvallon ,he is allowing Glenny Savy to illegally remove sand directly on beau vallon beaches which in retrun would eended in erosion of coast land,the list is long and it not a foreigner like Mr Pachauri who will tell us the contary.
Jeanne D'Arc
Best thinking ever from sfp
This doctorate should be repealed from james michel because of the following:
James michel has allowed sheikh khaliffa to destroy a habitat of white eyed bird zwazo linet at la misere for construction of his palace, michel has allowed christian lionet to fill in the mangrooves area at plaisance nearby fresh cut for his family business parking, he has allowed some seychellois despite sfp wrote about it to fill in a small march where heavy rain water goes through to reach the sea at anse fort bans just before the alamanda hotel, michel has allowed a Russian an Italian and a south African to destroy a whole forestry area dan zil belombre to carve drive ways and parking to massive constructions outreaching as far a trails for nature walks and wild life, James alix michel intend to allow oil drilling from our sea bed at the cost of all our underwater wildlife and coral destruction and since the share has already fully been sold to whl oil drilling company which franchesca monnai of pdm works for he cannot pull back on that every now and then the Seychelles defense forces hammers away with heavy artillery in the mountains a braising rocks and destabilizing the mountains and uprooting or exploding loads of indigenous plants to Seychelles.
Coetivy had already once by siva publish plans for an airport runway or was it runways and large infrastructures that will get rid of anything in its path there..
James alix michel is a crime to nature and a murderer to society
guys do not forget khaliffa has a boat here dredging all corals from bays to allow his yatch to come in close to the shores and pontoons.
oil drilling can also not only destroy the corals and sea life but aswell cause instability to the ocean floor thus occurring natural disasters and shit...BLOODY BASTARDS!!!
Oil drilling can have even aorse and damging consequences of the environment than just destroying corals.For instance,the method being used by the Norway company drilling in our waters is a very dangerous methods for,they are using high pressure to drill though which can result earth quakes and even left cracks behind that can have long term consequences,but the most danger thing in all that is the cocktails of chemicals used to extract oil namely "bENTONITE OR pLOYMERS"which arte highly toxic chemicals (containing even Uranium in it) that can poluate frsh waters well but if lost control of it can poluate vast superficy of ocean for decades.
By the way Pp told us last year drilling has started where are we now Pp?The people have a right to know what is going on with the natural resources,monkeys?
Jeanne D'Arc
Eoula Jean Paul Isaac, I won’t bother because someone else has pointed out the reason President Michel was honoured with that doctorate. I will not even bother to explain what it is, what the requirements are and why they are given. All I will say is that you are truly a bloody primate short of a branch you ignoramus!
Do you even know what the hell you bloody talk about half the time you “Mr I-can-take-on-any-politician-in-the-country-on-an-open-debate-and-put-them-to-shame idiot?
You know I really do hope you have actually sent that letter because the more you at SFP make fools of yourselves the more you stand to be ridiculed and that makes my day!
Unfortunately people like you and Gill and that Ambassador-just-for-laugh and your motley crew are too stupid to realise that you are figures of ridicule here!
Also; no matter how ignoramus Gill is I still cannot believe that he would interview and hire a garbage gabbling idiot like Jean D’arc a retarded self-absorbed attention seeking little prick like ti Johnny and a fantasist Jet Fighter Pilot cum flight Instructor from the backwoods of Dalian all wanted by the doyens of Oxford on the same charges of Murder of the Queens English Grammar therefore I have to conclude that the three of you are the same prick all rolled up in one foreskin suffering from the same fucking masturbating overstretch dyslectic problem!
How the fuck did you all manage to fly over the cuckoo's nest and land at Docklands?
Pissedoff is suffering from verbal diarrhea and lack of oxygen due to bronchitis.Make the best of it because your days are numbered.Make sure you got enough oxygen to say goodbye to all your bastards you 've left in the Seychelles.
I am a human idiot in the club of monkeys so i donot have any problem with that.
Jeanne D'Arc
I sleep well s'il-te-plait, however, you Zandark a.k.a. ti Johnny alias Zanpol Izaak suffers from excessive masturbation and that has given you severe Tennis Elbow hence the reason why you cannot write properly on these bloggs!
Do I give a shitt?
...and anyway I have plenty of Gs around so I can spare one for Gill’s Blogs considering they are always a vowel short of a fcuking consonant!
It took me 2 years tgo get A DOCTORATE IN GYNECOLOGY.
How come James Michel got it so fast???????
This must be a joke
Si ou ti bez anvoy lanmen dan kartye fanm si fo ki dan kartye zom ketfwa ou ti a ganny pou ou pli vit!
Pissedoff has become very vulgar ever since he saw us celebrating his early demise on this blog
The record set by James Michel should be placed in the Book of Records, right next to our coco de mer, so Khalifa, who knows who he can screw in his love affair with Seychelles.
We already know he does not like our Coco de Mer.
Good one.
Keep it up.
The record set by James Michel should be placed in the Book of Records, right next to our coco de mer, so Khalifa, who knows who he can screw in his love affair with Seychelles.
We already know he does not like our Coco de Mer.
Good one.
Keep it up.
Pissedorf you are the greatest. Seems they do not even know that an Honorary Doctorate is not obtained sitting at a computer or university desk these fools!! Yes we will place them all especially JP Isaac in the Guinness Book of Records for the most English grammar mistakes made per 100 words. Ha ha!! Morons and yes placing their hands up man's arses instead of women. Ho ho ho!!
I think you have left your brain in Khalifa's ass that is why you now keeps on using ghetto languages to try to expalin yourselves.Unfortunately such words can only be understood by marons ,monkeys,Kamels,etc.. In of words by animals in the zoo.Deginynen your grandpa did not mannered you ?Why not help Michel working on his pronounciations_e.g French says MOnsieur not Mezie.etc..for this monkey has made us the laughingstock in FRANCOPHONIE countries.It is a shame for our Peoples who most understand Fench..Even in English he has problem e.g HALLO (in real Eng)the butcher pronounces it as Halu.probably he is useto the KALU that instead of saying HAllo he says halu.What a shame to has a self elected monkey at the head of our proud Nation.
Time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
I use the language that suits you best you morons! Who on here have succeeded having a decent debate with ignorants like you all unless it was one-sided?
Remeber how you treated and abused the late Brigitte Nibourette one of your most ardent supporters just because she questioned you on one thing only?
GILL and ISAAK with all your aliases are not fit for the fucking sewers! Zot parey kabo sauters dan labou ban liki zot manman!
Pissed off- I am busy and hardly have time to check in on the blog.
These comments are from Real Seychellois!
You have reason to fear SFP!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
GILL; your whole existance depends on these blogs so stop pretending that you are too busy to be on here!
Let say though it is false that Chirs' existance depend on the blog,it is still much better an not criminal than robbing the whole Nation like SNP,NDP And pp are doing.
Jeanne D'Arc
None that you've mentioned are robbing the nation but given the chance SFP would do it because that's all you think about and it's killing you all to think that we may be doing it and you are not in on the action!
Ali Baba and the expats
Gill; your whole existance depends on the blogs so stop pretending that you are too busy to be on here!
The different with SFP and Pp communists and its clown SNP,NDP is that SFp when of power will be accoutable,transparent thus meaning all informations of whatever deals it makes in the name of the people would be amde public that all Seychellois of whom politcains should be the servants can see.That is a big different than waht pp is doing namely come on SBC make speaachs about their actions but can never support them by facts.
Jeanne DÂrc
Jeanne D'arc a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaak. Get it through you thick koksis; SFP will never be in the seat of power in Seychelles EVER! They will never gain any seat in any elections. not in a hundred years time!
you should get rid of this illusioary idea from you big Koksis,it is the people who will decide and what they have shown SFP to date is that they in their majority support the efforts being made by SFP for change.How did they show their support for SFP?By following the successful boycott last year that almost shut down SNP.If the elctoral reforms is domcratic and genuine they would probably show it again and send Pp to the dustbin of history with shame,like adandoned vicious dogs-lonely and in disgrace.Pissedoff,why not go and try to see if putting a rope around your neck cN REALLY hang ?
Jeanne DARC
Pissoff i saw you are using my name you fucking cunt,your comment you publish on the 18.2.2012 at 4.15 p.m.i think you are getting mad gran le roi pilon.I think you getting mad,because kabo Arab dan ou fes are confusing you or kabo Arabs is not enough dan ou fes or you feeling the heat from SFP, even you dont signed pissoff i know its you, a man that can not take the heat.
I think all the guys at SFP know this comment was from you and is not the first time you try to use name of other peoples du wicsher,losing ou lenis form arab make you do this!
SFP is hear to stay like it or not you have to live with it pissoff.
Pissed off when i was illegally arested i did not use aliases or fake profiles to be i am jean-paul isaac a freedom loving seychellois with guts and the ability to take stand up for democracy freedom and regime change.
pissed off is a fake profile and we have loads of aliases afiliated with pissed off. For your information i have received a reply from the guiness book of records, with a few details on how to go about proper channels to get james alix michel's achievement which just like the movie gone in 60 seconds he would term his degree as fully doctorized in sixty seconds.
I admire the way you get so oftended and when sfp talks but you always remain suttle when snp talks or the ndp. Why is that i have an answer but seychellois already knows. Pissed off my second broken english letter that gets response from every where i send them is going to be to the guiness book in request for david pierre of pdm to be added on as record holder forpolitical party creation in a none democratic society in seven days to contest parliamentary elections.
I have more as well i actualy have written to the human rights international and the ireland foreign affairs to report on irish aids to the regime to violate human rights in the case of loads of seychellois and recently panagary and labiche; i also have an ongoing petition to the people of seychelles for justice and iradication of institutes that violates human rights ongoing which is now at 10,877 signatures and climbing on the paper there are both pl supporters and freedom loving seychellois that has signed, a copy will go to state house but in view of the regimes inability to respect human right we will also press for inquiry from the human right international carbon copied to world health organisations the united nations and to the icc international criminal court to add on with previous filling of genocides in the seychelles.
as of this monday pissed off sfp and all of its staff locally aqnd overseas will be pressing for more international aid in democratizing the country, and all this will be done for all public to see.
JPI don't even know how to copy what Gill wrote for him!
You should capital your "I" letter and not ( i pti pwen en ler)
Is your left pinkie toooo short or are you running out of ink?
SFP has been on overtime this Sunday. I hope Gill is paying you well Isaaq!
Tell me are you getting three salaries, one a ti Johnny the gay-boy-shafted-by-his-many-many-German-friends and one as Jeanne D’arc the moronic and retarded whore that services Gill when he doesn’t get any at home which is 365 days a year (he'll get some this year as it's a leap year!) and one as JP Isaaq starring as Ceasar from the planet of the apes!
First I’ll address that very, very rude comment from ti Dyoni-the-gay-whore-wot-did-not-get-shafted-by-his-German-pals-this-weekend-hence-his-frustration!
I did not use your name to write anything here. I don’t need to. I say what I have to say under my own pseudo and I don’t give a hoot that it is not to everybody’s taste. I don’t need anyone’s approval! I’ve found that it is the only way to address thick arrogant lying retards like you phoney SFP dick heads!
Lent starts this week so my advice to you ti Johnny is to take that oversized dildo out your arse, get a bowl of holy water and sit on it and wash your over-used and over-stretched arse hole and what remains of your friz with holy water and chasser le diable de vos anus you perverted dyslexic retard!
To Jeanne D'arc; you can shut the fuck up. I don't read your comments because they are too stupid and retarded. I just like to maltret ou for your stupidity!
You don't make any sense at all except suck up and pwenti to Gill!
To Jean Paul Isaaq; what can I say? You took time away from your rosbif to comment to me….ooohhh!
You were arrested illegally? What do you expect me to do? Is ICC tattooed on my fore-head? Do I look like you ambassador-just-for-laughs?
1. Write to the ICC and let them know you were arrested illegally and why they arrested you.
2. Ask your ambassador to lodge an official protest to the You-Ke government and…
3. Write to the Guinness book of records and see if that can be entered as a record. Who knows you might just win a crate of Guinness as a prize! (I have censored 3.)
I can feel the pain in side of you and the worries in your head, the way SFP is undressing SNp.You who thought you would have a life long pension,increased slary ever year,free fuel and car paid by tax payers money,multimillion house paid by Tax payers money etc..etc..i can imagine how hard it would be for to wake up early in the morning to go and dig LATRINE holes and earn a honest living.
You know what the more you cry out the more we going to squeeze your little communist ass until we get you where you really belong in the ghetto at Montagne Possee.
Jeanne D'Arc
What would the Butcher do when the people begin to beat their freedom drums and circle the butcher's mud walls and his palace of illusion?Would he go to Dictaotrs' heaven in Saudi Arabia where he would be welcome with open arms and kisses on the cheeks?Hide in the backyard of brother dictaotrs?What is sure is that few meet the fate on Babydok of Haiti or Bokassa(central Africa)who found refuge in France then to turn home for trial and convicted for crimes.C.taylor thought by escaping to Nigeria he would be safe,but he was then send to the Hague where he is now facing trial for crimes against humanity.
My peace of advice ot the Butcher.if he does not want his palce of illusion and his mud walls come trumbling down ,he had better change course and start sailing towards democratization of the country,the sooner the better.If he keeps dragging his feet his poised to ignite a people's revolution.And if he tries to to make peaceful change imposssible than he should keep JF kennedy words in mind,"those who make peaceful change impossible ,make voilent change inevitable".Gadhafi did not agree with JFk's words at first,but he was forced to do so when he saw the revolver of a rat(as he called the protestors)pointed in his head.Assad of syria wanted to prove the contary but he had come to accept this fact since.He is now butchering his people in an attempt to prolong his programming fate(death).
jeanne D'Arc
Your biggest fear and worst nightmare is that JAM is on the right track and he is being recognised and groomed and pampered by the powers that be where ever he goes - they are falling over themselves to open doors for him whilst you and Gill stand in the shadows and watch with envy then go out and make so much din like two empty barrels or two dogs abwaye-ing ek lalinn
.....before I sign off JPI has been awarded an OSCAR AWARD by the Guinness World Record for his stupidest letter ever received by this office, however this particular one is the exact replica of our famous ZONM LIB. He can now erect it at those empty files at Dockland office.
We salute you, YES YOU.
Felisitasyon JPOL keep digging.
Every time you hit the bottom PP will give you another shovel.
Sorry Ram JPI is not using shovel sponsored by the state in which the SFP oppose.
On the contrary SFP has been using dynamite and blasting away at those said to be unmovable.
Savy, Adam and many more sorry once again
It is not how many red carpets froeign countries roll for the butcher that counts but how the people he rules by forced find it.India governemnt did not hesitate to organzed a doctorate for him ,because India wants our vote in the UN for permanent seat.European banks do give Michel loans in millions not becuase they love him but to indebts us for the have long term strategy to rob us when he ever started to pump oil,then instead of having millions for our people it will be millions to pay back Pp's astronomic debts to the world.Note that the Queen refused to meet the butcher,probably the Queen ddid not forget when this little monkey was bawling out Brit. go home in 1975.
Jeanne D'Arc
So what? We are not accountable to the queen of England! We said what was said in 1975 and if need be we will say it again! They need us at this moment in time and there is no such thing as a free lunch so the queen will just have to grin and bear it!
We are not accoutable to the queen of England probably becuase you concider we are independent ,thus why than you think we are accoutable to an Arab despot call Khalfia to whom our country has no historically connection?
They donot need really need us at this moment ,it is the contary,we need them to gaurd our EEZ for piracy because the butcher never took any steps to improve the capacity,profeessionalism of our military in order that they can do the job,for thr butcher afraid that making our men in uniform too good might result in his overthrow.They are in fact ,useing us to get rid of those somali pirates they apprehend for they do not want to see those illeterate asking them for exile and after turn in to terorists that might kill British nationals in their home land.
Jeanne D'Arc
Ramkalawan a lone David in the old days, has been described as a Loyal Opposition for 18 years by Bernard Georges.
Being a Loyal Opposition to a dictatorship is a shameful status.
Yet this is what SNP has been doing all this time. When they Boycotted the National Assembly elections , they joined the Boycott line, but yet , they do not feel like they can live with their skin in defiance of the PL. So now, they are back in secret meetings, trying to undo the scourge of David Pierre PDM, which is nothing more then the SNP strategy of miling SPPF PL as it was in the past. Only now, David Pierre is now Ramkalawan.
Ramkalawan is now no longer David.
SNP also admit to buying votes like the SPPF and they were in competition with them in past elections. This explains why the Commonwealth never ruled clearly on this issue.
So if anyone wants to know why SNP has failed for the last 18 years at any democratic reform, now you will know. They let SPPF off the hook.
Today SFP keeps them all on the hook.
Hang in there, or hang up your hats and shoes.
RAM is also doing everything to get NDP to play his game of fools.Pp has probably send him to entice NDP with perks in order to divide the oppostion.Loyal oppostion is politcs without position.They are loyal due to their inability to formulate an alterantive policy to the regime a strong popualr base.
They must be exposed.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
Pa inn fek remind zot ki the official opposition is PDM?
When will it sink in that SNP, NDP and Boulle are parties in limbo?
...and SFP is the little kaka nenen desperately pleading to the others to take them on board!
Little SFP keeps writing these silly letters asking SNP/NDP & Boulle to please let him play with them and they keep saying "Bez sorti li ti kouyon. Al zwe ek marmaiy ou grander!
No piseedoff
Writting letters to ask SNP,DNP and boulle is meaningful it tells SNP:DNP;boulle to stop faking and show Seychellois shows who is really working and striving on a daily basis for their freedom and who is just abusing them for personal-interests.It gives Seychellois a change to see who is a geniune politcal party that cares for them and who are stooges parties who are helping Pp autocratic regime to prolong their suffering.It show who are real politcians and who are fake.
These letters are evidence of SFP actions just like all these letters sent to Interantional organizations.SFP is working for the people SNP,DNP and Boulle are robbing the country and people together with Pp crooks.You are co-conspirators and the Seychellois poeple must know that.
Jeanne D'Arc
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