Note that simon Gill is representing the Parti Lepep Leadership and that the Leadership is also the President of the Seychelles.
Thus when Simon Gill speaks it is James Alix Michel Speaking. That is in the video the president referring to the other side of the reform table as Diarrhea. On the other hand their side PL linear to PDM Pierre and Jane Carpin they are clean from Simon Gills mouth in that Video!!
In View that the Media issue has not been resolved SFP intends to have its own filming to be aired online for all Seychellois to stay up to date with the reforms!!
Much more has to be done,lip service won't be enough.Petty politcs for petty gains is over.
Expected from the refrom:Determitation and limitation on lection financing-it must provides clarity and menas of controlling party's expenses during an election campaign _Equally access to Public Medias,and Presidiential candidates must conduct public(including the President still in office)-in the past we have seen other party leaders confronting each over but always missing was the President who wanted to be relected-(In a election a President in office once declared his candidacy he is considered as a normal candidate and treated must be treated as such, thus he must face public debates together with other candidates.
-Local observers must be allow as well as Interantional observers.
Independecy of the Elctoral Commission and define clearly how electoral memebers should be chosen.No more hand picking by the President who often is also a candidate thus a compettitor thus he cannot posses the power to hand Apppoint the EC members.
-Counts of ballots after closure of election boost at districts level ,all districts once voting boost are closed should make public at (local level)by sticking copy of the result outside the voting boost that citizens can check their names ,as well as party's oeservers ,etc... _Any conplain of irrigularities(when very important)claimed by a candidate must be checked and sorted out before any declaration of any offical victory etc...Thus a candidant who considered he has won and should there be irrigularies checks underway could not self-declare victory before the porblems have been resolved by EC.
More points could be added i will leave it to Pissy....that he can also make some proposal...It is your change Pissy...SFP gives you the opportunity to contirbute ...take this change for one other parties allow such democratic opportunity..take the advantage of it and particiapte in bettering our system toward democracy.Show us your patriotism Pissy.
All in all the refrom must provides fairness,transparency,equlity.
Danny Faure took my advice about his sour face on SBC and Nation. Today he manages a smile -- but quite a forced smile clearly.
Seychelles Nation is slow to pick up the fact the on-off and off-on Vice President is out of favour with State House and that his photos (mostly him giving out prizes and certificates, before he gets his depar volonter) should be off the front page and relegated to inside pages. The country does not need to be reminded that this is the man who will never be President and that Parti Lepep in-fighting is damaging the country.
The belles who are the power behind the button at State House hate Danny Faure's guts more than we in the real opposition do. His cards are marked. His days are numbered. Roll out the clichés. Danny Faure is a goner and his resignation threats are empty. He is firing blanks.
Traitor St Ange's self-promotion
That Danny Faure should be betrayed by his own side does not come as a surprise. Parti Lepep has engineered betrayals in the opposition ranks. One such traitor is Alain St Ange, the prolific writer of eTurbo News press releases on Alain St Ange.
The latest eTurbo News Global Travel and Industry News has a press release on St Ange as "New Seychelles Minister appeals for promotion of cultural heritage". Clear proof that St Ange has been abusing his position as eTurbo News ambassador to promote himself. Many will rightly wonder what has St Ange's speech to La Francophonie got to do with tourism news from Seychelles.
Is our new Minister then spending his time writing press releases and posting them on web-sites that few people read ? This is clear proof that there are too many ministers in this new cabinet and they are under-employed.
Fancy a press release on La Francophonie being written in English and not French. Are we now asking tourists to come and see Alain St Ange and not Seychelles ? No wonder they are staying away.
Gill you are just so jealous of Alain St Ange that you cannot help but insult him. As a previous blogger said you are simply a jealous spoilt brat who cannot face the fact that others are smarter and better than you. Grow up Totof
No one is insulting St Ange,we asking St Ange to provide histrategy of how to ifx the mess of the ogvernemnt he is part of.Our Turoism industry is the heart of our economy and rapid decision and paln msut pirvided to those in the industry in order to know how to priceed.Since St Ange was named Minister he has not even consult those invlove in the industry and they do not have time to wait until St Ange unilaterally dicide to say something.
Gill did not steal from Equator hotel Gill did not steal from Denis Island Seems a qualification to become Tourism Minister is to have THIEF on your CV.
Shouldn't this be conducted in creole? Aren't we a republic with our own language and culture? This is not a matter for the intellects alone. It is a concern to every Seychellois voters, therefore, it should be presented in creole so that every voter can understand and draw their own conclusion on the matter.
Guys, I think we are wasting a lot of time on ambiguous issues instead of spending more time on the serious related issues of the mandate. If that is the kind of time-wasteing that this commission is up to, it will take a very long time before any real change actually takes place. I wonder if that is a tactic being used by PL to slow down the process so that time becomes an element of essence for them to accomplish other strategies. It is not coincidental that PL is now targeting women since they have tried to convince the youth and failed. Think about it guys and let not the ambiguities side track your demarches to bring democracy to our shores.....Courage.
Pooor Gill and SFP,they were all insulted by GILL in broad day light but they are not bright enough to notice!And most of all you wasted my valuable 15 mins to watch diarrhea from your table! PARTI LEPEP pou koup zot hemorrhoid one by one when its over.
Yes- SFP was insulted by S. Gill, we recorded it, and posted it.
The event demonstrates the state of mind of PL leadership. S. Gill is the spokesman for President James Michel.
The duplicity, is in the need for reform, which is why SFP is present in these meetings.
Michel says he is committed to reform to the international community, but then around the reform table, we have nothing more then a merry go round, with Mr. S Gill, leading the circus in James Michel's name.
As for the last comment on cutting "hemorroid", one by one when it is over, it will never be over, until PL accept democracy in Seychelles, which up to now it has not. When it does, you will be finished as a political party, because you have stolen each and every single election since 1993 by buying the voters, or buying the opposing candidates, or just buying another political party in the "real opposition".
PL must understand something, we in SFP will not accept anything less then DEMOCRACY in Seychelles for her people.
You can call Khalifa, to colonize Seychelles,your Sugar Daddy, SFP will not blink an eye to you or Khalifa.
You can call Communist China to educate all our students, build all our school, houses, branches of government, SFP will not blink an eye to you communists who FAIL Seychelles every single day of the 365 day year.
The real shame is on Christopher Gill who sees fit to publish photos of your boys playing with one another for the viewing of everyone This is pedophile material and they should be arrested for doing this. He would have been if he was here in the free world where there is legislation against this. I have been advised by a lawyer friend here in the US to report this blog to a child protection agency and to give them names of the promotors. Next time Mr Christopher Gill enters a US border point he will have to answer some real embarrassing questions. It will not be the first time Gill brushes with the US Justice Department. Say NO to Pornography.
SFPor rather Christopher and Isaac have an obsession with the anus!! They publish pictures of juveniles displaying their bums,, forever using the word KAKA and now again Diarrhea. They are clearly obsessed with this orifice and it's functions. Real Sick minds............. Can't the authorities sanction this?
I am not here to defend Mr Gill or anyone for this matter. Each time I read that Mr C. Gill is jealous of Alain Saint Ange or any of these PL monkeys, is really irritating. I found these accusations rather silly/pathetic and childish. You cannot compare Mr C. Gill and Alain Saint Ange. The Saint Ange is all about money/woman or girls/holidays at tax payers cost. La Digue partu y renpli zis ek batar bann stange, pove malere. Mr C. Gill on the other hand, takes his country and fellow man seriously. I am not trying to say that Mr C. Gill is smarter than anyone, but a lot smarter than those monkeys from PL put together.
On the contrary they are the one who are jealous of Mr C. Gill; each time someone posts a blog the attack is on Mr C. Gill. If this is not jealousy! Then tell me what is?
Mr C. Gill has not stolen from anyone; he has not tortured or killed anyone. Why don’t you fools go attack those PL killers and thieves, who are taking food from your children’s table, and who are killing our people.
I strongly believe that the current situation in Seychelles needs to change as fast as possible.
This moron does not even know how to represent himself in a serious discussion.All he does is shout and trying to intimidate his opponents.This shows you what Lepep is all about since the 5th of june 1977. All they know is coup Deta,murder and harassment.
Clair de lune I wish you’d get his dick out of your mouth long enough for you to see how Debasing, indecorous, morally corrupt and perverted your Christopher Gill is! The man is a cold blooded reptile! But then again; like attracts like
Time for change in Seychelles is long overdue. The current regime needs a kick in the ass all the way to jail, for torturing and killing of our people, for rapping and kidnaping of our country. We need this change because this regime represents communism/drugs/prostitution which is bad for our society. Their lack of knowledge, lack of compassion has ruined our once beautiful/peaceful country where people used to live in harmony. Here on this blog for example we can all read the way they communicate, “harassment/intimidation and uncivilised. This is why Seychelles can no longer afford to keep these monkeys as leaders.
This regime is old and out dated and should no longer be in a position to represent Seychelles, when Arab is what they are promoted together with violence and intimidation.
And no one could be possible more Debasing, indecorous, morally corrupt and perverted than those who dressed up in nuns clothing at NYS. All those bad taste and titles is copy right by PL, it belongs entirely to them. They breath it and they breed it as well.
It seems to me that you have nothing concrete to share, so go and play in Arab kaka that has been provided for you. I know it is a privilege for you. So come on; off you to Arab kaka.
I have to go and get ready for A PARTY, which mean I HAVE A LIFE.
The promised refroms announced by the butcher stays a myth.They are nowhere insight.Commonsense alone dictates that dictator Michel the butcher is never to teach us the tricks or that he is in the biusiness of allowing significant refroms that would threaten his throne.The butcher has again proven that he holds to the saying "once a dictator always a dictator".
Hence,since the butcher does not intent to change,the question that crops up is how to we change the butcher?Any change will and must come from the people directed or guided by a UNITED Opposition.When one wants to bring down a dicatator most effectively and with least cost,then one has four immediate tasks:1)One must strengthen the independent social groups and institutions of the oppressed population themselves in their determination,self-confidence,resistance skills,2)One must develop a wise internal resistance force,3)One must develop a powerful strategic plan for liberation and implement it skillfully,and to successfully and effectively achieve the above tasks4),unity in the opposition is imperative.
A liberation struggle is a time for self-reliance and interanl strengthening of the struggle group.As Charles S. Parnell called out during the Irsih strike campaign in 1879 AND 1880:"It is not relying on the ogvernemnt....You must only rely upon your own determination....Help yourselves by standing together....stengthen those among yourselves who are yourselves together organize yourselves....and you must win.
After four decades of one-party communist sytem,it is clear that many of our people has been atomized(turned into ,ass of isolated individuals),apralized ,unable to work together to achieve freedom,to confide in each other ,or even to do much of anything at thier own initiative.They prefer to face suffering without purpose and a future without hope.
Therefore,it is imperative to have a united oppostion should we want to revers the situation and alleviate our people suffering and defend the defenseless,the faceless,and the vioceless.
When hope itself seems hopeless and our faith in the future is swallowed by the present despair,we must replace our outrage with courage and be prepared to give at least one minute of our time and energy to the cause of transitioning our beleoved country from dictatorship toDemocracy.
Simon Gill,was difeinitively not representing the EC but PL,accompanied by his two cheerleaders Pierre and Chapin.It was like a comedy show without public.
What irritate you Communists, is that I sent you and your money to hell and everything that you stand for.
I know that.
Now Seychellois are learning how liberating that feeling is everyday.
They will send you to hell and they are doing it everyday.
If you don't believe me, apply for a job at Freedom Party to deliver "Laverite" each week, then you will know what Seychellois think of you, Michel, Simon Gill.
You and your Sugar Daddy Khalifa and Communist China will not buy Seychelles, no matter how much you spend. Everything you have done, we will undo systematically, until you are naked.
You call for a united opposition in one breath and you slag us off in the next! One would think that this united opposition would consist all parties except SFP. Make yourself clear man!
Calling for unity is something alls serious and those who care about the country should have done or do naturally.We call on you to unite because it is the way forward and if you do unite ,PP thugocracy can end other night for your would have the silent majority behind you.
Having said that,any politcal leaders who proclaim himself as democrates should not have problem with criticism,they should know that in order for things to move and work criticsm is part of the process for it health,and bring reflection ,it makes one question oneself etc..etc..etc..
Furthermore,if you can not accept criticism how can you know that things are not okay for without any criticism it would mean everything are perfect thus no need for criticism .A person who claim himself a democrat must get accustom to criticism if you can or do not accept crticism then it right to say you have a communist mental for criticism is a foreign language in such a regime.
Lastly,when someone criticize you the question you probably should be asking is why the criticism and find out the reasons for it,Of course there might criticism which are unjustified but if you beleive in free society thne you one must do is come forward explain oneself,clarify things then the problem will be solved.It is not by complaining that someone criticiize you that change thing or stop the criticism but your one action ,how do you react,how you prove yourselves etcc... i a way it is a quality of leadership.Maybe RAM ;Volcere should start having this kinds of behaviours,and stop being like PP who does not want to be criticized for they think they are omnipotent,above all Seychellois,our holiness and so on.Let such mentality to the butcher and his ilks,present yoursleves rather different from the butcher for following the butcher would lead you participate in his crimes. Time or change!
Simon Gill, what perfect arrogance. His profile suits well for the job, but sooner or later he will know that all empires will come to an end. Months and days are numbered. ..signals of the end is clear. The opposition should double their effort and put all differences aside until the beast knows that they are not at all absolute from total power. The last parliamentary election proves that. we know now that SPP is a minority, now we need to make it clearer than ever and make it a reality.
Simon Gill testifies that communist do not understand things and that any significant reforms would never be achieved by communists.
Let us check the butcher and lks promised refroms the whole porcess is not about the outcome by the process.In other owrds,it is about smoke and mirrormwindow dressing.It is about putting a show,going through the motions.Democratic elections for them have nothing to do with the outcome of legitimately elected leaders.They are about the process putting fake electionscircus so that people can go through the motions of voting for "leaders" who have already been pre-selected and elected for themselves.
In the same token,courts are not about the outcome ofimpartialadministration of justice.They are about manipulating the legal process,which is truth-finding based on established legal principles,vindicating theinnocent and convicting the guilty or erving the neds of justice.They are about the process of putting on a kangaroo court show to convict the innocent,exonerate the guilty and exalt the criminals.Government is not about the outcome of informed decission-amking,praticing the rule of law,effective delivery of public services,accountability,transaprency,legitimacy and the rest of is about the exquisite process of clinging to power like bloodsucking ticks on a cow.A constitution is not about the outcome of establishing and permanently securing the role of law so that citizens are protected from arbitary and abusive use of governemnt power.It is about the process of ensuring the will of an outlaw who trashes every known human rights law.Assembly is not about the porcess of formulating sound laws and public policies in a deliberative legislative forum.It is about the process of rbberstamping the delusions and fantasies of a dictator.
The butcher strategy is aimed only to hoodwink the rest of the world inot beleiving his dicatorship is the only path to democracy.It isall about the planned process of creating and maintaining a nation of gnoramuses by denying free expression,and a forum of free exchange of ideas.It is about keeping the population weak,confused,divided and domesticated.It is about the process of locking up the population into the proverbial Tower of BABEL where no one speaks the same language or understands each otherin a new Seychelles of ZEROTHINK and ZEROSPEAK,the dear omnipotent semi-god is the only voice,only decider,the only one who knows how things must be done.
Time to finish with all those monkeys.Thus the need for oppostion to unite,for by uniting they will have the force and the people you,which you can use to force PP for rapid refroms and if PP fialed to dleiver or play deaf ears than the you will just to call for the poeple to do the job by street portests.Oppostion hold the key for change,all they need to do is UNITE now.
SFP communications in confirmed letters, to the Commonwealth Secretariat and Prime Minister of UK Mr. David Cameron has tied down the PL Communists to the table legs of the Round Table, no matter what they say or do.They can call us any name in the dictionary, we will not relent until we see their backs behind bars.
They have been trapped and there is no way out, except to deliver Democracy and Freedom to the people of Seychelles.
Seychelles cannot have another election and be deemed credible, if reform is not effective and accepted by all parties. The candle wicker for faking democracy in Seychelles has burnt after 18 years. The world is on to this regime thanks in a large part to STAR and REALITY.
The strategy of duplicity by Mr. James Michel, to profess aspirations for Democracy to the international community, and deliver rogue communism on the home front has been exposed by Seychelles Freedom Party (SFP).
Now, we only need to write to Obama to up turn the PL Communist apple kart.
That letter was sent last week, we will load this week. The White House, which has the most transparent administration in USA history, will soon reply.
James Michel can take his Simon Gill and send him to the Port Glaud waterfalls where a Nouvobanq loan to a Russian was handled by Gill and Faure in the millions not different from the Faure Afif Tretout scam for millions from the same Bank. Then they called it FDI.
Or we can take Simon Gill and send him back to Dan Len Montbuxton where he came from. This guy used to climb through a prepcipice holding a rope every day before he reaches his house. Now he thinks he is a big shit. He needs to look at where he came from and show more sympathy to those who is still climbing through precipice and have no chance of getting out of their deplorable abode. The guy use to steal at the malbar shop every day before going home. Simon Gill don't forget where you came from cause we haven't
The thing is by his fake Simon Gill is cutting the rope he used to climb to his house and sponsored by tax payers money,and as all houses bilt on sand it is doomed to colapse, it is just a matter of time that he would see his illegally obtain assets vanished away.
Pissedoof has convinced himself that all commnets are coming from Chris because he just cannot accept the idea that Pp is crumbling and SFP supporters are growin in numbers everyday with a rapidity unpredictable by nay communists members including its stooges.The progress makes them fear ,for they can see that change is coming faster than they ever thought it could be. Change is coming Pissy no panic ,no fear ,it will free from your ignorance and long years communist indoctrinationand brain-washing.
Alain, san memm minis pli KOUYON. Lekol i ti bet. Letan lefrer ti kry bann ki tinn gagny 'HOUSE POINTS' dan vendredi, zamen son non ti gagny krie. I fer kraw i kontan nwar, me La Dig, i ti maltret nwar mazanbik. Ton Gregwar i konn byen sa.Si Moris Lousto Lalann ki ti malin lekol pann kapa fer nanryen pou nou lindistry touris, dir mwan...KI Alain pou kapa fer...
Ki Alain pou kapa fer.It is a question we all asking as we watch our tourism industry crumble.It seems Alian does not have a master plan and no immediate short-term plan to at least de-accelerate the crash down of our tourism industry.As we wait and watch St Ange enjoying his new position as minister ,our tourism industry keeps falling deeper into the unknown and St Ange think all those bisuness persons who have invested dozen of dollars in their buisnesses have time to wait for him to act.Should St Ange deliver a master plan in a brief delay ,private business persons would see the investment vanished away and they should put the balme on St Ange and PP ,dito asking the government for compensation of their losses due to effective policies and strategy by the government.
after almost four decades Pp has finally decided to conduct an audit but only for loand given by EU.what about loans frm IMF,World bank,africanbakns ,Afriv^can union,Ntional banks,countires like China,india?Whar about money given to ministries,district administrators,NGOs,?What about the waY ALL THOSEloans are used?What about revenues collect from foreign fishing vessels,revenues or lost from IDC;SEPEC?WHat about all the over loand and the way they are used Pp'?Accountability and transaprencyPp.
We do need to win an agurment ,for arguing comes for too concern about the opinions of others .We want to debate on ideas,positions etc..PP;VOLCERE;RAM;BOULLE refused even bedates for they know they will be defeated on any issues.
On must win many battles to win the war-Chinese general TZU SU said"a great general acquires victories without battles" and GRIFFITH 3:10 said:"Those skilled in war subdue the enemy^s army without battle"That is now we will defeat pp,without shooting a bullet by beat pp by using intelligence.
Because communist agrument is bullshit and communist can take Q ferm ou mas bring PP and yourself in front of us debate you will see who run away, thats why seen years they have control all the media. That why they dont to give any one permit for tv station in Seychelles and they have only this box call SBC because they know media will open the eyes of some blind Seselwa.
Go where ?Go mean continue with the good job while SNP:NDP are staganted into ambiquity and ineffectiveness.Go means we will you and support SFp in its determination to bring about change.GO ,leave those stooges who do not want change Volcer,RAm stick in their illusion and move forward alone,for even without them SFp is powerful and deliver more than all of them combined including PP.GO meaning you are doing a good job,continue with it,we support you.
While the same saying GO SPF,are saying down with communists and as you know proven by the successful boycott they are in their majority(silent majority).PP must take a leaf from BURMA Juntas maybe this is more ijmportant than the question GO WHERE?For if PP failed to change,i repeat we gonna change them.
Time for regime change,Time to finish with communism.
It takes SFP a few months to delivers what SNP;NDP have not been able to do,over more than eigtheen years,Quite an achieved for a part created last year,isn't it?The popularity of SFP scares PP,RAM and all those PP goons.
PP is lying,you know why?once a liar always a liar.Just look at Morgan's scum.As to vote in SFP box,the silent majority is awaiting for genuine electoral reforms,to cast their vote for SFP in order topple PP,SNP and all its goons.PP;SNP are so afraid of genuine elections that PP refuses reforms and RAM refuse to particvpiate in any meeting that would put forward democratic norms,why?They know it would be the end of their existance.
Gill wake up! The voters do not know you. The few from Bel Ombre that once knew you does not trust you and would stone you if you even attempt to ask them for their votes! With that as reality you will NEVER take part in any elections to save yourself from a nationwide humuliation! Get real Mr Conman!
I really think RAm must wake up,for he seems to be still under the boycott shock of last year.I'll remind you if you short -minded that happened last year:do you remember who called and orchestrated the successful boycott last year which shook PP in its soul and almost shut down SNP?It was the person you have decided to hate, becuase of his success,determination and the good job he is doing namely CHris.Now,do you want to see how successfully he can be'for he hasnot demonstrate all his quality yet. Just ask PP to conduct one single free and fair election then SFP will send both RAM and the butcher clean beaches at Beau Vallon during the North East monsoon. RAM,fake Pierre and others would have like to be as good as Chris,but the thing is leadership is not a cap one picks up during a free ride,it comes with a very accurate measure of individual possessing and demonstrating in action three long extablished criteria:passion,responsibility and a sense of proportion.No need to be jealous,his quality he inherited it from his parents ,it is in the gene,you might like it or not but you just cannot change it ,that the way it is. My piece if advice.Should RAm at least have or enjoy a little bit of Chris popularity,he has to do one thing,join the oppostion round table,then his popularity will increase hours after the meeting by half of what he had in Sulivan's garden.
Yes SFP is exposing the PL Communist for what they are in Seychelles, and abroad at the same time, effortlessly.
Yes I am popular and can beat James Michel in a Free and Fair election, and call on all disgruntled SNP and ex- SPPF who had had enough of Sesel Pou Arab to join the Seychelles Freedom Party. You are all welcome to SFP, because you all should not be prisoners of your failed leaders who also have failed all of Seychelles.
You are all first and foremost Seychellois and the principle of "SESEL POU SESELWA" will save us all and guarantee us all a meaningful and important role to play in the development of our patrimony SEYCHELLES.
Those of you in SNP who dare to continue the bickering at this late hour, by all means continue to bicker. But you will bicker with yourselves.
I beg all SFP to ignore useless bickering with SNP.They are going no where and their leadership professes division, so they can go no where.
People of Seychelles focus instead on dealing with Michel and his Collaborators who are systematically selling our motherland and displacing Seychellois in our country everyday.
What Michel does offends all SFP, all SPPF, all SNP, all DP, except for Mancham the Founder.
From the Police man, to the nurses, to the business man, to the lawyers and bus drivers; all are being displaced, by Michel Sesel Pou Arab policy.
Any queries or clarifications anyone is welcome to post a comment to have it addressed.
SFP always going that little step further for the people of
Sesel pou seselwa!
Note that simon Gill is representing the Parti Lepep Leadership and that the Leadership is also the President of the Seychelles.
Thus when Simon Gill speaks it is James Alix Michel Speaking. That is in the video the president referring to the other side of the reform table as Diarrhea. On the other hand their side PL linear to PDM Pierre and Jane Carpin they are clean from Simon Gills mouth in that Video!!
In View that the Media issue has not been resolved SFP intends to have its own filming to be aired online for all Seychellois to stay up to date with the reforms!!
Seselwa Unite Sesel pou seselwa
March 23, 2012 9:37 AM
Much more has to be done,lip service won't be enough.Petty politcs for petty gains is over.
Expected from the refrom:Determitation and limitation on lection financing-it must provides clarity and menas of controlling party's expenses during an election campaign
_Equally access to Public Medias,and Presidiential candidates must conduct public(including the President still in office)-in the past we have seen other party leaders confronting each over but always missing was the President who wanted to be relected-(In a election a President in office once declared his candidacy he is considered as a normal candidate and treated must be treated as such, thus he must face public debates together with other candidates.
-Local observers must be allow as well as Interantional observers.
Independecy of the Elctoral Commission and define clearly how electoral memebers should be chosen.No more hand picking by the President who often is also a candidate thus a compettitor thus he cannot posses the power to hand Apppoint the EC members.
-Counts of ballots after closure of election boost at districts level ,all districts once voting boost are closed should make public at (local level)by sticking copy of the result outside the voting boost that citizens can check their names ,as well as party's oeservers ,etc...
_Any conplain of irrigularities(when very important)claimed by a candidate must be checked and sorted out before any declaration of any offical victory etc...Thus a candidant who considered he has won and should there be irrigularies checks underway could not self-declare victory before the porblems have been resolved by EC.
More points could be added i will leave it to Pissy....that he can also make some proposal...It is your change Pissy...SFP gives you the opportunity to contirbute ...take this change for one other parties allow such democratic opportunity..take the advantage of it and particiapte in bettering our system toward democracy.Show us your patriotism Pissy.
All in all the refrom must provides fairness,transparency,equlity.
Jeanne D'Arc
Danny Faure faces the PL traitors
Danny Faure took my advice about his sour face on SBC and Nation. Today he manages a smile -- but quite a forced smile clearly.
Seychelles Nation is slow to pick up the fact the on-off and off-on Vice President is out of favour with State House and that his photos (mostly him giving out prizes and certificates, before he gets his depar volonter) should be off the front page and relegated to inside pages. The country does not need to be reminded that this is the man who will never be President and that Parti Lepep in-fighting is damaging the country.
The belles who are the power behind the button at State House hate Danny Faure's guts more than we in the real opposition do. His cards are marked. His days are numbered. Roll out the clichés. Danny Faure is a goner and his resignation threats are empty. He is firing blanks.
Traitor St Ange's self-promotion
That Danny Faure should be betrayed by his own side does not come as a surprise. Parti Lepep has engineered betrayals in the opposition ranks. One such traitor is Alain St Ange, the prolific writer of eTurbo News press releases on Alain St Ange.
The latest eTurbo News Global Travel and Industry News has a press release on St Ange as "New Seychelles Minister appeals for promotion of cultural heritage". Clear proof that St Ange has been abusing his position as eTurbo News ambassador to promote himself. Many will rightly wonder what has St Ange's speech to La Francophonie got to do with tourism news from Seychelles.
Is our new Minister then spending his time writing press releases and posting them on web-sites that few people read ? This is clear proof that there are too many ministers in this new cabinet and they are under-employed.
Fancy a press release on La Francophonie being written in English and not French. Are we now asking tourists to come and see Alain St Ange and not Seychelles ? No wonder they are staying away.
Gill you are just so jealous of Alain St Ange that you cannot help but insult him. As a previous blogger said you are simply a jealous spoilt brat who cannot face the fact that others are smarter and better than you. Grow up Totof
Insult me not Gill. I am the wrote who writes about Alain St Ange.
No one is insulting St Ange,we asking St Ange to provide histrategy of how to ifx the mess of the ogvernemnt he is part of.Our Turoism industry is the heart of our economy and rapid decision and paln msut pirvided to those in the industry in order to know how to priceed.Since St Ange was named Minister he has not even consult those invlove in the industry and they do not have time to wait until St Ange unilaterally dicide to say something.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
"Insult me not Gill. I am the wrote who writes about Alain St Ange."
March 23, 2012 4:23 PM
Give your name then bez ou manman!
Gill did not steal from Equator hotel
Gill did not steal from Denis Island
Seems a qualification to become Tourism Minister is to have THIEF on your CV.
Sesel pou Seselwa
Explain how Alain St Ange stole from Equator and Denis Island hotels.
Shouldn't this be conducted in creole? Aren't we a republic with our own language and culture? This is not a matter for the intellects alone. It is a concern to every Seychellois voters, therefore, it should be presented in creole so that every voter can understand and draw their own conclusion on the matter.
Sorry dear you will just have to try and cope Gill does not speak or understand Kreol.
Gappy does not speak Creole.
If he give you his name!what you gona do?
March 23 6.24 am.
Guys, I think we are wasting a lot of time on ambiguous issues instead of spending more time on the serious related issues of the mandate. If that is the kind of time-wasteing that this commission is up to, it will take a very long time before any real change actually takes place. I wonder if that is a tactic being used by PL to slow down the process so that time becomes an element of essence for them to accomplish other strategies. It is not coincidental that PL is now targeting women since they have tried to convince the youth and failed. Think about it guys and let not the ambiguities side track your demarches to bring democracy to our shores.....Courage.
Pooor Gill and SFP,they were all insulted by GILL in broad day light but they are not bright enough to notice!And most of all you wasted my valuable 15 mins to watch diarrhea from your table! PARTI LEPEP pou koup zot hemorrhoid one by one when its over.
Yes- SFP was insulted by S. Gill, we recorded it, and posted it.
The event demonstrates the state of mind of PL leadership. S. Gill is the spokesman for President James Michel.
The duplicity, is in the need for reform, which is why SFP is present in these meetings.
Michel says he is committed to reform to the international community, but then around the reform table, we have nothing more then a merry go round, with Mr. S Gill, leading the circus in James Michel's name.
As for the last comment on cutting "hemorroid", one by one when it is over, it will never be over, until PL accept democracy in Seychelles, which up to now it has not. When it does, you will be finished as a political party, because you have stolen each and every single election since 1993 by buying the voters, or buying the opposing candidates, or just buying another political party in the "real opposition".
PL must understand something, we in SFP will not accept anything less then DEMOCRACY in Seychelles for her people.
You can call Khalifa, to colonize Seychelles,your Sugar Daddy, SFP will not blink an eye to you or Khalifa.
You can call Communist China to educate all our students, build all our school, houses, branches of government, SFP will not blink an eye to you communists who FAIL Seychelles every single day of the 365 day year.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Simon Gill puts our party and our leader Mr. Michel to shame.
Yes shame.
The real shame is on Christopher Gill who sees fit to publish photos of your boys playing with one another for the viewing of everyone This is pedophile material and they should be arrested for doing this. He would have been if he was here in the free world where there is legislation against this. I have been advised by a lawyer friend here in the US to report this blog to a child protection agency and to give them names of the promotors. Next time Mr Christopher Gill enters a US border point he will have to answer some real embarrassing questions. It will not be the first time Gill brushes with the US Justice Department. Say NO to Pornography.
SFPor rather Christopher and Isaac have an obsession with the anus!! They publish pictures of juveniles displaying their bums,, forever using the word KAKA and now again Diarrhea. They are clearly obsessed with this orifice and it's functions. Real Sick minds............. Can't the authorities sanction this?
I am not here to defend Mr Gill or anyone for this matter. Each time I read that Mr C. Gill is jealous of Alain Saint Ange or any of these PL monkeys, is really irritating. I found these accusations rather silly/pathetic and childish.
You cannot compare Mr C. Gill and Alain Saint Ange. The Saint Ange is all about money/woman or girls/holidays at tax payers cost. La Digue partu y renpli zis ek batar bann stange, pove malere.
Mr C. Gill on the other hand, takes his country and fellow man seriously. I am not trying to say that Mr C. Gill is smarter than anyone, but a lot smarter than those monkeys from PL put together.
On the contrary they are the one who are jealous of Mr C. Gill; each time someone posts a blog the attack is on Mr C. Gill. If this is not jealousy! Then tell me what is?
Mr C. Gill has not stolen from anyone; he has not tortured or killed anyone. Why don’t you fools go attack those PL killers and thieves, who are taking food from your children’s table, and who are killing our people.
I strongly believe that the current situation in Seychelles needs to change as fast as possible.
God Bless SFP
Clair D’lune*
Where was William Herminie PL's legal advisor, has he abandoned ship? He left Simon Gill to take the brunt! Lanmans pwalon tro so! Zot taye!!!
As the digital video exposes, there is a serious leadership crisis in PL.
For Simon Gill to be representing James Michel in the Round Table, zafer pa bon.
Simon Gill handles himself like a man stressed out without enough bakka, for his blood.
This moron does not even know how to represent himself in a serious discussion.All he does is shout and trying to intimidate his opponents.This shows you what Lepep is all about since the 5th of june 1977.
All they know is coup Deta,murder and harassment.
Simon Gill pou vin fer per lekel, y koir akos y batt fenm y pou vinn pat les zot dimun. Zonm a kas son liki sa gogot.
Clair de lune I wish you’d get his dick out of your mouth long enough for you to see how Debasing, indecorous, morally corrupt and perverted your Christopher Gill is!
The man is a cold blooded reptile!
But then again; like attracts like
And now who is jealous! hahahahaha
You will never be the man CG is so dream ooooon LOSER!
Clair D'lune*
Time for change in Seychelles is long overdue.
The current regime needs a kick in the ass all the way to jail, for torturing and killing of our people, for rapping and kidnaping of our country. We need this change because this regime represents communism/drugs/prostitution which is bad for our society. Their lack of knowledge, lack of compassion has ruined our once beautiful/peaceful country where people used to live in harmony. Here on this blog for example we can all read the way they communicate, “harassment/intimidation and uncivilised. This is why Seychelles can no longer afford to keep these monkeys as leaders.
This regime is old and out dated and should no longer be in a position to represent Seychelles, when Arab is what they are promoted together with violence and intimidation.
And no one could be possible more Debasing, indecorous, morally corrupt and perverted than those who dressed up in nuns clothing at NYS. All those bad taste and titles is copy right by PL, it belongs entirely to them. They breath it and they breed it as well.
Clair D'lune*
"You will never be the man CG is so dream ooooon LOSER!"
Clair D'lune*
March 24, 2012 3:43 PM
Clair de lune you must be having a laugh who in their right mind would want to be like Christopher Gill?....Oh! I forgot, you would!
It seems to me that you have nothing concrete to share, so go and play in Arab kaka that has been provided for you. I know it is a privilege for you. So come on; off you to Arab kaka.
I have to go and get ready for A PARTY, which mean I HAVE A LIFE.
Clair D'lune*
Yep! Servers has to be in a few hours earlier at parties. what are you the caterer or the waiter?
The promised refroms announced by the butcher stays a myth.They are nowhere insight.Commonsense alone dictates that dictator Michel the butcher is never to teach us the tricks or that he is in the biusiness of allowing significant refroms that would threaten his throne.The butcher has again proven that he holds to the saying "once a dictator always a dictator".
Hence,since the butcher does not intent to change,the question that crops up is how to we change the butcher?Any change will and must come from the people directed or guided by a UNITED Opposition.When one wants to bring down a dicatator most effectively and with least cost,then one has four immediate tasks:1)One must strengthen the independent social groups and institutions of the oppressed population themselves in their determination,self-confidence,resistance skills,2)One must develop a wise internal resistance force,3)One must develop a powerful strategic plan for liberation and implement it skillfully,and to successfully and effectively achieve the above tasks4),unity in the opposition is imperative.
A liberation struggle is a time for self-reliance and interanl strengthening of the struggle group.As Charles S. Parnell called out during the Irsih strike campaign in 1879 AND 1880:"It is not relying on the ogvernemnt....You must only rely upon your own determination....Help yourselves by standing together....stengthen those among yourselves who are yourselves together organize yourselves....and you must win.
After four decades of one-party communist sytem,it is clear that many of our people has been atomized(turned into ,ass of isolated individuals),apralized ,unable to work together to achieve freedom,to confide in each other ,or even to do much of anything at thier own initiative.They prefer to face suffering without purpose and a future without hope.
Therefore,it is imperative to have a united oppostion should we want to revers the situation and alleviate our people suffering and defend the defenseless,the faceless,and the vioceless.
When hope itself seems hopeless and our faith in the future is swallowed by the present despair,we must replace our outrage with courage and be prepared to give at least one minute of our time and energy to the cause of transitioning our beleoved country from dictatorship toDemocracy.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Correction:that he is not in the business
Simon Gill,was difeinitively not representing the EC but PL,accompanied by his two cheerleaders Pierre and Chapin.It was like a comedy show without public.
jeanne D'Arc
Pissed off-
What irritate you Communists, is that I sent you and your money to hell and everything that you stand for.
I know that.
Now Seychellois are learning how liberating that feeling is everyday.
They will send you to hell and they are doing it everyday.
If you don't believe me, apply for a job at Freedom Party to deliver "Laverite" each week, then you will know what Seychellois think of you, Michel, Simon Gill.
You and your Sugar Daddy Khalifa and Communist China will not buy Seychelles, no matter how much you spend. Everything you have done, we will undo systematically, until you are naked.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
This Electoral Reform comity is a group of angry people who individually can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done!!!!!
Gill on March 24th @ 6:17 PM
You call for a united opposition in one breath and you slag us off in the next!
One would think that this united opposition would consist all parties except SFP.
Make yourself clear man!
Calling for unity is something alls serious and those who care about the country should have done or do naturally.We call on you to unite because it is the way forward and if you do unite ,PP thugocracy can end other night for your would have the silent majority behind you.
Having said that,any politcal leaders who proclaim himself as democrates should not have problem with criticism,they should know that in order for things to move and work criticsm is part of the process for it health,and bring reflection ,it makes one question oneself etc..etc..etc..
Furthermore,if you can not accept criticism how can you know that things are not okay for without any criticism it would mean everything are perfect thus no need for criticism .A person who claim himself a democrat must get accustom to criticism if you can or do not accept crticism then it right to say you have a communist mental for criticism is a foreign language in such a regime.
Lastly,when someone criticize you the question you probably should be asking is why the criticism and find out the reasons for it,Of course there might criticism which are unjustified but if you beleive in free society thne you one must do is come forward explain oneself,clarify things then the problem will be solved.It is not by complaining that someone criticiize you that change thing or stop the criticism but your one action ,how do you react,how you prove yourselves etcc... i a way it is a quality of leadership.Maybe RAM ;Volcere should start having this kinds of behaviours,and stop being like PP who does not want to be criticized for they think they are omnipotent,above all Seychellois,our holiness and so on.Let such mentality to the butcher and his ilks,present yoursleves rather different from the butcher for following the butcher would lead you participate in his crimes. Time or change!
Jeanne D'Arc
No one is more clear and articulate on the way forward then Christopher Gill.
Good job Mr. Gill, keep it coming. Seychellois are opening their eyes as they say
Simon Gill, what perfect arrogance. His profile suits well for the job, but sooner or later he will know that all empires will come to an end. Months and days are numbered. ..signals of the end is clear. The opposition should double their effort and put all differences aside until the beast knows that they are not at all absolute from total power. The last parliamentary election proves that. we know now that SPP is a minority, now we need to make it clearer than ever and make it a reality.
Simon Gill testifies that communist do not understand things and that any significant reforms would never be achieved by communists.
Let us check the butcher and lks promised refroms the whole porcess is not about the outcome by the process.In other owrds,it is about smoke and mirrormwindow dressing.It is about putting a show,going through the motions.Democratic elections for them have nothing to do with the outcome of legitimately elected leaders.They are about the process putting fake electionscircus so that people can go through the motions of voting for "leaders" who have already been pre-selected and elected for themselves.
In the same token,courts are not about the outcome ofimpartialadministration of justice.They are about manipulating the legal process,which is truth-finding based on established legal principles,vindicating theinnocent and convicting the guilty or erving the neds of justice.They are about the process of putting on a kangaroo court show to convict the innocent,exonerate the guilty and exalt the criminals.Government is not about the outcome of informed decission-amking,praticing the rule of law,effective delivery of public services,accountability,transaprency,legitimacy and the rest of is about the exquisite process of clinging to power like bloodsucking ticks on a cow.A constitution is not about the outcome of establishing and permanently securing the role of law so that citizens are protected from arbitary and abusive use of governemnt power.It is about the process of ensuring the will of an outlaw who trashes every known human rights law.Assembly is not about the porcess of formulating sound laws and public policies in a deliberative legislative forum.It is about the process of rbberstamping the delusions and fantasies of a dictator.
The butcher strategy is aimed only to hoodwink the rest of the world inot beleiving his dicatorship is the only path to democracy.It isall about the planned process of creating and maintaining a nation of gnoramuses by denying free expression,and a forum of free exchange of ideas.It is about keeping the population weak,confused,divided and domesticated.It is about the process of locking up the population into the proverbial Tower of BABEL where no one speaks the same language or understands each otherin a new Seychelles of ZEROTHINK and ZEROSPEAK,the dear omnipotent semi-god is the only voice,only decider,the only one who knows how things must be done.
Time to finish with all those monkeys.Thus the need for oppostion to unite,for by uniting they will have the force and the people you,which you can use to force PP for rapid refroms and if PP fialed to dleiver or play deaf ears than the you will just to call for the poeple to do the job by street portests.Oppostion hold the key for change,all they need to do is UNITE now.
Jeanne D'Arc
SFP communications in confirmed letters, to the Commonwealth Secretariat and Prime Minister of UK Mr. David Cameron has tied down the PL Communists to the table legs of the Round Table, no matter what they say or do.They can call us any name in the dictionary, we will not relent until we see their backs behind bars.
They have been trapped and there is no way out, except to deliver Democracy and Freedom to the people of Seychelles.
Seychelles cannot have another election and be deemed credible, if reform is not effective and accepted by all parties. The candle wicker for faking democracy in Seychelles has burnt after 18 years. The world is on to this regime thanks in a large part to STAR and REALITY.
The strategy of duplicity by Mr. James Michel, to profess aspirations for Democracy to the international community, and deliver rogue communism on the home front has been exposed by Seychelles Freedom Party (SFP).
Now, we only need to write to Obama to up turn the PL Communist apple kart.
That letter was sent last week, we will load this week. The White House, which has the most transparent administration in USA history, will soon reply.
James Michel can take his Simon Gill and send him to the Port Glaud waterfalls where a Nouvobanq loan to a Russian was handled by Gill and Faure in the millions not different from the Faure Afif Tretout scam for millions from the same Bank. Then they called it FDI.
More on this scam at a later time.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Or we can take Simon Gill and send him back to Dan Len Montbuxton where he came from. This guy used to climb through a prepcipice holding a rope every day before he reaches his house. Now he thinks he is a big shit. He needs to look at where he came from and show more sympathy to those who is still climbing through precipice and have no chance of getting out of their deplorable abode. The guy use to steal at the malbar shop every day before going home. Simon Gill don't forget where you came from cause we haven't
Now Simon Gill and PL have given Seychelles to the Arabs!
The thing is by his fake Simon Gill is cutting the rope he used to climb to his house and sponsored by tax payers money,and as all houses bilt on sand it is doomed to colapse, it is just a matter of time that he would see his illegally obtain assets vanished away.
Jeanne D'Arc
Its time for a coup d'etat and overthrow this regime!
The question you should ask yourself is; are you feeling lucky punk?
Go ahead Gill make our day!....please!
We are coming pissoff!
We are coming and pissoff and this comment is not from Gill,is from a group of freedom fighter
And what make think that all commenr is from Gill?
Because you smell like Ti Johnny
Veni, vidi et nwa gete si zot a vici!
Pissedoof has convinced himself that all commnets are coming from Chris because he just cannot accept the idea that Pp is crumbling and SFP supporters are growin in numbers everyday with a rapidity unpredictable by nay communists members including its stooges.The progress makes them fear ,for they can see that change is coming faster than they ever thought it could be.
Change is coming Pissy no panic ,no fear ,it will free from your ignorance and long years communist indoctrinationand brain-washing.
Jeanne D'Arc
Alain, san memm minis pli KOUYON. Lekol i ti bet. Letan lefrer ti kry bann ki tinn gagny 'HOUSE POINTS' dan vendredi, zamen son non ti gagny krie. I fer kraw i kontan nwar, me La Dig, i ti maltret nwar mazanbik. Ton Gregwar i konn byen sa.Si Moris Lousto Lalann ki ti malin lekol pann kapa fer nanryen pou nou lindistry touris, dir mwan...KI Alain pou kapa fer...
Pa sot lo turf Mrs. Larue.
Ki Alain pou kapa fer.It is a question we all asking as we watch our tourism industry crumble.It seems Alian does not have a master plan and no immediate short-term plan to at least de-accelerate the crash down of our tourism industry.As we wait and watch St Ange enjoying his new position as minister ,our tourism industry keeps falling deeper into the unknown and St Ange think all those bisuness persons who have invested dozen of dollars in their buisnesses have time to wait for him to act.Should St Ange deliver a master plan in a brief delay ,private business persons would see the investment vanished away and they should put the balme on St Ange and PP ,dito asking the government for compensation of their losses due to effective policies and strategy by the government.
Jeanne D'Arc
Correction.i meant ineffective policies
after almost four decades Pp has finally decided to conduct an audit but only for loand given by EU.what about loans frm IMF,World bank,africanbakns ,Afriv^can union,Ntional banks,countires like China,india?Whar about money given to ministries,district administrators,NGOs,?What about the waY ALL THOSEloans are used?What about revenues collect from foreign fishing vessels,revenues or lost from IDC;SEPEC?WHat about all the over loand and the way they are used Pp'?Accountability and transaprencyPp.
Jeanne D?Arc
SFP should write to the local authorities (AG) asking questions regarding those areas that have not been audited.
Local authorities are the copy of Pp government ,what we need is regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
If you want to win the war you need to fight small the battles.
Win a war??? SFP can't even win a fucking argument!
We do need to win an agurment ,for arguing comes for too concern about the opinions of others .We want to debate on ideas,positions etc..PP;VOLCERE;RAM;BOULLE refused even bedates for they know they will be defeated on any issues.
On must win many battles to win the war-Chinese general TZU SU said"a great general acquires victories without battles" and GRIFFITH 3:10 said:"Those skilled in war subdue the enemy^s army without battle"That is now we will defeat pp,without shooting a bullet by beat pp by using intelligence.
Jeanne D'Arc
Because communist agrument is bullshit and communist can take Q ferm ou mas bring PP and yourself in front of us debate you will see who run away, thats why seen years they have control all the media.
That why they dont to give any one permit for tv station in Seychelles and they have only this box call SBC because they know media will open the eyes of some blind Seselwa.
Go SFP Go!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Go where ?
Go where ?Go mean continue with the good job while SNP:NDP are staganted into ambiquity and ineffectiveness.Go means we will you and support SFp in its determination to bring about change.GO ,leave those stooges who do not want change Volcer,RAm stick in their illusion and move forward alone,for even without them SFp is powerful and deliver more than all of them combined including PP.GO meaning you are doing a good job,continue with it,we support you.
While the same saying GO SPF,are saying down with communists and as you know proven by the successful boycott they are in their majority(silent majority).PP must take a leaf from BURMA Juntas maybe this is more ijmportant than the question GO WHERE?For if PP failed to change,i repeat we gonna change them.
Time for regime change,Time to finish with communism.
Jeanne D'Arc
It takes SFP a few months to delivers what SNP;NDP have not been able to do,over more than eigtheen years,Quite an achieved for a part created last year,isn't it?The popularity of SFP scares PP,RAM and all those PP goons.
Jeanne D'Arc
...........and yet not A SINGLE VOTE in the box of SFP.!!!!!
Now, who is lying !!!!
PP is lying,you know why?once a liar always a liar.Just look at Morgan's scum.As to vote in SFP box,the silent majority is awaiting for genuine electoral reforms,to cast their vote for SFP in order topple PP,SNP and all its goons.PP;SNP are so afraid of genuine elections that PP refuses reforms and RAM refuse to particvpiate in any meeting that would put forward democratic norms,why?They know it would be the end of their existance.
Time for regime!
Jeanne D'Arc
Gill wake up! The voters do not know you. The few from Bel Ombre that once knew you does not trust you and would stone you if you even attempt to ask them for their votes! With that as reality you will NEVER take part in any elections to save yourself from a nationwide humuliation!
Get real Mr Conman!
I really think RAm must wake up,for he seems to be still under the boycott shock of last year.I'll remind you if you short -minded that happened last year:do you remember who called and orchestrated the successful boycott last year which shook PP in its soul and almost shut down SNP?It was the person you have decided to hate, becuase of his success,determination and the good job he is doing namely CHris.Now,do you want to see how successfully he can be'for he hasnot demonstrate all his quality yet. Just ask PP to conduct one single free and fair election then SFP will send both RAM and the butcher clean beaches at Beau Vallon during the North East monsoon. RAM,fake Pierre and others would have like to be as good as Chris,but the thing is leadership is not a cap one picks up during a free ride,it comes with a very accurate measure of individual possessing and demonstrating in action three long extablished criteria:passion,responsibility and a sense of proportion.No need to be jealous,his quality he inherited it from his parents ,it is in the gene,you might like it or not but you just cannot change it ,that the way it is.
My piece if advice.Should RAm at least have or enjoy a little bit of Chris popularity,he has to do one thing,join the oppostion round table,then his popularity will increase hours after the meeting by half of what he had in Sulivan's garden.
Jeanne D'Arc
Thank you Jeanne D'Arc for coming to our defence.
Yes SFP is growing everyday.
Yes SFP is exposing the PL Communist for what they are in Seychelles, and abroad at the same time, effortlessly.
Yes I am popular and can beat James Michel in a Free and Fair election, and call on all disgruntled SNP and ex- SPPF who had had enough of Sesel Pou Arab to join the Seychelles Freedom Party. You are all welcome to SFP, because you all should not be prisoners of your failed leaders who also have failed all of Seychelles.
You are all first and foremost Seychellois and the principle of "SESEL POU SESELWA" will save us all and guarantee us all a meaningful and important role to play in the development of our patrimony SEYCHELLES.
Those of you in SNP who dare to continue the bickering at this late hour, by all means continue to bicker. But you will bicker with yourselves.
I beg all SFP to ignore useless bickering with SNP.They are going no where and their leadership professes division, so they can go no where.
People of Seychelles focus instead on dealing with Michel and his Collaborators who are systematically selling our motherland and displacing Seychellois in our country everyday.
What Michel does offends all SFP, all SPPF, all SNP, all DP, except for Mancham the Founder.
From the Police man, to the nurses, to the business man, to the lawyers and bus drivers; all are being displaced, by Michel Sesel Pou Arab policy.
We must say: Enough is Enough!
Let us take Seychelles back for Seychellois!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Yes enough is enough; GILL IS DEFENDING GILL.
Wrong! Gill is defending Christopher.
Wrong again
Pti Johnny Le Gay
Christ is Risen---- Christ will come again.(very soon)
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