Message de félicitations à la Tunisie
Fri, 14 February 2014
Dans un message au Président de la Tunisie, M. Moncef Marzouki, le
Président Michel adresse toutes ses félicitations pour l’adoption le 26
janvier de la nouvelle constitution qui ouvre selon lui, une nouvelle
ère de démocratie dans le pays.Cette constitution qui selon le président seychellois, marque une étape décisive de la transition en cours depuis quelques années « répond aux aspirations profondes des Tunisiens et des Tunisiennes à une réelle démocratie ainsi qu’au plein respect des droits de l’Homme et des libertés fondamentales ».
Elle traduit selon lui la maturité et le sens de responsabilité des acteurs politiques tunisiens.
« En vous remerciant personnellement pour cette grande réalisation qui ouvre une nouvelle ère de démocratie en Tunisie, je vous souhaite plein succès dans votre mission cruciale, au service du peuple tout entier, à un moment clef de l’histoire du pays, et pour réaliser les aspirations des Tunisiens à davantage de progrès et de prospérité, dans l’unité, la sécurité et la stabilité », peut-on également lire dans le message.
It is the abitual farce and comic show dispaly by the ignoramus-Miche..
The Tunisien people who suffered decades of atrocities under Ben Ali Dictatorship should answer the Idiotic monkey this simply question"where is criminal MAteri,the criminal that you give illegal asylum when you do not even has an law in this regards.¨
Where Materi Michel?Has he left?He was supposed to be living illegally and temporarily until Dec. 2013 on our soil?where is Materi hiding Michel?At La Misere,At ex-plantation hotel,at Raffles Praslin,Ste Anne Resort,or on Desroche Island?
The people want to know and have a right to know Dr Michel?
SEYCHELLES REALITY : "Gary Tall Threaten Directly by PL"
Ja were is ElmATERI?Were is he hiding?His time to go have come and gone,pp how money you have pocket from him to keep him on our shore or Khalifa told Michel if you don't keep Materi you will not get more aid from us arab!
One of the best articles. Looking forward to the next issue
Mr Jean-Paul Isaac, can you please do Seychellois a big favour? Hold Gary Tall's hands and show him how it's done.
I am talking about freedom of speech on blog. He only posted those in favour of his bullshit. And when nothing happens he give credit to himself, thinking we Seychellois are stupid.;
You have a problem with Gary we have a problem with crooks man!Gary is coming down are YOU preapair to face him face to face cowade?STOP KAKAN lo blog!
Great job Jean-Paul, keep it up. It is a good feeling that we still have good journalism in Seychelles. Thanks!
oh my goodness, James Michel is full of it. Democracy in his eyes and his goon only. We the people of Seychelles we are suffering from oppression and depression.
So Jean-Paul mon amie, are you going to tell us how you feel about Rene's reconciliation? I was expecting you to write something solid about that.
Your articles has always been one of the best by far, I am now looking forward to the next preferable about the reconciliation. Merci mon amie.
You know what I think, Rene is swimming into lies sweat. He want to make monkeys out of people like you and me.
The people of Australia wants to know what happened to their share, not a penny is left.Law suit is on.
Now let's move on to the next, Seychelles is sinking and we all know that. I have known for a while that Albert was about to pull the stunned that he did.
Faure you can forget about becoming the next President. The baton will be pass to either Sarah or Savy.
Macham is using this moment of time for a come back. Kick his ass to the curb!
Bonzur mizier Isaac, ki bon nuvel?
The former Dictator President Albert René, could no longer sit back and watch the boat that he build, out of his very own criminal ideas, and blood of his victims sink down to truth and revelation.
This reconciliation that René announced was meant to be among his sinking criminal crew of the State House. Things did not turn out like him René was expected. Who in the right frame of mind would trust a thief, a liar and a criminal? Now not even his own baboon can trust him.
Coming back from Australia after selling all the shares and leaving people in destitute with millions law suit over his blood stained hands, he is back to carry out the Alibaba games again. Y prend nu pu kuyon sa likimanman.
State house has turned out to be a pit snakes, where everyone is stabbing everyone in the back. The curse is on, finally our Heroes is working extra hard in heaven.
February 19, 2014 at 2:44 PM napa dimun pli kankan ki Gary. The man need a skirt for heaven sake.
You need a semiz matapolanm ek en konson malbar dile ek en soulye manbolo
soulye manbolo y bon zis pu lagel baka tall/
I meant lagel JAM
Thank you Mr Isaac, I love reading your article, you are simply the best.
If you think he is doing a good job, you are an IDIOT and please ask him where is ELMATERIE.
El Materi was last sighted at the french school picking up his kids just after he met with christopher gill at eden island.
Who has seen this?
breaking news by ti deco
Gary tall is under attack by corgat estate residents and the ones living near the cemetary.
It has been found out that the resident has pulled together and signed a petition and even hired a lawyer to have gill and tall tell us who he referred to as the group that repair stolen laptops and sells it an d also is in drug trafficking.
If gill has a positive id then he should be detained and questioned as the same culprits might be the ones who vendalized the cemetary graves.
So lets see what happens when police and ndea goes knocking on his door asking him questions.
Will he do the same thing he did a few years ago and sacrifice tall instead of telling the truth?
If he has not already said tall wrote the article then he might as well do before he sells his hotel to hide in america.
JP you are a journalist give us the new of El materi were about his hiding his time as came long ago when he will go back home politicians?or his a good friend of you to?
If Tall and Gill get arrested it won't be for this and that, it will be because they are pain in the back side of those that are selling our patrimony.
We the people of Seychelles cannot expect gracious from a bunch of criminals that has terorised the people of Seychelles, that have tortured and make our brothers and sisters disappear. Someone has to stand up for the people. I am glad that Gill and Tall has the guts and intelligence to do so.
Who is that idiot that has asked jp to tell us where el materi is?
Are you not living in seychelles man?
If so then you are a blind ass, as el materi is rolling around in his bmw x5 untouched by any politicians and journalist's. Only jp wrote about him and had the guts to do so.
The question you should ask is why gill tall wavel henri volcere and all the rest has gone quite on him?
Even seychelles today and victoria times has not asked this question. So why is jp the only one who can?
eventually we all know that it takes jp to tell the truth while others go for the money and silence.
Good job mr president jp
My good man Tall and Gill never got arrested because they are cowards and liars.
Isaac was always the one arrested and detained illegally, beaten up shot at and even threatened on a daily basis.
Tall had to write a letter out of his cowardness to even set foot in seychelles while his friend gill placed cameras even in his toilettes to prevent people from confronting him.
Pain in the PL and fake opposition asses are the freedom fighters of seychelles and mr isaac himself.
I do my part but i am too afraid to get beaten or arrested but i support those who rises to that challenge just as jp dose.
When was the last time gill got arrested for politics? Only one time we saw him in cuffs over not paying his debts to a local indian shop on praslin. Even a picture with his name on the loulou door for not paying his bills was posted.
Now you tell me what pain in pl ass are you referring to or is it just gill and tall trying to find relevance for themselves where there are none.
Someone should be arrest when you have a case again him and evidence to prosecute him.What is your point about arresting Tall and Gill?do yo have any charge to brought against this two freedom fighters.
Ferm fes aret rabase.
You are making a fool of your self idiot like awalys.
If you have balls like Tall and Gill go and stand in front of State House gate call for arrest,SAVY BROTHERS,ADAM and the rest of those crooks for stolen Seychellios billion putting on their off shore account.You can arrest those kind of criminals we have a case for them as long this wicked sytem fall arrest warrant will issue for them.Those are peoples should be arrested sucker.
MAY BE HIS A PP CRIMINALS with two faces or a screw face on this blog.
Tall and Gill cannot stand in front of state house because gill already crossed the floor there and tall needs to write to nasyon ini for him to even make it to victoria as he is as paranoia as a loon.
When the day comes that we see gill with a board in front of state house maybe we will need to check his debts and bank account for dual complicity.
Ramkalawan stood and volcere drove there with a coffin these are brave guys.
Brave guys should have free Seychelleios a long time,this two you mention are money suckers not politician and they are politi-chien hungry for money with out working for it to get it.BAN POLITI-CHIEN VOLER!Working behind close door with criminals Seselwa are suffering from politi-chien lafen.It will take one man to teach corrupt politi-chien a lesson that all the rest will follow and respect the right and dignity of its peoples.Gill has a hotel he never work with this wicked sytem to get like Ram,Volcer get their houses.Last time he was walking with a placard around his neck lets take back our country countinue why he went hiding?on that when he was walking alone on the street we were taking for a clown for pp.Wake up early when you to disgust with me.
I will show who is brave!
derzak under bar association fire PL is his last option.
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