Maybe you should also investigate who sells chicken/meat products to STC? In other words who are the middlemen. You will not be surprised that Mooky and Ti Frans are the ones behind the import business. You will also have to ask why is that Ralph Volcere goes silence on certain topics.
LAVERITE is doing the job we all expected from a free press,we could not stop thanking them for exposing the crooked system in place and the job those guys are doing are infact shaking the PP regime down from his roots.
There are many more issues we would all like that LAVERITE raises sas the one bologger propose the FARMER? PORBLEM which is also a national food production problem and food security loudly preached by PP but never follows by deeds.,But much better to do thing orderly after deep analysis than lip service as REGAR pratices.
The issues are multiples and need to bedeal with one by one orderly from FARMERS problem of food shortage,delapidating Health system,the deepnose of our tourism industry,Crimes,corruption,foreign aids accountability and transparency,Money distribute to foreigners under the guise of FDI program, and so forth.It is just impossible to raise all issues at once ,but be sure LAVERITE is working on all the other improtant issues,there would be no rest until victory.
Pissedoff You read the article in LAVERITE Volume 2 issue No 5 "IMF I dir Seselwa gara zot pou en defisit ekomonik serye 2012",you know what is long there ,created by Pp economic illeterates.Let us have a look of how Pp regime causes the budget decifit.Here are the reasons for the budget deficit:1)Thev inability of the government to contain current expenditure wuthin manageable limits.Government borrowing which helpful in maintaining a high expenditure level without a commensurate tax effort,creating a major problem for subsequent budgets in the form of rising interests payment.2)On development side,big projects,some of them prestige projects with questionable economic justifications began to lock-in huge expenditure outlays leading to larger budget deficits and neglect of the social sectors like health,education and population plannig..Moreover, as porject financing is either through foreign loans or deomestic borrowings,inefficiency and waste that is not uncommon in the public sector became more costly in the context od repayment and servicing generated by such financing.3)In addition to borrowing from the banking system,the government siphoned off a aprt of private sector saving through various saving schemes that give a high return under the combined effect of high mark-up rates and tax concession.This reduced the supply of savings for the private sector and push up the rate structure in the country.It also adversely affected the subsequent budgets,both on revenue side and in the form of revenue forgonr,and on expenditure side in the form of higher interst cost contributed to cost-push inflation..4) The attempt of government to impoorve price control on some items in the context of genrally high rate of infaltion prevailing in the economy.In an environment in which large budget deficit is the main cause of infaltion.(N.B: that defcit financing andinflation contribute to regressive income distribution,consumption,leberaliation and lowering of savings.) and 5)In the process of budget making itself.A comaprative analysis of the budgeted revenues and expenditures and the actual outcome indicates a systematic tendency of budget-makers to underestimated expenditures and over estimated revenues at the time of budget formulation.I may also add that Seychelles is one the few supposed developing countries which cannot meet its current expenditure from its current revenue.And the uncontrolled spending envisage by PP for 2012 is doomed to accelarate the deficit should radical and intellignet actions failed to prevail.
Pissy,RAM.Volcere and the rest, might also like to know the remedies to deal with Pp created deficit.Just call in!
If Danny Faure was a dog, we would be entitled to put him down to end his suffering at the hands of James Michel. James Michel is looking like a bully and Danny Faure is looking like someone who is prepared to suffer any suffering and submit to any torture in order to become president one day. But the writing is on the wall. Faure will never become president and all the suffering and humiliation will be in vain in the end.
We have seen some tortuous performances from Faure lately, whereas he was highly confident in the past.
It was painful to watch his interview from Calais where he was sent to observe the loading of the cable for the internet. We saw a man who was finding it painful to find the right words on SBC.
Then came the resignation that never happened and that rocked the Parti Lepep government.
The public show of solidarity between President and Vice President last Monday backfired when they went to visit the offices of the National Youth Council. Faure was always walking a few steps behind Michel. They did not speak to each other. In fact they did not even acknowledge each other's presence. So the PR exercise did more damage than good. Again Faure's interview on SBC exposed the man's unhappiness in his current role or non-role, and the fact that he will never be president.
It is clear. Michel cannot stand Faure any more. But he cannot get rid of him, without calling fresh presidential elections. Michel has welcomed traitors into his government. Yet he cannot stand the Cuba-trained Parti Lepep born and bred politician. That must be really painful for Faure.
The question is this. How long will Faure submit to this public humiliation which is designed to force him to resign and send him into the political wilderness ?
The lily-livered MNAs find it easier to blame the judiciary for the crime wave sweeping the country. They should of course be blaming their own incompetent government.
These MNAs are also behaving like nincompoops. They passed a motion asking the judiciary to stop passing concurrent sentences. They are fools -- the judges are following the law on concurrent sentencing.
If MNAs do not like it, they should get their government to bring in legislation to get rid of concurrent sentences.
Truly, there is one born every minute. And that includes David Pierre.
The Assembly is supposed to be a deliberative Assembly of one nation with one interest,that of the whole.Well, that is not the case in this PP Assembly.Instead of making the Assembly the house of bullies they could have spent their time doing people^s business..One of the them would be acting real Laws that will improve the everyday life of Seychellois people,laws that facilitate reforms and unity,laws thatensure the respect of human rights and civil rights,laws that prohibits discrimination,laws that promotes equality and fair representation,and so forth.That should have been the role of the Assembly.
In the actual Assembly,its members are like a dog on a lish;they are make to talk only when thay are off the lish;when members talk they are like an exhausted dog from running around here and there ;when dogs are tired they have their tonuges dangled out at the corner of their mouth dripping sour saliva,therefore,it is this sour saliva that the hodams bend and lick,members of the Assembly are dogs,hodams are sour saliva they get secreted in the mouths of members.
That Pp members and cronies are blaming each other for thier collective failures is historic in the communist era,for usuaaly members shut up their mouths and let the dear leader decide and they follow him without question.The actual discord is the PP is a sign of a party who has run out of steam and crumble and with the internal conflict within the PP(FAURE v/S the butcher)things can only worsen.PP is bringing from within and as its disintegrate we would help them accelerate their disintegration by exposing them more and more.
In Europe, most if not all the leading politicians infested/using that "Vache folle" have lost their Office, shirt and short. Yet in Seychelles all those who handle/work the issues of those 21,000- 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugee. Their approach.
On behalf of those 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/Refugee we recommand that in each edition of "Laverite" a section is reserved to write and publish some of their Issues.
We have also read that a new TV, Radio, news paper is in planning,process of coming into being - yet those/the High parties involved - do not belive in the cause and existance of those 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugee. "They did not even realise they existed"
SFP has always represents aLL THE POPULATION including all those in exile and others,for instance,you would remeber that SFP is the only party who has repeatedly call on pp TO ALLOW sEYCHELLOIS ABROAD TO HAVE THEIR IRGHT TO VOTE. while other politcal parties do not even care.SFP is also the only party who haS BEEN CALLING ON pp TO ENTICE sEYCHELLOIS EXPERTS ABORAD TO COME AN SERVE THE COUNTRY INSTEAD OF IMPORTING foREIGN NATIONALS TO CONTROL OUR INSTITUTIONS erc..etc
Denis Wiehe, Roman Catholic bishop, dies as the Holy Week starts. The 72-year old Mauritian was appointed bishop in 2002 and would have marked ten years at Bishop's House in May.
In his 2012 Pastoral Letter this week, he called for alcohol abstinence during the Holy Week and a reduction in alcohol consumption in the country.
His tenure at Bishop's House has been very controversial, marked by a rapprochement between the Church and the State. His Pastoral Letter this week was the first time the former bishop had addressed head on one of the main social and political problems plaguing the country.
When you say Israel is an Apathiet State what is the message you want to pass?What have we as an indepenendent and sovieregn state has to do with wether Israel is an Apaetheit state or not?You think like the butcher we should be on the side of Arabs;Iran,Syria,Sudan,Pakistan-Somali.Nigeria their fights against Israel? or what?What the hell we have to do in their fights?
The problems alcohol and drugs start in the home of communist family.Why!because they let their childrens start taking bad subtences under age in their homes and some parents have no control and dont know how to bringing them up. Like this regime dont know how to solve problems,a small country like Seychelles communist can not bring crimes down every day is getting higher what a shame with a population only 85,000 you can not handel communist.
The comment on the Bishop is sad, I am sorry that there are some political elements in Seychelles, that feel a need to resort to lies for political survival.
The guy who said such macabre words on Bishop Wiehe is probably an atheist,he dislike the fact that Bishop Wiehe told us in his last piblic intervention that we must beleive in our faith to fight evil.Pp crooks officiously Know when Bishop Weihe says evil it could only be refering to them so their anger and libel on Bishop Weihe.
The comment about the fake announcement of Bishop Weihe's demise was made by none other than Christopher Gill and Jean paul Isaac! Can anyone on here tell us of any other person/party that hates the Bishop like SFP does? They are forever accusing him of working hand in glove with Pp and that he is a Pp collaborator! Gill ek Isaaq zot a tou fer sa de bandi! Maledisyon ki lo zot! La akoz sa zot pou bez plis malediksyon enkor!
Tro bez bat zot manman san mem malediksyon pe bez zot. Vey ler son gro vant pou gonfle ziska i pou kaka laso e li Isaak comme d'habittude i pou al swiy fes!
I can't understand why Gill finds a spoof on Denis Wiehe on April Fools' Day "sad", whereas he has condoned pornographic photos on this blog.
Denis Wiehe is not a demi-god. He is just someone working for the Roman Catholic Church and the leader of those who believe in (though not necessarily practise) catholicism in Seychelles.
Would Gill have taken the same dubious "moral stance" if the spoof had been about the death of Albert Rene ? I dare say there are more people who think Rene is a demi-god, than those who think Wiehe is.
I do not hold Wiehe in high regard, no more than I hold Rene and Michel in high regard. I think Wiehe lost his moral compass when he accepted land and money from the SPPF/Parti Lepep government to build churches. This tells me Wiehe sees the Catholic Church as just a business, with its bishop and priests as mere employees. Many businesses do not really care about the origins of the money that they get. And Wiehe does not really care about the origins of the land and money to build churches. Who wants to pray in a church built by SPPF and Parti Lepep ?
As I said, it is pity to see some elements of the Seychelles political scene so desperate to resort to such lowly measures as to infer death upon our good Bishop.
Only two elements of Seychelles politics is that desperate today.
I pray for both of you.
The Bishop should pray for you both as well and he should also meet with the Anglican Bishop to discuss such lowly behaviour.
Church have to talk with Metsy and her communist leader this photos show some communist followers having sex public and SFP want to saw Seselwa that communist have lost control and abusing Power. Jo sucker want church have to say about SFP?This communist problems not SFP.Communist have lots of problems to solve crimes is rising drugs,prostitute is rising proferty is rising jobless is rising healthcare is fuck up public transport is fuck no bus no water no eclectricity for a small island like Seychelles those problems can not be solve by communist tell your communist leader to solve those Russian was producing porn film on the island who allowed them,PP communist. problems.
What does the church said about those photos.It beeen not made any comment ,but i guess the bishop is thinking as all Seychellois that under PP communist,Seychellois morality has undegone a disastrious limit and it is not about to change until the whole system that created this dowm grad in moraility is changed.I also guess ,the Bishop is saying to himself ,GOOD JOB SFP,you helping purified our country from the evil of communism,and as you struggle for justice,democracy,freedom,and will support you indirectly by calling Christians to depend on their faith to fight evil,this was Bishop Weihe words shortly.I think ,it speaks for itself and could be understood by all,ecept if you an atheit or communists. Yes,pp communist allowed Russain pron on our shore,WHY?WHo is the ogvenrment the hgihest instance of our country,Pp governemnt or Russian porn filmamakers?Pp did in the past allowed porn film "Emmanuel in which Pp communist Patrick Victor was an actor,so it is not new PP involvement in such undissent practices,.
Gill It was you who made this declaration that the Bishop had died!
Gill ou en bon a rien ou! You are dishonest and a liar! Malediksyon ou manman ki lo ou! La famille Mancham spits at you and now the Bishop has cursed you! You are going to end up like Frank Jumeau - a con man who was reduced to nothing!
RAM,after detread GOD like JUFDAS by switching to the devil ,you should stop your bullshits.If you have turned atheist since Michel enticed you with tax payers money to play the stooge,you do not have to bullshit our religion,nor those who represent it.
Attacking the leader of our religion won't help you get away from your crimes,if you insisit we would call Bishop Wiehe to publicly and directly help our people fight Pp communsist as EX POPE in Poland ion order that we get PP criminals down and send all those athiests to othier new church at Montagn Possee. Time to get rid of pp communists.
It was you pissoff sucker you all the write negative comment then you say its Gill sucker.You will never stop us and we will stop until communist is gone.
We know that but we pretend not to know to see how stupid he is.For he is convinced that we do not know who wrote all those scums on Bishop Weihe and so on.Donot be angry with PISYY ,he is not harming you but destroying himself, he is becoming narcissistic.
We shouldn't be wasting our time on the bishop. He doesn't give a shit of what's going on in Seychelles. He got his passport, he travel first class, life is good for him so he has no desire to lead the fight against terrorism aka islamization of Seychelles
We need Bishop Weihe to deliver for his words can shake pp in its backbone.Bishop Weihe should lead by example after calling on us recently to use our faith to fight evil,thus we counting a lot of him to come public and say things as it is namely that PP communists has failed the people ,that it is a criminal gang that has confiscated power t5o better pepertuate its crimes and that the people should start revolting and take into the streets to topple the failed system.Pope John Paul did it in Poland resulting in the fall of communsism in the east blocks,Bishop Wiehe should do the same.
Bishop Weihe is a bed fellow of Michel. He is not interested in the plight of seychellois christians. Soon he will be a bed fellow of khalifa and will remain numb on all the bombings of churches and all of seychelles holy places
Well if he cannot then we should ask the pope to get him out of our land for he serves no purpose not the church nor the poeple.He cannot be the spiritual guide of this christian nation.
No use to explain your scum athiest PISSEDOFF.Such redicules can only come from a communist atheist.
Why not take a leaf from Castro's book.Over the last five decades he opposed religion and even declared Cuba as offical atheist state until recently.Why did Castro has this change of heart at 85 years old?FOr he came to realize that the devil won't save his ass thus put all his faith now in God,well not necessarily GOd,but the Pope for him it is the same.I asure you FAR of his deadbed is praying regualarly if not non-stop to the holiness to save his ass...and the butcher will do so too soon.Before death there is only one face one sees not the devil as communists might think but the image of GOD.And FAR must not think God is coming to rescue his ass No..NO PISY, but to judge him before transfering him to hell.
Its easy to know Pissoff then you must know my name and were to find me come sucker we are waiting for you and co we are losing patient we are waiting for PP for their arrest. what are they waiting for adress Baie St Anne Praslin difficult to find the way on a small island like Praslin.
Ti Johnny Le Gay; mum, sis, cousin and even wifey were set to come to you for the business but alas they couldn't find the magnifying class so with regret they won't be coming!
If a "LA VERITE" news paper was on fire, I will never PISS on it. I will let it burn. And I will provide some viagra to johnny. If dick could talk, you'll be muted!!!!
Atheists,handicaps,our young girls that PP have turned into prostitutes,Prisoners and all the rest,as long as you are a Seychellois all can and are invited to join in with SFP to free our country from tyranny.Sfp is fighting for the people of this country in it whole, for the country belongs to us all regatdless of what ones do in his private lives,regardless of his handicaps and so on.
SFP represents the people,and the people recognized and demonstrated their support for SFP in the last election by a boycott.You always attempting to point fingers at SFp with such words like SFP does not like this or that groups of Seychellois or what?Well,the truth is,that in fact PP is anti-Seychellois and it has demonstrated that for the last fourty years by refusing to appoint ro amke ministers from expereinced,qualified etc..Seychellois that are not part of PP communists party.Michel personally has proven that he loves foreigners more than Seychellois he created job for foreigners but destroyed all National comapanies thus send our people to the streets without a living.The butcher is ready to pay astronomic salaries,pensions,free houses foreigners like GURKHAS,Scully,and others to control Seychellois but not Seychellois RASDIN.In a word ,PP records is straigth,for those crooks Seychelles is for foreigners,not for Seychellois,thus the need for regime change for our soveiregnty is in jeopardy.
Jeanne D’Arc a.k.a. Gill we will allow you to be president for 5 years and if during that time you have not succeeded in doing away with prostitution we are going to tie you and Isaac up and let all the bourer pillons of Seychelles line up e bez bour zot de dan zot boyo ziska zot lanis I de si re – the only worrisome thing about this act is that instead of it being a castigation it might just backfire and you both get to enjoy the whole experience!
Hey you how many time i have told you Gill is not Jeanne D'arc i work for Jeanne D'acr,you are just filling the heat from Gill..Is your your ass to hot from Arabs cock use vaslinpetrol pissoff.
Hey you sodomizer shada your face wit me bez ou manman! Gill is Jeanne D’arc in drags. How many times have I addressed Gill directly and JD has replied in the first person! Gill suffers from Gender Identity Disorder symptoms and is permanantly experiencing gender dysphoria! Very soon if he hasn't started already, he will start stealing Minister Larue's dresses on the lines!
Those red communist dresses paid by stolen tax payers money no one wants not even my dog to play with.We donot have to steal tax payers to by communist fabricated dress ,we have our money,most of us have travelled and still on a regular bases traveling modern world where the best cloths are to be found.MIhel for instance,before being delf-named Presient never traveld anywhere eccept in Tanzania to get prepared for the Coup,It is onlöy since he is Prsident that he started traveling by wasting tax payers money.Mitcy the farest she been i was told is once to Mauritius.You see the differnt,bobby.If Michel or Mitcy want some free expensive YSL,GUCCI etc... clothing,handbags ,tell them to contact us on the blog,i would supply them some for free,i have some i nolonger use.
From Europe i never been in China where most of the world fake produces are fabricated.But,i am sure that Michel's rolex is from the street of China. i also have some ideas too,of how Mitcy can reduce our health costs,The butcher fix our ecnomy,of how we can sponsor our education,social security(which also take almost half of our annual revenues),provide jobs to our unemployed people,a situation created by PP and so on..Apart from those free YSL GUCCCI bags i will gifted them some good ideas of how they can fix the mess they created and now do not know how to get out of them.
Frieburg University Switzerland,just call them or again contact Mr SONY PAYET now chief engineer at PUC ,i met and know him there while he was aslo doing his study, and i am proud to say that he is also from Praslin.
The flies are following Judas with all those communist shit he is carrying on his should, it is difficult to figure out how he wound get away from those hungry flies.
Jeanne D'Arc a.k.a. Totof Gill ou parey en leekee ek ou "correction" all the time! Face it imbecile ou pa bez konn ekri! If I make any error what so ever you'd just have to read through it and figure it out si ou bez annan lespri!
To simplify it for the butcher.Just to remind you"on his visit to the UK-he said GOODMORNING Se instead of sir,IF i donot corect my psot for the butcher he won't be unable to even steal our ideas for Pp has leterally lost all imagination and vision .I am doing it for your dear leader why complain about my help ?
He did!Well he lent it to Mtcy for her inauguration as unqualified minister of health.You know,the country is in a mess thus Pp must save even on dentures for the party^s memebers.I was told someone has stolen FAR denture for it too costly for a new one from China.
Have you been searching through all the most effective weight loss programs exercise out there and wondering which will be suitable for you? o Heart disease Phentermine Diet Pills In another way, obesity affects the heart as the excess fat in the body translates to extra body weight, which means that the muscles have to work harder in order to move the body about. Clearly, the work load of the heart is increased with such additional activity of the skeletal muscles. Excessive fatigue
Excellent Laverite! How do we subsribe so we do not have to wait for it to be loaded or have to beg someone for a copy?
When are you going to cover the food crisis that the farmers are talking about?
Food crisis should be covered. Farmers need to come forward.
SFP should mobilize the farmers.
Maybe you should also investigate who sells chicken/meat products to STC? In other words who are the middlemen. You will not be surprised that Mooky and Ti Frans are the ones behind the import business. You will also have to ask why is that Ralph Volcere goes silence on certain topics.
LAVERITE is doing the job we all expected from a free press,we could not stop thanking them for exposing the crooked system in place and the job those guys are doing are infact shaking the PP regime down from his roots.
There are many more issues we would all like that LAVERITE raises sas the one bologger propose the FARMER? PORBLEM which is also a national food production problem and food security loudly preached by PP but never follows by deeds.,But much better to do thing orderly after deep analysis than lip service as REGAR pratices.
The issues are multiples and need to bedeal with one by one orderly from FARMERS problem of food shortage,delapidating Health system,the deepnose of our tourism industry,Crimes,corruption,foreign aids accountability and transparency,Money distribute to foreigners under the guise of FDI program, and so forth.It is just impossible to raise all issues at once ,but be sure LAVERITE is working on all the other improtant issues,there would be no rest until victory.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
If you have information on Mooky brokering chicken send it in.
You read the article in LAVERITE Volume 2 issue No 5 "IMF I dir Seselwa gara zot pou en defisit ekomonik serye 2012",you know what is long there ,created by Pp economic illeterates.Let us have a look of how Pp regime causes the budget decifit.Here are the reasons for the budget deficit:1)Thev inability of the government to contain current expenditure wuthin manageable limits.Government borrowing which helpful in maintaining a high expenditure level without a commensurate tax effort,creating a major problem for subsequent budgets in the form of rising interests payment.2)On development side,big projects,some of them prestige projects with questionable economic justifications began to lock-in huge expenditure outlays leading to larger budget deficits and neglect of the social sectors like health,education and population plannig..Moreover, as porject financing is either through foreign loans or deomestic borrowings,inefficiency and waste that is not uncommon in the public sector became more costly in the context od repayment and servicing generated by such financing.3)In addition to borrowing from the banking system,the government siphoned off a aprt of private sector saving through various saving schemes that give a high return under the combined effect of high mark-up rates and tax concession.This reduced the supply of savings for the private sector and push up the rate structure in the country.It also adversely affected the subsequent budgets,both on revenue side and in the form of revenue forgonr,and on expenditure side in the form of higher interst cost contributed to cost-push inflation..4) The attempt of government to impoorve price control on some items in the context of genrally high rate of infaltion prevailing in the economy.In an environment in which large budget deficit is the main cause of infaltion.(N.B: that defcit financing andinflation contribute to regressive income distribution,consumption,leberaliation and lowering of savings.) and 5)In the process of budget making itself.A comaprative analysis of the budgeted revenues and expenditures and the actual outcome indicates a systematic tendency of budget-makers to underestimated expenditures and over estimated revenues at the time of budget formulation.I may also add that Seychelles is one the few supposed developing countries which cannot meet its current expenditure from its current revenue.And the uncontrolled spending envisage by PP for 2012 is doomed to accelarate the deficit should radical and intellignet actions failed to prevail.
Pissy,RAM.Volcere and the rest, might also like to know the remedies to deal with Pp created deficit.Just call in!
Jeanne D'Arc
The ongoing humiliation of Danny Faure
If Danny Faure was a dog, we would be entitled to put him down to end his suffering at the hands of James Michel. James Michel is looking like a bully and Danny Faure is looking like someone who is prepared to suffer any suffering and submit to any torture in order to become president one day. But the writing is on the wall. Faure will never become president and all the suffering and humiliation will be in vain in the end.
We have seen some tortuous performances from Faure lately, whereas he was highly confident in the past.
It was painful to watch his interview from Calais where he was sent to observe the loading of the cable for the internet. We saw a man who was finding it painful to find the right words on SBC.
Then came the resignation that never happened and that rocked the Parti Lepep government.
The public show of solidarity between President and Vice President last Monday backfired when they went to visit the offices of the National Youth Council. Faure was always walking a few steps behind Michel. They did not speak to each other. In fact they did not even acknowledge each other's presence. So the PR exercise did more damage than good. Again Faure's interview on SBC exposed the man's unhappiness in his current role or non-role, and the fact that he will never be president.
It is clear. Michel cannot stand Faure any more. But he cannot get rid of him, without calling fresh presidential elections. Michel has welcomed traitors into his government. Yet he cannot stand the Cuba-trained Parti Lepep born and bred politician. That must be really painful for Faure.
The question is this. How long will Faure submit to this public humiliation which is designed to force him to resign and send him into the political wilderness ?
Grandstanding by the one-party national assembly
The lily-livered MNAs find it easier to blame the judiciary for the crime wave sweeping the country. They should of course be blaming their own incompetent government.
These MNAs are also behaving like nincompoops. They passed a motion asking the judiciary to stop passing concurrent sentences. They are fools -- the judges are following the law on concurrent sentencing.
If MNAs do not like it, they should get their government to bring in legislation to get rid of concurrent sentences.
Truly, there is one born every minute. And that includes David Pierre.
The Assembly is supposed to be a deliberative Assembly of one nation with one interest,that of the whole.Well, that is not the case in this PP Assembly.Instead of making the Assembly the house of bullies they could have spent their time doing people^s business..One of the them would be acting real Laws that will improve the everyday life of Seychellois people,laws that facilitate reforms and unity,laws thatensure the respect of human rights and civil rights,laws that prohibits discrimination,laws that promotes equality and fair representation,and so forth.That should have been the role of the Assembly.
In the actual Assembly,its members are like a dog on a lish;they are make to talk only when thay are off the lish;when members talk they are like an exhausted dog from running around here and there ;when dogs are tired they have their tonuges dangled out at the corner of their mouth dripping sour saliva,therefore,it is this sour saliva that the hodams bend and lick,members of the Assembly are dogs,hodams are sour saliva they get secreted in the mouths of members.
That Pp members and cronies are blaming each other for thier collective failures is historic in the communist era,for usuaaly members shut up their mouths and let the dear leader decide and they follow him without question.The actual discord is the PP is a sign of a party who has run out of steam and crumble and with the internal conflict within the PP(FAURE v/S the butcher)things can only worsen.PP is bringing from within and as its disintegrate we would help them accelerate their disintegration by exposing them more and more.
Time for change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Correction:Pp is breaking from within.
In Europe, most if not all the leading politicians infested/using that "Vache folle" have lost their Office, shirt and short. Yet in Seychelles all those who handle/work the issues of those 21,000- 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugee. Their approach.
On behalf of those 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/Refugee we recommand that in each edition of "Laverite" a section is reserved to write and publish some of their Issues.
We have also read that a new TV, Radio, news paper is in planning,process of coming into being - yet those/the High parties involved - do not belive in the cause and existance of those 21,000 - 25,000 Seychellois exile/refugee. "They did not even realise they existed"
SFP has always represents aLL THE POPULATION including all those in exile and others,for instance,you would remeber that SFP is the only party who has repeatedly call on pp TO ALLOW sEYCHELLOIS ABROAD TO HAVE THEIR IRGHT TO VOTE.
Jeanne D'Arc
Israel is not an apartheid nation. This is Islam propaganda.
Denis Wiehe, Roman Catholic bishop, dies as the Holy Week starts. The 72-year old Mauritian was appointed bishop in 2002 and would have marked ten years at Bishop's House in May.
In his 2012 Pastoral Letter this week, he called for alcohol abstinence during the Holy Week and a reduction in alcohol consumption in the country.
His tenure at Bishop's House has been very controversial, marked by a rapprochement between the Church and the State. His Pastoral Letter this week was the first time the former bishop had addressed head on one of the main social and political problems plaguing the country.
When you say Israel is an Apathiet State what is the message you want to pass?What have we as an indepenendent and sovieregn state has to do with wether Israel is an Apaetheit state or not?You think like the butcher we should be on the side of Arabs;Iran,Syria,Sudan,Pakistan-Somali.Nigeria their fights against Israel? or what?What the hell we have to do in their fights?
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
The problems alcohol and drugs start in the home of communist family.Why!because they let their childrens start taking bad subtences under age in their homes and some parents have no control and dont know how to bringing them up.
Like this regime dont know how to solve problems,a
small country like Seychelles communist can not bring crimes down every day is getting higher what a shame with a population only 85,000 you can not handel communist.
The comment on the Bishop is sad, I am sorry that there are some political elements in Seychelles, that feel a need to resort to lies for political survival.
I wonder who it is.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa !
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Will Burma become a democracy before Seychelles ?
Did you confirm with the RC Church ?
The guy who said such macabre words on Bishop Wiehe is probably an atheist,he dislike the fact that Bishop Wiehe told us in his last piblic intervention that we must beleive in our faith to fight evil.Pp crooks officiously Know when Bishop Weihe says evil it could only be refering to them so their anger and libel on Bishop Weihe.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
The comment about the fake announcement of Bishop Weihe's demise was made by none other than Christopher Gill and Jean paul Isaac!
Can anyone on here tell us of any other person/party that hates the Bishop like SFP does? They are forever accusing him of working hand in glove with Pp and that he is a Pp collaborator!
Gill ek Isaaq zot a tou fer sa de bandi! Maledisyon ki lo zot!
La akoz sa zot pou bez plis malediksyon enkor!
Tro bez bat zot manman san mem malediksyon pe bez zot. Vey ler son gro vant pou gonfle ziska i pou kaka laso e li Isaak comme d'habittude i pou al swiy fes!
We know Gill is a fool. We did not know he was an April Fool too.
I can't understand why Gill finds a spoof on Denis Wiehe on April Fools' Day "sad", whereas he has condoned pornographic photos on this blog.
Denis Wiehe is not a demi-god. He is just someone working for the Roman Catholic Church and the leader of those who believe in (though not necessarily practise) catholicism in Seychelles.
Would Gill have taken the same dubious "moral stance" if the spoof had been about the death of Albert Rene ? I dare say there are more people who think Rene is a demi-god, than those who think Wiehe is.
I do not hold Wiehe in high regard, no more than I hold Rene and Michel in high regard. I think Wiehe lost his moral compass when he accepted land and money from the SPPF/Parti Lepep government to build churches. This tells me Wiehe sees the Catholic Church as just a business, with its bishop and priests as mere employees. Many businesses do not really care about the origins of the money that they get. And Wiehe does not really care about the origins of the land and money to build churches. Who wants to pray in a church built by SPPF and Parti Lepep ?
I do.
That's your problem.
As I said, it is pity to see some elements of the Seychelles political scene so desperate to resort to such lowly measures as to infer death upon our good Bishop.
Only two elements of Seychelles politics is that desperate today.
I pray for both of you.
The Bishop should pray for you both as well and he should also meet with the Anglican Bishop to discuss such lowly behaviour.
What a disgrace.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
You sanctimonious hypocrite ! What does the Church say about SFP's stash of pornographic photos ?
Church have to talk with Metsy and her communist leader this photos show some communist followers having sex public and SFP want to saw Seselwa that communist have lost control and abusing Power.
Jo sucker want church have to say about SFP?This communist problems not SFP.Communist have lots of problems to solve crimes is rising drugs,prostitute is rising proferty is rising jobless is rising healthcare is fuck up public transport is fuck no bus no water no eclectricity for a small island like Seychelles those problems can not be solve by communist tell your
communist leader to solve those
Russian was producing porn film on the island who allowed them,PP communist.
What does the church said about those photos.It beeen not made any comment ,but i guess the bishop is thinking as all Seychellois that under PP communist,Seychellois morality has undegone a disastrious limit and it is not about to change until the whole system that created this dowm grad in moraility is changed.I also guess ,the Bishop is saying to himself ,GOOD JOB SFP,you helping purified our country from the evil of communism,and as you struggle for justice,democracy,freedom,and will support you indirectly by calling Christians to depend on their faith to fight evil,this was Bishop Weihe words shortly.I think ,it speaks for itself and could be understood by all,ecept if you an atheit or communists.
Yes,pp communist allowed Russain pron on our shore,WHY?WHo is the ogvenrment the hgihest instance of our country,Pp governemnt or Russian porn filmamakers?Pp did in the past allowed porn film "Emmanuel in which Pp communist Patrick Victor was an actor,so it is not new PP involvement in such undissent practices,.
Jeanne DÀrc
Gill It was you who made this declaration that the Bishop had died!
Gill ou en bon a rien ou!
You are dishonest and a liar!
Malediksyon ou manman ki lo ou!
La famille Mancham spits at you and now the Bishop has cursed you!
You are going to end up like Frank Jumeau - a con man who was reduced to nothing!
RAM,after detread GOD like JUFDAS by switching to the devil ,you should stop your bullshits.If you have turned atheist since Michel enticed you with tax payers money to play the stooge,you do not have to bullshit our religion,nor those who represent it.
Attacking the leader of our religion won't help you get away from your crimes,if you insisit we would call Bishop Wiehe to publicly and directly help our people fight Pp communsist as EX POPE in Poland ion order that we get PP criminals down and send all those athiests to othier new church at Montagn Possee.
Time to get rid of pp communists.
Jeanne D'Arc
It was you pissoff sucker you all the write negative comment then you say its Gill sucker.You will never stop us and we will stop until communist is gone.
We know that but we pretend not to know to see how stupid he is.For he is convinced that we do not know who wrote all those scums on Bishop Weihe and so on.Donot be angry with PISYY ,he is not harming you but destroying himself, he is becoming narcissistic.
Jeanne D'Arc
I protest!
Gill, ti Johnny le Gay it is so easy to check who wrote what on here. Everything can be traced back to the author so shall we check?
Ou bez maudit mon vieux!
We shouldn't be wasting our time on the bishop. He doesn't give a shit of what's going on in Seychelles. He got his passport, he travel first class, life is good for him so he has no desire to lead the fight against terrorism aka islamization of Seychelles
We need Bishop Weihe to deliver for his words can shake pp in its backbone.Bishop Weihe should lead by example after calling on us recently to use our faith to fight evil,thus we counting a lot of him to come public and say things as it is namely that PP communists has failed the people ,that it is a criminal gang that has confiscated power t5o better pepertuate its crimes and that the people should start revolting and take into the streets to topple the failed system.Pope John Paul did it in Poland resulting in the fall of communsism in the east blocks,Bishop Wiehe should do the same.
Right after we checked out corruption in the PP government, we will start looking into private blogs.
Bishop Weihe is a bed fellow of Michel. He is not interested in the plight of seychellois christians. Soon he will be a bed fellow of khalifa and will remain numb on all the bombings of churches and all of seychelles holy places
Well if he cannot then we should ask the pope to get him out of our land for he serves no purpose not the church nor the poeple.He cannot be the spiritual guide of this christian nation.
Jeanne D'Arc
These above comments on Bishop Weihe clearly demonstrates that it was indeed Gill and Isaac that falsely announced his demise: April 1, 2012 7:31 PM
These two guys are not fit to walk amongst us humans. They are scums and lowlifes and even a pig sty is too good for them!
No use to explain your scum athiest PISSEDOFF.Such redicules can only come from a communist atheist.
Why not take a leaf from Castro's book.Over the last five decades he opposed religion and even declared Cuba as offical atheist state until recently.Why did Castro has this change of heart at 85 years old?FOr he came to realize that the devil won't save his ass thus put all his faith now in God,well not necessarily GOd,but the Pope for him it is the same.I asure you FAR of his deadbed is praying regualarly if not non-stop to the holiness to save his ass...and the butcher will do so too soon.Before death there is only one face one sees not the devil as communists might think but the image of GOD.And FAR must not think God is coming to rescue his ass No..NO PISY, but to judge him before transfering him to hell.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissoff trace then we can trace you Piasoff.
Pissoff bring your mother your sister,cousin then you will see if i am gay i will fuck all of them the same time du wicsher..
Its easy to know Pissoff then you must know my name and were to find me come sucker we are waiting for you and co we are losing patient we are waiting for PP for their arrest. what are they waiting for adress Baie St Anne Praslin difficult to find the way on a small island like Praslin.
Ti Johnny Le Gay; mum, sis, cousin and even wifey were set to come to you for the business but alas they couldn't find the magnifying class so with regret they won't be coming!
P.S. Continyen fer sa ki ou fer byen...bez dan boyo ek Gill!
Are you saying that Atheists are not welcome in SFP?
I guess some 'LAVERITE' is too much to handle!
How much of 'LAVERITE" can we deliver when our primary belief is based on MYTH & MYSTICISM?
REMEMBER THIS - It does not matter how big a number is; when it is divided by zero the value will always be zero.
Athiest are welcome at SFP, as long as you are not a Communist.
Athiest are welcome at SFP, as long as you are not a Communist.
If a "LA VERITE" news paper was on fire, I will never PISS on it. I will let it burn.
And I will provide some viagra to johnny. If dick could talk, you'll be muted!!!!
Atheists,handicaps,our young girls that PP have turned into prostitutes,Prisoners and all the rest,as long as you are a Seychellois all can and are invited to join in with SFP to free our country from tyranny.Sfp is fighting for the people of this country in it whole, for the country belongs to us all regatdless of what ones do in his private lives,regardless of his handicaps and so on.
SFP represents the people,and the people recognized and demonstrated their support for SFP in the last election by a boycott.You always attempting to point fingers at SFp with such words like SFP does not like this or that groups of Seychellois or what?Well,the truth is,that in fact PP is anti-Seychellois and it has demonstrated that for the last fourty years by refusing to appoint ro amke ministers from expereinced,qualified etc..Seychellois that are not part of PP communists party.Michel personally has proven that he loves foreigners more than Seychellois he created job for foreigners but destroyed all National comapanies thus send our people to the streets without a living.The butcher is ready to pay astronomic salaries,pensions,free houses foreigners like GURKHAS,Scully,and others to control Seychellois but not Seychellois RASDIN.In a word ,PP records is straigth,for those crooks Seychelles is for foreigners,not for Seychellois,thus the need for regime change for our soveiregnty is in jeopardy.
Tmie for regime .
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D’Arc a.k.a. Gill we will allow you to be president for 5 years and if during that time you have not succeeded in doing away with prostitution we are going to tie you and Isaac up and let all the bourer pillons of Seychelles line up e bez bour zot de dan zot boyo ziska zot lanis I de si re – the only worrisome thing about this act is that instead of it being a castigation it might just backfire and you both get to enjoy the whole experience!
Hey you how many time i have told you Gill is not Jeanne D'arc i work for Jeanne D'acr,you are just filling the heat from Gill..Is your your ass to hot from Arabs cock use vaslinpetrol pissoff.
Hey you sodomizer shada your face wit me bez ou manman!
Gill is Jeanne D’arc in drags.
How many times have I addressed Gill directly and JD has replied in the first person!
Gill suffers from Gender Identity Disorder symptoms and is permanantly experiencing gender dysphoria!
Very soon if he hasn't started already, he will start stealing Minister Larue's dresses on the lines!
Those red communist dresses paid by stolen tax payers money no one wants not even my dog to play with.We donot have to steal tax payers to by communist fabricated dress ,we have our money,most of us have travelled and still on a regular bases traveling modern world where the best cloths are to be found.MIhel for instance,before being delf-named Presient never traveld anywhere eccept in Tanzania to get prepared for the Coup,It is onlöy since he is Prsident that he started traveling by wasting tax payers money.Mitcy the farest she been i was told is once to Mauritius.You see the differnt,bobby.If Michel or Mitcy want some free expensive YSL,GUCCI etc... clothing,handbags ,tell them to contact us on the blog,i would supply them some for free,i have some i nolonger use.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
Fake Gucci & YSL from Hong Kong's street vendors! LOL!
From Europe i never been in China where most of the world fake produces are fabricated.But,i am sure that Michel's rolex is from the street of China. i also have some ideas too,of how Mitcy can reduce our health costs,The butcher fix our ecnomy,of how we can sponsor our education,social security(which also take almost half of our annual revenues),provide jobs to our unemployed people,a situation created by PP and so on..Apart from those free YSL GUCCCI bags i will gifted them some good ideas of how they can fix the mess they created and now do not know how to get out of them.
Jeanne D?Arc
You have been to China! You went to university there remember?
RAM was there, not me and i donot intent to go.What i would though ,that RAm explain to his handful of supporters what was he doing secretly there.
Jeanne D'Arc
Then that makes your university degree fake.
Frieburg University Switzerland,just call them or again contact Mr SONY PAYET now chief engineer at PUC ,i met and know him there while he was aslo doing his study, and i am proud to say that he is also from Praslin.
Jeanne D'Arc
Freiburg Pissy.
Thats why all communist go to Dubai for shopping with our tax money.poor Seselwa
Jeanne D'Arc can reply any time she wants.
The people of Seychelles love LAVERITE!
They want to pay for it, even though it is FREE!
Unlike some papers that are for pay, but people want them for FREE!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
I love LAVERITE! Do 2 issues a week.
Two issues a week?
Careful the flies do not shit maggots on your government sponsored meal ticket one of these days....any day.
Napa Flies on the meal tickets...there's something about LaVerite that is attracting them!
No wonder the flies are following Volcere. During the old days SERZEN IRNARD WILL CATCH HIM VELLY EASY.
The flies are following Judas with all those communist shit he is carrying on his should, it is difficult to figure out how he wound get away from those hungry flies.
Jeanne D'Arc
I love reading this laverite, keep up the great work.
Jeanne D'Arc a.k.a. Totof Gill ou parey en leekee ek ou "correction" all the time!
Face it imbecile ou pa bez konn ekri!
If I make any error what so ever you'd just have to read through it and figure it out si ou bez annan lespri!
Pissoff we are hear to stay get it say what ever you want about Gill this will not stop.
Ti Johnny bous ou trou finyon you little "wichser"!
To simplify it for the butcher.Just to remind you"on his visit to the UK-he said GOODMORNING Se instead of sir,IF i donot corect my psot for the butcher he won't be unable to even steal our ideas for Pp has leterally lost all imagination and vision .I am doing it for your dear leader why complain about my help ?
Jeanne D'Arc
May be he forgot his denture.
He did!Well he lent it to Mtcy for her inauguration as unqualified minister of health.You know,the country is in a mess thus Pp must save even on dentures for the party^s memebers.I was told someone has stolen FAR denture for it too costly for a new one from China.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'arc was using the same denture.... because she said "should" instead of "shoulders"
I have all my teeth,and in any case i will use a contaminated denture stained with blood coming from the stinky mouth of a monster.
Jeanne D'Arc
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