Thursday, April 26, 2012

Danny Bastienne Claims Defamation From Jean-Paul Isaac Though Seychelles Has No Jurisdiction in the virtual World Isaac is counter sueing!


Anonymous said...

Para 7 -- "the defendant maliciously published".

Where is the evidence of MALICE ? None is provided. For instance, did he ask for the post to be taken down and Isaac refused. Nothing is said about that.

Isaac should counter-sue Danny Bastienne for saying that he would publish malicious stuff on Facebook.

I think it is Bastienne who is out to damage Isaac's reputation for no good reason, and clearly trying to exploit his connections in high places. If he is trying to exploit his connections in high places and expecting the judges will be cowed, that makes Danny Bastienne a scoundrel with no reputation to defend.

Maybe Morgan can be called to name the Escobars that he says are known to him and we will see if Bastienne is on the list.

Maybe this case will bust the drug-dealers and save the country's youths from the drug scourge , in a way that NDEA has spectacularly failed to do.

Anonymous said...

Did Bastienne answer the questions posed and then seek a retraction of the Facebook post ? I bet he never did.

He has run straight to Parti Lepep's courts and judges, another occasion to bring the courts and judges into disrepute when they award Bastienne 10 million rupees, more than he asked in the first place.

The accusations do not seem to have affected Lise Bastienne's position at State House. In any decent country with a decent government, she would have had to step down while the allegations are investigated. But since when have Parti Lepep ever felt scandalised by scandals ? There is a first time for everything but that does not look like it.

In fact, given the dicey situation of our judges (too many people do no think that the judiciary is allowed to work independently of the government), perhaps Lise Bastienne should step down while her hushand fights their case in the courts. That's the honourable thing to do. After all they are seeking 800,000 rupees claiming their reputation as honourable citizens has been attacked.

Whether it is through pillow talk or not, depending on what bruit you want to believe, the risk that Lise Bastienne will get State House to order the judges around in this case is too real and cannot be ignored.

Parti Lepep hangers-on should not be allowed to use the judges as their private bruisers and hoodlums to dispense rough justice on a whim. The judiciary will have a chance to ram home that important point and the hope is that it will grab that chance with both hands.

Anonymous said...

Basil Hoareau pou al enfil ou Issac!!
La wa gete kote SFP pou vinn tir ou!

Anonymous said...

This is a typical case of a two-fold communist justic system , one for ordinary citizens one for the for the communist elites.It is a KANGAROO JUSTICE IN FULL DISPALY ,a replica of Volcere's case against MATHILDA.In this redicule accusation which is aimed at silenting any opposition to PP thugoctacy and thugtocrats justice is perverted and served to favour members of the authotratic regime in place which has THEMSELVES never abide byand respect the country's rules of laws, the same justice they use to intimidate

A criminal PP, is one who violates the rules of a nation and what is clear is that it is not ISAAC raping the rules of law of this but PP thugtocrats and cronies and that ofr the last fourty years without accounting a single time for their crimes.Some example of grave PP crimes that remain uninvestigated to date though the extreme gravity of the crimes-The robbery of u$2,5 billion dollar from the people coffers,Michel back then he will open an investigation that we still waiting.Illegal sell out of National Resever to foreigner and the illegal construction undertook by those foreigners on our stolen land.The scum of Morgan 2.4 millions.Massive corruption at SEPEC(ADAM)Air seychelles (SAVY9,(iDC Glenny),Gross human rights violation ,the murdered of innocent Seychellois ^during the coup D'etat by Michel and his gang of criminals and many more.

We will fight and oppose this defamation case that has not juridicial value and i think the judge in charge of the case to close the case for firstly it baseless,there is no articles in the book that deal with such an issue,thus meaning no judge can deliberate on a case that have no provisions in place to deal with such a case.

Pp dafamtion allegation is in itself illegal and ashould be rejected by the court.

Lastly,the on going practices of using justice to intimadate citizens oppose to PP shows that PP can not be taken seriously and that nothing has changed and would change under PP thugocracy.Those monkeys have no moral discipline to change themsleves,thus our continued fight to bring about change and take over our country's back from those criminals who have for fourty years enslaved us,hijacked our governemnt to protect them for the crimes they have committed.

Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Nou ki pou tir jp.Jp dont give dumm what this zoukola communist said.


Anonymous said...

These were questions ask by Isaac,not allegations,therefore Mr Hoareau is as stupid as Bastienne to take this matter to court.If i was the judge i would told both to get lost.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to see how this case will develop. None of the judges have any knowledge of how facebook works. None of them know how to use facebook, its an unknown area for them, the likes of Karunakaran, Renaud and Entende probably haven't got the faintest idea of social networking on the internet, they will have to create a profile for themselves and start learning. The only Judge who might have some knowledge would be the younger Gaswaga perhaps. Even people like Basil Hoareau wouldn't know the in's and out's of facebook, he's from the older generation as far as social networking is concerned. Parli le pep now has a poodle in the person of Basil Hoareau to do their dirty work, their lawyers Herminie, Bonte,Clifford Andre have been cast aside. Jean-Paul Iaac should not be scared, Basil Hoareau is just an empty barrel and an amateur lawyer, he should fight them he's got powerful lawyers on his side far more experienced than the loose canon Basil Hoareau. Go on Jean-Paul counter sue PL(Danny Bastienne) and expose them. The truth hurts. The biggest escobar is in James Michel's entourage. Was'nt his son who convicted for drugs in singapore and is now sweeping the streets in singapore as part of his sentence. There is no smoke without fire the saying goes, Danny Bastienne, Lise Bastienne and Jam are all afraid of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Like in the PDM's case, the judges will have to rewrite Basil Hoareau's arguments for him to win. Remember in the PDM case, the Court of Appeal rejected Basil Hoareau's arguments but Mathilda Twomey found other reasons to rule in favour of David Pierre. Twomey's reasons and Basil Hoareau's reasons were not the same.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to be scared of,for there is no provisions in the book of law to dealt with such a case,unless Pp thugs invested one.
All is an attempt to rob us from our freedom of expressions.Remeber that the TRIOSKA MichelmFAure,Govinden wanted to pervert our civil law by passing law that would silent interent users from criticizing thr thuggish regime,this case goes in the same direction namely intimidate interent users like in CHina who criticize them and hopely this will give them a excuse to illegal pass law to sujugate interent users.We have seen such practices iin communsit China,cUBA,zIMBABWE,vENEZUELA AND other dictatorila countires around in Africa and elsewhere.

we are going to resist pp abuse of our justice system to pervert their greedy grab to power.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

No pain no gain, Jean Paul. If this case goes ahead, it will have to deal with drug-trafficking in Seychelles and Parti Lepep's involvement into these activities. Michel could get dragged into this, given his close relationships with the Bastiennes.

Bastienne's sources of income including that of his wife will need to be exposed in court. His business dealings will be exposed.

Jean Paul Isaac did not make a statement of fact and he does not have to prove anything.

He asked a few uncomfortable questions.

As for the insinuations that he claims, it will be up to Bastienne to prove that they are false by opening up his business dealings and private life to scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

I do not think Facebook is an issue. Publishing something on Facebook is similar to publishing on Laverite, as Facebook can be accessed in Seychelles. There was a similar case in Australia. The difference is that publishing on Facebook has a smaller impact in Seychelles than say publishing in Le Seychellois Hebdo, hence damages should be smaller. Also, it may not be clear who posted the message.

Part of Bastienne's problem is actually proving that it was Isaac who posted the message and not someone else with access to Isaac's wall. To complicate matters, Isaac can say it was not him (he wouldn't lie, would he ?) and leave it to Bastienne to prove that it was him. Not an easy task. Isaac has SFP people in Upper Mongolia, just outside Ulan Bator, who has his sign-on details. Doesn't he ?

Why doesn't Bastienne go to America and sue Facebook too, in case the SFP supporter in Ulan Bator claims responsibility for the post ? He can get $$$mmmm in damages. That beats drug-dealing. But then he is saying he is not a drug-dealer. The question is -- who believes him ?

Anonymous said...

Is there a law that forces me to believe that Danny Bastienne is not a drug-dealer ?

Anonymous said...

Just saw JP coming from his lawyers office probably preparing the counter suit. I also remember someone on reality saying never to underestimate JP when he speaks because he has camera's and technology far beyond PL capability.

I also clearly noticed that basil is making reference to a publication but is posting on facebook a publication? Also issac has a private account how the hell do these guys get their information to say that JP meant danny bastienne it could be Danny faure Danny pierre danny lucas from that phone conversation!

Anyways i know that this is an attempt to silence J.P because he is posting too much facts and the international community is paying attention!

Anonymous said...

Be pa basil en zako sa enn kouyon ou pa kapab pourswiv jp akoz ou bezwen levidans serye eski levidans virtual i ganny admet ankour sesel!

Par lo la in fer en fo pa an dizan ki sa de komanter i fer referans ek danny bastienne me selman in dir zis piblikasyon san detaye konm kwa en post ek komenter!

Isaac pe al ankour si mon ti en ziz ki pe al ziz en tel kes mon ti pou al rod en bon garanti ouswa lasirans premium akoz sa boug i an kontak direk ek zukerburg ki owner facebook e okenn case ki referans facebook i selman kapab pran plas an california!

Anonymous said...

Writing on a wall in Victoria is publication.

Anonymous said...

It is an attack on freedom of expression. It is working because Isaac has pulled down the post.

Anonymous said...

Bastienne is the real escobar of PP,PP just becareful what you do with JP!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Alain St Ange's mate -- Wolfgang Thome -- comes to his rescue. He is even threatening the consultant who exposed St Ange's incompetence at STB and on the back of such incompetence he is now the "new Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture" as he keeps saying in his eTurbo news press releases.

Just goes to show eTurbo News has been corrupted by Alain St Ange and is now being used to promote him and to defend him when his incompetence is exposed by external and independent auditors.

Fancy Thome saying this consultant will get no more work in Seychelles because he has exposed St Ange. Who the hell does Thome think he is ?

Faced with an independent audit report written by someone with no connections with St Ange and Thome's eTurbo News rants, I will believe the independent auditor anytime.

Let's hope the next time Thome is in Seychelles he pays his own way and does not rely on the hospitality and corruption of STB or the ministry of Tourism and Culture to pick up his bills.

Perhaps at the end of his reports on St Ange, he should list all the occasions that he has been a guest of STB and the ministry of tourism and culture. That way we can evaluate his objectivity.

Anonymous said...

This case is an alleged case of defamation of charter,thus which on the other flip of the coin whioch cannot guaranteed the freedom of expression.Anthoer problem with the defamation of charter ito occur the supposed victim must has to have charter to defame in the first place.

In other words ,this case must be dropped.And since our country has no laws in thisregards,JEAN PAUL must ask the courtto refund him all his expenses for lawyers etc...for his wasting his time to go to court,a court that have not provisions to even open the case.We should not let PP manipualte alws at will to fit its cronies when the do not like waht they heard or when the being exposed for their crimes.PP action is politcally motivated,illegal, arbitary and must be denounced by all freedom loving poeple.


Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

This is an opportunity for the minister and the president to call out the Escobar of the Seychelles.


Anonymous said...

PP is simply pulling on a dog and pony show to distract attention of their crimes and hopefully attempting to silent SFP for its exposure of PP is harming PP from it roots.Trials as tool of politcal presecution in nothing news,dictators in history have used the court system and the trial process to vindicate their opponents who they perceive as threat to their throne.It is thus expected that PP "desperados"will use the kangaroo show trial to intimidate his opponents.

STOP PP thugs now.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Quand Tu Cherches tu Gagnes
Quand Tu gagnes Tu pleurs

Anonymous said...

800,000 rupees ?

Do they think we are all drug dealers with that kind of money hidden away in disused boats and spare tyres ?

Anonymous said...

The Public is now aware that Hoareau is as stupid as Bastienne.

1. No jurisdiction over facebook;

2. No publication in a periodical or journal;

3. no malice as JP ISSAC only posed questions that were never answered. If that is enough for a defamation judgment, then all one has to do to destroy a weak person is ask questions?

4. Issac should counter sue for Bastienne attempting to impose on his Freedom of Speech in the virtual world.

5. This is like two lego trucks hitting each other, then you sue for damages to your lego truck?


Anonymous said...

Basil Hoareau is a crook.He took bribe from Parti Lepep in the last election.
His Pick up business he had on Praslin went bankrupt.In all, a crook representing another crook in a court of Law.It can only happen in Seychelles!

Anonymous said...

What about Ralph Volcer case,his case is close or he has paid PP or PP told to keep quite!

Anonymous said...

Sack Mathilda Twomey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats why its time take in to the streets,pp can not continue to intimidate peoples for more years.

Those crooks communist are soul taker they have taken away 50% some Seselwa soul in this 35 years.
Soul taker, take your soul Seselwa.

Anonymous said...

Looks that they are all crooks so stick the crooks you already know.
Why you need to take the street? To replace with a BETTER CROOKS!
Most of all too many ABOYE! and no leaders to lead the march.

From I-POD in middle of an ocean!

Anonymous said...

People^ revolution does not need a leader,they lead themsleves.
What we need PISSEDOFF, is not people civil disobedientce.For the problem is that the people are obedient in the face of the country political,social,economical disintegritiy becuase the greed of a handful of crooks.Our problem is that our people are obedient while our jials are teemed with petty thieves and all the while the grand thieves are running the country.
Everyone kons thaat the fire from a little spark will increase the fire blaze higher as long as it finds wood to burn;yet without being quenched by water,but merely by finding no more fuel to feed on,it comsumes itself,dies down,and is no longer a flame.Similarly,the more one yields to them and obey them,by that much do they become mightier and more formidable,the readier to annihilate and dstroy.

But if not one thing is yielded to them,if without any violence,just as,simply not obeyed,they become naked and undone and as nothing ,just as,when the root receives n nourishment the branch withers and dies.

Do not ask for those "RAMO" and freedom drums ,it might be too hot to handle.If you donot beleived me ask the son of Gaddafi he will tell you.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

I asked Gaddafi son and he says Jeanne D'arc needs to keep reminded the time to take her medication!.He also said that she is OK! she got two brains.One is lost and the other is out looking for it.

Anonymous said...

BTW J.D. Papa Gaddafi gave 50 million euro to Nicolas Sarkozy for his 2007 election. What is your say in this?

Anonymous said...

And any more millions to pp as debts that cannot be accounted for for PP crooks have stolen every cents.Hence the call by JENPA "we need trade not aids"a catchword that is fashion around Africa at the moment.Let alone the Africans but waht does Adam means by trade when it comes to Seychelles?What to we have to trade?Our tuna?Well,for the last fourty years our tuna exploitation have been done by foreigners.The latter have made billions of profitswith it for themslves while we,pocket only peanuts.Where is our own national tuna seiner fleet Adam?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Michel lets come togethere,Michel we have told we not belong in the same bag as you communist and we will never come together you can repeat it all years,and we have told we want communist to buried then we can see our freedom communist are just soul taker.

Anonymous said...

How much did Gaddafi give to SPPF ?

Anonymous said...

Waht is clear is that tens of millions probably already in swiss banks adding to the already u$2.5 billion Pp has stolen from us.

You know what Pisyy.pp would have to acount for all those millions given to them that they never accouted for.Justice will be made.Malawi is a good example of what would happen to them.

jeanne D'arc

Anonymous said...

Pissy your dear leader the butcher will tommorrow give us again his rediculous speech.The issues will be mainly on cost of living.But,i think that needs to be poinrted out already is that Michel is going to tell us that WATER price will increase lalso becuase of global would be interesting to know how that water that flows naturally from our rivers and that we donot import is caused by the global crisis.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Ask the ex-majors how much was in the briefcase to take to Rene from Gaddafi. They know the amount cause they also have long hands and did not hesitate to take a handful out of the briefcase.

Anonymous said...

Letan Bastienne I fini ek ou ou pou Soungoula en petir ! Ou pou mars ek ou lanis enpandan pe trenn ater parey lake soungoula!
Either wa bezwen enpar li dan en stocking ou fanm oswa ti Dyonny a bezwen anbal lid an trip koson parey bouden! LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not funny, try again! Please no more of your drug dealers joke. It may tickle the Bastienne but in reality it not amusing.


Anonymous said...

Are you suffering from wankers withdrawal symtoms?

Anonymous said...

In Moman Avek Prezidan, Michel says Seychelles is in a recession.

Yet a few weeks ago, Parti Lepep government said that IMF had said that Seychelles had weathered the global economic crisis and the economy had grown by 5%.

Does Michel understand basic economics ? Does he understand what RECESSION means ?

Anonymous said...

No, he is clearly illetrate in economy.Proof- our economic free fall started when FAR handled the butcher the ministry of finance ,from there on,we have seen the being of our country's bankrucy in the making.The problem why still after he bankrupted us we still have not get out of this mess,is simply becuase the butcher has convinced himself that what he is doing is good for the country and if we donot stop him on time we might well end like Zimbabwe.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

IMF growth is 5% but didnot pointed the high inlfation rate that affecting power of purchase of our people.And waht is the importance of growth when it does not porduce employemnt,bettering people^s lives?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Michel confused recession with inflation.Waht he have is high inflation.TO simplifies things for Dr Micherl.Why is it inflation?It infaltion becuase price continues to creep upwards,as a result we have an overheating economic growth or too much capital in the market chasingv too few opportunities,which must be noted create the high cost of living affecting our citizens.A recession is a slow down of economic activities over a long peroid of time.Antoher example that it is not a recession as Dr Michel said,is that during a recession,productions,as measure by GDP,employment,investments,capacity utilization and finally infaltion all fall during a recession.We have a high inflation thus an idicator that we not in a recession but experiencing high inflation rate which also cause hgih cost of living.And lastly,bankrupcies is often goes hand in hands with recession and that was partly thec case in 2007 continuing to 2008 when Michel declared our country bankrupted. Recession is cause also by shortage of money not prdoduction.And inföation is not present during a recession.In fact ids-infaltion happens becuase if recesion.
In a word,Michel demonstrates to us how illiterate he is in economy and his words of mis-understanding of economy explains why he bankrupted us.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Dr Michel is talking about the price of fuel have gone up!Q to Dr JAM you said with your own mouth to Seselwa peoples Seychelles have oil 2012 you gona pomb it out what you are waiting for or you lies to your peoples. Any they can not see that communist have taken their soul away.

Anonymous said...

Forget about tousala! This section is about beze Jean Paul Izaaq a.k.a. Ti Dyonny Le-Gay also known as Tipol or Popol;

Did you ask you half Pilipina girlfriend for a stocking pou anmas ou lanis ler Bastienne is fer li file?

I am expecting an answer Popol akoz banla pe al dres ou lapo lanis and bring you down a peg or two!

Anonymous said...

Pissoff we are just waiting want they will do with JP then you will see how we react.


Anonymous said...

Stronger Indo Seychelles parliamentary ties,Dr its better you sell Seychelles to India.What those sucker want in our parliament?

Anonymous said...

Kaka mal bar in our parlarment la nou fini,just look in. Kenya what indo are doing.

Anonymous said...

Today in SN you see only pictures of kaka mal and those crooks.Who give a fuck about those jaka mal bar.

Anonymous said...

1.02 AM
The most unacceptable aprt of Dr Michel the butcher pseech was when he said "we cannot afford to reduce tax.Thoughh ,it is understandable that he cannot reduce tax on all businesses extraordinary actions should be taken in extraordinary sitaution-thus i strongly beleive the ogverenmnt should have at least give a reduction for bussineses double-affected by the crisis namely the oruism industry-All those buissnesses and realtetd businesses that have to do withtourism are suffering both by the high cost of living and the dire strati of the tuorism industry.Should the goverenment not reduce temporaily the tax durben o them, the risk of seeing many edium and small tourism related bissinesss bankruptwith it lots of job lost that will accentuate our already crumbling economy and it will be a loss on tax revenues for the country on the long term.

For thesemedium and samll bussinesses -hotels,guesthouses,boatcharters,etcc..Pp governemnt should practice waht is called "positve inegality" by simply reducing tempoerarily(let us say until the end of 2012)taxs on those bissiness for the consequences might be much more costly for the country on the long run economically.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

A word on ILE SOLEIL-)9% belongs ot the gverenmnt thus the pople of Seychellois my question is how did FAURE became owner of + % on this island built by tax payers money?Where did he got all the milllions to be shareholder?Did he take a bank loan or just given to himself the one percent on the ile soleil becuase he think a communsit miniter he has a right to give himslfe state portety and made it his personal assets?And finally since this artificail salnd was built with out tax payers money waht hell for conditions PP is unilaterally setting up on Seychellois who wants to owe a piece of land paid with their money?To give a South African illegally land paid by taxpayers money for one rupeee and hundreds years to build an aparthiet state within our sstate PP finds it okay and to give Seychellois what belong to them Pp think its negocaitable.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

I meant 100 % for the building Ile soleil was paid by taxpayers money_How much did FAURE paid to owed one percent of it when we know the multi-million it costed to built.

Anonymous said...

When communist will be buried,they will be Q to answer by communist fucking crooks.
Let them open their ass they will to us were they get money to Island share in things that belong to goverment.
Mafia FAR has learn from Mario Richie now he is teaching other crooks how to be a mafia.
FAR and JAM soon they will get their original visa from the devil.
Its time we take the law in our hands, because communist crooks are not hearing what we are asking for and continue do what they want to do,why not bring those batardo to court for stealing before you bring JP to court bring those suckers that have stolen billion like Faure who has share in ile soile,faure liki ou manman were you get money to have in ile Soile money IMF have given to Seychelles aid one day you PP crooks will pay back those debt run away interpol will find you mafia.

Anonymous said...

Do not worry like Malaiwian new President has shown ,all those monkeys will be arrested and brought to justice to answers form how they get their wealth,how they become propeties owners like FAURE thourgh unlawful practices and all the illegal contracts they signed with Khalifa,Shiva,And other foreigners.If those monkeys cannot justified of the HOw the get all those weatlh and cannpt physically prove their ill-gotten wealth will be confiscated and give back to the people,And for those who have already spend and hide their ill-gotten wealth and wan't be able to pay back, they would have to sell out their persoanl assets to pay back waht they stolen from the people and if the donot have enough assets that wee can confiscate to sell in order to get the people money back,well then we will prodeuce jobs form them that they work until the pay every single cent they stolen,There are some like David Savy,Adams,and ex-ministers and the sotooge David Pierre who earning tax payers money while he was never been elected by the people but appoited by PP-he will have to givce all the money he is pocketing as Assembly back and those who quit Pp governemnt ,they might think becuase they quit we will forget about their crimes no monkeys.we will be coming for all of you and their would be no pardon but one single thing JUSTICE.

Jeanne D`^Arc

Anonymous said...

Michel does not know what recession means. Correct.

The growth rate for Seychelles was 6% projected by Ministry of Finance and IMF for 2012 at the begining of the year.

In a later review that was curtailed adjusted to 2.8%.

2.8% is still growth if true. But likely these figures are false.

Recession is when a country GDP drops below 1%.

Depression is when GDP contracts by 10% per annum.

The real figures will indicate that Seychelles is in a long drawn out recession, not because of drop of activity, but really because of poor policy that results in loss of business for the country.

Example: Tax on fuel- 475%; Tax on Beer- 450%. GST going to VAT going to 15% ; increase in rates by 15%; increase in fuel , another 17.50 % recently. All this makes Seychelles expensive. Sell out of Air Seychelles, instead of reorganization of routes.Buying and selling of planes etc....

All that rests on James Michel's desk. The SBC asked the questions this time, but they were too polite to not follow up with key questions to expose this failing President.

It was as if the reporter had no dignity and pride as a Seychelloise.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

To defame someone, one must have a good reputation.

What does Danny Bastienne do?

He is a beach hustler on Beau Vallon.

What reputation can a beach hustler, financed by State House have?

He gets help from government to run everything he has. He even got a piece of land on Praslin Eve to sell excursions to tourist. Yet he is based on Mahe.

Anonymous said...

Well PP croines control most important bussinesses in the country and have licenses given to them on demand.Glenny is now destryong our beaches at beau vallon by removing sadn on public beaches to after rsale to its owner (seychellois)at high pirces.Faure has decided that Ile Soleil should be part of his privat asset and he also intents to sell Seychellois land that was paid with their money.Faure want Seychellois to buy what belongs to them and they already paid for-that is called robbery-i steral you assets then i seel you back while other raclaim islands also paid by tax payers monee illegally gifted to foreigners for one rupee for a peroid of a cnetury long.In of words Seychellois must piad ofr a piece of land that belong to them while foreigners are given land paid by seychellois free of charge.All other the country wherever you look you see the same communsit model,cronies are controlling the ecnomy and some cannot even explain where they get all those millions to invest in all those big ammuth projects like Guy Adam five star hotel at Port launey or Francis who never work a single day in his young life having a multi-miilion hotel on St Anne.

Thereis lnoy one way to solve our probelms and get our country back get those monkeys ot of power as soon as possible ,and i promise i will do it sooner than latter,and i als opromise you those monkeys should i use force like the Butcher,herminie ,Faure,Savy crooks and many others i will order thier execution ,Ther would be no comrpomise,no emotion,no pardon but one thing for them their EXECUTION.And if the owrld do not like well they can come to compalin after the job is done before we donot want any countires who have long support and keep alive this brautal,corrupt system say a word to us.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

zendark in araze, sa dementian in HIT A RAW NERVE. Everybody take cover.

Anonymous said...

No need to take cover,we will not fire on all that move like Michel 2n 1977 which resulted in Francis Rachel execution.We will not run amok like the butcher.

I wrn you .be careful of those RAMO!

jeanne DÂrc

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