James Michel
promised the People of Seychelles in the State of the Nation Address that his
government will now deal with his own administration policy of the selling of
passports, fast tracking naturalization, the restriction of the sale of land to
foreigners which has been in place for 30 years, but not implemented, and a
plethora of other grievances addressed in the Mouvman Seselwa Rasin Kredo
Rasinist Manifesto “Sesel Pou Seselwa “and the Seychelles Freedom Party
Manifesto “Seselwa Unite”.
The MSR/SFP Struggle
These issues
have been at the forefront of MSR/SFP struggle as focus issues because behind
these issues, are our quest as a People, the Seychellois People to self
determination when we face political dilution of our interests in our own
country after the Communist regime of F.A. Rene, and more so today, James
Michel’s government, accelerated the sale of our citizenship to raise funds,
accelerated the sale of land to foreigners under their rule, at cheap prices ,
disenfranchising our people in our own country, regulating many Seychellois to
live out their lives in flats, planting pepper plants in discarded tires and
milk tins, when every Seychellois should rightfully have a title deed in his
and her name owning land and be able to cultivate the same if they wish.
As much as
35,000 Seychellois Rasin have formed part of a diaspora from 1977 onwards, being replaced by Fabrike citizens (made Seychellois
illegally) to keep SPPF PL in power,( MSR Manifesto Article 8) and taking our
citizenship and our land. Consequently, Bona fide Seychellois are losing
political control on their patrimony Seychelles, our Motherland. James Michel
has accelerated this diabolical formula to destroy our people. In the State of
the Nation speech, he even referred to Bona Fide Seychellois as all being
foreigners at one point, and all foreigners he said should be welcome to
Seychelles and treated as Seychellois. A leader could not offend his people
much more than that, when the history of Seychelles is clear: we were all
subjects under different flags as a people oppressed and never considered “citizen”, be it the French or English
rule. As subjects we were treated in an inferior manner contrary to UN recognized
rights to self determination.
In the next
election, Mr. Michel may well have Gurhkas vote for him and control the voting
boxes. Who knows, our next Election Commissioner can be a Gurhka and even Mr.
Gappy will be sent to live in Australia to retire where he will join 30,000
Seychellois. Even our next Attorney General may be a Gurhka. So Mr. Govinden
needs to reflect carefully on his position start defending the rights of
Seychellois instead of crushing them.
“King Salesman Jim” a.k.a James from
Anse La Mouche
No other
President has sold more land to foreigners then the Presidency of James Alix
Michel. This President has made F. A. Rene look conservative, and he has made James
Mancham look like a small time realtor in his day when he drove around town in
a convertible Rolls Royce showing
Kashoogi the lands available in Seychelles up for grabs for cheap. These
days, Michel shows off assets for sale by helicopter, much faster than a
convertible Rolls Royce, but he is still selling land in Seychelles on the
cheap, sometimes for Scr. 1.0.
Mr. Michel
has implemented a policy of sell baby sell, for years, and today, he says this
will stop. Can we trust James Michel? No. Should we trust James Michel? No. Is
James Michel someone we can trust with our fishing resources, our land, our
passports, our water, electricity and money? No. Is this true? Yes. Ask his Ex
Wife, she is singing. The soon to be ex- wife is singing as well. In time, the
next wife will sing too.
Fabrikes Everywhere Today
In the Kredo
Rasinis Manifesto of MSR, the terminology of “Fabrikes “ was introduced to
Seychelles. “Fabrikes” are “fake Seychellois”.
Even At State House
Those Seychellois who hold
Seychelles passports but have not obtained this right legally. Instead, they
have paid for their passports, usually to be able to buy land in Seychelles, or
they have obtained citizenship while working for government under Gainful Occupation
Permit (GOP). It is illegal for someone to work under GOP for Five (5) years
and then apply successfully for citizenship. But those that curried favor with
the President or Immigration official or SPPF player, got through in this seedy
manner. Additionally those who have fake residency permits, meaning, they retain
a permit but spend little or no time in Seychelles, once they obtain a passport
under these grounds, they are Fabrikes as well. The Eden Island Development
scheme is producing them by the hundred. They do not know our culture,
language, history, people and do not care to. They seek only a passport of
convenience, should things go bad in their country or use the additional
national identity to launder money along with their investments here.
Ironically, today, Mr. Michel talks to us
about these Fabrikes in his speech, yet two years ago, it was illegal according
to him to discuss this issue. He even
attempted to post a blog once to say that it is racist, never understanding the
definition of racism. Under pressure from SFP, he now says now, “Even the
President will not be allowed to grant citizenship”.
Additionally, the residency requirement for
naturalization will go from 5 years to 10 years. Why should a person married to
a Seychellois wait 10 years to be naturalized? Should we trust Mr. Michel with
this sensitive issue? No. Why? He is not to be trusted. Fabrikes make up the
vast majority of James Michel support. He has allowed them to hijack Seychelles
by riding Rene’s coattails and now he even punishes decent folks to hide his
crimes of selling passports and granting citizenship in a loose manner.
Foreigners Have No Right To Own Land
In Seychelles
In his
speech, Mr. Michel attempted to announce Article 19 of the MSR Manifesto as his
government’s policy from 2013 onwards. He says foreigners will now not be able
to own land in Seychelles. They will be able to lease land only for up to 70
years. Thereafter, the lease will terminate and the land will revert back to
the Seychellois.
Article 19
of the MSR Manifesto says that the Seychellois Rasin (SESELWA RASIN) has
exclusive right to own land in Seychelles in Fee Simple. What has Michel said
different from what MSR said? Michel
said foreigners will not be able to renew leases. MSR said they could, if they
pay the owner and agree. Why would Michel restrict investment in Seychelles by
imposing such a thieving principle on land leases?
activist said to me: “he did that because it is his instinct to steal and shaft
people, even after 70 years”.
MSR Said 75 Year Lease With Option to

proposal is mad and prohibits renewal of leases, so under his program, foreign
investment will eventually be diluted to nothing. This is stealing Mr. Michel
if you did not know.
It looks as
if MSR had a clear head compared to James Alix Michel and the rest of his empty
spirit when they deal with the issue of foreign investment in Seychelles.
MSR Manifesto Article 5 provides that Seychelles is the
patrimony of the Seychellois Rasin. SFP Manifesto uses the term found in the
Seychelles Constitution, that,” …..all bona fide Seychellois have a right to
participate in government and a duty to protect their patrimony. This language
is also found in the Preamble, which was a poem actually written by Mr. James
Mancham all by himself to add a little flair to the sometimes boring process of
writing a Constitution with F.A. Rene while James Michel peddled the Malo Arms
to Rwanda Hutus.
This means,
Seychelles belongs to us Seselwa Rasin. The benefits and burdens of our
patrimony rest with us “Seselwa Rasin”. Under James Michel, he says these
things, but in practice what do we see?
In practice
we see Shiekh Khalifa calling the shots. In practice we see 80 Gurhkas policing
our people even on traffic detail. They waive at us, pull us over, inspect our
cars, rough us up and treat us like foreigners in our own country. James
Michel, this type of bullying is not on man. Train Seychellois to do these
jobs, no matter how hard it is for you when they turn on you. Send these
Gurhkas home and restore dignity to the people of Seychelles. Consider going to
live with them in Nepal. Take your Rolls Royce with you.
You will
live a more dignified life and secure a more respectable place in history to be
ousted by your own people then to be protected by 80 Gurhkas and 10 Irish.
SFP will
send the Gurhkas home. You can trust SFP to do the job that James Michel cannot
do. The Irish will be replaced with more educated, more capable Seychellois
that speak proper English and do not need 83 Million rupees per year to do a
drug seizure program in an island with only 89,000 people.
The son in
law of ex President Ben Ali of TUNISIA has sought political asylum in
Seychelles. This chap has been convicted of a number of corruption related
charges in Abstentia and his luck is running on the low side of the fuel gauge
from what I have been advised by key sources. It is unfortunate for himself and
his family. However, we must be clear, Seychelles has no asylum legislation and
it had none when he entered the country numerous times. So it is clear, beyond
a doubt, that it is James Michel who is harboring and protecting this chap from
INTERPOL and the legitimate government of TUNISIA today.
Let us be
clear, we have no issue with El Materi. Tunisia has an issue with him.
Our issue is
with James Michel’s prolific practice of compromising Seychellois dignity and
our national citizenship and selling off our patrimony recklessly, under value.
This results in the displacement of our people in our own country.
Jules Egbert Savy Lesson No 1.
El Materi
needs to know something about PL: they promise to take care of you, until you
are out of money, and the government looking for you promises a grant or loan
which you cannot match. Then they put you on a Catamaran for Madagascar.
Finally they call South Africa, advice you are on the way and very dangerous and
you are collected in the middle of the ocean. Ask Jules Egbert Savy another
person, who recently went through what you are going through what happened to
him. Eventually all your assets that gave you a false sense of security are
divided by the thieves. Sometimes they have petty squabbles over who owns what.
But that is life with PL and that is how the JJ spirit economy works.
one would think our President from the Communist Party just looks at the
pictures in the Economist.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving
Gurhka go home.michel is a mad man
Mr Gill, I salute your bravery. Exiled Seselwa Rasin.
JP your little baby so cute, enn pti revolizionair, possibly our tomorrow's President!
Time has come for our people to stand up and defend our patrimony. No one else will protect us. One day those Gurkha's, Arabs,South African or Irish will take over our country. Let's not wait for time to tell us. We must act and remain the true custodians of our country. Lets get rid of those thieves in State House. Sesel pou Seselwa and must remain for Seselwa.
We are one people, but we are many in exile. Lets go back for the next election and vote those thieves out. Plan yourselves. The election is in 2016 around October. The PL may get vicious and change the timing. Be on your guard. we are MORE than 100,000 in exile. In Australia alone there are 31,000 in Canada 12,000, in Europe 51,000 in Africa 10,000. Lets get back and help claim our rights. We may find that there will not be enough water and food for all of us, but we do what we have to do. Leased aircraft costs way cheaper. Join your Seselwa club abroad and join together to lease air crafts. Come join us in 2016 for the Election. You have to register before end of January 2016. If you don't have much funds, join the PL/SPPF groups even if you really don't want them. Play your cards well, you will get free tickets, however your vote is secret. Know what to vote.
We give you rendezvous 2016.
What is this guy smoking? Looks pretty comfortable for a convicted criminal in Tunisia.
Which one of you at SFP will be taking notes at this meeting?
Third International SIDS Conference - AIMS Region Preparatory Meeting
In 2013, national and regional preparatory meetings will convene to develop inputs for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to be held in 2014. These preparatory meetings will be held in the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and South China Sea (AIMS) region, Caribbean region and Pacific region, as well as inter-regionally. The decision on the preparatory process for the Conference was taken in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on 21 December 2012, following consultations in the Second Committee, which approved Resolution A/C.2/67/L.40.
dates: 17-19 July 2013 location: Seychelles
We will rely on Hipster Minister Jean Paul Adam to take notes. That is his job. Then he will report back to Seychelles.
If he wants to be taken seriously, he should wear pants not hipsters to these meetings.
Go easy on the tight shirts around the arms, save that for your frolicking moments and beer binging parties.
We should consider ourselves a bit lucky. From what I understand one of these recent Fabrike had big ambition and wanted to be a minister and eventually become the President. For your information, this Fabrike could not utter a word of Creole let alone the word couyon ! JAM 'kicked his ass' because of his malelve ! The day has come where Fabrike comes first in Seychelles. On one hand we have, Eden Island propped up and subsidised by Seselwa's borrowing and investment to the benefit of Fabrike who now competes unfairly against small Seselwa tourism establishment. On the other hand we have packed our Seselwa Racine on Peseverance, we are teaching them and experimenting 'modern day living' . Maybe Ramados would have had better pity on us Seselwa than our current president. We want Ramados back !
Please visit this website, sign the petition to stop the land grab in Tanzania.
Christopher Gill, I suggest you contact this organisation to highlight our problems to the world. These guys are very effective. They are more effective than the UN.
Reply to Seychelles Ranked Best Indian Ocean Performer-
I can see your stress under pressure of the SFP intelligentsia.
Seychelles is ranked as a top performer only for these reasons:
1. RU486 has terminated 2000 births every year since 1996 and hence our population is low;
2. Consequently, we rely on 10,800 workers who are under GOP and this results in Scr. 1.5 Billion in money every year that leaves our country to build houses in India mostly;
3. That credit of 1.5 Billion per annum is factored in a growth revenue for Seychelles and it makes her look successful on GDP figures, since GDP will not factor the financial flight;
4. additionally like CYPRUS our banking receivables are too high for such a small population since money is laundered through Seychelles banks;
5. finally, that money, which factors a high GDP for Seychelles, makes its economic indicators look good artificially does not reach the average Seychellois.
You will have to pay me for this one Hipster Minister-
Khalifa injects money into the country to prop up your failed regime.
Without Khalifa, you would not even have 80 Gurhkas to watch over you when you look in the mirror and pull your hipsters on.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Let me tell you something Gill, these Gurhkas or fucking Arab Mafia is not going to stop the coup. We are fucking determine people with money and qualified people for the job. It is the only way.
meanwhile stay safe we need you.
Gurhkas have no right to raise arms against Seychellois.
Arabs in this case mostly UAE citizens, have no right to interfere in the international affairs of Seychelles.
When they interfere in our affairs, they are not submitting to the will of God, they are cursing the will of God.
This must stop.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
The injection of the Gurhkars into Seychelles is a backup plan to nutralized a possible coup detat.
The whole plan has the hall marks of kalifha becsuse he uses these guys to protect him in UAE.if u beleive otherwise u r fouling yrself.you would invesr into a country without yr assurance if uts security.its all ti di with the control that will come with this favour.Seychelles inn fini gayne Baise.
True I wonder what happened with these two monkeys. Have not seen them here for a while.
It is up to the people of Seychelles to walk the street and make their voices heard, they have until June. If not we are coming in to take what belongs to true Seychellois.
We will not mention coup any more this regime will recieve our video with our message and we will publish on tube that all Seselwa can see it and read our message.They will get our message before we come for criminals.
The criminals are deep rooted in SNP/LEPEP.
SNP is the obstacle to a free Seychelles.
They are all asleep at the moment.We need to finish the job as soon as possible.
The fat bastard at Arpent Vert should stop playing with his cock in his office and leave politics for good.
Don't forget guys, James Mancham deserves a special noose too. He was the mastermind behind all of our suffering. The time has come and he must pay.
AT SFP we need every freedom loving Seychellois on board.
At SFP we need every ex DP on board.
At SFP we need every ex SPUP on board.
AT SFP we need every ex SNP on board.
At SFP we need every ex SPPF on board.
At SFP we need every ex PL.
At SFP we need every MSR on board.
and yes, we need every single ex PDM on board like we need every single ex NAP on board, and every MPR and SNM and MDP and even former members of the Planters Association.
SFP is the party of Seychellois and we need your help to remove collaborators from power, who sell our patrimony.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Michel ek Mancham and co i fer Sesel retorn parey lepok Mancham.
Why did Rene do the coupt back in 1977 ?
Because Mancham was not selling our patrimony as fast as SPUP, SPPF & now PP !
We have one full circle and back to square one after almost 4 decades, what a waste .
Indeed the last two comments make sense.
Mancham actually became one of the big winner in all this.he got all his properties back n even rent some out with his agressors.many still believed that he had an agreement prior to the coup in 1977.
He is a back stabber and an egoist.
Mancham was entitled to his properties. They were stolen from his family, he rightfully sought the return of the assets.
That he had an agreement with his aggressor is laughable and silly. No one would give up power to suffer so much for so long. We must never forget what Mancham went through.
At the same time, Mancham did not have to compromise change to get his assets back.He did not have to poison the people of Seychelles with all his rubbish and actions of selling out. He had enough clout to carry the day. What he did not realize, is that in sell out,to Michel, he lost all support from every single Seychellois practically. Even his own staff are distraught.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom PArty
The sclerotic Dictator Michel thinks though laws forbid him from selling out of birthrights and patrimony ,He Demi-god Michel can do it ,he is above the law of the land.THe fact PP,is that you and your foreign benefitors must know that all those passports and land gited,sold to foreigners illegally will be revoked once Pp topple.Why?For you illeglly obtained them.There are oever 10 thousands passports illegally sold to foreigners thus artificially increasing our popualtion from 85 to 91 thousands is a few years.You can go back and check all census reports since our existance,you would never find such a racial increase in our population at such space.Moreover,since pp are killing our unborn babies and exterminating Seychellois youth ,it give wiegh to the fact that the increase by 10 thousandfs of our popualtion can obnly be made up by foreigners who illegally obtained our birthrights.
We will take back our land and birthrights from those illegal and fake seychellois Pp and you dog ,you will have to face justice.
Jeanne D'Arc
Michel has demonstrated the extrmes he will go to protect his emperor of corruption and state toerorism.*0 GURKAS are illegally raping our people's rights and country's constitution and Pp think it is Okay becuase Kahfia does it too In Emirates to portect his Dictatorship.Michel,probably think it could use them in case there is a Coup ,but the fact niether GUrkas nor Khalfia,El MAetri ,Siva money could ever tstop it from happening.
On Land lease to foreign investors--that how things should be legally done and it is commonsense to do as SFP propose.But for Michel leasing is illegal and sell out is legal.You know what PP--your illegal sell out is an act of treson and it would be deal with as such.
PP is threaten to our soveiregnty,National security and unity of our country,it must be forced out sooner than later.
This website/blog reminds me of Hyde Park Corner in London. All words but no action. PP and all those accused on this blog has nothing to fear the same way western leaders has nothing to fear from threats made in Hyde Park Corner.
Since the admin of this web site is working, no hesitation very rapidly it will be well-known, due to its feature contents.
Also visit my page - outstanding goldendoodle dog material
Well hyde park is fake it has planted palms to give an impression it is like paradise.
On the other hand seychelles is real.
It has nothing to fear yet ,but i am asure they will sooner than later.Ghadaffi also beleived no one could ever get him out of power,he ended hiding under a bridge and when the Lybians caught he cried out do not shoot it is forbidden by God.Michel would probably told us it is forbidden by Khalifia.
Moreover,When this donkey Michel sells(thus dispsossing seychellois from their ancestral land) he addresses it with total disrespect and unshamedful arrogance.Michel-ovich has sold almost everthing that he has lLmost has nothing more to sell.Thus the need to introduce new sell out strategy after passports ,his new business is selling out of Asylum though we donot have any Asylum policies,and of course resident cards to foreigners like criminal El Materi and others.
The people have a legitimate right to take over their land from PP state terrorists by all means.Pp thugs have enough time to change thmeslves if they do not change by thmesleves we will bring change to them and their foreign collaborators.And if he thinks,foreign money will protect his arsehole,we will prove the contary to this monkeys sooner than latter.
Change will come to you soon,PP.
Jeanne D'Arc
Did anyone read the nouveau seychelles weekly?
Well ralph volcere has done it again this time he is working for rene and michel the double crosser.
Ralphs informations on dolor is merely coming from christian lionnet through his former bimbo that he impregnated and tried to kill at katiolo.
In order to have ralphs silence and frank elizabeths lionnet brought them in with michel and now michel is using them to get rid of all of renes man.
All information on dolor ernesta is given to volcere and then volcere sends topher larue a drug user to get the info at the registrar to put in the weekly and pretend michel did not know what was going on.
Ralphs arrogance even went as far as to sympathize with marise berlouis his long time friend with a big mouth that used to give him information from inside parti lepeps walls. Poor marise he says and could not even use his own name.
Berlouis is a normal sacrifice he told michel from one of their secret meetings. What will sarah say to him with albert lets wait and see.
Now michel has got his eyes set on barry and Danny faure wait and see how much is volcere going to deliver on these two so PL can judge and reasign them.
Sounds like they have some big stuff on extortionist Ralph and he is their slave.
Might have something to do wih CHATITAS cache of 50 Million in cannabis.
There is a Dr.Ramadoss link behind Ralph and we all know that.
Pig Food.
Kaka Ralph I pi!
One Rule For Seychellois Fabrike Like Khalifa & A Different Rule for Seselwa Rasin.
Woman faced six years jail for violating planning laws - 06.04.2013
• New laws to seek tougher sentences
A woman from Beau Vallon yesterday stood the risk of serving six years in jail and paying a R250,000 fine for not complying with planning authority guidelines which required her to erect a retaining wall.
Workers also went ahead to cut a terrace during the rainy season against the guidelines, when she started to build her house some years ago.
Explaining the maximum sentences provided by law for the offences, Supreme Court judge Duncan Gaswaga said it is very important to observe building regulations which not only seek to protect the project being undertaken, but also the environment and other people in the neighbourhood.
“The rules are meant to be preventive,” said the judge, citing the risk of landslides and erosion like those which hit three districts in January.
He said those convicted under the Environment Protection Act should also pay R5,000 for every day that an offence continues and fined the woman R50,000, failure to pay which she would go to jail for five months, saying he noted that in mitigation she said she has an 80-year-old mother to look after.
The law is in the process of being amended to allow courts to impose heavier sentences than those available now, the technical adviser for policy and law in the Ministry of Environment and Energy Juliana Legaie told Nation after the sentence.
She said representatives of non-governmental organisations which work with the environment, planning authority members from the environment department, health services, the Public Utilities Corporation and other agencies will take part in a validation workshop scheduled to take place later this month to review the proposed law before it is sent to the National Assembly.
We are proposing R500,000 to R700,000 fines depending on what offence a person commits,” she said also referring to the recent disasters in which many of the landslides were caused by builders’ failure to observe planning rules.
Ms Legaie said the conditions that the Beau Vallon lady broke are contained in an authorisation letter normally attached to a plan upon approval.
The jews people experienced the Holocuast under Hilter ,the people of Seychelles is going through the same fate as the Jews people under Michel and His Arabs COLONIZERS.
History show that ARABS, be it in middle East or north Africa ,never love African ,they have always consider Africans inferior than themsleves and for centuries, even before the Europeans ,they been making African slaves and effect they destroyed African Civilization.
That Khalifa,El Materi think that they can act above our laws and even be priviledged or rape our laws show you how arrogant,primitive,and racists those Arabs Kamels are.
Seychellois will not allow their pride to be deminished by arrrogant and primitive Arabs despots and a handful fo State terrorists call PP.
Seychellois must wake up and do everything to stop the dead culture(arabs) walking on our shores and stopping Pp from making our Christian land and Arab village.
Volcere Is no different from RAM,he is one of PP wheel greaser.Now that it seems RAMADOSS has decided to stop allowing himself being rob by fake politicans ,Voclere needs to find someoe else to rob.Maybe El Materi for both him and RAm have been silent on the issue.
Jeanne D?Arc
PP tatics--like in Sihouette case (it is a new tatic in the sell out process,)is to try and tell us a village in a district have the right without all inhabitants of the concered districts to dicided for the majority.The villagers of Nase Boudin have already said this is a window dressing by PP thugs to rape our land once again after Raffle hotel.
Did PP went to See the inhabitant of La mIsere when they illegally sold Khalfia land there though the law says no ofreigner can owes or buy land on our shores?Di PP asked Seychellois what their opinion when they illegal sold DESROCHES to ofreigner?
Jeanne D?Arc
Jeanne DArc
What would PP criminals face as sentences for 3 decades acts of treason then?
Probably execution.
Pl abandon earth cut law.Pl give green light for future erosion.
After near 27 years Seychelles Oppositions refuse and still refuse to learn from mistakes, failures and human weakness.
The Seychellois nation being importantly Christian by faith, culture and way of life celebrated Easter only a week ago and this is not just any Easter - it is Historic and in the Vatican we have the person of Pope Francis.
If/should one listen and read carefully - the debate at SFP Blog beside the important national issues being raised - we have been hearing of a Group, entities - those wishing to make change by Force, their voice - emulating those involved in the "North African Spring" the state of things.
Then we have the other Group calling for Boycott and challenging - question all of government workings and coexistence.
From November 2012 - consensus had began to express itself form the ruling party SPPF/PL for the Nation to embrace a Two Tier Cammer/Parliament/House. Some of the many issues which indicated that this was such and the nature of the seriousness. { From our side the economic and other issues we have contributed to and aim to contribute to}
Until Mauritius became affected by this Weather Phenomena we would have e found our person being insulted and the political situation in Mauritius on account of that weather phenomena. The question how much has it affected Sechelles Seychelles politic and many other issues - there is a very good article related a Mauritius L'express with we have taken up at our community Forum.
We have been importantly involved in many of our National process - yet had FA Rene not accepted that SIROP program, the question what would have the Opposition and exile done - more military efforts and very bad blood being created.
Most of those in SNM/MPR, SDP, CDU, Mouvement pour La Democracy and Minister Uzice knew that once President FA Rene had agreed in principal late 1976 to that SIROP program - that inevitable multi party would return. Yet the vat majority of them their respective positioning and attitudes. What followed upon their return in 1991 utter Fiasco - the likes no modern Indian Ocean Nation have experience - a unique text book for UN, EU, the Commonwealth, NATO, the USA, the Francophone and many international bodies.
The vast majority of Oppositions and Seychellois communities around the world who bitterly criticized that Phase ll Development of President FA Rene, yet again had he not taken that decision the state of Seychelles.
Many of you in Opposition refuse to look coldly into some of the reasons President JA Michel is having to make/depart from much of the One Party system politic and his own Camp which is saying it is too fast and too much.
Given that for 21 years the Opposition beside Hon Wavel Wankalwan at some time and eventually private argument - the consensus to have a Senate Parliament for the Seychellois Nation. We will be very frank we have been urging the government of JA Michel and the ruling Party SPPF/PL to unilaterally do like F A Rene did in accepting that SIROP program, the Reclamation to simply announce to the Opposition they Government has decided to set/put in place Senate Parliament of course they will have to vote and pass the necessary Law - Amendments.
Come 2016 even if the Opposition won - they would not last long in Office unless they rule by Force.
The question is what would the Opposition do /react.
Most of those in SNM/MPR, SDP, CDU, Mouvement pour La Democracy and Minister Uzice knew that once President FA Rene had agreed in principal late 1976 to that SIROP program - that inevitable multi party would return
{Error in the above date should read 1986}
By the way whilst we are on the subject - the Exile/refugee were and have been to kind in Trusting the Local Oppositions - should anybody care we can address as to the why. Those from British, French and south African Intelligence and Politicians who knew and were well aware of the exile/refugee capacity to input and influence the workings of the Local Opposition and underground.
My question is;
why did Khalifa get away with buying our land for 1 Rupee? Why did Khalifa get away with building a monstrous palace which DID NOT get planning approval ?
Why did Khalifa get away with flouting our environmental laws?
Why did Khalifa get away making us Seselwa drink delo kaka ?
Why did the lady at Beau Vallon end up in court ?
Why did Khalifa who caused much more damage than the lady at Beau Vallon never got reprimanded in court ?
The answer is simple 'as Sesel sa ' SESEL PA POU SESELWA'.
I agree with the decision to reprimand the lady at Beau Vallon. No one, and no one should flout our strict planning laws, including myself and Khalifa. Khalifa should e asked to pull down his monstrosity from our mountain top as much as the lady at Beau Vallon failed to follow planning orders and ended up in court.
Beau Vallon
Our issue, we do not take our-self serious enough and it gets miss represented. How many time over the past 21 years have taken time -more time that being with my children and grand children to explain.
When any entity become remotely or importantly involve in a given working the need, necessity to follow through with a degree of accountability.
That SIROP program impacted the Gulf Region workings, economy, development, military and big politic those very powerful and very rich Arabs walking the Streets of Europe and those educated enough in their country to understand grasp what we mean - its meaning.
Given their affluence they will attempt to "communicate" if the terminology is proper - meaning contact, counter reaction. As such have been events and development the past 21 years in Seychelles.
Very importantly issues relating to the Palace at La Miser former USAF Tracking Station.
The duty of our people, Male and female to use their God given ability explain plainly to them - why in the first place "they have wish to make the contact and communicate." In spite of their very vast wealth and fortunes.
Using the same departure inform them there are rules everywhere and they must be comply to. The same rule that brought them to "make the contact and undertake the development and investment." Then we have a due measure of stability and accountability.
We contributed that the current Tallest building in the world is in Dubai - in Muslim belief what this means and you in Seychelles must understand your High responsibilities. { Please let us not start a swearing match which make us bigger and more fools in the eyes of the Arab nations and the whole world}
The answers to your why is becuase we are illegally ruled by a gang of criminals.The real question should be wich laws authoritzed Pp governemnt to sell out our land to foreigners?NONE,the laws in fact says NO FOREIGNERS regardless if you call Khalifa or Camel have not rights to buy or owes Land in our sovereign countryAnd for these reasons ,Seychellois will have to take their land back from all those foriegners be it Khalfia,Siva.El MAteri ,or Muhammed whtever their names and wealth.And for all those Pp crooked their punishement will be harshed.
The lady in Beau Vallon ended up in court becuase she is not a PPP ilk.Proff,the crime committe4d by LUCAS filmed by Al Jazeera ,seen by the whole world anfd had badly tarnished our country's image,Why is LUCAS?Why has he not face justice?Where isCHief-of Staff of the army who robberd SR 6 millions from SPDF coffer? he is still CHeif-of -Staff.No investigation by Govinden.Each year their is irresgularities in ministries ,no investigation since decades.Each year PP thug ,Govneden tells us he is looking to see if there need to be an investigation.What about our passport being illegally sold?Have the guy incharge of the immigration been investigate?No.What about those illegal oil sell out by PP?DID Govinden ever investigate them,is there a reason why ASSEMBLY never raises the question or RMA does not too?What about El MAetir Asylum,when we donot have Asylum law?Where is Govinden?Why a soveriegn country institutions controlled illegally by foreigners:Foreign chief jduge,police officeirs,Gurkas etc... Does neo-clonization now call soveiregnty?Under which law can PP thugs import foreigners to police,be judge,be whatever Michel wants?Where is Govinden and PP stooge Assemblyy and RAM?
Waht about 10 thousands of foreigners call seychellois by PP?While our women have not gave birth for the last ten years ,that is nop population increase still our popualtion is not census at 91 thousands.You could check past recrods this amount on increase within a few years cannot be real.And it is difficult to beleive that when Seychellois are hVING THE WORSE ECONOMIC BURDEN IN THEIR HISTORY WOULD PRODUCE MORE KIDS THAN HUNDREDS YEAR AGO.tHOSE FAKE sEYCHELLOIS MUST kNOW AS THOSE WHO HAVE ILLEGALLY OBTAINED OUR LAND.
I am about to write them all ,a letter with it a copy of our constitution to tell them--1)that they cannot under law to owe or buy land in Seychelles.And i would advise them to go to PP thugs asdk them their money back.And should they do not do it now,they must know that when PP is topple they would lost everthing?HY FOR WHAT THE HAVE NOW HAVE BEEN ILLEGALLY OBTAINED.But also that when the time to give back what is our assets that they do not tell us they did not know.ANd finally fro those who might tell us they did not know--I espect them as foreigners to know the country ^s laws in which they stay,(it is call integration--and that is the case for any person who go and live in others countries.So they should be no excuse on their part.
Well,About muslim beleive tjhose depots garb themselves in the robe of Muslim as if they are real bleivers but in fact they are the worse tyraants.
Look at Ben Ali while we was worshiping Allah after he was ousted tons of drugs and alcohols were found in his Villa.And Ben Ali is not an exception all those kings and families often drink aocohols,use drugs and then to hide their own crimes they abuse their citizerns rights to pretend they are genuine.
Arabs go home. camel.
Jeanne Darc
Mr Edmond, In Muslim belief Tall Buildings, accepting Gay or Pilon as normal are all signs of the end of the world.
Today I decided to attend mass at Bel Ombré. The last time I was there was sometimes in January this year. It was shocking for me to notice the clearing up of mature trees between Beau Vallon Bay Hotel & Fishermans Cove Hotel. This northern coastline will never be the same again. I implore the authorities to stop whatever is going on there. This mindless construction is just spoiling our natural beauty. With the development of Savoy Hotel we do not need anymore large hotel in the Beau Vallon - Bel Ombré area.We will now have the following along the shore- line
1. Savoy
2. Coral Strand
3. Beau Vallon Bay
4. Emirates Hotel
5. Fishermans Cove
The original 3 hotels were more than enough for our most popular beach, without the need for Savoy & Emirates. I hope the authorities will reconsider and put a permanent stop to large buildings on that Beau Vallon/Bel Ombré coast- line. A very concerned citizen.
The shit that is going on in Seychelles, I will no longer let it get to me. Sadly is a decision that I made for my well being. If the local people cannot stands up for themselves, well too bad..There is nothing I can do, beside wasting my time here and on face book barking to the mountains. Those who wants to play deaf, blind and mute you will soon eat camel kaka.
If you live in Seychelles and desire a better country stand up for your right because i cannot do it for you. Bye bye Seychelles bye bye SFP.
I'm asking all innocents Seselwa who have been sentence to jail like this woman for not
Guilty and if the law is only for seselwa and not for their foreigners freinds to burn down the prison then you will be free this sytem have only one main prison on the main island then they will have their fingets stuck in their ass.
What Seselwa are waiting for to take action in their own hands.
Just make sure your box leaves the impression they have something wonderful
waiting for them inside of it. Nonetheless, what I did learn from this tutorial is that by being gentle with the false lashes & washing the glue off of them after wearing them will
lengthen its useage, thus, saving money on having to replace
the lashes. Firstly, the words I wish to use to describe Katie are:
phenomenal, strong, beautiful, confident, courageous, role model' and they're just my initial experience of this mighty young woman.
my blog post: Beauty
It is times like this I wished our Hero Gerard Houareau was around to lead us and deliver us from this evil PP !
There is a BIOT website calling for a Republic and it is a virtual Republic project. It has been in place some 6/7 years.
Those of you calling for the late SNM/MPR Leader Mr Gerrard Hoareau to come back. We state it here for some six month the Seychelles government began to indicate consensus for a Senate - two Cammer Parliament.
We hear all the yell of everything is done by Freemason say so - Where was the Freemason when I battled President F Mitterrand and the Minitel France to develop the WWW and CERN.
This said - the important possibilities - 2/3 of you can get together, stop complaining about Arabs and foreigners, Russian - Set up a virtual Senate with all its functionality for Seychelles and let the people interact and see. In fact you can develop voting platform with it and those of you dreaming of leading a government and becoming MP and the such can can do it at a virtual Senate. You can interact with the rest of the world and there several such projects online. You can use your mobile phone to contribute - input.
That will be better than the most experience Mercenary and the best killer and what ever you have in Mind - it can be hosted anywhere and managed from anywhere.
Some mercenary are already in our land under your noise Guhrkas that this regime and Kahlifa have brought to open the head of Seychelles soldier with their knifes and brutalize Seselwa.
Please study the issues in Kent - UK about the disbanding of the Gurkas Regiments, high politics and compensation - Prince Charles and Princess Diana Regiment.
You have to get of that couch and do some leg work - we we made some very important contributions -there are Masonic lodges across - Kent, if the media is not reliable. Those who rely upon such accounatability.
Anonymous said...
It is times like this I wished our Hero Gerard Houareau was around to lead us and deliver us from this evil PP !
April 7, 2013 at 4:03 PM
I wish Leader Mr Gill well together with all at SFP. Hopefully, SFP can deliver us from this evil PP before I am laid to rest at Mount Fleuri.
I will keep helping in whatever little way I can.
God bless Seychelles and all her Citizens.
Without SFP there is no opposition to this curse.
In a few days there will be no SFP.
Seen SFP is exsit you been telling rubbish,but after 4 years we are still around exposing those criminals who are continuing to bring criminals foreigners on our shore.
Adams come again with SEychelles has good record of respect of human right this is only lies,how come a good educated guy being fool and being brain wasch by criminals seen you come back.AL materi is on visitor's permit.How long is a visitor's permit?3 mounths know,how come this guy is still on our shore after 3 mounths?
Minister Adam and Mr.Sakri El Madri...
....Comments in response to Minister Adam's letter in the NATION today.
Minister Adam states that, in the case for consideration of asylum for Mr. Msamnimi, a poor man from Burundi. The Seychelles government sought the opinion of Reporters San Frontier. The response was unsatisfactory and entry wad denied to the Burundi man. In fairness, the case of the Tunisian asylum seeker, Mr. Sakri El Madri - similar enquiries ought to have been made. Had thge Minister enquired from the Tunisian government or Qatar, immediately the Minister would have discovered that Madri was a WANTED, convicted criminal - travelling illegally. He should not have been allowed entry in the Seychelles - similar to the Burundi chap. The Minister is making all kinds of childish suppositions and getting himself in a deper trench. It could be argued that the Madri case is much much more serious than the Burundi man. Mr. Adam should stop making fools of us, the citizens. It would be a different scenario if the Minister would come clean and tell us that the Madri case is simply be decided on the basis that Madri has got money - the Tunisian people's money. Mr. Adam's argument regarding Seychelles human rights record is completelt false. Insofar as seeking the AG's advice regarding this case - this is also laughable. Our human rights records bear no relevance with reality. For years now the Seychelles have not submitted reports as required. If the Minister believes our records are rosy, then, why not tell the United Nation about it?
It is an abuse of our human right, for example, not allowing our citizens our rights to exercise our rights to protest - if we chose to. Similarly, it is an abuse of our human rights for not allowing the citizens our rights to withdraw our labour, if we wish to. It is even worse when foreign workers, such as the Indians, Chinese, the Sri Lankans teachers are allowed to pprotest, yet our own citizens are either arrested or debarred. This is a throw back from the days of slavery when our masters could do no wrong.
The Minister must surely know that most citizens could see how unjust the situation with the Madri case really is. Most citizens would know that Madri is a convicted criminal, a fugitive with plenty of money stolen from the Tunisian people. Money is important, but not to the extent that it affects our morale rennaisance. The Minister should stop bluffing and taking us for morons by allowing Madri to stay in our country. A legitimate couurt order has been issued; the people of Tunisia have made a determination that Madri must be returned to face the people, whatever it takes. The Minister must beielve it and not put our people at very high risk.
Get rid of the problem. No Asylum for Sakri El Madri.
in reacting to the news about LUNGOS attendance of World Social Forum (WCF) we have seen some of the news flash our view is that they do not deliver the state of the world - just as WANGO the important involvement of Rev Moon Network. Including the Paris and Brazil based International Forum of National NGO Platforms formed in 2008.
Beside the situation in Britain economic, social and real politic - look around across the EU Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Italy and some of the new EU member state the degrading economic situation. Yet we are supposed to be a complete unknown entity as and when we choose to intervene what we can do, impacts and then those so call experts and the media what they write.
Quote Mr Steve Laland -Steve Lalande, who was at the forum representing Lungos as a board member of the International Forum of Platforms (IFP) based in Paris, made presentations to a large audience on the theme of ‘Developing National Civil Society Platforms’ where he described the rational of civil society as a pillar of development, next to the government and private sector and the services offered by NGO umbrella organisations.
“I realized that with our meager resources and smallness in size compared to many larger countries, Lungos is doing a lot as the national umbrella organisation for NGOS,” said Mr Lalande.
The WSF is an interesting breeding ground for new awareness and citizens’ emancipation, therefore more Seychellois should try to take part in the next event, he said - close quote.
In addressing this comment we have in mind not just LUNGOS as umbrella body - many other's we know in Britain and Europe and Africa. Across North Africa.
After the Historic changes in the COMECON, the USSR and Germany given that this had been the world of NGO or the such as compared to government and their establishment politicking. The emphasis and stress we put to building a strong NGO in Seychelles in comparison to Mauritius, Reunion , Madagascar to compete if this is the proper terminology against the government excessive monopoly on everything and given the nature of the world development and so call Democracy that they would not be able to oppose such workings.
We had in the person of Mr Bernard Elizabeth a modest start - because and given the Funding/Money issues how gradually they have been compelled to sing and dance to the tune of the Money source/suppliers be they Seychelles government, the EU, UN, African Union and USA.
We had wanted to take up contact with them since last year and the Paris based WANGO counterpart - the problem they do not listen, they do not have the time to listen and the current attitude - they complain of the big multinational corrupted workings and abuses they are just as corrupt and arrogant. We are talking of facts.
In advocating for a Senate Parliament - the requirement that a very reliable umbrella body exist and function in Seychelles or any country. In which case Seychelles LUNGOS/NGO need and will have to be radically rebuild and if Mr Christopher Gill and executive care to listen - this is were real and future democracy lies. this is where he ought to be investing and putting his energy and Recruiting and Training young Seychellois to become contributors and participants.
We are somewhat peeved - by the arrogance of those mention NGO it is like the Jihad in North Africa and Arab countries, the one with more guns, clout and resource get to speak the loudest and more say. Mr Steve Laland Job/role should have been to point our the unique role those 21, 000 exile have played and our 45, 000 migrants. However small what we can do and impact and over such Chanel to appraise such workings and share our knowledge. Had we found our person in such situation would have walked away - knowing fully we can still deliver and make very important and unique impute in the affairs of EU, the Indian Ocean, Africa and the World. Contibute.....
Above thread continue
Now we have a situation in Seychelles - those calling for revolution, death, destruction and brutal justices. ( The need to stress again the funds/money being channel to LUNGOS/NGO and those making such call have pretty nothing in term of money an funding. The need and job of LUMGOS and Seychelles NGO to pull then in - work with them and share their resources) By the way those who accuse us of Talking shop we are not supposed to abuse our abilities and experiences - we can if required contribute/lend to very radical change at LUNGOS with out their involvements.)
We ask everybody to excuse us - once again had we those Forums, of AKS how the issues could have been threaded, discussed and worked out.
Note - We keep stressing that there is census for that Senate and over six moths gone by - just as the issues of LUNGOS/NGO we have addressed - for the past 21 years our 21,000 exile/refugees hard work and in the name of our 45,000 migrants what we have achieved in Europe and the world and Seychelles those who take credits. The real situation of those 21, 000 exile/refugee representations all their respective rights and workings.
What about those business in Seychelles who have made a killing in term of money on the back of that SIROP program and those calling for a SNM/MPR Mr Gerrard Hoareau campaign - take due time and read what we are writing and trying to say with out being in Seychelles with you.
Adams before you open your mouth again about Seychelles high record human right think twice.Just one case about Seychelles been abusing human right sense decade now look in some cases like those police who kill this man in custedy at Beau Vallon police station the case was dismisst and those policeman who committ this crime walk free.There are numbers of murder caseses committed by this regime drawn away out of windows from chief of justice working under communist rule not againts the book of law, want dictators told him to do.
GERRARD HOUREAU will always be in my memory and always be my Hero.I think one day he will be smiling with joy when he see Sesel been free from criminals.I think he can not wait to see that happen his spirit is still around us.
On behalf of those 21,000 exile/Refugees from Sechelles Seychelles in Britain and across the world convey our very sincere sympathy and condolence to the British Nation, People, the former Government of Lady Thatcher, Associates and her respective Families and children upon hearing of the News that Baroness - Lady Margaret Thatcher had dies this Morning.
We are covering it at our Forums
Minister Adam,
Human right abuse is rife. Khalifa gets away with his Palace at La Misere whilst the poor woman at Beau Vallon is convicted and has to pay SR50,000 in fines. To you the SR50,000 is loose change with all your dosh stashed away in offshore bank accounts. Time will tell.
Sesel Pou Seselwa Ya Papa!
Seychellios lever dan sa someiy ki zot inn tomb ladan.ler zot pou fair levantere zot pou napas pei.sortie dan sa grand someiy.
Seselwa in leve depi le-senk-zen-mil-nef-san-swa-sann-di-set.
Collaborater ki van sesel kinn leve June 5 1977!!!!
Zot lis fes arab pou 5 sou!
This demonstrates that PP is gang of thugs who have hajacked our institutions to cover up and better perpetuate their crimes.Pp practices sective justice,while the lady might have broken the law and should be punished for her action, the same kangaroo court failed to investigate LUCAS for his crime which have had damaging effects of the reputation of our people and country's image abroad and the multiples illegal practices by PP state terrorists.
Recently Hisper told us ,in his attempt to justified the unjustified Sylum for El Materi said,the reason we giving him El Materi Asylum illegally is because of our good records on Human rights.It seem it is a mystery for Adam that dictatorship dishumanize a whole nation, and it is a human rights abuse and crime against humanity.Just as dispossessing our people from their ancestral land and birthrights,as well as illegally importing foreigners as merceneries to brutalize our people and control our institutions.
Jeanne D'Arc
Why is it that the names of those seychellios who has been sentence to death in Egypt has not been released?does anyone has any information please?
Because they are Pp escobars!They are a shame to realist the names like always when Pp criminals get caught.Like Ti Roy from Praslin now they have arrest him for this case about seven fisherman caught on this boat and ti roy was one of those man on this boat, his been dealing for higher one in the goverment seen years.
gren dan konson desire
Lekel, Gill?
Mwan batar Mancham son of the legendary 45 rpm vinyl record that plays with manivel ek gro zegwir.
We are experienceing health issues, neighbour from a Russian Family
The question was inference to the above: "gren dan kanson desire"
So I asked; "lekel, Gill?"
...but I still like your response
gren dan kanson desire""Timisel ek tifrance, telman zot dizef inn saggy inn tomb dan zot zinou!
Gill li i anmenn so grenn dan bunbag...non?
Malediksyon son famiy sa!
Gill limenm li sa boug kin pran linityativ pou kre Mouvman Rasinist. En mouvman pou port latansyon lo bann nouvo seselwa fabrike ki pe pran kontrol nou pti pei Sesel. En mouvman pou remet lavenir Sesel dan lanmen Seselwa avek slogan 'SESEL POU SESELWA'. (EN LIDE KI TI KOMANS AVEK SA GOUVERNMAN ME KINN FINI PERDI DAN ZOT BANN MANYER KORONPI)
Mr. Gill parey plisyer de nou tinn realize ki tou bann parti politik dan Sesel i ganny kontrole en fason ou lot par bann fanmiy Rene/Savy/Ferrari eksetera et zot priorite i parlao bezwen bann sitrwayen seselwa, alors, i ti kre SFP i pou kapab pran par dan eleksyon e fer tande nou lavwa.
Mais alor Monsieur Gil, qui vas-te travailler avec vous? Je sais seulement Issac comment Sekretaire Grenoille (SG) Est-que Monsieur Manchanm aussie vas travailler avec (SFP)Seychelles Fake Party. Sa c'est le tonton de Gill! Aussie connue comme Papa Labarb!
Fake parties are those who brought themsleves illegally on power and those who slept with them,SNP:DP;Boulle.Pp is again selling our birthrights to foreigners.Ramond tells us El Materi according to him"Have taken all legal steps in order to be granted permanet residency.The question to Raymond,Since we don ot have Asylum law,what were the legal steps you are talking about.How can it be legal Pp want we donot have Asylum laws, dog?
Jeanne D'Arc
SFP does not work with Mancham. Mr. Mancham has digressed to become a Collaborator with PL to sell our patrimony, compromise the integrity of Seychelles nationality.
When SFP comes to power, we will line him up for a trail along with Rene , Michel and other Collaborators.
We understand in SFP there are planted Collaborators as well. We are weighing the evidence in these issues.
Being a coward is not a crime. Being a sell out can be.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill; mwan sa...Pissedoff!
When you come in power????
Tell me dreamer boy who is going to elect you?
...and say by some cruel twist of fate you do come to power ...will you be prepared to stand in the same docks with FAR, JM and JAM...n'oubliez pas que vous avez traverse les floor back in the 90s as well to join SPPF and that makes you a collaborator as well bougla!
Answer me before you go and hide in that hole you dug last year for water...
Gill; mwan sa...Pissedoff
Oli ou?
Sorry, Gill pa la!
I am sure there won't be any fabrike voting for Gill nor any of the Seychellois who benefits from the PL CORRUPTED pyramids.
Mr Gill is continuously proving that he doesn't belong to this club that you are protecting. I am sure you do not consider him a part of your click so why would he have to stand in the same docks with FAR, JM and JAM.
You cannot blame Gill for the mess you created, sooner or later you will have to pay the price for the crime you committed.
Gill akoz ou pa vinn koz ek mwan en bous?...zis ou vinn ouver ou fes kaka la!
mR.gILL (April 17 2013 @11:53am)
this is the biggest JOKE ever read from you.ARE YOU ON MEDICATION?
eski konpetisyon sanson FREEDOM pas encore finalyze? Le kel kin ganny premye pri? ESKI LA RE-PI-BLIK in fer en sonsan?
le kel ou vis presidan.
le kel ou minis finans.
le kel minis touris.
Sa Anri. Anri-la-gar-der.dan-le-haut.
Yes the good news is Gill is coming. And the bad news is the Arabs and Mancham are PISSEDOFF.
SFp coming power is consider something normal by Seychellois freedom lvoing people because it represent them,defense them,care for them,fighting for the freedom and to restore their lost dignity robbed by a gang of fools in 1977.
SFP is the only party that has proven itself to the people whether you like it or not.
SFp as any serious opposItion parties is a party in the waiting --thus waiting to govern ,to offer a new alteraNTIVE TO THE CROOKED pP AND STOOGE pARTIES.
sfp IS THE PARTY OF THE "1ST cNETURY,who reflects this genration ambition,will,vision and the kind of Seychelles they want.
Like their grandparents beofre them, what they want is Democracy,freedom,their dignity and independency ,being allow to freely choose their leaders,etc..etc..etc.
Dr J R Mancham said in Today's Nation"He question the right of Egypt as a sovereign country on DEATH PENALTY"Well Dr Mancham,firstly, Egyptain is an old civilization and Death penalty dated back to the ANCIENT EGYPTIAN civilization,the time of the PHAROAS.Secondly,Like PP Mancham know that the new Egyptian governemnt has already been considering abandoning death setence ,so Pp and Mancham knowing that the new Egyptian government has long made their intention of abondaning Death setence --so Manchan as PP wants to give us the impression that they are playing a big role in getting Egyptian give up on Death setence.They want to present themsleves as the cause for having Egyptian change their laws.
Why not hide yourself guys and shut up.
Jeanne D'arc
That's why Mancham will always be a statesman and Gill en nigo who would rather cut his nose to spite his face than eat humble pie sometimes!
Egypt does not owe us any loyaltyand the only avenue opened to us to try and save those Seychellois is pleading and that's what our true statesman is doing.
As far as I'm concerned they should be left to their fate because these are the same people that would flood our steets with this shit and corrupt our youngsters!
Sa ki Far in fer ou pa pou zanmen fer.What Far has done in the past just murder Sselwa this man has still blood on his hand still can not remove this man deserve to be in hell for wrong doing.
That's why Mancham will always be a statesman and Gill en nigo who would rather cut his nose to spite his face than eat humble pie sometimes!
Egypt does not owe us any loyaltyand the only avenue opened to us to try and save those Seychellois is pleading and that's what our true statesman is doing.
As far as I'm concerned they should be left to their fate because these are the same people that would flood our steets with this shit and corrupt our youngsters!
Mancham a stateman,funny ,he had never proven to be one.And seeing him prostituting with Klopcrat speaks for itself ,it means agreeing to failures.So if he agrred to failures he probably think the same way ,thus he would have probably committd the same failures as PP.
You right Egypt one of the world's First civilization,and whose death penalty dated back to the time of the Pharaos do not need persons who just exist as a Nation a few decades ago to give them moral lessons.And Egypt as a SOVEREIGN Nation ,proud of their history won't allow some donkeys coming from under some coonut trees to tell them what is good or not for them.Egyptian ALONE PP will decie what is good or not for them.
Why did PP not call on Communist China,Saudi Arabia,Emirates,North Korea, PP friends to stop executing their innocent people becuase of their oppostion to communsit dictatorships raping their Human rights, and dignity?
Why does Pp thugs just shut up thier arseholes.
Jeanne D'Arc
Kleptocrat Michel
The best thing that ever happen to Seychelles was Rene overthrowing Manchaam in a coup d'état. And no I don't support Rene I am only ashame to say that Manchaam was my president cause this reflects very poorly on us as a Nation. And now I want someone else to overthrow Michel cause I am no longer ashame I feel more humiliated in the eyes of the world to acknowledge Michel as my president. It is a poor reflection of our mental capabilities as a Nation. In the eyes of the world it appears we all have Down Syndrome.
Down syndrome o.... errr mwan sa Anri dalon tpiklo e bofrer palyon.
Seems you still don't get it bro!
Pou na pa ankor OVERTHROW.
Gill and SFP is running for PREZ in next election 2016. He claims a quater of a million viewers so far!All those flies cannot be wrong!
You dare calling Seychellois flies.You robbed ,dishumanized them 3 decades long then you have the arrogance and guts to call them flies.
Ghadaffi called his people rats and you have chosen to call Seychellois flies.Ghadaffi by calling his people rats ended up his life under a brigdeas a sewer rat.Hope you donot end up as flies.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'ark Ghadafi called his people Rats. Tpiklo called your internet hits flies, I call your handful of SFP employers at your Docklands office monkeys you included each with a red fez on your heads fighting for turns to sit on Totof's shoulder while he grinds his out of tune organ.
As for us the Seychellois people...we are known as ti kreol le-o...ale lelele-e-e-le, nou pti kreol le-o zanmen nou pou le nou tom dan kouyon Gill...
Why are you so afraid,scare,of SFP then.i personally have never seen EN MADAM PATON so afraid of flies like you.
Jeanne D'Arc
Me? Afraid of a bunch of nincompoops? are you freaking kidding me?
Yes Pissedoff you are afraid realy afraid and cawode.Why?you are jumping up and down like monkey in the zoo looking for banana on this blog.
THey are some Seselwa are hanging them self,because life under communist is getting harder and harder.Why you dont do the same old bag hang your self you got nothing more to offer Sselwa for a better life.Every things getting more expensive but Seselwa salary stay the same every year.i ask all Sselwa to start to strike stay at home dont go to work.
Mancham is not a statesman.
By definition a statesman does things in the interest of his country and in the interest of his people first and foremost.
Mancham is a sell out collaborator with PL Michel.
He works for James Michel. If you recall well, he was ready to accept the status of Ambassador at Large along with Siva's nomination to work for James Michel. This means Mancham was willing to become an agent for Michel.
The uproar in SPPF forced Michel to pull the nomination and work with Mancham full time under ground.
He is the Capital sell out and many have followed the path he chartered.
An SFP government will not deal with Mancham any different from any other collaborator that has made money selling Seychelles and selling Seychelles citizenship.
Pissed off- tha water hole I dug last year, is producing 50,000 litres of water a day for me. Thank you.
If you want to hear what I say in your face, make an effort and turn up to my office you .......sell out!
It is in exposing sell outs, that the selling out will stop.
More to come!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill o! mwan Anri sa.
Why don't you respect Jimbo and call Jim Tonton.
Do you know the Mickey was his small brother: PTI FRER BYEN EME!
During the 60's he was on the BILL-BOARD all around Port Victoria,Mahe Seychelles.
Regarding the water-hole; you taught it was OIL. huh!
email0001 received
Ton Jim can be called any name.
It does not exculpt him from being a sell out collaborator with Misel.
As for Mickey, he is dead, let him rest in peace, he lived an incomplete life. Had he lived, he would have punched Jimbo in the nose by now, and likely hung him on a tree somewhere for selling the people of Seychelles, in brotherly love, to spare him from further self inflicted disgrace.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
PP THINK EYGPTIAN SHOULD IMPLEMENT OUR CRIMAL laws IN EGPYPT.nOW PP is telling us that our court ruling should be applied in Kenyan election vote count to for Kneyan are literally primitive that as PP put it"They figuring out what VOTE CAST mena..
Note Pissy,That Kneyan has been conducting democratic elections since 1962 even before Pp coup and donot thinbk they need crooked who fake,steal,manipualte votes to teach them about transparency,how to diffentiate between a vonluntary spoiled voted and one acidnetly,nor to they need PP thugs to define for them the definition of VOTE CAST.
Pp wants to give the world the impression that PP criminals are the most experience Elections observers in Africa ,with a records behind them to prove that.
Jeanne D'Arc
Christopher sa fait honte tu na pas de respet de ton seul tonton qui rest a Mahe, Port Victoria, Rep.De Seychelles.La famille de Manchanm est UNIE anver leur prozen espicialmant anver Monsieu Misell et tous petit creol le-haut qui habit dans le-haut et dans la coline ou l'eau bien fraise qui koul. Je t'anvoy fair fish si ti rire a mon franse ou franswa oubien franse mazanbik. Je sais tu comprend bien.Il faut pas bliyer parole de ton grandmoune. Aimer les zen et les autre.
You killing the language of MOLIERE,please do not try to use FRANCIOS in front on FRENCH tourists,it would be a shame for our country,our country image is already tarnished by PP criminals.It will be a big shame for since our CREOLE language in base or derivd 90 percent froom French words ,you should be must better than that.A vietanamese without languistics roots with French speaks better thas you.
Shut it up rather.You a shame!
Jeanne D'Arc
should be much better than that
PP says that EXPIRED SECURITY CARDS wonot be accepted anymoreREDICULOUS,isn't it!
WELL; PP when seomone present an expired Social security card to you--then there is other means of identifying a person genuinety--The Social security card has security features,singature of person,Card numbers,etc.. these inforamtion y ou should have them in your date base that can be matched.Even photo of persons can be added in your seystem.Secondly,you could have use other documents to match and compare the genuinety of the person and cards .for instance by asking the person for other Cards like driving license etc..
THirdly,PP should a person had been told to renewed its card and failed to do so,then instead of refusing to pay him or her you could financially sanctioned them.
Lastly,If we understand PP,it means that should a Seychellois after a trip abraod present an expeired passport on enter he or she might be refused entery in ther country.
Wake Dogs.
Jeanne D'Arc
Seychellois around the country are asking --why is PP windmills not turning and they united also that SOALR ENERGY is best for our country,only PP donkeys do not get it.
Dismount those shit Michel.
Jeanne D'Arc
We are trying to get one of you monkeys at SFP to come and your fat arse dan divan pou blow enpe sa ler enver windmill!
We are trying to get one of you monkeys at SFP to come and open your fat arse dan divan pou blow enpe sa ler enver windmill!
SFP does not accept monkeys as members.
SFP accepts only freedom loving Seychellois as members.
And how many members does SEYCHELLES FAKE PARTY has.
Name some.
Is it in hundreds.
Is it in thousands.
Conduct Free and fair elections you will then get a clear,undisputatble answer.I think PP and Gappy might well be in the position to answer you this question ,for they have been stealing Seychellois vote for sometimes now to get Pp artificial without any legitimacy on power.The reason for faking,stealing,robbing eletions can only be explain by the fact that in free and fair elction PP is convivnced rightfully that it would be send in to the dustbin like a piece of trash.
But where is Dr RAM and Dr .VOL(c)ERE.Since the last election we have not seen them.The people are asking why we never see those two Pp stooges all year round but only every four years for two to three months before election.Why are they quiet of El Materi case and other important issues?
Jeanne D'Arc
Anonymous said...
"And how many members does SEYCHELLES FAKE PARTY has.
Name some.
Is it in hundreds.
Is it in thousands."
April 24, 2013 at 5:15 AM
Only a few monkeys...picking lice from each other's body...with the main monkey seated on Totof's shoulder!
The same answer as about.conduct free and fair elections you will get a clear and undispute result.it is in the majority.
Jeanne D'Arc
I Told you SNP sell out, SFP does not have monkeys in its list of membership.
Between me and Ramkalawan, who resembles a monkey more?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seslwa!
Sorry, a monkeys pussy!
Christopher Gill
The Leader
Seychelles Freedom Party
..... I meant a monkey's cat!
"Between me and Ramkalawan,who resembles a monkey more?"
So you are admitting that YOU are A MONKEY,however according to YOU, he resemble more!
No monkey,Admiiting the scietific facts tzhat Huamn is a close relative with apes ,ti must also be clear that the defferent betwwen We humna beings and monkey to the like of RAM is that huamn have millions of years of evolution while mnkey evolution stagnated million of years ago.Why that?Because we Huamn have the intellectual capicity that ofther primates do not process.Thus who is more monkey We or RAM? WEll ,the answer is that RAM is NOT MORE monkey than us but the REAL MONKEY.
Jeanne D'Arc
Gete Totof, it does not matter to me which one between you and RAM resembles more like a monkey...in the kingdom of primates you are both fat and ugly! RAM may have evolved from a Gorilla but you have evolved from an Orangutan..so let's not split hairs here...
Oragutan is still a monkey not huamn beings.I will help you to figure out the different between man and other primates like Michel,FAR,RAM,etc..
Huamnd beings has what is known as MEANING ACTS ,thus the ability to ask the question why,How,what and so on;while other rpimates like RAM ability is reduce to that of a child. E.g, when a monkey would put it hands in fire ,he would learn that it burns,thus the next time the same monkey sees fire he would repeatt the same mistake, by putting his hands in fire again.This is becuase he has learnt that it is not good,but the different with a child is limtied to this point.A child on the contary, when become an adult would have the ability not only to know that fire burn, it is not good to put his fingers into ,but would have the ability to aks himself questions --WHy does the fire burn?,what makes it burn ?etc.. abilities that other primates like RAM do not have.
Jeanne D'Arc
SFP does not accept Monkeys in there party, and no Seychellois is a monkey.
You sound like a person who under "Le CODE NOIRE " French rule, you would brand people like me and other slave escapees with a Fleur De Lys on their arm.
Today, you racists whose ancestors ran slaves, have no decency. You even place the Fleur De Lys on your iron gates, then wonder why people rob you day and night.
The days of slavery under the French, under Rene and under Michel are over.
Long live FREEDOM for all Freedom Loving Seychellois!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Eoula Gill didn't you just call RAM a monkey???
Isn't "monkey" what you ususally cll every one?
To call you a de boyo kat fes is an understatement akoz ou gro boyo i vo kat fes and you are a bloody liar!
I'll say the monkey is the one imitates the best. Although it may have guts and can cause havoc, it can easily be negated with a few bananas.
One day an Arab with a massive cock gona fuck Gil so hard to kingdom come, when he wakes up he'll need to pull a lamp and genie out of his ass for him to walk again!!!! haahahahhahahaha
Da Realist!!!
Right now da lamp with da genie is wedged up Ti Johnny-Le-Gay a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaac's arse...and every now and again Al Arab-hia goes in and rubs the lamp to try and get that genie out...pa i vre ti Johnny?
I'm not a Seselwa i'm french, i hardly wanted to work in your country because i'm deeply interest with your culture and i think there's so much to do for the seselwa citizens. I spent two month trying to defend a cultural project based on sharing knowledge (i give my what i know and you give me what you know) and certainly have no interest in earning money. As a matter of fact you never earn money in culture.
And that was my problem, i met a few members in the governement trying to defend my stuff.
I quickly understand that these folks where entrepreneur and had nothing to do with seselwa people interest.
Furthermore i have so much respect for true seselwa, the one who works like mule for nothing, in a "shut up enjoy to be alive and serve your land" way and - reading this articles - i don't want to sort of "steal" a place of a native seselwa.
However i really want to do something for this country as i inexplicably feel a bound with each and every awesome person i met (not in goverment of course)
Anyway you have to know that not all foreigners want to invade your country and some of them know where the truth lies (but we're just a few)
I clearly support this blog and his author.
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