Wednesday, May 2, 2012

President OF India Pratibha Devisingh Patil Visit's Seychelles on The Heals Of The Obama Letter


Anonymous said...

After the DRAGON attempts to invade sovereign states on african continenet India respond by sending its President Mrs Pital on an african tour to supposedly further develop coorporation betwwen India and Africa.Hence,the motive of India is no different from that of China namely play the official samaritians of africa while their real objective is nothing less than exploitation with a neo-colonilism taste to it.Like China,Indai have the world's biggest population thus though a strong ecenomy it can not satisty the economic and social need of its own people thus there is a deliberate policy to miggrae them to others countries and after slavery,clonization that African peoples were victims we though history taught humaninity that colonization is a human rights violation and past errors and mistakes had taught them the lesson of not to repeat it,you know waht Africa is again the target of this unhuman barbaric practice called colonilism.The most distrubing in all that is seeing two countries China and Indai who fought many wars in the Name of Independent ,soveiregnty,nation (regards of what political system came after)now being the mastermind of colonization.Seychellois as a antion and people whose own ancestors were the victims of salvery,colonisation and who struggle for their freedom must not allow a allow a gang of thugs dictate of how our country's future demography would be,We built our nation for centuries,we have have always live peacefully among ourselves without ethnics conflicts(for we were lucky enough not to have tribes,CAS etc..)with one language ,tradition etc.. that have since our existance as a antion keep us together in harmony and previlege we earned for we were blessed not to expereince all those ethnics conflicts we heard and seen around Africa and Asia.Nut you know what,a gang of communsits who put themsleves by foce on power,have decided that they will create the ethnic,cultural,religious conflicts artificailly for us and that by illegally,unilaterally giftting our country to foreigners.Seychellos have a rights to use all means to stop the folies of those gangters called PP.Our heritage and sovereignty is not negociatable PP.We reserve the right to fight for it if necessary just as the Chinese and Indian think they had a right to fight for the independent decades ago.

Pp has also been using the occasion to diverse our attemption from its failed policies by organizing a non stop tour for Mrs Patil.She vistied our kangaroo Assemblyand met with those monkeys there, which is a shame on her ,she who cliamed Indai in a democratic state.The visited a show on air wings which was supposed to Seychelles Air wings but the Commadner is called KUMAR who is think is an Indian.That begs the question,Why is it that an Indain is our Air Wings commander PP?It also shows was Michel means by New Seychelles namely helpng the colonization of our land while in public he preaches and sing the song of protecting our Heritage.

Dictator Michel can flghit in all the foreign state leaders to participate in his show case of neo-colonialism-but make not mistake PP,the Seychellois people would never ever allow a gan of crooks to bring them back to slavery.

As castor the first Seychellois freedom fighter wgo fought his way to allow the freedom and birth of our Nation we as his decedent will fight to protect it .

Time for regime change!

Jeanne DÂrc

Anonymous said...

Foreign aid -- should we see it as a success or failure for Parti Lepep ?

TODAY in Seychelles disappoints me again today. Indeed !

We were promised so much new thinking, but Today's front page smacks of old mentality as it praises the Indian government's gift of $25m and loan of $50m. "India -- a friend in deed", it shouted to tell us that President Patil did not come to visit empty-handed. Indeed, she did not. But don't we wish she had ?

True, indeed, Today's front page could have been more horrible the day after May Day. It could have served us a photo of Michel welcoming and waving goodbye (it all happened in some 36 hours) to the Indian President on her state visit on the way to an 8-day state visit to South Africa. The absence of Michel and Patil on Today's front page would not have gone unnoticed (and will probably not go unpunished) in the narcissistic Michel's state house. Also, there were no shortage of Parti Lepep ministers jostling around Patil to make sure they got into the photos. At the Botannical Gardens, St Ange got so close he almost walked on her sari and I am sure breached protocol. Nothing will stand in the way of St Ange for a photo with the Indian president and a press release for eTurbo News and Wolfgang Thome, even if meant subjecting the Indian leader to body odour. UGH !! !

Moral conundrum of Indian aid

My beef with Today is that we shouldn't really celebrate such charity, especially when it comes from a country like India. We have all seen pictures of heart-breaking poverty of millions of Indians. Should we really accept $25m from India so that we can keep our petrol prices low ? There's the moral conundrum that we expected Today (unlike amoral Seychelles Nation) to grapple with on our behalf. The deep soul-searching was missing, as Today let go and joined in the celebration of yet another foreign handout to ease our self-imposed economic difficulties caused by the economic mismanagement of the last 35 years under Parti Lepep. It is one thing to accept help from their navy but it is quite another thing to accept cash which could be spent on dirt poor Indians if the Indian government could get its priorities and moral values right.

We read sometime ago that Britain gives foreign aid to India because the latter has serious poverty is many places. We also read that many in the Indian government felt the aid undignified and wanted to stop it. Britain it seems wants to keep the influence that foreign aid (about £200m a year) gives it. But you do not see the Indians banging on about the amount of foreign aid it gets and you do not see them treating each new tranche of foreign aid as a foreign policy or party political success. Not like we do. The Indians see British aid as a source of embarrassment. We see Indian aid as a source of pride.

So why do we see foreign handouts differently, especially when every United Nations table shows Seychellois better off than the average Indian ? The UN does not yet have a table that compares national pride and dignity.

I was expecting Today to prepare us to top this table, whenever the UN gets round to compiling one. And not to rejoice that our begging bowl is getting full before we empty it into someone's deep pocket and start begging again.

I hate SFP.

Anonymous said...

These loans as its name define is not gifted but DEBTS that future generation will have to pay back.More over,you said Mrs Patil did not come empty hand".Well,why should he ahve expected her to come with fullhands?You think a sovereign sate living on charity of other countires is a norm.

Furthermore,JENPA who just grabbed African slogan without think "we want trade and not aids"contracdict your position.Britian make an offer than the obtaining governemnt as legitimate goverenmnt can either accept or refuse it,you must not try to tell us because the Brtiish governemnt offers aids you as a soviereng state has an obligation to accept it as if the offering countries has a right on you.

If PP think it will make us beleive that cahrity is a antional economic performance,a new economic principles Pp invested after the fialure of marxist economic princilples than we Seychellois are bound to turn back to slavery in the coming decades.

A nation takes it independence to be free and dependent on its own people to pporduce the well-fare of the nation not by depedning on charity.Charity helps turned nations to dependence on others thus allowing others to influence our politics,and control over us.

Let us stop PP neo-colonilism strategy together with Communists and goross human rights abuser China and Indian Cas.

Time for reigime change!
Jeanne DÂrc

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seen years communist having been living just of aid from other country and left Seychelles only to pay debt pay debt communist fucking crooks communist.

Anonymous said...

It must be added that these TOW countries are one of the most anti-cultural diversity they do not want their culture to be influenced by other cultures.Most often those two Nations when their people miigrant to other countries becuase on their ancestral monolithic culture refused to integrate in the host countries they like to invade but instaed create their own communsities within the host countires which as a result produce ethnics problems.

We must fight noe-colonism of our land and must be ready to take strong actions against PP thugtoctrats who want to sell out our soveriegnty for a handful peices of silver to foreigners.

Time for regimew change.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

in ler pou tir zot sa bann langet dan sa pei zoli grenn nou p anmase akoz ni en sou nou napa zis fye lo entel ek entel fer pri lavi monte pou kouver zot det ki zot dwa nou pas martir anba zot lanmen rasta i dir non sa systenm, systenm i for lo nou tou le zou pri lavi i monte eski vre letan zot dir zot care pou nou....brile nou dir

Anonymous said...

Zarkozy in his campainge for election has said foreigners must pack and French border must be more tie with security.

Pissoff is Zarkozy also racis for protecting his country?

Anonymous said...

Sarkozy said foreigners must be reduced.But we must not be a copycat of French, for French History in regards to foreigners is different from us namely that French did go to other countries and colonized them,French still has colony and French oforeign policies has been in the past decades as national policies Approved by the French people to allow immigrantion.Seychellois never approved any Pp policies legitimizing colonization nor the illegal sell out of their country and any contracts bein signed in names for instance,in Chinese attempt to build a military on our soveiregn land are illegal and will be dealt with as such.No conpromise on our heritage and sovereignty with any other nations..

Beit the French or nay other nations protecting their soveiregn there is no single reason to critize them for sovereignty is base on having a nation independent and one that rules itself and that same rule is an international law recognize both by China and India.

There can be no explanation ,excuses that could ever justify neo-colonialism and as a sovereign nation we will do everything anything to protect our soveiregnty and Nation.

Communsists will not build its illusionary cosmopolite land in our soveiregn land as if Seychelles no people exist and their rights to dcided what the way for the country is limited to a handful og criminals called themslves PP.

Time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Indain to give u$50 millions of more debts to the country under the guise of helping our development.Well MRs PAtil,development without democracy is feeding the dictatorship in place.And liôans that Seychellois people who will be the one to pay baxck without qccountability and transparency of how these money are used is not evelopment that help Seychellois better the lives but enrich the dictatoiral regime and its clicks.

What Seychellois people want is more acountable more ebts but democracy.

PP as all other African dictators have invtied China and Indai to colonize their land for especailly in the case of China a communsist and dictatorship too will protect their dicatorship and defence it interanitonal under the pretext of not getting involve in National policies of a firend countries which means legitimating and protecting thier dictatorship,thier atrocities like we seeing in SUDAN ,Syria,N Korea.

Stop Commincists China neo-colonialism-

Jeanne D'arc

Anonymous said...

“Zarkozy in his campainge for election has said foreigners must pack and French border must be more tie with security.

Pissoff is Zarkozy also racis for protecting his country?”

May 2, 2012 3:02 PM

He is a fucking racist desperate for votes that little midget Napoleon!

I hope there is an influx of refugees from all corners of Africa into France. It’s payback time

Vous recolte ce que vous seme

Anonymous said...

It is not only Sarkozy who wants to clean sweep the massive immigrantion waves In France.All around >Europe other nations are doing the same. Furthermore ,you seem to have limited access to French Tvs.For you should have noted that The Socialist Party leade by Holland is also saying the same things but simply by using different words.And note that to statistics the French in their majority support Sarkozy ,Marine Le Pen on this issue.Only African Dictators think differently and want CHineses and Indains to invade their land,not becuase it good but because cdcitatorts think it is a good opportunity and have find a dictaotral friend to help them stiking to power,for China do not cirticize dictators atrocities for they same the same views when it comes to human rights violations.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

They have no access for tv with european country ,because EU are democratic country communist dont want to show Seselwa how democratic is work in EU.
PP prefer to gave Seselwa communist TV like Chi TV for Seselwa to watch chinese eating noddels on tv and some chinese cartoon and soon we wil get TV station from Cuba,Russia and UAE.


Anonymous said...

CHinese Tv CCTV whatever the name is party of the package in Chinese noe-colonialism plan aiming at polishing and brush painting CHinese image In African contitinent but also to silent afrcan's local medais who have been critical on Chinses neo-colonilism policies and the daamge it is doing already over Africa.CHina has even introduce its own newsaper in South Africa in an attempt to silent African medias and critics.

PP refuse to allow other local or pirvate Tv in Seychelles other than SBC but does not hesistate to allow a communsist TV spreading propaganda of how CHinese is warm hearted and cares for Africans while the facts on the gournd over Africa show that they robbing Afircan natural resources and consciously importing hundreds of Chinese to colonize African contitnent.

Communism must be fought by all means for it is the worse human rights abuser in huamn history.

Let us finish with thsoe PP monkeys now by a poeple revolution for i am loosing patience with those monkeys fooling seychellois and sell out our aptrimony if Seychellois do not act ,i promise PP and the people of Seychelles i will use force and my guys are ready and also loosing patience.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

The great democracy India smells the PRC moving into the Indian Ocean and hubbing in Seychelles.

India has taken a lead role in the region as suggested by the Obama Administration.

Thank you for making us aware of the developments in Seychelles. We have reacted.

Anonymous said...

Its time for us to knock on communist doors and make them to stop no action no revolution they will not stop.we have to take action in our own hands.


Anonymous said...

6.49 Am
A country's development is a national responsibiblity not that of foreign countries.Development without democracy i repeat feed dictatorship.Dito to foreign aids without democracy,accoutnabiltiy and transparency feed corruption.

Moreover,why is it that after fourty years Seychelles is still depedning on charity to survive PP?why is it that after four years that ofreign donors have been pouring millions into our economy we still in this shit?How long will our sovereign nationtakes under pp thugocracy to ever be dependent economically?

There is one answer the question,until we topple pp crooked regime and get those monkeys to La MIsere.

Time for regime change,time to arrest those pp crooks and bring them for justice.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Dyonny Le Gay; you want to knock on China's door? Ale banla a fer chop suey ek ou lanis ti pilon!
Zis nwa war ou pe pase ek de chopstix pri dan ou derrriere!

Anonymous said...

Is Ti Johnny there or is he ple-ing in the fes quelque part?

Anonymous said... Johnny want to knock the door!
Who's there?


Johnny who? Joh.joh..joh..Johnny Le...le...le...le...le...Legay!

Anonymous said...

D'yonny pe kasyet anba ros Cote D'or pe esper son "boss" enmen so fwiapen byi ek requin byi for lunch!
I pe train commando dodosyia pou overthrow Pp!
Take cover the dodosya brigade pe is on the move!

Anonymous said...

If i am under the rock at Cote D'or will be easy for you to find me, and i am not Bin Laden to hide under the caves and Praslin is a small island they can not find me,because those crooks communist are amateur this i will always say.


Anonymous said...

We don't want to find you Ti D'yonny. We have no use for dodosya!

Anonymous said...

Interesting pose by Jean-Paul Adam !

Anonymous said...

Better pose than Gill ek son likou tord.Ikwar li menm zesi-kri kin resisite.

Anonymous said...

That want communist can do insult peoples and pay debt,stilling,killing,sell our land.

Anonymous said...

If there is gosht on Praslin is dodoysa Rene and his gangs,
those peoples who desapear 1977.


Anonymous said...

Dyonny mon pe vinn don ou ou fwiapen ek reken not fret mon pti dodosya!

Anonymous said...

Send this to Mr. President

Anonymous said...

You donnt havve too sendd hee iss wating naw.

Anonymous said...

The European Investment bank whatt is it really?

EIB though its name starts with EUROEPAN there is nothing to do with EUROPEAN UNION or whatever.EIB is a public institution that has been invovled in investment outside Europe especially in Africa while not having any development mandate and have been on many occasions been criticized for its lack of accoutability and transparency in their deals with African Dictators.EIB does not have a system of central control(like Un,IMF etc..) of how it does things nor how it reaches it decision in its dealing,for it always hide behind the pretexts on being a bank thus business discretion.In many programs in which EIB is involved in Africa such as mining ,etc there have been enormous criticism on the way they have participated in the destruction of the environment,and so forth.

To hide their real face and crooked intention which consist on working hand in hands with dictators for they benfits twice from those dictators 1)by giving big loans of which the dictators steal and bank the money back into european banks meaning often when the dictators pass away they confiscate those big bank accounts and keep them for thmesleves(EIB and the rest)and 2)they leaving those countries with astronomic debts which the people have to pay back with intrest after the dictators fall-thus they pocket twice in their deals.Money they give to dictatorail regimes which the Dictators set back into euroepan banks which they confiscate after the dictators death and secondly for the big debts they left behind .

Many international organizations have already complained,criticized this institution for its untransparent policies ,to date, nothing has change,they refuse to account for the transaction and deals, which also explain why PP regime is eager to deal more with EIB than for instance IMF,European Union and other responsible interantional instituions.The former is as corrupt as their dicatorial regimes we find on the African continent and never ask for accountabilty for they them selves do not pratice it, while the latter always keep pressuring such dictatorial regimes for accoutnabilty and transaprency.EIB operate similarly to the CHinese.The Chinese pour in millions in countires controled by dictators while knowing those dictators would steal the loans but for the Chinese it is not it problem for the dictators with give them what they want while at the same time it debts that waht ever the ogverenmnt would need to be pay back.

It would be improtant to ask EIB a few important questions of their deals with PP.For instance,provide details of the projects they sponsoring,porvide a sytem of accountivbilty and transparency,and all the other niorms requires that provides a clear and transparent insight of their investment being done and their conditions,and so forth.

Pp and EINB must be brought to publicly expalin their dealing.The people has a right to know,PP!

Jeanne D'Arc

Terri said...

“Zarkozy in his campainge for election has said foreigners must pack and French border must be more tie with security. Pissoff is Zarkozy also racis for protecting his country?” May 2, 2012 3:02 PM He is a fucking racist desperate for votes that little midget Napoleon! I hope there is an influx of refugees from all corners of Africa into France. It’s payback time Vous recolte ce que vous seme