Wednesday, July 31, 2013

If Europe Cannot Provide Justice For Arabic Royalty Crimes Than Can We Expect James Michel To??

SEE OLD Story Below by Andrew Belonksy dated Nov 2, 2007; Never Properly Redressed By Law

The United Arab Emirates took another gay hit today. Just yesterday we wrote on the disturbing tale of how the federation’s government allegedly attempted to cover up a French teen’s rape. Today, SLOG passes on this 365Gay story:
Swiss officials announced Wednesday they will try the brother of the ruler of the United Arab Emirates for allegedly assaulting an American man who rebuffed his sexual advances in a Geneva hotel.
Sheikh Falah bin Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, 37, is accused of attacking Silvano Orsi, 39, with a belt in the posh La Reserve hotel four years ago.

Orsi said he was sipping fruit juice while chatting in English and Italian with a Saudi friend in the bar at the hotel when a passer-by dressed in casual shirt and jeans asked where he was from. The stranger offered him something to drink and Orsi declined, saying he didn’t drink alcohol, yet the man soon sent over a bottle of Dom Perignon. Orsi said he politely waved his thanks…
A quarter-hour later, Orsi alleged, the man suddenly came up behind him, jostled his glasses, sat in his lap and tried to kiss and fondle him. When Orsi protested, he maintained the man became violently angry, threw him to the floor, punched and stomped him, smashed his glasses underfoot, then removed his belt and whipped him with the metal buckle.
All the time, Orsi said his attacker was yelling abuse, saying at one point that “no stupid American or Italian is going to tell me what to do!”
A Swiss jury, however, may sentence the Sheikh to two years in prison.
[Note: Our original headline named Orsi as a gay. In fact, Orsi's a proud heterosexual. He does, however, tell us he fully supports gay rights. We'll be getting more on the story next week. Keep your pretty peepers peeled!]


Anonymous said...

zot, zot mon mort riye kot Mr Wavel inn bez sa pilon Gary Tall inn bon beze. Tall was lost for words and pretend that he was sleepy. hahahahahaha.
Tall you cannot stand up to Mr Wavel you are nothing more than a failure!
Papa Wavel pan less tonbe. welelelelele

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is going on? The issue is not tall gill or wavel it is seselwa!

Anonymous said...

This beze gill and tall is receiving serves them right as we all know the only person that made sense when he ousted these fake politicians was isaac.

Even people at the airport are talking of this beze in seychelles daily.

Anonymous said...

I know LOL, Toll pe fou ek laraz, Wavel inn bien bez li ek lespris.

Anonymous said...

Isaac is twice the man that Tall can ever be. Tall y fer onte Seselwa, napa clazz,manque de savoir vivre so much so that even my two years old son has more common sense than him.

Anonymous said...

Put it this way, its like the blind leading the blind!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well, well now we all know that Toll and Song is nothing more than PL extension of PP,just to devide Seychellois and real opposition. Toll make a fool out of himself lol lol lol I hope his dirty mouth is big enough for his feet lol.hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

ah me mwan, mon mort riye dan zorye kan mon mazin tusala.

Anonymous said...

Jean-Paul cheri, oli ou?

Anonymous said...

ou dalon Toll pe tufe ek kanmi.

Anonymous said...

Toll desan MAHE
Pa reste Langleter.
Ou pa kon'n souvrans seselwa.

Wavel in bez ou dan CUCKOO-NEST.

Oun bez kanmi,riy zonn e ou ko-ki-e

Person pa oule Parti La Liberte.

Anonymous said...

LOL,LOL pove Tall.

Anonymous said...

Lot kote laba

I zis Jeanne D'arc ek Johnny

Boring boring boring and more boring.

Anonymous said...

Article on Tall/Gill's blog.
Tittle: Timeshare company owes members at least $262K. Cut/Paste from The Straits Time. 9th Aug 2013

This got nothing to do with PP.
It's 100's of words that say nothing about Seychelles. What a Tall! ...ooops TOOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9th. August 2013 05:24

When I give money to the Seychelles Orphanage they call me an angel.
When I ask why the PL Government is not helping they call me a trouble maker.



Seychelles Fake Party (SFP) will NEVER NEVER EVER WILL BE IN POWER
ziska lezar i pou plim
oooops.... did i forget something.....errrr viv le-cenk-zen-mil-nef-zen-swa-zenn-di-set

Anonymous said...

If Tall is without class then what do we call he who is exchanging insults with him??


Anonymous said...

It call freedom of expression don't be a one sided forum!
If you can't take the hit you get out the KITCHEN.
We all know that TALL is the one deleting the post that he don't like.
Their blog is 90% Johnny and Jeanne D'Arc

BTW was this JPI.... Whats up man!

Anonymous said...

Latest news

Someone almost get caught trying to raise the SNP,SFP and NDP flags at the Constitutional Monument.

Anonymous said...

why waste so much energy on a drunken idiot like TOOL.

Anonymous said...

to August 10, 2013 at 5:49 PM

SFP is not fake party it stands for

Swir Fezz Prope!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, funny people those morons.

Anonymous said...

Great article Mr Isaac, but it seems that some people have lost their marbles or they are just being disrespectful. However I understand their frustration of not being heard due that Mr Tall will not approve their comments unless they were praising him blowing up his ego.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

August 18, 2013 at 6:37 AM I am one hundred percent agree with you. We should make a public page requesting to boycott SFP UK. We should use their materails and post it on the public page for each and everyone to have their say freely.

Anonymous said...

boycott SFP UK, boycott Tall. Sounds good eh. Well no one really goes their anyway. Tal has a split personality, one minute he is Jeanne the next minute he is Johny, and the next anonymous. Poor guy I cannot help feeling sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

One occasion I pretend to be Johnny and say something good about SFP.....BINGO! Like I won comment was in instantly.Their blog is not fair and balance. There are ALWAYS two side of a story or article.Some are for and against!They need to live with reality (as SEYCHELLES REALITY(Seselwa Unite)

When I'm against their views....forget it.

Yet they want to be in Power one day. KI SA ZOUR! I call it DICTATOR.

dOES ANY ONE TRUST this liar anymore?

Anonymous said...

Bien sure their are people who trust them, so many people trust them. the one they created in their sick mind.

Anonymous said...

Why do acts of tyrants murderous leap between ones of quieter innocence ?How shall any trust be given to penetrate and protect tomorrow ? Gary Tall where were you the day Gerard Hoarau was murdered? Are you resposible for his murder? If yes how much did Rene paid you?huddled and oppressed,feathers and bones wanting to be thrown. One day you will be force to answer our questions Tall.

Anonymous said...

Mr Gill said that he will not tolerate gutter words or personal insults on his blog. Comment nicely and you shall be heard. And for your information Mr Gill has lots of supporters, don’t get a shock on Election Day if Mr Gill become our new President, because he has Seychelles best interest at heart. Having saying this I am not applying that Mr Wavel is doing a bad job, all I am saying is unite for PL government needs to go. Best wishes to all who have the guts and wisdom to fight red criminal regime.

Anonymous said...

This my friend is the biggest joke after LA-FET-LA-DIGUE-KENZ-OUT.
THERE WILL BE NO SHOCK as you stated!
There will be SHOCK AND AW when PL will sweep you all in 2016.
New President? Yes,you are 100% correct and salute you for not lying to us, a new one and he will be Monsieur Faure, not GILL.

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are get your stupid facts straight. Tall is the worse gutter talk, in fact he is a sewage talker. You know too well; real men do not yap-yap like you do and only coward’s shows arrogance. Real man talks good talk, intelligent talk and walk the talk. Tall stop putting SFP down, grow up and learn from the best. It is no wonder that Seychellois will not support SFP, it is because of your personal insults, think before you speak man, and when you know your brain is drown into alcohol keep away from FB.

Agree to disagree and give Seychellois their right to have their say. Learn from Mr Isaac, there’s an example for you. Have you ever seen Mr Isaac or Mr Ramkalawan insulting anyone? They challenge each other in an intellectual manner. Why can’t you learn from them? Do you see Mr Gill insulting anyone? I don’t think so.
Tall you belong in the sewage together with worthless red, sucking of our country like leeches.

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2013 at 5:17 AM

the biggest joke is you, brain washed leech.

I agree with August 19, 2013 at 7:26 AM, but not totally.

Anonymous said...

Tall on which side of fence are you on? As far as I can see you are soaked in red. Always picking on green that has risks their lives for our country. NO PLACE FOR COMPLACENCY my friend, splitting picket fences or debating non-essential as a hobby, have no place in our very fragile society. Where is your drive Tall? Are you going to thrive and stand for what is right? Jean-Paul, Wavel, Volcere, Chow, Philip and Gill is living it every day, taking shit from PL arrogance and pakonpran.
These men have gutsy inner core, a spark that says; “WE ARE NOT GOING BLINDLY TO THE SLAUGHTER HOUSE! They are taking a stand for their rights, OUR HUMAN RIGHTS. Rights for all Seychellois/se. They are standing for truth of our constitution. Change your ways Tall, I do not think for a minute that you are all that bad. There has got a little spark of justice left in you, I’m sure. Say yes to the call of humanity, freedom of speech and justice. Let your brothers and sisters speak, let their voice be heard. Do not hide behind your computer, dictating that the only one in your favour should have a say. Your complacency will not help my friend. If you want people to respect you use your mind, “THINK AND ENVISION TRUTH”! I really do not comprehend what have gotten into you lately. I used to admire your strength, your vision but respect is gone.

I wish I could state my name,and I wish I could make you understand the importance of our fight for freedom and justice. But sadly I cannot reason with you all I ever get back are insults! Your personnel attack on my family is something I will never forget, especially knowing how much they have suffered from Rene’s and Michel’s barbaric hands…

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This my friend is the biggest joke after LA-FET-LA-DIGUE-KENZ-OUT.
THERE WILL BE NO SHOCK as you stated!
There will be SHOCK AND AW when PL will sweep you all in 2016.
New President? Yes,you are 100% correct and salute you for not lying to us, a new one and he will be Monsieur Faure, not GILL.

August 19, 2013 at 5:17 AM

This is for you from me>
You have no shame no heart no vision of justice and truth. Do you really think it is right for PL Government to sell our country to Arabs? Are you willing to stand up for a regime that are ruining our country, sabotage our culture and belief? Are you willing to be their slave? Have you ever taken the time off to pray asking God to enlighten your heart and mind with compaction and understanding towards your brothers and sisters? Do you think it is right to slow tortured and kill your brothers and sisters just because they have different views from your own? If so you are indeed a red devil that are able to sale their given birth mother for cash. SHAME ON YOU!

Anonymous said...

wow! what the hell is this,'attack Gary day'? You know what I do not realy like the guy, but let's face it, he is the only one with a tough gut to keep up with SPUP pty Ltd. Why I say SPUP Pty Ltd is because our government is not a real government, it is a family, friends and criminal bussiness (mafia group). Mon, mon bien kontan when Gary throw his sewage talk to those PL morons, it is the only language they understand beside katakatakatakata. Keep you chin up Gary bros. Bez zot menm.

Anonymous said...

Haha! "Gary bros bez zot mem"!? Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
wow! what the hell is this,'attack Gary day'? You know what I do not realy like the guy, but let's face it, he is the only one with a tough gut to keep up with SPUP pty Ltd. Why I say SPUP Pty Ltd is because our government is not a real government, it is a family, friends and criminal bussiness (mafia group). Mon, mon bien kontan when Gary throw his sewage talk to those PL morons, it is the only language they understand beside katakatakatakata. Keep you chin up Gary bros. Bez zot menm.

August 19, 2013 at 12:08 PM

your gutless bros attack innocent people.including his own wife, this total jackass bros of your idiot!

Anonymous said...

If gill believes in vote at the rate gary tall is insulting and threatning people then he is just making a joke for himself.

Clearly gill thinks that he can pull a good amount of people at the polls but what he fails to see is tall has already taken out everyone he could have approached with his arrogance and "gran trou fes".

What can be safely denoted from sfp at the rate it is going is a sabotage for each and every seselwa to sit at home while our cookie crumbles.

The only way gill can pull 50% is firing tall and waiting for another 70 years which i doubt he may even survive to see at the rate he is eating and worrying about money.

Anonymous said...

sad truths!

Anonymous said...

but they make a good team though beside Gary's bitterness. They get the job done by exposing PL malfeasant for what it is.

Anonymous said...

BVI, Nevis named in UK offshore scandal | The Trinidad Guardian ...
5 Apr 2013 ... Having directors in offshore jurisdictions does not indicate a company ... Atlas Corporate Services operated from Dubai and the Seychelles with .

Anonymous said...

Mr Isaac, where have you been all this time. Could you please tell us who Jeanne D'arc is? Is she sick? I am a little worried about her after reading from UK blog.

Anonymous said...

When she will sent her group knocking on crooks door you will not say she is sick.Jeanne mean what she say you must take seriuos corrupt politicians.

Anonymous said...

Red carpet 'checked'
Krug, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay { for Jeanne} 'checked'
Armand de Brignac “Ace of Spades” Rose {4 der mrs} 'checked'
Salon Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil-sur-Oger 1997 {Monsieur Ambassadeur}'checked'
seurity "checked"
Poster to welcome Monsieur Ambassadeur Tall 'checked'
school children to welcome the three very important people 'checked'
welcome home Monsieur Ambassadeur.
We the people of Seychelles we welcome you!

Anonymous said...

Yes I did,I am doiong a great job,apprecaite by lots of Seychellois.As Martin Luther King once said"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stand in moments of comfort,but where he stands at times of challenge and contoversy"I am standing with the people in the times of darkness and the bleakest days of tyranny. and urged them to send a tiny ripples of hope.Seychelles deamnds the quality of courageous Seychellois;not time of life but a state of min,a temper of the will,a quality of the imagination,a predominance of courage over intimidity.Eahc time a man stands up for an idea,or act to improve the lot of others,or strikes out against injustice,he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,and crossing each other in a million different centers of energy and daring--those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

Gary Tall

Anonymous said...

Dictators always use the tactics of intimidation in an attempt to silent their opponents.This is never a sign of bravery, but cowardice,rashless,and fear.

I have heard many who speak the the language of sielnce against tyranny,i have seen many pretend to be deaf,mute and blind to crimes against Humanity.

Then you have courageous Seychellois, like myself and others , who live according to ideas and beleifs thart originate in higher moral,spiritual and aptriotic purposes.We have moral concerns which reside deep our consciences.We are driven by irrepressible impulse to help create a better Seychelles.One of Seychellois.Those Seychellois patriots reject herd mentality.

There are few things more diffuclt or dangerous than speaking the truth to absuers of power.To speak truth to rogue regime one must have courage.And I TALL has repeatedly show waht courage means.Courage is the most important of all other virtues,becuase without courage you cannot practices any other virtue consistently.No price is higher than being the voice of the voiceless and speaking the turth to power.

Like Mr GILL,we are not going to let us be intimidated by crooks.

Thanks for your courage Mr GILL.Seychelles and Seychellois needs you.

Gary Tall
PS looking forward to meet all my brothers and sisters

Anonymous said...

You are your own worse enemy Tool

Loosing your tool box proves your state of mind is in a bad place.

In fact you are the worse enemy that Seychelles ever had. Acting like sheep dog redirect the fragilr people into camel ass.

James Michel and Albert Rene are laughing at you.

You will never be the people's hero, N E V E R !

Isn't it sad? To see a grown up man using other people's name to feed his sick ego>

Jeanne D'Arc!

Anonymous said...

Jeanne D'Arc, mwan sa mon ser. Be kinarive ek Tall. Ki saban booboo lo son lalev. Sa boug y represant enn boug malad.

Anonymous said...

Tall will never be the people's hero. The poor guy is menmtally disturb and everyone thinks he is a joke. People are laughing at you Tall, grow up. And please stop using my name to self-phrase .

Jeanne D'Arc.

Anonymous said...

Tall you are as bad as SPUP. For a country to move forward freedom of speech must be given. You are using your blog just to boost your ego. Sad thing is everyone knows it. This is why Mr Isaac is popular and you are not. Isn't that sad? Look at Wavel for example, take a look at SNP page, freedom of sppech is an encouragement. You cannot derail our freedom because SNP pas pou zenmin les tonbe. Learn from the best and you will not leave this world as a failure.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Dictators always use the tactics of intimidation in an attempt to silent their opponents.This is never a sign of bravery, but cowardice,rashless,and fear.

I have heard many who speak the the language of sielnce against tyranny,i have seen many pretend to be deaf,mute and blind to crimes against Humanity.

Then you have courageous Seychellois, like TALL and others , who live according to ideas and beleifs thart originate in higher moral,spiritual and aptriotic purposes.They have moral concerns which reside deep in their consciences.They are driven by irrepressible impulse to help create a better Seychelles.One of Seychellois.Those Seychellois patriots reject herd mentality.

There are few things more diffuclt or dangerous than speaking the truth to absuers of power.To speak truth to rogue regime one must have courage.And TALL has repeatedly show waht courage means.Courage is the most important of all other virtues,becuase without courage you cannot practices any other virtue consistently.No price is higher than being the voice of the voiceless and speaking the turth to power.

Like Mr TALL,we are not going to let us be intimidated by crooks.

Thanks for your courage Mr Tall.Seychelles and Seychellois needs you

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

you're doing a great job Gary and i think your very brave too. i pray that you will be ok with things in seychelles. i will be thinking of you. thank you for your courage Gary Seychelles and Seychellois needs you. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Michel ,like his depraved dictator collegues FAR preceding him fear the press and freedom advocates.PP fears and adhors criticism becuase he cannot handle the truth.His problem is that the genration of seychellois he is facing is his worst nightmare.Fourty years long Pp has controlled the dialy lives of Seychellois with fear and intimidation.But there are two things that he has been unabel to control namely "ideas and the minds of the people.It is not alack of effort,but no one can ever control that.Patriot Seychellois like TALL is fighting the armies of darkness overwhelming odds.Mr Tall and others are fighting the rogue regime with nothing more in their hands with than pens,pencils and keyboards.They fight with the written words to inform and educate the people and help find ways to effectively participate in their own goverment.They are teaching us what it takes to defence freedom of expression and the rights to information. They are inventing for us a new culture of free expression,societal openness,official accountability and transparency in Seychelles.They are developing a culture based on triuth-searching,truth-telling and exposition of lies customed as truth.

Such brave persons always suffer the flings and arrows of a vindictive dictator together,they rise and fall together,and in the end the win or lose together.Michel thinks that keeping Seychellois in darkness his regime and hangers-on will thrive on forever.He needs to borrow a cup of wisdom from TALL--Only three things proliferate rapidly in darkness namely mushroom,hate.and anger.Mushrooms in the dark caves;hatred and smolders in the heart and minds of men and women who are oppressed and subjugated.Let Michel the Bucher asks himself this question:What happen to hate and anger deffered,to paraphrase a poetic line of Lanston Hughes?Do they just sag like a heavy load,or do they explode?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Yes in did,He is doiong a great job,apprecaite by lots of Seychellois.As Martin Luther King once said"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stand in moments of comfort,but where he stands at times of challenge and contoversy"Mr Tall is standing with the people in the times of darkness and the bleakest days of tyranny. and urged them to send a tiny ripples of hope.Seychelles deamnds the quality of courageous Seychellois;not time of life but a state of min,a temper of the will,a quality of the imagination,a predominance of courage over intimidity.Eahc time a man stands up for an idea,or act to improve the lot of others,or strikes out against injustice,he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,and crossing each other in a million different centers of energy and daring--those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Mr BRUNO MANSER ,who is also a Swiss prosecutor is an active Swiss national chasing foreigners who are invovled in money laundering in Swiss Bank.May help track the 2,5 billions in Swiss bank.He is also a harsh environemntalist.

E.g he has taken action to ensure that money laundering crime perpetuated by Singaporian Mr. MUSA is investigated with delay etc...


Contact person:Herr Dr. Lucas Strauman
Socinstrasse 37
4051 Basel

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your words of encouragement.

A deeper understanding of patriotism actually favours people who are not enslaved with a corrupt and immoral regime.

I will not be intimidated or pushed off by people who do not like what i stand for.

I will not be silenced.

Gary Tall

Anonymous said...

bahahahahaha bahahahahahahaha bahahahaha bahahaha bahahahahahaha bahahahahaha bahahahaha bahahahahahahahahahahaha Tall Ops TOOL and his imaginarry friends blowing his own trumpet bahahahaha bahahaha bahahaha bahahahaha bahahaha bahaha et moi je rire aux éclats! LOL! C'est trop rigolo !
La il est juste heureux d'avoir gagné 'un free ticket'a la part de BOBO!
Il parlais de lui même 'like he was a hero'bahahahahahaha et moi j'ai riait aux éclats while reading his nonesense.
Mais quel drôle d'état d'esprit.

Anonymous said...

August 6, 2013 at 1:58 PM

LOL you are right about his dirty mouth, check out his picture at UKBLOG wounded lips. I wonder who fuck the punch outta his lippies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this the way to behave towards a man fighting for freedom and justice. SHAME ON YOU! BANN CRAPILS. When Arabs feeds you to their camels you will laugh even more.

Your country is falling apart and you have time to joke and laugh, MORONS. Bravo Mr Tall keep your chin ap!

Anonymous said...

Do not worry about me I can take care of myself.

Alas coming to visit my country once again. I keep looking at that moment of my life when I was deported.

When I saw freedom opens his wings and fly away. I will see that instant until the day I die.
That instant too much for tears when I cried out. Yes surprise, surprise I have feelings also.

Now I’ll be back to kick asses.

Ready or not I’m coming!

Gary Tall

Anonymous said...

Lets put hands together for the great hero Gary Tall. Simply the best!

Anonymous said...

Anger pouring out of YOUR fuck head Tall. Stop blaming your anger on pp . You are your own problem and your own nightmare. Hence is what happens to lazy people. Get a job get a life man. Stop fighting our regime we are the people’s choice look within, it is you who needs healing not our system. Seychellois do not need you, we are happy and free. Solve your d’etat desprit like someone mentioned man.

Anonymous said...

hero my ass

Anonymous said...

It looks bad and it pains me to see you as a laughing stock. GET OUT OF THIS SELF-MADE HIGH PRIORITY KING OF NO BODY. You look and sound stupid. Like Mr Chow say ‘useless fool’.

Anonymous said...

Using name of Jeanne D'arc again pissdoff?All this comment signed under the name of jeann d'arc are not Jeanne.This blog is only for this sycopath Rene.Jeanne comment only on Uk blog just check his sytel writing Tall you will see is not jeanne.

Anonymous said...

Stop using my name,I like this blog period.I write here and only here.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

[SFP]Seychelles Nonsense Party thinks that life is just an acting game. We will not let you rip the soul of all true leaders of this country. And we will not let you give false hope to the people of this country. This nation is suffering as it is, enough is enough. Together we will derailed your fake hearts and sick minds.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Zanpol buddy, dapre mwan ou pe mor riye.
Ou cherie
Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

August 26, 2013 at 1:34 PMAnonymous said...
Using name of Jeanne D'arc again pissdoff?All this comment signed under the name of jeann d'arc are not Jeanne.This blog is only for this sycopath Rene.Jeanne comment only on Uk blog just check his sytel writing Tall you will see is not jeanne.

August 26, 2013 at 1:34 PM

So true Jeanne and the uk blog is only for sycopth Tall

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

An actor is a fake, and you Tall you're a fake with multiple personalities. Your mind is split into bits, you want to show power that you don't have. You use my name and write nonesense to blow your own trumpet. Then you have the gut telling me that you did not use my name, and that is not your writing? Fool yourself for the Seychellois aren't blind like you will love to think. Do what you want but my name I take back it is not yours to keep.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

ok, sa bann kouyon lo UK BLOG calling Volcere and talking shit about him. Since that I am also related to Volcere I gave them just a little bit of commonsense, sa bann kouyon pa post mon post. Thanks God that Seychellois are wise and will never take SFP Seychelles Fools Party seriouslt.

Anonymous said...

LOL SFP UK is known as Seychelles Fucked-up Party around the glob.

Anonymous said...

We will never find a solution to the damages that you so call opposition parties are causing upon our country. Seychelles desperately needs to raise above all crimes that are weighting our reputation down.

This ridiculous behaviour is not acceptable in our society. Grow up and fight for a reason, and let that reason be respect and love for your country. And not who is going to win at the next election. PL is the enemy fight PL.


Anonymous said...

Politics is not an interest of mine, humanity is. Seychelles would not have been an interest to me if my mother was not so compassionate about her place of birth.

I’ve watched her fighting losing battles over the years and I’ve been taking notes. I read and re-read her heart broken journal and understand her anguish.

However, after reading Mr Isaac blog and UK blog I grasp her concerns at an even better level.

Mr Gill, I just don’t know where to begin or how to approach as I do not want to be one of Mr Tall’s victims. Where do I begin?

No one says that it was going to be easy fighting tyranny. This personal attack on one another should be avoided at almost any cost. Personal attacks and insults will solve nothing, besides of ruining your very own reputation and along with your country which sadly happens to be my mother’s also.

I clearly understand that I have no right over your country or your party. However I have given myself permission making my voice heard on behalf of humanity.

While you are fighting your opponents the Arabs that you and Mr Tall claimed to despise, are taking position and spreading their roots like weeds killing your patrimony, culture and belief. The loss of your generations to Arabs and their culture will be so large that your whole population will be decimated.

Some ignorance on the part of Mr Tall, that many of your supporters feel ashamed of the uttered and such depressing and unpatriotic sentiments.

Mr Gill, many people look up to you, even after crossing the floor. However I sincerely feel that trust has become a terrible big issue for your community. Your party is very fragile and if Mr Tall cannot change his mentality I cannot see the possibility of freedom and justice that your people are yenning for.

Anonymous said...

Jean-Paul Your friend Tall has done breaking news on gills blog or should i say intellectual property.

Apparently he is travelling to the seychelles ion september on the fifth, what i heard is he is coming back to finally have his house sold to the same foreigners that he is accusing everyone of right to property under the constitution as a violation selling our patrimony.

Once more he called to the uk ambassador to ensure he is not arrested or jailled and killed by pl but he does not mention that it is the same pl he will run to when he meets those whom he has constantly sworn at threatened harrased and invited for a one on one box match.

I bet you stella port louis will be the first pou pet son lagel lalkol.

JP you should take this opportunity and file your case against him have him arrested and detained while your case is ongoing i bet you a lot of people and even Us PL will support you.


Anonymous said...

son lakel inn fini pete, ou pa ti whar portre lo uk blog.

Arrested for what? Tall is coming with body guards so no one can have a go at him.

I see corruption everyday, alors Tall osi pe van nu pays ek foreigners. Now isn't that sad? for those who thought he was a hero! A sellout after all. Poor Mr Gill, I wonder how he will handle a sellout into his own fragile party.

August 27, 2013 at 5:06 AM do you have a name dear?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr Isaac for allowing us to empty our pain on your free speech blog. Thank you Mr Isaac for enlightening the problems that our country is facing. Thank you Mr Isaac for your strengh and compassion towards the people. Thank you Mr Isaac for taking a stance on behalf of your brothers and sisters. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

sorry I cannot release my name. I love the people of Seychelles and hate to read about their suffering. It is sad to see a small country going down by greed.

Anonymous said...

BY-RA Zom kankan parey famme lo sa blog.And it sound like you are writing all this comments getting frick out of what?And you are pretending defending all sell out,you must be a mother fuckers crusader spup liki ou manman.

Anonymous said...

Gary Tall liki ou manman, ou ekri ou bann lenget and you don't sign your name. Torti ou pa pou bez li. Sel lapat torti ou pu manze se la pat Gill.

Anonymous said...

Malheureusement c'est contre la loi. Alors Tall tu va manger la pâte de Gill eh!

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