From Link:
The United States,
wracked by a sputtering economy, has decided to construct a modern-age
“Maginot Line” from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific.
Unlike the Maginot Line, which was a series of underground fortresses and tunnels, built by the French along their border with Germany to be an “impregnable” barrier to prevent an invasion by Adolf Hitler’s Army, America’s “Maginot Line” is composed of a chain of naval and air bases, intelligence-gathering sites, and pre-positioned military supplies.
In 1940, the German Army struck at France by going around the Maginot Line and crossing the French frontier after invading neutral Belgium. Unlike France, which faced a clear threat from a rearming Germany, the chain of bases being established by the United States from the east coast of Africa and the Red Sea through the Indian Ocean and into Southeast Asia and the Pacific is not in answer to any specific threat to the security of the United States, but to provide a bulwark against an amorphous collection of “threats” to America and/or its allies. The threats, cited by neo-conservative and neo-liberal policymakers alike, include “China, Iran, al-Qaeda, and other ‘global Jihadists,’” and alleged various minor asymmetric warfare players.
In fact, there is no real threat to the United States or its allies from any of the oft-referenced “threats.” America’s buildup in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific is to ensure the continued dominance of the budget-consuming military-industrial complex, protect the financial interests of companies that owe little or no allegiance to the United States, and to project the American military power around the globe.
In east Africa, an American military and intelligence base has, for some time, existed at Camp Lemonier in Djibouti. The Obama administration is beefing up the American military and intelligence presence in the region, including the Horn of Africa, by establishing a naval base in Manda Bay, Kenya, a drone base in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, a drone base in Victoria on the island of Mahé in the Seychelles, an air facility and drone “training” in Entebbe, Uganda, a drone “training” base in Burundi, a maritime tracking station at the Pemba naval base in northern Mozambique, a surveillance and naval base on the Kenyan island of Lamu near the Somali coast, and an air facility at Juba Airport in South Sudan. There are also reports that the United States has considered building a naval base on the large Maldives atoll of Marao.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on a trip to Africa, tipped her hand on the future American intentions in the region. While watching a US drone, provided to the Ugandan military, Clinton said the United States wants to deploy “improved” drones, which can see through the jungle canopy.
Many Ugandans agree that the drones’ alleged target represent a spent force and the only reason, the United States has for deploying drones with infrared capabilities to peer through heavy jungle growth is to provide support for the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) to wipe out any opposition forces in the bush, who pose threats to the US client dictators in the region. The dictators, supported by the United States, include Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Paul Kagame of Uganda, and Meles Zenawai of Ethiopia. America’s only interest in the region is to ensure the continued flow of diamonds, gold, oil, natural gas, columbite-tantalite, platinum, and uranium from the resource-rich Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic.
The United States has never made it a secret that it wants to establish a base on the Yemeni island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean. With Yemen in political transition, the US sees a real opportunity to grab Socotra. The United States and Britain have also reportedly dusted off an old secret plan by the Royal Air Force to establish an airbase on Aldabra in the Seychelles. With conservationists sure to object to any such move, the island of Assumption, with its all-weather airstrip, may serve as an alternative.
The US continues to expand its large air and naval ship and submarine base on Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territory. Diego Garcia is an important base for the US military and naval units stationed in Oman where an intelligence base exists on the island of Masirah, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. The US presence in the Persian Gulf and Diego Garcia is justified by citing the “threat from Iran.”
To the east, the United States is seeking to establish a military aircraft and drone base on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory in the Indian Ocean. The base would supplement a proposed US naval base as HMAS Stirling in Perth, which would provide support for an entire US aircraft carrier battle group and a US Marine and air base in Darwin in the Northern Territory that would initially host 2500 US personnel. The 600 Cocos Islanders fear they will suffer the same fate as the 2000 Chagossian inhabitants of Diego Garcia and the Outer Chagos islands of Peros Banhos and the Salomon Islands -- 200 miles away from Diego Garcia -- who were forcibly removed from the island between 1967 and 1973 to make way for the American base. The Chagossians now live in squalid conditions in Mauritius. The Cocos Islanders justifiably fear they will meet a similar fate and be ordered off their islands to be consigned to the same sort of poverty, which has befallen many of Australia’s Aborigines.
And, after a costly war in terms of blood and treasure in Southeast Asia, the United States is making plans to reestablish naval, air, and intelligence bases in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand, to supplement its naval anchorage in Singapore and military base use rights in the Philippines, Palau, and Brunei. The target for the US buildup is China and ultimate control over the oil and natural gas resources of the South China Sea.
America’s security interests from east Africa through the Indian Ocean and into the South China Sea are not based on any security threats, but to preserve America’s leading modern characteristic: Financial greed. And America has, since the end of World War II, used its military to sustain its greed.
Foaming at the mouth Gill.
ReplyDeleteWhy is the funeral ceremony for PDM ? PDM got its last rites last week at Anse aux Pins. It will never replace SNP.
ReplyDeleteI am good. I write, expecting India and USA to counter balance the PRC and Seychelles Communists expansionist ambitions.
ReplyDeleteI am open about it.
I do not hide currying favours from PRC like Ramkalawan does.
Additionally, SFP wants peace in the Indian Ocean. The natural naval powers of this region are India first, and USA as a superpower. China's quest for presence in the Indian Ocean will meet opposition and Seychelles will be in the middle.
The policy of Michel Administration and Jean Paul Adam, to offer a base to PRC in Seychelles is very very foolish that risks peace in the region, and safety of all Freedom Loving Seychellois.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
PDM and SNP is the same.
ReplyDeleteAnse Aux Pins proved this, and people are seeing it everyday.
They both earn a living by giving credibility to the PL.
Obviously the race for fake opposition positioning is on.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa !
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
We the people have a right and the power to stop the butcher unilateral decision to invite Chinese communist to set base on our sovereign land.A referendum would be needed and any unilateral decision with face people resistance.
ReplyDeleteMoreovoer,there is no constituional law that allow nay President to unilaterally decide in the place of the people.
Chinese base on our sovieregn land will mean mass protest all around the country.
I think we must take the situation in Syria as an example of what would happen in our country should we let the butcher unilaerally and illegally allow Chinese to annex our land.Communist China once set foot on our shores will protect them rogue regime thus gprovide PP with the protection its needed to further subjugate our poeple.As in Syria,the Russain has decided to support Assad in his butchering of its people just because the Russain has a naval base there and its thinks that its naval is above the lives of the Syrian and that Dictator Assad should be protected in his atrocities just becuase it is good for Russsian interest.Allowing Chinese present here will result has the same effect as Russian Naval Base in Syria.We cannot afford that Chinese communist with the help of PP annex our soveriegn land.Donot let the CHinese communist export its annexation to our shores.Say no to Africa TIBET ,say no to Chinese neo-colonialism and say no to PP unilateral and illegal decision to allow Chinese communist to annex our land.
Seychellois must be prepared for actions.Else we will end up like the Tibetans.
Jeanne D'Arc
They know what happen thsoe crooks communist,till know no action wait till Chinese put their boots on our soil.
ReplyDeletePlain fool Gill.
ReplyDeleteAdvice the Butcher to contact Bishop Eihe and ask for a confession session in order to try and clean him from all those atrocities he committed.Maybe the Butcher can better use Zonm Lib son RAM our ex-priest to help him psychologically in this endeavour.The Butcehr will need to exorcise himself in order to be even accepted by the Devil for the Devil does not want hardcore communist criminals such as Stalin,lenin,Pol Pot,Castro,Mugabe,Kim,Hitler ,the Butcher etc... who did not exorcised thmselves in advance from entering his Kingdom,he is afraid those thugs might conduct a Coup D'etat.
ReplyDeleteTime to repent Michel.Time to ask for forgiveness,therefore time to quit and face justice.
Jeanne D'Arc
After her diplomatic faux pas of wearing red for her first public appearance, I notice the new Brit High Commissioner has binned the red clothing. But I wish that hole she was digging with Morgan was big enough for her to bury Morgan in.
ReplyDeleteSeychelles does not need a PRC base, nor does it need a Russian Base, or a USA base.
ReplyDeleteWe should welcome everyone on a temporary basis, and never encourage anyone to set up any permanent bases in Seychelles.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Baseless Gill.
ReplyDeleteCan someone clarify if sang Wong is related to the Wong family on ladigue?is he originally from Seychelles island.merci.uh
ReplyDeleteHe most probably is related.
ReplyDeleteSang = blood
Wong = the Wong family
I always thought he was a
cheap 4 x 4 or that he worked on Samsungs assembly line!
We can admire Ramkalawan's decision to ask opposition supporters who had to go and vote (in case Parti Lepep victimise them) to vote for the independent candidate at Anse aux Pins. It delivered a massive humiliation to David Pierre and PDM. It put Pierre firmly in his place and gave him an unmistakable message that he will never replace the main opposition party, SNP, by exploiting the boycott of elections. Pierre will remain a maverick as the opposition supporters at Anse aux Pins told him loud and clear -- he is no leader of the opposition.
ReplyDeleteIf Pierre failed to get the message last year from opposition supporters that his maverick politics are disgusting, then he should get the message clearly after the Anse aux Pins vote. He can't even now rely on dirty politics for Parti Lepep to step aside and let PDM get elected unopposed, because an independent candidate will beat whoever PDM puts up as candidate.
So, Pierre should enjoy his current position courtesy of Parti Lepep judges in the Court of Appeal. It is not going to last, without more help from disgraced judges.
Last comment-
ReplyDeleteMakes sense except two things: endorsing any candidate, you give credibility to a not credible process that came back to bite even the Independent candidate who is a political novice;2. Pierre does not listen to the people, so the vote result of Anse Aux Pins is not relevant to him, Pierre and people like him, follow the carrot in front of him, that is usually lots of money.
Next time, think it out, before making a joke of the people's vote.
Even Citizen for Democracy said the vote was not FAIR.
This has never been about Pierre and PDM and it never will be, except in your twisted political imagination.
I dare even say perverted.
It is about a credible system, we can all accept the results.
All opposition should call for new elections across the board after Reform is finished.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
ReplyDeleteReply to last comment, "the cunt" :
ReplyDeleteIt is Citizens Democratic Watch, a local observer, that said, the elections are not "fair", I only added that position to our logical position of calling for a BOYCOTT at Anse Aux Pins.
We are proud of the results, and you should be thankful, not reacting disgracefully.
Naturally we would have liked to see PL lose Anse Aux Pins, which is possible with a level playing field and an SFP candidate.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
ReplyDeleteThe CDWS mission was pleased to observe the presence of an independent
candidate, in the political process: Nonetheless, we noted with concern
the interpretation of the Electoral Act: Chapter 68(A) which denied the
same amount of airtime on SBC as the opposing candidates standing on political party platforms –through our observations and judgment this was
During the pre-electoral period, the mission heard concerns with regards to
the voters list, with alleged irregularities in the registration process. The
campaign period was also characterized by a perception of limited
differentiation between the state and the governing party in terms of
resources. The issue of campaign finance and other concerns surrounding
the campaign process will be addressed in our final report.
We also noted that during the cooling off period some malpractices
concerning financial transactions were reported, but evidence of such anti –
democratic practices is not easy to collect.
Today e lafet ladigue,e Annan beaucoup baka kann,eski sang Wong in desan pou vinn gout UN bon verre lapire digueios?
ReplyDeleteKeep on dreaming, Gill.
ReplyDeleteWho is that SFP candidate ? Isaac or yourself ? You will have to overcome your fear of losing first.
That voice of Alain St Ange grates. Get him off SBC !!!
ReplyDeleteSt. Ange obviously is doing everything but bringing tourist to Seychelles and addressing the issues the Industry really face.
ReplyDeleteA memo of understanding with Mauritius Minister of Culture?
Really now, how about a memo of understanding with some trade partners that use to sell Seychelles, but are now selling only Mauritius in the region.
What a waste of time.
CDWS comments on Pp fake election is another confiramtion of what we already knew namely that PP dictatorship holds power by fraud,manipulation,rigging etc...
ReplyDeletepopulation of Anse Aux Pins is 3,535 that including children.In the fake by -election 3,217 voters took part according to Gappy Fake statistic.Which already raise question.Then we had Anse aux Pins inhabitants qworking on Outter islands(which Pp did not present the numbers nor their votes)and those working and living on other isalnds thier also no numbers.Taking all that is to consideration ,it seems that their were more voters than population when one has subtracted childrens,mentally ill,etc...
Gappy and Pp must understand that we need genuine reforms now and must not think thatwe are going to wait until three months befre 2016 election to start amking lips service on elcetion refroms in order not to reform and keep the actaul status quo that would allow PP to continue steal election.For next time PP we will not only boycott but take to the street to ensure that we take back our country thus our destiny from you crooks.
Tyranny will be defeated once and for all.
Jeanne D'Arc
Chinese are trying to intimidate Japan and Philipine for their island.typical for communist they like to intimidate.
ReplyDeleteNeo -colonialism mentally that they want to import with the help Pp thugs to our shores.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteMICROBIOME :) :) :)