Tuesday, May 8, 2012

International Criminal Court Confirms Receipt Of Documents On Seychelles Through SFP Ambassador in UK


Anonymous said...

Communist be prepare for jugement day!

Anonymous said...

Michel after reading this letter might have a heart attack,he who always thought he will get away with his gross human rights violation.Also must be all his coalaborators,state paid killers.And PP must know that Chief prosecutor Mr Moreno Ocampo is not a guy that sleep on the issue.Michel probably will have to limit his travel only to UAE;SINGAPOUR;INDIa of the risk of being arrested and bring to the HAAG.Charles Taylor would have to change cell to make space of his new cammarade of terror the Butcher.As to FAR who until now was busy fighting withn his soul,the news might get him out of his comma and probably the risk of committing suicide rather than ending like Taylor is big indeed.

Excelent JOB SFP.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Well done guys....time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Pissedoff and CO PTY LTD.........You have all gone quite!

Anonymous said...

Even SFP Ambassador in the UK is doing much more for the country than all those foreigners and PP minions being paid a fortune to do nothing.SFP has demonstrate to Seychellois how a responsible political party who has the country's and people interests at heart should act and deliver.SFp talks the talk and walks the walk PISSEDOFF,while those sitting hypocrites RAM and volcere's lips are zipped.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Can Andre Barallon read this?

Anonymous said...

Well done Gary, a job well done. I could not possible be more proud of SFP devotion for the people of Seychelles.
During the communist regime, the political repression materialized in numerous crimes and abuses, among which the most serious were: killings, torture, inhuman treatments, illegal detention,and not forgetting raped victims,abusive arrest etc.The list goes on.
serious bodily harm, abusive imprisonment, correspondence privacy violation, home privacy violation.
I have been hoping for a very long time for people like SFP, this country is in a mess and this regime is getting away with crimes, finally we Seychelles has seen the light again and we will finally get an answer to all the killing that has been happening.

Well done SFP.

Clair D'lune*

Anonymous said...

Is pissoff still laughing or he is shiting in his patalon.


Anonymous said...

Not only killing,land sold money stolen 2.5 billion we want it back in our coffer and soon, that we can pay our debt.

Anonymous said...

This is them acknowledging your correspondence as a matter of politeness.

Will you be publishing their reply to your letter ?

Anonymous said...

Never been done before....a good start SFP.Well done!

Anonymous said...

No matter what the reply is, the aknowledgement of receipt of our letter, the creation and establishment of a file number for reference, will know put everyone on notice, the era of political killing, political murder, victimization in Seychelles for want of political cleansing, will stop.

Let us humble ourselves, and pray for Seychelles.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

JJ spirit and fake oppositon from now on have to think twice if they want to follow their courrupt followers communist or pay the price.

Anonymous said...

The objective in support in what Mr. Gill has written, in my view is to make a survey of crimes committed by communist regimes behind the Iron Curtain, to assess them from the legal point of view and to try to search possible solutions of present situation aimed at improving understanding and strengthening of the people.
In order to do this people needs to set their fear aside, come forward, and share with SFP of what they know about any crimes that have had happened, or if they have heard of anything elase that have may contribute to the killing of our many Seychellois brothers.

Anonymous said...

Right,but one must keep in mind that half of theircrimes would only be unearthed after they topple and when a new governemnt get access to arcive and other means to check all their crimes.Also,t omake foreigners speak out of their all the illegal deals they concocted with PP there would need a change of government then those peopele like the guy on Eden island,South African who has been given a coral island for one rupee for 70 years,Siva,amny Russians and the rest they would speak out and would tell us everything for they would like to save their own ass and assets.A new governemnt would also be able to cosearch of u$2,5 billion missing in our coffers through deplomacy with Switzerland etc..etc..etc..
I think Pp crimes are more than we already know only regime change will bring all out.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Guys Albert Rene pa byen ditou i gany en sok pa byen ditou. Bodyguards

Anonymous said...

"Is pissoff still laughing or he is shiting in his patalon."
May 8, 2012 1:29 PM

Ti Dyonny

I am laughing even harder now!
You are still a.k.a. Zean Pol Izaaq and you are still gay!

Anonymous said...

When you say i am JP me laugh at you all the time keep guessing who i am donkey.


Anonymous said...

I paret sa i zis en riy-zonn.

Anonymous said...

Dyonny a.k.a. JP Izaaq; you are the donkey my friend - everybody keeps climbing on your back...

Anonymous said...

Johnny is just a supporter of SFP seen it was creat and first word i will tell you i beleav in justice,democracy and freedom.
WE WANT THOSE KILLERS FOR THEM CRIMES TO BE PUT BEHIDE BARS.Remember they are cases of murder by this communist regime not a long time ago like Claude Monnaine,son of Mrs Hermmitte and others,this was not in 1977 +1977 will be life sentence by international court.
DODOSYA FAR WILL BE SOON ON YOUR BACK.DONT WATCH OTHER PEOPLES BACK WATCH YOURS..I think arabs have already make some round on yours.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SFP, I am asking you for your understand in peace. Albert is on oxygen, blood transfusion and with bowel movement, which means he is like a baby and in dippers.
So could you please have mercy? This is not the time, for all this as it will not bring back the dead, and he is innocent and his heart and hands are clean.

A concern relative.

Anonymous said...

Seychelles Freedom Party has written to the ICC to ask for a case to be held against Seychelles Genocides, meaning crimes against a specific group of people.

In this case i remember bernard george going on the defense saying that the term genocide does not apply in there one reason i found out was a lot of key snp such as ferrari also had special involvements in murders and crimes on seychellois, wavel berlouis informant even responsible for ralph volcere time in jail and paul chow's yet today they claim alliance.

Christopher Gill has un earthed what no fake oppositions could because of their dirty accessories though i do not entirely like gill for crossing the floor but on a scale of one to ten for seychellois freedom i give him his full ten and if he keeps going my vote!

Time and time again i look at our country and understand why we never have had a change in government the reason is we are betting on the wrong horse of the same breed!

Now that the SFP exist i guess we have a new hope!!

Thank you gill and the sfp team

Anonymous said...

I guess now that SFP has been brave enough to write the letter and asked for our right as people that the rest of opposition party should do the same in supporting of the said cause.
The opposition party should put their stupid pride aside, and join SFP in preparing a report about human rights of violations especially torture, rape and the illegal sale of our country.

The alternative report should combine all opposition party leaders, Seychelles Human Rights Doris Volcere and the person responsible for Seychelles Hero Gerard Hoarau’s page.

1st, dealing with general information of the country, from 1997
2sd, dealing with implementation articles of the regime conducts since 1997
3rd, statements from families and friends of the people who have been murdered
4th, dealing with the illegal sale of our Island and off shore money landers
Name lists of the people that was murdered or went missing (“disparet” as some said) and summary of tortured during the period of 1997.
Possible statement or information of all money borrowed from off shore since 1997, and illegal land transfer documents to the supposedly buyers.
Families and friends of murdered and tortured victims should set their fear aside and make concrete contribution to this report of letter that Mr Gary Tall has written. Thus that the opposition put their pride aside and do what is right for the people of Seychelles by supporting, and contribute whole heartedly their concrete information that they may have.
The only way we can beat this regime is TOGETHERNESS, unless of course the rest of the opposition party cares only about the additional zeros on their bank account.
Though SFP was left out in the so call UNITY OF OPPOSITION PARTY, they have still move on with the hard work of exposing this communist regime for who they really are.
Again I pledge on behalf of all my Seychellois brothers and sisters, to unite. NEEDLESS TO SAY IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO REMOVE THE EVIL Spirit of James Michelle and Albert Rene. Join together into this preparation of this report, and categorise it into portions in explaining the pain of the people since the takeover in 1997, and submit again to the UN Committee against torture, grave human rights violation.
This Is the Time to Put Our Differences Aside and concentrate on doing what is right for the people of our country.

May God Bless All Our Loving Freedom Seychellois and the beautiful country that we were blessed with.

I don't have enough knowledge or information to help in this matter, cause if I did I would. Again I pledge to anyone who may help in one way or another to make their voice hear.

Clair D'lune*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Clair D'lune, you do not have any information because nothing exists from 1997. There has been some minor issues, but nothing that warrants the ICC to get involved. This is a case of a father/mother diciplining their family and a villager (in this case Gary Tall) running to the Police. Get real, and discuss matters from 1977 instead of 1997. Will the ICC not allow you to report that far back. Oh yes there were real murders, violation of human rights, land aquisitions, deportation.... you name it the old FARt was a first class operator at these crimes.He is so smart that he never did the crime but he instructed his team of henchmen... I will give you the starting point...1. D'offay shoting Son Chang Him point blank on 5th June 1977. Had it not been for FARt coup, our beloved Son would have lived out his natural life with id family and friends. Hope this starting point is useful to this cause.

Anonymous said...

Just to point out that the definition of GENOCIDE is not limited to that of "committing crimes on a specific group".It could be crimes against a NATION,etc... Check ARTICLE 6 of the ICC it provides a better insight of waht is considered GENOCIDES by the ICC.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

All crimes committed from 1977 until to date.It is not the years in which a crime was committed that makes it a crime but the act itself.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Davidson Chang-Him,
Gilbert Morgan,
Bernard Jeanine,
Gerard Hoarau,
Alton Ah-Time,
Simon Denousse,
Mike Asher,
Jean Guillaume,
Hassan Ali Umarji,
Tony Elizabeth,
Micheal Hoffman,
Ricky Hermitte,
Ryan Lesperance,
Damandra Eulentin,
Andrew Pouponneau,
Francis Monchuguy and countless others.

Anonymous said...

Yes that's right my mistake, since June 5th 1977, the year freedom of speech was abolish and so on ect. ect.

Anonymous said...

Clair D'lune*

Anonymous said...

La kouyon i sal la tro liki ramkalawan volcere ek boulle nal fer lalyans e pran larzan ek en bann kouyon ki pe al bez zize pou dimounn ki zot in touye!

Anonymous said...

Gill wants his former protectors tried at The Hague. There's a grateful man.

Did any one on the list get killed during the time Gill was in SPPF after he had crossed the floor ? He would then be an accomplice.

Anonymous said...

The question is did the butcher butchered innocent Seychellois?Yes he did.Then justice must be done and since the HAAG is well-equipped and provide free cells from dictators the Butcher will benfit from those facilities and after he can meet with all his follow beasts and chat about their crimes .Maybe even write a new book call"MY Kampfohhohhh ohh sorry my crimes or the ABC of butchering,Something like that"this one i can asure you will be a best seller even in China,It will probably bit Moa's red communsit book.

Jeanne DÂrc

Anonymous said...

I believe the list is much longer then this,

Anonymous said...

Of course the list can only be longer than that.
Claud Monnaie burnt alive in his truck by PP paid killer at Grand Anse Praslin.
Two years or so back,A prisoner trying to escape from the prison ,not armed,not putting prison gards lives in danger was cold-bloodly executed.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

A longer list will need to include their collaborators such as Gill when he crossed the floor.

Anonymous said...

What happen to you,?You have forgotten the names of your friends and gang memebers ?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

No! they all went to HEAVEN before me and the think that I'm the only one went to HELL.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous May 9th 10:56am.

Johnny said that they are on Praslin and they turned into DODOSYA.

Anonymous said...

Pa blir sa 2 twin brothers ki ti perdi jour rebellion.zot ti dan larme ler zot ti disparet.

delo kaka.

Anonymous said...

Ogilvy Berlouis ki ti minis ladefance sa lepok ki tou sa bann crime ti gayne commet e konne bein kin passe.

ex captain.

Anonymous said...

Ex Captain-

Berlouis could have been in charge of the engine room on your ship.

It does not change the fact that you were the Captain.

The Captain is obliged to go down with his ship. No one else.

Did you not see what happened to the Costa Allegra Captain?

He left first.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

You LEFT the DP sinking ship to join SPPF when you crossed the floor. You are a Rene COLLABORATOR. "I did it to save my skin" is no DEFENCE.

Anonymous said...

Well if christopher gill crossed the floor to join sppf why is he not on khaliffas pay roll today?

Why is he the only real opposition standing?

Why do people cross the floor to come to sfp because they now see political parties for who they are?

Why are you guys trying to kill him or incapacitate his party?

Why did he not do PL PPB?

shut the fuck up and face the consequences of your actions and know that gill brought this forward for the people of seychelles and eighteen years no one could or just did not want to!

god bless christopher gill

Anonymous said...

Reply to cross the floor and God Bless Christopher Gill-

You first cross the floor-

Your party is defunct, so you have nothing to say. Your people are all sell outs of our patrimony, so you have nothing to say. You stayed silent while Khalifa raped beautiful Seychelles each day, and your people gave a hand for 30 pieces of silver, you are all sell outs.

God Bless Christopher Gill comment-

Thank you for your prayer.

No further comment.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seyhelles Freedom Party

P.S- 18 years, now 19, you people did nothing! Now, we will not give you even 18 days.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well if christopher gill crossed the floor to join sppf why is he not on khaliffas pay roll today?

What makes you think he is not ?

Anonymous said...

I am not on Khalifa payroll, because I say I am not you pathetic loser from SNP the most pathetic party in Seychelles political history.

Now, if you think I am on Khalifa's payroll you pathetic piece of loser, then load your evidence, like we loaded the evidence of Bernard Georges extorting his client for his other client higher then FIU for $500,000.00.

The question on that case is how much did Ramkalawan get for that little bit of extortion by Georges.

Unfortunately many, I say many good Seychellois perhaps the some of the best amongst us were fooled into believing SNP was a real opposition party. It is but a fake, raking it in as fast as can and as mich as it can.

It is sad, that so many, paid with their donations and time, sacrifice, for nothing.

All that just gives our cause a bad name, and we in Freedom Party work double the time, double the effort, to clean up the mess left behind by SNP.

PDM is one example, there are many. The ICC claim is another, belowe, Martin Aglae case another. Air Seychelles, another, the economy another. SNP was not in power, but as an opposition is sat on its ass, and the leadership got rich. They even drive a Mercedes Benz Sedan I understand, these days. Better then Boulle's golden Jaguar.

Why donn't you folks get a life, and start taking politics a bit more seriously, perhaps, it will earn you a little respect.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shut up, Gill ! Or change the record.

Anonymous said...

French voters in Seychelles favoured Sarkozy
Registered French nationals in Seychelles joined the rest of the French expatriates outside of France to cast their ballots to elect a President for their native country. There were in total 220 voters who were eligible to vote.

Statistics ‘The People’ obtained from the French Embassy showed that during the preliminary round of election the French voters in Seychelles shared their votes among the 10 candidates – 98 voted Nicolas Sarkozy, 44 voted Francois Hollande, 22 voted Francois Bayrou and 14 voted Marine Le Pen. The rest were isolated votes for the rest of the candidates.
The French election went in round two as neither of the two candidates who had most votes, Hollande and incumbent Sarkozy received a majority of votes cast in the first round.
In round two which wrapped up the elections, 131 French nationals in Seychelles voted for Nicolas Sarkozy and 87 voted for Francois Hollande. There were also two unmarked papers.
Over forty-six million people in France and expatriates in other countries voted on May 6th to elect Francois Hollande as France’s first Socialist President in nearly two decades.
Hollande ran the runoff with 51.63 % to Sarkozy 48.37%.

Anonymous said...

At least 6% (14) French nationals in Seychelles voted for the far-right anti-immigrant Front National in last month's first-round French presidential elections.

Anonymous said...

dingdingdingdingding we have a winner; YES AND IN SEYCHELLES 56% PREFER PEOPLE PARTY (PP)No need for second round.

Anonymous said...

A blogger said"NO need for a second round" but also no need for a first round either ,for in a thugocracy election is often won before the voting even started by manipualtion,frauds,etc...Pp does is put STALIN's communist quote in to practice"It is not the people who vote that count ,the people who count the vote".it speaks for itslef i guess.

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Ton Albert ek James, komanz practis sa sonson 'pardon mon deman pardon mon pa pou fer enkor' because sooner or later you will face court. Pissedoff emen sa mesaz kot ou buzoi.

Anonymous said...

Reply to Shut up Gill-

It sounds as if I have hit sour spot.

Well for your information, Freedom Party does not discriminate to take sides when we are dealing with the selling of our patrimony.

A sell out can from from SPPF, PL, SNP , DP, NDP, or an Independent.

A sell out is a sell out and Freedom Party will deal with any sell out.

Now- go face your leadership in SNP and expose them.

Freedom Party will be there to help you, if you can demonstrate a single ounce of courage.

If you see an ounce of courage in your human body, contact our office for protection and assistance.

The record remains.

Reply to PL needs no second round.

You are forgetting two little details: 1. PL is financed by foreigners to buy votes to stay in power; without Khalifa and PRC money, PL would poll perhaps 15%; 2. 35,000 Seychellois overseas do not have the right to vote. If they did PL would poll about 5%.

Having said that, PL would not make it to a second round. So perhaps you are right: no need for second round.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

Gill; how do you figure out your math percentage? If you don't see it with your eyes don't invent it with your KEYBOARD err...your mouth!
Gill; liar...your pant on fire!

Anonymous said...

I will help you understand .It is clear that none of those Seychellois in the diaspora who in the first place left their homeland becuase of Pp tyrannic communist regime would ever vote for tyranny.Second,removing all those dead,destoyed ballots(which PP added to its total),double registration of names,foreigner illegally voting PP would probably without problem win not more than 5% percent made up of those handful of stooges,state paid killers,who would keep their slavish loyalty to the system for it feeds them .

You can understand why PP is allergic to electoral reforms.for Pp knows too well that any free and fair elections will mean its end for the majority of seychellois people disapproval PP.

and finaaly if you donot beleive it ,tell PP to conduct genuine electoral reforms you will see you the people close up PP party.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Who are these 14 French nationals living in Seychelles who want foreigners out of France ?

Anonymous said...

It does not matter for the bulk part of French who want a sweap clean of their country from illegal immigrant invasion are in France.You might be thinking but they also foreigner here in our land.True,but consider French as frist inhabitant of seychelles they not at all a lot comapre to over 10 thousands of cheap labour importaed from India,Pakistan,and moreover those French share amny things with us,our langaue )0 percent french words,our names,culture,tradtion etc..etc we can better live with them bexcuase of that than those Indain.Pakistanis who never intergrate in countires they exile,immigrate but force their cultures on others while using their host country,passports,social ,health,economic benfits.Furthermore,those countires from where immigrant mostly come from are, Africa and from countires who fight their French for their independence and chased the French out of their lands what make them beleive that they still can invade France or claim France as part of their home.France has still many colonies in Caribean and pacific whereby those people are also surving from economic crisis so why should France continue to take in ithousands of illegal immigrants into their Land when millions of the citizen are losing thier jobs etc...

As the French Seychellois should do the same especially to those thousands who came as expats once contract over never returned to their homeland,those who have been gifted our national passports,etc...They put country's sovereignty and our heritage in jeopardy.And in Seychelles it is more distrubing for they did not come by themsleves but PP illegally without the consent of the people against all rules of law bring them here.

Jeanne D`Arc

Anonymous said...

90 percent of words in our language is derived from French.

Anonymous said...

Come On Jeanne D'Arc, Seselwa is derived from a mix of European, Asians & Africans. Yes the first generation of imigrants takes a little while to intergrate - however, the second generation cannot resist our joie de vivre and they soon loose their identity and engulf themselves in the melting pot. We now have Ramados intergrating very well indeed. He is head of the business comunity and mow treasurer to the main political party. We Seselwa can somtimes be as racist as the first generation imigrants !

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Incidentally, we need to further accept that Seychelles is a young nation of only 243 years old. We were only inhabited in 1770ish. We are still building up our population so all are welcomed if they are going to contribute and help build Seychelles. Sesel pou Seselwa was used in the 60's & 70's by. SPUP evolved to SPPF and now PP realises this is bad for Seychelles, therefore have changed course - the same way that Hounorable Gill has changed course since crossing the floor.Having said that, we do indeed need a policy and a migration cap to manage our population head count. We do not want to have a situation were our infrastructure cannot meet the needs of a fast growing island population.We have the following infrastructure to consider when formulating our policy: Health, Education,Environment, Water, Electricity, Housing, Transport etc.. Sorry Hounorable Gill, hope I have not spoilt your Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Liki manman in sal jp in bez dokiman lo basil hoareau konm kwa i en fimer in osi ganny levidans basil pe fer trik ek parti lepep pou extort son kliyan in menm ralye bokou dokiman lo bann dil vann later dimoun e bann loan ki zot tin pran pou fer biznes ek raffles praslin kot finalman in faid e loan pa ankor fini peye!

Zwer i pe travay lo video sa avoka avek son bann pti fanm parkote san son fanm konen be pa en kouyon ankor sa sa boug i danzere zis picture basil pe bour fanm devi hahaha

Anonymous said...

11.20 PM
First PISSY,i was reering to our langauge(mothertongue) not thr blend that make Seychellois Nation.
Secondly ,the first immgrants as you caaled them are the embryoes that gave birth to our Seychellois nation-Nation=a hemogenous people woth common language,tradition,religion,culture,traits,custom and historical experience,nothing to do with the likes of RAMADOSS who came here as a GOP workersand landed here in a rag and a pair of sandals on a limited work contract and after his contract ended he was gifted our passport.Moreover,His position at our Commercial instituion was achieved by fraud and as an Idian he should not be even sitting in the chair of one of our country's institution.You went on to say ,for the growing population we need foreigners to help in infratucres,health etc...Note that looking back on our 300 years of history Seychellois has no over populated their land and we will nottolerate that a crooked regime artifically and illegally do it for us with all those negative consequences it brings with it.As you right to say ,sometimes foreign workers are needed to help,but when foreign wroker start destroying your own people jobs and salry it mens there is aproblem for it is not the ordinal objective of improting foreign workers,Thus it means that thier amount is excessive and many jobs that being made by them should be for Seychellois thus there is a need to limit them,Moreover,Seychelles might need foreign force to help intheir country's development but it should be temporary workers once contrac ended should live our land and not stay as forever as illegal immigrants. RThat was not the purpose of having foreign workers,not to have them as illegal immigrant but temporary worekers who once contract ended should leave.

You also take about RACISt.Truth is not racist,facts are not hate.Every nation is heritage,every heritasge is special,and every heritage is worth preserving for it is a nation identity.

A ogvenremnt PISSY,prime duty is to protect its people ,its sovereignty and product wealth though its people productivities.Involing in the process of illegally importing foreigners to colonizedistabilize,reduce Seychellos to slavery is not one of those duties of a sovereign govenment.

Therefore the need to get rid of Pp thugocracy to bring order in the country and thus give protection and security to our people.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Jeanne D'Arc, I agree with some of your arguments and points and disagree with some.

GOP; I agree that workers who lands on our shores on GOP status should not be granted citizenship just for the sake of it. However, if they can demonstrate that they are contributing (as is the case with Ramadoss) then they should be allowed to apply for citizenship and be granted one if they meet strict set criteria and tick all the right boxes. In the case of Krecir, he should have been denied citizenship ! As for taking jobs away from Seselwa we can argue/debate this one out. Part of me says the average working class Seselwa are lazy and lacks work ethics. Having said that there are exceptions. We ocasionally come across good hard working individuals (I must add, this is rare). Part of me says the average Seselwa are not well rewarded and recognised for hard work hence the lack of hard work and ethics on their part. If we were going to increase the minimum wage to say SCR7000 per month I believe we will notice a different attitude with the average Seselwa worker.At present we have a system that would rather pay a foreign gardener US$300 per month (SCR4200), 1 return airfare per year US$600 (SCR600 per month) Boarding, Lodging and food average US$100 per month (SCR1400). When we add all this up it comes to more that SCR6500 per month. Then why not recognise our Seselwa brothers, sisters, sons and daughters with the right monthly salary of SCR7000. On the other hand we have a good number of hard working Seselwa abroad earning in 1 month what would take them 16 months to earn in Sesel. A lot of these Seselwa now have duel citizenship because they have adopted the foreign land as their second home. Therefore, it is hypocitical to deny foreigners rights in Sesel when they are contributing to society. A confused Seselwa.

Anonymous said...

Jeanne D'Arc, one other point... most of the GOP workers are single male. When they end up in Sesel and come across our Cafe-au-Lait girls their head just spins out of control. Before you know they get into serious relationships and here you have our girls wanting their new partner to stay behind in Sesel. I do not blame these GOP workers when our girls parade their flesh in the lions den ! I konw of at least 10 such cases over the past 24 months !

Anonymous said...

Reply t PL Liar-

If I am a liar then do the following:

1. Ban foriegn contributions to election campaigns

2. Allow all Seychellois citizens to regiater to vote regardless of residency.

Then we will see who has run Seychelles all these years without a legitimate bona fide mandate.

Bunch of theives, all of you.

Now the thieves are exposed.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

How many Seychellois immigrants are working in India ?

Anonymous said...

There are probably no Seselwa working in India. However, there are plenty working in France, UK, States, UAE, Australia. Incidentally we have a lot os Seselwa in top jobs or running their own successful businesses in these countries. If the developed world is fit to receive Seselwa then Sesel is fit to receive Indians. Let us not be racists ! A Confused Seselwa.

Anonymous said...

What is good for the goose is good for the gander !

Anonymous said...

How many Seychellois immigrants are there overseas lording over the locals ?

Anonymous said...

There are probably NO Seychellois immigrants working in India.

Anonymous said...

There are probably no other countries in the world where the government thinks foreigners are superior to locals.

Anonymous said...

Pilot accused of molesting schooolgirl in lift
By Eman Al BaikPublished Sunday, May 13, 2012

A 29-year-old pilot, JLW, from the Seychelles Islands, allegedly molested a 14 year old girl in the lift of a building, the Dubai Criminal Court heard.

The victim, ANH, 14, American student, testified that on March 17 at around 11 am she went to a building in Knowledge Village to get her Arabic language lessons.

“A man entered the lift behind me. I pressed the 31st floor while he pressed the 21st floor. As the lift arrived at the 21st floor, the man did not get out. As the door closed he came close to me and groped my face. I pushed him away put he did it several times. When the lift arrived at the 31st floor, he got out and I got out too. I told my tutor what happened in the lift,” she testified.

The tutor informed the girl’s father AHH, 53, businessman, who rushed to the building and talked to the watchman and then informed the police.

First Sergeant Adel Saeed testified that the building’s watchman could identify the tenant from the recording of the camera lift. The recording showed the man did not get out of the lift at the 21st floor that he had pressed but rather stayed in the lift and molested the girl who pushed him away several times until the lift reached the 31st floor.

Police arrested JLW and the girl recognised him during the identification parade.

JLW denied the accusation. The case was adjourned until May 29.

I hope those GOP foreigners are behaving themselves in Sesel unlike our own who works abroad !

Anonymous said...

To confused seselwa,
PISSEDOFF a brain-washed Seselwa Said"GOP workers who feel to have contribute to our country development should somehow be automatically gifted our citizenship" i can understand how cofused it could be for you after four deacdes of hearing PP progandas and misinformation coming out from the mouth of those Pp cronies like PISSY,he is also confuse even more than you.But let us put into perspective things.Firstly,PISSEDOFF view demonstrates the gross ignorance of Pp thugs of our constitution(the backbone of a nation),which equally explian whx Pp is continuosly raping our institutions.Secondly,the same constitution that Pp rapes ,provides pre-determined provisions for GOP workers.It basically says"GOP workers contribution is rewarded by CASH and of which the conditions are stipulated in a contract.
How,if PISSEDOOFF would have told us that RAMADOSS after his GOP contract ended immedaitely registered himself as a foreign businessman in our country thus benefits from already existing provisions for this effect and a few decades later would appy for our citzenship and he legally obtain it ,then he would have been accepted as one of us. Note also that Seychelois who hold dual citizenships did benefits from thier host countries legal provsions which made it possible for them to hold double nationalitiy.But the problem with RAMADOSS and any others, is that from the very first time they ste foot on our sohres they acted illegally,instead of integrating they wanted to rule us,do politics in our place,try to build his own Indain community within our territories.And you can imagine how Seychellois would feel to accept a foreign criminal as their habours.

Moreover,our constituion provides means for a foreigner to become a citizen ,for instance,through marriage,etc...

So in a word,PP pretexts,excuses in a attempt to cover up its mal-practiceson just can not be justify and should not even be an issue would PP abide by the book.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Jeanne D'Arc, thank you for elaborating and clearing some confusion. I am now less confused, but remain confused.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Ramadoss arrived in Seychelles as a doctor attached to the army. He acquired his wealth by being a front for Mr. Rene and the SPPF. He does not qualify as a bona fide foreigner who deserves citizenship or any recognition. He rode on the backs of others to achieve the status he has acquired today and now he can afford to be magnanimous with his money, on the pretence of being over compassionate and loving his adopted country. Wouldn't you be if you had acquired and achieved so much through the means that he used. The success of " his" businesses have not been based on free and fair competition. I am surprised how some people have short memories or maybe choose to adopt memory loss when it comes to Ramadoss!

Anonymous said...

JUSt meditate on the astronic revenue made last on tuna export.* BILLION EUROS.Just imagine how much heavy EUROS we would have in our National Reserve today after fourty years of indenepence.But as all African Leaders PP has practiced what is a unique African way of doing business namely by giving their antural reosurces to foreigners to rob.destroy and exploit in return for a handful of peanuts and you know what those dictators like michel are happy with the 30 pieces of silver given to them for they do not see and understand the vuales of thier resources.Todaydif PP thugs would have created ot own tuna seiners(which must be noted Seychellois always ask for it)our country would have been the little Africa Switzerland ,bailing out other countries,and all the other advantage it would ahve given us for instance,it building our own cargo fleet,even our own Curise liner to operate in the Indian Ocean,buy foreign comapnies aborad to diverse our economy and amke it not dependent on only nationa lproductivity etc...,but mis- managemnt,corrutption,patronage,crnyism.and all thei other -isms practice by PP has brought us in this shit.And JENPA also seems happy to offically announce the figure that his country does not benfits from,instead of being ashame ofr all the profits or the amount (99 percent of the sum)is pocketed by foreigners fishing or exploiting our resources in our place.What a shame PP!

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

i meant astronomic pissy.

Anonymous said...

Made on tuna export 3 billion EUROS last year.

Anonymous said...

Goose and Gander-

Fortunately the realities of the world do not work in your simplified version of how things work.

Each country is right set its immigration and foreign worker policy to suit its needs.

Unforutunately in Seychelles, the matter has not been dealt with seriously.

This is why we raise these concerns.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

What communist have done with this 3 billlion?

Anonymous said...

2.40 Am
Communist has done nothing for it is billions made by foreigner tuna seiners of which the give us a few million out of it annually.The question should be how many billions we would have had after fourty years if we did not have a crooked regime and would have created our own seiners and eploited our natural resources oursleves?The answer,We would have been the Switzerland of Africa ,the richest country on the African continent and probably among the one of the world's richest nations per capita..

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Jeanne D'Arc, we are the Switzerland of Africa, but only for a handful of Seselwa, including Ramadoss, Adam, Savy and the such elite !

Anonymous said...

No cannot compare or say we are ther switzerland of African but for a few,for the Swiss people wîll be offended to allow us compare them, a great organized democracy to a gang of Pp crooks .Under PP thugocracy seychelles can better be compared to N.Korea whereby elites rob the people's money ,send the children abroad in European schools,colleges,universties etc.. for their studies while ontheir country's National TVs they praise and tell their people that they have the best education system the worlds can offer ,better health system ,etc...

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Pissoff you should watch the film THE DICTATOR from Borat then you will see how asshole dictators are like the one we have in Seychelles.


Anonymous said...

Pissoff you see how communist are corrupt!FIFA give them money to built this stadium at Praslin they took the money and put in their pockets and built a stadium that are not safe even for playing,Basrtdo communist fuck Meriton mafia you will be also facing justice one day.

Anonymous said...

I guess the Swiss must be the good crooks! They did everything that PP are doing and more yet they are still our favourite nation. They have been a good role model for JAM and friends.

Anonymous said...

You really confused!Democracy is not tyranny.Switzeralnd is one of the best model of democracy one can find on earth.Why.In this land all high dicission of importance,such as for instance,Buying new military hardwares for the military,any important reforms and so forth,are decided by the people through referendum.In Seychelles under PP,all decisions are taken unillaterally by pp thugs and forced on the people.Accountability and transaprency,human rights protects,all those traits have part become of the Swiss people folkflore.May be PP crooks should instead learn from the Swiss people than criticizing while having no knowledge of this modern democratic society.

Jeanne DÂrc

Anonymous said...

In Switzerland when you are corrupt politician you face justice.

Anonymous said...

And since it is a well -organized direct democracy,corruption practices are as rare as our coco de mer.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

The Swiss are crooks!

How did Switzerland stay neutral during two wars?

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_did_Switzerland_stay_neutral_during_two_wars#ixzz1v32IWsiS




Anonymous said...

Ti Johnny now I understand why you come here with your gibberish. You watch too much garbage and they burn out your brain cells only to be replaced by shit!
Try watching some sensible movies or even something educational to stimulate what's left of your gray matters maybe they might eventually be recontructed!

Anonymous said...

Sitzerland mone,holocaust ,etc..All nations can make mistakes the important step after one's mistake is to have the guts to accept one^s mistakes.And the swiss people did offically and directly excused themselves for their mistakes including cconpensating the jews victims' families billions of dollars.And most importantly the JEWISH and the State ISREAL have accepted billaterally the swiss poeple excuseses and compensation thus in a way the case is settled.

I am not hear to defense the swiss people ,i response for i have stidied there , ihave and continue to travel there,i apprreciate their system of direct democracy etc...

Let us disguss on PP thugs ,who are raping our institutions and subjugating our people .Let us clean our own yard before critcizng a model democractic land that the world takes as an example and get the job deon right here in our homeland.There are lots of wrok to do and surely there would be more than expected when pp is toppled and we discovered all the mess it has left behind.

Jeanne D?Arc

Anonymous said...

The murdered Seychellois are not forgotten.

Seychellois, can take possession of their dignity.

PL SPPF- you are traitors to the people!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
There are probably no Seselwa working in India. However, there are plenty working in France, UK, States, UAE, Australia. Incidentally we have a lot os Seselwa in top jobs or running their own successful businesses in these countries. If the developed world is fit to receive Seselwa then Sesel is fit to receive Indians. Let us not be racists ! A Confused Seselwa.
May 13, 2012 3:07 PM


Anonymous said...

Mon ti kwar nepli annan seselwa ki kouyon parey bann SFP..... Your are stuck in the past Guys....Move on ... come to reality....

Anonymous said...

Pli gran kouyon dan SFP se Gill followed by so soungoula Zan Pol Izaaq a.k.a. Ti Johnny-Le-Gay!

Yes I'm back bann kabo lapo!

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