The Plot To Popularity Failed
With the creation of the Seychelles Freedom Party a new flow into political day to day affairs was instituted and an unlimited exposure of who is who was done. The SFP short for Seychelles Freedom Party gave new hopes to a nation in despair and in dire need for recognition as a people. With that Said a boycott was born out and if I may explain here it is! During the Presidential Election 2011 everyone thought that things would be the same old shit as always; but sfp made sure this was not the case.
Back then SFP was trying to register MSR well known as mouvman Seselwa rasin.
The MSR creed was miss – interpreted in so many ways and at the end of the day rejected from existence not only by Gappy’s office; back then called the electoral
Commissioners office but also by justice Karunakaran of the Seychelles supreme
courts, a foreigner who has long termed served in the judiciary of Seychelles and
even more say it is alleged that his kid holding a Seychellois nationality is on
state sponsored scholarship in the UK.
When MSR was not registered the reason behind it was pretty clear as it’s office and members were advocating a massive boycott for the next election. Meaning the Election 2011. MSR just like many other parties had its issues such as Mr. Viral Dhanjee who had signed their papers for the cause which was for a boycott, disagreed with the none registration of the party, as he believed that only a few air time was needed on SBC before dropping the withdrawal of candidacy and advocating boycott from MSR on the none free nor fair electoral process. This led to Dhanjee going for his own registration affiliated with a partner Mr. Micheal Chang Tave. Whether Chang Tave knew that dhanjee wanted the air time alone and then to withdraw his candidacy is still a mystery or it could be Dhanjee had changed his mind at the last minute.
The Mouvman Seselwa Rasin Case was an epic case for Seychelles
When MSR was not registered the reason behind it was pretty clear as it’s office and members were advocating a massive boycott for the next election. Meaning the Election 2011. MSR just like many other parties had its issues such as Mr. Viral Dhanjee who had signed their papers for the cause which was for a boycott, disagreed with the none registration of the party, as he believed that only a few air time was needed on SBC before dropping the withdrawal of candidacy and advocating boycott from MSR on the none free nor fair electoral process. This led to Dhanjee going for his own registration affiliated with a partner Mr. Micheal Chang Tave. Whether Chang Tave knew that dhanjee wanted the air time alone and then to withdraw his candidacy is still a mystery or it could be Dhanjee had changed his mind at the last minute.
The Mouvman Seselwa Rasin Case was an epic case for Seychelles
As in the past
many political parties claiming to have lost the elections because of unfair
and not free process of voting hand no back bone; with this said none of these claims managed to
reach the supreme court despite the right to redress enshrined in the supreme
law of the land; the constitution of Seychelles. MSR therefore captured many
attentions with its case and those who were all mouth decided to join the
bandwagon and not to be left out. After all that is politics recognition and
policy or piggy backing!
Cases were brought to court and many were told to come down to hear the big debates and arguments in the legal system. A true test for the countries judiciary, all because MSR tested its frame work. Dhanjee would not be left out in this one as most of the international press was very interested in the rejection of his application and his VP candidate mr chang tave from participating in the presidential election 2011. The Dhanjee case with the MSR debute, blew the lid off the Seychelles Judiciary from head to toe.
After all the courts and all the drama came election day and the well known outcome as msr had already said to the Choix Dissant opposition supporters at the court house attending the cases. I quote “never take a Vivio to go Race a Mercedez Benz as when the benz will cross the finishing line 8 hours before you, only then which you will complain that if you had the same vehicle you would have win or had a fair chance”. If that was not loud and clear then there could have been wax in the deep part of the ears of these supporters or most of them were on steroids.
The election as predicted by MSR was a total sham. Again came complaints of political party trick such as no respect for cooling off period, collecting of voters ID and paying off to not vote, even allegations that many foreigners were naturalized or promised citizenship so that votes could be cast towards favors. These things later came out in the Electoral Reform forum by the presidential election race 2011 participants and SFP which attended the forum before has recording of the event. That’s another story for another time though.
The presidential Election became an eye opener and more despair for many Seychellois which in itself campaigned more on MSR principle of boycott than rather ……… To be continued on Wednesday
Cases were brought to court and many were told to come down to hear the big debates and arguments in the legal system. A true test for the countries judiciary, all because MSR tested its frame work. Dhanjee would not be left out in this one as most of the international press was very interested in the rejection of his application and his VP candidate mr chang tave from participating in the presidential election 2011. The Dhanjee case with the MSR debute, blew the lid off the Seychelles Judiciary from head to toe.
After all the courts and all the drama came election day and the well known outcome as msr had already said to the Choix Dissant opposition supporters at the court house attending the cases. I quote “never take a Vivio to go Race a Mercedez Benz as when the benz will cross the finishing line 8 hours before you, only then which you will complain that if you had the same vehicle you would have win or had a fair chance”. If that was not loud and clear then there could have been wax in the deep part of the ears of these supporters or most of them were on steroids.
The election as predicted by MSR was a total sham. Again came complaints of political party trick such as no respect for cooling off period, collecting of voters ID and paying off to not vote, even allegations that many foreigners were naturalized or promised citizenship so that votes could be cast towards favors. These things later came out in the Electoral Reform forum by the presidential election race 2011 participants and SFP which attended the forum before has recording of the event. That’s another story for another time though.
The presidential Election became an eye opener and more despair for many Seychellois which in itself campaigned more on MSR principle of boycott than rather ……… To be continued on Wednesday
Ask yourself this questions.
Why is Gill not commenting on this blog anymore?
So JPI has sacked Gill from SFP ! You PP supporters are excellent at causing confusion on this blog.
Kin'n arive......Zis fer mwan konan kin'n arive e...(x2)
Tou le..zour kan mon get lo sa blog..
(dan zarden botannik)
zis fer mwan konan kin'n arive...e...
(who fire who)
I Jean-Paul Isaac i have not sacked anyone from the Seychelles Freedom Party as the Party is not mine to sack anyone.
If the Seychelles National Party, New Democratic Party and The Popular Democratic Movement sacks individuals from its executive committee just like PL did with Ramadoss and others. This is not a practice that i am aware of from the Seychelles Freedom Party.
I am aware though that many of the snp members are pulling away from the party as their main offices are closing down one after the other. One at les mamelles has been re-converted right back into a shop and meanwhile others such as anse aux pins and more are going extinct.
What i do not understand is snp claims that district administrative offices were a bad idea but yet they too had many branches throughout?
The accusations that i was sacked by Christopher Gill for those many reasons sited by fake oppositions seeking attention on this blog are also denied.
The Seychelles Freedom Party will disclose a communique for the general public as to whether i have resigned or not.
The nose is tightening around PL's Neck and along with it the fake oppositions are feeling the pressure. It is only a matter of time before those with dual citizenship claiming to be freedom loving seychellois, to pack up and make a run for it.
Only then we will see who has valor when they claim Seychelles for seychellois!
It is not fake profiles that started the rumours. It was Gary Tall. See attached.
If you do not come out with a valid reason for you no longer occupying the position the people will alswys assume you were sacked. Thats how it works in Seychelles
The impact that SFp has been able to make in Seychelles politics is just amazing.Forinstance,whenit comes to elections.SFP has been on the front line to expose the manipulations,unfairness and rigging being perpetuated by Pp and its lapdogs SNP,DP;and Buolle.SFP by its determination to fight to the end ,forced PP;Gappy to conduct electoral reforms.The achievement of SFp,does not end here,it has constantly exposes Pp sell out,corrupt practices,theft,etc...that has forced PP to act on defferent fronts such as Education,health,narcotraffic,and so forth.I donot have to mention the many dieas propose by SFP being stolen by PP,though the latter even with SFP's stolen ideas find it defficult to put into practice.
As to SNP,Dp,whatever their names,it is clear they are in the shamble and finding it hard to exist.This could be explained by the fact that those so called oppostion parties were created by PP,for PP,and as window dressing in Pp's attempt to gain international legitimacy.Snp,Dp,and Boulle are bound together not by conviction or ssahre the same idoelogy but by greed and self- agrandisement.
I will descript the amazing achievement of SFP by this little anoecdot for the Bible:
The great example of the right response to challenges,problems and difficulties is the story of GOLIATH,who confronted and intimidated the armies of Israel,including the brother of a young sheperd named David.David's Brothers chose not to do anything about the problems,challenges and difficulties,but David did.Waht was the different?The way each views the problems,challenges and difficulties.The borthers looked at the problems,etc...adn figure it was too big to hit.But David looked at it and figured it was too big to miss.
Jeanne D'Arc
Christopher Gill The blog was registered under your name as an employee of SFP and MSR. It is the intellectual property of the party. You have taken it so keep it. As you publish your version of events, we will publish ours detailing every issue. We have remained civil up to know, trying to contain a problem, but you seem to be pushing your own buttons at this point. If you want to go as a gentleman, you may. If you want to go and take the house down, we will make sure you are under the roof when it drops. If you are no longer Secretary General, why don't you move on and get a job? Why are you harassing the SFP and those that are fighting for change no matter how difficult it may be?
2 hours ago · Edited · Like
The above was written by Mr Gill on Facebook.
Christopher Gill It is his words, not mine. We have to look forward. The resignation was tendered with immediate effect and I accepted it, as it stood. Fighting PL is no easy task when faced with a divided opposition. Promoting the principles of "Sesel Pou Seselwa", sounds good, and everyone likes to hear it, but it is not an easy task. In fact, I would say, if someone's feet is not well sealed to the ground, and deeply committed to truth, reality, and the highest level of integrity, "Sesel Pou Seselwa" is not achievable and we will lose our country. For this, I call on all strong Seselwa, who are genuinely committed to the principle of SESEL POU SESELWA to come forward, lend a hand, help build SFP into the party that it must become to promote this single ideal. For me, as Secretary General (Pro Tem) and SFP, nothing else matters. The pressure we have placed on this PL communist regime so far, is great. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted, and lose sight of the work. Seselwa Unite! Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill The blog was registered under your name as an employee of SFP and MSR. It is the intellectual property of the party. You have taken it so keep it. As you publish your version of events, we will publish ours detailing every issue. We have remained civil up to know, trying to contain a problem, but you seem to be pushing your own buttons at this point. If you want to go as a gentleman, you may. If you want to go and take the house down, we will make sure you are under the roof when it drops. If you are no longer Secretary General, why don't you move on and get a job? Why are you harassing the SFP and those that are fighting for change no matter how difficult it may be?
2 hours ago · Edited · Like
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SFP is fighting becuase it beleives in Sesel Pou Seselwa,if it would have think it is not achieveable as RAM,Volcere and Boulle it won't have started the struggle which a noble struggle for the protection of our Identity,dignity and country.
There is no easy fight ,especially against tyrants ,but as the Chinese genral once said"he who know when he can fight and when he cannot,will be victorious.
Why those who fight ,fight?Becuase they are patriots,and as the saying goes"a man country's is not a certain area of land,mountains,rivers,woods,but it is a principle;a patriotism is loyalty to that principle.And if there is no struggle ,there is no progress.
That is the ideal of Sesel Pou Seselwa.
Jeanne D'Arc
Be la kinn arive ankor antre sa de zwer la.. ti pe kont lor zot pou pran pei, la deza zot pe lager. Zot, la dir mwan lekel ki pou vinn vice-prezidan la??? La Dr.JP inn sote!! Ou war ler ou pa mor Sesel, Ya!!!!sa ou a dir mwan.
La konbyen siporter i reste la.. Pa gran zafer ! dan sa napa en i ale ankor!! pa en G... ankor..
Pp would have like SFP to give up,as your cry of confusion show,but it is is not going to happen until victory,unitl Seychelles is free from Pp state terrorists.
If PP is dreaming of seeing SFp giving up,and there are a few nay-sayers out there who will try to discourage us--for our discouragement is the survival.But,it will never happen,and not a single Seychellois freedom loving people never think of giving up and it is not PP and ilks who will make us give up ,eccept ourselves.
There is no hills for SPF's mountain clibmers, DIR KELLER!
Jeanne D`Arc
As Bob Marley said"get up ,stand up,^do not give up the fight,and SFP will never give up the fight.
he only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that oggd men do nothing,said"Edmund Burke.
i ahve concluded thatthose in power in Seychelles live of the planet shielded by the equivalen of a moral "Van Allen radiation belt that keeps out all cosmic tays of virtue decency and goodness.
The evil i am talking about is not the evil that "Aquinas"wrestled with in questions 48 and 49 of "Summa Theologica"neither about the evil"Spinnoza"determined orignates in the mind that lacks understanding becuase it is overwrought by fickle emotions,nor will the evil for most of us,is associated with the less DEVIL and his lesser intermedairies ,but the evil of ordinary human wickedness and bestial human behaviors that "Aristotle"alluded to in"NICOMACHEAN ETHICS"committed by ordinary and sub-ordinary wicked people whose intellect is corrupted,and their bestial counteraprts who are lacking in intellectual discernment.Such evil is cultivated in the soil of arrogance,narcissism,audaciously,willfully,recklessly,and impulsively becuase they feel omnipotent,because the anticipate no consequences for their evil deeds.
DIR KELER:Evil must always be fought!
Jeanne D'Arc
is that good men do nothing
cosmic rays
Was Graham Hoarau sacked or resigned?
A tout cas sa fait honte, after all the heartaches and hard labour that these two young men invested into SFP, are now being trash by a drunk like Tall. Get a life man! Still sitting on welfare!
Pissdoff kankan parey famme met en conson lilon lo ou.Arab pa pe mont lo ou ledou!pe servi ou parey en donkey?Ou pa kar kankan lo sa blog like this.
This is Graham Hoarau talking...i resigned because while Gill was living the life and i was feeding off crumbs in the back, all the work was being done by JP's private internet access due to the fact that the office was in stone age with no internet and no electricity, waiting for salary that never came. sa boug i kasyet lo praslin i pan ni pare pou take one for the team, gary tall i mont lo facebook i dir mon pa konn koz angle, pa mind mon....atleast mon bez konn ekri kreol mon konn mn prop langaz e mon pa ni pe kasyet....mon pou kontiyen marse parey mon labitid pa ni per zot sa bann pilon mon....bitch niggers the lot of them. how u like me now?????am returning the favour, ZWE FOU GARY DESANN SESEL MA DONN OU SA BON KOREKSYON SI OU KWAR MON PER OU
mon menm mon sa
in the fucking flesh
Pou tou zot lenformasyon mon graham matthewe gervais hoarau mon en seselwa byen fyer. Mon pa per personn.
Wi monn donn mon "resignation" SFP depi lwen avan JP avek en mwan notis. Gill lo son kote pa ti pe pey mon mon saler a tan sa ti fer a plizyer repriz ki mon bann det ti akimile e mon fanmiy ti ankouraz mwan a plizyer fwa pou kite ek sfp e al fer en lot travay kot mon ti a ganny mon saler a zour e apropriye.
Gill i dir ek mwan kwa ki monn fer pou ganny peye mon dernyen mwan, in menm al pli lwen e akiz mwan e dir ki monn soutir jean-paul pou detri sfp avek labi lakol e bokou aksidan i menm dir ki mon ti parmi letan aksidan ti arive.
Gill i dir ki depans aksidan i met parti retar e samenm sa saler i an retar ouswa pa ganny ditou. Gill i fer bann akizasyon lo mwan pou esey fer ki jean-paul i ganny anprizonnen pou nanryen, tousala zis akoz en blog internet ki ozordi in ariv dan son 300 mil viziter. I pe apel sa propriyete sfp.
Selman ler jean-paul pe ouswa i ganny arete ek gard e kestyonnen i dir ek tou dimoun ki jean-paul kin dir ouswa ekri son prop dil. Sanmenm sa zonm ki oule delivre sesel. Jean Paul i dir mwan sa blog ti anrezistre par li e lo li e si i donn gill password ek akse sa vedir i bezwen donn son email prive osi.
Gill inn byen pase avek nou akoz jean-paul inn toultan toler li me mon monn nepli kapab o deryen moman se sa ki mon ti resign. Pou larzan rent propriyeter lokasyon i call ou granmaten e a plizyer repriz pou rod gill ek son biye. Gill i swa pa reponn telefonn ouswa larg sa grenn lo ledo jp.
Gill i apresye letan sfp i ganny piblisite par bann lenvestigasyon e lenformasyon ki dimounn i donn nou me ler lavi i dan zwe ek bann atanta e menas li i asiz praslin e dir ki anvoy li detay i a fer let pou bannla les nou trankil.
Ni en life insurance nou ti napa me selman gill ti kontan letan i ganny let sorti kot bann gran zans ouswa meeting. Enler ou ti a dir zis i ti anvi sa tit cross the floor i ganny efase lo li ki jean-paul ti pe fer en bon travay pou retire.
Mon osi parey gary tall mon annan plizyer email gill in anvoy mwan e sa bann fo lakizasyon enkli ladan.
I malere ki imsye tall depi ler i ti vinn anbasader sfp in zis maltret dimounn ouswa zour zot sanmenm sa bokou i per pou met komanter lo nou bann post akoz garry ek sang swadizan la pou ed sfp me annefe pe detri li.
Gill inn deside fer son lili mon war li i byen ki jp in kite li osi gill i dwa sa boug bokou pou tou sa beze ek depans sa boug in fer pou fer li ganny rekonet dan sesel ankor.
Pou imsye tall" tou le desam gill i ferm son lofis e nou pa ganny sans abize ouswa bwar bougla, akoz i pey an zanvye ler i trounen ek son fanmiy sorti a letranze. Sa desanm ki ou pe konplent lo la jp ti al mandyan larzan ek nou fanmiy pou kapab pey kan li i ti pe voyaze le tiket ki kot sepa konbyen. Menm nou resepsyonis ek son boyfriend ti fer liki ek gill pou son saler ki jp ti bezwen pret larzan pasaz son ser pou fer diskisyon fini e protez limaz parti epey sa fiy pangar zafer ti a sal plis.
Pou bez rann sa larzan jp ti bezwen lis fes gill pov dyab pou ganny rann sa larzan.
Tou sa bann portre ek lenformasyon ni menm ou tall ou pa ti pou gannyen jp ek mwan noun riske nou lavi pou sa bann lenformasyon. Bill internet kot lofis sfp ti sitan o e pann peye desanm, menm elektrisite ti napa. Dir nou ki labi noun fer? Aret parey en barik vid tall zis ou koze ou pa konnen kwa ki ou kanmarad ti pe pas ladan."
Si ou kontinyen ouver ou fes mon pa pou zis pibliy sa bann email akizasyon ek koze liki gill me mon pou bez ou ankour pou fo lakizasyon ek difarmasyon e raport ou ek lotorite angle gran pilon.
Seselwa tall i dir i le sesel libere anba bann etranze me selman get lo facebook real estate ou a war son lakaz praslin ki pe advertise pou vann etranze. Sanmenm sa legzanp
By graham harau
(fake)Graham Harau
You can call yourself Graham Bell if you wish,it still won't impress anybody.
Where does it hurts?
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'arc Have you not yet seen that Gill has abandoned JP and other SFP members and made his bed with Gary Tall in UK. Even his blog contributions have moved to a new site. Anybody that dares challenge it has their post removed. No Freedom of Expression allowed. May I suggest you come out of that dark hole and face reality. You were always told that Gill was not to be trusted and his words were not sincere.
May 15, 2013 at 11:33 AM you said that gary tall is a barik vid, you are so wrong! gary tall is one full barik, importunately it is full with just kaka LOL!
Jean-Paul Isaac and Graham Hoarau are no longer members of SFP, dis I enderstand klirly. So what is der left in SFP beside 'barik kaka' alias galy moll and 'tinang lefu' alias wang sung? notin left no one
me feel verie sorrie 4 gill.
wahahahahahahahaha....tro bon
Gill pa li mem ki toultan pe kritik PL en dizan ki zot pa pey dimounn.
Dan lepok 70s bann employer malbar pa ti kontan pey travayer a tann nek pov malere ti bezwen al flat zot pou gann zot saler ennler de semenn apre sa gro likisonmanman Gill i fer parey ek son travayer...
Gill pa li mem ki toultan pe kritik PL en dizan ki zot pa pey dimounn.
Dan lepok 70s bann employer malbar pa ti kontan pey travayer a tann nek pov malere ti bezwen al flat zot pou gann zot saler ennler de semenn apre sa gro likisonmanman Gill i fer parey ek son travayer...
Bientot Wang Sung pou kite li osi...i pou al rod en plas dan factory son frer SAM SUNG...
Gally li i kontan zig-zag trafik lo son moped dan londre...i krar i pe fer motocross...
...i fer flying soser ek bwat pizza..
"The Seychelles Freedom Party will disclose a communique for the general public as to whether i have resigned or not."
May 13, 2013 at 9:16 AM
Zanklod o, bous liki ou manman don!!! Who gives a shit about sfp's "comminique"...komsi ou en gran kouyas lo sa pei ou...alor i bezwen en "cominike" pou fer konnen ou ganny pouse?...Pa bezwen tousala nwa war ou kon biro labour...
Minis Zanpol inn ganny pouse par przidan out for the comminique...BREAKING NEWS!!!!
BAn la SFP zot parey en bann clown kinn perdi zot joke bag...
Some may think that this is funny, BUT IT ISN'T. Chaos in our country while some of you are joking and laughing. What can I say, "save some of those laughters leten Arab y kudpied zot deriere dan zot prop pays"!
I just wish that Mr Isaac, Mr Hoarau and Mr Gill sort out this problem soon and get back together in saving this country from the hands of Devilish James Michel.
May 15, 2013 at 2:00 PM
I know, understand and appreciate were you are coming from, and how much you are trying to protect the woman which you think is Jeanne D'arc. But you are wrong, Jeanne is not a woman, jeanne is a man known as garrie todd alias barik kaka!
The way I see it, this blogg is still number one, dapre mwan Garie Mole inn fini enraze ek zaluzi!
JP. You pronissed part 2 on Wednesday. Where is it. We are patiently waiting.
ya tru wat hapen 2 dat bros?
Gary "Laurel" Tall and Christopher "Hardy" Gill.
Sa wa dir mwan en black and white Komedi
PP!lawers are quiting,Michel i bett you know some of them,that were also involed in the sell out of our land.Corrupt lawers we have also on the island lots of poor Sselwa have lots money with those kind of lawers.
Now to you pissdoff how many time i have told you there is only one Johnny on this blog not two,dont try to give jp a secound name.Johnny will turn himself in,in2016.Yesterday you say you know who bom reef hotel that mean you have clue and you know who did it and you know also who murder my brother,tell us pissedoff the word silents i dont worry to much about it and even dont care a fuck,because seen years i have invited you and co were to meet me and were to find me.Now a days johnny is very busy to be on the blog every day.
Give us rthe name of your brother so that we can look into it Ti Le-Gay
Willst du mir für dumm verkaufen piss.Pp never look into crimes, all crimes committ by this regime are close crimes committed by Pp till today no one challenge them case to forward and never investigate and those killers are still working free.Lucas case Laporte say investigation is on the way but till now no action been taken to criminals.My brother one day you will tell me were you buried him.Gay are all in pp camplike francis la rue le roi pilon on the island producing porn in Mauritius.
Pissedoff not only my brother this regime took his life away, how can Pp crooks like you look in the crimes committed you Pp criminals.Lots of crimes have happen on island do you ever look in it akoz ou pa bous ou fes.
Ti Johnny-Le-gay why can't you name you brother?
Seycvhellois have been calling of those state toerrists to sSTOP without conditions,without expalination ,wtihout aynthing to STOP selling thier land,stop destroying thier patrinomy,stop selling out thier birthrights ,stoop raping thier dignty,their conutry's sovereignty ,thier laws and constitituion,Pp donkeys have decided that they will not only not stop but extend the sell out and destruction.:I the name of the epople of Seychelles ,if Pp thugs do not hear what Seychellois the only owner of this land is teeling them ,adn the allow Khalfia to destroyGrand Police intact lust vegetation,coast ,reefs iI AM GOING IN "ç HOURS to EXECUTE Bth Payet,Morgan, regradless where be it getting them by force out of their houses ,offices ,or in pblic .In the name of Seychellois i will show those donkeys that this time around they will not bullshit Seychellois dignity,patrinomy,alws and constitution.
And if PP thugs do not bleive me,just allow Khalfai destruction at Grnad Police ,then you will see Donkeys.
Jeanne D'Arc
If Payet think they are Hardy and Laurel --should they allow Khalfia to destroy Grand Police and cannot hear what Seychellois are telling them---I promise them --I will come and turn thme into Hardy and laurel or Barabas if they want.
jeanne D'Arc
Turn them into Barabas and Troukler.
2.19 Am
You want to know who i am?The possibility that you get to know me is becoming more invidnet by Pp polices of sell out,dispossion,enslavement of our people,etc.. and If Payet,Morgan,Pp allow Khalifaa the Arab camel,pedophile,primitve,islamic terrosist to rape our land and destroy Grand police against Seychellois will ,i asure you ,you will be introducing myself personally to all Pp thugs in person.I promise you ,you will shut up your arse hole for ever.
If necessary my guys can visdit you hosue to house ,up to you.What is sure is there would be no prisoners,no pardons,not amnesty ,But one thing ,Pp thugs would be Execution on the spot, for i will never accept the idea of allow those donkeys benefit from justice in democracy that will save thier arse from capital sentences.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pl once aginst is about to steal SFP idea namely to build up a regional "CRUISE SHIP FLEET" which is inexistent in the region compare to the Carribenas,Polyneses seas etc.. but have great potential in the region.Not only that,Our Outter island should also be developed as a special ,seperate toursist destiantion and market as compare to inner islands,and make it an alternative to Maldives.
Of course ,the question is would Pp train Lots of Seychellois to crewed the the cruise ship or it would import cheap foreigners to take jobs from Seychellois?
Do not forget donkeys,to alos stop building hotels and instead develop an OFF SEASON tourism ,that would allow loner season for our industry ,thus create jobs ,more revenues for our economy,better manage of water,envronement stress etc...
Seychelles do not need all those mammut other demmensional five star hotels that do not benefit our economy,our people and destroy our environement.
THERE IS ANTOHER PROJECT I WILL PROPSOE SOME wihch would be another important attraction for both TOURISTS;LOCALS;good for conservation of environemnt,Endemic species,good for scientific reaserches ,and good to help save and protect and even artificially help the reporduction of those endemic spicies at risks of extinction.
I will come on back on it next week.
Jeanne D'Arc
J D'Arc
Pissedoff give your name and adress then i give the name of my brother is that a deal.
None other then Z D'a Bakaru
This time around .should Pp terrorists alllow Arb camles to turn Grand Police into a desert,rape our envirnemnt,destroy reefs,coasts,endemci ploranad fuana,build maammut hotels,we are going to screw them.
The people of this country is the only power ,not Pp thugs,and the people have been long calling of those pp crimnals to stop committing their crimes on the people of Seychelles.It seems words are not enough to make those monkeys understand what the people are saying.Instead of saving their old crooked arses by conducting politcal refroms,Pp thugs seems to have decided to opt for a continution of the staus qou,not change.Since Pp has decided to not to change but face execution,if Pp insist ,i will take care of them and fulfill thier wish,without problem.
Jeanne D'Arc
Why those Arab primitives,beasts,Huamn rights abusers not go and destroy islamic countries like Commores island,Somali,Yemen,Sudan,and other islamic states sharing the same religion,mentality,traditions and many more with them and morevoer most of these countires are poor and living on Interantional aids?
J D'Arc
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