Friday, August 10, 2012

Seychelles Couple Denied Bail

A couple from Seychelles and a Kenyan charged with drug trafficking were yesterday denied bail by a Kibera court. The prosecution opposed the bail plea saying if released the accused are likely to flee the country. Chief Inspector Raymond Ngao of the Anti-Narcotics Unit told principal magistrate Laeticia Wachira that Richard Stephens Battin and Latifah Marie Antoinette from Seychelles were arrested together with Jamal Mohammed, Kenyan, as they were leaving the country at JKIA.

He said were found with drugs worth Sh6,715,260. Ngao said the accused, who are charged with an offense that carries a life sentence, are likely to flee if freed on bail. However, lawyer Cliff Ombeta for the accused dismissed Ngao's argument saying his clients, who are foreigners, had a young baby in prison that needs medical attention. The accused were arrested on August 1 at the JKIA while on transit out of the country. It is alleged that the drugs they had were disguised as chocolate and sweets. They will know their fate on August 15.


  1. Drug dealers must be dealt with firmly.That she has a baby in prison is not an accuse to set her on bail.Why?She has family back home that could care for the child .What needed is for PP to ensure that the child is transfer here and give to the offender's family.For it is the mother who has been accused not the child,thus the later cannot pay for his parent mistakes.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. Here's Wavel Ramkalawan tearing strips off Daddy James Michel. Long live SNP !

    James Michel and the Opposition

    I must admit that everytime I hear James Michel talk about the opposition, I smile for a simple reason: Either he wants to play stupid, or he simply has no clue of what he is talking about. But the problem is, he puts in so much energy trying to convince
    himself about what he is saying that in the end you just don’t know what to believe.

    Michel must be told a plain and simple truth: You are fooling yourself when you talk of David Pierre and the PDM as the opposition in the country. The real opposition in Seychelles is led by Philippe Boullé, Ralph Volcère and Wavel Ramkalawan. Make no mistake about this.

    David Pierre, the guy you meet every month needs you badly. He depends on you for his existence. You control his strings. You created him and therefore he owes everything to you. He will do everything you ask him. He is even ready to call you Daddy, but you haven’t asked him yet. Try. Others in his team, including Jane Carpin will bow down to you because they are spineless.

    The real opposition is totally different. We will not bow down to you because we are not your creation. We stand on our own feet and we dare look you in the eye and tell you that you are wrong and you do not know what you are doing. We dare point to your mistakes and tell you that you are not a good leader, but rather one with double standards. We have done it and we will keep doing it. That’s why you hate us. But who cares?

    The real opposition loves this country and will criticise what is wrong in it so that we can get it better. We will not gloss over rubbish because this land is our land and our children will live in this country after we are gone. We will not admire the ‘clothes’ of the naked him, but tell him to go dress up.

    The double standards that James Michel continues to exhibit will get the approval of the ones who seeks recognition and approval, but we in the real opposition don’t need that. We do what we do because we believe in what is best for this country and its residents. No sucking up to anyone, but rather, working for the best.

    I say all this because James Michel needs to understand that by doing what we are doing, we have helped solve so many of the country’s problems. When he and his party were stuck in their communist and marxist ways, we managed to pull them out and convince them that liberalisation was a better option. It is a shame that they have wrongly driven this vehicle and we are today leaning against a wall once again.

    The other half of the population that doesn’t support him have made big contributions in the development of this country and we will continue to do so. But for goodness sake, don’t insult our intelligence and intergrity by pretending we do not exist.

    The real opposition has a lot to offer. Right now we see this country spiralling downwards without much direction. So many easy solutions to so many problems are just staring us in the eyes. It is sad because your created opposition has no vision and will not help you come out of the mess.Instead it will just be an extra burden on your shoulders, therefore just helping you sink deeper in the mess.We are really sorry for this country where the one eyed is king.

    Please, please, James Michel, come out of this self-induced sleep and face reality. Take a close look at this nation. Wake up and smell the coffee. When you talk of the real opposition, you are talking of self-made people, strong and determined
    with personality and character. Please do not compare us to your group of puppets waiting for you to pull the next string for them to come up to State House to meet Daddy!

    We are opposed to you and we want you out for the sake of saving this country and ensuring it remains for Seychellois.This is us.Take us or leave us, but we will not act like little hungry, brainless little poodles.(sorry dog lovers).

  3. RAM statement show how disturb his is to have been repalced by Pierre as fake stooge oppostion by PP.
    And this can be support by his own words namely when we said that"Real oppostion are Boulle.SNP and Volcere"the three Pp stooges Musketeers who help PP subjugating its people for so long.He went on to say that His aprty collaboration with PP rogue regime have helped made Seychelles achieve what is has achieved.How what have Seychelles achieved RAm by your unconditional and blind support is tyranny,Banruptcy,the continued sell out of our patrinomy,the increase of poverty ,crimes,drug abuses and all the rest.
    Now,should RAm believes his party is the real opposition why does he refuse to work with other opposition parties to change the mess created by PP?Why has RAM more interessed in meeting with the Butcher of whom he consider the problem for our country and not opposition leaders in order to move things forward and get PP out of power?

    RAM rhetoric just does not convinced anyone than himself.You a stooge RAM.You were at Seyco,You are still one today ,and you will probably be tommorrow for you directly depend of PP to feed yourself.You just cannot stand on your two feet alone.

    Give us a break Dog!

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. Anybody got a picture of Battin? Need to show his face. He is well connected apparently

  5. Is it well-connected to Gill ?

  6. Ramkalawan exposes his intellectual dementia and mental instability in my view.

    The real opposition he claims to be opposes Michel, but all three ran in presidential elections to give Michel's fake democratic elections credibility;

    The Ramkalawan real opposition, endorses a candidate in Anse Aux Pins elections, before reforms are put in place, this just gives James Michel more credibility again.

    SAD and Pathetic, this is not taking Michel to shreds, this is called stroking a dude.You SNP people are beyond belief.

  7. Meggie Sodie Marie has won by 99.99%.

  8. PDM wants a RECOUNT !

    Can't see where all the votes promised by PL have gone !!

  9. Independent candidate is ahead.

  10. Votes 3217
    Voted 2421
    Rejected 284
    Valid 2137
    Independent 650
    PL 1317
    PDM 170

  11. Parti Lepep and PDM -- 46%
    Boycott, Spoilt votes and Independent candidate -- 54%

    The government parties have got a minority of the Anse aux Pins electorate.

  12. Disaster for PDM. Facing extinction.

    PDM came last.
    More people stayed at home than voted for PDM
    More people spoilt their vote than voted for PDM.
    Not a single vote more than last year, despite wheeling in their big gun as carpetbagger. Its reputation as as a PL poodle has stuck.

    Michel now knows the size of the real opposition facing him and it is not PDM which is a fringe party.

    There is a majority out there in the country who cannot be bought to vote for PL and will not vote for them for love or money.

    In the election, PL outspent everyone else. It must have spent at least 1,000 rupees for each vote received. That was a very expensive bonk by Manoo. No wonder Michel wanted to keep his bonking, fornicating and porn MNA.

    Even with a clear run and no real opposition, Parti Lepep was up to its dirty tricks. As the independent candidate said on SBC, voters arrived as disabled in a wheel chair to have their vote cast for them by Parti Lepep but got up to walk as soon as they left the polling station. It seems all disabled people in Seychelles are registered to vote at Anse aux Pins.

  13. Despite more voters (22) on the register since 2011, Parti Lepep's vote was down by 53 votes.

    The mighty political machine is losing its vicious grip on the electorate.

  14. The other humiliation for PDM is that its share of valid votes is down from 11% to 7%. Long live SNP !

  15. Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,from Dockland to Danland and around the world, PP is proud to announce another victory from none other than the BLOG of SEYCHELLES REALITY owned by the SEYCHELLES FREEDOOOOOM PARTY. AKA PARTI LA LIBERTE. Thanks for the space! Feel free to cross over!

    En zans lan-so-pen obor laboutikroberkopravizavimetrobarzisaprekanpoulkotedwinkoulipyedrat.

  16. PDM would have got 1 vote more than last year, if they had an Anse aux Pins resident as their candidate and not carpetbagger Carpin who could not vote.

  17. Seychellois are so easily bought.

  18. The vote in Anse Aux Pins clearly shows us that PDM is not a credible party, but a stooge party of PL.

    The fact, that with a presidential endorsement, 1/3 of the voters did not turn up shows PL is losing credibility even in their bastyon of suffering.

    Congratulations to all thoses that spolit voters, boycotted, you did not give credibility to a flawed undemocratic process.

    You who voted for the Independent candidate, or any other candidate, you were fooled to believe in the flawed process and give it credibility,that prevents the flawed process from being fixed to deliver democracy to Seychelles and real empowerment to our people.

    Those that suffer the most, must open their eyes the widest!

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  19. Dr Ramadoss resigns as Parti Lepep’s CC member - 11.08.2012

    Parti Lepep announced yesterday that it has accepted the resignation of Dr V. Ramadoss as Central Committee (CC) member and also a member of the party.
    A communiqué from the party’s secretariat said that the party leadership has accepted Dr Ramadoss’ resignation and thanked him for his services to the party.

  20. There is nothing for SFP to smile about in the Anse aux Pins election. It would have received fewer votes than PDM.

  21. Ramadoss resigned before he was pushed.

  22. Maybe he is trying to crossover to SFP.

  23. SFP Boycott has done excellent. Low turn out for a hard core PL region, nearly 300 spoilt votes as instructed.

    It clearly shows, SFP is on the move.

    SNPDPBOULLE three presidents are losing themselves by giving credibility to a flawed process by endorsing a candidate as usual.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  24. If Ramadsoss crosses over to...errr he cannot cross over because he resigned but if he joins SFP then would SFP stand for what it originally stood for; - Gill being the first fabrike followed by Ssang SSung sepa Samsung or whatever oriental name he chooses to match his mood, then Gary Tall e maintenant Ramadoss!


  26. SFP, stop clutching at straws!!!!

  27. TODAY editor is still determined to use the paper to ingratiate herself with the Parti Lepep government. This time it is through Mancham, sending him birthday greetings on front page (yuck) knowing that Mancham is now firmly in Michel's camp. Sounds like she is not above a little bit of corrupt practice. Maybe next time her application to be a judge will be accepted, now that she has demonstrated that Parti Lepep can have confidence in her.

  28. This coupel are complaining about their child,if you have child with you tell your lawer to speak with your family that can pick up your child.
    Escobar communist dont realist them on bail seen years they have been importing drugs getting fat millionar calling them self bussinessman and when make million they want more,give them life sentence and others can think twice befor they import drugs in Seychelles.
    Why they dont call themself Seychelles escobar instead of bussinessman.

  29. When you do crime you better pay the price,dont do crime when you can take the time and when you do a crime you better pay the price.If you can not take the time dont do crime.

  30. As Jimmy Cliff tells us, the higher they climb the harder they fall. So, it is with Dr Vaithinathaswamy Ramadoss. It is only just a little over 6 months ago that the once penniless Indian doctor, was voted on Parti Lepep's Central Committee ahead of some well known Parti Lepep Seychellois born and bred members including ex-ministers. Eyebrows were raised high that Parti Lepep's members had favoured Ramadoss over others. Ramadoss were also appointed as Secretary for Finance and the party strongman for Mont Fleuri.

    Things have gone tits up, just months later.

    Now all state organs controlled by Parti Lepep, Nation and SBC, have been quick to publish the doctor's "resignation" which the Parti has "accepted". The doctor is being humiliated. No one "resigns" from Parti Lepep. Any such audacity will be punished. Although they might tread more carefully with Ramadoss's audacity than with other's audacity because he knows their medical secrets, having been their private doctor.

    Whether it is sex or politics, Parti Lepep is mired in scandals and Michel's tenuous hold on Rene's party is being put to the test. The party is imploding.

  31. Pe implode dan ou troufes!

  32. Why didn't Ramadoss sack Michel and take over Parti Lepep ?

  33. Any news on Albert Rene ?

  34. 1/3 no vote 287 sploit votes, in a country that is 99% literate is not straws. It exposes the weakening of the alliance that gives credibility to James Michel in every election that calls themselves :opposition.

    For us, you are no different then David Pierre, until you change your ways.

    Our work continues.

    Everyone that BOYCOTT this election, everyone that stayed home, everyone that spoilt a vote, can be PROUD of themselves!

    They did not give credibility to a non credible process.

    Those that were fooled to walk into a trap of Acid, we pray for you to change your path and open your eyes when the false prophets knock on your door.

    They have already become millionaires, fooling you.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  35. The people of Anse aux Pins have send a strong signal to Pp thugocrates by sanctioning them once again.Greedy Chapin was send to find a life.I think there is a job vacant as public toilette cleaner at Baie Ste Anne Habour.As to the end result it was expected that Pp win as always for it is not the voterwho decide the outcome but the one who count the votes namely Pp goon Gappy the master of manipulation.

    Jeanne D`'Arc

  36. Ramadoss resignation is making headline. well he is a foreigner ,and his resignation is something normal for he should not even be controlling our insituion.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  37. SNPNDPBOULLE endorsed a fraudulent not fair election by endorsing a candidate knowing the playing field was not levelled.

    They have given credibility to a flawed process, that even Citizens For Democracy says is flawed.


  38. Local observers say it was not FAIR as always.Voter list manipulated by Gappy to favored PP.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  39. It is time for genuine reforms and that starting by disolving the appointed Electoral Commission and asking Gappy to go.A new genuine ,indepedent Electoral Commission is needed.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  40. Pissoff Anse aux Pin election was not fair local obsevers said.that why SFP will never participate in an unfair election.Nou les pou ban maron couyon.

  41. Why participate when they know,it will not be a fair Election ban maron.

  42. Wasn't there a Battin that SFP was defending not so long ago ? Are they different people ?

  43. There is only ONE Batin family in Seychelles and they have a very long association with Gill going back to the days of Les Mamelles.
    Jean Paul Isaac also has a strong connection with Batin.

    I want to see them both deny these allegations!

  44. Antony Battin is a registered member of SFP.

    Richard Battin is a member of SPPFPL from my understanding.

    Antony Battin was not arrested nor do we believe he has anything to do with the baby in jail or the drugs.

    If he did, we would not support such action.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  45. We supported Battin for telling the truth and exposing fake Judas aka spongebob squarepants scum.It was not about his political orientation,but having the guts to say thing as it is.Just as we supported Voclere against Matilda/PP arbitrary justice.Not becuase we agree with Voclere but becuase we considered his rights was being abused.One can be friend,speak,talk even with someone you donot agree with , etc..
    That is the different with SFP comapre to Pp and stooge oppostition party leaders ,it is open-minded ,just as it is ready to discuss,debate take criticism if justify,etc...

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  46. What is the connection between Richard and Anthony?

  47. Honeymoon Paradise (Not Quite !!!!!)
    2 Aug 2012 ian e, Sheffield, United Kingdom | Trip type: Couples
    After searching many brochures and talking to a leading travel company my wife and I chose Fregate Island for our honeymoon destination (22nd to 29th July 2012). We were of course looking for a touch of paradise and thought this was the place. Although we had a wonderful stay and nothing will ever detract from some wonderful memories, it is worth I think logging some facts and observations that you may wish to consider before you book this resort. The service from our butler Dian who was truly a star was first class as was the service from all the other members of staff from the cleaner to the chef. However the facts are as follows.

    We arrived by helicopter and were greeted by Dian the butler who apologised that the Managing Director did not welcome us personally. Now this is not a big place and there were only three villa's in use so the MD is not exactly overworked. We later found out having talked to several members of staff that they were treated in the most appaling way by said person. He is not liked and is generally considered to be a lazy person and a bully (quote x 3). The reason he did not greet us we were told later, was because he does not get out of bed until 10:00am in the morning. When we did meet him on our second day this man proved to be the singularly most smarmy and false person I have ever met. All he seemed bothered about was the obviously very wealthy people who he sucks up to beyond belief and tries to charm the ladies (Rant now over about him!!!).

    The food although presented well left an awful lot to be desired. At the most it was average and we have had far better in many parts of the world. It is also limited, so you end up having roughly the same menu each lunch or dinner wherever you dine.

    The wine is varied with a lot more choices for the red but limited on the white. However it is outrageously expensive. Forget about the import tax bull that the MD commented to me. An example is a bottle of Chateau Palmer which I can buy and do at many restaurants in the UK for between £175.00 and £220.00. Fregate Island is over £1,000.00 plus 15% tax !!!!!!!!!!


  48. The villa (No:11) was wonderful, however very tired with varnish peeling all over. Loose and exposed screws to the decking area and tired in general. The pool was only cleaned once during our stay and this was only for flies and not the small debris on the bottom plus the hot tub was so dirty we did not enter at all. With the above said is not good when you are spending virtually all day by your pool because you are not going on the beach (see below).

    The beaches. Now I am a beach lover and one of the reasons for choosing Fregate Island was because I love snorkelling and my new wife loves sunbathing. Please note and I really mean PLEASE NOTE: THESE BEACHES ARE A DEATH TRAP (literally) First day on the beach, the seas are quite rough but that it appears is normal. Not to worry, I am a very strong swimmer and have snorkelled many destinations throughout the world. One small problem that is not in the brochures is a very, very strong undercurrent together with a lethal side current. I got into a sticky situation, one that a less well abled swimmer would have had a severe problem with. Relating this story later to a member of staff (backed up by two other members of staff) we were told that in the last year TWO PEOPLE HAVE DIED in this situation. There are over 150 steps to get to this and other beaches with very little barrier protection and there have been many reported accidents just getting to the area. Neither is there a life guard on the island, basically if you get into trouble, you will drown !!!!!

    The cost. We have talked over this point many times and can't understand why you are paying double that of any other resort of it's kind bar a few. Yes it is tranquil and yes it looks great from the villa out to sea. But double I think not, there are many places and locations around the world better, safer and cheaper.

    Last note. There are so many birds around the harbour/plantation area, the stench makes you simply feel sick. The whole are is covered in white bird droppings and is beyond umpleasant!

  49. We are now waiting for Jean Paul to tell us whether or not he has drug-dealing mates.

  50. It is right to criticise what went or were wrong with th hotel especially knowing the price paid for a one noght stay.But the bulk of the problem is to blame the rouge regime who does not resepct norms,nor do control those establishemnts in regards of safety norms,services etc...

    And this governemnt has always had a liassez-faire approach when it comes to foreign friends and sponsors of the rogue system.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  51. Gill! Isaac! What is the connection between Richard and Anthony?

    Why are you both evading the question???

  52. Reply on Battin

    They are relatives. Cousin like Ramkalawan is the Son of the Ramkalawan that built Zomn Lib, and he evades this question: why?

    If being a relative is a crime, then most of us would all be in jail.

    Now, if Battin Antony has done anything wrong, SFP like the Public expect the Government to say something. If not, leave the man alone.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  53. It is now widely reported that 2 people close to the pope are to stand trial for stealing money whilst at the vatican. If people so close to the pope can steal and be tried in a court of law, surely most thinking people of Seychelles are bound to ask "why cant those close to party Le Pep, who have stolen much more - are not tried?? Party Le Pep and their cohort members of the National Assembly are determined to cover up, and not to allow even a basic open public investigation. So much money from the poor people of Seychelles have been stashed away, causing untold misery to the people - IMF called, taxes up, foreign exchange in disarray etc. etc. Furthermore, what do party Le Pep and members of the National Assembly have to say about the numerous killings and disappearances which took place in Seychelles? These things are NOT going to go away. They need answers. The old adage "the truth will set you free" - Speak out. The truth will come out. Whether you are in the National Assembly and make laws to protect yourselves and your clique - you know it is wrong, you will have to answer to the people, why you did not speak out!!

  54. Are you saying Gill that some SFP members have relatives who are drug-dealers ?

  55. Is it any wonder Isaac is keeping quiet ?

  56. I am sure if the arrested person was a Ramkalawan, even a cousin one million times removed, Gill would be making a song and dance about it. Just like he keeps reminding us that it was Ramkalawan Sr who welded Zomn Lib together, at a time when Gill Sr too was in SPUP.

  57. Gill, those who play with fire get burnt.

  58. So, put the box of matches away.

  59. People behave or may i remind you that when anthony battin was on mahe hard working with his animals on a farm richard was arrested in kenya. We all know why you want battin out of the way in PL but ramkalawan, well i guess he just wanted to feel remorse for ferrari being seen in public court when ti nela of corgat estate was arrested for drug trafficking anyway ferrari left them days after even if he could have gone independent candidate for mont fleuri, guess his fundings suddenly went away.

    Not only ramka what about ralph when terry sadapin was on trial for drug related issues?? there is more ramkalawan's trips to mont fleuri door to door with gro cecile and ti nella showing him door to door?

    Eitherway here we all know the truth and that is wavel ralph and boulle are now working with albert.

  60. Parti laliberte in kas liki dan ans o pen.

    Bannla in bez tou le trwa prezidan avek en sel ros e menm pdm in anmas beze, fodre aret kouyon seselwa!

    Ti dir pou annan pa ti dir keler, mon le tande ki wavel ramkaka i annan pou dir lo sa enn pa i ti dir sa bann lezot parti politik pa relevan be akoz boycott laliberte in en tel sikse eksa dan kan parti lepep?

    ferm sa bann parti sal don e zwenn ek misel na dil ek sa gill!

  61. ler zot anvi fer kankan ant ramadoss ek glenny savy pa in fer li lo paz sfp fer li lo zot prop kosonnyen mon mon swiv sfp pa zafer zonm rene ouswa kouyonad misel.

    Mersi byen e sa bann shit ki ramadoss in ekri lo fregat sorry mon amis sesel pou touzour pli zoli pei dan lemonn.

  62. E demen mon pe al lafet ladig.
    Si mon mank aroa mwa pran voltiger nwa voltize.

  63. 10.20 Pm
    We will let pseudo-Seychellois Rammadoss and thief Glenny fight each other,it help expose PP failure and down fall which will happen sooner than later.

    Lafet Ladig.Pp is presenting Ladig LA FET as if it is something new and not known as an atraction for tourists but also many Seychellois from Praslin to Mahe gather there to enjoy the LA FET.There were other religious celebrations that attracted people from Mahe etc.. before Pp atheist banned those celebrations such as Baie Ste Anne (LA FEt Ste Anne),It was in fact the one La FET that attracted most people.Back then you would see boats morning until later in the evening going and coming from Mahe to Praslin teem will people coming to celebrate La Fet SteAnne.It was a celebration that bring lots of income to Praslin local ecnomy but unfortunately Pp atheist banned it to replace it by black 5th June the celebration of tyranny or by an artificial Expat Indain Workers hinduist celebration(whcih has nothing to do wwith Seychellois)and which after fierce criticism from the people has been called off by Pp thugs.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  64. Jeanne D'Arc

    Maybe it is about time you start backing your allegations with facts.
    I have noticed on several occasions you have slandered my name on your papers please desist lest I ask you to back them up in a court of law.

    Glenny Savy

  65. In court, one can always ask for production of bank accounts.

    You need to have a good reputation to have a foundation to defend the same.

  66. It's you who will have to prove your allegations.

  67. From now on Zendark = Anonymous.

    La...non la...non la...non la aaaaarrr.

    Ton Pa.

  68. Soon we will prove it dont worry but be prepair.

  69. The court takes a Plaintiff in defamation with the character he has.

    If you are a known killer, what kind of reputation do you have to preserve?

    If you are a known corrupt official, what kind of reputation do you have to preserve?

    If you have multiple accounts, overseas that form part of $2.1 Billion, a defendant can call up these bank accounts, and trace each transaction for the courts to prove, you have no reputation of honesty and integrity to preserve.

    Additionally, in defamation you need a publication of high distribution, it cannot be in the virtual world.

    I thank Dr. Ramadoss for his work to uncover corruption in Seychelles, and encourage him to continue to do so.

  70. In the case of a Public figure, holding in trust public accounts, if an allegation is made in your name, it is your duty to reply to every single allegation and deny or accept as being truthful.

    Silence, is deemed to be acceptance.

  71. 12.21 Am
    TONPA is a real hero,â master in his art ,a real patriot who kept our tradition going.A seselwa rasin who believed in Sesel pou Seselwa firmly.You should take a leaf from his book.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  72. Jean Paul Isaac pa piti Ton Pa sa!
    Get son kouler e get son laparans!

    Lekel ki ou kwar i ti a pe pike ler i ti demande; la? non! La? Non!
    La? Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

    Deman Jean Claude lekel ki ti criy wiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

  73. He surely would prefer to be PITI TONPA a National Hero than that of the Butcher with blood on his hands.TONPA rose to Stardom for his talent and for the fact that he was a patriot who kept our tradition alive, not by gving himself lots of titles like the Butcher.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  74. Some more names of Seychelles' National Heros are-Gerald Hoareau,Joseph Antoine- Belle,Guy lyonais,Castor,and many more. Not included on this list is Zonm Libre,FAR ,or any other communist murderers.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  75. Play with fire-

    We all know drug has no borders and no family name.

    It has affected every single family in Seychelles, thanks to SPPFPL sleeping on the job all these years.

    Stop blaming others for a national problem that has been neglected.


    I know Ramkalawan do not like me or anyone around me.

    I don't care much for him either.

    This is the building blocks the Lord has given us to start building a country with.

    In order to progress, we must go beyond this lowly block of helplessness brought about by Ramkalawan himself.

    SFP is only a reaction to poor leadership, and self centred , which is a sin, because one then uses his energy to build opulence, instead of building a better life for everyone else, as promised on words.

    Then all ones energy is used to defend that which is opulent.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  76. "I know Ramkalawan do not like me or anyone around me....sniff!"

    Totof o, bous ou gro boyo don!
    What do you want a hug?

    NOBODY likes you and those around you.
    Izaaq a.k.a. ti Johnny-le-Gay is a brown-nose-sub-servient-uncle Tom arse-licker and you have delusions of grandeur so if being unliked and unloved is eating at you, you can
    1. Go have a mass with your Jehovah's Witness congragation and ask the lord to forgive you your corrupt sins
    2. Bez al sot dan kanal deryer Ste. Anne
    3. Just piss in your bunbag!

  77. Why does Ram,voclere do not like SFP and its leadership?Simple. SFP has exposed their real persons and their love for PP that they can no longer do things as they used to.
    RAM ,for instance,would have liked that SFP does not reveal its collaobaration with PP when he was at SEYCO or that his Father built Zonm lib Pp tyrannical symbol thus he could have continued fooling sEYCHELLOIS IN RETURN for HIS BIG SALARY,PENSION,BONUSES FROM pp.Dtio ,to Volcere ,he woud have like that no one knows that Ramadoss secretly sponsor him thus he could have fool Seychellois in making them beleive he is different from RAM and that he is not a PP stooge.But SPF envieled his secret to the public and it hurts.An anecdote to confirm that:When a pp thug two years shot on his car,it wasnot because PP thugs were intimidating him but it was a tactic known by Volcere in order to give us the impression that he an opposition to PP and have nothing do to with Pp thugs,which today we know was also a fake tactic to fool Seychellois and to hide hie real face in return for his big pension etc...

    Whether Voclere,Ram, boulle like SFp or not .It is not important for SFP is working,striving for the people not stooges like Ram and Volcere.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  78. Nobody liiiiikes Totof
    Yehn yehn yehn yehhhhn yehn yehn!

  79. No body is probably those Pp fake heroes Pp wants us to worship without names.Zonm lib is the only known fake hero to Seychellois to date.Can you provide us with a list of names of those maybe forgotten communist heroes please?

    Jeanne D'Arc

  80. Zom Lib is a symbol of all our heros that fought in the struggle to liberate us from colonialization and YOUR UNCLE'S neo-colonialization under the guise of independence!
    When you speak of Zom lib you are speaking of real Seychellois heroes!
    Once or twice I've noticed you mentioning Castor! Votre gueule n'est pas assez propre pour mentioner un homme grande comme Castor

  81. Seychellois liberated themselves in1976 when they proudly took their independence which has nothing to do with Pp coup D'etat that turned us into forced slavery.Moreover,if you consider that when we speak about Zonm Lib we are talking about Real Seychellois heroes then give us one single name of those so called Real Seychellois heroes for Seychellois would like to know them.Could it be Ramkalawan Senior the builder of Zonm lib, Pp symbol of tyranny?Or RAM junior Pp stooge opposition leader?

    Jeanne D'Arc

  82. YES CASTOR not to confused with Cuban dictator Castros a friend of the butcher.Castor was the first Seychellois who resisted European colonisation.It seems you ignore this name ,probably because PP forbid you to learn about your history but instead about Stalin,Lenin.Kim of N Korea,Mugabe, communism etc...

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  83. I have no doubt that Ramkalawan does not like Gill. For that, he truly deserves a gold medal.




    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  85. Eoula Gill bous ou boyo don! Don't try to re-write history.
    During your uncle's reign as neo-colonial Chief Minister then later puppet president, CASTOR's name was dead and buried. It was FAR who resurrected his name and history for all Seychellois because he was a symbol of our struggle and eventual freedom so ase fer ou kouyon pou dir ki SPUP forbade us to learn about him.
    Who do you think renamed La Rivierre Anglaise road to La rue Castor?
    You will fool the new generation ONLY after my generation dies out but until then you fraudster I will be here to demanti ou!

    The only thing you have been doing on here and on the dead and burried S*T*A*R* is steal FAR's ideas because you have nothing of your own to offer Seychelles!

  86. Surely not PP and do not confused Castor with Zonm lib.The former is a reaL HERO for freedom the later represnts tyranny.

    Morvoer,La Riviere Angalise has historical meaning to it if Pp change the name thne for what?Why Pp did not instead name Francis street a communist perpetrate to Mahe de Labourbonnais street or something with real historical means to it?

    The person who has continually try to fake is History is tzhe Butcher he wants ASeychellois to celebrate their 29th June their independence day on 5th june when PP thugs raped our democracy.Or the butcher changed the historical anme of Victoria hospital to Seychelles hospital to pleased Khalifa who could not accept his name on a building with a woman name.

    jEANNE d'aRC

  87. Zom lib soon i will be doing some grafitik paint on it,and Pp soon you will start to see some grafitik paint on the walls of victoria with some messages.

  88. Pissed off-

    FAR dropped the ball. We have picked it up, and we are running with it.

    We could give a scrap about Mancham, who is as much a sell out as James Michel, your lackey incarnation.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  89. Dropped ball for $2.1 Billion.

  90. The 2,5 billion is not yours but the people.We will never sell our soul to a devil.Only stooges to the likes of RAm will do that ,their souls are weak thus manipulable.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  91. Spoken like a hero Jeane D'arc!

  92. Hero?

    Looks like a BIG ZERO to me.


  93. She is a hero, her noise is waking up the sleeping.

  94. So are you saying that when you do your coup D'etat in 2016 with Ti Johnny-Le-Gay brandishing his AK47
    you will replace Zom Lib with a statue of Jeanne Lib?
    Welded by Izaaq's father....whoever he may be?!

  95. We do not need coup.

    We need reform, democracy, freedom, this will bring regime change.

    That is why Michel does not show up to the Round Table Meetings,and you all play along with Simon Gill.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party





    CHIMP :) :) :)

  97. Every people has a right to take up arms if they exhaust all other means of reform to reach achieve self determination. You don't need a blog for that.

    We are saying we don't have to go that route if reform is implemented to bring about Democracy, Freedom to Seychelles.

    When that is done, we in SFP believe regime change will be effected, because PL stay in power only because they steal votes, and rig elections, and deny rightful Seychellois the right to vote in the thousands.

    For this, we do not need no orange party the colour of saffron, nor do we need sell out parties that look like sponges. We do not need lost Independents with no rudder either.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  98. So what you are saying is that taking up arms will only be a last resort if you do not see any satisfactory reforms and therefore still an option?

  99. Arms is an option for any people. It is part of the Social Contract.

    Don't you read political philosophy?

    You do not read Mandela, Long Walk To Freedom?

    What planet do you live on?

    You just raise your hands all your life and say yes I will, instead, of saying yes I can?

    Raising arms can be a army group that has seen enough of Seychelles sold to Khalifa, and they cannot take it any more, and they cannot take being given a speech in Arabic and they revolt; it can be the Police Force, that says they have seen enough; It can be IOT workers, like in South Africa, and they have had enough, they pick up their tuna knife and go to town. It can be school children that pick up sticks and turn against the JJ spirit indoctrination program. It is the right of all people to rebel against a tyrannical system.

    It can be a Seychellois that raises a rock, and throws it at a Gurhka who does not belong in Seychelles policing and he certainly has no business carrying an AK-47 here.


    SFP will exhaust all peaceful means and we will remain peaceful.

    Seselwa Unite!

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  100. That's a shame. Because I thought the only way SFP would get to power was through a coup d'etat which Isaac was working on. So, the police are wasting their breath roughing up Isaac.

  101. And how else are you going to drag James Michel to the round table ? Now Danny Faure holds all the cards.

  102. If SFP is ruling out a coup d'etat, why is James Michel acting as if a coup d'etat is in the wind ? Must be his chronic paranoia.

  103. It explains why Gill attacks Ramkalawan and not Parti Lepep. No coup d'etat is required to replace Ramkalawan but a coup d'etat is needed to replace PL. As Gill has said, there is no coup d'etat. Therefore he has given up on replacing Parti Lepep in power.

    Gill's rantings against Ramkalawan and silence on Parti Lepep will make more sense in future.

  104. Look not from afar for the coup is coming from the inside.

    CHIMP :) :) :)

  105. Ramkalawan pl, PDM is all the same.

    A sell out can come from many different parties, but the finance is the same, open you fucking eye ball, kouyon

  106. Zot Gill naraze ozordi nek fuck this fuck that...nek nek nek nek i zoure mem foutou!
    Ki arive viex frere bun bag pe pez ou gro pans?

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