March 13, 2012
Mr. President Barack Obama
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, District of Columbia
RE: PRC Expansion in The Republic of Seychelles and Indian Ocean Region(IOR)
Dear President Obama:
I am writing to you concerning the ongoing urgency concerning the President of Seychelles, Mr. James Alix Michel’s invitation to People’s Republic of China (PRC) to offer a location for their expansionist ambitions in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) as a rising naval force.
We believe, this situation poses a threat to regional stability and Seychelles is being held hostage to this expansionist program that is being encouraged overtly by Mr. Michel, under the guise of fighting Somalia pirates, but in reality, it is encouraged out of his need to politically survive with PRC influence. In early December 2011, a high level delegation of Forty (40) top PRC military officials met with Mr. Michel and he openly offered the PRC the opportunity to set up an operational military base in the Seychelles territory.
This overt invitation was done under the guise of fighting piracy in the region. However, it should be noted, the PRC retains the largest embassy in Seychelles, and has exerted its influence through funding of the Michel regime now, for many years with ulterior motives.
This funding has been most opportune during election years, and largess from the PRC is most prominent throughout Seychelles.
For example, the PRC has funded and built the National Assembly in Seychelles.
PRC has built public houses which are used to systematically enfranchise the members of the ruling Communist party, while disenfranchising in a systematic manner, those citizens that hold opposing political views to the regime. The housing program in Seychelles, has been a key tool in furthering political cleansing of opponents in Seychelles.
Currently, the Judiciary Building is being built by PRC in Seychelles. This public building is conveniently situated next to a new military base, funded and built entirely by the UAE as it furthers its expansionist ambitions in the region.
I humbly ask you as President of the United States, to continue to assist our region as a leader in the fight against piracy. In this spirit, I am certain you will not be fooled by accolades of rogue leaders, who do not genuinely respect democratic norms and cunningly attempt to cloud the air, confuse the international community, in their ambitions and allow PRC to set up a military base in Seychelles, under the guise of fighting piracy motivated by the single need to politically survive and not deliver democracy as so promised to their people.
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Yes Gill
Expose the Communist!
Gill; Obama said he will help the Afican countries if HE gets elected. Guess what? What did he do until now! NOTHING. Not even in KENYA where he was born. What makes you think HE will take your letter in consideration!Its up to you and the oppo.parties to make sure people vote against the regime! But you guys cannot get along "ZOT PAREY SAT EK LISIEN" This is why SPUP/SPPF/P.P keep winning one after the other.Since last election opposition said "LAPLENN PA NIVO!" Its almost one year since, what did you do so far? Just trash each other!!!
So you think OBAMA can do miracle!!
Too late for an April Fool joke !
His hands are tight right now!
Unless you show them the BLACK GOLD!!
This is a timely letter to Obama Gill, it shows that you and this sfp are thinking out of the box and you are not scared to deal with them.It also shows me you people are not bombastic like Weekly NDP and not sheepish like SNP, who always have every excuse to do nothing about everything. I like the sfp style, but I do not like the post of the naked man.
Mr. Gill I like the letter. Great job. Write one to the Pope as well and expose this communist regime that is the same system as in CUBA. Ask him to visit Seychelles and pray with us to cleanse the hearts of the wicked Parti Lepep.
Who will write to Gill ? Gill himself ?
Gill is right as always man if you were Seychelles president everyone would be happy and in comfort.
Keep up the good work and do not listen to these guys and critics because America will be concerned about a Chinese military presence in the Seychelles and for Diego Garcia defense.
SNP and NDP goes to Chinese embassy cocktails for the baozi and dumplings with rice wine and for a fact they get gifts from these guys every end of year and a large invite this is why they remain silence.
Naked man was a bold and good move because it shows that actions speaks louder than words next time post on Danny Faure and his drug deals gone sour as well
PP cronies and benefitors would boistered against SFP action,but each time they do so,it shows how effective those letters to Interantional roganization,to Mr Cameron,Obama shake pp and make the butcher get cold sweat.
Bring our concern to the world's most powerful leader is something that one must do,thus thank to chris for doing it,while we keep asking where is the other oppostion leaders?The letter will bring to Mr Obama awareness,that not far from his ancestor land KENYA there is still a little idiot call Michel,who is reponsible for many interantional breached such as particpiating in Rwanda's genocide,involoving in InteraNTIONAL TORRORISM THUS THE EXECUTION OF gERALD hOUREAU ON bRITS SOIL,AND AMNY OTHERS thus the necessity to exercise pressure on this little idot the butcher in order that our country and people can exercise their rights to free expression,human rights,democracy,etc...
I could imagine how the butcher pissed in his pant after hearing the news that SFp sent a letter directly to Mr Obama,the butcher knows pressure will be coming and he won't be able to hide.
Keep the good job SFP ,the people are behind you.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Obama will reply because the issue concerns peace and security in the region.
They already sent a UK gun ship to Coetivy to look around.
Great job SFP, a party that is standing up for Justice and Liberty and the Right of Seychellois to live in their country as first class people in their own lands.
You right ,but also the gepolitic strategy of the US,whose for soemtimes now has been seeing Iranians fishing boats illegally fishing in our EEZ with impunity for PP governemnt in four decades has done nothing to protect effectivel<y our EEZ.For the USA this is a dangerous development for it might allow Iranian teorrorists to come near to Diego Gracia Base thus a threat to the base security.The same to Chinese,who we would need to opose with all our force thus including taking to the streets if necessary to stop Chinese neo-colonization of our land and turn our sovieregn country to something like TIBET.Even the Indian ,who has done a lot for our defence forces are concerned ,for Chinese prevent in our waters will mean a threat to their own interests in the region.We must unite to fight both PP and any Chinese present in our land,dito to Khalifa.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Khalifa is working with Michel to extend PTC base in Seychelles territory.
ASCON workers are building base.
China presents in our territory wuold be a violation of our country's sovereignty ,and we must forcefully reject it.We have seen the abuses of the CHinese in Tibet making a peaceful nation slave in their own country and forcing them into exile in India.Moreover,the butcher after seeing tyrannic countires like Syria,N Korea,and others who have close support and relation with communist China,often escape tfrom their crimes because they can always depend of the Chinese to veto,oppose interantional sanctions etc... thus give those dictaotrs to the like protection and support,the butcher thinks this would be a good opportunity to protect his dictatoral regime and keep it alive .The butcher feels he communist system is falling thus he needs a protector,China ,he has decided would be the one.
Jeanne D'Arc
every democracy has its price and we must pay first before we can get any help for the took to street and show our fustration with this goverment until some results are achieve.only then we can get the attention of the US President Mr.Gill
Obama and the USA want to see Democracy.
Eoula fes ou manman kouyon. Now it is our duty to protect Diego Garcia from terrorists: Jeanne D'Arc, April 3, 2012 9:45 PM
How do you figure that one out you pea brained nincompoop?
We know that we must fight for democracy ,that is why we doing it,for it the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by men.It is a honor to fight for it and it is more a honor when we look around and see idiots and brain-washed weeked peorson sacrificing their lives for an upotia such as communism,tyranny etc...
If you give a little of your time by stopping reading Akrl Amx,Lenin,Stalin books and have a look in US foreign affairs history you will find more than once that their support for democracy goes decades back, abnd should you check properly ,you will find that it does not depend on if the concerned nation started it or not.
Mr Obama repond to the letter in itself will be a away of saying we support you,soon you will get the answer.
Jeanne DÂrc
Police states usually rooted into dictatorship: ,N.Korea,Cuba;seychelles,Syria,Venezuela,Zimbabwe.Countries in which the people have the supreme power of decisions are called democracy.Maybe you confused dictatorship with fake democracy that the butcher practices and preaches.And they different between dictatorship and fake democracy is only in words not definition.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc did you read that last comment from the leader of Seychelles Communist party PL?
Yes,it was the same shit we^ve been hearing for the last four decades.And i expect to hear it again for it is the only song Pp communist know.
Jeanne D'Arc
The US is slowly turning into a fascist state!
Why does PL let chinese boats into our waters to fish all our grouper and Glenny Savy gets the money?
For they can not find strategies and solutions to control our EEZ,There are Chinese,Philipinese,Thais,Iranina,Korean,and many more all robbing our natural resources in day light without fear for they know PP monkeys are not capable of anything.We have alos apart for illegal fishing illegal oil spilling,drgus traficking etc..
Thus the need for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
Chinese are here to wipe out the BENBARA in our ocean! In return they will give you soysauce and teach you how to fried rice.
But while all this mambo jambo is going on we as seychellois what do we do....WE JUST TAKE NOTES. How the hell can the US help us if we dont help ourself.we need to make sacrifices.In Europe,when the cost of living goes up by 1% the people took to the we just make a show.(lamars SNP kont GST)
How can US help us when we cannot help ourselve?I think SFP has been helping itself,the voiceless,the faceless,thus others(ourselves). I think this good question you raised should be put to RA,volcere and boulle,for they have been helping themselves but not others namely the people.Their have been calls from SFp leadership for them to come around a round table in order to have a united plan of how to tackle PP and achieve regime change that the people are demanding,the three musketeers to date still refuse any round table.
Mr OBAMA,can help us by pressuring Pp crooked regime to take the road of refomrs in order to democratize our land.He donot need to do it publicly,for whatever he choses to it,his words alone is worth Gold and Dictaors to the likes of Michel the butcher know too well that when the US has decided to get rid of a tyrant in most cases US governemnt achieve its objectives.I think Michel is already having sleepness nights since he swa the copy of the letter Chris sent to Mr.Obama ,and i assume that he might well suffer a heart attack when he would see Mr Obam's answer.For now let's the Butcher has his sleepness nights,that in itself is a pressure.
Jeanne D'Arc
THE LETTER ITSELF IS GOOD BUT NOT ENOUGH...the opposition must unite for one cause and that is to remove this corrupt regime from power. SFP, and you can't beat SNP and its alliance but why the hell can't you join them?
You have annoyed the Chinese. But have you pleased the Americans. I doubt it. You have told them what they already know about Chinese largesse. The US is unlikely to step in with its own largesse to compete for our hearts and minds. Bad politics when you please no one.
On the other hand, a minion in the US embassy will respond as a matter of politeness and SFP will get a "letter from Obama" for the next edition of Laverite. Fools will be taken in. I and others will not.
Is a "letter from Obama" to fill up Laverite worth antagonising the mighty Chinese when the Chinese have it in their power to keep PL in power by funding their election campaigns and giving us more buildings finished just in time for the 2016 presidential elections ?????
“In Europe,when the cost of living goes up by 1% the people took to the street…” April 5, 2012 8:18 AM
Regarding the above comment I did not read or hear about this one. Can someone tell me where in Europe this happened?
"...the opposition must unite for one cause and that is to remove this corrupt regime from power. SFP, and you can't beat SNP and its alliance but why the hell can't you join them?"
April 5, 2012 10:36 AM
Maybe because SNP and it's alliance doesn't want Gill's SFP to join them!
Now this is getting ridiculous, USA is no better than PRC,any idiot can see that except Gill. How many bases does the US have in other countries? Gill is getting desperate. Hopefully his letter writing skills means people will take him seriously. No opposition supporter will.
Better USA than communist land like china,Russia.Pissoff this were i have my training for sniper.
A society where there free election is different Pissy than a system that is rule by dictation like Pp communist.Or it is the same for an atheist communist?
ROlling tanks of unarmed citizens is not the same as allow thme to freely express themslves ,isn't pissy? or not?
Jeanne D'Arc
The reasons SNP does not want to join the other opposition parties is a secret in itslef,taking in to concideration of all those criticism RAM/REGARS made on PP government .The only reason that seems to be valid is that as Bernard George publicly gave, namely that SNP is a loyal oppostion party to PP,in of words it plays the role of oppostion party while being a part of PP.ANd since,it was made publicly by one of the most prorminent members of SNP and RAm did not denied it,then we could concider it is true,unless RAm can prove the contary.ANd thinking of all the perks,gratuities,bonuses etc.. he is being gifted to do nothing than play the stooge,it is clear that earning a salary as a minister and so much money make his collaboration a priority than working for the country and poeple.
Jeanne D'Arc
Christopher Gill has done the right thing concerning a serious issue of international importance. SNP NDP and everyone else has been sleeping on the job while Gill runs circles around them all. This is apparent clearly from my following of this blog and star.This guy and his small team of people are making you all look silly and yes pathetic.What have you done in 18 years?
Gill; those indecent photos of Francis that you pasted all over you blog, I seem to recall amidst the mass protests from your readers that these picture were necessary for the “world” to see what kind of party is leading our government but now after writing to Obama you think it unfit that he should see these picture?
Isn’t it a bit late for that considering that you’ve said it a few times that you are in constant contact with the FBI and CIA and that they read your forums. They are the ones that gather intelligence for the President so he would have seen those pictures by now anyway!
Is there a rule for Obama and one for the rest of the world?
I also have problem with double standard.
We want Obama to focus on his letter, not on Francis Larue's spread eagle.
Double standard, you sound like you belong in SNP, so go there, and preach the bible, rape prostitutes under the causurina trees in Providence.
With all that money you people earned in the National Assembly doing nothing for 18 years, not 8 years, one would thin that you would rent a little hotel room to do your dirty deeds.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
So where were you 18 years ago?
Where were you 8 years ago?
Were you riding a dead horse?
I better crack another beer!
Reply to Letter Is Good But Not Enough-
SFP does not work as junior partners with Collaborators that defend the sale of land to foreigners, as the SNP does of its executive committee members. Additionally SNP leader is unfit to run Seychelles with its record of receiving finance from FABRIKES.
How many plots of land sales has Bernard Georges handled, even for the MAFIA?
How many plots of land sales has other lawyers in SNP handled to Fabrikes?
How many transactions has Boulle handled for Fabrikes?
How many Fabrikes has Volcere received financing from to play along with the status quo?
SFP believes these people should join PL or shut down for the good of Seychelles.
In many repsects they are not different then PDM, except Pierre used them to sell the last election.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
The bridles of the dead horse, were in SNP hands for 18 years. It was tasked with the work of pushing for reform and holding the SPPF to task.
DP dropped the bridles and now the Founder of DP JRM is more PL then Michel.
So the accountability for the last 18 years falls on your shoulder as a party and not a party that was formed in reaction to your dead beat ways.
Example, all of a sudden SNP NDP BOULLE and SPPF realize Michel has allowed Seychelles to be sold to Arabs and Foreigners. How many transactions have your own people done to help James Michel do just that? How Fabrikes have you allowed to meddle in our political affairs and compromise the will of the people of Seychelles?
Time to move on, and the people of Seychelles see this everyday.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill; politicians all around the world are the same.CORRUPTED. Lawyers operate this way and they lie with you between their teeth. This is how they make their livings. Minister of environment always get polluted and then jump off the dirty water, get sacked on moved on. Minister of financial work out a bad deal and then moved on.
Before an election some of them promise you they will build bridges even there are no rivers.
Gill; how do you make your living or how do you run your SFP without support of some sort of crooks!! IMPOSSIBLE!!
SFP knows Lawyers in Seychelles politics lie through their teeth.
We have witnessed this first hand with Boulle in the Round Table discussions of opposition parties. Any respect we had for Boulle was lost at that table, which he could not even Chair effectively as a leader. One only wonders what his real agenda is, since political viability of Boulle is like thinking Giant Tortoise can fly.
We have also seen Bernard Georges lie through his teeth as you put it. He has brought Khalifa to Seychelles, done his deeds to sell our patrimony and assist the sales. Represent Mafia people to establish themselves in Seychelles. His wife another key SNP lawyer, has done the deeds for Felicite Island, now "Zil Pasyon "to name one single transaction that has cost Seychelles over $450 Million in lost asset due to fraud another Scr. 1.00 deal.
SFP does not accept this status quo and does not agree that to be a lawyer, one has to lie through his teeth.
Lawyers who chose to lie through their teeth to earn a living are advised that when they enter Seychelles politics, SFP will expose them. You are duly warned.
On the matter of funding. SFP is funded entirely by Seychellois Rasin who want to see Seychelles remain the homeland of the People of Seychelles: Seychellois Rasin themselves as guaranteed under the Constitution of Seychelles and as envisioned on June 29th 1976 when we became an independent Republic.
The term "independent republic" must be given full meaning and breath for Seychelles to retain and maintain social cohesion. We must not allow our country to be prostituted or to be run by an occupying force such as mercenaries, as it is today.This violates Article 1 of the Constitution of Seychelles.
SFP does not accept ever, any funding from foreign interests!
This separates the SFP from other opposition parties, and the ruling party who all take funding in different proportions from the same Fabrikes, who want to control Seychelles for their personal objectives.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
because you do not get any funding yet. you have not been tempted yet. you will not resist the temptation. we know you. play on the "moral high ground" for now. you will soon move over, if you can recruit more than your current 6 supporters.
Reply "to because you do not get funding yet"-
Your comment, which comes from SNP NDP camp is clear to us in SFP.
It exposes the underlying fault and cause of your persistence in failing Seychelles for years and years, beyond just the last 19 years. The people of Seychelles need to know your point of view, because it is fundamentally wrong.
We in SFP know how SNP NDP have had their tailed pulled year after year, election after election to give credibility to SPPF-PL. We know how it is done.
Because of that, our party strictly prohibits acceptance of any political party contributions from Fabrikes and Foreigners who choose to meddle in the politics of Seychelles.
The politics of Seychelles is the business of the Seychellois Rasinists, no one else.
This is not a casual principle, but a threshold that no Freedom Loving Seychellois who believes in "Sesel Pou Seselwa" must ever cross.
When you cross this line, as an opposition, you become no better then PL James Michel who relies on Foreigners to stay in power, from the high and mighty Khalifa, to the lowly Gurhkas acting like a Police Officer on the street beat in Victoria.
The time has come to define our position clearly and stand by it.
We in SFP know how to finance politics without Foreign interference.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Reply "to because you do not get funding yet"-
Your comment, which comes from SNP NDP camp is clear to us in SFP.
It exposes the underlying fault and cause of your persistence in failing Seychelles for years and years, beyond just the last 19 years. The people of Seychelles need to know your point of view, because it is fundamentally wrong.
We in SFP know how SNP NDP have had their tailed pulled year after year, election after election to give credibility to SPPF-PL. We know how it is done.
Because of that, our party strictly prohibits acceptance of any political party contributions from Fabrikes and Foreigners who choose to meddle in the politics of Seychelles.
The politics of Seychelles is the business of the Seychellois Rasinists, no one else.
This is not a casual principle, but a threshold that no Freedom Loving Seychellois who believes in "Sesel Pou Seselwa" must ever cross.
When you cross this line, as an opposition, you become no better then PL James Michel who relies on Foreigners to stay in power, from the high and mighty Khalifa, to the lowly Gurhkas acting like a Police Officer on the street beat in Victoria.
The time has come to define our position clearly and stand by it.
We in SFP know how to finance politics without Foreign interference.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
In democracy parties funding are well- regulated in order to give a fair balance between parties ,likewise, as it should be for our National medias etc..Thus the call for reforms to determined and set the limit on how a party can spend(e,g during an electoral campaign and so on) and its source of financial ,and excluding foreign sponsoring is cricial in any reforms that are supposed to promote change from an authocratic regime to democracy.This is also part of setting the playing field even.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc is spot on again.
She says : "in democracies campaign finance is well regulated".
Over the past 19 years the Election Commissioner and Registrar of Political Parties has not regulated campaign finance well .
This has allowed derilict parties to continue to exist and divide the opposition.
It has allow opposition parties taking finance from Fabrikes and Foreigners who are not Seychellois, to participate in elections, and to give PL credibility, as we saw clearly, beyond a Doubt, in the last Presidential Elections.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill opposition people in NDP are using a State House tactic of passing through Mahe collecting Laverite from the corner store.
All of them need to be educated of how politics work in democracy,and seeing them picking LAVERITE at streets corners is a good sign that SFP provides alternatives to the corrupted and failed Pp regime that even other parties including the ruling party find it a source of gathering ideas and understanding how democracy should work.
Thy should be encourage to pick up more and distribute them to all their mmebers for it will surely educate them a lot of transparency,freedom ofexpression,debating etc...
Jeanne D'Arc
Reply to Lawyers lie through their teeth!
It’s true that all lawyer in Seychelles lies through their teeth with the exception of one, Christopher Gill. He is the only lawyer in Seychelles ki lanlang ek fes!
Reply to Lalang ek Fes-
Qualify your assertion with collaborating evidence and information.
Right now, what you are saying is only a false accusation.That means what you are saying is not true.
In other words, if what you say is not true, then you are lying to the 80,000 views on this page.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
It is more the truth that makes you sick,you just cannot take it in.It hurts.Truth will free you from PP lies.
Jeanne D'Arc
Indeed it hurts!
Indeed it hurts!
Yes indeed the truth hurts(not the searching after but the running from) and one of the reasons why it hurts is because the lies have been established.
Jeanne D'Arc
Reply to Paypal-
SFP takes donations only from Seychellois Rasin who make sacrifice to uphold the principle of "Sesel Pou Seselwa"!
A donation to SFP is a donation to uplift and empower "Sesel Pou Seselwa", not to engross Christopher Gill with your donations.
I do not launder money, extort money, and embezzle political contributions money. I run my own businesses that are successful and I have invested in Seychelles and own enough land to build a few towns.
As leader of SFP I vow to not dilute ever, the influence of Seychellois Rasin by taking money from foreigners who want to take over Seychelles. This is a vow, that I stake my political career on.If someone in SFP does that, we will deal with them as appropriate.
So you can trust me and SFP to deliver on excluding foreigners from our politics, unlike all the other parties, that live off foreign donations, and when a Seychellois Rasin speaks to them, they ignore him/her, and act as if what the Seychellois Rasin says is ridiculous and born out of ignorance or lack of knowledge.
Been there, seen it all play out, over and over again and again.
Maybe this is why today, the SNP NDP do not even know what their political colours are any more. Even RED is ok these days.
SFP takes only Cheques or cash.
Money donated can be paid to the Administrator at Docklands. If you want to do a money transfer call her and she can e mail you banking details. Ask for a receipt if you like.Paypal % are too high.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party what is your thought or opinion on the money of RADIO FREEDOM of SNP. Did you ever donate or participate in this scheme? Do you think Seselwa will ever know where this money went? Did you ever joke with Wavel about this money?
In your next LA VERITE issue, why don't you dig and find info. so the seselwa rasin can give you more support.
Hi Mr Gill. I am glad someone brought up the issue of donations.
Eversince you started, I, a loyal Rasin supporter of the cause realized that you cannot function completely without funding so out of solidarity and patriotism I contacted your second in command Mr Jean Paul Isaac and offerred a generous donation of which he gave me a bank account number for the deposit. This was done immediately but to this day not a word of acknowledgement from either Mr Isaac or yourself for the generous contributions made through my company.
You will know who I am because I am sure you have not received many donations of RS. 250,000.00
I also cannot reveal my name lest the government screws me for this action.
Paypal does not deal with sex websites.
Reply to "last 19 years".
Gill, like Michel, you pretend that you came down in the last shower.
Where were you in the last 19 years ? What were you doing ?
Perhaps, like Michel, you did come down in the last shower.
"It wasn't me" is a great song by Shaggy. But a poor political strategy for Gill.
Reply to "last shower".
It wasn't me.
RADIO FREEDOM is unfrotunately fictive and RAM has never explained as he failed to join the round table of what is really all about.Is it a stooge radio to second PP under the guise of FREEDOM RADIO or a real oppostion RADIO to educate,inform etc our citizens the contary of PP lies and innundoes?Before any person put his or her money in any organization for instance,it has to know the real programm of the concerned organization in order to see if it real worth throwing money in this roganization.That is how thing usually works Piisedoff,be it in any field.Waht you propose is typically communsit,namely throw your money in an roganization etc... without knowing its aim then in return yopu will be favored for instance,by having land leased ofr seventy years without paying a cent,you can also be gifted a passport if you a foreigner(RAMDOSS;SIVA;)you can destroyed the nevironemnt like RAFLLE on PRASLIN,you can have a coral isalnd (like Michel wanted to gifted SIVA9you can in retrun have all what you want ,illegally and even desrepect our rule of laws like Khalifa.We donot think this way PP.
Jeanne D'Arc
Gill ou zalou akoz ou pa ti ganny en slice sa pie ler Ravel ti a pe partaze?
No one is ZALOU of the PIE wihich is stolen people money given to RAm by pp.It is a crime and all those involve will face justice and expalain how without working one single day they become multi-millionaires,be it RAM and all the rest.Justice will be done.
And Breaking news_MUGABE is lying in a deadbed in Singapur and i was told Michel also went not on holiday as SBC procaliamed but he is suffering from greave illness too.The funniest thing in all that is,regardless how long dictators try to keep them illegally on power, they ended up by Coup D'etat,people revolution ,grave illness(Castro)and finally death.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
Dear Bank Account-
Unfortunately we have not received any payment donation of Sr 250,000.00.
Please load the bank receipt for us on the blog or facebook to expose the culprit of the missing funds.
Maybe you never donated any funds. Check your records.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill involved in a financial scandal. There's something new !!!
QWhich one ?the sell out of our patrimony to Khalifa,Siva,Russains or the u$2,5 billions missing in our coffers since 2008 ,now in Swiss bank that PP refuse to account for?You could be the illegal sell out of our nationailty for sr25,000 devaluted rupee?or arms to Hutu in Rwanda that resulted in thousands of Rwandan being butchered?Clarify which of thes above crimes you amking allusion to.
Jeanne D'Arc
The one on April 10th 2012 at 12:51pm
Seselwa Rasin need to investigate that a lot of money!
And Gill someone ask you a ? "Did you pitch in for the radio freedom?
He did not ask you where were you born? We Seselwa Rasin shoud know la verite.
Evacuate dockland-tsuunami on the way!
Hi Mr Gill. It's all very well to upload the bank receipt on this blog (I wouldn't know how to do it without employing the helf of a secretary.)or on facebook but like I mentioned on my previous post I want to maintain my anonymity and by posting the receipt if I could would reveal my bank details with my name and that is not worth sr 250,000.00. This was just something I thought I'd mention to you but not to worry sir I have already written this off. I will put it down to experience.
One day perhaps, a good politician will come along that the local businessmen can do business with in the meantime we will cut our losses!
Kind regards
Not if you paint your name and bank account in black prior to scanning or use a post processing software to erase your personal information. Unless, you are just making up things.
Reply to bank account fake-
Your fasle assertions have been uncovered and it shows how silly you are and this explains why we are in the shit we are in. With a bunch of losers who call themselves politicians.
Sorry but you should close down your pathetic party.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Hi Mr Gill
Please explain why you think the “assertion” was false and what it is you have uncovered.
I assure you that I am not from any party and I am certainly not a loser.
I stand by my statement but since this is now beginning to escalate into something like some infantile playground verbal wrangle its best we wrap it up and forget the whole issue. I regret to have even mentioned it on this forum as unfortunately by doing so I have brought myself down to the expected level that is required and which is the norm on here!
As free advice one should bear in mind that an ambitious politician should be wary of burning too many bridges and cutting one’s nose to spite the face!
Hopefully the day will come (they always do)when I will get the chance to casually push that bank receipt together with an audio cd accross the table to you!
Have a nice weekend!
Reply to Fake Bank Account-
You are free to disclose your allege payment, which I doubt was ever made.
First of all, I know nothing about it.
Secondly it is not reflected on any of our accounts.
Thirdly, our Treasurer is not Issac, so he is not authorized to take any money, which he never did as far as I am concerned until I am proved otherwise.
Fourthly, you should shut down your pathetic party, because not only have you wasted 20 years of our time, you have also professed a policy of division that is now overrunning you and all the sell outs about you.
Hence, you do not know what to do but launch a pathetic twisted feeble attack on the high integrity of the SFP.
I remember a guy who use to do these tricks in SNP, his name was Johns-Town
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill took couple days to investigate SR. 250,000.00! Just think about if one day HE becomes President!
Because before one goes public to make comments it is always good to take time to investigate the sitaution ,gather all inforamtion,analyse them ,debate them ,after scrutinizing from A to Z the case ,you come out and make comments.It is a quality of leadership unlike Dictator Michel who would have rushed to conclusion before even knowing and analysising the case.
Jeanne D'Arc
Are you willing to return the money if it can be proved that your backer indeed gave the money to Isaac?
I'm sure with Isaac's busy schedule he just dumped that money in one of SFP's many accounts and completely forgot about it!
SFP has no culture of corruption,thefts as PP thieves and it is not part of SFp philosophy.Thus our quest for freedom, democracy for they provide accoutabitlity and transparency.
Jeanne D'Arc
What am i will8ing to do make sure all the billions is Swiss bank on PP emembers accouts stolen from the people are accounted for and whoever of those PP thieves who cannot say how they become millionaires wihle not working a single day there ill-gotten wealth would confiscated and give back to the real owners the people.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'arc what is your tittle with SFP and how to you get paid?
Seems your are under paid to do these marvelous secret job!!
Now can you find out if Christopher gave money to the Radio Freedom scheme? Did he ever sponcer the SNP together with JIMBO?
Jeanne D'arc has her own bussiness she dont need any salary from any one and she is putting food in Seselwa mounths and giving jobs to the youths and not taking food out from Seselwa mouths like your idiot communist leader is doing putting more food in foreigners mouths than Seselwa who are left empty .Seselwa are paying the prices,because of those conqueror even getting our healthcare for free.
When you reply be positive you sound all the time like a desprate man and paraniod you sycopath you can not stop peoples who to see freedom and democracy and justice.
Jeanne D'Arc is spot on again.
On the investigation of fraudulent profile donation of 250,000 exposed , I would have taken less then 2 days, but I was busy mixing some cement.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Ases fer leekee don!
Who in their right mind would donate 250,000 to Gill?
This is one of two situations:
1. Gill is trying to give us the impression that he has heavyweight backers ready to finance SFP - Bullshit!
2. Isaaq is testing the waters - seeing how far Gill's confidence and loyalty towards him will stretch! By sowing this seed of doubt he wants to see if Gill fully trust him of if there will be questions and suspicions.
Isaaq is playing Gill until the time will come when he will take Gill for everything he's got and as we say it leave him lo lapay!
Either that or vice versa - whatever the case something is going on at SFP otherwise Gill or Isaaq wouldn't have fabricated this SR 250,000 donation that has supposedly gone AWOL!
Pp would like to see SFP having those kinds of fruauds in its camp ,so that it might get an excuse to criticize SFp as committing the samewrongs as PP,SNP ,NDP but there is no such case and even if you try to invent it ,it won't convince anyone nor will it reduce the exposure we doing to PP.Moreover,even if there would be a mistake,SFp will come out and asnwer your allegation without fear and won't hide in the wood from the public,for mistake is part of human nature but most importantly By coming out public and answer your questions,allegations,doubts whatever in itself is a sign and a quality of a responsible leader.A responsible leader is one who takes the praise and also criticism when it exist,who is not afraid to take the blames if proven and justified,.You see the different from communsist crooked who served themselves,rob our country, enrich themsleves for the people's wealth and when ask them for accoutability and transaprency they hide,pretend not to rememder and so on.
On SFp sponsrship,here also you would be eager to know how SFp is sponsored,but you know what you won't not know,the only thing that must ber repeated is that it is not sponosored by occult money nor by foreigners like PP,SNP ,NDP and the rest.
Nevertheless,nothing is clear to date if your allegation(which is not a proof) is justified or if it is just an attempt of manipulation/fabrication in order to find or create a fake situation that will give PP some credibility in regrard to their fourty years of robbing the country and people to the extense that they have completely bankrupted our ecnomy and country.
Lastly,note that an allegation is an assertion without proof,and reading your posts give the impression that you sure and know there is a real case without any single piece of invidence.As the saying goes what a liar needs is a fraudulent witness(you seems to be the this witness),if so come forward and present your case with invidence then things would be solve,but since you criticizing without any proofs it proves that you ignorant about a case thus you need to invent all kinds of argument in the hope SFp will provide you with some sorts of imaginary answers that might fits your fraudulant allegation thus give it credibility that it does not have.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissed off- back to the real missing money.
What did you do with the missing $2.5 Billion, the IMF said left Seychelles and was deposited into accounts overseas.
This missing money makes the people of Seychelles suffer, and struggle, and live a life of pain for an entire generation.
Speak up you coward.
Speak the Truth!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Totof suddenly you sound defensive and aggressive!
I had put that 250,000 rupees as rumour started by you and Isaaq but now I’m beginning to think that this could be a genuine accusation by one of your backers (poor sod!) and it has sowed the seed of doubts in your mind hence your aggressive retaliation towards me!
Pa atak mwan bougla go and attack the guy who is enquiring about his quarter million rupees that Isaaq seems to have misplaced…or attack Isaaq, he’s the guy that’s come into money…but then again he’s go a wife and a newborn to maintain in the lifestyle that they’re accustomed to!
Les mwan trankil silvouple!
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