Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jean-Paul Isaac Writes To The Director General Of The World Health Organisation On Seychelles Concerns And Health Risk's And Safety

World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva 27



To Dr Margaret Chan,

I am writing to you in relation to the current health status of the country Seychelles. It has become apparent that the world health organisation statistics and reports based on it's online web site has not been updated or still maintains a fictional status of the countries current states. States in Health Profile, Risk Factors, Nutrition, Country Collaboration, Mortality and burden of disease as well as the Health systems.

The world health organisation reports remaining outdated paints a less then far more detailed account of these mentions above. To site a few examples part of major concerns needed for investigative purpose and reported are:

The Salinity Level in the newly ventured desalination projects and working facilities by government. It is alleged that most of these machines are beyond Seychelles maintenance capability simply meaning maintenance of filter cells for the machine and servicing can cost thousand of dollars weekly, daily or monthly. Under an IMF reform program from declared country Bankruptcy Seychelles cannot incur more over spending in non lucrative or beneficial projects such as the type of desalination plants they have acquired.

The effects of poorly processed water supply is causing vast population concerns over health risk's such as liver, colon and internal organs problems could lead to cancer and more. This is observed in the rise of diseases statistic from the hospital patients. Government says the same water is very potent and consumable by the general public yet every event offices and even their national assembly buys outside source of private bottled water bottles to consume.

The prison of Seychelles is another issue as there are no separations from felony and misdemeanor. Every convicts are only classified in gender.  Whether captured Somali Pirates may pose risk's of any diseases they can carry our locals are exposed to these risk's in 10 folds  because of lapses to properly cater containment and inspection on detention. Hepatitis was discovered in prison and acknowledge to had been from a Somali Pirate convict and more.

On another scale Seychelles has now ventured into seeking and employing international consultants to tell government that improper or poorly built, and maintained housing construction projects with drainage can be hazardous during rough weathers as happened before. Seychelles constant use of underground septic tanks is one of the main concerns when in the midst of heavy winds and rain causing these poorly approved projects in improper area  to result catastrophe " Septic tank overflow and spills, contaminants from rodents and improperly stored or disposed chemicals carried by floods exposing risk's of infection to the general population."

La Misere district on Mahe Seychelles faced river water pollution from Ascon Construction workers excrement's leaking into the river mouth from approved project by governmental authorities and facilities fully aware of the health risk's that overcrowded workers could lead to. They were building for the UAE Sheikh Khaliffa Bin Zayed Al Nayan and today a river source is still polluted with viruses.

The cost for food has become not only a free market but partially supervised and concerning authorities appointed by government are like area 51 silent as the lamb without wolves.

Fish that are captured by fisherman and stored in ice units sold on the market are not monitored or tested after sometimes two to three times transportation to and from the market back to storage because it had never occurred or crossed ones mind of its deterioration or consumption.

The market place where fish, vegetables and meat are sold is exposed to rodents and other creature scrapping for remains of prior food therefore they can easily also leave behind there excrement's and waste which if not properly cleaned can cause risk of infection when other items or persons comes into contact with it.
Just water spraying by government authorities contractors does not oversee safety. 

Large bird that plundered rotting carcass of other animals and god knows what else circling the area to scavenge for food are also exposed or cause us to be exposed to all sort of diseases. There are simply no prevention team to handle the matter at hand.

Vaccinations has been imported and approved by government and their health administrative boards for population use though not compulsory the risk's and side effects are not made available to public or of knowledge to the local society. 

A Crematorium has been approved has been approved by the authorities to be built in the midst of a residential area where residents leases apartments and babies dwells with their mothers. The Same crematorium has been is being built alongside a cemetery where open airway can easily allow gusting, or torrential winds to scatter the fumes from the burnt corpses to residents alleys and homes.

There are more concerns needed to be brought forward but for now i will leave it to the W.H.O to investigate and report. 

Regards Jean Paul Isaac
A Freedom Loving Seychellois
Independent Human Rights Journalism


Anonymous said...

Why did anyone of our leaders of the opposition think of this move?

Well done Isaac we always knew you were Seychelles only hope.

Anonymous said...

Who are the real opposition? jp or other politicians seating on their butts.Good jobs jp keep it up.

Anonymous said...

JP first go to school and learn english before you write again. You look like a fool writing something which no one understands what you are trying to say. You are an illiterate just like our president. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Anonymous said...

Bous li ki. Langet ou maman don.vin tete mon kok kouyon.

Anonymous said...

How did ambassador Shamlaye vote on UN resolution calling for Israel to open up its nuclear facilities for inspection and why?

I hope Mr. Henry or some other brave journalist will finally ask the question.


Anonymous said...

Dr Mitzy qualified in prostitution shows that the task is to big for his little brain.Shamlaye should be asking UN human rights representative to educate his on Human rights.As to Israel ,Palestinian conflicts Seychelles has no position to take.

Did you see the lots of foreign muslim partilepep imported to colonize our christian Land teeming Victoria Mosques.Michel call them Seychellois.These are not Seychellois but potential foreigne terrorists that should leave our island .they are not welcome in our christian land,there is no place for them here.They must go.

Anonymous said...

Dr Mitzy is an illiterate in medicine.She does not even hold an O-level.not even one with C-grade.Many seychellois doctors with high qualification.why partilepep still put idiot and unqualified to be incharge of an important ministry like health.

Anonymous said...

medications bought in China--uncontorl of quality,efficacity,just like food stuff imported from China konwn by wESTERN COUNTRIES to be unclean,too high antiboitics,and unanted shemical substances,and so on.Resutls,as for Disalination waters ,those uncontrol and check foodstuffs are cancerous,and hazardious to health. But partilepep does not care for it is its policy to destroy ,kill maiximum of Seychellois in order to repalce by Pakistanis,Indians,etc...

Anonymous said...

Islam is incompartitable to modernity and to our constitution and rules of laPartilepep was shouting last week in Nation,that capital sentence has not palce in modern society.This is true ,as it true to Shaira law.Why Michle does not aks his boyfirend Khalfai to abolish death setence in UAE and Arb countries.Raping under age girls has also no palce in modern society why Michel does not aks Khalfia stop allowing under age girls to be forced to married old retired men and stop this pervertion.

In modern societies there are a seperation bwteewn state and relion in Islam it just does not exist.

Isalm is a theoritcal system will allah alone at its head .There isno room for a secular politcal sytem.

politcal Islam has no palce in democracy ehere equality,liberty,freedom are norms and important for humanity and its evolution.

Isalm you do not wlak forward but backward to the time Khalfia grand live--namely idiot,primitive,patriacal,disrepect for Human dignity(women)intolerate,voilent.

Muhammed preaching was never about reprecting others.but murdering non Muslim.He thought all those great nations like India where Hindusism exist even before Chritainity should be forced by bombs,terror to convert and worship him.Dito to Chirsitianity.

Khalfia wants to islamize Seychellois and is obssees from it becuase he thinks Seychellois must jouin in the Arbs/jews conflict.That Khalfia want to forced Seychellois has to do with the fact that JESUS was a Jew and Arbs cannot ^recognize a jew as Goid son for he is not Arab.

Now waht is Muslim--it is a pseudo Jewish/christian beleif concocted and bleneded together by Mohammed in his 40 ties after traveling around the region and discovered all those religion.He thought by inventing his own sekt he could also control people.

Mohammaed --when you check the so called COMPACT OF MEDINA--wat you see is a JUDEO_CHRISTAIN principles.

And a reflection on countires like Suadi Arabia,UAE,Oman,Sudan,Afganistan ,Pakistan etc.. these are countires which would never be democracies for the ideology of archaic islam pratices impede it.Becuase leaders are not reported and accountable ot the people but to Imans and Allah.

Anonymous said...

I must recognize that JP Isaac is doing a good job and bring forward pertinent issues that Seychellois have at heart.E.g the photo of Khalifa's swimming pools full with fresh drinking water form one of our rivers partilepep allowed Khalifa to confiscate while Seychellois must drink cancerous dessalinated water,but also the over issues as the recent article.

keep it up JP.

Anonymous said...

Isalm ic law is based on Qu'ran and sunnah,which are set and fixed.

Anonymous said...

"JP first go to school and learn english before you write again. You look like a fool writing something which no one understands what you are trying to say. You are an illiterate just like our president. It's like the pot calling the kettle black."

Unknown please can you tell me how jp should have written this letter? Better yet think about writing it?

Anyway until you can provide us with an answer then we can take you seriously like we take JP's Work for seychelles and seychellois.

JP do not let these vulgar angry and breathless attacks put you down on the contrary please pursue with your work. Remember it is not how you solve a problem but how you analyze, tackle it and therefore bring it forward as a problem. We all know a problem is a problem whether it was aid in gibberish written in Spanglish or spoken in pig Latin.

Keep it up JP we are proud of the Sesychellois you still are a freedom loving seychellois.

A follower

Anonymous said...

Seychelles voted on "UN resolution calling for Israel to open up its nuclear facilities for inspection". It is the duty of the Seychelles ambassador to let the people of Seychelles know how he vote on the issue and why he opt to do so. If he did cast a vote, it is his duty to inform the nation who he represents. If we really don't care, why don't we recall the ambassador and save ourself a bundle.

One world, one love, one unity!

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."
Nelson Mandela


Anonymous said...

You are dead right.A lot of salt in the human body has been linked to colon cancer.this include eating a lot of salted fish regularly.salted water pump from the sea n treated.

Anonymous said...

Deseases radicated in seychelles during colonial time ,resurface due to the lack of control of expat workers imported from India,Pakistan .Bangladesh where such deseaeses are common place.

Khalifa baths in fresh drinking water from one of our river he confiscated at La Misere and forced seychellois to drink salt water like his grand parents in UA,Saudi Arabia,Oman,Qatar,Bahrain,......

Does Khalifa really takes Seychellois for animal?

Salt water,toxic meat from China,toxic toys for our children from china ,India,fiuces full with sugar to give us diabet from Arab countires,Hard drug imported by Houreau to poison our youth,the killing of unborn babies,toxic medications,uneffective vacine bought on black market in India if not on the streets,milk power with high dose of anti -biotics, the list just keeps adding

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was the Interantional Day-aginst poverty--nowhere mentioned by SBC,Nation and Partilepep,but rather promoting Islam and Khalfia new Mosuqe on public medias as if we an islamic state.

Anonymous said...

Half a million Indain living in poverty plus another 10 thousands in imported and living illegally in Seychelles.Maybe Indian should start putting in place Family planning system in palce.They cannot continue make kids like pigs then to colonize other soveriegn countries.

Anonymous said...

Malbar e fair piti parey lera.An creole nou dir ler mon fes e grate un million malbar e more dan land.

Anonymous said...

Go and wash your boyo couyon pou tir sa ta kaka sec kin kayer ladan.we fuck your woman when we want couyon.

Anonymous said...

I canot wahs my boyo..rivers from which i use to fetch water to wash mon boyo has been confiscated by Khalifia for his swimming pool.Dito ,to Siva,Ramamdoss,Michel,El Materi,and other foreigners.

You know what it exist under natural sources some known and many probably still to be discovered in our EEZ ,a potential that partilepep should have long undertook research to find them,it is a valuable a oil.

Partilepep when Khalfia shit in La Misere river told Seychellois partilepep was coming to build a new Dam.Where is it the Dam'Is it the a Dam or Damm?

I am happy that you recognize that Seychellois wash their boy,not use their fingers like Khalifa.You know Seychellois also use spoon.forks and knives to eat,not their hands like during the bronze time.Mankind was given the knowldge that they can evolate not stay stagnated in the past Like Arabs.I wonder Why Arab were robes not stay nacked:i do not know any verses in Koran that Mohammad told them to wear robes.watches,look Tv,fly with a plane,drive Car,and so on either.Di Mohammed told Khalifa he must ride a donkey?Why does he had a plane,yacht,BMW when Mohammed told him to ride his good friend the donkey?

Muslim around the world gathere annually to show God their arseholes beucase Mohammed ask them to do so?Is not that an offence toward ALLAH,and Îs Mohammed more powerful than Allah?It seem Mohammed is more worship than Allah himself.And it seem that all what Allah teaches before the arrival Mohammed had been reversed by Mohammed to make himself God.

How can God who create Jwish ,and christian relgion beofre Mohammed now would send an illiterate to tell the people that what God teaches have been modified and me Mohammed have all the answer.This is pure anti- God.Explain to us Khalifa.

Anonymous said...

Kalifa--if Mohammed was the last Prophet as he self named himself,why he was not aware of all the Nations crreated by God on the surface of the earth?Why he never travel outside the Arab world to teach God principles outside Arabia.Strange that God send someone to guide his people and the person he supposed to send do not even know the earth is full with human beings.from Arabia to Europe ,to africa to America.

i guess he was busy raping Aisha the six year old girl.

Anonymous said...

So You are saying that your God only created part of the world. The other part must surely be the work of the devil.

Your favourite religion send missionaries all over the world to destroy the pagans so that they can adopt the pagan rituals as their own. Have you forgotten the catholic Inquisition? Here is a reminder


Here is the real test for those who got their Christianity from Rome?


WHO KILLED JESUS CHRIST? It wasn't a muslim.


Anonymous said...

Who killed jesus christ?It was the jewish.

Kahlifa,leabanon minister is asking more money to help your brothers and sister muslim you got oil money why not help your bro and sisters?Letting european countries to help and pay the nation that all muslim countries hate.They dont like the west why there are taking refugees in countries they dont like and the lfe sytel they dont like?

Anonymous said...

Seselwa United Party!!The power of peaceful protest.I will wait and see if they plan to protest in the near future,that i can join it.

Anonymous said...

Lost of Seselwa are waiting for invitation,its up to you Mr politicians.

Anonymous said...

To the follower and defender of JPI English
If you see nothing wrong with his English you obviously didn't go to school either.
We don't become neurosurgeon through correspondence. You and JP must have attended the same "colledge" and "univercity" then.
If you are a real follower you should be encouraging him to educate himself not to humiliate himself in a public forum.

Anonymous said...

You don't get it do you under the coconut tree? We UAE Arabs are in seychelles because we have buy your debts because you are bankrupt.we will take over yr country and you will work for use to pay yr debts simple as that.in the process,we will strip yr identity,convert you to Islam and you will become a muslim .when you will look toward heaven you will see the symbol of power at the mountain top.
We have sent our own policeman to ensure you don't drink alcohol in public and soon you will stop eating pork.la la la.when you cannot think and see because ou kouyon.

Anonymous said...

Taking over our country is a fantasy of Khalfa which would stay a utopia.When you say taking over our country,it justify and harden Seychellois to defence their soveiregn land by all means including that of Taliban style that is if partilepep does not stop the sell out then the illegal benftiors must targetted ,the recipients,to make them feel unsafe,unsecure which would make them leave with asking them anymore.Then partilepep even for free would not find buyers and that is when we will execute partilepep murderers.Khalfia illegal palace will be flatten and nature the land restore to tis natural state.La Misere river consfiscated by Camel Khalfia will supply drinking to the owners of the rivers ,seychellois no more salt water,Salt is for Beduine,Nomad in Sahahra,Arabian Desert,for Khalfia not Seychellois who have pure clear healthy nature water supply.

Khalfia would swimm if he can or would fly back in rush to hid oase in UAE .We will send him back to his grand pa nad ma waiting for him to butcher a Camle for Muslim fest.

Make illegal foreigners unsafe,attack them,chase them,pt fire to them,take back your land Seychellois by all means.

Execute partilepep marons without fear.

Anonymous said...

10.21 PM
You know waht,He past his As,which many Brtis do not achieved though English is their mother tongue.He should be proud to bit evenEnglish in their own language,donot you think ?

Have you heard real French and that of the FRANCOIS St Ange and michel make us a laughing stock on world stage.It is even painful to hear for a non -french speaking person.

For St Ange and Michel it is not .BONJOUR "Bonzour,Tu vas Bien!=Ti va bien,Monsieur=Mezie,and so on.How do you want that French in school do not regress when you hear those idiots parroting in croele and think they proudly speaking French.

Anonymous said...

Dr Jp Adam

Acused ICC of putting at risks our soveiregnty.For Dr Adam ICC is attakcing us not Khalfia,RUsisian ,Indian invasion partilepep is criminally praticing.

DId Partilepep ratified ROME STATUTE which is just an addition to National juridictions of Seychelles as it for all tohers who signed the treaty.

When African dictators are targeted because they are the most wicked suddenly Partilepep oppose becuase Michel feel vunerable and feel ICC is gettng closer to him.

ICC is in Kenya,could it be soon in Seychelles?Rwanda gonocide Michel,illegal Arms sell Michel,Murdered of Seychellois innocents in 1976 coup,state organized crimes Michel,robbery,nepotism,deforestation,and so ooo o o o o on.

Anonymous said...

Dr Jp Adam

Acused ICC of putting at risks our soveiregnty.For Dr Adam ICC is attakcing us not Khalfia,RUsisian ,Indian invasion partilepep is criminally praticing.

DId Partilepep ratified ROME STATUTE which is just an addition to National juridictions of Seychelles as it for all tohers who signed the treaty.

When African dictators are targeted because they are the most wicked suddenly Partilepep oppose becuase Michel feel vunerable and feel ICC is gettng closer to him.

ICC is in Kenya,could it be soon in Seychelles?Rwanda gonocide Michel,illegal Arms sell Michel,Murdered of Seychellois innocents in 1976 coup,state organized crimes Michel,robbery,nepotism,deforestation,and so ooo o o o o on.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why partilepep think we should learn about Mont Fleuri new mosque instead of having Khalfia leanr about christianity.On the photo posted on Nation today,a family living near wait to visdit the mosque to see whose those Arb invaders are,the noise they making,and th risks of terrorism they present.

nd of ocurse the Iman they met was a foreigner who is illegal on our shores and have no palce here.

Seychellois should ne learn about new mosque or Islamization of an artchaic sekt on our land but chase them out.Most Muslim are foreign wroekrs who should not be on our land.The campaign by Khalfia and Partilepe using our tax paid SBC Nad Nation to promote Islamic terorist must stop.

Public meidas should be given access to Oppostion and Seychellois people as stipualted in the OCnstitution not Iman,Khalfia and Islamic terorists who are not Seychellis and should leave our shores.

They pose a risk to soveiregnty.peace.stability.They alway come as men of peace until the well-established.Then we will learn their real hate,and danger as in Euroeapn countires who took those primitve into their homes

Anonymous said...

Burn down SBC stop them promoting terorists shell in our soveiregnty.

Anonymous said...

Seselwa kahlifa want to turn your land in to a islamic state.With foreign immigrants workers his bringing on our shore.

Anonymous said...

Khalifa should stop forcing Seychelles to convert to Islam!


Anonymous said...

Micheal Ace Sabadin after dropping in for his daily fix in depth on his current drug purchases was harrassed by a couple of guys using salt throwing it at him.

Mike ace nananana reported to ramkalawan that he was harrassed but could never say why and ramkalawan went straight to the police.

What happened later is the arrest of a "doker" from plaisance with a mask gloves and a knife that is ironic as dokers normally use that.

What remains is that ramkalwan openly supported a drug user that was in depth of drugs and out for his 7am fix. What the fuck is this the guy who wants to run the country?

Anonymous said...

Zakarrie Baccarrie,bous ou boyo kouyon.
You have nothing to say on seychelles.
Retire on your dole kaka l k o mama.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if someone who uses drug has the same right as an alcoholic or a drug-lord!


Anonymous said...

Has anyone see the Vicotria development plan?Should the public have access to inforamtion and what is going to happen in their Capital city?

Anonymous said...

Ask Gerard Houreau he is the CEO of the planning authority.

Anonymous said...

Laugh Out Loud!

Dito to JPI the genius, this guy was born for politics.

It took boulle a highly educated laugher and linguist, Ralph volcere british and editor of most sold newspaper in seychelles, mathematician lord David pierre even a priest and an army of lawyers to try and address the people of seychelles and take back the country from person they call ignorant, uneducated and not so good looking.

For five years now they are still in waiting room with their grandiose of french and english and all qualifications on the bench.

Meanwhile people like steve fanny are being promoted weekly, Lise bastien runs state house and sooner or later troukler and deginyen will rise from the dead and have an interview before them.

"To speak to a crowd of people you need to know the right language to be a seychellois you need to know that seychelles is your home not england, france or the arab world thank you."

JPI is and will always outsmart you guys. He got into the ICC just wait and see what's next on his agenda.

Anonymous said...

Yes of course Seychellios have to see the plan and past a vote and decide yes or no on it,but this you get only in a democratic country not Seychelles.I bett in the new plan there will be another new moosque for kahlifa and his invaders.

Anonymous said...

Why has aprtileppe not release the plan for public scrutiny?Victoria after all is the Capital of seychelles.What has partileppe and Khalfia to hidden?Why a foreign contractor?For money laundering,corruption,bribery,embezzlement,patronage,more importation of ofiregn slave workers,and so on

Anonymous said...

Shot them down.i 'm sure they will not continue steal, just give one of them a bullet.You will see none of them will do it any more stealing their peoples.

Anonymous said...

Indeed JPI is Seychellois and speak the right language. The fact that he cannot write either English, French or creole, the 3 languages taught in our schools shows how dumb the guy is. This is not about writing a foreign language this is about the intelligence of a person. To fail in all 3 languages taught in schools including his mother tongue goes to show that he is worthy to be un pti boy only.

Anonymous said...

It is the "pti boy" asi have properly spelled it for you that wins wars and elects governments.

As you think they are worthless your kind makes two to three in a family while they make 200 an hour.

Who better to govern pti boy than one of their own. Lepok gran blan is gone and so is and are your times my dear.

Isaac is the soprano to the seselwa tenor.

Keep up the great work Isaac you have all the time in the world to be president..

Anonymous said...

Someone spotted jpi with the praslinois that holds a recording of nathalie michel now back to her old surname telling the family how she bate idith alexandre in a scuffle over james michel.

Lets see if isaac is brave enough to load it. Let's see how great are his legendary it skills.

Anonymous said...

Laissez-moi d'abord, commencer à dire merci à M. Isaac pour un si merveilleux travail qu'il consacre à chacun d'entre nous, à gratuitement.

Seychelles a besoin de plus de personnes comme monsieur Isaac. Si chacun d'entre nous a le boyau pour résister au gouvernement PL comme M. Isaac, PL aura parti depuis longtemps, c'est domage!

Anonymous said...

Give credit where credit is due, Isaac is brave, but not because he is brave that he needs to make an ass out of himself. To say the least Isaac is a gentle man with a vision.

Anonymous said...

Writing skills is NOT a measure of your intelligence! So you thing you are bright because you can write better than Isaac... think again!


Anonymous said...

To wavel ramkalawan upset because isaac outsmarted you.

your problem with isaac's writing is simply because you cannot think and write effectively as he dose. You are on a monthly lifetime payroll and all your "dickton" is written at state house.

Isaac writes from his heart and soul while you read from Parti Lepep's diary.

The last time i checked at the back of a cigarette pack i saw smoking kills but there is no law to death deal with this mercenary of slow death in a packet. You could not even address that then what makes you fit to even address anything today?

Rather than sarcasm on isaac you should be ashamed of whom you have become compared to a young seychellois and freedom loving seychellois as isaac.

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