Who Is Ahsraf El Masry? Does He Work For Sheikh Khaliffa? What Is His Job Description?
This same is found in the Les Mamelles voter Register and by reading the NIN this would indicate that he is a naturalized Seychellois. Sheikh Khaliffa must have a few naturalized people working for him in buying up our land for his monstrosity projects most of the time causing the destruction of the environment and the local culture and practices.
This same is found in the Les Mamelles voter Register and by reading the NIN this would indicate that he is a naturalized Seychellois. Sheikh Khaliffa must have a few naturalized people working for him in buying up our land for his monstrosity projects most of the time causing the destruction of the environment and the local culture and practices.
"STOP.. Aux destruction des Mares Seychelloise pour Hôtel et Marina"
Afin de préserver un patrimoine National et Mondiale où vivent des centaines d'espèces de la biodiversité ainsi que des poissons rares.. Un lieu exceptionnel et rare, d'une beauté indescriptible.. Un lieu encore peu touché par l'homme.. Lieu que très peu de Seychellois connaissent.. Un patrimoine pour des générations à venir..
Reasons for signing
- about 14 hours ago
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We need to save our national beauty and heritage for the next generations to come.- about 8 hours ago
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We need to preserve our heritage,our land that we love so much.- about 8 hours ago
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I believe in saving my country from the destruction of its pristine environments.- about 8 hours ago
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Because I love my islands and i want to preserve them for my children to see the how we as a nation we love and we want to preserve the natural beauty of our lovely islands.- about 13 hours ago
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Car nous voulons une IIes Seychelles meilleur de demain....
Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this post and
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They will not stop and even Seselwa politicians can not stop them,then freedom fighters have to come and put a end of invation,no one want violence but to free our country from those kind, we have to bring change to Pp soon and by force.Because we have to much two faces politicians on the island participating in corruption.
Freedom Fighter.
Mr Isaac, this blog is the property of SFP.
You stole it for your own political agenda.
Where is you credibilty and how can you be taken seriously when you stole the SFP blog and intellectual property while in course of employment.
Who will employ someone like you??
Alala. Lager antre fanmir. My Blog Your blog Zot parey en sponge Blog
When is Pp thugs going to stop recidiving and rape our rules of law?When is PP marons going to stop selling out our patrimony and birthrights to foreigners?Is it by a popular protest or by force?Pp has the choice.
We calling on Pp thugs to revoke all passport sold out to foreign terrorists to the likes AHSRAF EL MASRY and take back all our land sold to foreigners including khalifa immediately.
All lawyers invovle in those illegal sell out process must be expose,name and shame, and after the fall on PP ,they would have face justice too,for pariticipating in pp organize crimes,as all those Pp terrorists.
The actions of Pp thugs are acts of treason ,a threat to our sovereignty,National security and peace ,thus we must use all means to stop those state terrorists lead by the butcher to continue raping our consitituion and rules of law as if Seychelles is their private porperty and Seychellois a herd of cattle that can be sold.
SFP is happy to have the support of an International figure as the perons of Mr Nicholas Hublot,it help expose PP thugs on the Interantional stage,and can be very influencial when it comes to discouraging Interantional donors to stop feeding and promping up the dictatorial system of PP.
The thugs are getting hammered everyday by bad publicity both Nationally and Interantionally.Hardly a day that passes without some report of Huamn right abuses ,abuses of power,the raping of laws etc...Those monkeys seem uncapable to set themsleves free from the temptation of committing a crime when it present for them.Committing crimes have become so normal for them that they think they are just,legal,that they no longer hide to commit their crimes of the people of Seychelles.Thugs are now being expose more and more Interantionally,the world can see waht for a bunch of rowdy,wild,disorderly,crooked,rausous,uncivil,primitive bunch of terrorsists who rule Seychelles.
Pp stratetgy to counter bad publicty,its crimes,public raltions commanding heights is based on three prinicples:Distract,distract and distract somemore,with a somke and mirror.
But Seychellois have become immune from such cricus,carnival,and road show presented by Pp.
Seychellois,is fighting power,not smoke and image the mirror,Pp.
And we want all our land,passport sold illegally to foreigners back.And all illegal foreigners out of our land,as well as those to the likes of NTENDE.
We are determine to stop both Pp thugs and their Arb despot firends,in whatever way they chose,it is a question to time only.it seems sooner than latter though.
Arabs go home,Camles!
Jeanne D'Arc
We must also unite behind the poepl of TAKAMAKA to stop the environemtal destruction of GRAND POLICe by Arab despot,islamic terrorrist ,from destroying the intact,and beautiful landcape,wet land of TAKAMAKA to turn it into A Marina for islamic Camel Khalifa.
Stop raping our environemnt Pp Donkeys!
Jeanne D'Arc
Without foreigners we would not have the following:
1. Eden Island
2. Khalifa Palace
3. Emirates Hotel
4. Air Seychelles........
The list is endless.... we need more foreigners to help develop Seychelles. Come on Jim (JRM) & James (JAM), you are slow at bringing these foreigners to invade our land..
Arabs are going to far and their noney are play with the mind of a some folish idiot leader and politicians.Some Sselwa i araze money even if his mum was still alive he will sell her with foriegners.
Are PP and foreingners calling us to come more quickly than our dead line?
ALALA lager antre famir.Biento lager will be between foreingners and Seselwa.
Arabs are not going only too far,but they have an arrogant mentality that make thme think becuase of their money they can rob other nations soveignty and Pp had made them beleive that they can.
Eden was built and paid by Tax payers^money then gifted to the South African for one ruppee another crooked deal by PP.Seychelles has Hteols before Khaflia set foot on Seychelles as well as Air Seychelles.
ARABS go home.We must start a radication campaign to chase those Arab Camels infesting our christian land.
Jeanne D'Arc
Those who are evicting our people from their ancestral land , have sold their conscience and their souls to foregners are traitors /terrorists who should face the highest punishment possible namely Capital sentence by execution.
Jeanne D'Arc
In March 11.Nation's Adrress the Butcher said he will fnally abide by the law and stop selling out our land to foreigners as stipulated in the book.But there was one person who was angry about this news namely ;MAncham who wrote a letter to Nation"Letter to the Editor to complain about the stop and even went to say that we should continue to sell out our land to foreigners,What for a maron whitout conscience!.
We donot expect PP to only stop the illegal selling of out lanf to foreigners but get back all those illegal selling IT HAS MADE ILLEGALLY ALL THOSE YEARS.
we want our Lnad at Lamisere,Barbaron,D'Aroos and all the rest sold to ofriegnersbck and that unconditionally ,else those involve will pay a high price sooner than latter,including all those stooges to the likes of RAM,VOlcere,BUolle,Lucas and the rest.But donot forget also all our birthrights namely paasports you illegally sold to foreigners.
Jeanne D'Arc
Physically,Psychologically,affected by the way SFP is exposing PP and unable to defense his master,Pissedoff has since went missing.
As To Volcere,RAm,Boulle they all have gone AWOL.
Seychelles loving freedom people both domestically and in the Diaspora are united and motivated to get the change Seychelles deserve and need.Mrs Jennifer Bootna-Fernet is another example of the many Seychellois patriots struggling to defence our heritage,identity,dignity,sovereignty and our Nation.Chapeau to her!
Jeanne D'Arc
Pierre bous liki ou manman you are not opposition leader fes ou manman fake politician partipating in the selling of our land to arab, corrupt sucker.
Pierre is a caged parrot.Now and then Michel send him to play the pretending role as Oppostion,make him ask questions some stupid in the Assembly just to make us beleive he is working hard and by doing so he hopes,we will forget how he was illegally made Oppostion leader and hopes we will accept him as such.
You remember how he was illegally thrown into the Assembly by manipulation,by adding spoiled ballots to his total votes.
Jeanne D'Arc
ask some stupid questions
Seen when Michel send condolence to country under terror attack?Michel Libya,Iraq,US,Mali ect why u never send condolence for those countryt.If you dont give El Matri back to Tunisia terror will be soon on our shore.
Michel himself is the biggest terorist and criminal in this world.
Michel who put the bom in reef hotel?You and Far know!
Ti Johnny-Le-Gay you know we can't tell you about the bom in reef hotel...because if we do then we will have to silence you afterwords
PP talk about protecting environment all the time,what they are trying to do,bringing invaders to do distruction.Michel after distruction of the nature there are always a price after to be paid.Take exampel on the last natural desater kouyon.what god gave to SEselwa is not for Michel or Kahlifa and other foreigners for distruction.pou real Seselwa.
We/I have read with the greatest interest this Petition started by Mrs Jennifer BOOTNA-FERNET
France - Bazarka Paradise Resort Seychelles on/at Change.Org, read their policies, best practice and benchmark - beside some of issues being advocated - this include three Illois/Diego Garcia - BIOT Petition.
We worked/associated and played very crucial role that the changes came in the from 1977 to date COMECON, the USSR, East Germany, Arab world, OAU, Indian Ocean, Latin America, Europe and China. - Economical, social, political and supposed democratic changes.
As such given our nation one side media and its people inability to study objectively greater issues of the world working without falling into the trap of little Seychellois thinking/attitude. When to attain and achieve such development one /it requires the mind to be open to far horizon.
This said in-spite of never having cross the floor of the National assembly and holding grand speeches in the Public in Seychelles - those who know the existence of greater discipline which bring about changes in the world as and when required and applied.
As such we are very familiar with the greater politic, corporate and financial workings of the world.
Our Failure is we are not trained/rather badly trained and given to propaganda in this highly corrupted and ruthless world.
We can state this much had we not put that SIROP program, with its gearing, networks, leverage, political connectivity the way we did an din those days there were no social platform like Change. Org - they/it came much later. Those who would have changed Seychelles by the Gun and Force,Death and Blood.
Thus anybody who undertakes such Historic and national monumental changes need to be clear about what it wish to achieve and attain - this said events over the past 21 years and how we can still contribute to important economic, political, social, and democratic changes.
We have noted in many instance after reaching say 100 - 700 signature the petition is/get closed. With our modest resource we have kept the dynamic of change in Seychelles, the region, the Arab world, Asia, Africa and Europe going - our question what kind of plague, disease an curse have we acquired that the Seychellois refuse to interact and support our cause and work - even acknowledge our very existence.
Just in case somebody dare open their small minded mouth about negative sexual issues just look at the /change Org what is being advocated/petition.
Let me see if Seashell people has the balls to protest on Saturday 18th. against our plan of development at Grand Police. Money talks no matter what nationality it comes from. These days problems are solved not by leadership but by showering money over problems just like putting out wild fires! If you are dried and need some more showers just say so, stupid.
Your development sucker and your money stuck it in your ass.Your development will go ahead even with money,we call this distruction not development.You will be suprise how much turn out.
Sorry will not!
To Anonymous May 16, 2013 at 6:20 AM reply -
Because you dare insult us with Money, Sadam Hussein , Ghadaffi and other met their fate because they worked had used our above ancestral archaic workings and refused to pay – say thank you not to our person but greater entity. We have played CRUCIAL ROLE IN THE Gulf Jumeruiah development and they refused to say thank you – Prince Jooefry of Brunei, the global melt down and they lost $trillions. That mega earthquake of 2004/5 and Tsunami
Whoever you are have not inclination about our Seychelles exile/refugees the past 35 years -
Because we started Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp wish to say this - for all the unpleasant issues about our "ancestral archaic, fraternal, illuminati and Masonic workings" they have mechanism and discipline to prove, verify events of past 2000 years, today and the future.
If by any chance you are linked to that Development - How the first Gulf War started and the fate of Saddam Hussein and President Ghadaffi because they would not listen. With all their $billions and killers.
Now to the Developer comment - did you know we were involved that President Sadat got removed and your president Mubarack coming to power, some of Lady Thatcher people are still alive. We have worked in many highly complex issue with him and the Egyptian people for many years. - events along with many others in the so call North African Spring.
The global balance of political, economic and social working has shifted and over the past 30 years then Indian Ocean gearing up to this responsibility and those involved to take, handle and cope with such responsibility.
You would not like Christian Nations to come to Egypt or anywhere in the North Africa and Gulf Region. Make a complete mess of your country and people.
We have been involved in issues that save the world form a global nuclear destruction and as such we have expertise and knowledge to managed highly complex global issues - you are forgetting the terrible mess which have taken place in Kuwait, Iraq and elsewhere because of the Seychelles exile/refugees.
We are very aware this blog is monitored. Now you are daring to come on our very soil and provoke and undertake development which will enrage and anger our populace. Check with the USA former White House Occupants what this spelt and meant.
Try and think very hard what we have address - we can list many place in Gulf Region and North Africa our exile/refugee community have interacted - whatever your nation and Arab propaganda machine and the so call International press have addressed. Whatever the government of SPPF/PL President J A Michel state.
To all seychellois you should have paid attention to this isaac characters posts and his facebook.
I did and made a shocking discovery. Apparently isaac found out that This Ashraf Elmasry is a registered voter in the voter register. Well i verified and found that he was right if you only looked at page 15 line 42 of the les mamelles district register you will find that out.
Isaac revealed on facebook that sources say ashraf is in a jam with the government and vows to get his money back. There must be a loose tounge in the pl system since isaac is right. Not even pesi pardiwala agreed to file a case against the government for elmasry.
El masry was gifted his citizenship to be able to buy land for sheikh khaliffa. Khaliffa is his boss and the grand police project is one of the many ashraf assited to aquire.
The issue here is the citizenship of ashraf and details born out of his nin. His nin clearly showed he is a naturalized seychellois and according to his flight pattern he has not been steady in seychelles for five years but is now seychellois, so if his citizenship is challenge then his deal would be null and void.
This is what isaac found out. The petition to protect the wet lands is weak compared to a criminal case found by isaac, come on people who in the world would spend millions to billions of dollars on a project by lease to only see the license not renewed after?
Remember it was james michel who said 70 year lease with no chance of renewing lease.
Isaac's findings make me wonder if pl did not set up this petition to only draw attention away from the real issue at hand. Remember jeniffer bootna is not a real id it is a fake profile on facebook believed to be pauline ferrari who is an sppf.
And who in the world would see these gran blanc like hoareau and the rest protesting on saturday? This is a decoy for the arabs benefits. Seychellois open your eyes
By clairvoyance
GIll i am not Jeniffer Bootna. I never hide behind fake profiles .. it is against my principles. If i have something to say like now i do it openly...Jeniffer Bootna is not a fake profile either and i think she lives in France and is close to the oposition SNP...Got it? You are not so clairevoyant as your fake profile suggests!!!
Pauline Ferrari
Pauline ferrari ask your girl friends at state house about bootna ferney.
they are the ones who let the cat out of the bag on you and your fake id's.
this fake id business runs in your family DNA even jff had a lansman for fake profiles until ramka sucked his white lip dry and blue.
Your france story doesa not match or add up pauline you old skenk.
SNP is sppf we already know that and we also know that marc hoareaus ego was hurt when arabs started to bring in bigger boats that made his star and girl vessels look like a canoe compared to them.
Ramkalawan went silent because there are no more fundings from his friends he has lost it.
More news is from the office of derjaques the snp lawyer whom i heard after his friend julie smelled whiskey on him during working hours he reveled and insulted the guy in front of his secretary.
Julie is telling everyone that he will be leaving derjaques soon and maybe even the snp party.
A freedom lover not in seychelles
Gally Tall - freedom lover not in Seychelles.
Pauline pou bez kalot dan figir ou gro dalon isi Mahe!
Dir mwan Gally kan ou pou desann pou liberatyon
Gally Tall met ou pti zip
desann pou liberasyon
Ti Johnny bat sa afro
an pik pok pou liberasyon...
Gro Totof met ou palto
wa swiv lake pou liberasyon...
There you have it just as pl and SNPL planned. The eight o'clock news on sbc today minister for environment has covered every trace by the given opportunity through snpl a fake opposition by a petition from a fake profile.
According to Rolph Payet the plan petitioned on is not the plan in question and since the project will not affect the marsh area or wet land and habitat to many creatures this calls for no hindrance on the government side towards the project by arabs.
The word became clear when he said the project is one that has been around for a while and being discussed on for approval or not!
the minister actually took us for monkeys when he said so, since the only way to meet with the public to see if they will or may be affected by such a project and address the concerns then there must have been a go ahead or in truth approval.
The real issue as i found out when reading JP Isaac's research was not even addressed and that is who bought the land and was james michel sincere when he said no longer shall our land be sold to foreigners?
Another is if the investment is in millions then there must have been deals anba latab done, sorry minister R.Payet i just had to quote you. This is the only way to put it.
A criminal case should be brought against the person who bought the land or company for fraud and accomplices as well in this case the government body that assisted these transactions.
By Clairvoyance
Seashell Minister Doctor Professor Rolph Payet better shut his mouth or Arabs will stop the money showers. Knows nothing about marshes and environment, talk about universities and degrees.
Monkey se,monkey do.Dr Payet should give back his Doctorate for this guy does not seems to know what he supposed to know.
For any persons when you want to protect a palce,what one must do is avoid human intervention into these palce as much possible,avoid actions that would destroy it,thus no contruction of any forms,etc...But for Dr Payet it seems if you want to protect Valley De Mai or aldabra Isalnd,keep it intact,control huamn intervention etc..the best way is to allow foreginers to build mammut buildings into it,allow them bulldozed mountains,destroy reefs,build in National Parks and reserves like on Ste Anne,Port Luaney,Grand police,and so on.
Abide by our law donkeys.
Jeanne D'Arc
monkey see,monkey do
Well Dr Payet th project is illegal,it will destroy the coast,reefs,and there is no reason of why should a Marian be built at Grand Police,and Seychellois say no,to Arab destrcution of our chirsntain land with the support of Pp state terrosists.
Seychellois will not recognize,nor accept any contrcution and destruction bof our intact,beaitfull,lust vegation,reefs,coasts by Arb Camles coming from desert and who Seychellois do not love them and want them out of our land.
Jeanne D'Arc
why should a Marina
The people of Takama.La Miser and All Seychellois must unite to stop the raping,destruction ,sell out of our christian land by Pp terrosits and Arbs Camels who have decided to rape our soveiregnty,digntiy,laws to fullfil thier wicked fantasy.This is a time to screw Pp asrer and at the same time get those criminal that have confiscated our liberty for the last 30 decades behind bars.
Seychellois must protest against Pp anf foreigners destruction of our alnd once and for all,and get those donkeys out of power now.
STOp Pp terrosit acts on our land and people now.
We donot need more hotel in our country ,and les those mammut hotels that destroyenovrinemnt,block public beaches,import more ccheap labours,and destroy our toursim industry.disrect seychellois laws,people,tradition,cultures,soveiregnty.
Lets get together and screw those Pp donkeys now.This is the Time to finish with those criminals.The Tunisien ,Egyptian,Libyan,people did get their state toerrrists to justcie ,our time for a revolution has come.
Everybody-from politcal parties,Ngos.Lawyers association,Htoel indsutry,everybody should united to stop criminal Michel and gang from raping our sovereignty,dignty,laws.
Lets finish will those donkeys like Lybians finished Ghadafi.
Jeanne D'Ar
Jeanne D'Arc
Stop the raping! you have not seen anything yet, negotiation is on-going with your Catholic bishop Wiehe to reconstruction the cathedral site and to build a mosque instead! Watch out the historic walls will start coming down very soon. When Arabs money starts to rain over tiny Seychelles, heavy equipments roar all over your seashell!
SFP equals paranoids...
The good news is we can vote for Miss Seychelles on-line and the bad news is we can't vote for Presidential candidate. WHY?
Becuase in Dictatorship you doi not have to vote or elect your President s/he is hand picked at the Polit Buro and then propel s/he to the highest office with fake elections which are window dressing from International opinions,and nothing else.
This time around,we are going to make Pp respect the poeples' vote and it Faure thinks he can fake and force himself into power,i am going to prove to him that it won't happen in the 21st century.
Have you seen Ungadan and illegal Seychelles Chief Judge ,under qualified,Ntehde Ami Dada,one can ask waht is the use of spending tax payers money to bring an under qualified afrcian to illegal control such an important instituion of a country.He has done nothing,he is doing nothing ,than walking alon side Faure in order to distract Seychelois from the real issues.Ntende Mai Dada was seen at the opening of the New Private Hospital,assisting ECCE conference etc... waht is the role of this illegal foreigners call Ntende in Seychelles?Judge,Doctor in Medicine,assistant of Faure, he wants to be minister like Affif,what the hell is this monkey doing in our country and as judge in a soveiregn country as ours?
Ntende Ami Dada go home,Go and represent your tribe in Unganda being dispossed from their land By foreigners , instead of bullshtiing Seychellois.
Jeanne D'Arc
We can not vote online,because Pp knows that will be the end for them in power and they will be deafted once and for all,and peoples like Far,Michel, Lucas,Moragan and so on some of them have fleed the country already with money they been taken in the sell out and distruction of our land.They know also has soon as this regime fall down they will be facing justice and investigation about killing land selling to foreingners distruction foreingners have made will be open.
Johnny you may don't like foreigners to come help develop our country however without them we are NOTHING. We are going back to anmas koko which nowadays no one likes to do this.Seychellois overseas don't want to go back to start another foundation.They don't TRUST the actual administration. I know one who came back and he went BANKRUPT.
Colonization,dispossition,enslavement of our people,raping of our sovereignty,dignity,heritage by Cmaels coming from deserts where nothing grow and by PP terrorists is not development donkey.
Any development that consist of destroying hectares of land to build mammut hotels with hundreds of rooms that can never be filled,that would import thousands of cheap foreigners workers,that block Seychellois access to their PUBLIC beaches,that would increase stress of waters and envirnment and that bring no revenue for the country are unwanted by our people.Development that consist fo dulldozing National Reserves,National Parks,Mares,wetlands,reefs,and dispalce people we do not want ,Dito to Arab primitives that our people have nothing in common with be our culture,language,tradition,religion,mentality,ways of life,country,cuisine and so on.
Arabs go home!
jeanne D'Arc
Porffesor,Doctor,Semi-god R Payet got the clear message from the people on tAKAMA"no hotel on this site".
prof.Dr,Semi-god R Payet tried to put on a nice face on his premiditated crime,but his body language betrayed him his words of illusion,of lies,of crooked.he wore a morose face as he monologued his way through his rehearsed statement.his physical gestures showed on the ofrensic sings of a suspect under extreme stress fudging the truth.He fidgeted and wiggled his fingers,occassionally gesturing.His responses wwere repetitive and robotic.In other words,he windbagged and sandbagged at Takakma meeting,But nothing informative.He was there not as crooked and bribed by Arbs minister of envirnemnt but as representative of the Arb company that want to turn our lust vegetation,intact forest,intact beaches into a desert as in the sand of Emirates,Saudi Arabia ,Qatar etc..
prof.Dr semi-god Payet was lucky enough ,that Takama people did not break his denture and make him run back from where he came.next time he would probably get it.If not in Takama,Surely when they come back to fool the people of Nase Buodin Praslin--also a paln by pp to destroy the nevirnemnt there to build a hotel for Arabs--Awaiting for your next meeting Payet.Morgan,on Praslin.My piece of advice ,donot forget to escort yourslef with GURKAS but also an Ambulance you will be needed.
jeanne D'Arc
As to FAURE, he must be angry seeing Michel the butcher doing everything to make his dream of being next dictator-in-chief vanish in the air,for the way the citizens of Seychelles have become angry since the Bucher took over office things keep falling apart,disintegrating.
jeanne D'Arc
DISTRUCTION YOU CALL DEVELOP! Marina Club of kahlifa is development?.Why dont do development in industry instead continuing bulldozing every empty pieces of land we dont have land for the next generation you want to sell all to foreigners,no idea PP how to do development in industry.Sfp have to give you some more ideas,come on Jeanne give them a few tipps.They been stolen idea on this blog but they can not make it work.Their brain are not on a real development that will benefit Seselwa a development of distruction that will only benefit they foreingn friends.
On Praslin they will be no more distruction for hotels MORGAN not only Anse Boudin we are keeping a eye on Curuise island our national park Anse LA blague and also Anse Matlo.I think Jeanne has already give the message to Morgan and more time you play dont care of SEychelles environment and you continue with distruction nou pou debous ou zorey.
Seychellois have been sending the message to PP destroyers.
Seychelles was known as being unique by a thousand miles because of its lust vegetation,intact environment,speicial people,even the peopleof the region,Renuion,Mauritius,Maldives and other recognize that,remember Mauritian famous artist who even sing "Sesel bijou de Lozean"Michel the butcher and his foreigner environemnt destroyers are turining it from being UNIQUE to Normal thus would loose its UNIQUE image.
Seychelles has more potential than any island states in the region when it comes to Tourism.Seychelles unlike of isalnds states like Maldives ,Reunion,Comorres have both Grannite islands and corals thus it should be natural the most popualr destiantion in the region for we cvan offers what Mauritius,Reunion,Commorres ,Maldives can offer ,either Granites islands or Corals islands thus we should be more successful when it comes to tourists attraction ,but it is not the case becuase of bad marketing and well-thought developemnt and mis-management.
Jeanne D'Arc
PP holds its CONGRESS as it is called in communism.The question among PP handful of followers present was whether the Butcher would continue to assume his position as Dictator-in-Chief until the end of his mandate,or follow the communist tradition by passing over to dictator-in -chief in the waiting FAURE.
That has remained to be a conundrum,promping more curiosity among his followers.
As to FAURE he looked like a Teddy bear ,with big round eyes fixed on the butcher,his ears pointed up like a dog waiting that his master throw him a bone,hoping the butcher would call out his name and finally make public that he is (michel)leaving and the next Dictator would take over as planned by FAR.But the Butcher kept them guessing,he did not seem in a hurry to pass over the stick to Faure.
We know that Michel does not trust FAURE but to this point ,even PP hard core followers were suroprise the Butcher did not annouce his retirement,in order that he can hand over to FAURE and start praparing his defence for crimes against Seychellois.
The butcher must be careful,for FAR might call that MALTRETANS of his son-in-law Faure by Michel.Far might conduct another coup should Michel resist to give way power.
Jeanne D'Arc
Faure as next Dictator-in -chief:--To be or not to be?
I guess the masacre and slaughter in UK,will make Pp understand why Seychellois donot want the invasion of their land by foreigners from islamic countires and others.It is not the first time that foreigners exploded thmeslves or committ murder becuase of their fanatism of western cpeople.Dito to Boston terror attack it is another confirmation why Seychellois refuse the illegal invasion of their land,firimly oppse they illegyl sell out of their birtzhrights foreigners as well as their lands,and the uncontrol policy of importing Expats to our shores.
We have been telling PP and warning them about the potential rsik of creating terrorists and even importing them on our shores.I rthink Pp get the message and start revoking all our passports issued ileglly to foreigners,take back our land sold to foreigners,and reduce Exdpats workers.
Western world and others are fighting terrorists,Pp thugs with their immoral policy are importing them to our shores to create poblems our country never had--ethic conflict,religion conflicts etc...
Jeanne D'Arc
They will chop Michel and Faure like thier chop this ex british soldier and put their body near this clock tower in Victoria.But Seselwa are not european to stand and look at them or film them.
I'm sure Zanpol Isaac a.k.a. ti Johnny-Le-Gay will be there with his broken camcorder filming it all and using it as evidence.
Far aka pissedoff bous ou fes sal.
Mon fes pa pli sal ki fes ou manman bougdi ti pilon!
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