We cannot stop congratulating SFP for the hard work its doing for the country and people and it this particular case for both our Natrional Airline and the Tourism industry, the soul of our economy.Pp govenremnt has failed and bankrutped both our Nat.Airline and the Tourism industry,though a new Minister was elected with the sole duty to concentrate and bring about effective and fast solution for this industry cannot wait for solution ,nothing has happened so far.We do have a new minister but the policy follows is the same,and following the same policy that faile us in the first palce is surely not to produce the opposite results.
SFP has always has decided not to brag its feet on a such important issue that need rapid solution.It has again step forward on its own ,abd by its own means contact other Air lines makes offers,porpostions etc...
The the letter to Britsih Airline did not product the result that we might have all wanted,it was improtant to try,for if one does not try one cannot know if something would ever work.This letter of response from British Ariways though said that they do not have an immedaite plan to fly to Seychelles ,hence make the Brit.Airline aware that there is other possibility for their own Air lines destination,thus a propostion that could well be a reality in the coming years.SFP would not to there,for as the saying goes "accomplishment starts with the decision to try".Many other Airlines should also be made this offer like British Airways-One of those Airlines that i am very convicned that might well -accept to operate a direct fly to Seychelles would be EDELWEISS a swiss charter Airlines(owner KUONI one of europe's biggest travel agency).EDELWEISS already operates two to three times weeky to CUBA,Maldives,Kenya,Mauritius,Dominican Republic,Sri Lanka,Cape Town and Mexico and many other any touristic destinations, destinations sometimes not as beautiful as our land.It might alos be in regards to EDELWEISS there wold need contact directly with KUONI the owner of the Airline who often sell hotel accomodation to those destinations mentioned too,thus allow the agent to always fight its destination with full flight occupancy.There are other Airlines that we should try to-BelAir(swiss company)Virgin,etc..
Definitely SFP is working oevertime to secure direct flights to our shores,it is doing it much better than both our new minister of Tourism and the govenment.Both St Ange and pp regime seems to have put all their eggs in the baket of Etihad which is a gross mistake for Etihad code sharing be it with Air Seychelles and man other Airlines is not to bail out or make them one of its competitors but to control them,make them uncompetitive to Etihad,with the code share stragety allows Etihad not to pay landing fees,use those other companies resources and aircrafts,etc..etc..etc...Pp strategy can not be sustainable ,it must be change rapidly for the indsutry does not have time to wait,and we must have control on our National Airline that we can alone dicid what destination we want to fly to or not.Under Etihad Air Seychelles cannot dicide of its own strategy ,it has become dependent to Etihad unless we take over our Ariline back, things won't change which as a result will further destroy our already crumbling tourism industry.
I forgot to name African Safari Airline too.For those persons who remember such as like Mr Louis D'offay,Drek Savy ,Sauzier and many profesionals who were and still working in the tourism industry would tell you how profitable the African Safari Club was in our country nad hiw hotels were most all years round having full occupancy even at low season.Every week there was full flight landing on our shores to fill hotels (which the Airline has commercial contract with)-"Paradise Sun hotel,Beau vallon bay hotel ,Mahe beach hotels ).it was a success for the industry unfortunately PP pressure and bribery have made that the Airline stop coming to our shores but still flying to Kenya for instacne and other dstinations.
ASA still oprates as a private airline today, while Air Seychelles a state owned comapny has bankrupted.ASA did not stop coming to Seychelles becuase it bankrupted but becuase of PP who always waned more cash form themsleves.You confused BELAIR with Edelweiss was createcb KUONI and Niklaus Grob, thus a private company registered in switzerland.But that is not the issue ,The issue is getting direct flight to our shores to save our tourism industry and SFP is doing as a party is delivery much more than the government.Has RAm,Boulle ,Pierre,Mancham,Charpin,Herminie,Faure and all the rest a little plan?It seem them do not even a bad one to offer.
I missed the part where you say all exclusive-which is ture.But Mr loius D'ofafay will tel you,though those geramny tourists mostly already paid all exclusive they weere and still are the best toursits when it comes to dpending.Tuorists twho camt with Afrcian Safari,did not stay in thier hotels and just benefts from all exclusive service,They went on daily excursions,did watersoprts,fishing trips,did spend a lot on bars etc..etcc..Ask Mr Bill Sauzier who was back then a manger in Paradise sun,or Mr loius D'offay who were the manger of Village Du Pecheur not far from Paradise hotel for Mr D'offay hotel did asl obenefits from those African safari tourist by having thme dinning in his hotel at regular intervals.
Maybe British Airways are scared for the time being to resume flights under this communist regime.After all they are well known for bankrupting the country and it might be that British Airways is reluctant to do business with these monkeys.
5.22PM You hit the nail right on the head.Dito to African Safari Ariline and i could imagine it is for the same reason for other airlines like Virgin .I could imagine that the first thing PP govenrmenttask from them is bribes in return for a license or permition to land.Just look the crooked deal with Etihad.Pp puts corruption,bribery and arabs friends interest before the country.Pp did invest SR 30 millions in a building now literally belongs to Etihad which is an an indicator that PP sells out of Air Seychelles was a premeditated action.All was done to bankrupt the company in order to gifted it to his friend Khalifa ,probably in return for some more pieces of silver.Self- interest and greed became more important than our tourism industry, the country and people.
There will always be two major Airlines doing buisness in Seychelles as long as these monkeys are in power,Ethihad and Emirates,both belongs to Sheik Khaliffa.I wonder how much money have change hands for these dirty deals?Michel is a corrupt monkey with a corrupt mind.He will bring the seychelles economy to its knees and the seychelles people will suffer.
Pp must come to the conclusion that without a strong National carrier our tourism industry will not achieve its potential.A national Airline also palys an important role in nation building and identity.It is an important national symbol that projected our country interantionally. A flagcarrier represent a nation and in this sense ,it evoke anon- tangible awareness and even unity.
We nned our Air line back and direct flghit to europe PP.You might find all the excuses of the world not to do it,but Seychellois will not accept that. There are small country states who had fiancial problem too,I will take for instance,Fiji Airline ,after intellignet refroms,buying of new aircrafts,on board service and so ofrth ,the Air line is now back on track and making profits.Why not we PP?
Are we not the same people who back in the mid-80's were saying we do not need an Air Seychelles flying International routes. We are the same people who said we should leave it all to British Airways, Air France and the rest. Are we racist against the Arab carriers. Go and learn your history.Decide which way we want to move with Air Seychelles. As far as I am concerned direct links to Europe is not a must for us to survive in this ever changing tourism market. Let us stop crying and let us find ways of using the Arab carriers to our advantage. Believe you me there are a lot of advantages.
6.38AM Are we racist against Arab carriers?No we are not.We are concern that the strategy of those Arab carreirs especially EITHAD consist of destroyibg National Airlines in the regions Africa/asia in order that Khalfia can achieve his grandiose objective os amking his Airline the worlds biggest ariline.Eithad policy is to ensure that National Arilines in the regions become non-competitors ,thus allow eithad to control alone the whole market in the region.It uses other resuorces to reduce its own cost,and by having code share or being share holder in other Antional Airlines including Air Seychelles it avoid landing constraints meaning it odes not pay landing fees and other costs that otherwise it would have to pay.A National Airline is symbol of a nation,it is a way of promoting our land abroad.We will need to control our Air line ourselves thus i call on the butcher to break off the deal with Eithad use the 75 millions India is gving as loans ,invest in our Airline in order that we can serve those destinations in europe that are prime to our tourism industry.It is not having Airline reeduce to a regional airline like Kingfisher,and other that will bring back tourists to our land nor by having air Seychelles flying to Duabia South Africa that our tourism undistry will get out of the mess created by PP failed and crooked policies.Again PP,Europe is the main toursists producer and has been up to date the contient that has provide us with the maximum of tourists.Do not tell us the contary and there is no use to make grandiose and rediculous advertizement of our Air Seychelles having training to work for Etihad as if they are prouder to work harder for foreign Airline company than the own National airline which is the proudness.No need to tell us that since AirSeychelles is underEithad there more arrivals, for Arabs countires are not among the top countires that provides tourists and soon.
There is one single thing to do ,is take back our Nat.Airline under the control of khalifa and let Seychellois get the job done themsleves.Time to be dependent and continue living on charity should end.
11.38PM Khalfia would not help getting rid of corruption in Seychelles in any way for Khalfai is himself invloved in corruption is the sense that he has made secret deals with PP to gain all those big plots of lands illegally for free and as condition he will sponsore PP thugocracy and party by fianacing Pp rpojects,sponosrong elections campaigns,etc...Khalfia deals with PP is criminal,for money that should be paid in the people's coffer does not enter our coffers but that of PP.Money that should Khalifa pay his taxs etc...according to our country's law would have gone to the country and there would have been a way to trace of how the money is used and so forth and which would have been much more beneficail to the country as a whole. The only way Khalfai would track back would be to get Pp out and then we would have to deal with a new democratic governemnt that would ask him to accout for all those illegal deals he concocted with PP and ilks.Diot ,to the OSuth African at Eden Island,and amny others.And they will probably talk for they know PP is done and they need to protect their interests,thuerefore theyill speak out to save their assets and would bury Pp thugs alive.
We need direct flights to Seychelles from our main market,or Tourism will fail in Seychelles.
With that, many bankrupt hotel projects, will sully the banks image of Seychelles for years to come.
IMF will crack our backs over their knees, effortlessly, now that PL has married our country to IMF and they are prostituting her to Khalifa, for her beauty.
Definitively.And PP,St Ange must know that those many businnes owners directly depend on tourism would not allow to see their breadbaskets destroy completely brginging more hardship to our people,amking them lost their jobs,lost their business and all those indirectly depending on tourism such as Car hires,boat charters and so on.Should PP and St Ange do not hear their call then a prostest by all those concern from Hotel,guesthouses,boatcharters,taxis,restaurants,carhires,sovernir shops,and all theo others must be concidered.We cannot allow to see hundreds of our citizens loosing their businesses just becuase the crooked deal by PP and etihad to destryo our tourism industry and all those many subsidaireis businesses denpending on tourism for the shake of Khalifa.
It would be a change to see and challenge PP on the new reforms proposed by EC on freedon of expression and Assembly. This industry is too important for our poeple and country economy to allow Pp ans St Ange to fool us and instead of pormoting our country's Airline they pormoting Etihad.
We nned rapid and immedaite sopution otherwise we would bring the solution to PP and St Ange.
We need direct fligh from europe to Seychelles indeed.And a national carrier is best fitted to deliver that role.For instance,Tanzanian tourism minister acknowledge the importance of having a national Airline to exactly boost tourism arrival to ihis country by having direct flgiht from Europe to Tanzania.The Ungadan tourism minister also acknowledge the need for Unganda to have a National carrier to boost tourism in Unganda.
FIJIAN Airline after financial problem without selling their National airline to foreigners is now back in business and making profits again and many other countries are doing the same.
In Seychelles under PP thugocracy the regime does the contary ,it destroyed our National carrier to favoured another Nation's carrier with it our tourism industry.
While all other Nations who had financial problems think a National carrier is very important for their countrys tourism industry of their countries PP think the contary.
All is not lost......British Airways will be back in the Seychelles.
We cannot stop congratulating SFP for the hard work its doing for the country and people and it this particular case for both our Natrional Airline and the Tourism industry, the soul of our economy.Pp govenremnt has failed and bankrutped both our Nat.Airline and the Tourism industry,though a new Minister was elected with the sole duty to concentrate and bring about effective and fast solution for this industry cannot wait for solution ,nothing has happened so far.We do have a new minister but the policy follows is the same,and following the same policy that faile us in the first palce is surely not to produce the opposite results.
SFP has always has decided not to brag its feet on a such important issue that need rapid solution.It has again step forward on its own ,abd by its own means contact other Air lines makes offers,porpostions etc...
The the letter to Britsih Airline did not product the result that we might have all wanted,it was improtant to try,for if one does not try one cannot know if something would ever work.This letter of response from British Ariways though said that they do not have an immedaite plan to fly to Seychelles ,hence make the Brit.Airline aware that there is other possibility for their own Air lines destination,thus a propostion that could well be a reality in the coming years.SFP would not to there,for as the saying goes "accomplishment starts with the decision to try".Many other Airlines should also be made this offer like British Airways-One of those Airlines that i am very convicned that might well -accept to operate a direct fly to Seychelles would be EDELWEISS a swiss charter Airlines(owner KUONI one of europe's biggest travel agency).EDELWEISS already operates two to three times weeky to CUBA,Maldives,Kenya,Mauritius,Dominican Republic,Sri Lanka,Cape Town and Mexico and many other any touristic destinations, destinations sometimes not as beautiful as our land.It might alos be in regards to EDELWEISS there wold need contact directly with KUONI the owner of the Airline who often sell hotel accomodation to those destinations mentioned too,thus allow the agent to always fight its destination with full flight occupancy.There are other Airlines that we should try to-BelAir(swiss company)Virgin,etc..
Definitely SFP is working oevertime to secure direct flights
to our shores,it is doing it much better than both our new minister of Tourism and the govenment.Both St Ange and pp regime seems to have put all their eggs in the baket of Etihad which is a gross mistake for Etihad code sharing be it with Air Seychelles and man other Airlines is not to bail out or make them one of its competitors but to control them,make them uncompetitive to Etihad,with the code share stragety allows Etihad not to pay landing fees,use those other companies resources and aircrafts,etc..etc..etc...Pp strategy can not be sustainable ,it must be change rapidly for the indsutry does not have time to wait,and we must have control on our National Airline that we can alone dicid what destination we want to fly to or not.Under Etihad Air Seychelles cannot dicide of its own strategy ,it has become dependent to Etihad unless we take over our Ariline back, things won't change which as a result will further destroy our already crumbling tourism industry.
Excellent job guys,keep it up !
Jeanne D'Arc
correction:SFP would continue to try,for as the saying goes....
I forgot to name African Safari Airline too.For those persons who remember such as like Mr Louis D'offay,Drek Savy ,Sauzier and many profesionals who were and still working in the tourism industry would tell you how profitable the African Safari Club was in our country nad hiw hotels were most all years round having full occupancy even at low season.Every week there was full flight landing on our shores to fill hotels (which the Airline has commercial contract with)-"Paradise Sun hotel,Beau vallon bay hotel ,Mahe beach hotels ).it was a success for the industry unfortunately PP pressure and bribery have made that the Airline stop coming to our shores but still flying to Kenya for instacne and other dstinations.
Jeanne D'Arc
FYI Edelweiss belongs to Swiss not Kuoni
ASA was cheap tourism. All inclusive at Mahe Beach. They ended up bankrupt
ASA still oprates as a private airline today, while Air Seychelles a state owned comapny has bankrupted.ASA did not stop coming to Seychelles becuase it bankrupted but becuase of PP who always waned more cash form themsleves.You confused BELAIR with Edelweiss was createcb KUONI and Niklaus Grob, thus a private company registered in switzerland.But that is not the issue ,The issue is getting direct flight to our shores to save our tourism industry and SFP is doing as a party is delivery much more than the government.Has RAm,Boulle ,Pierre,Mancham,Charpin,Herminie,Faure and all the rest a little plan?It seem them do not even a bad one to offer.
Jeanne D'Arc
I missed the part where you say all exclusive-which is ture.But Mr loius D'ofafay will tel you,though those geramny tourists mostly already paid all exclusive they weere and still are the best toursits when it comes to dpending.Tuorists twho camt with Afrcian Safari,did not stay in thier hotels and just benefts from all exclusive service,They went on daily excursions,did watersoprts,fishing trips,did spend a lot on bars etc..etcc..Ask Mr Bill Sauzier who was back then a manger in Paradise sun,or Mr loius D'offay who were the manger of Village Du Pecheur not far from Paradise hotel for Mr D'offay hotel did asl obenefits from those African safari tourist by having thme dinning in his hotel at regular intervals.
Jeanne D'Arc
Inclusive not exclusive pissy.
Maybe British Airways are scared for the time being to resume flights under this communist regime.After all they are well known for bankrupting the country and it might be that British Airways is reluctant to do business with these monkeys.
Once these monkeys are gone Seychelles will be in a better position to engage foreign companies to invest in Seychelles.
You hit the nail right on the head.Dito to African Safari Ariline and i could imagine it is for the same reason for other airlines like Virgin .I could imagine that the first thing PP govenrmenttask from them is bribes in return for a license or permition to land.Just look the crooked deal with Etihad.Pp puts corruption,bribery and arabs friends interest before the country.Pp did invest SR 30 millions in a building now literally belongs to Etihad which is an an indicator that PP sells out of Air Seychelles was a premeditated action.All was done to bankrupt the company in order to gifted it to his friend Khalifa ,probably in return for some more pieces of silver.Self- interest and greed became more important than our tourism industry, the country and people.
Jeanne D'Arc
There will always be two major Airlines doing buisness in Seychelles as long as these monkeys are in power,Ethihad and Emirates,both belongs to Sheik Khaliffa.I wonder how much money have change hands for these dirty deals?Michel is a corrupt monkey with a corrupt mind.He will bring the seychelles economy to its knees and the seychelles people will suffer.
Pp must come to the conclusion that without a strong National carrier our tourism industry will not achieve its potential.A national Airline also palys an important role in nation building and identity.It is an important national symbol that projected our country interantionally. A flagcarrier represent a nation and in this sense ,it evoke anon- tangible awareness and even unity.
We nned our Air line back and direct flghit to europe PP.You might find all the excuses of the world not to do it,but Seychellois will not accept that.
There are small country states who had fiancial problem too,I will take for instance,Fiji Airline ,after intellignet refroms,buying of new aircrafts,on board service and so ofrth ,the Air line is now back on track and making profits.Why not we PP?
Jeanne D'Arc
Because Fiji is run by Indians. Once Ramadoss takes control, we will have our Air Seychelles back
Are we not the same people who back in the mid-80's were saying we do not need an Air Seychelles flying International routes. We are the same people who said we should leave it all to British Airways, Air France and the rest. Are we racist against the Arab carriers. Go and learn your history.Decide which way we want to move with Air Seychelles. As far as I am concerned direct links to Europe is not a must for us to survive in this ever changing tourism market. Let us stop crying and let us find ways of using the Arab carriers to our advantage. Believe you me there are a lot of advantages.
Go and read this article - even Air Austral wants to partner with an Arab carrier !
They want a partner. We have a MASTER. Big difference where a "partner" with 40% dominates the one with 60%.
Getting rid of Air Seychelles has cooled down the allegation of corruption by the firm executives.
If Khalifa can get rid of corruption in Parti Lepep, he would have done the country a great service.
Are we racist against Arab carriers?No we are not.We are concern that the strategy of those Arab carreirs especially EITHAD consist of destroyibg National Airlines in the regions Africa/asia in order that Khalfia can achieve his grandiose objective os amking his Airline the worlds biggest ariline.Eithad policy is to ensure that National Arilines in the regions become non-competitors ,thus allow eithad to control alone the whole market in the region.It uses other resuorces to reduce its own cost,and by having code share or being share holder in other Antional Airlines including Air Seychelles it avoid landing constraints meaning it odes not pay landing fees and other costs that otherwise it would have to pay.A National Airline is symbol of a nation,it is a way of promoting our land abroad.We will need to control our Air line ourselves thus i call on the butcher to break off the deal with Eithad use the 75 millions India is gving as loans ,invest in our Airline in order that we can serve those destinations in europe that are prime to our tourism industry.It is not having Airline reeduce to a regional airline like Kingfisher,and other that will bring back tourists to our land nor by having air Seychelles flying to Duabia South Africa that our tourism undistry will get out of the mess created by PP failed and crooked policies.Again PP,Europe is the main toursists producer and has been up to date the contient that has provide us with the maximum of tourists.Do not tell us the contary and there is no use to make grandiose and rediculous advertizement of our Air Seychelles having training to work for Etihad as if they are prouder to work harder for foreign Airline company than the own National airline which is the proudness.No need to tell us that since AirSeychelles is underEithad there more arrivals, for Arabs countires are not among the top countires that provides tourists and soon.
There is one single thing to do ,is take back our Nat.Airline under the control of khalifa and let Seychellois get the job done themsleves.Time to be dependent and continue living on charity should end.
Jeanne D'Arc
Khalfia would not help getting rid of corruption in Seychelles in any way for Khalfai is himself invloved in corruption is the sense that he has made secret deals with PP to gain all those big plots of lands illegally for free and as condition he will sponsore PP thugocracy and party by fianacing Pp rpojects,sponosrong elections campaigns,etc...Khalfia deals with PP is criminal,for money that should be paid in the people's coffer does not enter our coffers but that of PP.Money that should Khalifa pay his taxs etc...according to our country's law would have gone to the country and there would have been a way to trace of how the money is used and so forth and which would have been much more beneficail to the country as a whole.
The only way Khalfai would track back would be to get Pp out and then we would have to deal with a new democratic governemnt that would ask him to accout for all those illegal deals he concocted with PP and ilks.Diot ,to the OSuth African at Eden Island,and amny others.And they will probably talk for they know PP is done and they need to protect their interests,thuerefore theyill speak out to save their assets and would bury Pp thugs alive.
Jeanne DÂrc
We need direct flights to Seychelles from our main market,or Tourism will fail in Seychelles.
With that, many bankrupt hotel projects, will sully the banks image of Seychelles for years to come.
IMF will crack our backs over their knees, effortlessly, now that PL has married our country to IMF and they are prostituting her to Khalifa, for her beauty.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Definitively.And PP,St Ange must know that those many businnes owners directly depend on tourism would not allow to see their breadbaskets destroy completely brginging more hardship to our people,amking them lost their jobs,lost their business and all those indirectly depending on tourism such as Car hires,boat charters and so on.Should PP and St Ange do not hear their call then a prostest by all those concern from Hotel,guesthouses,boatcharters,taxis,restaurants,carhires,sovernir shops,and all theo others must be concidered.We cannot allow to see hundreds of our citizens loosing their businesses just becuase the crooked deal by PP and etihad to destryo our tourism industry and all those many subsidaireis businesses denpending on tourism for the shake of Khalifa.
It would be a change to see and challenge PP on the new reforms proposed by EC on freedon of expression and Assembly.
This industry is too important for our poeple and country economy to allow Pp ans St Ange to fool us and instead of pormoting our country's Airline they pormoting Etihad.
We nned rapid and immedaite sopution otherwise we would bring the solution to PP and St Ange.
Jeanne D'Ard
We need direct fligh from europe to Seychelles indeed.And a national carrier is best fitted to deliver that role.For instance,Tanzanian tourism minister acknowledge the importance of having a national Airline to exactly boost tourism arrival to ihis country by having direct flgiht from Europe to Tanzania.The Ungadan tourism minister also acknowledge the need for Unganda to have a National carrier to boost tourism in Unganda.
FIJIAN Airline after financial problem without selling their National airline to foreigners is now back in business and making profits again and many other countries are doing the same.
In Seychelles under PP thugocracy the regime does the contary ,it destroyed our National carrier to favoured another Nation's carrier with it our tourism industry.
While all other Nations who had financial problems think a National carrier is very important for their countrys tourism industry of their countries PP think the contary.
jeanne D'Arc
After the run-off there might be never again an election again.
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