Monday, May 28, 2012

Seychelles Human Rights Journalist Faces Trumped Up Charges By State Prosecution

Human Rights Activist in Seychelles Takes Another Beating

Mr. Jean Paul Isaac, a high profile human rights activist and journalist has been slammed with a Selective Prosecution criminal case, by the state prosecuting consul from the office of the Attorney General in Seychelles.

Under Section 71 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Mr. Isaac, who has been at the forefront of human rights abuse in Seychelles as a defender when many have gone silent, has been served papers to appear before the courts in the Republic of Seychelles, on charges that are trumped up and baseless.

These charges, because they are very remote in time, and baseless, only show that the Attorney General has now embarked on a policy of Selective Prosecution, which it will apply to all those, who call themselves, activists, or vanguards of human rights in Seychelles.

Unlawful Detention and Unlawful Beating, Then Criminal Charges

The incident in question involves the unlawful detention without Probable Cause in jail at Port Glaud Police Station of Jean Paul Isaac on December 30th, 2010. Under detention by the Seychelles Police, Mr. Isaac was brutally assaulted by Seychelles Police officers, SI Payet, and Officer Roch Idris. Additionally,  an unknown Seychelles People’s Defense Forces officer at the time, attached to the Seychelles Police.

It has now come to light the Seychelles Defense Forces officer is named: L/CPL Jean Claude Marengo.

 No rights were read to Mr. Isaac at the time of detention. The reason for detention was not stated. No charges other then this one “Disorderly Conduct in Police Building” were ever filed .

Mr. Isaac was beaten in the face numerous times , groin , and used a hand cuff to break his mouth, and another hand cuff was used to slam and damage his risk permanently. He is handicapped in the fore risk.  

 To add insult to injury, his phone and money Sr. 1,000.00 was taken from him. His phone was returned, but his money was not returned.

Prior to being charged for a crime, Mr. Isaac attorney had claimed damages for Sr. 500,000.00.

Conflicting Human Rights Report

This incident was already reported to the Seychelles Human Rights Commission which submitted Two (2) totally different reports, in what appears to be a cover up. This cover up is shameful in it’s own right and merits a footnote at a later time.

The incident with photos of beaten Jean Paul Isaac was loaded on Facebook soon after the incident, and they are a disgraceful testimony of the brutality, casual disrespect of fundamental human rights that is still ongoing in the Seychelles Police culture.

Selective Prosecution is a defense in procedure, which the Defendant argues that they should not be held criminally liable for breaking a law, as the criminal justice system has discriminated against them by choosing to prosecute the Defendant.

This is reinforced under the Seychelles Constitution of the 3rd Republic, Charter of Fundamental Human Rights, Article 27, which recognizes the Right to Equal Protection of all Citizens, no official of the state, shall deny any citizen Equal Protection under the laws of Seychelles.

Here clearly, the laws of Seychelles are being used to selectively prosecute a great defender of human rights in Seychelles, when many, have gone silent, under the burdens of fear and intimidation.

Why Selectively Prosecute Isaac?.......

In my opinion, Mr. Isaac is being selectively prosecuted to get rid of another human rights complaint which has reached the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. UN Human Rights Commission after Seychelles failed to file any country report on human rights, for 19 years. Too many squeaky wheels may lead some to conclude the car is not running right.

In a letter to the Commission of UN Human Rights Commission, January 15th, 2012, SFP Ambassador UK, Mr. Gary Tall, wrote putting the UN on Notice of a “persistent pattern in [Seychelles], by the Attorney General’s Office, to bring criminal lawsuits forward, that are politically motivated, borne out of harassment and intimidation, to cover up instances of Police abuse, torture, unlawful detention. The roots of this culture of political oppression are well dug into the One Party State dictatorship practice from 1977 onwards.”

What is happening to Jean Paul Isaac is not new to us in Seychelles. Many Seychellois are regularly brutalized by the Police and state agents year round. But few record the incidents, or even complain out of fear and intimidation tactics. In a small community where jobs and economic opportunity are controlled by a strong ruling party and thugs are treated like hero’s by the ruling party, fear and intimidation is always real. The only way to face fear and intimidation is to expose it, until the practice stops. The hero’s have to be socially disrobed for who they are thugs!

The Buck Stops On Mr. President’s Desk -Always

Is Selective Prosecution  James Michel version of a “new Seychelles”?

Mr. Michel may not like Mr. Isaac’s style or he may not like his speech content either.

But if Mr. Michel believes in a “New Seychelles” , as he says to us every day, he is duty bound by the grips of history that hold his ankles in place, to see to it that selective prosecution by the Attorney General office is put a stop to in Seychelles once and for all.

We will not rest until Human Rights are respected in our country and every Seychellois is a duly respected citizen of his /her motherland.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!


Anonymous said...

JP do you know there names of those Police that beat you on that day just give us their names can you publish their names for us please.


Anonymous said...

This case is shameful. Ronnie Govinden should be fired from the AG desk.

1. The Commissioner of Police just admitted on SBC that their is a culture of Police Brutality and lack of professionalism in the force, when he gave out certificates to trainee Police.

2. Isaac was detained without any charge, therefore Govinden now charging him years later is a joke.

You people should forward this case to Geneve and advise them of the selective prosecution practice in Seychelles.

It is disgraceful to see these picture.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In Seychelles we just dont have Police with good education and with out a a level starting with his chief in charge Quart.
Most policeman in EU standy jura and they must have a A level studies otherwise you will never be a policeman or p woman but in Seychelles all idiots can be police,thats why they say them self they are not proffersional and they are corrupt also they dont learn how to be strong sycologie and always aggresive,in Seychelles we dont have police we have gard bou.

Anonymous said...

Govinden thinks such dirty work will mean he will get favours from Michel and Parti Lepep, just like others before him such as St Ange have been rewarded for dirty work.

In fact he is bringing international shame on Michel, even if people in Seychelles do not bother about human rights abuse.

Did Govinden study law in UK ? If so, he can be reported to the UK Bar.

Anonymous said...

Govinden studied at Terre Rouge , Mauritius.

Next to the bamboo chair factory.

Real Shame.

Anonymous said...

COURAGE it seems is fast becoming the common middle name for Seychelles independent journalists.They are part of a new breed of courageous young journalists in Seychelles who continue to risk their lives and livelihoods every day to speak truth to power by exceCising their constitutional rights/human rights.They are always out there in the line of the fire facing intimidation,threats on their lives,harrasment,interogations .

Michel the butcher like all depraved dictators preceding him fears and loathes the independent juornalists press more than anything else.The informative powers of independent press are so awesome that dictators and tyrants in history have lived in constant fear of having their crimes discoverd by the press and reported to the people.Independt press are the morror of truth Michel asks the same old proverbial question"Mirror,mirrorr on the wall/who is the crueless and wickedest of all?The independent press are always there to answer the question for him truthfully.

Knowledge with forever govern ignorance.Communist PP has tried to control the flow of ideas by intimidating indenpendent press for expressing themselves.But he has not been and would not be able control the flow of ideas or the minds of the people.
J ISAAC is fighting the army of darkness against overwhelming odds.

Now ,i have this message to PP ,Quart,and namely that they rapidly take actions against Govinden and conduct a rapid investigation in the case of abuse and torture.Secondly,I will like to know by a 100 percent of who the hell Marengo is and if he is really the guy behind this abuse of powerFor If Marengo is the guy,my own guys can take care of him before midnight today by simply forcing him out of his house and give him an unforgetable lesson that he has never dream off namely amputate his hands like the lybians did with the son of Gadaffi to ensure that he never ever repeat it again and it would be a lesson for all PP state paid killers.

The solution to deal with Pp thugs is when the beat you ,go for their families and brutalize then double i asure you in twenty-four hours later no single crooks will ever repeat their crImes GAIN..


We nned to see immediate justice for ISAAC,else we will come to you monkeys ,we will get you by force out of your house and if when we come you not there ,those who there will take the bill themsleves.
Time to shoot down those monkeys.

Jeanne D'Arc

Jeanne D'Arc


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Thats why police can not catch those escobar who are bringing heroin in Seychelles, because they are all amateur and they are also part of those crminels deal that is going on in Seychelles.
If Michel,Quart and PP dont take action with his police we will take action against them.

Anonymous said...

Stsrt to brutalize because we dont have any law in Seychelles law are in the hands of criminels communist sucker and law are only applie for some peoples all crimes committed by PP crooks seen 1977 to 2012 they get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Air Seychelles has completed a management restructure, which will see the carrier strengthen its operational capabilities. The new management comprises the following five key roles, reporting directly to Air Seychelles Chief Executive Officer, Cramer Ball:

- Chief Financial Officer, Shelley Cole
- General Manager Operations, Captain Peter Mitchell
- General Manager Corporate Affairs, Alan Renaud
- General Manager Commercial, Robin Middleton
- General Manager Human Resources, Peter Carrie-Wilson

Anonymous said...

As in all dictatorships police forces never meet the standards and prfoessionalism demands by the public for their role is not to protect and servbe the people but to keep the thuggish regimes in place by intimidations ,harassment ,brutality etc...

To prefessionalize our police forces there is a need to change the actual police culture of brutality concted with comunnists norms.Police culture is a result of confluence of a set of specific baseline o desirable personality traits and occupational socialization:for instance,there are police agencies where police use of force is abnormal and rsponsee to it asan atypical occurence then you have those policrc ofrces like that under Pp thugocracy who consider the use of force normal.Thus that reflects what the force beleives in as an organisation.These beliefs are reflected in the force's recruitment and selecting practices and eevelopmenttraining,policies and procedures and ultimately,in the actions of its officers in law enforcement situations.

The begginning point is for police force to develop a set of values for values serve variety of purposes including:set forth a force's philosophy of policing
-state clear termswhat the force beleives in.
-Articulate the community's expectation of the force.
-Serve as a basic for developing policing and precedures.
-serve as the paprameters for organizational flexibility.
Provide the basis for operational strategies
Provide the framework for officers performance
-Serve as a framewrk from which the force can be evaluated
-Other values:The police force must preserve andadvance the principles of democracy-All societies must have a sytem for maintaning order.police officers,must not only know how to maintain order,but must do so ina manner consistant with the country's constitution and rules of law.2)the police force will invlove the community in the delivery of its service-
_it is clear that the police can not be successful in achieving their missions without the support and invovlement of the people the serve,3)the police force beleives it must be accountable to the community it serve-The police force is not an entity into itself:Rather it is a part of the ogvernemnt and exist solely for the purpose of serving the public to which it must be accountable-An improtant eleemnt of accoutability is means being responsive to the problems and needs of citizens.

Moreover,the ogvt must from now on recrute new young persons holding the minimum an O-level(thus can always sit for an A-level during their carrers that will allow them to be promoted).2)Young person with a-levels for instance joining the forces the best could be send abraod to Universites for a degree in law,or send abraod to western police schools for their qualification(theory)than a minimum of aear long practical training in the country they were send to br trained.This will give them the change to see how professioanl polcing works and how to conduct the various protocl s etc.. in different cases.

Pp waste of money to bring in foreigners hwere to supposedly train our police ofrces would never change anything-Why?First,even a foregner professional would expalin to them how to do things they somply never expereince,see ,face with such sitautions ofr many of these cases they would be trained for they never encounter thus they can just visilize it but would never be able to put it in pratice for they simply do not evne know in many cases that such things exist.
For instance,instead of calling police professional from REUNION Pp should negaocaite at deplomatic level to send our officers there in training that aGAIN THEY CAN SEE FOR THEMSELVES HOW THINGS WORK.tHIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET PROFESSIOANL POLICE OFFICERS IN OUR LAND.


Anonymous said...

On Air Seychelles sound good in the ears but the question PP ,St Ange ;morgan should be asking like all other Seychellois is what is the main purpose of a country building a National carrier?In most cases especailly for Isalnd states is to support their tuorism industry.Preaching about how good the taining is,praiseing Eithad does not solve our tourism .Our carrier objrcts like in all country pp,is to hand in hands for the tuorism industry in the first place and Air Seychelles(N:B holding 60 percent of shres)no long delivering its main objective and that the people and bisuness people in the tuorism industry are wating for.So PP no need to praise and write long articvles to etihad/Airseychelles that is not the reason Seychellois want their own carrier namely to be oprating as a secondary Airline for other Antions but for our country tourism industry monkeys.

What Pp should do,is stop bullshiting Seychellois for the later no onger beleive in any shit from PP^s mouths ,use the power as main shareholders to get our Ariline flying a direct flghit from Europe to Seychelles simple as that.No need of all those comedy shows noone would buy the ticket PP.Pp also told us Etihad has hub shares in Air bBerlin and others Yes Pp becuase the stragety is simple,By having sahres in likeAir berlin it allow Etihad to avoid rstrctions,landing Fee and all the other obstacles that it would otherwise have.It also allow Eihad to save money for instead of buying more new crafts it uses other national resources to achieve it objeective.It also avoid competition,and destroy othert national airlines.Pp want to make us belive it is rosy not PP it is destraoing our tuorism industry and it is not by flying to Kilimanjaro that will help us reviving our tuorism industry but that on Kenyan.

jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc

Jean Paul Isaac said...

sorry for not posting often on seychelles reality and more on my facebook page in debates. I am nowadays very busy way more busy then before we started to take Human Rights case to a higher level and make avail to the general public!

My comment is in relation to the debates that is ongoing as follows: I personally have no resentment or anger towards police officers or the attorney general office though i see i have become the target of prime to them.

I do not believe that it is proper to insult where ronny govinden studied law or how long it took, i will not want anybody to beat anyones family nor harras members of anyones family! What i would like for all of us to do is to use each and every cases we have and refer it to each and every human rights organisations in the world even if we have to cc it to loads of embassies, police commissioners and attorney general's, Law schools orf universities and many more.

I believe it is the culture of this no evolution from one party state to a pluralistic society which has cultivate this rogue mentality in some police officers and the attorney general using selective prosecution.

I believe and know that we can end this if we deal with the real problem which is to clear the window dressing on Democracy, at current we are undergoing reforms but i believe we can do this better if seychellois would come and attend these meeting in numbers to hear what isw being proposed to decide the outcome of each and everyones lives!~~

We at SFP we work for the people and ahead with Sesel Pou Seselwa.

Note: there is and are attempts from fake post's on the blogs to use others names to incite or frame others such as me, this is why i would sincerely ask our visitor to use an email address with a signature to post rather than anonymous with a name at the end as this can easily be faked.

More cases is said to be cultivating against me but rest sure my goal is to defend the people of seychelles and uphold therights of everybody as per the universal decleration of human right and the human charter within the constitution of seychelles Cap 42.

Anonymous said...

TODAY in Seychelles knows that the surest way to raise my hackles is to splash a photo of James Michel on its front page and, in the process, ape state-run Seychelles Nation.

The sight of James Michel beaming wide on TODAY's front page must have earned the paper quite a few curses this morning. Showing James Michel and Danny Faure putting on a fake display of "happy families" was delinquent behaviour by TODAY.

Why didn't TODAY simply publish a photo of the fibre optic cable lying on Beau Vallon beach, WITHOUT Michel et al. This would have been a much more thought-provoking and imaginative photo, and denied the anti-free press Michel the oxygen of publicity that he needs on a daily basis especially at breakfast time. Alas, despite its boasts of acting as independent paper, TODAY cannot occasionally resist aping Seychelles Nation and singing the government praises.

Come on, TODAY. Think outside the box. Stand by your independence. Keep publicity-hungry Michel off the front page with his stage-managed photo-opps.

TODAY should have risen to the historic occasion with a historic front page. The one we got today was all too predictable and sad.

Anonymous said...

TODAY has become Nation in colour.


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe TODAY does not cover the tragic story of Isaac.

Is he not white enough?

Anonymous said...

Too SCARED. It did report on the US Country report on Seychelles including human rights abuse. But it would have taken Homeric courage on the part of TODAY's editor to splash photos of human rights victims on the front page. Human rights abuse perpetrators are more likely to be splashed beaming wide on TODAY's pages than their victims. I believe TODAY used a picture of Somali pirates at Montagne Posee prison. I have said it before and I will say it again. It should be called YELLOW in Seychelles, as a tribute to its yellow-flavoured journalism.

Anonymous said...

Today is pathetic and beyond yellow journalism. It has stooped to the bowels of cowardice practice, ignoring hard fact issues that ordinary seychellois have to face daily.

One would think the Editor is looking for a post in government along with the journalist who do not use their names.

Nothing fresh and new about that.


Anonymous said...

Mancham is saying Eyptian eclection was fair,Manncham what about Seychelles election was it fair?

Anonymous said...

Mancham is pathetic and a yellow belly coward.

DP should shut down.

He is selling the people of Seychelles.

These pictures are ugly for tourism in Seychelles.

This matter should be removed. It will hurt our business.

Anonymous said...

The charges against Mr. Isaac show us that PL do not want a real opposition. They want an opposition that is fake like the young people at Freedom Party have been telling us all along.

The press releases coming out everyday of Mr. Mancham doing this and that for Michel, shows you why the opposition has lost its way. He now works for Michel for money.Mancham is a sad excuse for a leader, and what is even more sad, people in SNP and DP have followed his style.

Yes, even today, sounds like Mancham.

Wake up people!

Anonymous said...

It is one thing for James Mancham to represent the AU as an observer at the Egyptian presidential elections, although such an appointment would have required the endorsement of James Michel. AU will not make such appointments without the endorsement of national governments. But it is quite another thing for James Mancham to vacuously accept to represent James Michel as his envoy at the UK Queen's diamond jubilee celebrations.

The AU's appointment of Mancham shows that this institution did not take its responsibility seriously. It is a sign that these organisations do not take their election monitoring responsibilities seriously on a continent that is witnessing a return of coups and illegitimate governments. Mancham may preach peace and love and democracy abroad, but at home he supports a brutal dictatorship still in a one-party mode, the same people who overthrew his democratically elected government in 1977 and have hung on to power ever since. No one in Seychelles takes Mancham's reconciliation palaver seriously. Nearly everyone thinks that Mancham's support for Michel and Parti Lepep is in return for favours of one sort or another from the regime. Mancham and son visited turncoat Alain St Ange the other day to ask that the traitor-minister takes copies of his magazine (VIOAS) with him on overseas trips. Needless to add, St Ange agreed to act as Mancham's newspaper boy.

Mancham clearly likes travelling and all the pomp that goes with it. But a man of deeply held principles would have declined the invite to be Michel's envoy in London for the Queen's wedding anniversary. A better man would have resisted a few days of pomp, glamour and freebies in London and refused to represent a regime that doggedly refuses to democratise Seychelles. Mancham is putting his personal greed and commercial interests above national interests, while trying to fool us with his Seychelles First motto. And not for the first time. I would suspect not for the last time too. A poor example for our young generation.

As we have seen with two others that are following in Mancham's murky footsteps -- Alain St Ange and David Pierre -- James Michel and Parti Lepep reward former opposition political men with no principles handsomely.

In the announcement of Mancham representing Michel in London, State House and Seychelles Nation reminds us that Mancham met the Queen in 1972 when she visited Seychelles.

What they failed to tell us -- through embarrassment perhaps -- is that Mancham was also due to meet the Queen in June 1977, before he was bundled out unceremoniously of the Commonwealth Conference in London. Then, James Michel had taken up arms to overthrow the government and was prepared to shoot anyone who moved. Even the Queen will be wondering what the hell is Mancham doing in London at her celebrations representing the Parti Lepep regime. But, like us, she will know that the small man now works for Parti Lepep and gets rewarded well for his services. Like us, she will not be taken in by the national reconciliation palaver that Mancham uses as a cloak for his personal greed.

Will Mancham bring any more disgrace on himself in his twilight years ? I fear he will. He is part of Parti Lepep's political machinery that has destroyed the moral fabric of this nation.

Anonymous said...

James Mancham is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Jean Paul Isaac calls himself a journalist? What a joke. The idiot cannot even write. He dares slander our Today daily where he would not even qualify to clean the latrines. He does not know the difference between his front end and back end. The reason he and Gill are hitting at Today is because they fear anyone who could become a leader of tomorrow. They are going for Mark Hoareau who owns Today and could one day stand for elections. By the way those injuries you got are typical of those inflicted during perverse sexual games. Gill must have got too rough on handcuffed Jean Paul !!

Anonymous said...

There are latrines that are cleaner than your dirty mind.

Anonymous said...

Isaac may not have pretty English, but he has more courage then this yellow belly Today for what it has become!

Clean it up!

Or clean your latrines yourself, on the way, bleach your filthy mouth.

Anonymous said...

I can see the Editor of Weekly log on reality.

Please, keep your trash in weekly.

Why don't you do a article on Mancham in Egypt.

Anonymous said... we have trash and manure fighting. LA BOU PE RIY LANMAR.

Anonymous said...

Sa ki mon kontan avek sa bann vye politisyen dan nou pei, ler enn mon zwer i koze zot kaka i bwi.

JP better known as julio went to school with me at plaisance and for your information sa boug i parmi enn bann boug pliu malen ki i annan dan plaisance, mon rapel en fwa i zet en bwat ice cream ater i pa tonm dan bin "i ti ganny raporte kot miss dora ernesta, headteacher dora ti fer li al anmase e pou imilye li ti anmenn li devan nou laklas antye e demann li si i konnen ki sisa littering?"

Sa boug telman i clever ti demann head teacher "be sa cleaner kinn raport mwan eski i pa realize ki si nou tou dan lemonn nou pa zet en sou salte parfwa ater i pou napa en louvraz". Miss dora ti fer li al supervize en laklas physics letan en sir ti pe ganny zize dan son biro a sa menm moman!

Anyway jean-paul ouswa julio in toultan malen ou kapab demann nenport ki kin pas plaisance ekrir an angle i en senp zwe pou sa boug akoz i osi ekrir an sinwan, francais, italyen ek alman!

Mersi pou kritike me lalang pa marse ek mwan akoz mon ti la e monn trouv bokou!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Julio.

Anonymous said...

When you complain about selective prosecution, it means you are admitting you are guilty and you are complaining that other guilty people are not being prosecuted.

If you are guilty, then you should be prosecuted. It is irrelevant that others are not being prosecuted. You can't use discrimination as a defence for breaking the law.

Surely your case is that you are innocent. Aren't you ? I didn't think so. You raised hell in the police station and they gave you a good beating. Is that a fair description of what happened ?

Anonymous said...

Reply to the last comment.

I never heard such a stupid comment before.

It must come from SNP leadership.You must try to go beyond googles to research law.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

Reply to the last comment.

I never heard such a stupid comment before.

It must come from SNP leadership.You must try to go beyond googles to research law.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

Your comment shows how difficult it is to get Pp idiots to understand things.Selective prosecution Pp ,is a procedural defense in which the defendent argues that he/she should not be held criminaly liable for breaking the law,as the justice system discriminated against them by choosing to presecute.And in this case it is clear that no crime waht committed by Ppthugs just want to silent any persons qwho dare exposing its failed system while for therlast fourty years the same regime has committed countless crimes without even being investigated.Here is a limited list of PP^s atrocities:Coup D'etat,murder of innocent Seychellois,Sell out of our patrimony,arms deal with Rwanda resulting in thousands of innocents Rwandans death,thef etc...

Those poor little half-brains just would never get things right.

Advice,Self -educate yourself,for self education sometimes can provide great man.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

By Isaac but Pp thugs

Anonymous said...

I forgotMANCHAM said the Eyptian election was free and fair,a scam like always.Why?Mr JIMMY CARTER a professional and experirenced Election observers and his teams of hundreds of trained employees are on the ground all over the massive land of Egypt and he has public stated that there are a multitude of irregularies and in some cases he team mebers were refused access to the booth,so how can MANCAHM who was alone without a team tell us that the lection was fair when in fact he never visited a single booth but was inste4ad drinking champagn on Alexandria.And since when deed MANCHAM has experience in election observing?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

While Isaac gets beaten by PL Police state, Ramkalawan hugs a hardlined communist.

Hug David Pierre and Jane Carpin while you are at it.

Hug Mancham.

Send him our least regards.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!....that's what we hug!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

I can assure you that the latrines at the Today offices are cleaner than your mouths Gill and tag along Isaac. It is so obvious to those have some intelligence why the dislike of Today by Gill and company. Simply because we succeeded where he failed. How he would have loved to be the Editor or owner of Today. There is a pattern in the way SFP behave and why no other party will have them as allies. Firstly Gill hates successful people and Mark Hoareau and Today are his latest Victims. PL, SNP, NDP, and Boulle will not have him because he brings no supporters. The only supporters Gill has are Isaac, Tall, Wong and a half dozen others who are on his payroll. Gill cannot stand being a failure but this is EXACTLY what he is and will always be A THIRD BEST. Go under a rock and hide pea brain Gill

Anonymous said...

Third best ? As good as that ? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Pp has been alone for the last fourty years on power.Brits left billions in capital with them,organized instituions, PP has destroyed everything.Secondly.LAVERITE is the most read journal in the country as a result REGAR is almost close.But as always Communist understand failures as success thun your comment does not surprise anyone not even my dog.

The reason why other parties do not work with SFP is simply because they are fake as Bernard George public stated.SFP has also made clear that it won^t work with stooge parties but directly with the people.

jeanne D'Arc

Jeanne DÂrc

Anonymous said...

This is what you call clean ferm ou mas pissoff tiwawa le chien aboya wawa.

Anonymous said...

Reply to "Pea Brain"- fence walker-

I have nothing against Marc Hoareau. He is a personal friend and will remain so as long as I have a say on the matter. No attempt by you to compromise that, will have any effect on me.

Marc Hoareau or for that matter, any shareholder of TODAY does not have editorial control over TODAY. That rest with the Editor and staff, mainly journalist, whoever they may be, exclusively.

To not cover a serious human rights story, that has implications beyond the beating and abuse of power by the Police , is simply putting your head in the sand for reasons you know best.

It's one thing to have an overloaded case load, it is another matter to time and time, over and over, ignore realities around us and continue to claim to be independent.

Keep it up "Pea Brain". It does the market no harm.In fact, your shoddy work only encourages the market.

A bad manager can destroy even the best organization.

Similarly, a bad journalist without a moral compass, can destroy the best newspaper, no matter how much money is behind it.

I personally think it is time that the EDITOR at TODAY take steps to lock you up, once and for all, before you cause more harm to what was once a very great promise to Seychelles that we all looked forward to.

You are lucky I am not your boss. You would have been husking coconuts instead of writing.

So you should be thankful your Editor and shareholders are so kind towards you.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

Gill tell us who is writing this rubbish. We will deal with him.

Anonymous said...

It's me.

Anonymous said...

Sang and Tall are far away. Jean Paul got a good beating in the police station when he tried to raise hell. Is he a glutton for punishment ?

I guess that leaves just Jeanne d"Arc. Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

I have been asking and searching for it but Pp thugs do not turn up.You know why Pp thugs do not turn up for ii will give them the lesson of their lives,they wil have two chiioces only go back to victoria in a coffin or as handicaps.Nothing less nothing more.

Real men like ISAAC do not whine for their actions are guided by a commitment to advance of the causes of freedom,democracy and human rights.Isaac showed the quintessential traits of a proud lion not a clucking frigthen hen like PP crooks.His bravery in the face of tyranny justify by his absolutely and unconditionalyy thirst for liberty and human rights.He refuses to legitimate andtolerate corruption,nepotism,criminality and inhumanity.hat is not too much to ask.

Brutalizing and terrorizing a young and well-spirited journalist and human rights advocate won^t demoralize him nor silent him but motivate him for his convinction is stronger than those criminals dreesed in police uniforms.
Evil in all it forms must be addressed head on and relentlessly and the young journalists and freedom loving people will continue to do so for our will is as hard a iron for we know in the end we will be victorious.

Anonymous said...

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

We are on to Pea Brain.

We have contacted his BOSS on the matter.

Hope he does not lose another job.

Anonymous said...

Pissoff just ask Didon what happen with Jin for beating Seselwa and were is Jin today?
Bougla ti bez avek en bar tiyo and put him in his coffin and send him to hell those gardbo have not learn a lesson they want more.

Anonymous said...

is shortminded he just cannot recall that.Let me remind him.JIN a thug who dreesed in police uniform ,who think that wearing a police uniform gave him the absolute power to victimize and brutalize ordinary citizens he was axed by a victim.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

I could not see JIN name on the list to HUMAN RIGHT? Is this double standard or a forgotten hero?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha Gill is asking forgiveness to Mr Hoareau for having a go at Today. We all had a good laugh at the office. Next time Gill think before you open your foul mouthed orifice on your face that sounds like a pit latrine. When will the boy ever learn...clearly you are the pea brain Gill because you will always remain a loser. At Today we write what is relevant and your rhetoric and fabrications has no place in our daily. Groveling will earn you no points. Did not work with Rene, Ramkalawan, Volcere and Boule.........feeling sorry you were not able to have a Today of your own??

Anonymous said...

Mr.Gill; if you want to be on Today's front page, make yourself visible at Zonmlib ceremony on June the 5TH.


Anonymous said...

Zomlibre symbolizes tyranny.It would have to be replace by the statue of real Seychellois Heros such as CASTOR or Gerald Houreau,these are real heros who did something for the country.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

12.06 Am
The point made by CHRIS is clear and straight forward namely that irresponsible juornalism can be dangerous to society equally as tyrannic system.There is good a reason for irresponsible journalism to be descripted by the following phrases;gutter journalism,Yellow journalism and flash and trash.

Getthe message and make your homework instead rediculizing yourself.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Freedom has no border

Anonymous said...

The, 5th June Seychellois instead of celebrating their liberation from colonialism would rather be mourning and rembering this day as the saddest day in their country's history for just after a gang of crooked would raped their liberties and subjugated their dignity by turning their independence in to a ditatorship.Since that day our country has expereinced all kinds of desasters:they have seen their borthers ,sisters and family members murdered,their patrimony illegally sold out,their nationality sold out,their natural resources exploited for peanuts,the country's coffers emptied,etc..etc.. etc...
In other words,Seychelles has been turned into chaos,and instead of moving forward ,provide prosperity to its people it has turned into a bannana republic.

Tommorrow Seychellois loving people should simply stay at home,as a gesture and respect for all those innocent seychellois who lost their lives for opposing the tyrannic regime.

Tyranny sghould not be celbrated but condemn forcefully.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Depi kan sa kouyon Isaac ti in Human rights activists e plis in zournalis!!! Be si sa kouyon y in zournalis be mwan mon larenn langleter.....wahahahahhahhhahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahhahah

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ace, go mix your tea leaves.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Zanpol is a Jet Fighter Pilot, a Pilot Instructor, a Journalist and a Human rights activist and Gill's Major Domo.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add that he is partial to Rosbif and in his spare time he likes to spar with the police!

Anonymous said...

there is aguy eith the name"sivasupranamian"praising Michel on Nation?wHO THE HELL IS THIS FOREIGNER COMING TO TELL US WHAT GOOD OR NOT FOR US?Indain,Pakistasni or Sir lNakan refugee,foreign who our passort was sold to?or Pakistani taliban?Enlighten Me PIsSY.This foreign spoken about Michel "NAtioanl reconciliation" like Manchan,but reconcilaitio nwith whom Miuchel with Michel himself?
Have the people of Seychelles ask PP to get rid of those foreigner controling our institutions?

Jeanne D'Arc

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Reply to idiotic comments.

I laugh at your critics of Isaac. They are so petty and silly. Yes, Isaac's English is not pretty, but his kreole is lovely. His French is better then mine.

Yes you think Isaac is inferior to you, but to the youth and young people of Seychelles, Isaac is a role model that they look up to and respect him greatly and rightly.

So far, Isaac has stood his ground and he has exposed this regime on many fronts.

So far, Isaac is 100%.

I think you pathetic- s are just jealous of losing territory to the work of SFP.

So matter who it is, you will always whine like a bunch of babies as long as it is a member of SFP, eating the political ground up.

Thank you Jean Paul Isaac for all you have done to restore hope for FREEDOM in Seychelles.

Water seeps it's own level!

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

ISAAC is not a coward like you,he has convinction and holds to it.Coward like you wou ld run from those daily challenges and do not have the backbone to face them.A braveman like ISAAC,faces his challenge and does not experience the emptiness of cowardness like RAM;VOCLERE,and yourselves.

And finally since you are complaining about ISAAC it simply show how concern you are about his actions that have put you all crooks naked.There more you cry out the more you going to get it.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Just look at this poor young man's face, he is clearly beaten badly.

How can any government call itself democratic and carry on like this?

Anonymous said...

YES indeed,it also typifies physically proof of PP atrocity.Thus Pp thugs cannot deny their crooked action.That is more human rights abuses adding to PP record at ICC.

Jeanne DÂrc

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So what is your point!

Anonymous said...

"Seychelles Human Rights Journalist Faces Trumped Up Charges By State Prosecution"

Ha! Ha! Zot pe fer imigran riy zot bann imbecile!

Anonymous said...

Why are those IGNORANT people like the police and the even MORE IGNORANT mercenaire from Nepal getting away with brutalizing the Seychelles people? Who is covering their dirty work? Who formed them in the first place?

My message to ALL the corrupted politians in Seychelles - and there are plenty - actually all of them are - take a look at the Sadam Hussein's demise, Osama bin Ladin's demise, Ghadaffi's demise, Mubarrak's demise and son one. They too, felt invincible. They ended up like humiliated rats.

I am actually sorry for you shallow, ignorant people who form the so-called police force in Seychelles, you are too poor to even understant your own action.
But the eyes of God are watching.
Be careful.

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