Morgan admits Air Seychelles was bankrupt because government did not have the means to bail out the airline. This was in answer to a question from Marie-Antoinette Rose -- question designed to give Morgan another chance to justify the 'sale' of the airline to Etihad.
So, Morgan admits that the government too was on the verge of bankruptcy.
David Pierre's questions to Morgan in the national assembly were disappointing. He just gave Morgan another chance to justify the government's decision to sell Air Seychelles to Etihad.
Poor performance by Idith Alexander. If she keeps addressing MNA directly, the speaker will have to reprimand her. Not a very skilled minister responsible for employment. An apprentice minister.
Morgan says Air Seychelles will be more professional and better performing in future. Are these the real reasons why the airline was on the verge of bankruptcy and why Etihad wants to retrain everyone ?
Air Seychelles domestic fares. High fares designed to stop locals travelling at the time Etihad flights arrive. Cheaper fares are at 5am and late in the evening when there are no tourists who would want to travel.
Etihad Airways management would be laughing at Morgan's "job guarantees" for Air Seychelles staff who are required to undergo retraining -- if they could understand Creole.
The truth is Morgan will have no say in who gets re-employed by the Etihad management.
In fact, Etihad does not want Morgan as Chairman of the Air Seychelles Board. That is why Morgan is the "temporary" chairman. Etihad does not want Parti Lepep politics to interfere in its management of Air Seychelles. Etihad does not want to deal with politicians, as Etihad is there to make money from this "strategic partnership".
Pierre is just playing his role as disguised oppostion leader.He knows that in the middle of monkeys a chihuahua barking won't change anything,it is just antoher comic show by Judas who we must be reminded was not elected but appointed by the butcher.
Morgan failed to say though,that it has been long before the economic crisis Airseychelles was already operating at lost,and the failure of Pp regime to keep audits,proform checks and balances,mis-managemnt,corruption etc.. contribute to the bankrupcy of our economy and our National company and dito to SEPEC;IDC struggling to stay afloat.
I think St Ange,Morgan,Commander Michel should listen to Mr DÔffay as to SFP ,to as soon as posible restart direct fleights to Europe ,where three quaters of world tourists come from.It is not Ethopian Ariline that would bring to tourists to our shores(Ethopia Airline Pp,will soon bring Ethopian refugees to our shores on direct fleights nor tourists).Eithad objective and priority and strategy is in the first place to expenses their company and not to transport tourists to Seychelles as Morgan and St Ange think,Seychelles is just another destinations in their global strategy to control the market by destroying others.
Pp's public order bills is like what Karl Max in his manifesto called "TEN PLANKS",the ten steps necessary to destroy a free enteprise system and repalce it by a omnipotent system,so as to affect a communist state.
Pp disguise legal refroms is another way to modified at will our legal system to allow the regime to inforced more control on and have more influence on our legal system.It is away for the butcher to further arbitrate,and amnipulate the process of our legal system.The lesson here is,as the few dictatorial systems still exist such as BURMA and others move forward to democratic refroms,PP communist regime is moving us four decades backward.Michel think and has convinced himself that what did not work four years ago will work now in this 21st century.Such irresponsible acts will further pulls us back into the fuedal time.
Falklands flights were stopped by UK government when it discovered that Air Seychelles was being subsidised by the Seychelles government, according to Morgan. Does that sound like Air Seychelles put forward a fraudulent contract bid ? He did not say that before.
JAM appointing new staff at SBC this is not our problems,our problems we want to see a modern media with peoples with proffersional knowlege and a open media and more transparant communist get it. Now he is appointing this changing this he think this is the way to solve communist problems and bring solution.
Morgan said Airseychelles is a firtstplayer,redicule isn't it?How can it be first player when the airline cannot fianacial itself and depend of others.It is not a first player nor even the third palyer,but rather nothing. That Brits stop air Seychelles flight ot Falkland becuase alleged lies in the deal by PP,demotrate the extend of corruption in the system that even to power countries they ready to lies. PP has no solutions for the country ,it is in fact the cuases of our problems ,thus the need for regime change.
President James Michel has welcomed the announcement by Air Seychelles that it has begun operations to the Falkland Islands as part of a contract with the UK Ministry of Defence.
In a statement yesterday he said: “The fact that Air Seychelles has won the contract for these services is a mark of the high standing of our national airline and the professionalism and dedication of its staff.”
Air Seychelles successfully bid for it after the UK Ministry of Defence had to seek a replacement for the previous operator, which had to stop flying due to bankruptcy.
Several other prestigious airlines bid for the contract, but Air Seychelles was successful due to its experience of flying 767s and of island locations. The length of the contract has not been finalised, but it is expected that the agreement will significantly improve revenue flows and therefore the airline’s prospects for 2010.
Mr Michel noted that in the increasingly competitive international airline market, it is encouraging that Air Seychelles is seeking to adopt innovative business practices beyond its core business.
“Innovation is key to Seychelles being ready for the future, and we congratulate Air Seychelles for taking the lead in this way,” he said.
Air Seychelles was also considered the best choice as it is one of the world’s most experienced B767 operators with over 20 years of extended-range operations.
“We are delighted and proud that Air Seychelles was the airline of choice for such an important mission,” the press release added.
Air Seychelles has announced the end of its South Atlantic Air bridge on behalf of the British Ministry of Defence to the Falkands Islands.
This is because the national airline has embarked on a new strategic plan whereby it will concentrate more on its core business in flying more passengers from Europe to Seychelles and vice versa.
Air Seychelles executive chairman, Maurice Loustau-Lalanne has said: “Our Falklands contract providing an air bridge from the United Kingdom to the Falklands for the Ministry of Defence has now ended and we are now concentrating on our core business in flying more passengers from Europe to the Indian Ocean region, as part of a revamped strategic plan.”
Air Seychelles successfully bid for the contract in 2009 after the UK Ministry of Defence had to seek a replacement for the previous operator which had stopped flying.
Several other prestigious airlines bid for the contract but Air Seychelles was successful due to its experience with Boeing 767s and flying to island locations.
Air Seychelles is also considered as one of the world’s most experienced B767 operators with over 20 years extended range operations.
Gill and Isaac were made to remove the photos otyherwise they risked being shut down and sued under the public indecency act! They have also been warned that they are under observation and any more violation and they face a lengthy prison term!
Isaac's uncle and other family members have disowned him!
Tro bez granwar - en ti nwar Uncle Tom subservient for Christopher Gill!
Now ,pp is telling that Airseychelles was for decades bankrupted,it was invedent when Michel called on YOUNG AND POOR fro an audit which the butcher never maed public,for there was something to hide.But why have theyt continued for so longto pretend and lie to the people on the issue?Why did they not reacted long before when they saw the first negative sign?We can imgaine that IDC;SEPEC are also in the same shit and sooner than later PP would have to come public and tell us they bankrutped everything the country had..We knew communsists economic principles could never succeeded ,now PP is telling us that they were lying,the do not have solutions,So why does PP not dissolve its failed goverenmnt and call for new election or at the least work together with the oppostion to get us out of those shits pp created?Why does PP still refuse to work with oppostion parties?Why does pp still taking unilateral decision that need consultation and genuine strategy? Time for regime change.
Pinnacle Point ‘assisted’ Seychelles consulate Inquiry told that a total of $300000 was to be paid monthly into consulate-general’s account, the money would be shared by consulate officials BEKEZELA PHAKATHI Published: 2012/04/03 07:23:10 AM THE Seychelles consul-general in SA, Mary-May Kolsch, could have received as much as $150000 from property group Pinnacle Point as an "introductory commission", a commission of inquiry heard yesterday.
It also emerged through the advocate for the liquidators of the company, Gavin Woodland SC, that a series of e-mails between Pinnacle Point chairman Ivor Stratford and Ms Kolsch showed the company was "assisting" in the running of the Seychelles consulate by depositing various sums of money into the "consulate-general’s" account, at the request of Ms Kolsch. She has previously denied she received bribes.
Pinnacle Point’s listing on the JSE had been suspended and it faces a delisting. It was placed in final liquidation late last year after the liquidation of six subsidiaries. Former shareholders and directors have been subpoenaed to testify before the inquiry into the firm’s collapse, which is being led by retired judge Meyer Joffe.
South African banks including Investec , RMB Private Bank and Nedbank lost more than R200m in loans to the company while South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union members lost close to R260m in investments.
Mr Stratford told the inquiry yesterday that a total of $300000 was to be paid monthly into the "consulate-general’s" account. The money would be shared equally between Ms Kolsch and consulate official Malcolm Gessler. In 2007, Pinnacle Point was awarded a tender by the Seychelles government to develop a golf estate. It did not take off.
Mr Stratford told the commission that Ms Kolsch and Mr Gessler had played a peripheral role in the awarding of the tender. He said they introduced Pinnacle Point to the Seychelles government officials. "They were entitled to an introductory commission."
It another proof of how Pp communists waste public money and foreign loans given to them which were suppose to help the country but instead PP is invloved in illegal deals .SINCE corruption is in Pp gens one could imagine that those coapnies like Punnacle made secret deals with the ogvernment FOR IT IS ALSO A WAY OF STEALING MONEY FROM POEPLS' COFFER but by giving a fake justification.For instance,that pinaalce over chrge its works as a deal wich is then redistributed to by memebers or those in the ogvernmnt must be expected.How it works,Pinaacle overchrage thier services and then the idfferences go back to pp coffers and conpention for giving Pinnacle the deal.And of course sincethe deal is made public that a private company is delivering the job ,it prodcue the illusion that it justified and apporpriate.which in reality is fake.The same deal we can see with KHALIFA-Pp instead of making KHalifa PAYS HIS DUTIES,tAXES ETC .which would have entered directly in our coffers thus we could trace the money,decided to make a deal which cnsists of having KHALIFA gives the millions he should pay in our coffers instead directly through PP polit buro or as investment in PP prepapred programs and fantasies thus gîving us the impressin PP is doing the all the development/investisment.All KHalfia does is in relation with PP.And one could imagine how much millions are diverted and stolen in such ilegal deals.
Time for regime change,PP does not have the solutions for the mess it created.PP was thirety-five o years alone on power without oppostion ,they have tried all solutions alone for years none have work,thus it is not today that Pp rpoposition would have any dent .thus the need to rapidly get rid of those monkeys.
Maybe it is the first step before telling us this comapny is also bankrutped.So far we were told one of the helicopter had technical problem,thus the question why grounded all other crafts?It seems the problem is more than just a helicopter having technical problems,but just another crumbling comapany.The trick with PP is give us a few infos now and then to make us acustom before tellng us the real problem.Just as with Air Seychelles.Next will be SEPEC:IDC is already bankrupted for Glenny Savy has already turned into sand seller who at the same time destryoing Beau Vallon coast in this extreme climate change ürobloem we facing.Michel preaches about climiate change,coastal erosion but allow Glenny to help destroy the coast by illegally removing sands at Beau Vallons. Time for regime change,Time to get those monkeys at Montagn Possee.
Seychellois need democratization not public order bills which is more like a water hyacinth.It sound beautiful at the surface but poisonous to the lives deneath the water.The moral questions are:do we need this law now?Aren't there already laws in place that cater for the same?Pp want to pass a bill that make the poilce more authoritarian and poeple's rights will be gravely violated and public will lost more confidence in the governemnt and police whose actions are already controversial.This bill will further undermine the rule of law.Morevoer,a civil society that atain a certain degree of decency does not need to regulared like a todler on how to behave.Yet tyraany that are anathema to civilization deso exactly that.Instead of progressive laws that enhacne human rights,its condescendingly churnsout draconian legislations in the name of security and public interest. ichel ,FAURE and Govinden aims is to mark our legal system with perennial injudiciousness.As Pp public order bill is not something that quaranty democractic reforms towrad genuine demcracy,we would need to call of the population to take to the streets and once and for all get rid of this crookecd regime of gansters.
WE NEED DEMOCRACY,NOT LEGAL ORDER BILLS THAT WOULD ALLOW pp to accentuate its control over the people and use it as pretextes to intimidate oppostion ot its system.
Let us stop the butcher's utopia now.Time for regime change.
The has butcher" trengle"not only Shakepsear's language but that of Moliere too,and that in front of the world eyes.Just to remind you of some of the butcher"trengleman:"Bozour Mesie(maybe he was already thinking of Mitcy),that was in Mauritius and La Reunion,then in front of Brits. when he visitid UK shortly,"Good morning "se",not SIR,and all that from and by our President.What a shame!
The solutions to sort out the mess cannot come from the same who created the mess and after fourty years alone in power they have proven again and again that they not fit to rule,but rather uses and abuse our institutions for selfe aggrandisement. The solution will come from a united oppostion,a democratic system,and so forth.As to Faure,he will soon be placed in the President seat for Michel will leave before the end of his self-given mandate asd was the case with RENE for the polit buro has decided so.It communism you are not elected but appointed at all level of institutions.Our taks(the oppostion and the people)would be to ensure we do not let FAURE rape nay elelection and get away with it.THus the need for genuine electoral refroms and if PP refuses to conduct reforms in order to keep the status quo thus manipulate,steal votes as has been the case now,then a United oppostion together with the poeple will need to topple him on the very first day that he appointed himself as President.
Pinnacle Point ‘assisted’ Seychelles consulate Inquiry told that a total of $300000 was to be paid monthly into consulate-general’s account, the money would be shared by consulate officials BEKEZELA PHAKATHI Published: 2012/04/03 07:23:10 AM THE Seychelles consul-general in SA, Mary-May Kolsch, could have received as much as $150000 from property group Pinnacle Point as an "introductory commission", a commission of inquiry heard yesterday.
Yes there is a mega scam going on - All those from Pinacle Holding and the Bank - "our important archaic, illuminati, fraternal, masonic" working - those who manage, can manage this mechanism - we contributed importantly - there are accountablity process, then the so and so they pretend we were never involved, cash in on our work and input.
Most of you by now if you want to live and work in this new Seychelles must know and be aware to some extent how this work - when you use and abuse this discipline - there are imp[ortant reprecussions - ask anybody in europe.
We have been following the blog on Air Seychelles and Ethiad.
All those who believe and think we are waasting our time blogging the issues here.
seychellois is awaiting to see who in the motley crew of droll characters standing in the line as heirs-apparant to succeed the butcher on the throne.In this battle royal for the throne,are a handful of goofy and cagey characters including FAURE,who is beleived by some PP cronies to bemanagerially competent(need to be proven),but a dud and a whimp when it comes to fromulating a grand thuggish communist vision and lacks the ruthlessness deemed crical to keep PP vibrant and intact.(but we all know all that the way things are done in communsim,namely FAURE was long appointed by the POLIT BURO to take over,and he will.JENPA,the butt of the country's jokes is said to be too young and his appetite for wild parties and excees of acohol minimize his change of being the next Dictator-in -Chief.Then there is svengalian master of intrigue MORGAN,who is said held particular high esteem by the butcher for his servility and slavish loyalty beyond and above the call of duty.Then come crocodilain HERMINIE ,king amer for a decade has apparantly chosen to stay at the helm of the Assembly(which he consider his personal asset.he is consdier toolazy for extra task and his not communist enough to secure the throne.Thus he will stay as puppet extraordinaire.
In other words,the politics of succession to the butcher^s throne has become a veritable theatre of adsurd.The personalities in the wings to take over the throne ,or to protect and safegaaurd it,bring to mind the witless characters in SAMUEL BECKETT'S tragicomedy*WAITING FOR GODOT).In the paly two vagadond characters anxiuosly wait on a country side raod by a tree for the arrival of a mysterious person named GODOT,who can save them and answer all their questions.They wait for days iôn end but GODOT never shows up,but each days a young messenger comes to tell them GODOT will be there tomorrow:Each day,the ch<racters tell each other that they can not go on waiting.They are so tired of waiting day after day that they contemplate suicide. Waiting for the butcher to leave ,is like waiting for GODOT to arrive.It ain't going to happed soon.For the butcher is not only the savior and the man with all the naswers,he is also the Great Patron wh makes everything work.Let just wait and see,if GODOT leave sooon,in any case it wound not change the policies taken by the polit Buro,and repalcing one dictaotr by another won't solve our country stagnated economy,civil rights human rights,democracy and so forth.
Alain St Ange finds recent audit report on STB bizarre The new Minister of Tourism and Culture, Alain St Ange finds the recent audit report on the Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) bizarre. He had been CEO of STB, before his appointment three weeks ago as Tourism Minister.
Speaking at a press conference Tuesday following successful talks in Mauritius, aimed at drawing the Indian Ocean islands closer together in joint marketing efforts, Mr. St. Ange said he regrets the audit report. He finds strange that for several reports when no accounts were submitted by the STB, the Auditor -General had remained quiet. He however pulls out a report, questioning STB’s operations after STB has put its account in order, clearing all backlogs. Mr. St Ange also regrets that the report reprimands STB for not carrying out proper inspections of hotel establishments. He notes that the Health Ministry being responsible for the hygienic aspect and the Fire Services for security, carry out regular inspections. The Seychelles Licensing Authority thereupon decides to deliver or renew a licence, based on their recommendations. “The mindset must change. The days are really bygone when the STB was bungled up in bureaucracy and also harassed the small hotels”. Mr. St Ange said it is presently the role of the STB to stimulate the tourism market, just as it is its duty to work with the airlines that bring visitors to our shores. He also finds pathetic the criticism contained in the report of tourism bureaus abroad. “We have always have tourism bureaus in all the main tourism markets. Previously they were staffed by expatriates, often people who did not know much about Seychelles. Now, they are all staffed by Seychellois, who have their country’s interests at heart and are doing a good job”. Mr. St Ange finds serious contradiction in the mandate he had received from President Michel, who at the time was also Tourism Minister and remarks made in the Auditor-General’s report. He said it was drawn up by an English auditor not “au fait” with Seychelles realities.
Well,waht St Ange is saying is simply millions are missing in the Minstery of Tuorism coffer,which was for years held by Michel the butcher and that Michel should be made accountable.Now that St Ange has clearly speak out about corruption in the ministery of Tuorism under the butchermwe eexpect the justice dept. to investigate the case and take action against the culprit which to now is clearly MICHEL THE BUTCHER.You might say his President thus he has immunity .Yes,but that does not mean justcie cannot do its job and have the butcher answer their questions(remind me of Jacque Chirac case)then brought him to justice once he ends his manadtae as President.
We need accountability and transdaprency,and justice in this case which invlove millions of tax payers money embezzeld by the butcher.
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Communist exposed. Michel should be a shamed of himself lying to the international community and the Commonwealth.
New Air Seychelles planes will be staffed by Etihad Airways.
Gill has removed photos of a naked Francis Larue. Photos have been replaced by word "cenzored".
Air Seychelles to lease planes from Etihad.
Morgan admits Air Seychelles was bankrupt because government did not have the means to bail out the airline. This was in answer to a question from Marie-Antoinette Rose -- question designed to give Morgan another chance to justify the 'sale' of the airline to Etihad.
So, Morgan admits that the government too was on the verge of bankruptcy.
Etihad wants all staff retrained, even though who will continue to work on "Air Seychelles".
David Pierre's questions to Morgan in the national assembly were disappointing. He just gave Morgan another chance to justify the government's decision to sell Air Seychelles to Etihad.
Poor performance by Idith Alexander. If she keeps addressing MNA directly, the speaker will have to reprimand her. Not a very skilled minister responsible for employment. An apprentice minister.
Morgan says Etihad is supposed to train Seychellois to take over after the end of the 5-year management programme.
But Etihad has just sacked Garry Albert as Deputy CEO for Air Seychelles. He is now deputy CEO of another quango.
Morgan says Air Seychelles will be more professional and better performing in future. Are these the real reasons why the airline was on the verge of bankruptcy and why Etihad wants to retrain everyone ?
SFP is actually saying it has been "CENCORED".
Air Seychelles domestic fares. High fares designed to stop locals travelling at the time Etihad flights arrive. Cheaper fares are at 5am and late in the evening when there are no tourists who would want to travel.
4 more years of Idith Alexander struggling to answer questions in the national assembly. Unless she is a quick learner. Pathetic performance today.
Etihad Airways management would be laughing at Morgan's "job guarantees" for Air Seychelles staff who are required to undergo retraining -- if they could understand Creole.
The truth is Morgan will have no say in who gets re-employed by the Etihad management.
In fact, Etihad does not want Morgan as Chairman of the Air Seychelles Board. That is why Morgan is the "temporary" chairman. Etihad does not want Parti Lepep politics to interfere in its management of Air Seychelles. Etihad does not want to deal with politicians, as Etihad is there to make money from this "strategic partnership".
Pierre is just playing his role as disguised oppostion leader.He knows that in the middle of monkeys a chihuahua barking won't change anything,it is just antoher comic show by Judas who we must be reminded was not elected but appointed by the butcher.
Morgan failed to say though,that it has been long before the economic crisis Airseychelles was already operating at lost,and the failure of Pp regime to keep audits,proform checks and balances,mis-managemnt,corruption etc.. contribute to the bankrupcy of our economy and our National company and dito to SEPEC;IDC struggling to stay afloat.
I think St Ange,Morgan,Commander Michel should listen to Mr DÔffay as to SFP ,to as soon as posible restart direct fleights to Europe ,where three quaters of world tourists come from.It is not Ethopian Ariline that would bring to tourists to our shores(Ethopia Airline Pp,will soon bring Ethopian refugees to our shores on direct fleights nor tourists).Eithad objective and priority and strategy is in the first place to expenses their company and not to transport tourists to Seychelles as Morgan and St Ange think,Seychelles is just another destinations in their global strategy to control the market by destroying others.
Pp's public order bills is like what Karl Max in his manifesto called "TEN PLANKS",the ten steps necessary to destroy a free enteprise system and repalce it by a omnipotent system,so as to affect a communist state.
Pp disguise legal refroms is another way to modified at will our legal system to allow the regime to inforced more control on and have more influence on our legal system.It is away for the butcher to further arbitrate,and amnipulate the process of our legal system.The lesson here is,as the few dictatorial systems still exist such as BURMA and others move forward to democratic refroms,PP communist regime is moving us four decades backward.Michel think and has convinced himself that what did not work four years ago will work now in this 21st century.Such irresponsible acts will further pulls us back into the fuedal time.
Thus Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Correction:four decades ago
Falklands flights were stopped by UK government when it discovered that Air Seychelles was being subsidised by the Seychelles government, according to Morgan. Does that sound like Air Seychelles put forward a fraudulent contract bid ? He did not say that before.
JAM appointing new staff at SBC this is not our problems,our problems we want to see a modern media with peoples with proffersional knowlege and a open media and more transparant communist get it.
Now he is appointing this changing this he think this is the way to solve communist problems and bring solution.
Morgan says he does not have information how many Seychellois are in senior management posts in Air Seychelles under Etihad management.
Air Seychelles is now "first league player", not third league player any more.
Reading between the lines. Etihad has concluded that the Air Seychelles management was crap.
Morgan said Airseychelles is a firtstplayer,redicule isn't it?How can it be first player when the airline cannot fianacial itself and depend of others.It is not a first player nor even the third palyer,but rather nothing.
That Brits stop air Seychelles flight ot Falkland becuase alleged lies in the deal by PP,demotrate the extend of corruption in the system that even to power countries they ready to lies.
PP has no solutions for the country ,it is in fact the cuases of our problems ,thus the need for regime change.
Jeanne DÂrc
In fact in the assembly today, PL MNAs extracted more information from Morgan than Pierre's questions did.
Also, it was PL MNAs' questions that exposed Idith Alexander's shortcomings as a minister.
President James Michel has welcomed the announcement by Air Seychelles that it has begun operations to the Falkland Islands as part of a contract with the UK Ministry of Defence.
In a statement yesterday he said: “The fact that Air Seychelles has won the contract for these services is a mark of the high standing of our national airline and the professionalism and dedication of its staff.”
Air Seychelles successfully bid for it after the UK Ministry of Defence had to seek a replacement for the previous operator, which had to stop flying due to bankruptcy.
Several other prestigious airlines bid for the contract, but Air Seychelles was successful due to its experience of flying 767s and of island locations. The length of the contract has not been finalised, but it is expected that the agreement will significantly improve revenue flows and therefore the airline’s prospects for 2010.
Mr Michel noted that in the increasingly competitive international airline market, it is encouraging that Air Seychelles is seeking to adopt innovative business practices beyond its core business.
“Innovation is key to Seychelles being ready for the future, and we congratulate Air Seychelles for taking the lead in this way,” he said.
Air Seychelles was also considered the best choice as it is one of the world’s most experienced B767 operators with over 20 years of extended-range operations.
“We are delighted and proud that Air Seychelles was the airline of choice for such an important mission,” the press release added.
Michel did not mention that Air Seychelles undercut competitors by using government subsidies.
Now that they have decided to hand over Air Seychelles to Etihad, they tell us Air Seychelles was terrible without Etihad.
Air Seychelles has announced the end of its South Atlantic Air bridge on behalf of the British Ministry of Defence to the Falkands Islands.
This is because the national airline has embarked on a new strategic plan whereby it will concentrate more on its core business in flying more passengers from Europe to Seychelles and vice versa.
Air Seychelles executive chairman, Maurice Loustau-Lalanne has said: “Our Falklands contract providing an air bridge from the United Kingdom to the Falklands for the Ministry of Defence has now ended and we are now concentrating on our core business in flying more passengers from Europe to the Indian Ocean region, as part of a revamped strategic plan.”
Air Seychelles successfully bid for the contract in 2009 after the UK Ministry of Defence had to seek a replacement for the previous operator which had stopped flying.
Several other prestigious airlines bid for the contract but Air Seychelles was successful due to its experience with Boeing 767s and flying to island locations.
Air Seychelles is also considered as one of the world’s most experienced B767 operators with over 20 years extended range operations.
They did tell a pack of lies at the time.
Can't believe anything they say. They are worse than Gill.
Gill and Isaac were made to remove the photos otyherwise they risked being shut down and sued under the public indecency act!
They have also been warned that they are under observation and any more violation and they face a lengthy prison term!
Isaac's uncle and other family members have disowned him!
Tro bez granwar - en ti nwar Uncle Tom subservient for Christopher Gill!
Bien bez zot la zot parey de kouyon kinn kanmi!
Now ,pp is telling that Airseychelles was for decades bankrupted,it was invedent when Michel called on YOUNG AND POOR fro an audit which the butcher never maed public,for there was something to hide.But why have theyt continued for so longto pretend and lie to the people on the issue?Why did they not reacted long before when they saw the first negative sign?We can imgaine that IDC;SEPEC are also in the same shit and sooner than later PP would have to come public and tell us they bankrutped everything the country had..We knew communsists economic principles could never succeeded ,now PP is telling us that they were lying,the do not have solutions,So why does PP not dissolve its failed goverenmnt and call for new election or at the least work together with the oppostion to get us out of those shits pp created?Why does PP still refuse to work with oppostion parties?Why does pp still taking unilateral decision that need consultation and genuine strategy?
Time for regime change.
Jeanne DÂrc
Pinnacle Point ‘assisted’ Seychelles consulate
Inquiry told that a total of $300000 was to be paid monthly into consulate-general’s account, the money would be shared by consulate officials
Published: 2012/04/03 07:23:10 AM
THE Seychelles consul-general in SA, Mary-May Kolsch, could have received as much as $150000 from property group Pinnacle Point as an "introductory commission", a commission of inquiry heard yesterday.
It also emerged through the advocate for the liquidators of the company, Gavin Woodland SC, that a series of e-mails between Pinnacle Point chairman Ivor Stratford and Ms Kolsch showed the company was "assisting" in the running of the Seychelles consulate by depositing various sums of money into the "consulate-general’s" account, at the request of Ms Kolsch. She has previously denied she received bribes.
Pinnacle Point’s listing on the JSE had been suspended and it faces a delisting. It was placed in final liquidation late last year after the liquidation of six subsidiaries. Former shareholders and directors have been subpoenaed to testify before the inquiry into the firm’s collapse, which is being led by retired judge Meyer Joffe.
South African banks including Investec , RMB Private Bank and Nedbank lost more than R200m in loans to the company while South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union members lost close to R260m in investments.
Mr Stratford told the inquiry yesterday that a total of $300000 was to be paid monthly into the "consulate-general’s" account. The money would be shared equally between Ms Kolsch and consulate official Malcolm Gessler. In 2007, Pinnacle Point was awarded a tender by the Seychelles government to develop a golf estate. It did not take off.
Mr Stratford told the commission that Ms Kolsch and Mr Gessler had played a peripheral role in the awarding of the tender. He said they introduced Pinnacle Point to the Seychelles government officials. "They were entitled to an introductory commission."
If there is a SCAM going on somewhere, you can bet that Parti Lepep is involved.
Does it mean we won't see pictures of Jean Paul Adam ?
Shut down then we will shut your ass.
It another proof of how Pp communists waste public money and foreign loans given to them which were suppose to help the country but instead PP is invloved in illegal deals .SINCE corruption is in Pp gens one could imagine that those coapnies like Punnacle made secret deals with the ogvernment FOR IT IS ALSO A WAY OF STEALING MONEY FROM POEPLS' COFFER but by giving a fake justification.For instance,that pinaalce over chrge its works as a deal wich is then redistributed to by memebers or those in the ogvernmnt must be expected.How it works,Pinaacle overchrage thier services and then the idfferences go back to pp coffers and conpention for giving Pinnacle the deal.And of course sincethe deal is made public that a private company is delivering the job ,it prodcue the illusion that it justified and apporpriate.which in reality is fake.The same deal we can see with KHALIFA-Pp instead of making KHalifa PAYS HIS DUTIES,tAXES ETC .which would have entered directly in our coffers thus we could trace the money,decided to make a deal which cnsists of having KHALIFA gives the millions he should pay in our coffers instead directly through PP polit buro or as investment in PP prepapred programs and fantasies thus gîving us the impressin PP is doing the all the development/investisment.All KHalfia does is in relation with PP.And one could imagine how much millions are diverted and stolen in such ilegal deals.
Time for regime change,PP does not have the solutions for the mess it created.PP was thirety-five o
years alone on power without oppostion ,they have tried all solutions alone for years none have work,thus it is not today that Pp rpoposition would have any dent .thus the need to rapidly get rid of those monkeys.
Jeanne D'arc
What's that cryptic announcement from Helicopter Seychelles about stopping operations ? Who are these invisible people standing in their way ?
Maybe it is the first step before telling us this comapny is also bankrutped.So far we were told one of the helicopter had technical problem,thus the question why grounded all other crafts?It seems the problem is more than just a helicopter having technical problems,but just another crumbling comapany.The trick with PP is give us a few infos now and then to make us acustom before tellng us the real problem.Just as with Air Seychelles.Next will be SEPEC:IDC is already bankrupted for Glenny Savy has already turned into sand seller who at the same time destryoing Beau Vallon coast in this extreme climate change ürobloem we facing.Michel preaches about climiate change,coastal erosion but allow Glenny to help destroy the coast by illegally removing sands at Beau Vallons.
Time for regime change,Time to get those monkeys at Montagn Possee.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne DÂrc
We removed photos because they are not appropriate to be posted together with the SFP Leader's letter to President Obama. Nothing else.
They can come back in due course.
Laws of Seychelles lack jurisdiction over blogs posted in California.
In California they are part of Free Speech and Free Expression, protected under the Constitution.
Even Francis Larue would be protected there by law, not by political cleansing.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Seychellois need democratization not public order bills which is more like a water hyacinth.It sound beautiful at the surface but poisonous to the lives deneath the water.The moral questions are:do we need this law now?Aren't there already laws in place that cater for the same?Pp want to pass a bill that make the poilce more authoritarian and poeple's rights will be gravely violated and public will lost more confidence in the governemnt and police whose actions are already controversial.This bill will further undermine the rule of law.Morevoer,a civil society that atain a certain degree of decency does not need to regulared like a todler on how to behave.Yet tyraany that are anathema to civilization deso exactly that.Instead of progressive laws that enhacne human rights,its condescendingly churnsout draconian legislations in the name of security and public interest.
ichel ,FAURE and Govinden aims is to mark our legal system with perennial injudiciousness.As Pp public order bill is not something that quaranty democractic reforms towrad genuine demcracy,we would need to call of the population to take to the streets and once and for all get rid of this crookecd regime of gansters.
WE NEED DEMOCRACY,NOT LEGAL ORDER BILLS THAT WOULD ALLOW pp to accentuate its control over the people and use it as pretextes to intimidate oppostion ot its system.
Let us stop the butcher's utopia now.Time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
I meant legal order bill
Selmen wi, pa kouyon seselwa komela!
Bez koz zot kreol....zot pe trengle sa ban ENGLISH trobokou.
The has butcher" trengle"not only Shakepsear's language but that of Moliere too,and that in front of the world eyes.Just to remind you of some of the butcher"trengleman:"Bozour Mesie(maybe he was already thinking of Mitcy),that was in Mauritius and La Reunion,then in front of Brits. when he visitid UK shortly,"Good morning "se",not SIR,and all that from and by our President.What a shame!
Jeanne D'Arc
Turkey's 1980 military coup leaders stand trial
Michel and FAR aslo must face trail.
MIchel.FAR and also collaborators to the likes of RAM and all the rest.
Jeanne D``arc
Where is James Michel?
Rene would deal with Reform directly.
Why does Michel run?
Danny Faure should take over PL and sort the mess out.
The solutions to sort out the mess cannot come from the same who created the mess and after fourty years alone in power they have proven again and again that they not fit to rule,but rather uses and abuse our institutions for selfe aggrandisement.
The solution will come from a united oppostion,a democratic system,and so forth.As to Faure,he will soon be placed in the President seat for Michel will leave before the end of his self-given mandate asd was the case with RENE for the polit buro has decided so.It communism you are not elected but appointed at all level of institutions.Our taks(the oppostion and the people)would be to ensure we do not let FAURE rape nay elelection and get away with it.THus the need for genuine electoral refroms and if PP refuses to conduct reforms in order to keep the status quo thus manipulate,steal votes as has been the case now,then a United oppostion together with the poeple will need to topple him on the very first day that he appointed himself as President.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pinnacle Point ‘assisted’ Seychelles consulate
Inquiry told that a total of $300000 was to be paid monthly into consulate-general’s account, the money would be shared by consulate officials
Published: 2012/04/03 07:23:10 AM
THE Seychelles consul-general in SA, Mary-May Kolsch, could have received as much as $150000 from property group Pinnacle Point as an "introductory commission", a commission of inquiry heard yesterday.
Yes there is a mega scam going on - All those from Pinacle Holding and the Bank - "our important archaic, illuminati, fraternal, masonic" working - those who manage, can manage this mechanism - we contributed importantly - there are accountablity process, then the so and so they pretend we were never involved, cash in on our work and input.
Most of you by now if you want to live and work in this new Seychelles must know and be aware to some extent how this work - when you use and abuse this discipline - there are imp[ortant reprecussions - ask anybody in europe.
We have been following the blog on Air Seychelles and Ethiad.
All those who believe and think we are waasting our time blogging the issues here.
Plan in place to remove James Michel as PL leader and replace him with Danny Faure, I have been told.
I am all for that.
.........e demen wa vin dir nou ki "DAN ISTEREGG I ANNAN PTI LAPEN TWRA KOULER"
seychellois is awaiting to see who in the motley crew of droll characters standing in the line as heirs-apparant to succeed the butcher on the throne.In this battle royal for the throne,are a handful of goofy and cagey characters including FAURE,who is beleived by some PP cronies to bemanagerially competent(need to be proven),but a dud and a whimp when it comes to fromulating a grand thuggish communist vision and lacks the ruthlessness deemed crical to keep PP vibrant and intact.(but we all know all that the way things are done in communsim,namely FAURE was long appointed by the POLIT BURO to take over,and he will.JENPA,the butt of the country's jokes is said to be too young and his appetite for wild parties and excees of acohol minimize his change of being the next Dictator-in -Chief.Then there is svengalian master of intrigue MORGAN,who is said held particular high esteem by the butcher for his servility and slavish loyalty beyond and above the call of duty.Then come crocodilain HERMINIE ,king amer for a decade has apparantly chosen to stay at the helm of the Assembly(which he consider his personal asset.he is consdier toolazy for extra task and his not communist enough to secure the throne.Thus he will stay as puppet extraordinaire.
In other words,the politics of succession to the butcher^s throne has become a veritable theatre of adsurd.The personalities in the wings to take over the throne ,or to protect and safegaaurd it,bring to mind the witless characters in SAMUEL BECKETT'S tragicomedy*WAITING FOR GODOT).In the paly two vagadond characters anxiuosly wait on a country side raod by a tree for the arrival of a mysterious person named GODOT,who can save them and answer all their questions.They wait for days iôn end but GODOT never shows up,but each days a young messenger comes to tell them GODOT will be there tomorrow:Each day,the ch<racters tell each other that they can not go on waiting.They are so tired of waiting day after day that they contemplate suicide.
Waiting for the butcher to leave ,is like waiting for GODOT to arrive.It ain't going to happed soon.For the butcher is not only the savior and the man with all the naswers,he is also the Great Patron wh makes everything work.Let just wait and see,if GODOT leave sooon,in any case it wound not change the policies taken by the polit Buro,and repalcing one dictaotr by another won't solve our country stagnated economy,civil rights human rights,democracy and so forth.
Solution regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Alain St Ange finds recent audit report on STB bizarre
The new Minister of Tourism and Culture, Alain St Ange finds the recent audit report on the Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) bizarre. He had been CEO of STB, before his appointment three weeks ago as Tourism Minister.
Speaking at a press conference Tuesday following successful talks in Mauritius, aimed at drawing the Indian Ocean islands closer together in joint marketing efforts, Mr. St. Ange said he regrets the audit report.
He finds strange that for several reports when no accounts were submitted by the STB, the Auditor -General had remained quiet. He however pulls out a report, questioning STB’s operations after STB has put its account in order, clearing all backlogs.
Mr. St Ange also regrets that the report reprimands STB for not carrying out proper inspections of hotel establishments. He notes that the Health Ministry being responsible for the hygienic aspect and the Fire Services for security, carry out regular inspections.
The Seychelles Licensing Authority thereupon decides to deliver or renew a licence, based on their recommendations.
“The mindset must change. The days are really bygone when the STB was bungled up in bureaucracy and also harassed the small hotels”.
Mr. St Ange said it is presently the role of the STB to stimulate the tourism market, just as it is its duty to work with the airlines that bring visitors to our shores.
He also finds pathetic the criticism contained in the report of tourism bureaus abroad. “We have always have tourism bureaus in all the main tourism markets. Previously they were staffed by expatriates, often people who did not know much about Seychelles. Now, they are all staffed by Seychellois, who have their country’s interests at heart and are doing a good job”.
Mr. St Ange finds serious contradiction in the mandate he had received from President Michel, who at the time was also Tourism Minister and remarks made in the Auditor-General’s report. He said it was drawn up by an English auditor not “au fait” with Seychelles realities.
Well,waht St Ange is saying is simply millions are missing in the Minstery of Tuorism coffer,which was for years held by Michel the butcher and that Michel should be made accountable.Now that St Ange has clearly speak out about corruption in the ministery of Tuorism under the butchermwe eexpect the justice dept. to investigate the case and take action against the culprit which to now is clearly MICHEL THE BUTCHER.You might say his President thus he has immunity .Yes,but that does not mean justcie cannot do its job and have the butcher answer their questions(remind me of Jacque Chirac case)then brought him to justice once he ends his manadtae as President.
We need accountability and transdaprency,and justice in this case which invlove millions of tax payers money embezzeld by the butcher.
Jeanne D'Arc
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