Monday, March 26, 2012

Laverite Volume 2 Issue Number 4


Anonymous said...

Nice cartoon of the bench warmers

Anonymous said...

Can someone enlarge LA VERITE 4 & 5 for the old folks. You can delete the cartoon if you want.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you read it?
Is Gill hiding the truth from you?

Anonymous said...

Charpin attempt to make up herself to hide her ugly face did not work,and it won't hide her conspiracy with PP nor help her to hide for the public.Why she does not find a job by Mitcy as babysitter ,then the latter can have someone full time to baby sit Francis thus help him gain some morality and be a physical example of Michel 's porposed rennaisance moral.As to Judas he looks more like a beggar.he should may be start going to church,ask for forgiveness before the lord,and hopefully become a real man.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

1.37 Am buy a copy then you will have the full aritcle and many doing so you help the process toward bringing the turth to the people that would set them free.We should all participate in the process for freedom and each in his own ways.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Laverite is free . If you want hard copy jus tcall office or stop by. People come in everydau and take 10 15 at a time.

Anonymous said...

Jeanne darc. Whete can you buy a copy. Kouyon sa toilet paper i gratwi. Sa ki pran 15 llopi i annan ladyare . Tro manz gozye totof oubyen rosbif expire

Anonymous said...

Then if the toiletpapers are free why is Francis still using fingers to clean his ass?Send him some copies.It is about hygiene,Dr Mitcy should be well placed to know as Health Minister.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

I meant the real toilet papers namely the Man of the people for Dr the butcher.

Anonymous said...

The queen is my pusher!

The CIA has got some serious competition!

Anonymous said...

CIA has got some serious competition with whom NDEA who failed to secure and protect its armory?Knowing your supliers would be more interesting for the justice than knowing the pushers who often are the small fish.Fight the fleoh at its roots PP.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

You mean Parti Lepep has serious competition !

Anonymous said...

Yes,with criminal gangs created by pp and now out of control.

Jeanne D'Arc

Soleil Leve said...

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know!

Why replace one criminal gang for another!
Gill becomes president (laughable)
He brings in his brothers who are experienced land theives in Guam and they start stealing our land. By the time his presidency is over (still laughable) All our land will belong to Gill then we'll have to cut of their balls and take our land back.
So let's spare ourselves the unpleasant task of putting our hands on this conman's hairy discusting balls and just stay with the devil we know!

Solda Rene

Anonymous said...

SOLDA rene!

So you do accept that we are being ruled by the devil and you being the obedient soldier of the Lucifer himself will say anything to protect your master. At this time, everything that you said GIll has done is of lesser evil than those of your comrades.

If Gill ever become president, it will be from a democratic and fair election By then I am sure all the evils will be in jail and the forth constitution will prevent anybody from being above the law in the Seychelles.


Anonymous said...

If a butcher who represents torror,tyranny can be President what makes it impossible from a Democrat?Solda Rene your illusion.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Its time to make CIA found out,who are those escobar PP and i 'am sure when they give us their namePP thugs will be suprise because most of those escobar are communist supporters and some of them fathers and mothers are in communist offices.
Like they are doing having sex in public places.

Anonymous said...

CIA knows them,who organize,who participate,even who sold Rwanda with arms for the genocide,who killed Gerald Houreau, ,if politicians are involved who et..etc..etc.. ,in fact all information you could imagine but this are secret infos only for the USA goverenment.The only way to have these information from the USA would be once pp is toppled then a new governemnt through diplomatic contact can ask the governmnet of the USA to help by providing invidence.Thenthey probably do it.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

I asure you they even know who pocess the u£2,5 BILLION DOLLARS in Swissbank.even if they try to change accounts the USA governemnt knows where it has been transfered and by who.

Anonymous said...

The day Gill becomes president of Seychelles will be the day of the second coming!

Anonymous said...

It does not take too much to be the president of Seychelles. Just look at the previous presidents and you'll see what I mean.

Anonymous said...

The butcher,who is alos a master in improvisation , does not know how to get rid of FAURE ,there is a solution. why not overthrow himself,then he could have the change to get rid of FAURE easily.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Gill I know why you afraid of vice President Faure? Parce que vous savez que lorsque nous avons un FAR-ist au pouvoir SFP will go underground and that will suit me just fine because I am trained to deal with terrorists!

Allez-y Gill, make my day!

P.S. Tell us again where exactly you live behind konmen Bedier laba Praslin!?

Nous avons aussi une rotin pour vous anba lasann!

Anonymous said...

Faure as President can only happen when The butcher will quit before his mandate like it is common in PP,e saw that with FAR who gave Michel power,soon Michel will also do the same,After that should ther be free election he would be beaten over and over again.

If you donot bleive Ask the butcher to conduct free and fair election you will see.?

Jeanne D'arc

Anonymous said...

You didn't tell me where I could find you in Praslin coward!

Anonymous said...

At the same usual address Cote D'or Praslin as a given to you on several ocassions,else, if you lost orietation on little Praslin and cannot find your way to my house,find a tour guide(Francis larue can help you)with it.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Why? Is Francis a regular visitor to your house?

C'mon, give me the exact location!

Anonymous said...

He is not a regular visitor to my house but he does know where Louis Bedier lives thus my house in just near by. Why i proposed Francis to you, he does like helping active men (to your likes) to explore his ass and return for other help e.g,Fiancially,for a new car,for a new handy etc...even make you a porn star in his films.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

I will only be a porn star in his film if your wife agrees to co-star with me.

Anonymous said...

Solda Rene-

I don't need to steal the people's land like SPPF PL do to have land in Seychelles.

I buy it fair and square. Are you saying Seychellois have less a right to buy land in Seychelles then Arabs?

Is that what you are saying Solda Rene?

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

Francis ass is for free, and a lady like me would never sleep with a beast like you,.Try flirting with Michel the butcher,Seyco,they might be interested.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

You are already a porn star we have already hear that you and your wife went to Mauritius to produce one and it will be soon on the market but only in the EU.To you 2.4.2012 09.02 AM.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about me and Dandi?
What goes on behind closed door in our bedroom doesn't concern anyone on this blog. look for somebody else to criticise!

Sesel Pou seselwa

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Alllegation heard and inveted by PP do not convinced even a dog,fro we know you are liars dogs.Morgan can not long keep the lies,that is the tip of the iceberg there are many more to come out in day light,and one must not forget without SFP determination we would not be there ,PP with its stooge oppostion parties would never have come out to say waht morgan is saying now.

If PP is accepting the truths long hedden under th carpet it is mostly becuase of SFP,not Boulle,Not Volcere ,Not RM,not Mancham.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Pissed off after you take your medication go sort out the mess in your back yard with James Michel.

Then you can post a comment on the SFP blog, if you survive.

Hint: The Gurhkas are not trained in policing, they are snipers.
Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

Pissed off after you take your medication go sort out the mess in your back yard with James Michel.

Then you can post a comment on the SFP blog, if you survive.

Hint: The Gurhkas are not trained in policing, they are snipers.
Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

I must add they are recognized as mercenaries by interantional organization .They cannot even benefit for the tilte of prisoner of war should they get caught in a fight.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

URKHAS, pissedoff,ARE MERCENAIRES UNDER INTERANTIONAL LAW-Check this out!Article 47 of the GENEVA CONVENTION(1949),The African union convention against the elimination of mercenaries(1972).Interantional convention against recruitment,financing andtraining of mercenaries(1989).


Anonymous said...

i meant-GURKHAS-pissy

Anonymous said...

Gurhkas are chasing people in SACOS Tower and Orion Mall, private property.

Anonymous said...

TZhen the people should start breaking their bones by< all means.We are asoveiregn country we just cannot tolerate foreigners being illegally brought to our shores to brutalized our people in their own home.Take you axe,your fling,your harpoons,your petrol bombs ,and any arms you have protect our country nad people and give those paid killers a lesson of their lives that we Seychellois will not allow foreigners to come and brutalize us in our sovereign land,He have a legitimate rights to protect ourselves.families and country and that like any other countries with all possible means.

Chase those paid killers out on our land now.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

You right.Where to begin?there is a starting point porpose by SFp namely Unity among oppostion parties thus around table to draft a mastwer plan,strategyof how to finish with Pp dictatorship and take back our country from PP crooks and foreign occupiers.If the Opposite,Pp can be topple tommorrow morning.For they would be so powerful that they would have the power to get Pp to the tasks or face poeple's massive protests thus people revolution.They would have the power to inpose copnditions on PP for 1)immediate and genuine refroms within a limited time or face waht PP is afraid of most -people massive protests.

The key to change is in the oppostion hands-hence the fialure to unite impede this change.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Correction:if the opposition unite

Anonymous said...

Get involve in social activities, charity work...

Anonymous said...

PDM SNP NDP joining Danny Faure in move to unseat Michel.

Anonymous said...

Is it being sponsored by SFP?

Anonymous said...

SFP does not work with Collaborators that sell our patrimony.

Anonymous said...

Pp is breaking from is a battle of who will be the next dictator.For us it does not make any different who take over but of how we are going to topple them.For our country after four decades of forced communsism that has destroyed the country economically,socially.morally and so on,only regime change can bring the country forward into the future whereby every Seychellois participate in its progress.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Keep honking-I'm reloading!

Anonymous said...

I will, PP is breaking from within,their time is near , while jugdement time approaches.D -day is coming PISy,where are you going to run to?brtoher Gadhafi is done,ASSAD hanging on a string,MuGABE in his deadbed in Singapur,Castor fighting with the devil to stay forever Cuban dear leader, FAR already dead physically,.Where you going to run to?

Jeanne D'Arc

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Macham ;PP cronies are attempting to pressure the US regrading the drones accident as if the dornes accident is more dangerous for our people than intentional Communsit China illusionary Military Base or Khalifa neo-colonialism intention.One of the reason that MAnchan and some pp cronies are suddenly criticzing the US drone accident could be because Pp would like to see the US out thus to make palce for Chinese,which we will and must oppose categorically.

As to the drone present itself,using a little comonsense and if Mancham and PP are not politcally motivated, a solution could be find within hours for instance,offer the US a base on one of our coral isalnd, keeping in mind that US present here are bring millions of dollars that PP has not yet accounted for one single cent.

Moreover,The US is a democratic state and country our people always inspired by,(PISSY would recalled the days he was an AFRO in BELLBOW,HIGH HEELs)playing the Amis,i personally never seen one single Seychellois imitating anything from communist China ,and i guess for it does not represent what Seychellois are ,culturally,socially,and historically.YES to Democratic US ,not To Communist China.

Jeanne D'Arc

Pissedoff said...

"...i personally never seen one single Seychellois imitating anything from communist China..."

Quote from Gill April 10,2012 9:30 PM

I see Jean Paul Isaac and Konmetan immitating en batar Sinwyan named Totof, non?
Then they gave us Kung Fu to kick your fat saggy arrogant arse!

Is that how one would define irony?

Anonymous said...

Eoula Zendass April10.2012.9:20pm do you thinK YOu wiLL live foreVER? yOU might died before those people you mentioned. As for me, I'm not running nowhere not until my toes point upward and tearing my socks and shoes that are made in Switzerland!

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