SFP Secretary General Jean-Paul Isaac
After not a single newspaper in Seychelles covered this story, the Seychelles reality blog is compelled to file a blog report on the dismissal of the criminal case to jail Mr. Jean Paul Isaac, for term of Twelve months at Montagne Possee prison where Somalia pirates, and drug dealers and murderers are held up.
Mr. Isaac was charged with disorderly conduct in a Police station in Port Glaud December 2010, when he was detained, for photographing a number of SPPF supporters related to Mrs Gamatis, as they took furniture from the old Mahe Beach Hotel, which had been shut down and abandoned by the new owner, an Arab Sheikh.
When detained without probable cause, Isaac protested with the officers, and they beat him up, breaking his nose, jaw, and beating him in the groin and stomach.
He was released from custody the following afternoon, without food or water.
A few months ago, he received the summons calling for jail term 12 months.
Seychelles Attorney General Ronny Govinden
In the hearing, Judge Labonte dismissed the criminal charge against Mr. Isaac, because the Attorney General has filed a case recklessly out of time, which leads any one to question the Attorney General’s competence to pursue cases.
The Judge said to AG counsel, prosecuting the case that “this case does not meet the time requirements….., it lacks merit, therefore I ….hereby dismiss…Mr. Isaac, you are a FREE MAN ”.
Mr. Isaac will now press civil charges and seek monetary damages for the incident against those Police Officers who beat him up and unlawfully detained him. He says, that justice must prevail.
Another human rights violation.
ReplyDeleteRack em up Ronnie!
The judges to avoid falling in a show of redicules orchestrated by Spongebob and Karen Plankton and to avoid being puppets in Spongee's show simply dismised the case.Now,that the show won't take palce,spongee won't pocket others money to feed himself he has to find a life.Spongbob Pierre could simply not prove to the judges that he was indeed Spongbob in person.Even Kangaroo court somethings can identify redicules.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteMICROBIOME :) ;) :)
I am shocked of how tolerent James Michel is in regards to incompetence of the Attorney General.
ReplyDeleteReally Mr. Michel, Govinden is making a total ass of your administration.
Ronnie Govinden should have never been appointed Attorney General, he is not in that caliber. I know him well we were together in Mauritius.
ReplyDeleteOoops! Bai-de-wey Pissedoff sa de enler...sorry forgot to sign les article!
ReplyDeleteThere are 2 Pissed off-
ReplyDeleteOne is Rene
One is Ramkalawan.
Congratulations Jean Paul on your well fought freedom. You were being intentionally persecuted because Mr. Govinden does not like you.
ReplyDeleteAG office staff.
He does not like himself how he can like others.
ReplyDeleteWould you like yourself if you were Govinden ?
ReplyDeleteSo we have justice in Seychelles.
ReplyDeleteThe judge has given a rulling against the Attorney General. This must be a sign that justice does prevail in Seychelles
Justice prevails only for Isaac and SFP.
ReplyDeleteGill is fighting to redress that so that all Seychellois gets the same justice as them!
Non Gill?
It is a sign that some of those judges are getting annoyed by having Govinden ,PP members interfere in their decisions.I think there are two groups of characters in the judiciary.On one hand one who no longer want to be treated as idiots and take the blames for PP arbitary justice and on the other hand one who has accepted to be dictated from State house. It is a fight of interest within the judiciary.And if they fighting each other it shows that there is a problem with our judiciary otherwise there would have been no need to fight.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
Reply to "Say it Gill"-
ReplyDeleteWe used a healthy lawyer, that does not suffer from the shakes from too much booze or Parkinsons.
You should do the same if you want to win a case.
At the end of the day, you NDP ( No Democratic Party) Pathetics, handle your affairs according to your own ideas and energy.
SFP handles its affairs in it's own way.
We pay our lawyers, you look for free service.Naturally, there will be in difference in performance.
You get what you pay for.
Take your fight to the PL if you can, not to SFP.
Before you ask SFP one single question again, answer the questions we have posed you NDP Pathetics, before we call BIBI in.
Isaac has won his case, because he handled it well. We do not insult a judge and expect a judgement in our favour.
If you insult a judge and want a judgement in your favour, you have to pay the Judge. So we are watching that as well, and have been advised of this little detail as well.
Behave yourself, because you only have supporters to lose, none to gain at this point.
A parade of horribles follows you fellows, dumping Mancham,Chow,Gabriel, Belle, only made matter worse for NDP, it appears.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Seychelles judiciary suffers from brain-drain symptoms and has a lot to learn from Mauritius. Your Judiciary needs reform just like your Election playing field. Your CAA and your A.G. are 'go-gote'. And your Court of Appeal under chairmanship of Francis McGregor is hopeless. Surprised why you have an African judiciary?
ReplyDeleteReply to Brain Drain-
ReplyDeleteIt is our position, that the problems of our Judiciary are our problems, and not Mauritius or Africa as you assert.
We do not need African continent Judges nor do we need Mauritian Judges.
Seychellois citizens are more then capable of doing the job.
What is needed is the political pressure and political will to exert the change.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Why not take your Ak 47 the same one you used to Butcher innnocnet Seychellois in 1977, walk to State house and open fire on the Butcher while you cry out STOP ENSLAVEING sEYCHELLOIS PEOPLE pp.it might help your own surfering family to ease the pain endure under Pp thugocracy.You might become the TUNISIAN Mohammed Bouazizi on Seychelles.
ReplyDeletejEANNE ^DARC
Why do YOU do it? You always claim that you have your stash of arsenal on Praslin!
ReplyDeleteVini nwa bez ou!
Make my day punk!
Becuase you are tired of life not me.
ReplyDeleteFor PP not for you!what the use of bombing a Latrine like you.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
This blog is in response to the blogger who posted several posts yesterday 2 September, mainly in Chinese. One would have thought that after receiving a minimum of 9 to 10 years of basic government sponsored education, this blogger would have reached sa standard of education, where he/she could contribute something for the advancement of our education system. Unfortunately, it would seemed that an infantile stage is the highest he/she could ever achieve. Rather disppointing considering the hughes amount our country would have spent towards his achievement. No doubt he/she would have been paraded on our national television, given his certificate and 2 x kisses. To be aware that this blogger is from paradise Seychelles - unique by 1,000 miles - is frankly, beyond belief. Whilst the whole world can witness his achievement on the
ReplyDeleteinternet, I am totally embarrassed to admit I am from the same island as this blogger. The world would determine that there are many more with similar attributes from over here. However, his/her parents must be very proud of him/her, so would be his/her peers. He/She would be deemed to be "malen" as he appears to be computer literate/illiterate.
The questions are:
(a) Is this the product of our education system?
(b) Is this the result of drug inducment in our society?
(c) Is this the result of government sponsored hooliganism?
Finally, one would surely wonder which member of our National Assembly managed to persuade him/her and be honoured to have got his/her vote?
Maybe you'd care to translate those Chinese posts seeing you spet years at "colledge and Univercity" in China?!
ReplyDelete"hughes amount"
ReplyDeleteYour English is a HUGE embarrassment to whatever education system failed you hugely.
Michel!when i think about football i think of the youths liar.why level of football level in Seychelles are still low.why seychelles till now have never qualify for African Cup?Becsuse Far and you close all sport club like Rovers,Rangers,Seyco,etc..Why seychelles footballer can not be semi pro kike those malgache base in Seychelles?
Another example of how Pp wasted tax payers' money .
ReplyDeleteWere are those youths SFF promised to sent abroad in accademy in Belgium all lies i saw youths more in alcohol and heroin than football.I think the youths are more in drugs than in sport in Seychelles.Only guy who are helping the youths is Robert Payet of le duc and some other guy on Mahe,he sponser cote D'or football team and i am very pround of this guy.
I say what the deuce?
ReplyDeleteJean Paul Isaac you used to be the old Jean from AKS n’est-ce pas?
What has happened to you mon ami? You’ve changed from this vivacious energetic young man that could be reasoned with to this bitter vindictive, spiteful and malicious person! Qui est arrive avec vous mon cher ami?
Granmoun toultan i dir mauvais frequentation pou anmen ou dan mauvais chemin.
Pas les ou ganny servi par ban dimoun ki anan zot own agenda akoz demain ler zot in fini servi ou, ler zot in sis ou dernier gout la syer zot pou larg ou byen trankil komsi zot pa ti jamais kon ou. Zot pou kit ou en plan! Servi lespri dalon. Ou en garson bien intelligent!
Sanz direction vieux frère, lavie i enn mem you reap what you sow so start sowing good seeds and your rewards will be bountiful!
La vie est belle!
Johnny they have been send instead to CUBA.
ReplyDeleteSt, Anges should praise Mr. Patel for adding a few more heads to his counts of incoming visitors at the Seychelles International Airport.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as Mr. Rene gives us the AK47 and the go-ahead, we will be ready to mend his error of handing power to Michel.
Cuba to learn communist rule from Videl Castro to teach jj spirit?
ReplyDeleteMicrobiome may be you should forget Far.Far will soon get his original visa,think now about Michel handel power to Faure Seychelles i fini.
Ti Johnny-le-Gay; that "original visa" is guaranteed to EVERYONE without exception. Even perverted gay boys like you!
ReplyDeleteThis i know, but for you and him for murdering Some seselwa and my bro will be original visa to hell maron prepair your ass for the devil.
ReplyDeleteI piss on the devil just like I piss on SFP!
ReplyDeleteThis i know,but for you and him will be special, it will be not a visa to paradise a original visa to hell for butchering some Seselwa and my brother.
Ou vraiment bez kouyon ou. There's nothing special about death. It's death and decay se tou!
ReplyDeleteGILL, ISAACK, Pa tann zot ozordi. Ki arive, licking your wounds from sa beze granwar ki zot namase sa detwa zour!
ReplyDeleteRetournen ler zot in byen pou anmas enn lot koud bez. Nwa pe esper zot!
ReplyDeleteMICROBIOME :) :) :)
Isaac a FREE MAN ? He is Gill's slave.
ReplyDeleteIsaac is free, Gill enslaves no one.
ReplyDeleteBoth Isaac and Gill are from Mont Fleuri, it is there where we will all finally rest.
Hey what is your point if they are not from Mont Fleuri kouyon they are Seselwa like you,you sound like a child with your bullshit.
ReplyDeleteGill is desarter from Guam!
ReplyDeleteMICROBIOME :) :) :)
And you mon ami is a SLAVE that is permanently lodged up Gill's arse with the sole purpose of shovelling his shit out!
ReplyDeleteBetter by a slave of liberty than a slave of a dictator.
Ha ha ha! I am what! ha ha, ha. You are what? Nonetheless, what really matter is that you remain confused like a stray dog who bards at the shadow of banana leaves.
ReplyDeletemicrobiome :) :) :)
Yep! We know Gill is just a shadow of a banan leaf. Thank you for clarifying that for us!
ReplyDeleteWhile The butcher is a shadow of himself.He so scare of waht is going on around him that he does not even trust his own shadow.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
If Gill is just a shadow of a banan leaf, then you must be afraid of your own shadow!
ReplyDeleteCHIMP :) :) :)
Chris is the light in PP's darkness leading the long blindfolded population out from this long communist tunnel of subjugation,enslavement,theft and so forth.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
I am amazed at how low these Pathetic will go!
ReplyDeleteMay God guide them, and change their wicked hearts of failure.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
That is exactly what SNP did a while back. Its leader went to the UK and Canada promising the Seychelles diaspora executive positions in their new government. Most of these still believe that they will be ministers if SNP wins the election that is why they will insult anybody who speaks bad of their corrupted leaders.
ReplyDeleteCHIMP :) :) :)
That is selfishness in the sense that they sit silently abroad do little to help free their country from tyranny then still dream of being minister when Pp is ousted.Seychelles will need real patriots in order to move forward not those with personal interests .Of course we would need to search for experts in many fields ,they all welcome to participate in the rebuilding of the nation after Pp communist for the task ahead is immense in regards to the extend of the mess Pp created.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
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