Monday, March 31, 2014

Others presses forward were the Seychelles oppositions should have had to lead by example. Meanwhile this move should be taken heed as not to set foot through the front door merely to walk out the back door as has been the case in the past. Shame on you so called oppositions!!

Note From Blogger: The supports any move to ensure the protection of individuals rights and freedom towards Democracy, the blog equally does not tolerate the abuse of violations for individual means of self enrichment or "escroquerie" and extortion.


Anonymous said...

On the before last photo. we can Michel holding his palcard with"No discrimination of employment"Today the same Michel import cheap expats to repalce seychellois,take their jobs,make them poorer and so on

What a shame!

Anonymous said...

SNP & SUP have filed a case and are now joined by Mr Dhanjee. Meanwhile Chris Gozye Gill and Gary Toll Rouye Tall hide behind a computer and continue with the insults, If they are so against it why do they not protest or put a case in front of the constitutional court

Anonymous said...

What a retarded idiot JAM is?
What was happening in his era is presently in the NEW SEYCHELLES he created.In case some of you don't know,MAX MARON AND PTI PATE took better pictures then him.


Anonymous said...

this is not the first tie danji pull time he took money from albert for a tomato sauce business in bankruptcy this shit. Last time he sold out his caseto the un for money and recognition from albert rene not only did he but frank elizabeth also visited albert rene back in the days to win the mont fleuri election against ferrarie.

ferraries dad had more influence so pl gave ferrarie the win by voet manipulation.

viral is not to be trusted ask chadstone of the former ndp volcere.

paul chow is behind danji watch out for these sell outs and the surprize..

Anonymous said...

A haumn rights commmsion by Presidentail decree is unalwful,a farce.One may ask what goes in the mind of a butcher like Michel to make him thinks--he as chief-criminal and Huamn rights abuser be responsible to difen ,choose those who would scrutinize his won crimes and abusers.How could illegal foreign Judges who should in the first palce not be controlling our Instititutions,and some who had already terminated their GOP contract still be in Seychelles and being appointted to check on abusers.How could foreign JIHADIST to thr like of Islamic JZARANZA doing on Huamn rights COMMSISION when Islam is one of the best known Huamn rights abuser in the World,a religion where woem n Lie ZARANZA is consider semi-Huamn or even animal.May be she should go and represent Women is the arab world being abuser,rape,stoned,torture,make slave by perverse to the Likes of Khalfia.
Note also ,there is not single written clause in the KORAN that says women must forced to wear veil.Veil is a SUADI tradition which Arabes despots want the world Muslim to adopt and use arelgious weapons to promote islam.

THsi islamic should remove this piece of shit of her head and integrate in our christain society not the contary.If she cann ot integrate she must go back to her Arab land.

Anonymous said...

Oppostion.LAUREL and HARDY8RAM/VOCLERE)âre in hiding-No words on police abuser,illegal present of GURAKS/mercenaires in our defence forces,no words on UN Human rights reports,no words on CHinese stting among other Seychelleois high military officers around Michel when such meeting has to do with our security.Chinese repalced Chief of police QATRE and RAM,VOClere ,Donkeys in the ASEMBLY all find it normal and say nothing about it.Chinese defining our security procedures on our soveriegn land as if we TIBET an annexed land.It seems they are stationed here,to help PP rape our soveriegnty,etc.....

Anonymous said...


No need to vent your anger on the Muslim Lady. No one has forced her to cover her hair. The same goes to the Christian Sisters who covers their hairs and their dress are below their knees. Can we learn to respect each others cultures without lashing out personal attacks. All religions are good - unfortunately, there are some ignorant souls within all the religions of this world - resulting in hate for each other.

Anonymous said...

We repect all Seychellios muslim but not foreign muslim got it.

And those foreign muslim on our shore will change Seychellios muslim into devil act soon and brain wasch them in the mosque all day.Seychellios must watch out exampel C.Africa a country who was 80% Christian and 20%muslim know now kill each other.We no want that to be happen on this island because it will a blood bath.

Anonymous said...

Miss Jumaye is under qualified for that post and she should be removed with immediate effect.

When Seychelles gives Muslim women a voice a job and status they anger many whom worship the Qumran and can even has a negative influence on attracting terrorists to our shores for repercussion against the dishonest Seychellois Muslims.

Miss Jumaye has a tendency to wear her almost to nothing outfit when she visits top officials or go to board walk with her sisters.

Now she will be wearing it to the office face covered only to mock the Muslim women and the Qumran. If airplanes starts falling from our skies onto mosque's or state house just know who is responsible for angry Muslim's and the defiance of their beliefs.

When a movie on the Muslim's was made they retaliated in making a dirty one on the Christians and now Seychelles might see retaliation for appointing someone who mock and disrespect's the Muslim's and the religion in itself as a way of life.


Anonymous said...

Thany you for publishing the Petition to the Constitutional court.

Equally interesting would be the Government's reply. Please publish that as well.

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