The Seychelles Freedom Party Exposes the Case of Le Mariniere Tenant versus The Marine port Authority.
After a very extensive investigation in the case of John Desaubin against Andre Ciseau of the marine port authority, the Seychelles freedom party has this to unveil. According to unconfirmed news just prior not to renew the license of tenant John Desaubin at Le Marinier it is allege that a meeting was held at the office of France Bonte companied by Mr. Desaubin famous business man Joe Albert and his right hand man Cyril Bonnelame.
Unconfirmed news of the meeting has it that Joe Albert had approached Mr.
Desaubin to come to an agreement on handing over the lease of his business to
him for an agreed sum so that they can have the place ready before the new and
biggest Cat Coco ferry’s arrival. The meeting according to source though
unconfirmed was to assure MR. Desaubin that if he agrees to go ahead with the
submission of the business lease no one would attempt to neither stop the
transaction from undertaking nor pose to obstruct its intent. A little similar to
the hostile takeover of the Plantation club through government implications

Unconfirmed as may be the meeting between Cyril Bonnelame and Ciseau must have triggered a new deal from the eyes of the people of Seychelles following the case closely as has been the case in many other take over’s through power, greed and disrespect. Sought for clarification is still on the way and we welcome the entities involved to correct us on the issue. Some Seychellois even went as far as to suggest that John Desaubin was being removed from Le Marinier with malicious intent in view of the state of the transaction such as to facilitate a new arrangement for Le Mariniere.

All this born from his plaint on abuse of Human Rights featured in the Seychelles NGO Report submitted to UNHCR criticized by the Seychelles minister for foreign affairs, whom currently is under scrutiny for allowing a sentenced in absentia for crimes against the People of Tunisia Sakhr El Materi request for political asylum shelter in paradise. All this in Seychelles where he minister

The SFP request that the FIU assist to rule out any transaction if ever done on state owned property to stifle rights and freedom by abuse of government authority power.
Notice of malice is present says a young lawyer from the court on this case and the lawyer went even as far as to propose that the legal counsel for John Desaubin should seek redress for defamation when on national media Mr.Ciseau as well as the head of the Seychelles licensing authority claimed John Desaubin was operating le Mariniere bar and restaurant with take away illegally. “The argument is as follows: Why did the licensing authority not petition the court to execute an injunction against the day to day functions of le Mariniere when the license expired? Why the state attorney representing port authority did did not do the same as well if they were fully aware of the license state of le Mariniere?”

The Seychelles Freedom Party will disclose more in the matter as soon as we get in contact with parties involved in the case.
When the PP plays in favour of Arabs at Plantation, you scream 'Sesel pou Seselwa'. When our home grown magnate Ton Joe is trying to improve the quality of our domestic port you still scream 'foul'. Make your mind up, do you want to see local invest in our future & infrastructure or do you just want us to plod along behind Maldive & Mauritius. To Joe should be encouraged to develop his Tourism vision in Seychelles. Well done Ton Joe, keeping showing everyone that Seychellois can work hard and do big business. For the records, UCPS, Cat Cocos, Creole Holidays, L'Orangrie & now La Reserve......well done Ton Joe, I take my hat out to you on this Easter Sunday.
When the PP plays in favour of Arabs at Plantation, you scream 'Sesel pou Seselwa'. When our home grown magnate Ton Joe is trying to improve the quality of our domestic port you still scream 'foul'. Make your mind up, do you want to see local invest in our future & infrastructure or do you just want us to plod along behind Maldive & Mauritius. Ton Joe should be encouraged to develop his Tourism vision in Seychelles. Well done Ton Joe, keeping showing everyone that Seychellois can work hard and do big business. For the records, UCPS, Cat Cocos, Creole Holidays, L'Orangrie & now La Reserve......well done Ton Joe, I take my hat out to you on this Easter Sunday.
PP can not say we are struggling for Democracy,no communists have never fight for democracy in history.Waht they struggling for is the survival of one-aprty state which is nothing than State terrorism..That PP communisits are raping laws to favoured those who sponsor PP thugocracy like JOe Albert is common practice for J.Albert has long been PP sponsor.And under the catastrophic economic situation Pp has thmeslves created ,the latter needs Joe Albert money more than ever.So whatever Joe wants he will get it from PP even by using illegal means.
Under PP communists each officials take their own decisions according to themslves not laws.PP never respect Human rights--Communists just do not know that Human rights is otherwhile they would not have forced a one- party dictatorship on its people.
Ton Ton Joe should be encourage to pay his taxes and duties and stop BULLDOSING A WHOLE MOUNTAIN at Grand Anse Praslin which is really destroying the environment.
Finally good job SFP:Where is RAM,Volceres on El MAtri case and all those other issues of concern to Seychellois?Why is RAM mouth zipped on the issue?
REminder for PP--EL MAtri and his father-in-law have been granted Asylum in Qatar--so PP your fabricated Case is baseless and unaccepted and we the people would oppose any Asylum for El Matri.
Jeanne D'Arc
Someone overheard William herminie saying that a second revolution will soon happen that way things are going.
Eski oua dir mon ki William herminie e oule fair coup detat? Baise e par manke.he had his ambition ceased very short .he was going to far.
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Congratulations Seychelles Freedom Party for making my easter sunder a bit brither.
I would like to point out that it is true that Joe albert, and bonnelame brought desaubin to france bonte for them to make a deal for le mariniere.
That i can confirm! what happened next is the ambition of Cyril Bonnelame and the greed of andre ciseau in the matter. Ciseau when he met bonnelame they brokered a deal for 500,00 rather than the previous agreement made with desaubin.
Andre ciseau clearly promised to get rid of desaubin so he could make the lease available for joe and in the process joe paid the money as his trustee bonnelame told him it was a sure deal.
Derjaques is a good lawyer but he is playing with this case foir a meek settlement to john desaubin as a favor for another favor.
Johnm better known as tat has many secrets jean-paul and chris. Get him to tell you that on film and add it to your icc cases.
He knows about melcore and many more mercenaries that was brought in seychelles to get rid of albert but failed. he knows about albert rene's hit on gerard hoareaus group and many more.
I know you guys will never be afraid to load such video's. Groom john and get the story before PL tries to buy his silent.
Ciseau stupid of him fucked with the wrong guy he should know that desaubin use to spy for rene and even has deep contacts into his finance state.
SFP expose them all...
This is the proof that when everyone is having a beer putting their feet up or having fun, SFP still at work, doing what is best for all loving freedom seychellois.
Good on you Chris and Jean-Paul, you have proven yourselves over and over again!
.the fiasco of Michel show the extent of lawless.Ciseau gave all Seychellois a glimpse of the arrogant officialdom of post-FAR.It is a glimpse of a lawless state in which an irresponsible governemnt official could feel comfortable in his abuse of power.Michel has created mini-Michel,petty tyrants that not only believe they above the law,but they are the personification of the law.Apologists and bootlickers in the Michel-regime often bristle rightous indignation when the issue of lawlessness within Seychelles is rasied.Ciseau machinations are a good exmaple of how governemnt officials who are supposed to interpret and inforce various laws even- handedly for the benefit of all citizens take liberties to invoked those statutes of settlement scores against targeted individuals.Ciseau's doggedness is disturbing and must be dealt with immediated to restore the dignity of Mr Desaubin.
As to JENPA statement.JENPA tells us,PP is srtruggling for democracy.It seems that for Pp(and that isnce the coup)that those impeding us from achieving democracy are the freedom loving Seychellois.So in order to crush those impeders of democracy,Pp tools are Human Rights abuses,corruptions,harrassement,sell out of our birthrights and patrimony,and enslavement of the people.In other words DICTATORSHIP.There is antoher way Pp communists can achieve deomcracy -just do it like North Korea dictator add Democratic infront of THE REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES than we would become democratic country.
Give us a break Jenpa
Jeanne D'Arc
Can someone clarify where is the clock tower in our town today as its gone?
Mancham comments on El Matri case
Mancham when you exiled to Uk your first choice to do so was becuase you holded back then a Brti Passport thus the natural destination of your exile namely UK was a normal act.When Afif was brought here we were still under Brit colony.Dito to Acarios.King Prempe from Gahna and amny others.
Michel.Mancham never complained the long abuses of Tunisia Huamn rights abuses by Neb Ali three deacdes long,suddenly Mancahm to protect his Dictator firend son in law is speaking about Capital sentences--Well Mancham thousadns of Tuniisan have been executed without trail under Ben Ali your firend dictatorship.Was it normal when Ben Ali was murdering his people Mancham.
i REPEAT AGAIN--eL mATRI DID NOT TRAVELLED FROM tUNISIA dirctly TO seychelles WHEN HE ESCPAE THE jASMIN rEVOLUTION TO CLAIM NOW ASLUM in Seychelles.EL Matri together with his father-in-law includng their pets Kamels,Donkeys etc.. well without exception was given ASYLUM by stop bulshitting us with your rediculous ASYLUM for El Matri.
The case of El Matri present in Seychelles has nothing to do with his possible extradiction to Tunisia.But rather should El Matri who is now permamnet resident in Qatar like all the rest of his familly ashould be granted Asylum on our shores?The is NO.
Mancham Aks "Do we know what he can bring to our land?"YEs Seychellois do.He will damage our country's reputation already badly damaged by PP crimes.He will help Michel create his illegal NEW SECHELLES made up of of foreigners or FAKE Seychellois,He will further help foreigners turingin Seychellois to third class citizens in their own land.It will further encourage PP crooks to continue their illegal sell out.He might be unlike AFIF the fake Seychellois who is now minister ,El Matri could be a future President like Ramadoss wanted to be.In a word he will help the neslavement of Seychellois by Pp thugs like Khalfia,Afif,Siva and all those fake Seychellois are already doing.
Mancham says Tunisia still have Capial sentnece in palce.Well Captial sentnece is not conducted by will but after justice consider the culprit deserve it.Moreover,Tunisia is no longer a dictator under Ben Ali but a Democracy with an elected governemnt who repspect interantional laws on human rights,etc....
Jeanne D'Arc
Jean Paul Adam, the Minister of Foreign Affairs needs to wake up from his slumber and dream world when he says to Tata Desaubin that he will defend "his country's good name".
What kind of a joke is Adam making?
We all know when it comes to Human Rights, Seychelles name is rubbish under PL.
We all know when it comes to money laundering, Seychelles name is rubbish under PL.
We all know when it comes to selling passports to ruin Seychelles good name PL is rubbish around the world.
We all know when it comes to selling our patrimony PL ruins Seychelles good name.
How arrogant and dream like can Mr. Adam get to write such an ass-a nine letter to Tata Desaubin, a man who was used as a youth soldier in the coup of 1977 to end People's Human Rights in Seychelles.
Today, Tata ask for his rights to be respected, and Minister Adam, says his government has preserved the good name of Seychelles.
What planet do you live on Minister Adam?
Instead of covering up the corruption and crimes against our people, why don't you try to clean it up?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
One more thing to Mancham and PP--Seychellois is the master of their country.PP crooks are not kings to dictated to us who we should accept on our soil.Mancham must no thing he has a right to overrule the people of Seychelles.Sesel is ^for Seselwa Mancham ,thus Seselwa only would deicide regradless of if you have been bribe by Pp or Khalfi or El mAtri to come and take his defence.EL Amtri raped our immigration tiwce in a few months,in a noraml world he would be arrested jaield and then again deproted.
Should El Matri is given Asylum on our soil by Pp against the will of Seychellois and for the fact that El Amtri has already been granted Asylum in Qatar.He reserve the right to act against pp THUGS ILLEGAL DECSIO BY WHATEVER MEANS WE THINK APPROPRIATE.
No doubts that PP is preserving the good names of Seychelles.It has been demonstrating it since 1977 coup--PP involvement in RWANDA genocide,sex trafficking,money laundering By Lucas,sell out of Passport to North Korea spies,robbing foreigners who wanted to do business here Like The USA antional Mr lEE AND AMNY AMNY MORE.And all that if we bleive Adma are good acts that help preserve the good name of our country.
Why he does not put a rope around his neck?Then i am sure Seychellois cwill consider that an act of preserving our good names for it would be the beginning of the leimination of state Pp terrorists.
Jeanne D'Arc
Mr lee and others
Capital sentence does not apply to El Materi's case.
He was sentence to 12 years in jail for corruption related charges tied to $140 Million in assets unaccounted gains.
If he was innocent, he should have stayed and faced jail.
Even Amanda Knox is returning to Italy to face her accuser.
All of us who were exiled ad families exiled, returned to face this corrupt regime.
We dismiss Mancham's sophistry. It is a bit of a cartoon looney tune argument, no doubt.
Sorry Jim, but you are a lost herder without sheep today. Let your titles and pensions be you buoy in these desperate times.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Capital sentence does not apply to El Materi's case.
He was sentence to 12 years in jail for corruption related charges tied to $140 Million in assets unaccounted gains.
If he was innocent, he should have stayed and faced jail.
Even Amanda Knox is returning to Italy to face her accuser.
All of us who were exiled ad families exiled, returned to face this corrupt regime.
We dismiss Mancham's sophistry. It is a bit of a cartoon looney tune argument, no doubt.
Sorry Jim, but you are a lost herder without sheep today. Let your titles and pensions be you buoy in these desperate times.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
When it comes to defencing foreigners raping our sovereignty Mancham never miss the call to come Nation,SBC to praise,prop up foregîgn interests, but when it comes to the gross Human rights abuses,and other crooked acts pereptrated by PP, he stays silent.
We could expect soon that RAM would be sent also on SBC to defence PP illegal proceeding.
Sesel Pou Seselwa--Why not give Seychellois the words and let them speak out of their positions--Or a referendum Mancham could also simplify things and make you shut up your mouth forever.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
after two visit's by sales man jim saturday and easter sunday at el materi's eight million dollar house purchase at la misere lawyer melchior releases this statement online.
A brief statement on behalf of Mr El Materi:
Mr. El Materi would like to make clear that he is in the Seychelles requesting ‘political asylum’ because he has been advised, in accordance to many international human rights groups, that returning to Tunisia would put him and his family in danger.
Mr. El Materi values the Republic of Seychelles since his Father, Moncef El Materi, told him about the idyllic beauty and the friendly people who embrace peace and tranquility. Sakher El Materi understands the historical significance of Seychelles as a cradle of consolation for the politically afflicted with historically significant figures seeking asylum and then contributing greatly to the local community such as; Archbishop Makarios, King Prempeh of Ghana and Mr Afif Didi from the Maldives.
Mr El Materi is keen to support the local community with his experience in running and growing businesses and his connections in the automotive, financial, tourism, media, agricultural and telecom industries. The undisputed facts demonstrate that he brought significant growth to the Tunisian economy and created many jobs both directly and indirectly. As an example, he more than doubled the cruise ship seaport (with European financing) attracting large numbers of tourists.
Mr. El Materi is keen to clear his name of all false accusations that were brought against him in Tunisian courts where he has been tried in absentia. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said that in Tunisia “judges are subservient to the Government”, and clearly the unstable government, the third one in two years, is one with an agenda of revenge against my client. Without recourse and before an impartial investigation, his North African assets and businesses were seized and sold by the Tunisian authorities. He feels the accusations made against him are outrageous, reminding him of the proverb: “Qui veut tuer son chien l'accuse de la rage.” (If you want to kill your dog, accuse it of having rabies).
Mr. El Materi sincerely values the support he has experienced since he arrived in Seychelles. He wishes to be a positive influence and would like to demonstrate to his wife and family of four children why he believes in the principle values of the Republic of Seychelles.
Yes i have seen that it is all over facebook on melchior vidots profile.
Vidot is also the lawyer the tends to all the land purchases being made by el materi.
So SFP when will you publish that response letter from the tunissian courts you received?
Melchior Vidot the son of ex-colonel and milk bringer of FAR was hand picked by PP to participate in the scam EL Matri just ot give must the impression justice is working while JENAP before even justice give its verdict came onSBC to tells us that EL Matri will not be deported..Thus PP decision to give at all cost El Matri perament resident was long pre-ditermined and this is further supported by the fact that El Matri was allow to go throught Qataris immigration and board a flight to Seychelleswithout problem becuase PP gave their approval to Qataris to send him here under the disguise of being an Asylum seeker when he already been granted Asylum together with his whole family in Qatar.
If it was not Melchior ,it would have been Boulle:mayber the latter embarrased by recent exposure in the case of Khalfia,wanted to stay this time way for any contradicted cases.
Jeanne DArc
Êx-colonel Pti Claude Vidot
How can PP,Melchior gave ,sold land to El Matri when the laws say NO FOREIGNER IS ALLOWED TO OWE OR BUY LAND IN Seychelles .
The principles values of the Republic of Seychelles is no different of that of Ex-dictator Ben Ali his father-in-law .El Matri wanst to influence a positive influence:Who is the Seychellois citizen who has asked him to do so?Who has told him Seychellois want to hear waht he is saying?
We sovereign Dog.
PP should not speak in the name of Seychellois ,dito ot Mancham --If you want to know what Seychellois want conduct a referendum dog.
Jeanne D'Arc
good question from the person who asked how come he can by land if he is a foreigner.
Well melchior is a master of land dealings he sold many seychellois lands to russians and now he is in bed with El materi.
James mancham is the contact liaison with government for el materi what he dose is try to diffuse all the envy and grief from the Tunisian people. I cannot believe it but from his own words mancham criticized the new Tunisian government and claimed they are on a vengeance spree and would rather see Sakhr tortured than jailed as per his sentences.
the fucking thing with all of this is this dictator states that he is doing this seeking political asylum because for his family's safety.
So if he is true to his family why not simply leave them here in seychelles since they have not been sentenced and he go face his jail terms and notify the human rights to keep a close eye on him?
Well more will be revealed i heard christopher gill has many up his sleeve just as when he mentioned the sentenced termed on el materi.
Gill and Isaac you cunts fuck off with your high and mighty riff raffs.
We all know you are really good friends with Melchior Vidot as he is good friends with your famous attorney Alexia Amsbery.
You are only trying to cover your tracks making people think you want justice for the Tunisian people by writing about el materi.
We see right through you seychelles fake party!
He never did criticized Ben Ali abitary execution of thousands of innocent Tunisien without even having the chance to face Ben Ali's arbitary justice.
As Chris put it--Death penalty in Tunisien(which by the way the new governemnt is working on it in order to abolish it)is apply to cases invlovong high treason.murder and any act that put Tunisien international sucerity at risks.
EL MAtri case of Asylum being promoted by Pp,Mancham irepaet has no grounds--EL Matri want he left Tunisia to save his arse was welcomed to Qatar where they have been granted Asyslum.So what Asylum Pp is talking about?
The case PP is selling us is clear has nothing to do with Asylum but the fact is PP is doing everthing to protect an old crooked friend who have been coming on holiday to Seychelles on several occasions when he was still on power(And his stay during those days where kept secret by PP).
yOU SAY "SO IF IT IS TURE TO HIS FAMILY WHY NOT SIMPLY LEAVE THEM HERE IN sEYCHCHELLES since they have been snetenced and he go to face jail terms and notify the human rights to keep a close eye on Him.
We a country of law like any other country.Foreigners can either be a refugee ,stateless,Expat workers,foreigner married to Seychellois National and tourists.When you say his family can stay here.Under which condition? Are telling us our Consttitution must be modified to satisfy LE MAteri or other ofreigners?Such mentality is a mentality of sell out which is making Seychellois become slave in their own land.Stay of firegners on our soil is regulated by laws --so which legal conditions are going to apply?As tourist--their stay will be limited by law.As Expat workers-they are not,as huband or wifves of Seychellois -they are not--as refugee ,stateless persons-they are not-they already have ben granted Asylum in Qatar just go back there--Or do you want to tell us they wanted and have been refued entry in qatar?
They should go back to Qatar--Now if they want to come as tourist that is possible.
Why do you thing "as if it is a must to keep El Materi family her on our shores?
EL Matri has no justification for Asylum.And know body is telling PP to send Him back to Tunisia-but to QATAR where they have already Asylum.After all ;qatarians are Arabs like Him.they should feel good there instread of coming to buldshit Seychellois in their osvereign land .
Jeanne D'Arc
El Materi according to Tunisen justice was condemmed 16 years of imprisonemnt and 79 million DINAR on charges of corruption and fruads.--So nothing to do with treson,murder as his Father-in -law Ben Ali.How can he and Pp told us he rsik his live when capital sentcnes is not applicable to the crimes he had perportedly committed.This is also confirmed in SAUDI GAZETTE dated / FEBUARY 2013.
Sto pbullshiting Seychellois PP.Stop your state terrorism on the people of Seychelles.
Jeanne D'Arc
correction--97 million DINER
Dated 7 Feb 2013
Reply to "Cunt"
You say we at SFP want justice for the people of Tunisia.
You are wrong.
We are not the slightest bit interested in the people of Tunisia any more then we are interested in the People of Mexico.
We at SFP are Nationalists. We are interested in our patrimony and the general welfare of our people.
We at SFP take interest when our sovereignty is being prostituted for $8Million and for $ 8.0.
We will not accept that our territory will be used for aiding, hiding, abetting convicted criminals from Tunisia, Mexico, and or Halico should it become a country tomorrow.
People of Seychelles are a people of a small country, but we have our dignity and we will not sell it to you or El Materi, Ben Ali or anyone else.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Seychelles has no law on Asylum so it cannot legally act on El Materi's request.
That is the law.
Right!But even if it had one the conditions of the asylum seeker would need to fits conditions that would allow it to happen.,El Matri conditions would not have fitted any conditions in in order being granted Asylum.Why? He has already been granted Asylum in Qatar.And TUnisien governemnt had never banned him from entering Tunisia but rather welcoming him back to sit for his sentence which is 16 years and 97 million of DINAR for frauds and corruption.
As Chris rightly put it.We are interesting of our own nation/country.Being small in the community of Nations does not make use less improtant or have less rights than other nations of our sovereignty or provide foreigners to colonize us.WE samll as country but we are human ,none should beleive buecase of being small they can buy our soul and enslave us.
Cunt, Desaubin rights are being abused and violated, why not be concerned by Pp violation of his rights instead of El Matri?Are you showing us how PP love ofreigners more than its own people?
Jeanne D'Arc
In reaction and reply to Hon Christopher Gill Easter and Good Friday wishes this Easter 2013 on the issue of sacrifice - the few and the rest.
In thinking of the greater world society and the stark reality decided to watch a second world war movie in France, the German, the American and the French underground - it is also to do with ongoing issues in Mauritius and over the past 21 years those who ruthlessly exploit circumstance and they steal, siphon, defraud and the long list and then they say they are smarter and cleverer than the Seychellois - most forgetting the White Seychellois came from France via Mauritius and Reunion. ( With every respect of the important human loss at the time of writing this comment this terrible national disaster had not yet occurred - the very many comments online by Mauritian in Mauritius and across the world)
This was an elite military command led by Telly Savalas/famously know as Kojak, Clint Eastwood and several leading actors - the American are in the process of pushing the Nazi out of France and this Command get know that somewhere in as small Village some 30 kilometers behind German line, there is $16 millions in gold bars and their decision to break the rules of engagement and team up with others to loot/raid this bank in the process.
Then General Eisenhower, stashed up in a former German Headquarter, upon hearing via a radio of their message decide to drive the 30 kilometers and meet them to congratulate then not knowing what they were up to. Not knowing that they were not involved to fight the German but steal some $16 billions in gold Bars - Where did it originate.
There is a great deal of killing and bl,owing up finally they get there, action and events - between then and the Bank is a lone German Tank - how they brace themselves the three and go up to the German Officer and tell him that in the Bank there is $16 millions in gold bars - if he use the tank and blow a hole in the door he get to keep a share - they convinced him and he dose it - Their reaction upon seeing the loot.
They are informed that General Eisenhower is one mile into the Village and how they hurriedly load the gold and those soldiers who helped con the inhabitants to throw a party to distract - whilst they loot the bank. To make matters worse they tel the Mayor that General de Gaulle is coming in the village -inn reality it is General Eisenhower - how he is greeted - by then Telly Savalas, Clint Eastwood, the German Office and other have departed the Village with the gold loot.
This is very common practice in War - what took place in the first Gulf War and the Iraq invasion. What took place with that $500 - $800 millions SIROP program (the mega gearing and those who made not millions but $billions and Trillions. The privatization of Seychelles economy those who acquired former state business, properties and at whose expense and their lies, cover up and the state of things today. Germany Reunification and privatization, Russia privatization those who made hundreds of billions of dollars and great deal of resources and economic benefits. The war in in Iraq, those who looted Iraq Gold reserve and oil and national treasure. Libya - their oil resource, recently and Syria and those eyeing Iran. It is very common practice in Africa and will always be.
Then we have to live by the Church rule/doctrine and education - the utter media filth and the politician filth/super con.
In our mind the resource those soldiers used to loot that Bank of $16 millions gold bars. By contrast all those involved in Seychelles, the Region and Europe and across the world to rob, pilfer and thieve those 21, 000 Seychellois over the past 36 years of their economic rights, human rights and those involved the UN, EU, the USA, Africa and the many global institutions.
Happy Easter 2013
Sakri El Matri and Mancham...
Mancham seems despaeate to support this criminal... His excuses do not hold out to much.
Mancham's argunebts concerning Sakri El Madri is textbook facism or vulgar discrimination. He failed to contrast Madri's case, for example with that of a recent case of the man from Burundi who was denied consideration for asylum. This was done without an investigation. The man from Burundi may have had more serious reasons to be considered. Burundi as we all know is a country managed on tribal dogma. Either you are Hutu or Suni. You are at risk of persecution. Yet his case was not investigated. Whereas Madri's country of origin, Tunisia has a democratically elected government. He was found guilty of corruption by a legal court of justice...and sentenced. His family was sentenced the same way. He must be returned to ?wherever and face the people from whom he has stolen money. Seychelles must not take advantage of the Tunisian people's money, Neither must Madri rely on the people of Seychelles to put up with his criminal past. For Mancham to defend his atrociities is disgraceful. It shows his true self - abysmal. Mancham appears to have had all his former advantages returned to him by Part Lepep. Thse include his land, his house etc.. He has personal reasons to support Madrei's human right etc. Has Mancham defended the human rights of our own citizens who disappeared and killed. Those who have been left out completely?? Mancham ought to realise that the main reason we are in such a mess and our human rights trampled upon, it is primarily because he himself failed to secure the country he was supposed to defend. Total negligence. As a result, many of our compatriots have disappeared.
The majority of ou people do not want asylum given to Madri. More importantly, the people of Tunisia have vowed to seek Madri's return, wherever he may be. For the sake of money the people of Seychelles must not be put at risk. Knowing the courageous people of Tunisia, we must not be under any illusion that the brave people who started their own revolution, would not seek to have justice done in their country. We in Seychelles must not be seen to negate the plight of these people and make their fight to be seen in vain. Madri does not deserve asylum in our country; whether this is with or without Manchan's support.
I agree with the last comment.
Mancham is told to support Materi by Michel.
Nothing more.
Mancham supports him in order that Michel does not cut his lunch ticket into two pieces.
Thank you Christopher Gill and SFP for exposing this charade.
Your Royal Highness JRM, I humbly advise you to engage your brains before you open your mouth in future. I know you mean well with your idea of reconciliation. However, it takes a minimum of 2 to reconcile. You cannot reconcile on your own and Jam, Far cannot reconcile on their own. There is no need for you to keep 'licking their ass'. I suggest, in future, before you decide to utter anything in favour of PP, remember the following who gave their lives away for a better Seychelles: Desnousse, Ah-Time, Gerard Houareau, Mogan, Hassanali, Asher and even Tata Desaubin ! Plus many more Seselwa and their families who are being victimised to this day........
Now that Ramadoss has defect from Pp,Pp are looking for new sponserr like El Matri who has stolen million from Tunsien peoples to give them some of those million now that their coffer is left with only one cent in it, all mafia are friends with Mich and this sytem.
Dr. Ramadoss said he is still PL.
He is mounting a campaign to remove James Michel and take over.
Minister Adam is being extremely silly in the case of Sakri El Madri. The Tunisian government has already issued a RED NOTICE. They expect the Seychelles government to honour it and stop making us the Seychellois people look stupid. The current Tunisian government fought ver hard to have an elected democratic goverment for their people. Madri went through a legal judicial process and was found guillty for corruption, together with other members of his family. He was legally sentenced to a prison term, even in his absence. Basically, Minister Adam with his cohorts are acting as though they do not believe the court of the Tunisian democratic government. This is stupid. This is making us the people of Seychelles implicit in the Minister's desire to steal the money which belongs to the people of Tunisia. This is the excuse the Minister is giving us in the National Assembly. Stop embarrassing us and get rid of Madri. There is already reports that a very well known celebrity is quoting the Seychelles "I hae there are some bad guys over there. I would want to check them out". Is that the reputation we want for our country? It is an infantile argument for a former President of the Seychelles to compare the case of Madri to those of Prempeh, Makariois, etc.. This lawer must know that Prempey and others were EXILES in the Seychelles. They did not want to leave their respective countires. Whereas Madri is a convicted criminal in a democratice court. He wants to avoid punishment so that he could live in luxury in the Seychelles. Citizens of Seychelles should not be known thropughout the world where we offer safe haven to known criminals and fugitives. We should not reward Madri for wrong doings; denying the Tunisian people their money. Most citizens would be wondering what is the motive of the former Prsident of Seychelles to engage himself and using all the media services available to him to support Madri??
It is certainly not for compassionate reasons. As some bloggers have indicated, offering asylum to Madri and stealing Tunisian people's money would cause endless dmage to the people of Seychelles. How come one of our own citizens steal a simple necklace in our town Victoria. He got sentenced for several years in Montage Posee. Whereas Madri who has stolen sveral millions of Dollars/Rupees, using sophistaced ways, comes to Seychelles and he goes unpunished; living a life of luxury in a Rs.10 million house??
Are we Seychellois totally amorale, and so gullible?
When this issue is discussed down our small town, most ppeople are against Madfri being offered asylum. or even permit to stay in our country.
We are asking bloggers, their friends and families to make known their views and show solidarity with the Tunisian people who were brave to begin democracy in their country.
We ask that you send a post card, letters, emails. faxes to any of the following addresses. You identiity is NOT requirerd. Just the words.
1. Foreign Office, P.O.Box 656, Mahe. Seychelles. Fax 00248 422 4845
2. Tunisian Embassy, Level 4, 307 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Fax: 0061 29521 744444
3. Tunisian Embassy, 29 Princes Street, London SW7 1 QG
Fax 0207 584 3205
Tunisian Embassy, 1515 Massachusetts Avenue. 20005, Washigton. Fax 001202 862 1850
Tunisian Embassy-- 515 Oconnor Street. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Fax 001 613 237 7939
So true that Jean-Paul Adam intends to steal the money of the Tunisian people which was pillaged by Sakhr el Materi and his family.
They even went as far as to pay off the oppositions in the country to remain silent except for that Seychelles Freedom Party which is grilling the issue.
The NDP was paid off and soon after its leadership took an urgent trip overseas to bank his loot, The SNP leader did not attend for this one lesson hard learned from the last time Joe Albert wealthy businessman gave him a plastic bag full of thousands of seychelles rupees and he never tipped his driver or paid for his silent resulting into the guy working with David Pierre looking for his.
This time he sent Le Seychellois Hebdo and SNP golden boy to do the taking and collecting then they equally split the loot.
when confronted by PL which pretended they did not know these transactions took place they said the party they run needs money to function, yet the same money that Tunisian people were murdered, Tortured and Raped for over the years. As always PL uses this as an advantage and gives them whatever to right to keep their silence and el materi in Seychelles untouched and unharmed.
Nest you will see they will write that El Matri has left seychelles in a private jet from heavy pressure they put on his extradition in the cover of darkness; while the real truth would be el materi clearly living his life on one of our islands like a prince under a new seychellois identity and protected by the state and ndp,snp with confederates.
The only thing PL is not going to be able to pass over is SFP. SFP aired a video once of the El materi family in seychelles and if that jet lives empty! Hide him on Aldabra if you wont SFP will find him and reveal it to the world and Tunisia.
Sesel pou Seselwa!
El Materi face your crimes and get out of Seychelles.
May god bless all freedom loving seychellois and have mercy on Sakhr El materi, James Michel, James Mancham, Jean-Paul Adam members of PL government and Melchior Vidots Soul!!
Seselwa, do not underestimate this Pp government headed by JAM. They always will always find an acceptable solution to the Sakhr El Martir problem. JAM is waiting for El Matir to open a bank account in Seychelles and transfer some of his billions here. Once the money is safely in Seychelles, FIU will freeze the funds. El Martir will be handed back to Tunisia, JAM will claim 50% of this deposit money for PP whilst the rest disappears in thin air........
Mancham you were mentioning about your asylum in england.Kouyon when you left Seychelles to England you were already holding a british passport. pa bez fer mon vin ras ou la barbe ki parey pensou kaka.
El madri will sent Tunisien to get him back in Tunisia to face justice.
JRM man pipi sur mer.
Seychelles is NOT for Seychellois, it has never been and there is little hope that it will ever be. It is all because of the Seychellois denseness, the arrogance and the lust for greed.
Mr. Desaubin has the insight on the terror group who started it all. He knows many things that can incriminate PL and bring them down to earth. Yet, I doubt if is he man enough to do so. There are lines that he would not dare to cross at this time in order not to jeopardize his own personal safety. Unless, Hon. Laporte is serious on fighting corruption and is willing to issue an amnesty to those who comes forward with evidence of state corruption. In that case, Tata will probably be the first in line.
Your Excellency His Royal Highness Sir James Richard Marie Mancham-
please keep your mouth shut so you do not lower your profile, to let the world know you are indeed an idiot.
You have become a shepherd without sheep, without a herd and if you keep this up, you will not even have a hole to hide your head and cover your ass from the sun.
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