Anyone who
took the time to listen to President Michel’s most boring lack luster speech
ever made in his political career recently, will have noticed the numerous
issues that the Seychelles Freedom Party (SFP) has hammered home to Michel’s
desk under pure unrelenting political pressure, that has threaten to destroy
his PL spin off party from SPPF.
The effort
by Michel is too little too late, and he should have consulted SFP on critical
issues in an open and sincere manner before he opened his mouth to let the
world know he does not know what he is doing.
His speech
and the thinking behind the ideas he advances reminds me of the MNA from La
Digue infamous statement on SBC Two (2) weeks ago after La Digue was faced with
flooding calamity. The MNA said to Mr. Michel “to release the captured flood
waters, we must raise the road”. This is what President Michel told us on the
array of problems he tried to address. Let’s look at the intellectual blunders
one by one.
“Many Hands Are Needed and Hard Work”-
He Says
In principle
SFP agrees with President Michel on this fundamental point. But Mr. Michel, is
it not your ministers who are the laziest bunch of hands in your government? Minister
Lionnet, spends more time in Dubai frolicking with damsels then he does
inspecting bridges walls and rivers in Anse Aux Pins. Planning Authority has
lost all credibility today and the same goes for the Ministry of Environment,
wherein your Minister is more preoccupied with being called “professor” then he
is about really addressing pressing environmental issues. Your Minister of
Tourism, uses your call to promote Seychelles, to travel the world without a
clear tourism marketing strategy. He leisurely makes rounds around the World,
as if he is trying to make it “Around the World in under 80 days”, with no
destination, as long as he is travelling, the destination is not important, be
it St. Kitts, Brazil, or Mexico. Is it not the PL that sent the SNP into
pension, turning them into the laziest opposition ever to exist in Seychelles
earning Scr. 20 Million in 10 years?
What kind of example has Mr. Michel set with this policy for Seychellois to work hard? How hard have the Savy Brothers worked for Seychelles? Do they work for Seychelles Mr. Michel, or do they work for their pockets in your view of things? Is it right to protect a family in that manner and demand sacrifice from the ordinary Seychellois who do not live under gilded protection becoming of royalty by your regime? You ask Seychellois to work hard, and be productive, yet you make the Minister of Health a woman that has financed kanbiz and pipili in Seychelles for years, to destroy our people’s brain cells, curtail their will to work and sometimes even the will to live. How can you ask us to work harder, when we already work harder than all the pathetic people you refer to as leaders in your government. Your Minister of Finance has disclosed that he is already “ready” for you to terminate him; he has financially arranged himself in a manner becoming of an exile king, before you can even blink at him. Where is the missing Scr. 600,000,000.00 from entrance fees to L’Union Estate over 18 years?
How can Seychellois respect what you say, when you turn a blind eye to hundreds and millions in missing money? Are you serious?
If you are serious about work as you assert,
live by example, personally go shut down the kanbiz and bakka clubs that your
ministers finance and run from the back ground to keep our people’s minds in
chains of submission. Hard working people question how their money is spent Mr.
Michel, and they hold their government accountable. Mr. Michel says he is
serious about hard work, yet, he helps a fake PDM play the role of a loyal
What good is a loyal opposition if the whole country knows it is a
fake opposition? By advocating such a bombastic policy, Mr. Michel, you have
set the credibility of Seychelles far back to the early days after June 5th
1977. We are just a fancy one party state. You have a fake opposition in the
National Assembly, you finance a retirement for another opposition, and the
third opposition, no opposition is financed by Dr. Ramadoss and is implicated
in drug running, yet, they still exist. Grab a rake, and rake in some of that
missing money at L’Union to put drain pipes and sewer lines in La Digue so
citizens and Tourist alike do not have to drink what they release.
Misfortune Strikes Seychelles
misfortune has struck Seychelles. While Mr. Michel focuses on the rain being a
misfortune, I see beyond that. Rain should never be a misfortune, it is a
blessing. When asked to build more dams last year, Mr. Michel replied: “what
are you going to put in the dams?” Well
Mr. Michel, God’s wrath has given you an answer: rain water. Before the rains
came, your government, had over two weeks to clear rivers, clear drains, clear
debris, provide advance warning and instruction to the people of Seychelles on
proper course of action to prevent damage from heavy rains. For years, Planning
Authority, turned into a corrupted office, of taking money to remain silent and
to fast track projects, and slow down others. Before the rains, your government
did nothing, and waited only for the damage to take place to react. The
Disaster Relief Fund had only a pittance of SCR. 1.5 Million it to deal with a
national disaster, about enough money to pay for 7 days meals for volunteers. I
only ask this: “how can anyone take you to be a serious leader? “ While you
foolishly film model agency girls holding picks and shovels and sporting hard
hats to entice Seychellois to work hard, to carry your tonnage load of failure
year after year, while you spruce about town in BMW 700 series, and dare park a
Rolls Royce at State House while we are bankrupt, you neglect to reflect that
your government , has been dispensing RU386 pregnancy termination pills to end
the lives of thousands of unborn for over 18 years.
Today, after
we minus the thieves, minus the drug addicts, we have no work force to build
Seychelles. That is why you need models to wear hard hats to tell us to go to
work. Why don’t you place your Mont Blanc on the table, or return it to the
manufacturer, tell them it does not work and grab a shovel and get to work with
your over weight ministers. Have you not cut enough red ribbons in vain all
these years and delivered us enough failure for enough generations? You really
need to take a look in the mirror Mr. President.
The State of
the Nation is not stand up comedy, Mr. Michel. If you are serious, you have no
idea what an open economy is. An open economy means it is open first for your
people, not for Khalifa and company first.
5% GDP Surplus
Mr. Michel
calls for surplus of GDP by 5% per year. The funny thing about this impossible
assertion is that the PL sitting in red chairs, those under pressure wearing
red shirts, that are posed on top of a ragged red carpet, clap hands.
If it was a
circus and a clown made a joke, we would all clap hands and laugh as well.
Unfortunately, Mr. Michel in his wacky wild fanciful World of opulence, where
no one questions him, he was dead serious.
Allow me to
say this: Mr. Michel, you cannot achieve 5% surplus on GDP unless you sell us from
the feet up to Khalifa, you’re willing purchaser. Your government is still
bankrupt after all these years and this year, we start to repay our national
debt created mostly by your own joy riding, and a lesser bit by Albert Rene’s
foolish socialist experiments, that left many of his associates bald and
constantly dying their hair red.
If you want
us to take you seriously, be serious, stop making these silly comments, and
having people clap, only because they are afraid of losing their perks and
“Kennedy and Americans Put A Man on
the Moon”
Mr. Michel
says the Americans had unity of purpose and worked hard to put man on the moon.
Well, I
believe that by 2018, Seychelles too can put a man on the moon. That man should
be you Mr. President, you should have the honor to be our first citizen on the
Moon. All that agree should say: “Sesel Pou Seselwa!” If all Seychellois say
Sesel Pou Seselwa, we will put one man on the Moon by 2018. This is unity of
In one
phrase, Mr. Michel says, we are in a “free economy”. In another phrase, same
speech, he says we must eliminate speculation, as if it is a bad word. What
will happen to the Eden Island Villa purchasers Mr. Michel? Are they obliged to
sell their homes at a loss now that you are eliminating speculation in the
market place, which is a runoff of the basic open market principle of Supply
and Demand? Perhaps the Minister of Health can give Mr. Michel a checkup.
Michel says open economy but under pressure, he is functioning more and more
like a communist, perhaps worse than even Mr. Rene ever was. What you should be
doing Mr. Michel is insuring that Seychellois have a proper and acceptable role
to play in our economy and not selling us out to every Saudi, UAE, Bahraini
citizen that turns up to your door step much like James Mancham did in the
Kashoogi days.
Today, Mr. Michel, what is the difference between you and Ex- President James Mancham, when it comes to selling out Seychellois interests?
Foreigners Cannot Buy Land Presidential
Claim Now
After years
of selling passports to foreigners, then selling land to foreigner’s
inconsequential of its impact on Bona Fide Seychellois ability to purchase
land, use, enjoy lands, Mr. Michel says he will stop this practice, and lease
land for 70 years.
Do we trust
Mr. Michel? No. Should we trust Mr. Michel? No. Is Mr. Michel to be trusted?
No. Why? He does not trust himself, when it comes to the land and patrimony of
the people of Seychelles. Is there examples? Yes. How many? Many. Does Mr.
Michel have a defense? No, only a weapon to impose his will. How long will it
take for you to see that what you are doing to your people is wrong?
Education Failing Mr. Michel Says
No Comment,
beyond help under Michel!
Health System New Beds But Collapsing
Larue has a knack for doing the expedient. It is her nature. Today, in the
hospital system, fresh paint is being placed all over fungus walls without
curing the fungus. In three (3) months, the fungus will penetrate through the
fresh paint with a vengeance. Then we will be back to where we were, but worse.
The same thing is happening inside the hospital. New beds roll in, Winnie the
Pooh is painted on the children’s ward, but the real issues facing Ministry of
Health are going unaddressed for another decade. I remember well when Mr.
Michel said he was going to fix Ministry of Health once and for all. He bought
a few air conditioners installed them then handed the ministry to someone else.
We deserve better than this and we must expect better.
All communist regimes run youth development programs. PL is
no exception. Yet today, Seychelles population growth rate is 0%. We are
running out of youths now for 20 years. Does PL intend on addressing this issue
or does it envision to continue to indoctrinate the few youths we have. When
the indoctrination fails, and bites back, who is to blame?
“Michel Says Order Peace Security”
When the
People of Seychelles said we want order, peace and security, Mr. Michel, what
we meant is we want a professional, diligent Bona Fide Seychellois Police
Force. We do not want Gurhkas or Irish running around our country lording over
us Seychellois, even if they are the best Gurhkas and the best Irish Police in
the World. We want the best possible Bona Fide Seychellois Police running and
maintaining order, peace and security in our country. This is the promise of
Independence and the promise of the Seychelles Charter which while being
drafted, you were organizing the sale of the Malo Arms to Hutus in Rwanda. In Kenya Jomo Kenyatta when asked how will
the trains work without the British on the heels of Independence replied: “it
does not matter if our train does not run on time, what matters is that it is
run by Kenyans”. Take a lesson from history Mr. Michel, before history bins you
as a leader. “Sesel Pou Seselwa”! Learn the meaning of this in 2013 and stop
living in 1964.
Mr. Michel
is correct when he says NDEA has achieved success. But NDEA has a budget of 49
Million and with that much money, it should be able to do much better. NDEA
success has been targeting the small fish in drug trafficking and drug dealing.
Mr. Michel, we want the big fish, who finance Scr. 50 Million in drugs and the
10 million drug seizure with no arrest until today. We want the SNP drug
Escobars, the PL Escobars and the NDP Escobars. This is who we want. We want
you to divorce political affiliation from drug trafficking. This means that
NDEA cannot be an apparatus of State House, it must be independent, because
your high profile glory boys raised from the system from Cuba to State House
are involved in drug trafficking. If State House runs NDEA, you will protect
them. For that Mr. Michel, the current scenario is not acceptable. It brings
great disrepute to your government.
On Rehabilitation Mr. Michel Just
The reality
is that Mr. Michel initially had a policy not too different to his personal
view on drugs. He had no policy for drug rehabilitation, he would rather allow
the 3,000 plus addicts to die off, much like the 2,000 or more unborn infants
whose life is terminated prematurely by medical intervention each year in
Seychelles. This raises the country development index, but it is artificial
because we must rely on foreign labor to do our work and we then export the
fruits of that labor in overseas remittances. This means that while Seychelles
may appear to look successful as a middle income country, she is in fact a
basket case failure. Stop playing social engineering Mr. Michel, stop playing
with our lives. This generation will not take it. We will expose you and you failing
Michel Cannot Speak On Rule of
Mr. Michel
can speak only to PL salary men and woman on rule of law. He cannot speak to
the public on the issue without being questioned on the veracity of his
commitment to rule of law. Today, we still have colonial laws running
Seychelles. Michel has not amended these laws to earn our respect. Instead, he
has used the colonial masters laws to lord over Seychellois and give
preferential treatment to foreigners who disrespect our culture, and disregard
our people, who are simple by nature and emotional disposed to being sensitive
because we are islanders. Mr. Michel uses laws to please himself and meet his
sense of self worth like any dictator does. How did Jules Egbert Savy get a
Seychelles passport, Suleiman Al Dakhial, Radovan krijir? How did Shiekh
Khalifa get La Misere and barbaron? How did he get tax free status on $400
Million in building materials? How did Siva get an Island Ile Theresse? Mr.
Michel broke the law, to please his own wish to play dictator. In return he was
invited to Formula One races and cocktails in UAE. Mr. Michel is not much
different from James Mancham is he?
You know the
old saying: “Birds of the same feather flock together”. Zwazo Menm Nik, tou sa
When Mr.
Michel speaks of rule of law, why has he yet to file a Human Rights Country
report, required under every UN Convention of Human Rights signed by Seychelles
since 1993? There is no answer, because Mr. Michel does not believe in rule of
law, it appears he believes in “rule by only a few”. This little tidbit details
is now becoming common information worldwide, thanks to SFP and the largest
Twitter account in Seychelles in collaboration with LAVERITE and Seychelles
reality blog which has gone over 200,000 last week.
Mr. Michel Wants the Next Generation
to Inherit Seychelles
Mr. Michel
you cannot bequeath Seychelles to the next generation, if you have already sold
it in this generation, under your watch.
What you
have done as a leader, to sell our patrimony, chastise those who warn you of
this great dangerous action, selectively reduce population growth by
terminating pregnancy with intervention of the Ministry of Health, ignoring our
drug addicts, penalizing small token marijuana smokers, while releasing the
real Escobar’s at the expense of society are great transgressions against your
No other
leader has stood in office while he took a country into BANKRUPTCY and kept her
there while his political apparatus became richer than ever.
A true
Leader Mr. Michel, we will know him from his heart for Seychellois, not his
quest for a full pocket of Dirham’s.
We see right
through you.
The next
generation will not take it lightly.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving
Seychellois and our Beloved Seychelles!
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»A job well done, SFP. I cannot help but wonder how far in the dark would the people of Seychelles people be without Seychelles Freedom Party telling the truth as it is.
Having saying this I also think that it is time for you guy's to head for the street and talk to the people in an open meeting. The first time is always the most difficult but it will eventually get better. Because as you already know not every Seychellois has a computor at home and not every Seychellois can read, so please think about having an open meeting.
As for President JAM speech, is just another scam to blind the already blind fools. John-Paul don't forget to interview the flood and landslide victims I wonder if these people are getting any of that "swadisen"two million dollars of charity from bloody Arabs.
Again thank you SFP for a job well done.
The photograph of that Nation Leader in Confusion bears a striking resemblance of late President Hafez al-Assad of Syria, also a known butcher and authoritarian. Since they have lots in common are they related?
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Well said Mr. Gill, this article made me cry. At least some one stood up to this bully. Where is Volcere and Wavel? Wavel is shameful disgraceful leader.
Excellent article !Thank again and again for the excellent job you are doing.The article says things as it is, in a clear,eloquent way.If Michel does not get the message after reading this article ,he would probably never get it in the future.
LOOK at PP's
judiciray is merely the legal sledgehammer of the dictator and th ruling party.The judges are party hacks enrobed in jidicial garb with the mission of giving legal imprimatur to manifest offical criminality.In other words,the rule of law in Seychelles has been transmuted inot the ruleof one man ,one party.
National security-(to help PP a little bit understanding the message sent by the article), its use ,incompass the expression of politcal power through democratic should not be used as a mean to reduce freedom,PP. Nat. Security and civil Rights are interwind.
Michel says lets WORK TOGETHER-but work together according to his conditions and rules.That is called Dictation Michel.That is the lowest level of democratic culture and traditions.
Land to the TILLer was a passion ,a slogan for those invovled in the struggle in the period of Indepedence.The Copycats of Mao,Stalin,K,Mark made a mess of applying K Marx works to socio-economic conditions of technologically,scientifically and indsutrial backwars Seychelles.The dame inflicted onthe motheralnd is colossal.
Susstainable Development:-good governance is the one of the preconditions for Sustainable development .Stable and democratic governing instituions prtoect politcal and economic liberty and create an environment of the civic participation,which in turn,"determines whether a country has the capacity to use resources effectively and reduce poverty.
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Mr. Gill cuts through the fat and shows he is a real leader that loves Seychelles and has a heart for all Seychellois.
Mr. Gill I will give you my full support and know you can guide us out of this mess.
I am a former SNP supporter but have learn that I have been fooled all these years. Ramkalawan is a big let down to us.
everyone is big let down everyone crossed the floor seychelles everyont thinks only of their pocket everyone are sell out no one to be trusted seychelles is fucked gobe dans fess arab.
Why everyone crossed the floor KOUYASS ? because you are all a bunch of Kamaron heads....Shit in the head;
Crossing floor or not,Cross the floor rhetorics should be an excuse not to get together.Now it is time for Opposition to UNITE in order to get things change.By uniting, they will be coasting on the achievement of genrations long gone.Their bodies shiver in their grave ashamed at us for calling ourselves SESELWA.It is time for us to ask ourselves"waht have we done to work with and share with our people?",Are our actions affecting our people?",Is this the SEYCHELLES i received from our grandparents and what we will leave behind for our grandchildrens'"
SESELWA is calling and we must answer this call.I an ensure about one thing:If history ever forgives us for waht we have done to this country ,God will not.
We must stop offering ourselves as victims of internal intercine muststrife instigated by power hungry dictator WE MUST unitE AND ASK FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE.
As MANDELA put it"Our human compassion binds us the one to the over-not in pity and pratronizingly,but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future".I think that what we need to do at this time in the eyes of chaos created by PP thugs.UNITE Now!
Seychelles needs a transition from dictatorship to democracy Now.
Jeanne D'Arc
should not be
It is essential that the people are given facts from a different perspective. This is what this excellent article has done. We are disgusted by the cowboy attitude of the Minister who whose demeanor should appalled most citizens. Whereas we do not want to be seen as prudish, but this is certainly not the the kind of projections we should be aim around the world. This is not acceptable from a Minister; let alone his personal activities which seem to be against what we are supposed to preach, vis-a-vis Social Rennaisance etc..
Only recently we had an MNA displaying his sexual libido for all to see. Now we have upgraded our stud farm to Ministerial level.
This is more abhorrent, when it is done in a supposedly Muslim country, and openly. The UAE government would have to make a judgement on that. Perhaps their Imams would like to express their opinions if these are allowed - in UAE - presumably without a marriage licence. Who is the tart? Has she got no shame? No family. No social standing? She appears well pleased
with herself.Can anybody else have a go dear? To think that this awful Minister represent our country is beyond belief. The best our President must do now, before it gets to the UAE government is to call on this Minister to resign for his atrocious misbehavior as a Minister. We cannot expect the citizens to live by standard expected by social renaissance, if we allow this Minister to continue.So the citizens of Seychelles expect some action, pretty damned quick. Are there any more in the closet Mr. Gill? It is our right to know.
Largest Twitter account in Seychelles with 18 followers. You are a Twit.
This is a good response to our illiterate president state of the nation address. Can't wait for David Pierre response. Wondering how does Michel respond to his own address. Does he use the same speech writer for himself and David? Anyone has any insights how this is done.
Mr Christopher Gill as a boy we remembered your Dad’s Father whenever we were invited to have tea with the Family either given a mango, biscuit salee – he always wore his exarmy belt like a few Seychellois we knew and they kept any eye on our person help us grow up. What they expects of us and for the Family one day – our undertakings with greater destiny. There was no special army Camp of the Youth then – safe the bitter experience of the second world War they had gone through and stressed, drove, hammered this home to us then as boys and young children. What we have learned over the past 35 years in Europe from many former soldiers including German soldiers and important ones and Jews.
Our person underlined that AKS ought not to close that forum site – it was offered for sale and we did not take the offer. That forum like your site Seychelles Freedom Party Blog the issues it debated, discussed prior to SFP Blog coming online, including the near total bankrupt of Sechelles Seychelles government.
Had this forum been alive we would have demanded a very through and down to earth debate of what lead to the creation of the United Opposition, the political faction involved and their respective interests and political interests. ( Before Lady Thacther become to old to address very candid issues which impacted importantly cold blooded political events from 1985 to 1991 And the massive gaps in what has been addressed to the Seychelles public, nation and electorate)
From our part we would have in brief explained to the greater Seychelles nation, the greater world state what really took place and the super stitch up in good English. Those individuals holding current Office in the Opposition. We cannot do this properly on Seychelles Freedom party Blog – the nature of the platform do/does not allow this.
There are several individuals who at the time were relatively inexperience and as\such international workings, politic – the need to forgive, provide margin, give leeway to those learning the political rope. These here mention individuals have now mature/rather supposedly matured and the quality of this/their maturity.
Had ASK Forum been available we would have chooses this platform to address certain fundamental aspects of their personalities and discrepancies in respect to their current Office and accountability to the Seychelles nation – those who time and time have stressed – Seychelles is not Africa even if we are in the African Union.
Finally Mr Christopher Gill from one of the most important person who gave the world the WWW – the old Seychellois had/have ways of communicating – the younger generation is of the view they do not need to take note – very wrong, indeed the many issues we have refuse to note our own stew.
Your grandparents resided nearby the Bedier Family, Bisnack – the German wording/connotation and other Families and history of that area, the Telfer Family , the Underwood, Mr Julien Durup efforts to bring to surface some of those issues – do take some time by yourself by the seaside with you feet in the sea and ask yourself the question why we have choose to make this statement public.
Sirop, you missed out Cpt Tregargen !
Anyway, how are we going to get back all the sponsorship money paid to into JJ Spirit bank account at Nouveau Bank. Foreigners pays big money into this account in exchange for Seychelles Passports. When are we going to claim back the colonised islands of Sesel. During colonial days the British Royal Family did not rape Seychelles the way HRH Glenny, David & Francis are raping our motherland ! Wake up Seselwa, ouver nou lizye. Ex-SPUP
Ramkalawan you cannot use twitter since whoever still supports you cannot even read and write.
Volcere told you to not thread on SFP!
Take his advise and go bury yourself!
A united opposition is not possible when its main players work in complicity with the PL to keep them in power.
SFP goes it alone rightly.
Besides, SFP does not traffic drugs in conspiracy with PL.
No other party can say that.
Find another way to finance change please.
Volcere told you to not thread on SFP!
Take his advise and go bury yourself!
RAM,volCER ,THE DUO -look more as a sarcophagus of dessicated mummies out of the dust of deep antiquity.They cannot break the master to salve relationship engendered and refined by Pp stalinist regime.They will probably stay the neablers that grease the wheels to hurt and destroy our country.As long as they stand and the money tree Pp tided they under ,they will continue to shake it.
Michel knows SNPDP more than their leaders,he considers them Intelectual inferiors.He is sure he can outsmart,outthink,outwit,outplay,outfox and outmaneuver them none,any day of the week.So far he has successfully managed to do it.
RAM and Voclere are bankrupt,politically,if they cannot sit down with other oppostion leaders,to formulate united actions on how to transit dictatorship to democracy ,then they should leave politcs.Seychelles,is on the bridg of dactorship to democracy,all freddon loving Seychellois sjhould get together to work on the aftermath of Pp dictatorship,for there would be a mountain of problems create by PP to climb on,and the the way forward in mined by chaos,only unity can best ensure a sofer transition.
Ram and Voclere have a choice to make ,continue behaving like berancles on a sinking ship ,or be on the side on the people,else they should find a life.
Michel was again calling on us to "boost our 3education status".But look what Micvhel does with tax payers' money instead.The junta is willing to invest huge amounts of money to spy on oridanry citizens ,maybe he should use the money he is wasting ,instead to wire school to labraries,and provide more access to technology to our schools.(we living in a world in which technology rules),thus,Replace CREOLE lesson by teaching our children how to use new technology ,something they would come across in any proffesions,careeers,etc they will choice to do in the would be more profitable and benficial for the country.
jeanne D'Arc
stay the aneblers
Veronique Laporte,disturbed by the chaos in the health ministry and the incomptency of Mitsy,resigned.
NO! no! no! noooooooooooooooo she got jealous and this is the truth. she was promise the position. the bitch had several fake facebook account in which she used to abuse SFP and other party as well. sucked in bitch!
she was promise the minister's job and then the position pass underneath her high priority nose and went to Mitsy Larue.
I think to be fair to her is this. She was simply incompetent. En creole nou dir ki e pas competant.simple as that.
Pa competan?
She just don't want to join the NOUVO KABINEN!
Maybe now she can look for an orgasm with Salim dakal ki ya fair li pipi.lemor lopital.
She is not the only one placed in those important position which requires extensive experiences in those areas especially health.Its important why, because to assist in making reasonable and fair judgement and making good hv a good look in gov jobs now you see 99percent chiefs and no Indians.under Mr Rene time you would not have seen saban grand tralala.delo kaka.
Who is Salim dakal? Can someone highlight some more details please?
Generally speaking i think Pp is the cult of incompetency.Mitsy should also take the honorable step of resigning as she has no clue wahtsoever salvaging the health ministry.Her performance has been alysmally poor.
Michel should sack her before the already chaotic health system is avoidly destroyed by her nihilistic tendencies.
In fact,most PP ministers should be sacked ,for most of them are incompetent,else we would not be living 30 years of social,econimical,politcal desaster under PP.
Jeanne D'Arc
Salim Dakal ,the new seselwa in Michel's new Sesel.That is how the Black colonizer(michel the butcher) rule.Afraid of and not having confidence in Seychellois he continues to import foreigners to occupy high positions in our institutions as if we not an indepedent and sovereign country.He even seem to find his illegal practices normal.I think that is the only sovereign nation in the world that illegally import foreigners to control its sovereign Nation instituions,Not even Afghanistan does that.
-Judges 90 percent incompetent and corrupt foreigners.
-Police Officiers Irish and Gurkas.
-90 percent of Ambassadors foreigners,for Michel thinks they are more aptriot than Seychellois thus would better represent our intrests.
-AirSey headed by a foriegner.
-Siva an illegal immigrant even holds a Diplomatic passport.The list is endless.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc totally agree with you, Mitsy also should resign what a waste of space.
From what I heard Mrs Mein would have been a wonderful Minister of health. Not only because of her experience, but also because of her compassion towards other people.
It is unfortunately that there are rumours that her job has been offered to an another nurse.
Ms Véronique Laporte was just a waste of space, she gpot what she deserve.
but if Mrs Mein should leave maternity ward, this hospital will be even at greater risk.
Zenpol dallon, I was readyng the post your ambasdo galy toll wrote , he says SFP lives on with chritophat gill, sung wand, galy toll and you zenpol. How come me never see sung wand, galy toll here in Seselwa reality unite? Are dey der one wit fake names like zane dart, and johny puff? Because did does no make sense to me!
by der way de monkey with pink arse looks like alain sainanze.
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Unfortunately she is not a hardcore communist,she's independent so no change for her of being given high positions though her competent.
Jeanne D'Arc
true fat chance... lepep stole her car from the drive way and smash it.
Jeanne D'Arc said most ministers should be sacked! Now tell me WHO SHOULD STAY AND WHY?
We are waiting Jeanne D'Arc pa grat ou fes. Tasyon mous ver i fer le tour ou le dwra.
Jeanne is right, though sometimes we don't see eye to eye. but totally right on this one the whole lot of ministers and president himself should step down, THEY HAVE FAILED THE COUNTRY, are you too blind to see or too stupid, better yet may be you too are sellout.
I am not Jeanne but I have right to tell it like it is. You can start with Lionnet !
Lionnet should not resign. Lionnet is promoting what we Seselwa are good at. Sleeping around with different concubines. It was rampant during colonial days with the likes of Henri Michaud. It carried on with the likes of JRM, FAR, JAM, Dr Mano, Lionnet...In fact we should consider adopting Muslim ideology of 4 wives. This religion must have something right if it allows men to legally have 4 wives. Well done JAM, get Khalifa to build more Mosques around Seychelles. Hopefully we can start having some real renaissance morale if we are to follow Khalifa's way of life.
You are more sick that I thought you were. How about your mother, your wife (if any) and your sisters (if any) had four husbands, would you like that? I think it is disgusting you might as well live among animals and screw whoever you want! We are Seychellois with pride and dignity we are not filthy Arabs that does not know any better.
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JAM, FAR and all those sick bastered has followed into their mothers footsteps. FAR mum was sleeping around. FAR is the bastered of Doctor Lannier! So really his surname should not be Rene ! Same thing with who ever accept these religion bullshit, a mother who fucks around with other men makes their sons go coucou. this is why Seychelles is failing year after years, because we have moron running it.
and mothers who fucks around is a pay back to their moron husbands who also fucks around. this is why seychelles is loosing its dignity and pride. it is because of men who cannot save their sausage for their wives. It all because of men ego. they cheat on their wives and their wives cheat back on them for vengeance.
Sa c'est tipikmant creole, c'est aussie tres bob bon pour le morale.
Our Economy is open.
Wi papa..... sa fes inn mirrrrr.
The whole Pp government, for it has long bankrupt,politcally.
Who should replace them?Well,the best of the best.How do one finds the best of the best? By searching in the population who the best are.E.g DELAROS a highly qualified and experience finance expert(has the quality and expereince to be good finance minister.The best Seychellois Doctor with experience would surely be much better as minister of Health,than Mitsy who does not even know what a pipette is etc..etc. and i am convinced there are much more capüable in the Diaspora too.They must be servant leaders,those who lead by example,with the highest standard of integrity and lead with generosity.All those traits should be a moral philosophy and a vision of waht the country should look like,covered with some degree by the notion of INTEGRITY.A good minister will be motivated by a moral concept.
Jeanne D'Arc
My favorite part of Michel's speech was when he finally confessed that he committed a crime on the peopekl of Seychelles by illegally selling out thier birthright and patrimony.It was my favorite part for The Butcher did not do it voluntarily but by the constant exposrue policy conducted by SFP.Who would have betted the Butcher would crack after 30 years of total silence on his crimes?Surely not shallow minds to the likes of LAP DOG Ram and GUN-DOG (labradore) Pierre.
SFp has demonstrated that the secret of success in constancy of purpose.
Jeanne `DArc
Jeanne D'arc my love :) , what are you afraid of? why can't you tell these morons what is best for our country, what are you afraid of?
Ok it goes this way, lets bring down the entire LEPEP who is good for nothing, apart from stilling the country's wealth and replace it with SFP! I am more than sure that we can bring Seychelles out of its merciful pity debt and make this country a win win for all.
LEPEP are good for nothing bring them down for Seychelles sake!
Afraid of What?Change! Or the innexorable disintegration of a rogue dictatorial system?I think Hearing Michel confessing in public for his crimes is a sign of someone afraid of change.
It is not enough to simply tell us that "PP will now stop the selling out,this a crime and criminals should be punished".
Thus,the next step the butcher must take is--Open an inquiry(indepednt Commission of inquiry),get those invovled in the sell out to justice and get them punished.How can one trace back those fraudulent passports--Well,all passport has a number,the investigators need simply to go into the Immigration Computers,check the passport log and then reconcile the log with passport issued legally.Anther Tip,is that most of those fake Seselwa have unfaimiliar names such as:SIVA,RAMADOSS etc...
All those passports should be revoked and cancelled,and it can not be revoked ,a list of those passports should be handed to INTERPOL to help us intercept them.
This is not only a groos crime by Pp thugs but it alos put our National security at risk.
OH Please! cancelled what? no one can ever cancelled anything until we put the bloody rouge behind bars. Have you forgotten that JAM and FAR holds our balls in their stains blooded hands?
People such as SIVA, SEGEY, RAMADOS, EGBERT SAVY, has paid good money into JJ Spirit Foundation Funds. You cannot revoke their passports. You need to bring down JJ Spirit Foundation before you revoke these passports. I suggest you take a trip to La Digue and pay attention to Ox & Cart. The Ox is placed in front of the Cart and not the other way round. Unfortunately, in Seychelles politics the Cart is in front of the Ox ! Oh la la...........
Seychelles Citizenship - Mr.Sakhri El Madri... HIGH RISK
The Tunisian people have sworn to get Mr.Sakhri El Madri, however long it takes and wherever he may be. This is for misappropriation of the peoples money. He has been convicted already. Some groups have quoted similar situations arose recently, when the people of Libya exterminated Gaddafi for wrong doings. His son disappeared for a while with lots of peoples money. No other country would want to have him. He was captured and returned to face the people. How is Sakhri El Madri any different from those, including Mr. Mubarak of Eqypt?? This is why no other country has allowed this fugitive to stay in their country. Saudi Arabia, Qatar dis not want the problem on their door step. The risk to their citizens are far greater than having a wanted person in their country. Why are we in Seychelles not considering the risks to our citizens, if this person was to say.?? A special operation by agents unknown is too great to allow our citizens having to worry about. Many of us, given the choice would not like to be living near this convict is staying; neither would we allow our children to go to the school where his children are going The risk is too great. Bin Laden, for example, evaded capture for a while - what happened to him in the long run??
Do we want our people in Seychelles to have to worry about this possibility?? We should get real.
As previously stated, the Tunisian people have stated that they will not be denied to bring him back to face the people. He has done wrong, convicted and he needs to face the consequences. We must not hide him. Each day that this convict remains in our country, is a day too long and the risk too high for our citizens. The money belongs to the Tunisian people and that is where it should be - not in Seychelles. All political parties must insist that this is so.
Finally, how would giving asylum (by implication citizenship) to this criminal square up with our President's call for a heart for the Seychelles before citizenship is granted? Does this square up with our morale renaissance, when knowingly, we are considering sanctuary to a criminal who has stolen other peoples money?? Send him back to Arabia from where he came. Let them offer him asylum. Let them take the risk but not our people.
Yes the Tunisian people and govenment want MADRI to face justice,but Michel rogue governemnt would like to hide him,protect him for he posses multi-millions of stolen dollar sthat PP wants to have some of.
Madri is a criminal he should be sent back to Tunisia to face justice,and we will not accept Pp govt. giving him Asylum for Tunisia is no long under Ben Ali's dicatorship,it is a democracy and Huamn rights are respected so MADRI cannot tell us hie life would be in danger for thenew Tunisian governemnt respect interantional laws thus he would have fair justice not like that under his Father Ben Ali.
Seychelles should not be a safe haven for Ex- dictators and families like Saudi Arabia.
MADRI has nothing to do in our land,after PP has tainted our country's images in criminal deals such as Armes sell to RWANDA,its participation in RWANDA genecide,Sex slavery,Money Lundrying,LUCAS scam,Killing of The young juoranlist recenty etc we would not let PP tarnish further our people's image.
If PP still give him Asylum without the people consent,I will organize his arrest with the help of Tunisian governemnt and send him back.
Jeanne D'Arc
It was not Michel decision to give Mardi asylum. Michel does not run Seychelles. Michel is simply a puppet of Khalifa and he is there to fulfil Khalifa's wishes such as building terror centres a.k.a. mosques across the country, granting citizenship to criminals, ect. If you want Seychelles to be run by a Seychellois we need to take to the street to get Michel out. Let's see how many of us he can shoot at like they do in the Middle East
Jeanne D'Arc of 10:15 am again YOU did not answer the full question of 12:10am. YOU just SPINED around as usual with a half baked! That's typical of SFP.The only qualify doctor according to you will be JP and this will be four more years on-line training before he will receive his NEURO certificate.And another two training before the ink is dried!I wonder who will present him/herself for the surgery!
Claire D'lune
I work at the airport and want the people of this country to know the UAE military bought in a very large amount of arms into this country.
Don't change the topic Jeanne.
Goggle Seychelles debt and you will have a shock to see 1.47billion dollars external debt as of december 2012.oh my God where are we going.
Those arms will be on the way to to terorsit in Norden mali we have said those arabs country are main sponser of terorist Seychelles is becoming the transit place for arabs to supply them arms in africa,one friend of mine have took some pictures soon we will publish on tube and add some more things with it we want to show the world a bit about Seychelles its gangs.
Is SFP now bringing arms in the country for a coup detat?
Ti Johhny-Le-Gay has always been threatening!
Whoever is using Clair D'Lune names is not going to work. Because Christopher Gill knows that Clair D'Lune is a true compatriot and a faithful friend of his.
So cut the crap and find yourself a name. how about serpent lepep
Sad to say that there is only two heroes in SFP, Mr Gill and Mr Isaac! The rest are cowards who are afraid to sign their own bloody name to their statement.
So that's make three with Clair D'Lune kouyon. Konte inn fini koko i enkor ennan.
Again my name is Claire D'lune and NOT Clair D'Lune. Put on your thick loop glasses to see better.Better more tir sa bann maloy dan ou lizye.
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Ti Johnny-le-gay knows how to handle a gun? He will shoot his foot before Totof say FIRE! Then Jeanne will take the piece of LA TWAL BLE KINN ANMAR LA PAT KANNAR and attache the PURPLE HEART MEDAL made with KOUVERTI TERMOS and present him for his bravery!
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Waht are you scared of?The Butcher is already overthrowing himself with his communist failing policies,each year things just get worse.Do not try to distract attentions from PP failing policies things are so bad that even my dog who is called RAM realizes it.
There is no great force for change,than people inspired to live a better life.Seychellois are inspired to live this better life.
Jeanne D'Arc
Seen a long time Felisitation aka pissor is getting scared his hoping that a coup will never happen again,if we dont see change it will happen.WE want nothing else just want we want is to rule our destiney and save our land from foreigners conqueror.
PISSEDOOFF is back using peoples names again this zat maron.
In my opinion jeanne is taking clair for a ride. sad, childish and stupid if you ask me.
DEFINITELY.But you know waht PP is about to modify laws on Permanent resident in order to give foreigners on GOP our permannet residency on our shores.Pp tells us law must be reformed to allow those who contribute ot our country permannet resident.Look ,foreign business persons already are covered by law which allow them to stay as long as they doing business.GOP Workers are contributing to our country in RETURN for money,but these are the persons to the likes Ungandan Judges and others that PP wants to gift our passport we should reject such illegal practices.And i think any modification of laws on this issue must have the consultation of all opposition parties including the people,Not
Jeanne D'Arc
Victoria Times - We smell a rat...
A new newspaper, radio or other media which offer the citizens an "independent" perspective of life in the Seychelles, should be welcome.
However, one must define what "independent" means in the context of the media in our country. We are, as a country, deemed to be sovereign and "independent". But, can anyone with sanity claim to be independent, when we depend on others charity for our survival? This needs not be so. Would Victoria Times be independent? Time will tell, but it should be encouraged. The worrying thing is - we have become aware only lately that the "Sun" which was claimed to be independent, but we all know it was another mouthpiece of the ruling party. Almost immediately we are led to believe Victoria Times is to be the replacement, to fill the vacuum. Can we honestly believe this is to be "independent"? One wonders when was all this planned? When was the license approved? When was this package put together? Do we smell a rat?? If this new venture is yet another mouthpiece for the ruling party - As far as we are concerned the only avenue for all to comment on anything in our country - is through this blogg.
Incidentally, is the promoter of Victoria Times the same Mr.Barry Laing who promised the people, our first national railway, last year? It seems the trains are late coming. My grandmother would be disappointed, as she had already got herself a basket of gato pimen, chips etc.. which she had hoped to sell on the railway. But if the trains are going to be that late, you might have to put us all to sleep at the voodoo clinic you run Anse DeGenet. But seriously Mr. Laing, if you want to be truely independent with Victoria Times, you should aim to get it off with an exclusive article, such as - you should interview Mr.Chang Leng and ask what happened to our money in the Swiss bank. Better still, ask the same of Mr.Laporte - the people would love you. You would not need any more qualifications against your name, but do not take the P.I.S.S.
This morning Bishop Weihe stated that the Pope had examined his conscience and made his decision.
This is an admirable quality which most of us Christians should aim to follow. But we wonder whether Bishop Weihe would adopt such a brave ethos? You might get us to believe you then Bishop. The people of Seychelles are crying for your leadership and your guidance in view of our perpetual sufferings. Preaching unity is one thing but how much should we tolerate injustice? Your flock needs the shepherd to guide them safe, speak out on our behalf but not being allowed to be brutalised.
But if you ask me I will say that clair has seen the light, and tired of BS like jeanne.
Please stop harassing during this 40 days and 40 nights! Its lent time.
Fast from anger and feast on patience.
Fast from worry and feast on divine order.
Fast from complaining and feast on appreciation.
and stop hacking our privacy in box messages from Facebook to bring it here. RATS!
Stop putting pressure on Michel SFP.
Mr Barry laing,
does not really seems to know waht he wants.Last year he wanted a National railway,today Victora Times,Tv,Radio,tommorrow probably he would recreate ATLANTIS,and in the future he will probably build a hotel on MARS and be the first permanent Marsian.
We will have fake juornalists ,fake newspaper with an authentic license.Pp is known for faking reality--Fake Opposition party ,why not a new fake Newspaper too.
We will see what Barry have to sell to Seychellois,facts or scam.
Jeanne D'Arc
How can you trust someone like Barry,a chinese descendant who changed his name from Chang Tave to Laine to make it sound more English.
He seems insecure with his birth name or maybe he could have been involved in criminal activities in in the past which includes his fake credentials that he inserts after his name.
The businesses that he said he had in the UK upon my own investigation never existed .It was just a car park.
This guy is just another crook suffering from old age and insecurity.Another Lepep mouthpiece.
El Madri wants to take over NDP!
Is that so. Barry is brother to Gary and Sang, half brothers that is, so let us see how Jeanne deal with his three brothers. should be good.
We are Popeles now.
Totof or JP all the way.
We will give you 110% support.
i think Michel who has long reached retirement age should take a leaf from the ex-pope's book by doing the same noble gesture for the good of the country, namely,by presenting his resignation before he completely destroy our country.
Jeanne D'Arc
Send Ramkalawan he is known to use laket money from SNP to pay for poutang.
He will make a great Pope.
Volcere can be the Vatican Banker and drug Lord.
Boulle can be their lawyer, keep them all out of jail.
Kathleen Pillay can be the head of choir. Blah Blah Blah..
spoken from nothing more than insecurity and hatred.Shame on you March 1, 2013 at 11:51 AM
Gang rape in Seychelles like in India a 20years old women rape 5 man those man have no names, were are we eding Seselwa under bad ruler if they rape my sister i will start to fire my bullets make them fill cool if pp can not solve problems and take action on a small island something bad had to happen for lesson learn by pp.
Rape by 5 man.
The blogger comment has nothing to do with hatred.In a word he or she is with a dose of irony, saying that all those persons to the likes of RAM are the same who have prop up PP regime wending us in a mess.And the person is right.
It has taken a party SFP to make Pp change.Without SFP exposing PP rogue policies and defending the country's interests Seychellois would have been completely disspossess from their patrimony .
PP is now undertaking reforms on all issues concerne raised by SFP on--Education,EXPAT workers,sell out,health,and many other important issues.
We, Seychellois should be proud of what SFP has done in a short period of time alone without any other politcal party support.
Jeanne D'Arc
1.31 PM
That is the result of failed governemnt policies and failed institutions.Under Michel things have even worsen than under
FAR.Under Michel there is virtually no governement thus the need for rapid change.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne mon ker all lire ou la bible ya fer bien .
Creol you can not write!
Jeanne D Arc is correct.
It has taken SFP to do what it has and place PL under severe pressure.
PL hates SFP because they do not play along. On the other hand, they love SNP and NDP PDM Boulle, because they can count on all of them to take a beating for 5 years, then turn up for elections and run separate races.
I hope SFP and Christopher Gill run to expose them all. I will vote for him because he is showing every day that he has more leadership ability and smarts then all of them put together.
It is sad that they are threaten by that. I wonder why? Too much Delo &^%$.
Thanks SFP, you stood up when every one else stood down.
This country is out of control.a very small island like that.assay fair taba lera don.
Anonymous said...
spoken from nothing more than insecurity and hatred.Shame on you March 1, 2013 at 11:51 AM
Insecurity is all to do with your party leader for paying women for sex.
What about you Kathleen,are you whiter than white?
Did Boulle told you to write that, or did you write it yourself?
If you're so secure, why don't you use your name?
Thsose who are feeling insure are Pp and stooges,the people are feelijg more and more leberate.With SFP on thier side,speaking truth to power,defending their rights and s on,some have even come out from their silence like the DIGUOIS who told Pp in the eyes"STOp destroying our patrimony".This is soemthing imaginable a fewears back.
If You secure why not use your name?To ensure that Scully and other ofreigners work for the astronomic salary they illegally earning.One must work for the money one pocket.
Jeanne D'Arc
Today is Friday 1st March 2013 and Pope Benedict first Friday/day at the Vatican Retreat. We have addressed about our ancestral archaic, fraternal , illuminati, heraldic, Templar, Masonic " workings.
Then Cold War when those who decided there was the important need to have a Polish Pope to contribute to change the COMECON, the USSR, the World of Communist events, the visit of Pope John Paul ll to Seychelles - what we have addressed - the impact of catholic faith to help change Seychelles One Party System.
Equally, important those who judge, decided it would be wise for Pope Benedict to be elected to continue the work of Pope John Paul ll - those who called and judge otherwise.
In Seychelles since Multi party change we have seen several news paper coming alive - none have had the ability to study the issues calmly and present the Seychellois people and the world with their views. What really took place.
We have stated plainly on SFP Blog that individual, Seychellois like Mr Barry Lane of all person/individual need to appraise/take due note of events which changed Seychelles not political and party propaganda. The blatant lies that the Commonwealth changes Seychelles One party system - the challenge we had we a number of our Seychellois friends in Britain during the One party State, those like SDP, SNM, MPR and others. Hence when we were asked/put that SIROP program together the manner we did and the good reason. Otherwise we would have got nowhere and still be in exile and the system never change safe for coup d'etat. The question to ask why are there no Seychellois to stand up and write on Wikipedia to oppose this Statement other important reference sources.
Mr Barry Laine has cited and mention of his important Family relation/connection to Pere/ Father Chang Tave, is it not strange on this very Friday night that Pope Benedict is at the Vatican Retreat we should read from several source of his Victoria Time Project and others. What would he have done if we were still under a One party System. rather where was he when those fought, suffered and battle away. This phenomena is spread right across the former COMECON. Those who choose to cash in from other very hard work and lie /completely ignore their work - yet Mr Barry Lane write/state international Standard and in the USA this evening the issues of the Wiki Leak Trial and indeed Wiki Leak person at the Ecuador Embassy in London. Is it the same media standard that took the world to near destruction and third world war and global financial, political and economic meltdown The same Standard that we had the biggest hacking scandal in Britain . With three heads of Scotland Yard forced to resign.
We have addressed we have contributed importantly to Mr Rupert Murdoch acquisition of the media interests of Mr Robert Maxwell and events with him - we had been importantly involved, Eddie Shah Today paper and the European paper issues. Beside other continental, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia media mergers.
This said given he state he has a very extensive and important corporate working experience in Britain - he is not even aware of our important involvements in such and those issues as a leading Seychellois. Including the last mega bust up at the BBC. Those from Lady Thacher government, PM John Major, PM Blair, PM Brown and the current coalition government.
comment next page
Since he has state he has in depth knowledge and understanding of Britain workings - it is history in the making there will be no British Cardinal at the Conclave to elect the next Pope, Pastor to the Catholic church and global congregation - what we have been addressing the EU institutions, the parliament, the Council of Europe and the Vatican, those who choose to ignore, including the person of the British Catholic Church mentioned above and our role, contribution that he acquires and elected to this Office. His own comment in the Phone Hacking scandal and Murdoch media scandal - Trials, yet.
We have noted his paper, the Victoria Times intend to replace Dr Ramados paper the Sun - events in his life after the change in Seychelles and many business interests - the latest development.
PP sounds like over ripe bananas,turning brown beside our eyes..yet most Seychellois failed to see.JAM with is fake and his words are naught and brainwashed the elderly, the young and weak minds.
The email about burning down down my roof, is not what's keeping me from here. Trust me on this one, after I fully recovered from my illness I will be back here to kick any asses who manipulates freedom.
I am not going to be discourage by anyone, or by any insults nor negativity of others....I have found it better to ignore such..for I participate on this blog for one reason as a concern compatriots. Nothing to gain besides the welfare of the people.
I have put up with lots of insults specially from two people I used to call brothers and trusted, back stabbing monsters. You cannot slow me down, it is not because I am woman that I will allow you to walk all over me. We are all in this for the same cause which is freedom and welfare of the people I see no reasons for all the insults, GROW UP!
My writing are not perfect, but it comes from a true and compassionate
heart.So don't insult my imperfections or back stabbing my love for our country, as though my words and feelings are nothing.
Your childish jokes may patronized others, but you will have a hard time patronizing me.
I love who I have become, and do not need more. I am human with a human heart, I am not God and not pretend to be.....
The good news is that Jesus is coming back. The bad news is that he's really PISSEDOFF.
Do not worry about Barry Laine, let Gary and Wong worry about half brother
We would like to have a cup of bitter black coffee with President FA Rene in SFP Blog. He cannot refuse.
The comment we made late on Friday 1.03.13, the Christian/Catholic & Protestant belief/church workings on the Continent, the Family and society. Particularly Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Spain, Portugal, some of the former COMECON countries and Scandinavia. Certain percentage in France.
We want to ask the High person of President FA Rene - had not Pope John Paul ll come to Office would he have agreed/offered to change Seychelles One party system. Where would Seychelles ongoing change be - position had not Pope Benedict come to Office and existed - the greater and highly important German - Reunification, East German issues, like Seychelels then Communist and One Party System. The close similarity.
This said - President FA Rene like very many of us is not being honest and sincere to himself and the very cause he believed in. The larger Population who believed in him and followed him.
That SIROP program and the most important military issue then - Global disarmament Nuclear initiative and President FA Rene would have had to take his cue from those then in USSR, China, OAU, Latin America - the global media, the same benchmark Mr Barry Lane wish to set in Sechelles Seychelles and work by, their conclusion the world was on the verge of ending. Those then who did not give two pence to what they thought, including all the great global leaders - the the initiatives for global Nuclear disarmament. The very significant and important role of the Church, belief and faith. It was not the Pentagon, the White House and those sitting in then Moscow who secured, brought about the Treaty - they were humans - some may even say nerds - with all their resources, making their input and that Treaty. Those who control the real agenda, dynamic and synergy.President FA Rene and some of his very close circle and those in Italy and Rome, the USA who were highly informed - were active/involved. ( this is why the UN and refuse to get involve in reviewing that Program - what will have to come out)
The very tragic outcome - most of the church how they work. They are not allow/permitted to follow and continue important world and global issue one the politicians and military become embroiled - the vast majority who pretended they had never existed, they had never been involved and - the total mega mess which ensued and the Taliban and the Al Kaida issues and the super Terrorist issues. The Church stood by and either did not do enough or did too little. Where this has taken us, the world Today.
We trust those watching and monitoring things will inform those who need to know in the Vatican, at least to jog their memory - even if they are all very scared even to listen/hear - pay attention.Because we have tried to get those who were involved and knew the past eight years to contribute and their respective high position. . .
someone somewhere is not only losing a tool but the whole damn tool box~!
The good news is that Jesus is coming back. The bad news is that he's really PISSEDOFF.
JAM my friend, Swiss bank account where you hid your little stash is closing his door.
actually many doors are closing, lucky you still have this account in Mexico and Australia.
Money taking flight JAM, your dirty little secrets will soon be expose. On my part I say my money was well spent.
There is just too many serious issues n abuses going on in the catholic churches across the particular that of a sexual nature against childrens and amonst priest themself.than there is the issue of corruptions too.sometime you wonder what goes on in Seychelles too.
Just got another email,Uruguay too. Dictator millionaire I will be like a thorn in your backside that you will keep on itching until SFP have the ability of throwing your butt in jail.Not today not tomorrow but it will happen. Then millionaire dictator and accomplice will have to answer to the people. So do not wait to shoot or burn me dowm'you said it was a promise not a trait!
Can someone highlight the name of the owner of the fishing vessel charitha please.thank you.
Yes,the Church has issues to tackle and also need refroms to fit in the 21st century--Forinstance,there has been the issue of Prieset celebacy.There the church can do something by for instance allow ing priest to get married.I do not see the problem with that for even very important figures in the bible such as Noah and other were married.The^church could for instance impleemnt a law that says"priests are allow to get amrried but those preists won't be able to be promtoed to Bishop,Cardinals but instead would allow stay a priest.In other owrds,those would you like to be Bishop and cardinal would know if theyx want to be promote and represent the church in higher office they must be a celebate.At least they will be given a choice.
1.49 AM
Should we donot want history and the mistakes of the past to repeat itself,justice would have to be done.
On an other issue.last week Prof .Dr. R Payet was attempting to promote PP ugly ,noisy Wind mills which is already a flop.And since Pp seems to have convicned itself that we must at all cost use wind as a source for producing renewable energy.Then i will propose PP,Payet,Michel a better,more cost effective,energy effective WIND TURBINES which would also have an esthetic effectö.
Instead of this ugly.noisy,HAWT turbines that is expensive to build,operarte and miantain,inefficient in the convention of wind to energy and pose a danger to environemnt and wildlife.I would prpose the USe of MAGLEV WIND TURBINE(magnetic levitation)which has been proven that ONE SINGLE MAGLEV TURBINE can output as much as ONE GIGAWATTof power enough for about (75,OOOhomes)whuich is an enormous increase over the largest HAWT turbine which capacity today is about 6 MW.
Other comaprisions:
MAGLEV operating wind speeds range from low(1.5 m/s or)to very high(40m/s) making this windturbine an efficient generator across a wide range of wind speeds.
MAGLEV requires less than 100 acres V.s HAWT requires 32,ooo acres.
MAGLEV makes no noise V.s HAWT,each turbine sounds like a moterbike with broken silencer.
MAGLEV generates power from wind at low wind speeds V.s HAWT needs higher minimumwind speed to start genrating power and needs to be slowed or stopped at higher wind speeds.
MAGLEV minimal wildlife impact B.s HAWT spinning blades can be dangerous to wuildlife.
MAGLEV major components at ground level V.S HAWTcomponents at top of mast.
MAGLEV is about twice the height of a MAN V.S HAWT higher then coconut tree.$MAGLEVwind plant are apporximately 1/8 th of the cost associated with a standard HAWT.
MAGLEV-One GW maglev wind turbine V.s 500 traditional 3-blade 2 MW HAWT.
MAGLEV is suitable for port,Airport, also cost less cheap per piece and dooes not breake down to HAWT which often break down than producing energy.
Other interesting Wind turbines are WIND ROSE TURBINE suitabel for indsutrial buioldings,governemnt buildings,flat roof builidngs,and can be fix on bulding and other site without problem
WINDCUBE TURBINE suitable also for industrial buiildings,Airport and port or ROOF -TOP wind Turbine suitable (like WIND ROSE turbine)can be combine with Solar Panel on private houses ,etc...
There are alternative to PP ugly noise,unesthetic ,environment unfriendly,energy ineffective HAWT turbines.
Stop destroying the natural beauty of our Land with this ugly noise Shit PP.
Jeanne D'Arc
Screaming out stop destroying is a little too late wouldn't you say? How about taking it to the street? How about SFP have an open talk and educate those zombies that baka will not help their children's future.
How about Seychelles freedom Party make a petition through Amnesty International demanding JAM to step down.
How about stating the tragedies,economic failures, health issue and hazard of our hospital and number of people that JAM and FAR have murdered to Amnesty International. Ask and you shall receive get the petition letter going no bloody time time to waste.
Lots to do in fact and i beleive only a new young motivated governemnt can bring solutions that really works and there are solutions.
I will come on Trourism alter to show or at least give PP an alterantive of how we can stop building more hotels but still generate more revenues.For As DIGUOIS i think we should stop constrcuting more hotels for at the coming 10 years,for it would turn our isalnd to a mass touristic destination that would make Seychelles a normal destination as other places thus must difficult to compete and also avoid destruction of environemnt and other negative effects such as wastage, trust on water,electricity,land useetc...
Jeanne D'Arc
On murder and atrocities of PP SFP has been writing to those insitutions to bring those issues to their attentions.
I does not means when there is sometime no respond from those institions that Pp crimes would be forgetten,Criminals must be punished for the crimes that what society demands.
Jeanne D'Arc
I know you have written many letters.. but how about a petition letter demanding JAM to step down.
Well that is not a bad idea and might even work due to the fact that for instance,Businesses persons have also got enough with Michel failed economic and seeing a government always asking to contribute more without any end result,but also because Seychellois are fed up with PP dictatorship as DIGUOIS has recently demonstrated.
A letter of demmission to Michel can be successful if all concern ,namely Business persons,Hotels ,guesthouse owners and all related businesses such as Taxis association,boat charters owners,Restaurants owners,travel agencies and the rest get together to formulate or support such as letter or a petition.
Jeanne D'Arc
I am not only talking about JAM, I am taking about his government also..they are all responsible for the economic crisis.
If people of Seychelles think they have seen the worse economic just wait for the other is going to be tough and rough one unless of course JAM and his government starts coughing up the country's stolen wealth.
Yes they are,for Pp is a gang.Gansters are criminals thus all must be punished according to the gravity and to the extent of their particiaption in crimes.
Jeanne D'Arc
Bigger crisis, waiting around the corner. One so big that the bigger your business is the more you will suffer. This will be probably the worse in Seychelles history. Do not expect to hear the truth from JAM and his gang, they will only tell you what you want to hear.
I am not expert in economic nor to I claim to be, by August to December 2013 and onwards be prepared for the toughest.
You donot have to be an expert in economy to see the mess Pp has created.After SFp has exposed PP,since this year 2013,Pp has been conducting or about to conduct refroms EDUCATION;health,EXPATS sell out etc... all issues SFP has been asking Pp to do for some time now.It seems PP is getting the message though we will have to wait to see if what they telling us in theory will follow up in pratice.There are other refroms or changes that need to occur in in of fields lIke real Eletoral Refroms etc... Thus i think we should give PP until 2016 to completely all refroms ask by the people and necessarily to rescue the country from dictatorship,bankrupcy,etc...and i will encourage PP not only to conduct those refroms but work with oppostion parites(all opposition parties)to ensure that refroms are geniune and the best possible.
My piece of adivce to PP,is do not try to fake for this time we will not wait ,stand aside and look and accept PP dictatorship any more.Pp has been too long,too long,change is needed .pp DOES THE CHANGE ITSLEF OR WE WILL BE FORCED TO BRING THE CHANGE TO pp.
jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc you are right on so many subjects you have touched. But the only way for a govt. change is through election process and THE PEOPLE vote for the devil they know rather for the devil they don't.
To the person about petition letter and bigger crisis. Every Seychellois who are present living in the country knows, because they live it, they feel it and there is nothing they can do.
I agree wit you about this current president and his government are rotten, but who do we replace them with. The only two that can possible good to run this country is Marc Hoareau and Philip Bulle, who else? Or may be perhaps Christopher Gill as finance minister.
Put it this way, the mess that this country is in will never recover. Not even Bulle, Hoareau, Volcere or Gill can retrieve the stolen Seychelles money.
Unless JAM have a change of heart and give back the money he took.
Interesting debate here, but it is also past midnight in Paradise which mean time for rest. Tomorrow I will come and share my views. Hold on to your belt bigger crisis.
So this is the topic when one opens a discussion it blows out into proportion. Now Ram,Jam,Boule,Hoaurea,Volcere and Gill are no good according to some of you.So what do you have left in this Paradise? One says give back all the money stolen- I will tell you this myself, no one will ever find the money- so let move on.Coup de tat? Don't even bring this motion up or you go back to square one. Citizenship given to foreigner or being bought.So how do you stop this? Is there a solution for that? One will say its the PP fault, so how to stop it? The lists are long.
Now is there any Seychellois overseas that can ran this country? Sure, but who will be willing to come back and take over? IF,the question is IF one comes back to help I can see another timing bomb about to explode! Why? Because those old guards will not like it. And now it will look like in the 60's, Albert v/s Mancham.
I have a solution, why don't Jeanne D'arc run Seychelles. He covers all topics so well, highly intelligent fellow that knows everything and anything and have talents of making everyone sounds stupid.
I propose we complete formalities for us to become a colony of Abu Dhabi ! Hopefully, we will stop begging and Khalifa will lord over us !
He is already lord over us. This is why Jeanne is upset and spitting.
Problem with MOST Seychellois people SOME think they are more intelligent than their fellow brothers. SOME of us have this bad mentality thinking they are superior. If you read the thread here you will see what I mean without me having to point out.
MOST Seychellois are not prepared to listen, all they wanna do is give orders and expect others to follow without asking questions. If you dare ask questions or share a different view, SOME will answer with insult or sarcasm.
Why can’t we have a civilise debate without thinking that we are superior to others. WHY?
Someone shares his or her views about the economic crisis which in my opinion is right and true. But instead of encourage his or her views; it looks like the advice is not welcome.
Jeanne we know you have covered a few topic, other people have other views also. Allow them to share there’s without having you “throbbing snobbery” at them.
Seychelles concerns all of us Seychellois either abroad or here. WE ALL HAVE RIGHTS!
Sort out our bad attitude and give chances to our brothers and sisters who have something to share. If not, state that this blog is only for SFP themselves. If others are not welcome said so, at least they will know where they stand.
This idea of dictating like Albert and James, did not work in the past SO WHY THE HELL FOLLOW THEIR FOOT STEPS?
To the person about the economic crisis, spot on! You know what you are talking about. Appreciate your warning and concerns for our country. Thank you.
Anonymous said...
There is just too many serious issues n abuses going on in the catholic churches across the particular that of a sexual nature against childrens and amonst priest themself.than there is the issue of corruptions too.sometime you wonder what goes on in Seychelles too.
March 3, 2013 at 2:37 AM
My friend nu pti nations y renpli ek sex abuse komens ek rene limem, sa bann gran blan ki ti dormi ek zot bann travayers ki zen ki vye.
March 4, 2013 at 6:35 AM, mate 100% agrees. The high priority complex and domineer people on this blog is not only pitiful but dreadful. Bad habits of bullying that Rene engraves in their brain can never escape. In my view Bulle is the only man that can be trusted as President. Just for as long as he does not let Wavel corrupt his mind. Bulle is a decent and honest man. That is my opinion, others may disagree to my personal choice but that is their right. As for Volcere, Hoareau and Gill they will do fine as ministers. Who do we have overseas, R. Hoarau UK may be, but he is not interested. Chetty says sa kin sos zot sos, sos zot menm so not interesting, Moulinier, Frichout too old.
I do not know who Jeanne D'arc is, but her intelligence, and willingness is highly motivated. This is what we need as president,a person who is not afraid to dominate and throw a few insults. It is exactly what Seychelles needs, discipline !
I nominate Jeanne, who is with me?
ya me too, agree Seychelles needs discipline, GO JEANNE we are all behind you.
SFP does the blog and welcomes all comments.
Some comments may be offensive and personal in nature. We discourage them and ask all bloggers to stick to the issues at hand.
If comments become vile, we do reserve the right to delete.
The country is facing a implosion at this time.
It is a time for the patriots of Seychelles to get serious and step up to the plate to lend a hand.
Silence is no longer an option.
Thank you.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Bravo, well said!
This question of compatriots and patriots should start by those living in the land. We abroad are not even allowed to vote why should we bother. To be insulted and heart broken, a slap in the face and a kick. NO THANKS!
We live in Seychelles. We too are kicked and slapped in the face daily as we demand our rights from a Communist rooted regime and kleptocracy.
This is the normal when faced with a failed regime.
What is also normal is to reply to it with vigor ans strength and not give in to the slap or the kick.
As humans we can do better then be obey the rules of enslavement.
Today the individual has as much power as the State to voice himself and expose the wrong doings of the state.
We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.
All Seychellois must lend a hand to bring change to Seychelles. It cannot be done by writing fine ideas alone.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Anonymous said...
This question of compatriots and patriots should start by those living in the land. We abroad are not even allowed to vote why should we bother. To be insulted and heart broken, a slap in the face and a kick. NO THANKS!
Why bother to comment?
Stick to your quiet life in your little corner of the world and forget about politics.
We are all duty bound to stand up, be you in the country or out side of it.
Are we to remain silent on the denial of the right to vote of overseas Seychelles because we reside in Seychelles?
In spite of being referred to as Kouyon, it is our cause for change that requires all Seychellois to stands up and be counted and do what they can to bring about change.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
To the person who referred to another person as a kouyon and dictated that person to "stick to your quiet life in your little corner of the world and forget about politics"on March 4, 2013 at 11:32 AM
This is bad arrogant approach, and this is what I am talking about why should people bother
Before we try to save Seychelles let save ourselves from arrogance and bad attitude. If we cannot change our bad mentality who the hell are we to change Seychelles?
My name is Tony but I will not ask who all these anonymous are. I have heard of this blog through a friend who asked me if i could share my views. But a kouyon like me what can I share? None the less I see some bleeding hearts who are concerned about their country surrounded by sharks. I desire for all of us to learn something, from each other and stop referring to our brothers and sisters is such a contemptible way.
We all have lessons to learn, BE NOT a shark for Seychelles sake, with pointed teeth with barbs in words BE A DOLPHIN with soft kindness.
Bravo, March 4, 2013 at 12:11 PM well said.
Since that every one is nominating someone I hold the right to nominate Mr Jean-Paul Isaac. WHY you may ask because he has a heart of gold and running around like a yoyo doing whatever he can do to change the situation in seychelles. President Jean-Paul Isaac, love that sound.
Yes he was in jail, he is the guy who always had something bad about very one?
Just check, Why did you delete, because, you do not want anybody knows, it true you was in jail last week, and smash your leader car again.
it's not a surprise, you are an alcoholic , ......face the truth
March 4, 2013 at 1:05 PM
Tony who?
Anonymous said...
Bravo, March 4, 2013 at 12:11 PM well said.
March 4, 2013 at 2:01 PM
Condescending behaviour.
I would love to show some people here how great it can be if we all respect one another, and not to jump to conclusions as who anonymous is.
If only you open our closed mind set I would like to show you that with understanding and compassion you can shine better than with sarcasm and insults.It could be just a word and bad attitude change. Not much to ask is it? Would you rather stay blunt edged or kind so you can have more people willing to listen to you, and more people to talk to.
You never know when you'll need a hand, a simple kind gesture can improve everything. Just allowed others who may have a different views from yours, to express without being insults.
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