Thursday, May 3, 2012

Is the Government of Seychelles Using Miss Brenda Bristol as a scape goat? When will Human Right's in Seychelles Ever be fully Respected??

The Seychelles Freedom Party interviewed Miss Brenda Bristol based on a case against her Charging her on Three charges which when clearly looked at by members of the sfp investigating team this lead to organizational miss conduct and improper implementation of communication in a work place resulting into innocent victims being the scape goat! Some key person's involved in this case the case of not genuine gate pass and clearing of containers from the commercial port did not wish to make any statement's nor clarify but SFP managed to still gather bits and pieces that indirectly has nothing to do with miss Brenda Bristol! The police is yet to make any declarations.....

See Recording affixed:


Anonymous said...

Dictaotrs have always use their victims as scapegoats for they are never and can never be responsible ofr any of their own acts,they are demi-gods they always rights.

Bullying is always scapegoating,just as abuse is always scapegoating and it si a projection defence.It is the ego saying "if i can put the blame on you,i donot have to recognize and take responsibilty for the negative qualities in myself".Scapegoating is a sociAl- psycholigical discrediting routine by which people move blame and responsibiblity from themselves and towarss a target person or group.Waht Ms Brenda Bristol is expereincing is exactly that-PP must find someone to take the blame in its place.

The prepetrator's drive to displace and transfer responisibiblty away from himself may not be expereinced with full consciousness-self-deception is often a feature.

The people of Seychelles will have to grab the bull by its horn,and deal seriously with PP thugocracy ,for it is time for real change,it is time to get those monkeys to the zoo at Montagn is time to make them accountable for the multiple crimes,it is time sweap clean our land form those communists parasites decaying our society for their personal greedy interests by ensalveing our people.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Over Sr. 10 Million in taxes of goods missing and this lady carried the containers on her back?

Give us a break PL!

Get real.

Anonymous said...

Adding to it u$ 2,5 billions stolen and banked in Switzerland since 2008 and we still awating for FAURE and Michel to account for all those billions.",4 that Morgan stolon.Faure self .gifted 0ne percent of ILE SOLEIL a reclaimed island paid totally by tax payers money that FAURE wants to make his private assets but the most disturbing thing in all that he even want to sell Seychellois land on this recalimed island which belong to them wjhile PP regime illegally gifted a South Afrcan EDEN FOR ONE HUNDRED YEARS FOR ONE RUPEE.You know what FAURE ,this ile was paid with our peole's tax you should just give all seychellois interested free of charge a piece of their land and in retunr make the South African pay ofr Eden which belong to the peole .We have also all those multi-millions being given by foreigners as debts to our country which no single cent being accounted for to date.Note that PP also gifted one of our coral isalnd to another SouthAfrican for one rupee for seventy years without aying a cent in tax.Porbably this South African pays commission to directly to PP plite Buro wherby the money share among PP crooks.

Let get tjhose monkey out of powerr now.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Just by watching the clip i can conclude that the lady is a victim of a fail system.

Anonymous said...

The lady is the victim of a failed system that its followers have convinced themsleves that our institutions are there person assets and as MS Brenda the victims are all Seychellois.Look at the situation we are in after fourty years of independent.Our people have become poorer they were in the 18 century and all those fake rich are PP party members of wohm most of them can porve the how they became mulit-millionaires and of how they obtained all those big shiny expensive cars,boats,palces,and so on.
I think for those monkeys there would be no need to waste time to bring thm to court after we topple them but directly< to Montagne Posse in their ZOO.The crimes committed are such that in fact capital sentecne will be the only apporpriate sentence.We might need to ammend our criminal law for the purpose.

Get those monkeys to the Zoo at montagn Possee now!

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Million of dollars in foreign bank account stolen from the people of Seychelles by James Michel and Albert Rene.These are the two bastards that need to be arrested and charged.Seychelles is bankrupt and ordinary people are suffering due to their despicable actions.

Anonymous said...

Foudre kas liki ban voler communist pou zot arrete!

Anonymous said...

Indian President Patil is right to comment on and praise the existence and success of the Indian community in Seychelles, a minority with full rights as citizens and in some cases with political privileges not accorded to everyone.

But Patil should do more for multi-racial communities in India, rather than the racial and religious intolerance that India is known for. She should have told Ramadoss to respect our multi-cultural identity where, until Ramadoss amassed his wealth and embarked on his political ambitions, Indians were fully integrated into the Seychellois community. Now we are seeing Ramadoss using Indians to support him because he is Indian.

Otherwise Patil should shut up. She has no moral leadership to offer. She has crammed this state visit to Seychelles into her end of mandate overseas jollies, before she is booted out of office in a few months. Why do we attract that sort of 'admirers' ? As far I am concerned she can stop again on her way from South Africa to tell us that she has decided to use the gift of $25m to improve the sort of millions of Indian children who live in terrible poverty. As Parti Lepep keeps telling us, children in Seychelles are not starving.

Anonymous said...

Gross Domestic Product per person.

India $3,700
Seychelles $24,700

This loan from India will increase our GDP even more.

India may have a much bigger economy than Seychelles, but it has 1.2 billion people to look after.

Anonymous said...

Donkey GDp without creating productivity,emplyoment,better the welfare of our people do not make sense.All a country produce must be for the benfit ,betteremnt of its people for socierty was created by men to serve this purpose namely make them live better.GDP created artificailly form foreigners is not an economic success of a country but shows how uncapble our leaders are.Living on charity< after fourty years on our independence is nothing to be proud of for when a country takes its independence to depend on itself not on others dfonkey.

Indai has i.2 billions to look after ,what have Seychellois to with it?Are we indains ,should we repalce indain goverenmnt or waht'Donikey this an indain probelem of which they must deal with thmeselves.One away of doing it will be to haver family plaiing system and stop doing kids like pigs to then invade other soveiregn nations terrirtories.Moreover,if indain as a big popualtion to feed why are they help a dictatorships with millions rather than feed thier own people donkey?Indai Gross domestic Porducr is limited to a minority surely not those millions living in PUNJAB,Karbala and other places around indai donkey.Most indain lives on less than one seychelles rupee per day and often by reselling garbages,trashs.What owul all those poor indins say if they know that their govenremnt find millions to gifted to a corrutp regime and do not have enoughto feed them donkey?

And lastly donkey.Do you know or understand the difinition of NATION,SoveERIGNTY,INDENPENDECE ?If not search of interent and educate yourself donkey and learn about the values of a sovereign nation .

Jeanne D'arc

Anonymous said...

We are losing patient communist crooks its to heat them back.

Anonymous said...

If PP does not rapidly i say it again-my guys will blow up their big communsit heads into pieces.They ready and repeat they loosing patient.And i personally order them should the caught alive not to waste a bullet for he deoes not deserveit but rather hammered his head with a 14 lbs hammer.

Jeanne D'Arc

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

should they catch Michel alive.

Anonymous said...

I have spoken with my guys preference is to execute them for the mission has long been prepared and determined that we will not take prisoners:but for michel the butcher i ordered them if possible(but not thier priority) to give him a specail treatment he likes being given specail treatment for a 14 lbs hammer would be to my opinions and considering his atrocities the best punishment he could have,a bullet is too expensive for such a monkey.Moreover,taking those crooks as prisoners would means in a demcratic seytem giveing them the benefits of using democratic justice system to save their asses,Thus beofre any democratic system can be put in place these iwould make usre they won't benefits for democratic norms they never wanted their people to benefits from.You might want to know how i and my guys can neutralize ,radicate pp and his armed state paid killers rapidly and by a blink of an eye.Well ask me and will gicve you just one little example of a tactic which could be very dertermend by have been refused by my guys for there are much rapid ,effective tatics in palce already that i won't be neccesary to shoot one single bullet but still arrerst them all at one go.I can asure you if i tell you of just one of this tactics we will not use you will have a colsweat just ready it and think about it,for your little monkey brain would never have tough of such tactics.You wuill be also able to understand what porbably we got more and much beeter for pp.You might all ask why make your tactics or telling pp public of using force aginst PP.Usaully nobody would make its plan public especially when it come to a coup.Well i tell why? My guys a x young profeesional long preapred abraod for the mission,they have the best weapons one can find in toadys world,they have had the best possible training a profeesional soldier can have(and i can even tell you by whom they have their training by An ex-foreign legion military officer among others)they are sure they can take all those little donkeys who think they good becuase michel told them portecting him.And finally becuase we want PP to be ready in advnace waht when we come he could not say he did not know thus not preaper.And mostly importantly my guys want to put their capability in action and want to give those monkeys who put stars on their shoulders themsleves a miliatry lesson that none of them ever dreamt of.

Jeanne D'Arc

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

By doshing $75 million to Seychelles they are looking after our 1.3 million square kilometers of ocean called the "Indian Ocean".

Communist China OUT!

That is the message.

Anonymous said...

Well this could be Indai vision or wish ,but as a soveiregn nation our territories ashould not fullfil others illsions but our people.Indai can be friend weith us,have may access to sail his ships in our waters but our waters should not be use and abuse to fullfil others objective just as Indai willnot allow his own territories to be use by others for thoers purposes.Our Territories must and should stay under the control of our people ,nation not that of foreigners regardless who be it a friend or else.Our heritage and sovereignty is not negocaitable nor should it be a playground for foreign forces.

Jeanne D?Arc

Anonymous said...

And in addition,should PP exploit ourselves our vast EEZ for the last fourtyears,i am sure today even in this cirsis we would have had lots of not millions but billions as national reserves in foreign banks and even being in a postion to bailed out other country.But PP corrupted regime has always be of how pp crooks can make money from theselves by abusing national resources and not by developing ouselves to better our peole live and properity of our people.Billions have been made by foreigners through the deaceds Seychelles has only gain peanuts not even enough to feed Seychellois over a year with enough rice.Nopt ot mention ESEPC millions stolen by ADAM,millions stolen By Glenny ,millions stolen by David Savy,millions stolen by FRA,FAURE mIChel and all the rest.Our countr should be better off toayd should those monkeys not rob our country and poeple.

Jeanne D'arc

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Yes jeanne D'arc johnny is looking forward for that,may be one day Seselwa will wake up they will hear good news and bad news.The bad news is that communist will be no more in Power.
Dont say we are terorists like Gadahfi was saying when his peoples was fightIng for their freedom,because is typical African dictators.


Anonymous said...

It will be for freedom,democracy and justice justice we want.

Anonymous said...

Correction! i mean the good news communist will be no more in Power

Anonymous said...

Ti Dyonny; I'm waiting for you to come but you are bloody taking your time! Typical just like your overweight leader!
Please come with all the fire power you can muster! Come sooooooon pleeeeeze I cannot wait any longer!

Anonymous said...

Johnny it is not MAYBE seychellois will wake up or not we donot have time to wait.,If they donot i will do the job for us.It is the responsiblility of us all,but if some does not have the guts ,i will my young proffesional guys will do it for all Seychellois and we are ready ,anytime ,anywhere.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

And N:B Jhnny we will not tolerate any Chinese military base anywhere on our territories be it on a Coral island or else where and not even one single chinese soldier.Seychelles will not become TIBET.

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Respond to this crook above jeanne D'arc,dont ask for it communist crook.Taking time for a good plan and victory and freedom make you achive your gold.


Anonymous said...

Pti Johnny; I repeat if they don't do any revolution and kick the Chinese out I will volonteer to do the job!

Jeanne D'ementian

Anonymous said...

Lets join togethere then we can kick their ass,seselwa are afraid to take the pain.

Anonymous said...

Jeanne dementian
I am sure you would crawle ,cry,shit in your pant when we come for you donkeys.Your little communsit ass will be so tight that you will get constipation.Do you remeber how Gaddafi was opening his ass before he waas caught called his cronies to BENGA;BENGA,then when he was caught he shit in his sandal without realized.Youc will expereince the same faith maron.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

SFP thank you for posting this case . It involves a member of my family and I am glad to know someone will stand up the the average seselwa

Anonymous said...

That mean SFP are doing better jobs,than this fake opposition judas call David,Ram and Volcer.

Anonymous said...

Thema human right fake opposition must debate in the Seychelles assembly and bring camera in the assembly,that Seselwa can see and can see that communist are just liar.

Anonymous said...

In 2020 I will still be here to MALTRET sa langet Ti Dyonny a.k.a. Jean Paul Izaaq (he is now muslim)because Pp will still be in power (we would have changed our name back to SPUP (re-cycling))and Gill will still be a lying fat bastard and Ti Dyonny a.k.a. you know who will still be arse licking for his Sunday Rosbif and threatening to overthrow us in 2030. His pros will still be undergoing training and by then all our saddle-back will be flying e kaka lo latet Zandark!

Mwan mon pou en vye boug pe bez mon Wiski e pe kares zen fanm!

Anonymous said...

That all you can do vye boug kares,this old kabo you can not use it any more, in pas disan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seychellois are the best in humors!
The story is about Brenda Bristol as a scape goat and the statements are about k@bo in pas disan,maltret sa langet tpi johnny, isn't that amazing? Wi pa kouyon sa nasyon seselwa mon dir-a-ou? te-he-he.

Anonymous said...

Seychellois are the best in humor,if not the best but good enough.We probably inherited it from the Brits who are masters in humore and surely not from Arabs like Khalifa or Chinese like Mao.

A word on PP food security program which is only to pocket money from foreign donors.Firstly,we all know that our country does not have enough space for agriculture and that we donot have enough fertile soil to really produce all our food oursleves.So what is PP rpeaching about food security or is it nathoer way to begging to the world?

Instead,waht >PP shloud have done or must do,take back the ocral island its gifted to a South African fro 70 years fro one rupee to plant tree that are then cut and exported to South African without any cent of benefit for our country and start agricultre ther to aprtly feed our people.Secondly,two years ago ,the ZANZIBAR mayor came here and did offer us the possibility to come and do busissness there especially in agriculture.Pp could have used this opportunity to work in a jion venture with the ZANZIBAR local governemnt thus we could benfits on low price on products like RICE etc that Zanzibar already produced.Of course we would have not done like Chinese namely colonizing Zanzibar and taking their people job,but by being share holders.This would have allow us to improt rice or partly of our annual consumption from Zanzibar for a fix price(regardless of market pirce at all time,let us say one quater of our annual consumption)thus make us save money but also have a certain food security.And the extra could be sold on other markets which would have compensate the different in price that we would have paid out should we were not share holder and benefit from a fix price.This would have benfit both Zanzibar and Seychelles namely by getting Zanzibar a sure market for its porducts while making us save on high price of rice and high export duty,taxs etc.. it would have been a win win deal.No colonization,no annexation,no job taking from Zanzibar people but work together by consultation etc in order that both benfits.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

If you can find humour in Sarcasm then you can can laugh along.

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