Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Time donors borrowed from Africa to help Africa

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By RAY NALUYAGA Posted Friday, June 29  2012 at  11:59
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    Liberia takes the biscuit when it comes to stashing Africa’s cash away in Swiss banks.
    The third poorest country in Africa and second in the world has $4.3 billion in Swiss banks, according to The Swiss National Bank (SNB), the central bank of Switzerland, in its latest report on the country’s banking sector.
    According to SNB, 43 African countries held $16 billion in Switzerland, or 36 per cent of the total aid Africa received in the past 44 years.
    Over the past four decades, aid to Africa quadrupled from around $11 billion to $44 billion, with a net increase of almost $10 billion during the period 2005-2008 alone.
    The Seychelles follow with $2.6 billion. Unlike Liberia with income per capita estimated at $500, Seychelles is characterised as a middle income country with per capita income estimated at $8,700.
    The second stasher is South Africa with $1.9 billion. The country is the richest in the continent, but it is the second biggest aid recipient.
    Swiss banks have a reputation of secrecy and are, therefore, popular with owners of ill-gotten wealth and discreet investors who do not wish to disclose the origins of their money.
    There is no evidence to indicate whether the money was acquired through legitimate or illegitimate means.
    However, the banks have long been a favourite of Africa’s kleptocrats seeking a safe place for money they acquire while in power.


    1. Aid to Africa is helping and sponsoring tyranny not the emprovish people.Form colonial bondage,to Pp bondage slavery in 1977, and thirty -three later the same pp thugs addicted to interantional aids(debts)is transforming our country to neo-colonial "bondaid"(to coin a new word).

      In 1989,Graham Hannock wrote "the lords of poverty"scrutinizing the Interantional aid "industry"including UN,World Bank and IMF.His withering crticism infuriated many in the Interantional aids bureaucracies.But his incisive analysis can not be easily dismmsed.His basic argument is that "Interantional aid"has financed the creation of monstrous projects that ,at vast expense,ahve dsvastated the environemnt and ruin lives;it has supported and legitimized tyrannies,it has faciliated the emerge of fantastical and byzantine staffed by legions of self-hypocrites",It is" a waste of time and money"and harmful to poor recipient countries.
      In other words,Hannock views "Interantional aid"as an elaborate GAME in which public money is levied in taxes from poor of the rich countries is transfromed as Foreign Aid to the rich in the poor country;the rich in the poor countries then hand it back for safe-keeping to the rich in rich countries.

      The mesaage of Hannock's is that the Lords of poverty made up an invisible army of faceless,nameless,heartless,thoughtless,merciless,gutless,clueless,consciousless and feckless"interantional civil servants,development experts,consualtants, and assorted freeloaders,unleashed in Seychelles(africa)to perpetuate and sustain a culture of poverty and beggary.

      Moreover,Why does the Swiss banks always accept dictators' stolen Billions? Because it is a lucrative way of making extra billions ofr the Swiss people.For once those monkeys past away their billions are confiscated by the Swiss banks.In other words,Swiss bankers know by experience that Dictators are never able to enjoy all those billions they robbed from their people ,their money lie in Swiss bank until their death and when a new governemnt come in and ask for the return of those soteln billions,Swiss bankers usaully do not give you the total amount but ask you(the new governemnt to provide information)Why that? For the Swiss bankers know it would be impossible thus they can pocket most of those billions.Example,Dictator Sony Abacha from Nigeria stoled an estimated amount of 6 billions but since the new Negerian govenremnt could not prove that ,Swiss bankers gave them back a samll amount that they were able to proved its existance .Dito,to Mobuto SESE SEKO billions,and many others.

      Time for regime change.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    2. What exactly is Nation telling us today ?

      While trying to big up hypocrite Michel's role at the Malagasy talks, Nation inadvertently let on that Michel's role is indeed as French interpreter for Jacob Zuma.

      That should broken French interpreter.

      Michel should sort out political problems and democracy at home, before interfering in other countries' political problems. If the talks fail, it will be because had no moral authority to host them.

    3. That should be broken French.

    4. After meeting the government (Michel, Herminie, Rose and Pierre), the new British High Commissioner would want to meet the opposition leaders. Otherwise she will spend the next 3-5 years representing the UK to just 50% of the people of Seychelles. The UK will have no diplomatic representation for the half of the population. It will be perfidy indeed, a reminder of perfidious Albion as the French call them.

    5. Malagasy talks have failed !

    6. Rather than accept that the failed Madagascar talks held under James Michel are unlikely to succeed because of Michel's hypocrisy, Michel and Zuma have now decided to send a fact-finding mission to Madagascar to talk to stakeholders here. What a joke ! Michel cannot talk to stakeholders in own country to sort out his political mess.

      Rajoelina only has to point out to what Michel has done and is doing in Seychelles to justify what he is doing in Madagascar.

      Michel's hypocrisy will not succeed.

    7. 50% is wrong. It is likely 30 %. They steal elections, you still don't see that?

    8. Zuma ,Michel show is a demonstration of African ineffectiveness in their doings.Demonstration,any good and professional negociator would have first send a pathfinding mission to gather information,know better the two protagonists positions,their pros and cons and with that try to formulate a balance plan that would satisfy both side or at least give both side space and posibility of maneuvering thus a give and take plan wihcih would have helped make things move.

      But as always with dictators and communists they dictate their own plan without enough knowledge of the sitaution nor before consulting those concern then after they failed only they try to concoct a plan.

      In other words,dictators plan after their action while any professional would plan than act.

      Michel dream of being rewarded Mo Ibrahim's prize for AFRICAN GREATEST leader is fading away,he will not pocket the million he was aiming for nor the title ,he who is addicted to titles.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    9. Mancham has sent a "peace" letter to Malagasy political leaders. Why does he not dare preach peace to James Michel ? Is it because he is afraid Michel will cut off his privileges ? The man is mad.

    10. While he enjoys himself in Majorca , Spain, sponsor by Tax payers money.But not a word on Pp's failures to conduct genuine reforms here at home. He has nothing to say about it for he considers Pp dictatorship democracy to.
      Moreover,A PEACE LETTER!Is there a war in Madagascar?

      He seems to be suffering from dementia like the butcher.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    11. Why did Mancham instead send a POST CARD to Michel.

    12. Gusi Mancham's decision to write this letter is a clear sign that Michel's hypocritical efforts have failed.

      Rajoelina can ignore this letter, just like Rene ignored the "Dear Albert" letters from Sir James.

      Rajoelina can then expect to rule the country for 35 years, and in the end Marc Ravalomanana will be his biggest supporter.

      That's the lesson to draw from James Mancham and James Michel saga.

    13. Seems relations between the two Malagasy leaders have not improved one jot after Michel's intervention. Not surprising at all. Michel is a hypocrite.

      Rajoelina said after returning from the failed talks: "There must be no more bloodshed in Madagascar.

      "When Mr Ravalomanana came to power in 2002, there were deaths all over the island. When he left power in 2009, there were deaths. Now, it's 2012 and he wants to return to power. At all costs, he must not return to power."

      The president added about their talks: "Proposals were put forward, but Mr Ravalomanana did not agree. This man has not changed, and will never change."

    14. The butcher can make alliance with his brother Mugabe.The later,after decades of repressing and butchering his own people proposes the use of force to remove Rajoelina.
      Since both the Butcher and Mugabe are blood- thristy they could go and murder the people of Madagascar.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    15. mancham said in his letter"he was praying for them".One can wonder why should a guy went that far.... ,lying on a beach eating Caviar and drinking Champaign with waste his time praying for others, while he could have done it right here at home in St. Paul Cathedrale.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    16. Eoula kouyon ki kontan kasyet deryer labib. One does not need a cathedral or any special location to pray. One prays within ones own heart EVEN if one was amongst the devil. So even in your presence Mancham could still pray!

    17. You right,but leaving a church behind one's house to travel thousands of kilomoters just to pray for peace in Madagascar is also an example of redicule.Those guys were right here behind mancham's villa, thus why travel that far to pray for peace when there is no war?Why he did no go to Madagascar to pray?Maybe he would have been supported by the Malagasy people.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    18. Who will pray for you and Gill ?

    19. Gill isn't it true that you are a revered member of the Jehovah's Witness Church of Guam and Seychelles and you want to further the aim and priciple of this religion by imposing your beliefs on the population!
      You want to start the first Jehovah's Witness Government and State right here in Seychelles similar to the Mormons of Utah in the USA.
      We have found documents to prove this allegations and very soon they will be published in the local press for all to see!

      Now we know why you are an evil bible basher and a hater of Islam and the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England!

    20. Propaganda is endemic to PP,so your redicules do not impress anybody atheist.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    21. Pissy
      How many persons from Anse Aux Pins work on outter island and outside of Anse Aux ^Pins for i did not hear anything on the total vote from the outter islands.Is that the amount added by Gappy to Pp candidate list to give the supposed increase of PP voters in Anse Aux Pins?

      Jeanne D'Arc

    22. You did not answer the question;
      Are you or are you not a member of the Jehovah's Witness?

    23. I am christian .Is Michel an atheist?

    24. You are a Jehovah's Witness with a mission to forcible convert all Seychellois to your beliefs.

      Nou pou bez ou si ou seye veye wa war!

    25. And you a mentally unstable communist athiest fool, thus a threat to society.There is an emergency to get rid of you before you run amok like the Butcher in 1977.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    26. Gill you are the threat to Seychelles! You are evil, conniving, ignorant, arrogant, dishonest, a fraud and you have no demeanor as a man or a human being!

    27. Reply to last comment-

      You need to state facts, not mere, weak, I say weak......assertions.

      The real threat to Seychelles is the PL who sell her, daily, and mismanage her interests (example, Tourism Industry) regularly and systematically ( last 25 years).

      The real threat is PL who as stewards of the people's interest, allowed $2.1 Billion to be deposited by Seychelles citizens into Swiss National Bank (SNB).

      I only shed light in a dark room.

      If I am dangerous to you for holding up a flash light,sorry, I am exercising my rights as a Citizen and above all, DUTY as a patriot.

      Seselwa Unite!

      Sesel Pou Seselwa!

      Christopher Gill
      Seychelles Freedom Party

    28. SFP is not a threat to Seychelles but it is considered dangerous to PP crooks who have keep robbing our land for the last 35 years and rule without accountability and transparency and the way SFp exposes their crimes just disturb them.They can no longer rob,abuse their power etc... without being exposed.
      The truth is that in fact Pp is a greater danger for the whole country and its citizens for it is turning the country back to colonial time8neo-colonialism) while at the same time subjugating the people into modern slavery.
      SFP is a danger for PP becuase it speaks the truth and the truth always hurt the culprits especially when their crimes are invident and undisputable.

      The exposure will continue unitl the people take back control of their country and destiny.

      Degage PP!

      Jeanne D'Arc

    29. Seychelles Kleptocrats saying we are a threat.

      Who is the real threat to Seychelles ?

      Is it not he with da $2.1 billion ?

    30. Pp communist state torrorism is the real threat.Proof Coup D'etat in 1977 forced our people into slavery and cost the lives of many innocent Seychellois.Pp dictatorship has bankrutped our land,help destory our environemnt,illegal sold our patrimony to foreigners plus our Nationailty.Many Seychelois have become second calss citizens in their soveriegn land for PP thugs beleive Seychelles is for Arabs despots.Seychellois have become poorer than they were under Brit occupation.Our Institutions illegally controlled by under qualified foreigners to the likes of The ungadian and newly apppointed Tanzanian Judges.The list of threat posses by Pp to the National ans its sovereignty is very dangerous and should we not get rid of those marons Seychellois would be the first known society with modern slavery.

      Jeanne D'Arc


    32. Gill are you making reference to yourself?

    33. The butcher today visited Roche Ciaman to supposedly according to his lights "to stay connected to the people"The problem is that visiting tow families of whom were chosen according to their poliitcal orientation does not represent the majority of Roche Caiman population.Dito to his recent visit to Port Claude-he visited two houses only .

      Jeanne D'Arc



      CHIMP ): ): ):

    35. Pissy
      The Butcher was at roche Ciaman yesterday,he visited two empty houses,most of Roche Ciaman inhabitants learned about the Butcher visit hours later of SBC.The Ghost came and desappeared within a fraction of seconds without leaving a trace.

      Jeanne D'Arc

    36. When the light shines in a dark room, the rats run!

    37. Yep! Ti Johnny-le-Rat scampered under his rock...


      CHIMP :) :) :)

    39. Eoula microb kaka, ti Johnny_le-Gay pou bez ou si ou pa aret apel li Lera!


      CHIMP :) :) :)

    41. CHIMP O dalon!

      Ki ou surname;
      Panzee ouswa Munk?

      I need to know so as to add you on the voter's list

    42. Letan mon ti tipti mon ti grandi ek en ti kouzin ki ti apel Zak.
      Ler son manman ti kriy li i ti kriy;
      Zak o vini wa va al aste en kornen disik kot Akai!
      Zak o oli ou, nek Zak o isi Zak o laba alor nou ti apel li Zako

      Ou konpran Chimp?
