A group of freedom loving Seychellois dedicated to get freedom for all of the people of Seychelles.
With god yes we can!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Seychelles Freedom Party Gets Parti Lepep Crying Over their Own Spilled Milk in One of Their People Plus issue
as pure facts states, the sfp (me as an i witness) never has been and never will be a "sise", never have we allied with the opposition parties, never have we seek out their help for anything.
SFP is a party of blah blah blah with no courage . Too scared to stand in an election. Gill is bitter because SPPF rejected him, SNP and other parties do not want to associate with him because he has a few screws loose in the head, en Bon fouka !!
Gill is pissed off because he thought that he was the crown prince of SPUP. according to him it was his papi that founded the parti and clothed FAR so the parti is his birth right. LOL!
Why should SFP whose popularity is sky rocketing for exactly the contary of PP thug regime use a failed regime as publicity?Any one with common sense would agree that if a party,oa comapny ,roganization needs publicity then it goes to have the best person like FFootball star,Film Star,a popular athelet etc for iits publicity no^t for intance,Ben Laden.The truth is that PP is distrubed by the way SFp is exposing it and the butcher and ilks cannot take in the heat.
SFP publicity is the silent majority supporting SFP not a gang of crooks who are on the verge of crumbling into pieces..
Who scare free and fair election are those who refuse to have an even playing field Pissy.SFP strastegy which was to boycott the last fake election was the irght decidsion to take and as you well-know it was a suceesful boycott with all the damage it done within both PP and SNP.SNP and NDP do not want to associate because as Beranrd George a SNP member publicly said"they are PP stooge parties"thus they paly the oppostion parties while being an itegrate part of pp:ppsponosor them,PP feeed them,PP makes them rich witzh tax payers money,PP makes them exist,without PP both will have long vanished into incognito.SNè NAD NDP do not want to jion the round table because they afraid to lost their ill-gotten wealth and the perks that go with it for doing nothing.They are traitors and will probably stay and die as traitors.For once a traitor laways a traitor.
Instead of preaching insult and redicule why not get serious?Why not RAM,Voclere come forward to face the free press?Why are they still hiding in the woods ,Pissy?
En "SISE" PP is a fish that sticks on others, thus abuse others for its own prupose(like tick on an animal sucking blood) which in fact reflects Pp commuist crooks.It all started with the Coup D'etat in 1976 when the buther decided to stick illegally on power Like a SISE on a SAGREN to rob the nation.Since then by acting like a SISE all PP members have become multi-millionaires(though they still walk in public in shirts and trousers form India and China just to make us beleive they are the poorest of the poor,even Kim wear commuistt suites just for the illusion).Even some opposition leaders(known as stooges)and who are close friend to the crooked system benefit from Pp SISE mentality that has drained empty our coffers,created lots of unemployed,etc....Calling SFP SISE is a way of divertingattention for the real SISE crooked actions for the last fourty years and it is not by eticketing others with your own actions that will stop your crumblimg down nor confused the people.StopPP SISE those blood suckers and crimianl who have bankrutped our country and selling out our patrimony to foreigners.
SFP i en Sise - they are stuck under the belly of SNP, Boulle and NDP and will go whatever direction these three parties go because Christopher Gill knows no other way! The insults he directs at them are just to cover the fact that he cannot survive without them!
SFP executive Board passed a resolution last week to not seek or engage in any alliance with any party because they are all flakes and Collaborators collectively, in selling Seychelles patrimony.All are financed by foreigners.
Additionally, without SFP, the election reform table would be boring and lack solid ideas it would be wallowing in the Fred Flinstone age, right Boulle? Right Simon Gill?
SISE, pissy are those who steal,rob,corrupted,murders all those definitions reflect PP crooked system,and it i not a communîst who would say the contary.Where are all our billions?Why are PP crooks and stooges multi-milionaires PISYY?How did they become rich in dollars Pissy?Well only a bllod sucker or a SISE can achieved so much wealth for they have suck our people dried.
Stop sucking the people blood Pp SISE.The truth PISSY is the pressure,the exposure,the way SFP has brought you naked and the exposure will continue until freedom is achieved ,we will not rest!
Pa SALI TRAVYE foronm.Well ,the Foronm is already SALI why? 1)Electoral commisioners should be elected not appointed by Michel.2)Electoral Commision should be independent and when Michel apointed Commissioners at the Commision illegally it is not indenependent but a part of PP.
Then Michel showed a house and aksked"SA ZOT PAS TIR PROTRE-well No Michel,for there is a different from a house paid by a person from his own pocket,for money he or she worked for than houses like those for PP crooks paid by stolen money from the people.This house in question belongs to an idividual who can account from where he got his money and he is allow to biuld whatever seize,cost of house he wants ,Why?It is his money not stolen from the people.
Where is our missing billions PP?is what the people want to know not about the cost of a person who invested his hard earning money in his house.Where did you get all those millions to built multi-millions houses PP ?these are questions the people want to know not bull shit about a person investing his own money in his house.
So trying to compare a house built by a person whose money was legitimately obtained and PP crooks who served themselves illegally from the people coffers are not the same dogs.And it is not with such redicule that you will get way with your crimes.We will investigate in all cases invloving those big PP palaces you built with the people's stolen money .Accountability and transaprency PP!
What you should have noted Pisyy,is if PP is proposing a Electoral refrom is becuase of SFP pressure whithout SFP,the word refrom would have never exsit in PP's vocabulary.Though,PP porpsoed leninism refrom has not crdibility howerver ,SFp has forced them to take abput it.If PP does not want and refuse geniune refroms then we will refrom PP.
And as the SISE Pp called SFp,it will continue to stick in PP's rear ,thus earthed Pp^s buried secrets ,and enveil them to the people.As Pilotfish we are going to lead PP the (SAGREN) aground thus lead our people to democracy and get rid of the PP blooding -sucking ticks that have been suckling our poeppe blood for four decades .The SISE is a pain inPp's ass, that it can not get rid of.it annoy,disturb them that they cannot even have peaceful sleep. since you cannot get rid of us we will continue be the pain in PP's ass until our poeple get their country back.
Better be a SISE as (PILOTFISH that leads than a (blood-succking tick that suck dry our people blood.
Pissy where are you?Tell which fianacial scadal you refering to?Is it Lehmann brothers,Morgan U£2.4 millions,the missing millions St Ange is talking about missing in our tourism ministry,SR 30 millions invested in a buoilding by D.Savy(nt that the train cost will be cost almost less than Dvad Savy building ,which raises question about the cost of Savy's building),?tell us Pissy.
I guess Francis Larue(fricking pilon) is not a SFp supporter but PP.DId you forget who promotes indecency is this country?I'll tell again, the son of the Dr Mitcy Larue our unqualified health minister.
As a vieux cong I seem to recall that before Francis there were many older and now retired pilons and some of them were in our time very indecent and just wanted to flaunt their pilonary on every one else. No one was safe with them. Jean Paul Isaac ask your uncle why he felt it was safer to take his man lover in the grounds of Saint Paul's Catedral? With regards to indecency no one can top that!
Seen the letter in LSH by Mark Rose. Next SFP will call him a fake profile. Like all those that are against them. They just dont want to admit they have more against them than they do supporters
It seems you already realese and know that MArk Rose is faked and if he is faked we will establish his fakeness and enveil it to the people like we always do.The truth will always come out.
A word on Pp windturbines plants. Though wind turbines do not produce carbon dioxide,which is the only advantage it produce,Wind turbines have more disadvantages than for instance ,Solar Panels.
Wind turbines one must know ,are much more expensive than solar panel,much more expensive to maintains,in our country they would operate only dirung the south east monsson,but even then they won't not be able to operate during the whole south east monson for wind turbines operate under certain wind conditions only,thus even in the south east monson they would be shut down from risks of breaking dowm.Wind turbines ae noisely,higher than trees,and we would need to instalted houndreds to really make it effective.wind turbines disfaced our environment.
The advantage of solar panel-one would need at least four panel on each house with a family of four.It provide electricity but also hot water.It is cheaper,less costly to maintain,last longer,do not disfaced the nevironment,easy instalted.easy to maitain.etcc
The question is why does PP opt for windturbines when solar panell on individual's house would be less costly,more effective for we have sun shine 9 months annually, and so on? Well,the naswer is PP does not knwp how to make consumers pay for the electircity produced by splar pannels uonce instalt on their houses.In fact it is easy as 1,2,3 but PP does not see how it would do that.Contact us,we have the solution of how payment can be made,an it iwill bring more income to PUC than those noisly,ugly wind turbins.Solarr panels will bring more benfit to customers and PUC both in the short terms and ling terms. Note one solar panel cost about u$50 dollar piece in china and a family of about four persons would need four to effective depend of soalr enrgy,thus less costly to put solar panel on each house than having 20 wundturbines that life is verylimited compare to solar panels. Call us PP,we will tell you how to make customers pay PUC all year roud cheaper but profitable to PUC on the long terms.
Jeanne D'arc is desperate she sees nothing good what PP is doing. jEANNE d'ARC knows all whats good!!! AMAZING! I think she is on the wrong side!! THE BEST GOSSIPERS EVER! Not everyone repeats gossip, some like her improve and it with her borrowed denture.
Pissedoff If there is something though it is PP the crooked party it will say it is good,but after fourty years looking at the State -of the-nation with hyperinfaltion,bankrtupted economy,social disintegration,illegal sell out of the people patrimony,these are all negatives that cannot and should be praised for but crticized and rejected.
As onWind turbines,should you have make some researchyou would had found out that :1)a wind turbine is about 150 meters high with a proppeller extending to 70 meter in diameter,it noisy,costly to maintain,does not operate in all wind condition(keeping also in mind that we have about only four months of windy season ),it does not fit in the type on environemnt.In of words it has more negatives consequences to it than positive.The only tow positve aspect of it is that it is carbon free and provide eletricy.
Now the diffferent to Solar-which have more positive andvantages than negatives-It is cheap,easy to mount,cheap to maintain(note that amintainance is rarely needed comapre to wind trubines)it provide aprt from eletricity hot waters and many of advantages.As i said solar panel cost for instance in the USA u$10 u$12 piece and a house with a family of four would just need about four to five to produce enough electricity capacity that they< need.Thousand times cheaper than only singlwe wind turbine.
Pp problem as isaid lies it the fact that PP does not know after mounting the solar pannel on each houses how to make the cosumers pay them(pp) and PUC for a life long like for electricty produce by fuel.diesel etc-It fact there is an easy way to do it-It is both lucrative for PUC on the long term and very cheap for consumers all the time. How to make consumers pay the their energy provide by Solar panel fixed on their house,contact us!
All what is good is all the contary to what pp has practiced to date for every Pp actions have had negative effects on our people and country,thus the mess we are in.No one knows everything,but when one does not know something he should either listen to others or make researches both of which PP never accept or recognize,for the Butcher conciders himself a semi-god with all the answers thus the miserable state of our country.
Now take a little time ,focus on what Pp does for instance in regard to our health deficit and what i proposed as ideas ,you will find many of those ideas realistic of which no one single PP crooked ever thought of,for they never make research or find out how other succesful countries like Switzerland ,Sweden and others do.But especailly because PP never listen to those who are not Pp cronies though they have good ideas to offer and help the country move ofrward.There are manyx Seychellois with good ideas should PP listen to them many problems could haver been long solved.
Zendark you telling us that during forty years that PP is in power you see nothing good! You are on MEDICATION my dear! I'm sorry to here that! We wouldn't call you a LIAR,let just say that YOU live on the wrong side of the facts. And Zendark you not a complete idiot we think just some parts are missing.
Oh have seen many things,Coup D'etat,butcvhering of our innocent brothers by the butcher,I heard Sesel Pou Seselwa back in 1976,i have seen PP once menial workers become multi-millionaire by robbing the people and they have robbed our people so much that they even have enough million to make a poor little priest call RAm multi-millioniare too.The list is endless that it would take a second book "a man of the people"by Dr Michel the butcher to details everything.
The part that is missing is the idiot part of my which God did not give me ,but to the butcher,adding my stupidity to his give a donkey suffering from madcow disease iwth catasrophic consequences on the life of our people and country.You know what even God committed mistake by creating devils like the butcher,the world would have been in much harmony without those killers.
Stilling billion giving seselaw jobs to foreigners and killing peoples abd bringing foreigners on the island to divide Seselwa this is good for you?Why do you put your head in a toilet.
Parti Lepep it is understandable that your people are frighten when they here SFP.
Especially because you cannot buy us off. We are what we are because we do not live on sppf time line and PP and remember the time for communist's to feel at ease with ramkalawan and volcere even boulle is over.
We have you on camera and we are not afraid to use the footage, you take a dump in the bushes a camera will be there for you, you pick up prostitutes a camera will be there for the ride, you drink in public or baka sheds another camera is focused on you, you lie to the people and delete your trace well we have our own footage of you..
And remember if any fake oppositions are doing the same and is caught on camera we will use it the time for making PL take it easy is over while we live in fear.
People Plus barked up the wrong tree because a. people prints only 1900 copies as a fact and cannot even sell a thousand the rest is donated to government office whereby used for wrapping items, People plus prints only and i say only 2000 copies and is distributed in town only so is this the only amount of people that reads this paper fake identity like M.Rose on the defense of jean paul adam!
Anyway jean-paul adam we do not need extra camera's on him at his special condition since he takes the pictures himself and splashes it on facebook and other profiles.
Jean-Paul saves us money and time with his condition and a lot of them does same but camera is still active. Just wait for fibre optic to sink in and we will see if SBC will have viewers after seven!!
Fiber cable was probably delayed by PP for Pp cronies know that it will cuause them problems and they would be much more exposed.But,in the end with the increase of technoloiges and their inevitable uses in this 21st century PP has no option than to accept it.
Watching what PP controlled SBC has been showing for four decades namely propagandas and praises to the crooked Pp communist regime the introduction of fiber cable make them fear of more exposure but also of the rsik that their mouthpiece and propaganda machine went silence and this probability that SBC shut down or at least lost his monpoly is real.
pIssedoff,must be having sleepness nights when he thinks of the exposure that this service will provide,he probably would like Pp to do like in China censor internet etc...but you know what PISY,we will not accept being pull backward into the feudal time by any gang of mifias.Be prepared PP!
With havin so much content do you ever run into any issues of plagorism or copyright violation? My blog has a lot of completely unique content I've either created myself or outsourced but it seems a lot of it is popping it up all over the internet without my agreement. Do you know any methods to help stop content from being stolen? I'd genuinely appreciate it.
as pure facts states, the sfp (me as an i witness) never has been and never will be a "sise", never have we allied with the opposition parties, never have we seek out their help for anything.
SFP is a party of blah blah blah with no courage . Too scared to stand in an election. Gill is bitter because SPPF rejected him, SNP and other parties do not want to associate with him because he has a few screws loose in the head, en Bon fouka !!
Gill is pissed off because he thought that he was the crown prince of SPUP. according to him it was his papi that founded the parti and clothed FAR so the parti is his birth right. LOL!
Why should SFP whose popularity is sky rocketing for exactly the contary of PP thug regime use a failed regime as publicity?Any one with common sense would agree that if a party,oa comapny ,roganization needs publicity then it goes to have the best person like FFootball star,Film Star,a popular athelet etc for iits publicity no^t for intance,Ben Laden.The truth is that PP is distrubed by the way SFp is exposing it and the butcher and ilks cannot take in the heat.
SFP publicity is the silent majority supporting SFP not a gang of crooks who are on the verge of crumbling into pieces..
Who scare free and fair election are those who refuse to have an even playing field Pissy.SFP strastegy which was to boycott the last fake election was the irght decidsion to take and as you well-know it was a suceesful boycott with all the damage it done within both PP and SNP.SNP and NDP do not want to associate because as Beranrd George a SNP member publicly said"they are PP stooge parties"thus they paly the oppostion parties while being an itegrate part of pp:ppsponosor them,PP feeed them,PP makes them rich witzh tax payers money,PP makes them exist,without PP both will have long vanished into incognito.SNè NAD NDP do not want to jion the round table because they afraid to lost their ill-gotten wealth and the perks that go with it for doing nothing.They are traitors and will probably stay and die as traitors.For once a traitor laways a traitor.
Instead of preaching insult and redicule why not get serious?Why not RAM,Voclere come forward to face the free press?Why are they still hiding in the woods ,Pissy?
Jeanne D'Arc
En "SISE" PP is a fish that sticks on others, thus abuse others for its own prupose(like tick on an animal sucking blood) which in fact reflects Pp commuist crooks.It all started with the Coup D'etat in 1976 when the buther decided to stick illegally on power Like a SISE on a SAGREN to rob the nation.Since then by acting like a SISE all PP members have become multi-millionaires(though they still walk in public in shirts and trousers form India and China just to make us beleive they are the poorest of the poor,even Kim wear commuistt suites just for the illusion).Even some opposition leaders(known as stooges)and who are close friend to the crooked system benefit from Pp SISE mentality that has drained empty our coffers,created lots of unemployed,etc....Calling SFP SISE is a way of divertingattention for the real SISE crooked actions for the last fourty years and it is not by eticketing others with your own actions that will stop your crumblimg down nor confused the people.StopPP SISE those blood suckers and crimianl who have bankrutped our country and selling out our patrimony to foreigners.
Jeanne D'Arc
SFP i en Sise - they are stuck under the belly of SNP, Boulle and NDP and will go whatever direction these three parties go because Christopher Gill knows no other way! The insults he directs at them are just to cover the fact that he cannot survive without them!
Reply to last comments-
SFP executive Board passed a resolution last week to not seek or engage in any alliance with any party because they are all flakes and Collaborators collectively, in selling Seychelles patrimony.All are financed by foreigners.
Additionally, without SFP, the election reform table would be boring and lack solid ideas it would be wallowing in the Fred Flinstone age, right Boulle? Right Simon Gill?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
SISE, pissy are those who steal,rob,corrupted,murders all those definitions reflect PP crooked system,and it i not a communîst who would say the contary.Where are all our billions?Why are PP crooks and stooges multi-milionaires PISYY?How did they become rich in dollars Pissy?Well only a bllod sucker or a SISE can achieved so much wealth for they have suck our people dried.
Stop sucking the people blood Pp SISE.The truth PISSY is the pressure,the exposure,the way SFP has brought you naked and the exposure will continue until freedom is achieved ,we will not rest!
Jeanne D'Arc
Pa SALI TRAVYE foronm.Well ,the Foronm is already SALI why? 1)Electoral commisioners should be elected not appointed by Michel.2)Electoral Commision should be independent and when Michel apointed Commissioners at the Commision illegally it is not indenependent but a part of PP.
Then Michel showed a house and aksked"SA ZOT PAS TIR PROTRE-well No Michel,for there is a different from a house paid by a person from his own pocket,for money he or she worked for than houses like those for PP crooks paid by stolen money from the people.This house in question belongs to an idividual who can account from where he got his money and he is allow to biuld whatever seize,cost of house he wants ,Why?It is his money not stolen from the people.
Where is our missing billions PP?is what the people want to know not about the cost of a person who invested his hard earning money in his house.Where did you get all those millions to built multi-millions houses PP ?these are questions the people want to know not bull shit about a person investing his own money in his house.
So trying to compare a house built by a person whose money was legitimately obtained and PP crooks who served themselves illegally from the people coffers are not the same dogs.And it is not with such redicule that you will get way with your crimes.We will investigate in all cases invloving those big PP palaces you built with the people's stolen money .Accountability and transaprency PP!
Jeanne D'Arc
Gill you are spot on. Electoral reform talks would be boring without you and Isaacs comedy show.
What you should have noted Pisyy,is if PP is proposing a Electoral refrom is becuase of SFP pressure whithout SFP,the word refrom would have never exsit in PP's vocabulary.Though,PP porpsoed leninism refrom has not crdibility howerver ,SFp has forced them to take abput it.If PP does not want and refuse geniune refroms then we will refrom PP.
And as the SISE Pp called SFp,it will continue to stick in PP's rear ,thus earthed Pp^s buried secrets ,and enveil them to the people.As Pilotfish we are going to lead PP the (SAGREN) aground thus lead our people to democracy and get rid of the PP blooding -sucking ticks that have been suckling our poeppe blood for four decades .The SISE is a pain inPp's ass, that it can not get rid of.it annoy,disturb them that they cannot even have peaceful sleep. since you cannot get rid of us we will continue be the pain in PP's ass until our poeple get their country back.
Better be a SISE as (PILOTFISH that leads than a (blood-succking tick that suck dry our people blood.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissy where are you?Tell which fianacial scadal you refering to?Is it Lehmann brothers,Morgan U£2.4 millions,the missing millions St Ange is talking about missing in our tourism ministry,SR 30 millions invested in a buoilding by D.Savy(nt that the train cost will be cost almost less than Dvad Savy building ,which raises question about the cost of Savy's building),?tell us Pissy.
Jeanne D'Arc
The real Sise going on is Isaac Siseing Gill and Gill Siseing Isaac. Guess what SFP stands for Sise Fricking Pilons!
i meant the project to build a train service called Anse Royal express).
I guess Francis Larue(fricking pilon) is not a SFp supporter but PP.DId you forget who promotes indecency is this country?I'll tell again, the son of the Dr Mitcy Larue our unqualified health minister.
Jeanne D'Arc
In reply to the above;
As a vieux cong I seem to recall that before Francis there were many older and now retired pilons and some of them were in our time very indecent and just wanted to flaunt their pilonary on every one else. No one was safe with them. Jean Paul Isaac ask your uncle why he felt it was safer to take his man lover in the grounds of Saint Paul's Catedral?
With regards to indecency no one can top that!
Seen the letter in LSH by Mark Rose. Next SFP will call him a fake profile. Like all those that are against them. They just dont want to admit they have more against them than they do supporters
It seems you already realese and know that MArk Rose is faked and if he is faked we will establish his fakeness and enveil it to the people like we always do.The truth will always come out.
Jeanne D'arc
A word on Pp windturbines plants.
Though wind turbines do not produce carbon dioxide,which is the only advantage it produce,Wind turbines have more disadvantages than for instance ,Solar Panels.
Wind turbines one must know ,are much more expensive than solar panel,much more expensive to maintains,in our country they would operate only dirung the south east monsson,but even then they won't not be able to operate during the whole south east monson for wind turbines operate under certain wind conditions only,thus even in the south east monson they would be shut down from risks of breaking dowm.Wind turbines ae noisely,higher than trees,and we would need to instalted houndreds to really make it effective.wind turbines disfaced our environment.
The advantage of solar panel-one would need at least four panel on each house with a family of four.It provide electricity but also hot water.It is cheaper,less costly to maintain,last longer,do not disfaced the nevironment,easy instalted.easy to maitain.etcc
The question is why does PP opt for windturbines when solar panell on individual's house would be less costly,more effective for we have sun shine 9 months annually,
and so on?
Well,the naswer is PP does not knwp how to make consumers pay for the electircity produced by splar pannels uonce instalt on their houses.In fact it is easy as 1,2,3 but PP does not see how it would do that.Contact us,we have the solution of how payment can be made,an it iwill bring more income to PUC than those noisly,ugly wind turbins.Solarr panels will bring more benfit to customers and PUC both in the short terms and ling terms.
Note one solar panel cost about u$50 dollar piece in china and a family of about four persons would need four to effective depend of soalr enrgy,thus less costly to put solar panel on each house than having 20 wundturbines that life is verylimited compare to solar panels.
Call us PP,we will tell you how to make customers pay PUC all year roud cheaper but profitable to PUC on the long terms.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'arc is desperate she sees nothing good what PP is doing. jEANNE d'ARC knows all whats good!!!
AMAZING! I think she is on the wrong side!! THE BEST GOSSIPERS EVER! Not everyone repeats gossip, some like her improve and it with her borrowed denture.
If there is something though it is PP the crooked party it will say it is good,but after fourty years looking at the State -of the-nation with hyperinfaltion,bankrtupted economy,social disintegration,illegal sell out of the people patrimony,these are all negatives that cannot and should be praised for but crticized and rejected.
As onWind turbines,should you have make some researchyou would had found out that :1)a wind turbine is about 150 meters high with a proppeller extending to 70 meter in diameter,it noisy,costly to maintain,does not operate in all wind condition(keeping also in mind that we have about only four months of windy season ),it does not fit in the type on environemnt.In of words it has more negatives consequences to it than positive.The only tow positve aspect of it is that it is carbon free and provide eletricy.
Now the diffferent to Solar-which have more positive andvantages than negatives-It is cheap,easy to mount,cheap to maintain(note that amintainance is rarely needed comapre to wind trubines)it provide aprt from eletricity hot waters and many of advantages.As i said solar panel cost for instance in the USA u$10 u$12 piece and a house with a family of four would just need about four to five to produce enough electricity capacity that they< need.Thousand times cheaper than only singlwe wind turbine.
Pp problem as isaid lies it the fact that PP does not know after mounting the solar pannel on each houses how to make the cosumers pay them(pp) and PUC for a life long like for electricty produce by fuel.diesel etc-It fact there is an easy way to do it-It is both lucrative for PUC on the long term and very cheap for consumers all the time.
How to make consumers pay the their energy provide by Solar panel fixed on their house,contact us!
Jeanne D'Arc
All what is good is all the contary to what pp has practiced to date for every Pp actions have had negative effects on our people and country,thus the mess we are in.No one knows everything,but when one does not know something he should either listen to others or make researches both of which PP never accept or recognize,for the Butcher conciders himself a semi-god with all the answers thus the miserable state of our country.
Now take a little time ,focus on what Pp does for instance in regard to our health deficit and what i proposed as ideas ,you will find many of those ideas realistic of which no one single PP crooked ever thought of,for they never make research or find out how other succesful countries like Switzerland ,Sweden and others do.But especailly because PP never listen to those who are not Pp cronies though they have good ideas to offer and help the country move ofrward.There are manyx Seychellois with good ideas should PP listen to them many problems could haver been long solved.
Jeanne D'Arc
Zendark you telling us that during forty years that PP is in power you see nothing good! You are on MEDICATION my dear! I'm sorry to here that! We wouldn't call you a LIAR,let just say that YOU live on the wrong side of the facts. And Zendark you not a complete idiot we think just some parts are missing.
Oh have seen many things,Coup D'etat,butcvhering of our innocent brothers by the butcher,I heard Sesel Pou Seselwa back in 1976,i have seen PP once menial workers become multi-millionaire by robbing the people and they have robbed our people so much that they even have enough million to make a poor little priest call RAm multi-millioniare too.The list is endless that it would take a second book "a man of the people"by Dr Michel the butcher to details everything.
The part that is missing is the idiot part of my which God did not give me ,but to the butcher,adding my stupidity to his give a donkey suffering from madcow disease iwth catasrophic consequences on the life of our people and country.You know what even God committed mistake by creating devils like the butcher,the world would have been in much harmony without those killers.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
Stilling billion giving seselaw jobs to foreigners and killing peoples abd bringing foreigners on the island to divide Seselwa this is good for you?Why do you put your head in a toilet.
Parti Lepep it is understandable that your people are frighten when they here SFP.
Especially because you cannot buy us off. We are what we are because we do not live on sppf time line and PP and remember the time for communist's to feel at ease with ramkalawan and volcere even boulle is over.
We have you on camera and we are not afraid to use the footage, you take a dump in the bushes a camera will be there for you, you pick up prostitutes a camera will be there for the ride, you drink in public or baka sheds another camera is focused on you, you lie to the people and delete your trace well we have our own footage of you..
And remember if any fake oppositions are doing the same and is caught on camera we will use it the time for making PL take it easy is over while we live in fear.
People Plus barked up the wrong tree because a. people prints only 1900 copies as a fact and cannot even sell a thousand the rest is donated to government office whereby used for wrapping items, People plus prints only and i say only 2000 copies and is distributed in town only so is this the only amount of people that reads this paper fake identity like M.Rose on the defense of jean paul adam!
Anyway jean-paul adam we do not need extra camera's on him at his special condition since he takes the pictures himself and splashes it on facebook and other profiles.
Jean-Paul saves us money and time with his condition and a lot of them does same but camera is still active. Just wait for fibre optic to sink in and we will see if SBC will have viewers after seven!!
Fiber cable was probably delayed by PP for Pp cronies know that it will cuause them problems and they would be much more exposed.But,in the end with the increase of technoloiges and their inevitable uses in this 21st century PP has no option than to accept it.
Watching what PP controlled SBC has been showing for four decades namely propagandas and praises to the crooked Pp communist regime the introduction of fiber cable make them fear of more exposure but also of the rsik that their mouthpiece and propaganda machine went silence and this probability that SBC shut down or at least lost his monpoly is real.
pIssedoff,must be having sleepness nights when he thinks of the exposure that this service will provide,he probably would like Pp to do like in China censor internet etc...but you know what PISY,we will not accept being pull backward into the feudal time by any gang of mifias.Be prepared PP!
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