And now for the real Proposal From Parti Lepep Presented by MR.William Herminie from a Delegation Of three which is Headed bySimon Gill and complimented by Mr. Ralph Agrippine who may have written the article above for the People.
The Picture Below shows PL's three representations which at first glance you would note that these are Albert Rene's hard liners
Trois gros gren!
Great job SFP. I have never seen an opposition party expose these PL's like this.
Great job, keep it up.
Wavel should learn to work with bright people like SFP.
I see now. SFP here to stay
Trois donner gren!
James Michel should sack these guys and send in real PL that wants Democracy especially now that the commonwealth will be seeing how deeply committed James Michel's Proposal made by them does not even fraction democratic standards!
Firstly,we can ask why PP find it neccessary to change the rules when in the first place they themsleves never abide by the rule of law.There is a clear inttention by PP further subjugate the popualtion into submission of a one -aprty state dictaotrship.And this bill should be rejected by the population and all oppostion parties.Pp wants to have control on what we say,what we do,when we do,and the bill is aiming to silent allv those who opposes Pp and would put PP dictaorial regime in danger.Those targeted are clear-People Assembling,freedom of expression,freedom of speech ,but also there is an efford by PP to do everthing to silent the oppostion especailly SFP who is the main provider of free information to the people.
All Seychellois must reject PP authoritarian bill that consist of further enslave our people.And if PP insist ,we must take to the streets and once and for all get those monkeys out of power like the Tunisian,Egyptian,Lybian did.Thuis country is ours not for PP gangsters and cronies,it is time to make clear to PP crooks that enough is enough and we would not let you rape our freedom anymore.
The people should be the only legitimate bodyto decide what they want not a gang of crooks.Let us get ourselves preapred to finish with those monkeys once and for all, and this in 2012 not a year longer.
PP proposed bill is aimed at penalizing Seychellois citzens who will be disgussiong the fialures of PP.This will only undermine public participation in decision making furthermore,thus cannot be tolerated nor accepted.PP bill will give state paid killers more power to silent anyone at will opposing PP,thus more huamn rgihts violation under the guise of security public order etc...Moreover,such a bill,will give the pp controlled justice system unlimited power to arrest and keep people in detention as long as the wish,and that without charges etc..PP proposed bill will undermine other existing laws in place,thus violate the constitution.And the list is long.
We should in anyway accept or allow this little gang of crooks lead by The butcher,Faure and govinden to rape furthermore our liberties and civil rights as much asd our human rights.
oh my sweet jesus...herminie looks like winnie the pooh. LMFAO
simon gill looks like he is in peril, and check out ralph next to him. whats the matter boys......getting scared already, but we not done yet, wait till you see the best part
freedom loving seychellios
the parti lepep proposal is a good proposal, it is similar to the SNP/DP proposal...only deference is boulet made the proposal for them
Jeanne D'Arc is spot on again.
No wonder Albert Rene does not attend birthday party's at state house, we finally know his intent!!
The existing laws though written decades ago still fit today's time,and entail all waht PP is proposing.What PP hjas to do is abide by the rule not create new ones.One must also keep in mind when these existing laws was written they were doen so by taking all concideration into acount thus they are balanced.
Moreover,what Seychellois need is not a new legal order bill but genuine electoral refomrs,democratization of the country,and government accountability and transparency.After we have accomplished the about the new democratic governemnt can concider new legal order reforms and so on.
And lastly,equality is the best legal order.So let us get ready this time around to make sure we finish with those three old monkeys once and for all.PP seems to be asking for a peoples' revolution ,then we must gvie them.
Jeanne D'Arc
Gill, will you maintain STAR blog or shut it down. It is a disgrace that you can't keep it running properly.
Gill and Isaac are running out of steam. What they are maintaining are through forced efforts! Look how long it took before the first edition of STAR this year and they said it was "after a long deserved break!" My arse, they just run out of lies!
STAR will be a defen very soon so RIP STAR!
As for Laverite, well by June we will all be back on AKS and Jean la kok pistas will be rambling away as usual and Eoula will be back with his sucker punches while Gugin will resume his refereeing!
Many of us cut our political teeth on AKS until it was spoilt by that awful Parti Lepep woman who can't string an English sentence together despite a lifetime in the UK. Perhaps it is time to go back.
Only 10 % registred vote,Seselwa dont register your name until all Party accept the electoral reform.
Debate on facebook is more interesting, other than the odd fake profile (who even giving a pure democracy would still be scared to voice their opinion), people are more careful with waht they write but are frank. Check our Gustave De Commarmond profile for instance. AKS has had its time. Ti Sat is no longer supervising the site.
This is disgraceful from Parti Lepep. They are saying NO protests, no demonstrations, no meetings and no processions UNLESS Parti Lepep approves.
The Commissioner of Police should only be allowed to BAN protests etc on specified grounds only, relating to keeping law and order. The specified grounds would exclude all POLITICAL considerations such as "there are no elections at the moment, so no public meeting allowed".
Peaceful protests should not need the permission of the Commissioner of Police. The police should be there at the protests to facilitate the peaceful protests and to maintain law and order.
The fines remind me of the 1million rupee broadcasting licence fee -- too high and full of politics.
But too many closed Facebook walls, giving access to Friends only. I wish Gustave would leave his open to public as he already has the maximum 5000 friends.
Fuck Magregoir,Fuck communist.
Well.if Pp rpoceed with this dictaotrial elgal order bill,we will have to stop them either by streets ptoests and we will not obey to any fo those shits given the fact that PP thugocrtic system never respected any of the rule of law of this country.For decades now PP has not accounted for the epxenses they do as the constituion ask them to do.Eectorla COmmission should be independent,it isn ot.Justice independent it is not.National medias should given access to all parites there are not,Assembly should represent the poeple not the party,it is not although all those are stated clearly in our constitution and rule of law.Moreover,PP has gifted Khalfa land illegally and that in an national reserver,sold passports to foreigners,given our nationality to foreigners of GOP,allow russian to rape our environement,given governemnt built houses to Pp cronies only(discrimination and on and on.PP should be accounted for all those illegal deal and practices first.No to a trio amnipulation of our laws.
Time to screw up those monkeys.
Jeanne D?Arc
PP must first act legally before asking and manipulating our laws to fit themselves
Stop PP now.
Jeanne DÂrc
“Many of us cut our political teeth on AKS until it was spoilt by that awful Parti Lepep woman who can't string an English sentence together despite a lifetime in the UK. Perhaps it is time to go back.”
April 5, 2012 1:05 PM
That “woman” sounds uncannily like Jeanne D’arc wouldn’t you say?
Your comments about the debates on facebook sums up La Verite and it's impending demise!
Where one is allowed to voice their opinion on facebook, on here Gill, Jeanne D'Arc, Isaac and Johnny retaliates with insults unless you agree with them.
Hence they are bringing about their own demise through their lack of democracy and la verite!
It is not important how this lady or how i sound,the important thing here is to stop PP by all means.
$2,5 billion missing in ourcoffers ,PP has not yet accounted for even one cetn.
Illlegal papports sell ou
Illegal patrimony sell ou
Illegal importation of foreign killers(Gurkhas
Illegaly land gifted to Khalifa
Illegaly Elections
Illegal politcal party NDP
Illegal appointment of E cOMIISIONERS by the butcher
NO single countability and transparency
No audits kepts
These are the things we asking the butcher and his ilks for answers
The woman sound more like hot air coming from Khalifa^s asshole.
And finally, you PP cronies and goons all have your education in Seychelles (you started learning French at the age of Seven or nine) until the age of over eigtheen,why cannot you donkeys speak proper and mistake free fRENCH DOGS?,And especially when our mother tongue is derive from French and 90 percent of words are french words.
Jeanne D'Arc
YOu do not have to agree with us and we donot expect very body to agree with ,even GOD though our creature do not have theo support of all of us ,e,g you an atheist though god created you.Moreover,whern we donot agree with the simple and easiest thing to do is to convinc us by words and actions that you right,to date nothing that PP or its members.followers say can vbe physically proven to be true or factual.Whne we ask the butcher questions for instant he never answer,the same to RAM,volcere they all hide inthe bush whne searching for them to face the people.Come out from the bush,come out for bedates,TEll the butcher to organize a c8Q and A9preogram of our media then we can debate in order that the people can see,listen and particiate.That is the different from SFP to all the rest.
Jeanne DÀrc
What makes you think that all those who disagree with you are Pp?
It is your narrow-mindednes that will keep you where you are, down!
Jeanne d'Arc is clearly based on Praslin. That "woman" is based in London. Furthermore, that "woman" couldn't stand Gill "batar Mancham". I agree there are orthographical similarities.
You say it.I donot care who they are,for it their rights.What i care about,is all those who accuse me,us of inslting them becuase wesupposedly donot agree with them to come forward and convince us by proofs and facts why we should agree with them.For instance,PP tells us lies and they convinced themselves that those lies they telling us (we-the people) (according to them)are going to beleive in them automatically.Well,the best way to convince someone i guess ,should be by proofs not words.Then just imagine human will always agree or not disagree probably we would not have been that far in our civilization.Different opions bring different perspectives,it is healthy,it kleep things moving.We would like PP wehen the do deagree with us to come out from the woods and face us,then we can bedate and set things straight.By the way where is RAM,some of his supportors have some questions for him,on how he became mulit-millionaire without working for they too when to get rich as RAMY.
Jeanne D'Arc
I am a Praslinoise,thus i am base on Praslin precisely at Cote D'or which has a popualtion of about 300 persons.Should be easy fro Pp crooks to find me.
Jeanne DÂrc
Jeanne D'arc the only reason YOU are based in Praslin is because GILL is based in Praslin. Gill = Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc = Gill = heysey
Born in Praslin,Proud to be Praslinoise.I ma proud to be Praslinoise not only because i was born on Praslin,but because Praslinois have always been invloved in any attempted to get rid of Pp communist in the past.And since they did not succeeded ,i am prepared to fulfill successfully my mission as a tribute to them,for they were brave people like Seychelles hero Gerald Houreau.THe latter once Pp topple i will propose his statue replace that of ZOMLIBRE the symbol of tyranny.
Jeanne D'Arc
How much did you pay for that Praslinois citizenship....or was it gifted to you for betraying tonton James?
If you are truly a Praslinoise rasin then give me a Tyangonmon recipe!
Ban on lighting of fire - 05.04.2012
The environment department has since yesterday imposed a ban on lighting of fire within the country.
Legal action will be taken against any person found lighting any type of fire while the ban is in force.
Source Nation - can anyone shed some light as to why and the reasons.
Dry weather. No rain. God does not love us.
Michel ti batar lekel?
Rene ti batar lekel?
why don't you tell us ?
What is happening in the Ralph Volcere's case ?
Ni Michel , Ni Rene, pa konn zot papa kouyon.
Is that right ? Is that what made them a psychopath ?
To the kouyon before Easter:
Your real father was my neighbor enbesil, look one time in the mirror every morning aven ou bwar sa lanmok dite kler. YES! YOU!
Send to PL Proposal to all international organizations.
Lekel papa Christopher Gill
Lekel papa Jean Paul Isaac
Si labour koko ek sanpye kouve ti kapab koze then maybe we would all know!
Solda Rene
Gill and SFP are making history with this past weeks laverite were even ralph volcere and his little quasi modo was seen picking the ten to five copies from the shop and speeding away with it to dispose.
though this was a wasted effort as i had my copy given to me by hand by the sfp sg i have this to say about one article, SFP you are right albert has embarked on a boat with snp ndp and boulle and to the extent that gustave is recruiting people on facebook for them, they think that michel is in cohoots with khaliffa to sideline rene and rene is reacting.
What they fail to realise is albert killed many and is and will always be sppf pl so what does that make volcere, boulle and ramkalawan?
At least sfp has claimed they will not make deals or negotiate with communist's!
En zabitan dan bodanmyen!
Please let Gill's dad RIP.
arrrr mon ker pa nesezer ki nou la ger. x2.
Is he Gill's dad ?
I thought James Michel was reforming this country. This proposal makes me sick, he is worse then Albert Rene.
My family will leave Seychelles for Australia. We cannot take another 5 years of madness with this man.
Reply to last comment. I have family in Zimbabwe and we too will leave Seychelles soon for the same reason.
Everybody read LAVERITE,REALITY;STAR,they have become PP,SNP NDP sources of stealing ideas, they^ve long run out of imagination.
Jeanne D'Arc
Anyone reading STAR ?
Going to Guam anyone...?
Quelqu'un may need a lift soon!
Mr Kilindo rights was abused by PP thugs after comaplaining about PP police failure to deliver.>PP makes Mr Kilindo the victim the culprit.
But the most improtant point here is to srutinize PP's allegation that Mr Kilindo is treathening the peace.Thus the uwestion does civil rights threaten peace or national security as PP thugs proclaimed?and is antioanl security more important than civil rights?before we answer this question we must first identify which part of National security or as PP alleged(peace)we are refering to.Because if it is about interanl security,a threaten against our freedom do not exist.
Civil rights is the rights for us the citizens of this country to have privacy(which Mr Kilindo^s complains seems to be about his prviacy),the right of peaceful protest(that is waht Mr Kilindo did),the right to persoanl freedom(which Mr Kilindo was exercising)and equal protection(which was supposed to be given to him by the police forces-which is clear his he did not have equal protection but brutalize by the every same police ofrces who should proetect him).
Moreover,Mr kilindo right to express himself(a human right)does not make him a terrorist,it makes him a concern citizen who cares about his country and his act ,thus when PP's thugs take Mr Kilindo rights to express himself,PP,you violate his civil rights.
In fact,interanl securtiy(peace)depends on civil rights being honored.Civil rights and Human rights have got to be priorities in a society and these rights must in any case be eroded for the sake and pretextes of internal/national security/peace whatever.
PP must investigate its thugs and bring them to account and Mr kilindo should not be made the culprit for execiseing his rights of free speech and freedom of protest.
Furthermore,National security/peace whether interanl or external ,is nothing if civil right is curtailed.National security is threaten only if there is dissatisfaction citizenry if not in the system of ogvernemnt but because of its leaders and how these leaders execute or impelement their leaderships that would best serve the interest of its people.
Justice for Mr kilindo PP a victim of police terrors.
Jeanne D'Arc
Correction:Pp makes Mr Kilindo the culprit while he is in fact the victim.
Alain St Ange's comments on the Auditor General's report on STB where he left a financial mess behind, as reported in The People:
"Mr. St Ange finds serious contradiction in the mandate he had received from President Michel, who at the time was also Tourism Minister and remarks made in the Auditor-General’s report. He said it was drawn up by an English auditor not “au fait” with Seychelles realities."
Not sure whether St Ange is passing the blame to Michel for the mess at STB. St Ange spent too much time promoting himself and writing press releases on himself and Michel for Eturbo News that he failed to run STB properly. Now he has the whole Ministry of Tourism and Culture to mess up, together with James Michel. He has not stopped writing press releases for eTurbo News. We are no employing a government minister to write for eTurbo News.
Sis lo sa Banla laba!
Breaking news _PISSY
A full flgiht of Chinese communsit state wrokers landed in Seychelles.This trip is a gift from the Communist party to their cromines for long service and devotion to the party.It is will not bring revenues to our guest houses,Pubs,boat charters for all is paid at cheaper price and all inclusive as both gifted from the communsit party of China to its cronies and as thanks from PP for all the millions China are lending to us(debt to be paid back by our people)to keep PP aliveHaving said that it fdoes not mean that we donot Chinses tourists here ,YES we do,but we need real toursits that come to slend not organizaed communist tour as compensation to Chinses communist cronies.
Seychelles depend on tourism St Ange,thus we need real tourists that spend not fake tourists for the communsist comic show.
We need a direct flight from Europe St Ange.
Jeanne D'Arc
Hey Totof did you go to the airport to see if there was any distant relatives on the flight?
Beze ek sinwan zot pa rekonet batar!
There was only MOA'S daugthers,brothers and uncles visiting the butcher the communsist friend and fan of MOA, and of course the chinese guide who guided RAm aruond China on his secret visit there.May be Faure can make some new friends he has some in Cuban friends but not in Chinese,that an opprtunity from him.
Jeanne D'Arc
The next 10 (ten) years China will be a Super Power in AFRICA. So watch out Diego Garcia.
It is ambitious to control Africa economic as did by the European during the colonial time will not meet the Chinises expectation,for already invasion ,land grab,but also the massive immigrants flow of Chinese to Africa to colonize Afirca a second time is encountering fierce resisitance by ordinary Afircan be it in Uganda,Ethopia,Niger,Chad and so forth.No Nationals in this twenty first century want to go back to the dark days of theri history where they were exploited and abuses by others crooked nations,this era has long gone.
Jeanne D'Arc
Are we going to be caterpillars forever?!
Those who believe China will become a superpower in this region, have a poor understanding of the dynamics of USA determination.
Similarly, those who believe the USA will permit Communist expansionism to take root in the Indian Ocean will be will be in for a surprise.
When you are surprised, do not say Freedom Party did not tell you.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Those who don't believe CHINA is buying USA think again! China is saving their butt. Chinese business people are buying real estate all over in the east to west coast. And they are paying cash. Google it "SI OU KWAR MON LALENG"! If it true please "PA MET LAKORD DAN ZOT LIKOU"
Chinese is buying real estate which are resulting in desplacement of african farmers from the ancestral land and that without their consent.
Fro instance,four years ago Ethopain Dictotar Zakawi secretly made a illegal and secret with China by gifting thme three quatres of fiertile Ethopian land to Chinese,which resulted in a massive protest.Instead of(ethoian)asking Chinese waht they want as food and produce themsleves in order to sell the Chinese and others they allow themselves to be exploited.Morevoer,these lands are being leased ofr 100s of years form one dollar(same like PP did to Eden Island etc..)while producing food not to feed African or thmesleves but for exportation.The problem again is not the Chinese but thsoe crooked African dictators who do not have forsights and use the opportunities for their own ends.They happy of pocketing a few millions while allowing Chinese also Indian and others to exploit their natural resources and make multi-billions out of it.
African must wake up,they have all the world natural resources that can make them the richest continent of the wrold but as long ax those tyrannts hold power Africa will continue be the arean of plunders by all kinds of foreign benefitors and exploitators.
Jeanne D'Arc
Communist have to put their head in the toilets for wrong doing all these years of corruption and killing.
The same can be said for Capitalism.
The crimes committed by communists cannot be compared to capitalism.Communists have murdered more people that Nazis, and capitalism have never holds human beings hostage of their human rights and freedom.
Jeanne D'Arc
Eoula bez aranz ou morso don Zandark! Napa dimoun kinn touy plis zot prosen ki bann kapitalis. They are still doing it to this day! The word today is "oil!" Just mention it and the capitalists will wipe out a whole nation.
They will even fix it to make that nation look like a superpower threatening democracy!
The hague was set up by them yet the irony is that it is them who should be taken to the hague for crimes against humanity! Un jour!
Do you read you quotation of the day on your forum? if so then you would have read today's quote by a great thinker of yesteryear:
"Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people."
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
He was a gayboy like Isaaq a.k.a. Ti Johnny but unlike Isaaq a.k.a. Ti Johnny he had brains!
Isn't it democracy that you are fighting for in Seychelles Totof?
So what do you make of that quote?
By the way, guess what? They made a movie of Che!
They murdered him and now after all those years they decide to make a movie of him to cash in on his popularity! That's capitalist for you! Hypocrites, double standards. They would sell their own mother for a dollar!
Flying my colour....always!
'I began revolution with 77 men,if I had to do again ,I will do it with 10 to 15 men and absolute faith. It does not matter how old I am, if you have faith and plan for action'
The Legend.
Solda Rene pa pou mor koumsa...
Au zarm...
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