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Nicolas Sarkozy says France has too many foreigners
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French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said there are too many foreigners in France and the system for integrating them is "working worse and worse".
In a TV debate, Mr Sarkozy defended his plan to almost halve the number of new arrivals if re-elected next month.
Mr Sarkozy is trailing in the opinion polls behind the Socialist candidate Francois Hollande.
He is also competing for conservative voters with the far-right National Front party led by Marine le Pen.
The president said while immigration could be a boon for France, it needed to be controlled more tightly through tougher qualification rules for residency.
Mr Sarkozy, whose father was a Hungarian immigrant, also said he wanted to restrict some benefit payments to immigrants who had been in the country for 10 years.
Tough new rules
He has often made controversial comments on race and immigration issues, sharply dividing opinion in France.
In 2005, just before the Paris riots, he described young delinquents in the Paris suburbs as "racaille", meaning rabble.
He has said that if re-elected, he will reduce the number of immigrants to France from 180,000 a year to 100,000 and introduce tighter controls on access to welfare benefits.
As president, Mr Sarkozy has already pushed through tough new immigration rules, including the controversial deportation of Roma (Gypsies).
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Francois Fillon caused dismay among Muslim and Jewish groups by suggesting the religious slaughter of animals was out of date.
The controversy started when a TV documentary said last month that all the abattoirs in Paris region only produced halal meat.
So far the election campaign seems to have made relatively little impact on voters.
The latest opinion poll published on Tuesday by CSA showed the Socialist leader Francois Hollande widening his lead over President Sarkozy for the 22 April vote.
It also suggested that the Socialist leader would win decisively by 54% to 46% in a second round of voting on 6 May.
All around EEEurope politicans are calling for more control of illegal immigrants.The different betwwen those european countires and Seychelles is that the problem has been created by the crooked actions of PP who deliberately imported thousands of foreigners to our shores without control.There are hundreds of foreign workers whose contracts are over ,but still roaming around in our land.Some gifted our passports thogh they are on GOP here.I hope that theButcher will take stpes to reduce foreign workers rapidly in our country thus provide jobs for our people in the first place and put an organized sysem in place to better control the influx of ofregners on our shores.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'ARC
menn pa zis sa eski zot in war sa bann gurkha pe fer patrol anvil dan uniform lapolis?
Sa bann liki ni en sou kreol pa konnen, be la si en seselwa pe pas en lenformasyon pe anpes en lofans ek zot ki liki?
Anyway james misel in fini dir ki seselwa i en nasyon enkonpetan parey son sistenm enkonpetan.
Nou pou kas sont liki one by one!
Those ass should wacth pirates, not patroling in our town those suckers that are starving in Nepal.
This star and key is handed out to public servants being retired. Some can hardly read and write. A gong in deed.
Good point.
Gill if you were a true Seychellois which you are not you would throw away your foreign passport. You are here in Seychelles simply because you failed in Guam and cannot practice law in the USA because you have a criminal record there. If you google Gill you will read the truth about those crooks. Gill you are no better than the Somali pirates. Why do we tolerate all those criminals like Gill in Seychelles?
The PEOPLE OF the TERRITORY OF GUAM, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Francis L. GILL, Defendant-Appellant.
No. 94-10230.
Argued and Submitted June 13, 1995. -- July 18, 1995
1. Guam's Land Registration System
This case involves an alleged attempt by Gill, an attorney, to obtain title to government land through the manipulation of Guam's land registration system.
....and you were saying about Bernard George???
Maybe the government should look at the means that Gill acquired his properties in Seychelles...
First we would have to look at all those hundreds of hectares of our patrimony gifted to foreigners.I think that is what the people want accountability for and want to see those to the likes of Dugasse,Morgan,the butcher and all the rest come into the courtroom to answer for their crimes.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pa trakase when you do your coup d'etat you will do all those but right now Pp rules and we should investigate to see if you acquired your properties by devious and fraudulant means!
My property i inherited it from my parents and they owed it long before God even dicided to create a half human like the butcher.So it is not a half human to the like of the buthcer that i would let challenge me on my asset.
Jeanne D'Arc
So Jeanne D'Arc is Gill!
So one day you are a dog, the next day a hydrant! Same shit different smell.
No i am J D?Arc and not Chris.I say it again,i live right near Louis Berdier a well-known Businessman,why does the butcher send them to intimidate me?I am waitng for it,for i would be the last time pp thugs including Scully would ever brutalize or intimidate any Seychellois again.And i case PP cannot come for me,and can asure the Butcher that if he or any pp crooks confiscate our elcetion in 2012,my guys will be coming for them.
Jeanne D'Arc
In 2016 solda.
Which guys? Ti Johnny a.k.a. IsaaQ, bitch to German gays and Isaaq and Konmetan?
Gill received a full Executive Pardon in Guam in year 2000.
He has gone on to register all his titles to land under Land Registration which he chose to.
I encourage Francis Gill to file more land registration cases and perfect those titles.
Why? Because he can and it is his full pledged right.Who will stop him?
Catch up bogus crooks from SNP.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
MOrgan is bringing in GURKAS onthe shores of our soverign country to brutalize Seychellois.All those excuses and words of justification coming from Morgan's mouth are unacceptable.And we asking Pp goverenmnt to get our people trained and get the job done instead of importing mercenaries to rape and abuse the freedom of our people.
Note PISSEDOFF-That according to HUMAN RIGHTS philosophy,jurispredence and Interantional community,the GURKA soldiers are NEPALI mercenaires and would not get prisoners-of -war status and will be treated as criminals.Nationality is the criteria to determine who is a mercenary.A FOREIGNER who is recruited in ARMY,inPARAMILITARY force,In armed force,in police force,in administration,in justice system is a mercenary in a soveiregn country.A foreigner can not rule a citizen or cannot be used against a citizen of a sovereign country or cannot be used to protect the soveiregnty country.
As a soveiregn country,there is no excuse of having foreigners control our security.Moragna said "one of reasons why our police ofrce is weak and ill-equipped is becuase Veterans are not capable becuase of their age to conduct their duties and the young officiers lacks experience".Well,moragan you just have to trained them.A State that cannot even protect its poeple from local crimes then it is a failed state.
So we asking for regime change now.We asking the Butcher to call for new elections now.We calling on Pp thugs to clean our shores from foreign mercenries now and use the dozens of dollars in recruiting our people in order that they can defend their own country.
It also shows the crooked ambition of PP,who wants our country to be controlled and ruled by foreigners.Our justice system is teemed with foreigners,our prison is garded by foreigners,our industries are controlled by foreigners,our institutions are teemed with foreigners.WE a sovereign country PP,and we will not tolerate foreigners controlling us like Khalfia has done to his own country whereby now )0 percents of his country population is foreigners.
Time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
Gill you are a crimminal in the eyes of the US Government and for the rest of the world. You can never hide from that fact. Where is this pardon from the US Govt. Go on and publish it in Le Nouvo weekly or Le Seychellois and we will authenticate it. You have commited a crime against the people of the United States and have run to hide here in the Seychelles. By the way have you submitted your taxes to the US inland revenue services this year, they are due real soon? It is due real, real soon and make sure you declare ALL the deals you have done UNDER the BOWL because we are letting Uncle Sam know. It is too late to move those assets to you know who........ cause we know who. Gill you can run but you cannot hide. Uncle Sam with a little help from ti Kreol les hauts can seeeeee youuuuu.....Voler, Kriminel.....
PP Voler
USA is an old democracy and its institutions works,and whoever persons the US government think they need and that anyfrom ayn where on the globe ,they have the capacity to get the person bring them to justice.SO they donot need advice from an apprentice communist on how justice should work.
Trying the old communist tactic whci is putting blame or fabricating lies on others to hide and divert attention on your own crimes no longer work in this world of technology.
Lastly.Seychellois need answers and justice of crimes being committed right here on our shores by PP criminals and have little time to bother thmeslves with redicule coming from communists who do not understand their own communist justice in place.
In support to all those families whose love ones were murdered by PP thugs-they simply want to know and asking the butcher to provide maps on where they buried the bodies.Voler where are the rests of those Seychellois?It is time to get your bloody-hands clean.Where the corps of our people murdered by Michel the butcher that their families can do a dissent funeral of their love ones.Funeral is an import act in christianity,bring the bodies back VOLER.
Jeanne D'Arc
Totof didn't your other brother work for land registry or something in Guam?
Gill did you find out how your father was "murdered" and who was responsible?
OK! If Gill tell you who killed his father then you will tell us who killed Alton Ahtime and other Seychellois who opposed Rene... Deal?
Who do you think killed those people?
Gurkas are starting to work with police and brutalising Seselwa.
Pissoff Michel has brought them to brutalise and kill,but not even Michel and those Gurkas will get away with it this time because liki pou sal.
Michel it will be nice if you stop making Gurkas working as police and and as soldier on our soil and send them back home.
Seselwa you have to keep a eyes on those Gurkas,pissoff for what reason those Gurkas are in Seychelles to beat Seselwa who stand near the road.
I think those sucker choice weaker guys to do this with me i am waiting for them in my back yard and those sucker have to go back home soon and not come again on our shore.
If Gurkhas can solve all our problems, we should do the bleeding obvious. Put a Gurkha in State House and send Michel to live in the Nepal.
Pissed off on my other Brother-
He is the Chairman of the Land Division and Planning Authority so what!
Are so worried about the land of the people of Guam more then the land of the Seychellois people in Seychelles.
I say this Pissed off: Stop selling Seychelles to Arabs !
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Just thought it was a bit of a coincidence that big bro is Chairman of land whatever… and small bros are nabbed by the US government for land theft, found guilty by their peers of stealing Rasin’s land and sentenced….but then again what has this got to do with other brothers even if one is boss of Rasin's land?
Sa ki kas kaka dan liki manman bann Rasin laba Guam se bann Rasin Guam pa vole later, se bann fabrike ki al laba pou vol zot later!
Now I understand your mission in Seychelles.
Some one should go to Guam and start a Mouvman Guamese Rasin and a Guam Freedom Party and bez bann fabrike voler later dehors!
Gill ou rapel manyer ou ti organiz boycott election?
In ler pou ou ek Issac organiz nou pou bez sa bann fabrike ek bal parey bann Francais
Solda Rene
No worry Pissy!Let us get the job done right here our our creole land,let us finish with PP thugocracy first,get those monkeys to justcie then we can concider or look into your allegation.
DR .Meriton was on Praslin with a new MOTTO:"lLet stirve for our Seychelles"of course we will,for Seychelles is for Seychellois,but the fight will never be directed by the same Pp crooks who are selling out our land.
Strive for Seychelles in order to free it from dicatotrship can only be achieved by Seychellois Rasin ,freedom loving Seychellois and not by traitors.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
You still under the boycott shock,it seems the damage done is deeply engraved in your little weak memory.
SFP is an organized and serious party,when it does what it does,is becuase it finds it necessary,and it does it after deep reflection,consultation,bedates and so forth,thus why when SFP does what it does,sucess always prevailed.
My adivce do not ask for it,becuase the next time it will present itself before the mud walls and the butcher palace of illusion,it would be different that the first one,namely next time it weill be follow by street protests for we not going to conduct boycott for internity either(though when necessary it would be used),but rivet ourselves together to get rid of Pp thugocracy ,the sooner the better for our country and people.
Time for regime!
Jeanne D'Arc
Of course as usual you evade the question Gill but like you a.k.a. Jeanne D'arc says let us deal with the issues here first.
While your fabrike brothers are stealing land from the rasins in Guam you are pointing an accusing finger at fabrikes accusing them of stealing our land in Seychelles and accusing the government of gifting them as well!
Gill; it takes one crook to know another!
Pissed off
What Fabrikes do in Guam is none of my business.
That is the business of the original people of Guam. If they do not care, what can I do?
What I care about is not Fabrikes buying Seychelles, it is the PL giving away Seychelles for peanuts to Fabrikes, this is the issue.
Michel has sold Seychelles and we must undo the dirty deed.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill you should care! Because those fabrikes that are doing this in Guam are your BROTHERS and one is edging himself in positions of power for a fabrike. Deja-vu wouldn't you say!
While my family plunders Guam I will speak out against Seychelles and accuse them of the same here!
You i said let us deal with the issue here first ,becuase there are thousands of innocent lives to save here from the butchery of a gang of crazy.Secondly,your allegation is baseless and o donot think even a rat cares about your nonsense.GAUM is part of United States and a country like USAhave the potetial to deal with whatever the want and i donot think they care about what a metaliy disturbed person to your likes think,say or propose.I am sure the Us governemnt are more concern about Human rights abuse by the butcher,Iranians fishing illegally in our waters near Diego Garcia who can put at risk Us national on D.GArcia and probably they would like Pp thugs to control their EEZ than beg the prach about Piracy wihle dong nothing.They are probably concern about the Piakistanis terrorists Michel is illegally importing on our shores who can at any time turn crazy and decided to blow them up in on e of our Restaurant full with Americans tourists to revange an act in Afganitan an so on.
Pissedoff,who allow the butcher to gifted away our parimony when our constitution forbid it?Who allow the butcher to sell out our passports when the constituion forbid it?Who allow the butcher to illegally put foreigners at the head of our instituions when we are an independent and sovereign state?Who allow the butcher to give Glenny Savy on our outer island and to operate them like private entities?the list is long ,but answer me at least of of the above question Pissy.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissoff never answer question,because ban cock kaka have no answer seen years especialy pissoff.But one day when they stand in front the court for justice,they have to answer.
Gill; only in your pea brained twisted mind that thousands needs saving in Seychelles. The Seychellois people are fine thank you and doesn't need you to patronise them!
Iranians fishing near diego Garcia is America's problems so let them deal with it! Be careful they don't spirit you away because you are wanted by the people of Guam to answer for alleged crimes committed that's why you cannot go back!
At least JAM gifted those lands but Guam never gifted theirs to you so why did the Gills falsify land registries?
Typical communists ,they speak in the names of the people without asking the people what they think and as if the people have not mouths to speak out for themselves.Ask them what they think about your failed policies and i am sure they would sanction your communist regime once and for all.Stop still elections ,let the people speak out ,then you will see that they would send you in the dustbin of history.
No Iraina fishing boats stealing our fish and operating illegally in our EEZ in out problem too.Why just say the butcher has no solution of how to control or deal with illegal fishing-it has been four decades since foreign fishhing boats are illegally robbing our resources and Pp has done nothing but rather do illegal deals with Asien fishing comapnies to fishing illegal in our EEZ in return for direct payment to PP polite buro that no trace of the money can be find.There Thgai boats,Philipines boats,Iranina boats,Chinese boats ,all fishing illegally in our EEZ without worry for they have a secret deal with PP communists just like the butcher deal with Khalfia which entails gifteing illegally our partimony in return for millions for the party ;such pratice illegally allow Pp to pocket millions that should be entering our financial system and thus benefit Seychellois and the country.That is why Khalfia would have to stop interfering in our interanl affaires or pact up and go to Arabistan in the UEA:
Jeanne D'Arc
Correction:Iranian fishing boats operating in our EEZ is our problem too.
Those bastard IranIan they can come and steal our fish in our water.
But you if you your boat have problem with the engine and up in their water,they will put behind bar and say you coming to spy and after they hang you for coming in their water.
Any way Michel told them come and he did not signed any deal that Seselwa no about,now some one got those Iranian,Michel and his crooks say they are fishing elegal.Michel and Savy Iranian have already open a account for them in Switzerland.
And its not only Iranian communist have made deal with behind close door lots of other country also are taking our fish order by Michel for them to take, Seselwa communist pe met zot toni.
every thing belong to Seselwa.
For the four decades it has been like this,foreign fishing boats just keep robbing our resources,disrespecting our laws,spilling oil in our waters,Even those fishing boats we consider legal are stealing tonnes of fish without being declared and Pp regime has never put in place or any means to better control those illegal activities in our waters.And nothing seems to prove that PP is going to do or has any plan and strategy to at least limit these illegal activities.Just imagine the distance those Iranain ,Thai,Chinese,Taiwan and many others come from to illegally fish in our EEZ,they do so for they know their is no effective control by our government and thus no fear to go and rob thier natural resources.
Pp just do not have solution.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
And you noted that we heard of the present of those illegally foreign fishing boats only becuase piracy brought them out to light.Without the captured of them by the parates we probably would have never heard of and the presnrt in our waters,Pp would have just keep it under the carpet.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissed off-
I do not go back to Guam these days, last two years, because I am busy in Seychelles, exposing your sorry ass self to the world.
So far the effort looks like it is going just fine.
I can go anywhere in the World, and I do not need you, a pathetic loser, of historical proportions like you, to tell me or SFP where we can go, what we can do, and how we should do it, and whether or not we should do what we do.
We are interested in our patrimony Seychelles.
I am not surprised that you take such great offence to this, you pathetic SELL OUT!
Now after selling us out, you pay people in the opposition to keep you in power.
How long will that last Sell out?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill there is a matter of falsifying land deeds that you have to answer for in Guam. To top it up FBI is waiting for you to set foot on US territory for them to arrest you on alledged internet child porn on your Seychelles Reality blogs!
Pli liki is sale...non...c'est comme sa...pli lisyen i megre...pli pissoff...errr pli pis i bez li...
Communist FBI is a powerful organization ,i am sure both FBi and CIA knows how fast the Bucher get an orgasm or if he does not even has a errection.You have seemed how far the could go to get a person in the operation that killed OSAMA or the ruescue in Somali recently,and am i also sure that in fact Pp crooks who are afraid of CIA abd FBI for they know where all those multi-millions you stolen from your people are,they alos know now the PP communist particiapte in RWunada genocide,they probably know all the illegal and secret deals the burtcher did with Khalafi in the sell out pf our patrimony,in a word they know from A to Z all the crimes of Pp communists.You should be worried for they might provide us with those undeniable evidence against PP regime to our justice or the ICC.But stay quiet Pissy,you might expose yourselves more.
Time for change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissed off-
Your comments are beginning to show great desperation.
First of all, I have signed no deeds in Guam for 18 years, so Statute of Limitations would have well expired on any deeds I may have signed. The FBI and CIA know that.
Secondly, I do not do child porn.
Thirdly, The FBI CIA office in Guam is directly, across the road from my brother Francis office, and we are in regular contact with them.
Fourthly, I am in regular contact with the US Embassy, they have provided me with no advise to detention, even when I visit them in Port Louis, wearing a suit and tie.
Finally, they visit our blogs regularly to get an impression of the situation in Seychelles.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Pissed off-
Your comments are beginning to show great desperation.
First of all, I have signed no deeds in Guam for 18 years, so Statute of Limitations would have well expired on any deeds I may have signed. The FBI and CIA know that.
Secondly, I do not do child porn.
Thirdly, The FBI CIA office in Guam is directly, across the road from my brother Francis office, and we are in regular contact with them.
Fourthly, I am in regular contact with the US Embassy, they have provided me with no advise to detention, even when I visit them in Port Louis, wearing a suit and tie.
Finally, they visit our blogs regularly to get an impression of the situation in Seychelles.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill you are showing signs of desperation you keep repeating yourself!
Christopher you really don't want the FBI to visit some of your blogs.
JPI would be rotting in a cell of they did.
Pissy "y toke"and that before the butcher.Not at all a good sign.And the pressure coming from Interantional organizations will surely amplified things.
Jeanne D'Arc
Eoula nespes radoter! Who is putting presure on Pp and for what?
Presyon larealite ki lo PL. Presyon pou kouver zot boubou.
Only in SFP's mind. Zot pe viv dan en leta surreal!
Gill;is this an early April Fool joke?. If all you people believe in what Gill said about CIA and FBI,you still believe in tooth fairy.You should be started if SIWANDAN,TIKTIKDENKWEN.
No not SFP all Seselwa are living in hope but their keep quiet because they have no choice under communist.
What Gill meant when he said that "FBI is accross the road from his brother's in Guam and they are in regular contact" was that they are under observation! We know the FBIs, once they've done you for something they become a pain in your arse and will no leave you alone!
Jeannie D. Be a good girl and remove the extra "c" across from Gill's brothers. You can keep it I have loads!
I guess for anyone who used to livedor traveled in democratic countires and understand democratic pratices it would mean that a national of a country has the right to have accept to institutions that represent his or her country,and in this case FBI,CIA,Scotland yards and others are open to the people they respresent and provide easy access to any citizens to the institutions that represent them.That is a example of difference of how instituions operate in democracy comapre to Pp institutions that are not there for the poeple but the party.
Jeanne D'Arc
My above post was a respond to the blogger post at 11.53 AM
Jeanne D'Arc
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