After a threat made by Jemmy Marengo through a taped phone conversation with the office admin of Seychelles Freedom Party to Jean-Paul Isaac and his pregnant girlfriend.Steps where taken as to notify the international Human right Committee and the civil and political right organisation on the matter through documentation and recordings of Marengo using telephone number "2722421" to conduct his threats and bribery to our Admin.
All this is now happening on a full scale just as Parti Lepep has been exposed as a one Party state. Jemmy whom is to meet with the chief of staff at his request may be either flown out of the country or hidden from Seychelles in view of his actions implicating high up officials in the government.
Just as the Irish taps secured lines in Seychelles, SFP receives numerous phone conversation recordings alegedly involving dirty state dealing with thugs whom are alleged primary suspects by international investigators in liaison with SFP office to get links to the Damandra Eulentin's case.
The IP address of a direct accusation and details of Damandra's death and many others where published on Seychelles Reality through anonymous comments.
Despite MR.Marengo's threat i remain focused to my cause and duty, we have secured cameras that transfers 1.2 GB of photographed and video recordings from the Navara truck, office and mobile phone directly to a secure storage in the US in case anything is to happen to anyone of us.

The old days of getting rid of people are gone and today we live in a different world anybody who is charge with getting rid of me must clearly note that not only one recordings and photo's of events are being stored. For very very high state officials as well are here and just to provide a sample Number "2710844" holds the primary recordings and pictures and details of many events.
Ha ha ha!! They now want to make out fighter pilot disappear??? He we only have one unique species of this JPI and we need to inform the whole world that they want to exterminate him!!
HA HA HA!! Joke of the week!!
Your comment is ridiculous and sad.
and shows how much of a brain you've got.People in your camp have got nothing better to do with their lives apart from threats.
Murderers never change always up to their old dirty habits just like you.
people can hahaha all they like,but this government have been threatening anyone who has something to say against them for far too long,you may only think its JPI,he may not be a fighter pilot,but hes a man with a family hes a human being that has the right of freedom of speech,the government thugs need to stop bullying its people and start running the country in a civilised manner,who the hell do they think they are,you continue to expose these scum ball murders JPi,and everone is watching your situation at home and abroad,and if they make the mistake to touch you or your family,they will have a fight on thier hands,as i finish posting this i will be forwarding all details to the human rights and other relevant world authorities so that they know what is going on:sesel y pou seselwa
The situation is thus:
After having heard that homosexuality is to be legalized the guy thought that he’d get in there before the big rush so he called “tipol” to come to some sort of arrangement, now “Tipol” must have heard that the guy carries in front of him a weapon of mass destruction commonly known as canon….errr Conan the Destroyer and poor little Tipopol freaked out and is now crying wolf about what was a legitimate offer!
"as i finish posting this i will be forwarding all details to the human rights and other relevant world authorities so that they know what is going on"
Be sure to keep us posted on their response ;)
Print it in Seselwa Publication (PTY) LTD.
(your forwards & their replies)
btw the first thing they'll probably say to you is:
- did you report this to the police?
you answer with:
- no because they're all corrupt.
they ask:
- and you have proof of the corruption in the police department?
you answer:
- No but i have a tape here with proof of the government threatening mine & mine family's life.
They say:
- where is the proof that the person who made this threat is from Government Agency?
You say:
- Of course he is, we all know it, plus when dealing with SFP you have to take our word for it. Our word is our bond. Our word is Proof.
Brigitte who?
Eoula ZanpolIzak stop being a bloody drama queen and attention sikker...errr seeker don!
everyone would be suprised at whos watching what around the world,it may not come today,it may not come tommorrow, but when they decide to come the government best beware
NYC brooklyn bridge.
Better recognise "chris".
Bullshit as usual Brigitte Michel!
I am not from the Seychelles,but i am very interested in the Seychelles community and its issues with human rights and so on,I also know that i am not the only foriegner that is paying attention to the political situation in the Seychelles
Pissedof you remind me of a taba sal
Please this is a serious matter and let debate it in a civilize way.Thank you.
To the foreigner interested in our political situation in Seychelles.
What country are you from mister?
Tell me then we can start a good reasonable heartfelt debate on Seychelles' human rights issues!
I await your reply.
Reply to Ha,Ha, Ha-
This is not a laughing matter, but the hypocrisy in some of these comments, show how sick pl can be.
They always blame the victim when their people are exposed.
This is a normal rebuttal for communists.
Press on.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Reply to Ha,Ha, Ha-
This is not a laughing matter, but the hypocrisy in some of these comments, show how sick pl can be.
They always blame the victim when their people are exposed.
This is a normal rebuttal for communists.
Press on.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
The thugs of SPPF been killing people since 1977 and still is doing so to this day. JP don`t let them cowards stop you from what you believe in. They touch you or any family member of yours there will be hell to pay. Them sppf thats calling you a drama queen they forgetting who their president is. Seychelles have got no human rights why bothering to fight with people thats looking in and reading the mess Seychelles is in. Seychelles got no democracy no freedom of speech.Seselwa get put in jail for just writting what they thinking get killed for not believing in this bullshit sppf/pp party so tell me apart of a very few corrutped country that James Michel is friends with where else in world have a fucked system like Seychelles
For starters who told you im a mister,secondly im not here to debate with only writing a few honest comments.I spend most of my time in the UK but i also have business intrests in Holland and Germany and spend alot of time in them countries too.Human rights in Seychelles in my opinion is not what it should be,i have spent weeks at a time in the Seychelles observing and talking to various people from all sides of the political areana, and i am of the conclusion that that the government is corrupt,their are various agencies taking notes of the wrong doings and also of the presidents business partners ie:from the middle east and russia,it has also been noted by interpole and others that Seychelles has become a safe haven for criminals on the run from other countries.In our survey it has also been noted that the country has been divided deliberatly so that the people can not stand strong together,what Seychellois need to realise is that although they elected James Michel as president he is not actually in charge,he has virtually sold the country to sheik Khalifa .
Hitman can be HIT by other hitman! Maybe it's time to return the favour.
Hi mister from abroad - I didn't and don't give a rats arse about your business interest in Germany and Holland - must be drugs and porn if it's "them" countries!
What is your interest in our human rights issues are you a humanitarian freelancing for the United Nations?
Considering you are abroad wouldn't you be more useful fighting and monitoring the human rights of minorities in those countries?
How about all the crimes in "them" countries - hardcore criminals from Eastern Europe hiding out in UK, Holland and Germany trafficking drugs and humans? With your business interests over there I'm sure you would have the clout to fight those issues!
You know what pisses me off big time? When pricks like you patronises us!
So whether you are observing from Europe or from SFP office Pissedoff says saperlipopette to you mon vieux - and f*ck off!
Pissed off, your comments are read all around the world.
Please refrain from making vile comments.
Tourist read these blogs.
Journalist read them
Diplomats follow them.
You give the PL a bad reputation.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Im not going to waste my time arguing with the likes of you,as for drugs and porn that is another thing that will be investigated as it has been brought to our attention that drugs have been coming into the country at an alarming rate and we know its probably not the small fry like you that is bringing it in,as for porn is it not your president sleeping with a child ?,or maybe slightly older than a child,anyway human rights should be adhered to all over the world,Uk,Holland,Germany,Seychelles and so on.Their is no reason for you to be so upset,because im pretty sure you will not be getting very much of the corruption pie,if you were a so called big wig you would not be on here being so nervous and abusive.You should sit back and take alook at people like JPI and R Volcere and Mr B Sullivan,Mr Wavel and have somne self respect.On that note i say goodbye,remember big brother is watching you all ,have a nice evening
Ferrari is laughing as usual but what he does not know is the number 2710844 is the direct number to president james michel.
If this guy has any info recordings or pictures then michel better get rid of him truly.
The police force was exposed of corruption in the case of marengo when the allegation of the engine block that was used to weigh down the body of damandra eulentin at sea disappeared in the central police station without a trace despite police twenty four hour shifts.
The next is these break ins at the court house to make evidence disappear that does not even have a point of break in and entering and a precise target its like someone handed the keys and the armed man watching the place aided in carrying out the job.
Now that's corruption.
How did the SFP office find out about the murders of son chang him, denousse and asher that implicated ferrari and ramka??
So many things these guys can disclose but they chose to mount a case against the state i guess!
Ramkalawan once tried to bomb state house with the help of sullivan the recording affidavit and statement of a miss hoareau in england sai to be his concubine was also a concern.
I bet you the break ins at christopher gills office was state organized, and they found nothing except that he pays a massive internet bill every montht to be able to send these recordings and photos overseas asap.
Good morning everybody is JPI still alive today??
Well done SFP for letting these guys know who they are fucking with and congrats on not publishing these amunitions now online as we are in a one party state and international community can only negotiate at the moment.
Use it when seychellois takes to the streets, people like veronique adeline will be front line sa blan rape!!
Manrmay pa bliye ti pat eulentin osi ti ganny met anba lekipman ndea i anmas bann sok elektrik apre bannla ti vid drog dan son labous par en lantonwary pou fer li koze.
Ti pat ti pe mor dan kaso dapre son gran lagel letan i pe akont bannla lo kan, i dir ndea i annan en lekipman menm si ou met password lo ou telephone zot ganny akse ek tou ou lenformasyon. ki dil sa?
Even when a person's life is being threathen by governemnt paid killers you make fun out of it?There is nothing funny about it,it shows the state of unlawnessless that exist under an autocrate regime,in which regime's cronies can deliberately shot on a person's car in public,arson people's cars in order to intimidate them,and now even want to assasinate its citizens becaus he or she does not share your ideology and refuse to be accept their liberties being raped by a gang of crooks.
These are the kinds of situations though threathen our lives ,push us and make us more determine to fight for freedom for it is a right cause, a duty and a patriotic act to do so.
We expecting Michel to get this Killer on rampage out of service rapidly.
Jeanne D'Arc
Oh dear oh dear Mr Editor, is this how much you’re lowering yourself to? Deleting my posts, when I have not used any foul language at all, you chose to delete my post because as I had pointed out in the post, you just do not want the people to have all the information for them selves. You want to brainwash them just like SPPF…..SFP.
To be honest, it kind of gives me a boost you know. To know that it got under your skin that much that you had to delete it. And the reason it got under your skin is because you know it’s correct, because you did not have an answer!! ;)
I repeat, you do not care about the people. You are still refraining from printing your VERY SPECIAL INDEPENDENT Seselwa Publications (PTY) LTD. Your objective is to bring your ex-colonials friends back & take back the land which they ‘took’ in the first place, and push the people off the land. That’s where you are going with this ‘bonafide’ business.
The only way any other party can win in Seychelles - & any other ‘third world’ countries come to think of it – is if SPPF does decide to spread the ‘wealth’ of the country to the people of the country and stops the corruption which does start with the ‘establishment’ ie World Bank / IMF. If James Michel was to say no, I want to give back to the people the wealth of the country to build our country, that’s when they will intervene & allow people like yourself & SNP to come in & continue the corruption. You probably know that well, Mr Harvard Stanford Educated Politician.
Have a good day ;)
Oh dear oh dear Mr Editor, is this how much you’re lowering yourself to? Deleting my posts, when I have not used any foul language at all, you chose to delete my post because as I had pointed out in the post, you just do not want the people to have all the information for them selves. You want to brainwash them just like SPPF…..SFP.
To be honest, it kind of gives me a boost you know. To know that it got under your skin that much that you had to delete it. And the reason it got under your skin is because you know it’s correct, because you did not have an answer!! ;)
I repeat, you do not care about the people. You are still refraining from printing your VERY SPECIAL INDEPENDENT Seselwa Publications (PTY) LTD. Your objective is to bring your ex-colonials friends back & take back the land which they ‘took’ in the first place, and push the people off the land. That’s where you are going with this ‘bonafide’ business.
The only way any other party can win in Seychelles - & any other ‘third world’ countries come to think of it – is if SPPF does decide to spread the ‘wealth’ of the country to the people of the country and stops the corruption which does start with the ‘establishment’ ie World Bank / IMF. If James Michel was to say no, I want to give back to the people the wealth of the country to build our country, that’s when they will intervene & allow people like yourself & SNP to come in & continue the corruption. You probably know that well, Mr Harvard Stanford Educated Politician.
Have a good day ;)
Oh dear oh dear Mr Editor, is this how much you’re lowering yourself to? Deleting my posts, when I have not used any foul language at all, you chose to delete my post because as I had pointed out in the post, you just do not want the people to have all the information for them selves. You want to brainwash them just like SPPF…..SFP.
To be honest, it kind of gives me a boost you know. To know that it got under your skin that much that you had to delete it. And the reason it got under your skin is because you know it’s correct, because you did not have an answer!! ;)
I repeat, you do not care about the people. You are still refraining from printing your VERY SPECIAL INDEPENDENT Seselwa Publications (PTY) LTD. Your objective is to bring your ex-colonials friends back & take back the land which they ‘took’ in the first place, and push the people off the land. That’s where you are going with this ‘bonafide’ business.
The only way any other party can win in Seychelles - & any other ‘third world’ countries come to think of it – is if SPPF does decide to spread the ‘wealth’ of the country to the people of the country and stops the corruption which does start with the ‘establishment’ ie World Bank / IMF. If James Michel was to say no, I want to give back to the people the wealth of the country to build our country, that’s when they will intervene & allow people like yourself & SNP to come in & continue the corruption. You probably know that well, Mr Harvard Stanford Educated Politician.
Have a good day ;)
"I bet you the break ins at christopher gills office was state organized, and they found nothing except that he pays a massive internet bill every montht to be able to send these recordings and photos overseas asap."
They only found a massive dildo pi kaka in a bunbag and that was of no use to anyone except jen-jen-jen-jen-jen-jen ooops...
Damandra Eulentin was a Paedophile who raped an eleven year old girl and arrogantly bragged about in to her father in his drunken stupor so FUCK YOU CHRISTOPHER GILL, JEAN PAUL ISAAC AND JEANNE D'ARC!
There is no proof as to the manner of his death!
Now bloggers judge with your concience!
Men Technolozi SFP pli araze ki CIA, KGB or MI5. JP must see himself as the local Johnny Englsih
Over 30.000 in the Diaspora- These are Seychellois who were forced to leave their country by fear for the lives after Pp criminals forced their way to power to oppress them.
On Jememy,
His phone call was registrated,plus his numbers it will difficult to say no it was not me.Today with new technologies one can even prove a 100% that it was his voice.
Jeanne D'Arc
There are not foreigners but real Seychellois.
Jeanne D'Arc
Chris/Isaac This blogg is about eulentin why are you avoinding the subject?
He is one of those handful of criminals who participated in the rape of our democracy in 1977.
Jeanne D'Arc
He was not in the Coup d'Etat. He is just making a decent living by killing opponents of for the PP. Don't blame him, he is just a Hitman.
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