Press Release
Leader of Seychelles Freedom Party Christopher Gill has given a series of declarations on behalf of the party in a press conference April 18th, 2012.
On the division in PL, Mr. Gill said that this is normal and it should continue and does not concern the SFP.
While Faure camp has lobbied the opposition for support, which he understands, the NDP and SNP is cooperating, Mr. Gill said that the SFP does not enter into any political agreements with Communist parties or their factions.
Additionally, it was revealed that the SFP Executive Committee passed a resolution on March 16th, 2012, in which the party resolved not to enter into any political alliances with any party in Seychelles, because the SFP believes these parties all of them, do not have any credibility, to defend the principle of “SESEL POU SESELWA”, since all are funded by foreign elements that want to determine and manipulate the outcome of elections in Seychelles.
For full transcript of this press conference, please contact the SFP office.
SFp has tentatively made all effort needed to get the oppostion aprties unite in order to formulate alterantives to PP thuggish and absolated regime.Hence,SNP and NDP have refused to unite for unexplanable reasons with SPF to work together for change and freedom.
This is not happening at this time and in the near future because cominf together look grim.-The grim characteristic already has hit the stage largely because one or two of the key players has a greater interest in advancing one-upmanship and not to genuine national unity amid a pervading and growing political distrust.
Some of those leaders asked how can we come together when we have different political agendas?The answer is unity is not uniformity andwhen parties come together they donot come together simply for coming together,but in order to do something for the future.It is more true for they all seem to have the same enemy,so why SNP ,NDP Boulle refused unity when they are supposed to be fighting the same enemy?The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion.
No one has ever grasped why Seychellois run out of truth and pratical liberators all these big belly so called opposition are doing is to talking but never acted.
Since SNP,NDP and Boulle have dicided to plyy the stooge parties of PP thugtocracy, Sfp has taken the right decision to go alone(alone without the other so called oppostion parties)but will instead work directly with the citizens to bring about the change they want and deserve.
Fake parties can not and would never bring about geniune change thus together with the people we will work together to gain back our country from those gang of criminals robbing our people and country dry.
We have to come together(we the people)and fight our freedom and protect our country from the Butcher and his stooge parities' follies.We must not expect SNP and NDp to free us from PP madness for they are part of the gang ,what we need to do is we the people to come together and in unison we will get those thugs out of power and gain back our dignity.
SFP is fighting with a destination which will set us free;and since where there is unity there is victory.With the people together we will earn this victory.
Let us keep moving ,we are on the right track,nothing can and would stop us miving forward;SFp has in a few motnths achieved a lots compare to those fake stooge parties and together with the people and their growing support we will gain back our land.
We are moving to fredom no one ccan stop us.
Jeanne D'Arc
The lady is spot on again and again!
They cannot stomach the brains of Gill and Sesel Pou Seselwa, nothing else.
SFP is the Home Alone party.
So much for "Seselwa Unite". After calling for Seselwa and the opposition to unite, Gill has now adopted the "home alone" strategy for his party.
Who will and can trust Gill ? I bet even Isaac does not trust Gill, not really deep down because he can't be that stupid.
Isaac will make his public declarations of loyalty to Gill but even he must have realised by now that Gill has now idea what he is doing.
SFP has written 2 letters to SNP NDP, calling for a united approach.
None were replied.
SFP is not in the business of flattery of failed politicians.
Seselwa will unite under the SFP to preserve SESEL POU SESELWA!
SFP has written 2 letters to SNP NDP, calling for a united approach.
None were replied.
SFP is not in the business of flattery of failed politicians.
Seselwa will unite under the SFP to preserve SESEL POU SESELWA!
Seselwa will never unite and vote for SFP. You, yes YOU stop dreaming and move on. Can't you see SFP is dividing the opposition? If election was to be held tomorrow I will hold my nose and vote for any DONALD DUCK,but for SFP? NEVER,EVER!
Pti klo i fek leve.
Those opposition leader are hungry for power,that's why they dont want to unite they want communist to continue screw them in their ass.
Ti Klo ou fek leve al lav ou kabo !
Mr. Gill I worked with SNP and left them. They post these negative comments on you. Its all the same people. Ignore them.
I will vote for SFP, it's the only party so far who is not a bed fellow with Khalifa and co.
SNP, DP & BOULLE are fighting very hard to maintain the status quo because if PP falls, many secrets will surface and they will also fall.
Most of the comments Mr. Gill are posted by Wavel Ramkalawan on his Apple.
He is worried about you and SFP because you will cut off financing he needs to maintain his high and mighty life style.
He recently purchased a Mercedes Benz 4 door from the Russian Embassy , Mr. Gill. You should expose that to the people as well.
He has sold out a long time ago. But Mr. Gill you know about it, but you stayed quiet for a long time. That was not good of you.
Ramkalawan ti envoy li ferfout.
Z0t pa'n don li "a slice of the pie"
sen men'm i araze. Byent'o pou reste zis li tousel den fredom parti.
Ramka in fini vin en non-factor.
I pa drol pou en pere kinn avoy son legliz fer-foot pou lamone anvoy en lot dimoun fer-foot pou plis lamone.
SFP takes bold stand for the principles that our ancestors fought for namely freedom and liberty.Those Pp stooges who oppose us can never be converted-not as long as we are doing what we need to do-defend the honor and dignity of our people.The silent majortiy that support SFP are looking for an organization of ordinary men and women like them who boldly stand for a honorable cause and they view appeasement and politcal correctness with disgust and disdain-as well they should.
We understand that inheriting the benefits of descending from men/women on noble character brought with it certain obligations of nobless.
Therefore ,SFp and all freedom loving Seychellois will continue to keep this old abage alive "AGIR POUR PAS SUBIR" and that until victory.I would add"Le malheure a chaqu'un coute plus chercher que les bonheure de tous".
Time for regime change!
Jeanne DÂrc
Jeanne DÂrc April 21, 2012 10:15 AM
Quote: SFP takes bold stand for the principles that our ancestors fought for namely freedom and liberty.
Un quote: Please spare my ignorance and remind me who our ancestors were that fought for freedom and liberty? Please name them!
All those who were freed by French from slave ships and brought here to give birth to our Nation(seychellois) and who fought on the side of the French , against the Brits, who wanted to takeover our land by forced,which unfortunately the latter succeeded.Why did they fight the Brits for they considered thmeslves as a free Nation.You might say but they were under French colony,thus not free)Well .i think there ,there is a misunderstanding of what colonization is(and unfortunately we all were taught this mistake at school),for me the French was not a colonizator,for when the French settled here on the islands there was not indigous inhabitants nor the isalnds were claimed by any others existing nation so it could not or we can not say We Seychellios were colonized by the French for the French who make it possible and gave birth to the Nation call seeychellois.In of words ,Colonization ,is when a country already inhabited and belongs already to a people and is taken from them by another nation.For example,Cuba,was a colony of Spain for when the spanish landed there, there was already a nation there ,the same to African countries when european landed there there was poeple already living there .Got it Pissy.
Then ,we have, unfortunately forgot the Seychello-African who fought the colonizator.He was a bit like Kunta Kinte for Africans on the main continent.
Revise your history and advice PP crooks to do the same,it might help them understand our values and heirtage and may be they might stop selling out our patrimony.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
I found (an ancestor among others )who fought for freedom back then,His name was CASTOR.
Jeanne D'Arc
I found one too!
His name is Honorable,President,The Legendary Mr.FRANCE ALBERT RENE, on that faithful day of cenkzenmilnefsenswasandiset.
The people call him the Seychelles' PAL POT,for having butchered together with the master in butchery Michel the butcher.
Jeanne D'Arc
butchered our people.Pissy!
Eoula langet ou manman did he butcher mari ou manmam???
No he did not butchered mari mon manamn ,but more then that namely many Seychellois innocent who were victim for they oppose PP coup D'etat and hijacked of the democracy.Whether it was miar mon manamna or those innoncent Seychellois butchered for the resitance,waht matters is justice is done and PP thugs must make no mistake,Justice will be done.Why?For if we allow crimies to go free without punishement we can be sure history would repeat itslef ,we have a duty to avoid that.
Jeanne D?Arc
Yes in fact Albert Rene , James Mancham, babi Mancham, Mickey Mancham as well as a string of Men did Enjoy the favours of Gill's mother. She was one of those who warmly welcomed the Yankees here and also frequented the politicians. Credit goes to Peter Gill who tolerated this and brought ip the little barstard Christopher Gill who turned round at the end of the day and bit the hand that fed him. Thus the reason he mistreats his mother today. Christopher Gill know one thing. Your mother did what she did to ensure you kids got a better life, especially you. Now show gratitude to the likes of Sir James and Rene for contributing to feeding and educating you.
Quote gill: "No he did not butchered mari mon manamn"
April 23, 2012 11:58 AM
Then liki ou manman why the fuck were you, some months ago, accusing him of killing Mickey on one of you blog pi pisar? Remember how you were calling for an investigation fes liki ou manman?
You were adamant that SPUP killed Mickey Mancham - how you forget quickly you fat turd!
Now in your own words, wearing Zandark's penwar, you have said that he did not kill mari ou manman! You have just perjurred yourself!
He killed liki innocent seychellois whoever he butchered it does not make his crimes less important.JUSTICE will be done.
Jeanne D'Arc
Lets talk about Mickey first langet!
Reply to "Langet"-
Every murder must be investigated in Seychelles. This is why we have called on the ICC to intervene.
Too many murders are tied to the policy of political cleansing in Seychelles.
Over the years, a pattern has developed, and though it has been masked well, the pattern still exists.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Let's talk about the mess created by Pp affecting our people on a daily basis since fourty years.They are awaiting for solutions not langet
not insults from their culprtis and to their problems.Your rogue regime has subjugated our people,emprovished them,killed them,sell out their patrimony to foreigners then when they tell you to stop and change your way you got the guts to even call them LANGET.Are you the servants of the people or their masters?You know what you better mind your language and be remembered to be careful of those olive branches and those freedom drums not still silent,if you continue to insult our people these oilve and freedom drums might surface any time then you would have your ass left to hide into.Our people have too collectively failed to demand answer to their questions before us thus has kept pp rogue corrupt regime and its stooges alive to commit their atrocity and corruption.Seychelleois is no more ready to be subjugated and see theri freedom rob by a handful fo crooks,they want their country back and that very soon.
Be careful of those freedom drums PP!
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Pressure is on.
Michel says No opponent is SFP.
Michel is a shame to say, that the pressure from SFP are bitting in their ass.
He does not even has to say it,his raushed to Asia for medical check confirmed that.The intra-conflict within PP confirms that and amny other sings confirm the nose deep of PP and its stooges.
Jeanne D?Arc
Rodney Akong will leave Nice Volleyball at the end of the season.He wll be going for new adventure he has signed a new contract with Rennes volley and its a new test for him because he will be also playing in the european cup next season.
Pp and UNESCO are tlking about CULUTURAl diverstiy and if it is good for development.Well,the question should rather if it is good for a nation and its sovereignty.The answer by refering to past history show that it is not,it create conflicts,it detroy culture,tradtion,and etc.. of a nation and even it can result in war.Example.KOSOVO a historical party of SRBIA which has now become a second state for ALBANIAN.Soveiregnty and antion is above cultural diversity and when it comes to cultureal diverstiy we already done our own cultural diversity by having a nation call seychellois and we not going to allow UESCO nor PP crooks to impose thier immigration program on us.
Cultural diversity is just the oppostion of immigration,it is about defending our tradition,langauge,way of lives,mentalitiy ,religious etc...Mankind did not decided to have soviereign states than to allow other nations to come and modify their culture ,tradition by the so called cultural diversity then there would ahve been no use of building sovereign states.Moreover,all over Europe there is a bedate on such issue and in their majority all those western countires want to just that,reduce or stop immigration on their land because it create problem and deform sovereignty.In Seychelles we have been already seeing the cons of massive migration of foreigners on our shores-destruction of our environment,praticies like throwing ashes of dead bodies in our rivers(Indain expats),our people being tunred into thrid class citizerns.their ancestral land being gifted to foreigners,our institutions control by foreigners,etc..etc..etc
Finally when we look all the conflicts in countries where there are different wethnic groups for instant Iraq,Syria,Sir Lanka I,Indaai,and so on there are always wars,conflicts ,seychellois should not let PP and Unesco come to modify our culture,tradition etc in the name of development.Our nation,sovereignty are more import than developemnt by foreigners.Development of our country must be done by us just like the development of India,China etc must be done by Indain,Chinese etc...
Jeanne D'Arc
Again on PP and UNESCo so called cultural diversity.Waht is it really?It about turing our land into a global village.In of the owords,Pp wants to turn our land into a potemkin village.
Thought put might argue that culture diversity help develop which might be aprty ture thus it is not a neccesity.Examples,China,India,Japan and many other countires strong economically do not depend on culture diversity to be successful.
Artificail diversity is divisive,far from being a universal good,diversty by itself is dustructive without social cohesion(i.e aritifcial multiculturalism is a deadly poison for any society that dare to derink it.Human from various races are not interchangeable.That is actually demeaning to the people involved.
Morevoer,without a central culture for people to adhere to,forced diverstiy only porduces strife and animosity.
Cultural diversity endager identity and and soviergnty.Historical events shoe that.Examples-Aborigine,Tibetians,Fijians,and many more nations becuase of the so called cultural diveristy have benn reduced to slave intheir own land.Often by foreigners that thmeslves donot accept cultural diversity in their own land(ChinA,iNDIA;pAKISTAN, etc..who are ready to invade and colonize others land not becuase they ove and want to integrate in their new host country but mainly becuase of ecnomic,ocial befenits that those host countires offer while they forced their own customs,tradition,culture on those who hosted them.Examples-Arbs immigrated (most often illegally)to Canada now wants that Canadian modify the rule of laws to introduce SHIRA law and legalize it.around Europe muslim communities have illegally created their own little states within others states.Example Pakistanis in UK.
In other words the so called cultural diversity that Pp wants to impose on us will kill our indetity and trun our people to slave.There are many examples in our country of this probelms.Example.Khalifa an Arab has illegally built a place in our National reserver making it the land of our land.Foreigners are building on coastal areas against all construction laws of our country and even blocked seychellois accept to their public beaches.(they have dicided that they above our laws and have the rights to create their own laws.Foreigners are controlling our institutions-Ramdoss an Indain our Commercial dept,Irish and Napalese our police forces and prisons,Our justice dept,Amdassies, etc..etc.. and etc...
Pp cultural diversity is nothing less than legalizing immigration and colonization.We must reject those kinds of practices that do nothing than destroy our culture,rape our sovereignty,tradition,and nation.
Jeanne D'Arc
Before the butcher start bombarding us with lies on the ocst of living .Let has a look of waht minaly cuases cost of living especially in dictatorships.One thing is clear cost of living is mostly cuase in countires under dictatorila rule through corruption and bureaucracy.
Devalution of our currency and stagnation of increase in wage of employees have made them unable to purchase the continuous increase of commodities and adding to it the soars inflation figures that determine salary is in bad shape making it impossible for any businesses to increase salaries of their workers.MONOPOLY of some business sectors cause high cost,such businesses just increase the costs at will without justification and sometime with astronomic high price increase on commodities that help agravate the problem.Solution Price controland regulations are needed.
How is PP helping the citizens coping with the durbenwell so far by just putiig the blame on golbal crisis and high pirce of world markets.
What we think Pp goverenmnt could take as actions at national levels are:Regulate those pirces of dairy product Rice,SSSUgar etc that are astrnomic in our country and without justification,this will sapre the ogverenmnt the nned to increase wages and also subsidies for most eccentail items.A hold or discrease of VAT at the moment that further impede bsuinesses .There are more solution that c an be taken immediately,Pp can call us.
jeanne D'Arc
Hahahahaha... did I cracked something here? It look like one of the jeandark is none other than Hersey, kot anbalangar.
I think we heard J.Hersey last night trying to blend reality with fiction.,In 2008 when he took office he promised us to pumped our own oil in 2012-broken promise or pure lie?While he told that "after all we donot produce fuel"which explain the increase of fuel price(which we understand) thus he did not explain why natural water that we pump from our rivers must also increase by 15% -May becuase water is synonym to fuel for him?He talked about reduce wastage but not corruption at state level that has become national folkflore,not a word on acountability and transparency needed to exactly allow his failed governemnt to reduce wastage including corruption..He was asking an already emprovished citizens for more sacrify for mistakes created by his regime but no sacrify onthe part of his governemnt by for instance ,reducing their own big fat cat salary,pensions,gratuity,bonuses.He also said we must learn the culture of saving but how would a born thief learn the opposite of what he knows best?How is he going to make saving when his government does not know how to make money and must depend on the charity of foreign countries?He said he cannot reduce tax in order that he acheive his budget target or in other words his astronomic GDP growth to show the foreign lenders how good his is.But the fact is astronomic GDP while it does not produce employemnt,better wel-fare for the people and pruchase power to ordinary citizens affect our economy more than if he would have reduce slightly tax of bussiness in order to keep the busisness going than falling part like Pp regime which would have great consequences on the country's economy.He should have mentioned that there should be a need to reduce inflation that also cause the same effect as astronomic growth without employment etc.. of the country's economy.Or since we could not reduce or do not want to reduce taxs he could provide regulation (temporypirce ajustment)on basic commodies such as rice,sugar,oil to compensate a bit the fiancial durben endure by the people due to the increase of fuel pirce.
Conclusion,while we accept the fact that the situation has been created by actions not under our control however, PP regime failed to take part of the blame of the sitaution due to pp's illiteracy in economy , corruption , that partly contributed to the crisis. He also failed to propose or take immediate actions that could help ease the durben on ordinary citizens.
And since PP is calling on our citizens to do more sacrify for their fialure it would be wise for PP to may be call on oppostion for a helping hand to get us out of this hole digged for us by PP mis-management over the decades .
Jeanne D'Arc
Cultural diversity my ass. It's another ploy by muslims to change our cultural landscape. This is being financed by Khalifa himself. He wants Seychelles to be an islamic state and want to make sure laws are there to protect them as they start. Once they established and become the majority these same rules they will crush. We are on the way to hell Seychellois. Terrorist are invading, very soon we will need bomb proof churches. The burglar bars we have on houses will no longer enough as Islam gets the go-ahead under the guise of cultural diversity.
One love!
Do not let the isms and skisms divides us.
NIO Michel and ilks want it for they think it will helpü them in their manipulation,use them a kamikaze to rob election,create ethnis conflicts which Pp can use to divide our people but also it will be a good excuse to intorduce torrism laws that will allow Pp to arrest without justicfiction any persons who oppose the system.Khalfia aslo and his brothers in Saudi Arabia,Bahrain,etc are introducing laws to reduce foreigners from the countires for after the poeple revolution they have came to understand that all those foreigners that they imported as cheap labours to their lands and are not resdients have out numbered them and want to take over their countries from them.For instacne,iN uae THE POPULATION IS NOW MADE UP OF 80PERCENT FOREIGNER WORKERS which they did not control that have now out numbered them and they cannot even forced them to go home for as they have become the majority the risk that the take arms and take total control of their land is big.Singapour has also change its policy of immgrant workers becuase of massive immigrantion and the negatives it cause to their society.
Only this monkey Michel and his ilks think we should import problems to our shores that we never had.
Time to stop those monkeys now by poeple revolution or by< coup dÈtat.
Artificail culture diversities preaching by PP is nothing than noe-colonialism ,we will not allow that otbhappen here on our peaceful land.
Jeanne D'Arc
ILE soleil paid 100 percent by tax payers money for whatever reason FAURE suddenly have 0ne percent sgare in it.My question PISSY.How much money has FAURE paid to the ogvernment for his probably self-gvine share of one percent in Ile Soleil?Waht the deal of beinf sharholder in ILe soleil made public that any one can have a share?if not why Not?Where did Faure who only job has been a minister had on those millions to be able to be shareholder in Ile Soleil project?And why< have other se<chellois never been offer sahres?How was the deal made?Who made it? By FAURE himslelf for himself?We need answers to our questions and physicall proof of all deals in regards to ile Soleil.
Jeanne D'Arc
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