Recently, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Pierre Laporte, grouped with his Principal Secretary, Mr. Steve Fanny, who was caretaker of every single offshore company and offshore bank, in Seychelles for years, and the Governor of the Central Bank Caroline Abel, held a press conference on the Seychelles economy, to attempt to calm the nerves of the general public.
As usual, our publication company, SESELWA PUBLICATION was not invited, in order to best defer the real questions and keep things in silent mode, to possibly attempt to fool the public. Possibly, I say.
Attempt To Placate Panic
Clearly, Mr. Laporte’s purpose of the press conference was to contain and attempt to placate panic in the Seychelles financial markets after the Central Bank intervened into the currency markets to stabilize the Seychelles Rupee against the Pound Sterling, Euro, and United States Dollar as it had devalued by as much as 40% in Six (6) months, and the general public was losing confidence in the fragile Seychelles Rupee.
Inflation has also been biting the consumer at 8.9% monthly now.
Seychelles Had 2 ½ Months Reserve For Food Imports Once Upon A Time
As part of the IMF program, Seychelles was to build up reserves of hard currency, to cope with the repayment of the loans and Lehman Brother bonds it borrowed, during the one party state and the reintroduction of transition to multi party democracy from 1992 onwards, which it defaulted on in August 2008.
Unfortunately, after all that borrowing, Seychelles is still in transition politically, and has not completed a transition to democracy according to the Commonwealth.
Our financial situation, is as bad, as our political affairs, when we were a one party state dictatorship, in spite of all the financial assistance Seychelles has received over the years, and the haircuts granted, and grace period for repayment granted.
Two (2) months ago, the Central Bank tapped into national hard currency reserves, and they will tap into them again in October, very likely.
Reserves for a country, is what savings is to a family. For our currency markets to remain stable, Seychelles needs 12 months reserves, not 12 days reserves, which is where Mr. Laporte and Miss Abel are taking us.
Where Is The Money?
Mr. Michel the President of frolic and lack of concrete action on the economy, spoke, with mouth full, on his policy of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)for years . He said his government had $4 Billion in FDI coming into Seychelles, which will pay off our debts, and make Seychellois all rich. This was in 2004, 2005,2006, 2007, early 2008.
Today, in 2012, where are we under Mr. Michel and his SPPFPL?
By the time debt repayment was to start, Seychelles should have had 12 months reserves. Well, today Seychelles does not have 12 months reserves. She has only 1 ½ months reserve. This means she has reserves for food imports for 45 days only.
This is a gross exposure of the failed policies of James Michel Administration. It slam dunks James Michel’s fancy words and fake policies, like a Michael Jordan “Air Nike” slam dunk!
After all these land sales to Arabs, where is the money, Mr. Michel?
After sanctioning all these island sales to Arabs, where is the money?
After Khalifa investing in Seychelles, where is the money?
After Michel’s Arab friends built all the hotels like Four Seasons (promised to employ all local staff, but has not); Kempenski Resort (Ex-Plantation scammed off the Davidson Family); Raffles ( after destroying a wonderful natural site and scarring Praslin’s reputation as un-spoilt forever), where is the money?
After Michel embarked on the Eden Island project, where today, men drive around on golf carts wearing robes and tunics, in a tropical island, where everyone should be wearing a bikini or a tropical shirt, or a wrap to the yacht club. Where is the money?
Well, we are waiting for Mr. Laporte to tell us on behalf of Mr. Michel, where all that FDI investment is, and where all the revenue is from all this invincible FDI.
For the meantime, the Swiss National Bank- Governor of Central Bank has disclosed that he has $2.1Billion in deposits in his national banks from Seychelles citizens.
The question to be posed of course is has the Michel Administration been helping money launderers with Seychelles passports? Recently, Two North Korean generals were caught in Hong Kong with Seychelles passports. They were attempting to buy arms and weapons.
Has the Michel Administration been covertly assisting commercial banks and off shore banks in Seychelles, to launder money? After all, $2.1 Billion is not easy to move around the world, unless it is state sanctioned. Nouvobanq, which government of Seychelles is a main shareholder, has numbered accounts, controlled by the very Central Bank Mr. Laporte comes from, and Caroline Abel administers currently.
These big hotel projects, are they bringing money to Seychelles, or laundering money? Is it not time to prosecute these interests under law?
No wonder why when they call a press conference, they are all giggling, and making funny faces, when the People of Seychelles are suffering so much, in such difficult times.
People of Seychelles, must open their eyes to see why they suffer. People of Seychelles must ask PL if why they do not see, that what they are doing to Seychelles and her bona fide people is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellois!
Ralph says he will be at Docklands on Monday morning.
ReplyDeleteTell him to stop at Printec first.
ReplyDeletePierre Laporte, a little word of advise on formal business wear !
ReplyDeleteRule No 1: Do not wear stripped suit with stripped shirt and tie !
Hopefully you can ge our reserves right once you have finished working on your clothing .............
J Labiche
Laporte economic report says"put sausage on one end and you get a cow on the other end".Economic stagnation is JUST FINE if we beleive in communism.Pp looks at the paltry economic growth-more accurately defined as stagnation-and claims it is just fine.The butcher obedient stooges and apologist call it version.This amybe ture when it comes to versions of wasting the Nation's money and selling out their patrimony way beyond its already bloated,dysfunctional state.But its certainly not true when he says the economy is doing fine.The country's economy is falling apart.
ReplyDeleteWhere the money PP?
How much more millions would Pp need to fix its own shit?
Time for accountability Pp!
Jeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteMICROBIOME :( :( :(
YES Mocrobe where is the money?Whre is the money made on the sold out on our Oil and Gas Rights,money collect by Port and Airport authority,etc...
ReplyDeleteThe Swiss tells us it is in their Banks.
Tell Us Microbe!
Jeanne D'Arc
Remember the boycott of Chico Martino -- Parti Lepep's favourite electioneering singer -- is still on in London where he is performing this month.
ReplyDeleteWe ask everyone who wants to contribute to the agenda for democratic change in Seychelles to stay away from the Chico Martino's gig. Shouldn't be any problem for him financially, as he must be well rewarded by Parti Lepep for his election campaign work. But don't let your hard earned cash go into the pockets of those who sing for Parti Lepep at election times and who hold back the fight for change in Seychelles.
Does chicco have a work permit for UK, NO PERMIT NO GO, REPORT HIM!
ReplyDeleteWho own the 2.1billions dollars?can we have some names please?are they the escobars of the Indian oceab?names please?
ReplyDeleteHe was thinking about crossing the floor. But Ramkalawan made it too slippery for him, unlike Rene who laid on the red carpet for the traitor.
ReplyDeleteReply to SNP Pathetic-
ReplyDeleteThe speech to SNP was to help them understand the financial crisis we are in since no one in their leadership could make either heads or tails of the situation in 2008-2010. I was just helping, but their leadership never listens, it is too arrogant to look beyond its nose, so I just moved on, happily.
When you get lemons in life, make lemonade, don't waste your time complaining about getting just lemons.
We have had lemons for 20 years.
Now we will make lemonade.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Don't waste water,on top of wasting space.
ReplyDeleteRalph Volcere will be at Docklands tomorrow. You can ask him the questions then.
ReplyDeleteRalph Volcere will be at Docklands tomorrow. You can ask him the questions then.
ReplyDeleteWe are asking the questions right here.
ReplyDeletePissdoff answer Q.
ReplyDeleteIMF no more bail to Seychelles.
ReplyDeleteIMF no more bail out to Seychelles.BASTA.
ReplyDeleteGill, which one of your pathetic MORONS at SFP deleted the two posts I posted earlier ?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteGill, why are you quiet on the shenanigans of the judges ? Is it because you have too many cases in court ? Have they bought your silence ? That shows that Parti Lepep gave you planning permission to expand your hotel in return for services rendered.
ReplyDeleteRead and learn. Read and weep. Not read and delete.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteJust so that you have a reminder of the man who will visit Docklands tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAdministrator has deleted your posts because they do not add to the debate, and they are not worthy of civility.
ReplyDeleteThe comments are highly gutter oriented.
Now, answer the questions that have been posed to you, before we call BIBI in.
N. D.P. (No Democratic Party).
You have killed your own party, and destroyed it all by yourself, that is why all your ex supporters now back the Seychelles Freedom Party (SFP).
Now start to behave or we will post more on the matter at hand.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Reply to "Two (2) Posts from Weekly"-
ReplyDeleteThe reality blog belongs to us, not to you. You can use your gutter arrogance on PL they take it because you may hold an extortion ax over their head, we will not take your gutter arrogance.
Each time you open your big mouth in a disrespectful manner, we will expose a little more of your charades of fooling the people of Seychelles.
As said before, if any one wants to send us an article, they may. It is our policy to add pictures to articles.However, we do not work with Collaborators of PL.
Now, explain yourself and answer the questions posed. 3,000 people a day are waiting for an answer.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
It's getting too hot for Gill. That's just the start.
ReplyDeleteDeleting posts shows SFP has lost it completely.
ReplyDeleteNo,your post are rubbish and digustting to read we have enough of your shit like we have enough of this regime.
i think we must call a psychatirst the guy is turn mad ,he might run amok.It is oure madness or the effect of Pp escobar hard drug break down his nerves?it is clear,though, that he is so distrub psychologically that he can write Chinese without hVaving learnt it.Waht can Hard drug done to a psyche.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
it is pure natural madness or
ReplyDeletewhat the hell?
ReplyDeleteit seems the pp chihuahua has got enough of his life to.He might run amok.Be careful while walking Victoria streets there might be a crazy pp killer on the rampage!
Jeanne D'Arc.
I suppose PL rats have run out of their cage.Dirty rats!
ReplyDeleteAfter Manoo's film on Renaissance morale,we are getting the second phase of it.Who lets this pitbull dog unchained?
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
Pissoff we are not chinese FREE TIBATE COMMUNIST.
ReplyDeleteGovinden once against dislegitimized the Constitutional court dission by saying mauritiian judge 2Doha" appeal was constitutional.What for a crap !
ReplyDeleteThis is called Kangaroo justice.The justice of a dictatorship.
ReplyDeletejeanne D'Arc
Laporte and pp to reduce tax on imported fish to benfit five star hotels and to kill local the economy crumlbe and we roaming the world to beg for money ,Laporte takes action that will amke us lost more revenues.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
Govinden is nothing more than a rat, your little advance on me did not only got you wet with a glass of cocktail got you blocked from my page . DIRTY RAT!
ReplyDeleteLet's see, "I spent all my life studying did not get the chance to get to know the ladies, I felt like I was running out of date, it is the only reason why I married her." dirty rat! all your messages are being well kept, and that phone you know about is in a well safe place. One day soon it will be revealed and it will bite you on the nose!
ReplyDeleteGill o!
ReplyDeletePissedoff sa!
What has happened to freedom of speech on your forum?
I find it amusing that you think they are not worthy of civility considering all the filth that you and you little lackey have been posting on here for years including all those fithy pictures of minister's sons not forgetting those semi nude pictures of underaged girls and boys just because you despise their parents!
We learnt filth from you and MSR and SFP! Didn't you say it was "freedom of speech"?
Gill I have not forgotten these things and I will never forget you for them. You have deliberately hurt countless people now it's pay back time.Your nightmare is just beginning! You can delete as much as you want, if need be we will print on paper and destribute to the population - we all know how Seychellois loves a good healthy scandal and gossip!
I have been telling you for years
"Don't throw stones when you live in glass houses"! As mon defin gran manman ti toultan dir; "Pa kaka en montan e mars an desandan!" Because you end up trodding in your own shit!
I will always be here Gill. Remember what I told you and your little lackey a.k.a. ti Johnny-le-Gay? Mon pou parey en pikan lo zot deryer ki tan zan tan zot pou grate ziska zot fes a sennyen!
En gro lakarlen ek enn ti liki son manman parey zot de Izaaq komsi Laurel and Hardy ki zot ti kwar, sa pei pou zot?
Piss you can be hear or in your grave who care.Piss your mouth always smell like WC on this blog.
What happen with freedom of speech on your forum.It is unchangeable.Freedom of speech though,is not synonym to freedom of insult and swearing .
ReplyDeleteJeanne DÂrc
ReplyDeletePissed off- The Pathetic one-
ReplyDeleteYou seem to have a misunderstanding of Freedom of Speech.
It must be all those years spent as a Paid Informant and NYS cadet.
You are free to start a blog and run one. Say what you like on it.
SFP is free to do the same. We manage our blog.
If you digress, fall off the issue at hand, become verbally abusive like a mental case resigned to gutters as intellectual habitat , we will exercise our right to delete.
This is the first time we have deleted, it will not be the last.
The only thing that is hurt is your big ego. But you did that all by yourself, when you failed to deliver democracy for over 20 years.
Now you want another 20 years. SFP and all those people joining everyday, say your time has come, your time has gone, your time is up!
We are tired of fakes.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Non Gill this is not the first time you've deleted - Maybe the first this year but many times last year!
ReplyDeleteAnd non Gill, it's not my ego that was hurt when you deleted, it was yours because yours that was hurt by what I said that's why you deleted!
And non Gill my mouth is not more dirty than yours. Whatever I say on here is in retaliation to yours and Izaaq's sordid and distasteful comments of innocent people that do not even participate on your forums!
Let there be a lesson for you both to learn here and I say "you both" because there's just the two of you behind different pseudos.
You both should examine your backgrounds before you try to sully other people!
When you are out and about parmi les gens do you sometimes wonder if they know about you and are laughing behind your backs?
Think about that!
As one blogger said; We know you but you don't know us!
Gill thinks he knows us, but he doesn't. He thinks we are either Volcere or Ramkalawan. He is wrong, but what's new. Volcere and Ramkalawan must be having uncontrollable laughter when (or if) they log on to find Gill talking to them when they never posted the posts in the first place.
ReplyDeleteGill hates Volcere, Ramkalawan and Boulle because he can never match up to them. He is a wash out.
ReplyDeleteHe is not a has been because he never was! Izaaq is a lera scurrying around looking for that crumb of cheese that Gill may have dropped!
He is another one that is bitter becaues he was once Ramkalawan's gofer and expected to be made a high ranking SNP committee member. He quit when he didn't get past
the post of errand boy that's why he hates Ramkalawan vehemently!
He is now Gill Gofer with a title of Secretary General!
No body hate them,just want them to be clean politicians stop being corrupt and stop doing politic just with mouth for money and stop lieing with Seselwa.Seselwa can not take crapp any more and for more years..You will not stop!its in your blood.
ReplyDeleteSFP have other thinking, want Seychelles to be free from oppressor that took AK-47 for power.
ReplyDeleteI will put it this way:He that knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool(The Butcher),He that knows not and knows that he knows not is teachable(no is thw oppostion)and than He that knows and knows that he knows is wise(Chris is a good example 0f the later).
On MATCH you right because he difer from them at all levels-Be leadership,seriousness,etc... that expalin why Seychellois are leaving Ram,Volcer and others to rally behind SFP.Is that what hurts you,his popularity?
You are jealous of his popularity.Stop being jealous ,if you want to have the quality and traits of a good leader here what RAM;Volcere ;boulle have to have to gain Chris popularity.
-HONEST:Display sincerity,integrity,and candor in all your actions.
-COMPETENT:base y<our actions on reasons and moral principles.
_FORWARD-LOOKING:set goals and have a vision for the future.
-INSPIRING:Display confident in all that you do.
-FAIR_MIND:Show fair treatment to all people.Prejudice is the enemy of justice.Display empathy
by being sentitive to the feeling,values,interests and well-being of others.
-COURAGEOUS:Have the perseverance to accomplish the goal,regardless of the seemily insurmontable obstalces.
-STRAIAGHTFORWARD:use sound judgement to amke the irght decission at the right time.
-IMAGINATIVE:show creativity and thinking of new and better goals,ideas,and solutions to the problems.
_And make sure all this traits are something real in y<ou not fake Like Pp stooges for you won't get far.
SFP will turn ideas into actions,and actions as solutions.
I know you cannot see how fast Pp and stooges of which you part of crumbling down.But this a natural proceeding for the people are wakening up and want their freedom,and dignity as well as country back from a PP thugs.It is amatter of time that this happen but waht is sure noone in the PP will stop it from happening.
Jeanne D'Arc
have to do to gain CHris popularity
ReplyDeleteI do think also that IMF must stop bailing PP out for ,for the last few years millions was given to PP and nothing have happened that one can say thing is changing for the best.Moreover,those millions given to PP no Seychellois know how they wwere send for there is not effective control and monitoring ûnder Pp thugocracy.
Stopping feeding Pp dictatorship will result in PP forcing toward refroms and only should PP conduct those refomrs seriously then only Foreign loan.aid can be given back to a responsible government.
The world can not continue to play the samaritian of a crooked regime who keeps stealing,robbing,millions fomr the country's coffers foe self-enrichment and to feed thier benefitors and keep themsleves illegally on power.
Moreover,since PP to not practice accountability and transparency it is obvious that the people ask interantional lenders to stop feeeding Pp with money that they do not recieve but have to pay back in the future.
Time for Interantional Lenders to stop feeding the Beast.Only when genuine reforms are undertaken they could scrutinize,checks if it is worth gving millions as loan to our country.Some PP cronies might tell you without Interantional loan the people of Seychelles will surfuer.Well they are already for Interantional aid never reach them but they are being made to pay over and over gain PP mis-amanagement and robbery.
It is high time to feed the people of Seychelles not Pp beasts.
jeanne DArc
Switching to Chinese while not speaking a word of it, shows who really has lost the competition.Why not follow in the foot step of St Ange unable to win he said"participating is winning"it might help psychologically.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
Pl and all fake opposition are truly a waste of space on the planet. Seychelles is curse, a place were people disappeared for voicing their concern on human rights. Where people caves into devilish demands.
ReplyDeleteSlowly tourism also will follow same path, because we have sex maniac and thieves as government.
Some are failing to see, that Seychelles is drowning into debt. They do not have a solution as they keep coming up with fresh lies, and more false promises. and Idiots believe, for bloody 35 years believing in fairy tales, pli kuyon ki sat!
Help find a solution for your so call country and stop posting your arrogant and ignorant inferior pasted copied items here.
Clair D'Lune*
Well said. This Chinese writing shows you why the opposition under (N)o DP and SNP has failed over and over again.
ReplyDeleteWhen they cannot handle an issue, they turn to Chinese.
Is that why Gill went to China ? And Isaac too.
ReplyDeletele people of seychelles thinking that all is good
ReplyDeletesuddenly le wild crooks appear...
sa pilon ki ekri sinwanr
ReplyDeletemon dalon sa blog i sesel pou seselwa ki kalite lakarlenn ou vin ekri dan dil ou?
kwa ou per pou koze prezan ou ekri en bann dil ki dimoun pa bez konpran?
the mother tongue of seychelles is seychelles creole due to the fact that there different creole dialects around the globe but in school we were taught english and french these 3 work just fine thank you very much
Oyé! est-ce que necessaire de servir mauvaise langue! Je crois en la liberté pour tout le monde, pas seulement pour les Chinois!
ReplyDeleteIP- NDP office.
ReplyDeleteThey definitely cannot handle and tackle the mess they have created and to avoid criticism and answer to people's concern, what do they do?Well,as always,divert attention with insults to avouid the real issues.Commenting in Chinese a language they do not know -- used google translation to make us beleive they polyglot.
ReplyDeleteDesperation is a raw material of drastic change,only those who can leave everything they have ever beleived in can hope to escape. The fake Chinese seems unable to escape from the GULAG PP has been keeeping him prisoner ,he is psychologically beaten and this pose a risk to our people security He might run amok.The Butcher should get his crazy pitbull away from public places immedaitely before he turns Victoria streets into a river of blood..
jeanne D'Arc
PL attacks SFP and Gill because they want to choose their opponents and decide what they say and what they do not say.
ReplyDeleteIn a democracy, you call Seychelles a democracy, PL , you cannot choose your opponents, and you cannot choose what is said and what is not said.
When are you going to learn?
I believe the SFP with the sound leadership of Christopher Gill is doing a excellent job to shake things up. We needed a good shaking for a long time.
To the person that wrote this:
ReplyDelete"Gill hates Volcere, Ramkalawan and Boulle because he can never match up to them. He is a wash out.
He is not a has been because he never was! Izaaq is a lera scurrying around looking for that crumb of cheese that Gill may have dropped!
He is another one that is bitter becaues he was once Ramkalawan's gofer and expected to be made a high ranking SNP committee member. He quit when he didn't get past
the post of errand boy that's why he hates Ramkalawan vehemently!
He is now Gill Gofer with a title of Secretary General"
I jean-Paul, Julio Louisji Isaac i have never been an SNP supporter nor a ramkalawan fan, i worked for Le Nouveau Seychelles Weekly for Ralph Volcere as a multi tasked person in the field of journalism.
SNP and NDP then had differ in views and even to the point that one will remember frank elizabeths removal from the assembly by ramkalawan to only see him afterwards agreeing to international aid to fight piracy.
Elizabeth rose his hand for patrolling of the ocean and the french baring all cost for manpower and fuel with food. Today we hear lands are being allocated for help against piracy and exchange which is yet to be divulge and ramkalawan still agrees.
Seychelles Freedom Party Created by founders Allen Commetant christopher gill and loads of others is the party i am part of there is a difference for working for a political party and working for a newspaper so take your ramkalawan advice and "get your facts right".
I helped NDP with party issues but i was never directly involved in their political party decisions as i am for SFP a real chance for seychelles.
Pierre Laporte should tell the people how many times will he come back on national tv and say "mon kapab get zot da zot lizye e asir zot roupi pa pou devalye" there are more lies.
ReplyDeleteMinister Laporte should know that at SFP everyone is young and can count and read between the lines but most of all we ask the write questions.
Be very much aware that we should and will be releasing our paper soon and our staff will be looking forward to ask you the right questions.
Seselwa unite
Laporte has become the dictator's-cum-economic spinmaster. For the alst past years we have heard PP making hyperbolic claims of economic growth based of fabricated and massaged GDP and implaying that the country was in a state of runaway economic development and the people's live was literally fast out stripping those living in countires like Singapour etc...but as all Seychellois can see and feel Laporte and PP voodoo economy is breaking Sey<chelles into pieces.Laporte economic report is pure MAGIC.All Laporte told us he did seemed to have invoked the GDP spirits and recited to them the right incarnation about sustainable growth and the magic happened.Then spinkled a aplmful of those fine IMF gold dust and command"let the economy growth of astronomic numbers.ABACADABRA!inflation.I command you to go down.But the real miracle occured when magic wand is waived to deliver economic growth to a precise tenth of percentage points such as 3 percent instead of 2.5
ReplyDeleteGive us break Laporte!TIme to prac tice real economy base on nationa productivities not foreign loans .
Jeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'arc is 100%
ReplyDeleteWhat Laporte has been doing is playing the Central Bank card to become a minister.
He exposed a few people, and Michel made him Minister.
But since 2008, Laporte has been just watching Seychelles economic performance, because he absolutely believed, that things will fix themselves. That thinking works well in a auto pilot economic climate that Laporte experience provided him with in the boom times overseas.
It will help him and PL little to nothing in the downturn climate, where a Minister of Finance has to be hands on, engaged, and working closely with business to keep the country afloat.
He must also work with Government.
Right now, he needs badly to address: 1. the lack of direct flights to Seychelles,2. cost of inter island travel,3. cutting gov. capital expenditure, 4. then reducing more taxes to allow business a opportunity to grow,5. in turn more growth will lead to better salaries for Seychellois,6. get Labour to implement decent, 7. apprentice programs; amend laws to get foreigners to work, and not sit on their butts when they come here;8. encourage Seychellois to max participation in country life and economy by depoliticizing the country; 9. get Michel to round table, and 10. implement the democratic reforms, before you start losing AID assistance.
Trust me EU is looking for anything to cut right now.
PRC is putting Seychelles AID on cutting block.
Time to get serious about economic reform.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill o!
ReplyDeleteMwan sa dalon!
Refering to your post as Jeanne D'Arc on September 3, 2012 9:20 PM
Dir mwan gate (gate only when you are Jeanne D'arc otherwise people will talk), your mirror at home? is that a portrait of yourself?
Ou vieux dalon Pissedoff know...the one you fondly call Pissy?!
ReplyDeleteWe think IMF as well as EIB,World Banks and other foreigner Donors must stop feeding Pp beasts but instead feed the people.For to date world donors have become the accessories to "DEMOCRICIDE" in Seychelles.Their supposed helping hands that should feed Seychellois is the same hands helping bleeding Seychellois by prolonging PP thugocracy.
All aid to PP thugs must be stopped unless PP take genuine politcal refrmms as well as being accountable for all the loan money they recieve.Today Seychellois are being indebted by PP without knwoing where all the loan money go.No monitoring,No transparency,no accountabilty.It cannot continue like this.Seychellois will need to do the sacrifice to pay back those astronomic debts,therefro they ahve a right to know how those money are used etc....
STOP feeding the beasts now!
Jeanne D'Arc
Piss answer!
ReplyDeletePissed off
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'arc taking the piss out of you.
I will step aside, she is doing it all by herself.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Isaac, you forgot to add one or two things about your comments of September 4, 2012 11:38 AM.
ReplyDeleteNamely multitasking. You know passing on certain information and gossips to Arpen Vert from DP HQ.
Ou rapel?
Ask me and I will give out on here the informations you kindly passed on to us then!
Whatever next !
ReplyDeleteGill will call his cross the floor multi-talking for SPPF.
Well you know...a man's gotta cross when a man's gotta cross!
ReplyDeleteyou should understand by now,that SFP is a genuine party who beleive firmly in democracy and it is open-minded,tolerant etc.. Should the Butcher tommorrow call on the leader of SFp for talk,i am sure that Chrris will not hesitate one second to accept and do it.Why?>Because it would a possibility to hear Michel position and at the same time it would be for Michel a change ot hear once again the position of SFP namely Electoral reforms.democracy,accoutability.transparency and all the others things that democracy entails.
Sitting with Michel does not means as you think sleeping with Michel as Stooges RAm,Voclere and Buolle do,.We do not have anything to sell nor to buy form PP -We will only have this to say to PP-it is high time for genuine reform that our people deserve in order to transit his dictatorship to Democracy for the alter is the only security for stability,progress,development and the betteremnt of our people and country.
SFP leader will not crawl in the dark at the back doors of Statehouse in order that no one see them going to suck Pp asrs...SFP will make its move always public and in details on what was said,spoken or achieved.And lots of other questions you might want to ask.We like questions for it help educate our people too long left surfer in silent under PP thugocracy.
Jeanne D?Arc
In a democracy croosing the floor is a normal practices when nnedded to find consensus on improtant issues concerning the country and people.Though ,we are not in a edemocracy that would be our state of mind and how we will take and seeany talks with PP should Nichel want to invite SFp leader to a talk.I can asure you,there will be nothing to do with the kind of floor croosing we have seen and continue to see perpetrauted by Ram,Voclere,Boulle that have nothing to do with tnepoeple and country interests but their own.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D?Arc
This regime in all departments they are corrupt from A-Z just dont bail them out any more IMF.
ReplyDeleteCut your nose to spite your face Gill! You are like a rudderless boat drifting in a vast ocean hoping that you make it to shore someday sometimes soon!
ReplyDeleteWhoever crosses the floor betrays his party and constituents regardless of reasons. You crossed the floor and no matter how much you try to make it seem Inconsequential the fact remains that you betrayed those that put their faith and trust in you.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is you are a traitor, the original Judas. Those that did it after you pales in comparission!
It is something you cannot wash off no matter how hard you scrub!
ReplyDeleteWOW! It is true that Christopher Gill resembles Kim Il Sung in that picture above.
ReplyDeleteJust like anonymous said,
ReplyDelete"Well you know...a man's gotta cross when a man's gotta cross!"
Those who are bright enough should follow the lead or be ready to go down with the sinking ship.
Yep! I said that and it was sarcasm. An unfamiliar noun in your camp!
ReplyDeleteJudas' betrayal to Jesus was by kissing him on the cheeks to identify him to his enemies. You on the other hand keeps kissing Gill on his butt-cheeks day after day to glorify him!
Pathetic, the point is this, I did what I did because my party was working with SPPF, and they were cooperating to sell Seychellois, and committed acts of intimidation in conspiracy with the ruling party.
ReplyDeleteWhen that happens there is no party loyalty.
You stick it to them, like everyone in NDP and SNP should be sticking it to their leadership today.
Sell outs must never be tolerated.
If you believe I joined SPPF, you are more stupid then they were at the time.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
And so the cross the floor story changeth once more...
ReplyDeleteNo AK47 this time - uncle wasn't fit enough to chase you accross the floor. Now we are told that your party was working with SPPF and you were on loan to SPPF!
Like an exchange student or something.
Because DP was working with SPPF and Gill did not agree with that, Gill crossed the floor to SPPF !!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt obviously never occurred to him at the time that one day (when he tries to be holier than thou) he would have to explain his act of treason.
Now he even forgets the excuses he has given previously and keeps inventing new ones for that unparalleled act of treachery.
Gill, concentrate on tourism. St Ange is coming over next week at Tante Mimi to explain what he is doing -- and what he is doing does need explaining. It might be a good time to cross the floor from politics to tourism. So should St Ange, incidentally.
Pl and co fake opposition will never stop talking about crossing the floor, because they have nothing better to say or something concrete to contribute.
ReplyDeleteSo I will ask Mr Gill to pay no attention to these cheap sellout, and carry on with his hard work to remove this country from debts and the people from being punching bags to Nepale.
SNP Pathetic-
ReplyDeleteThe problem was not just DP working with SPPF that polluted the air, it was SNP leadership working with SPPF as well.
We have similarly exposed that:
1. Wavel Ramkalawan a Paid Informant to Ministry of Defence for years, which led to arrest and detention of numeorus people and possibly the death of some;
2. Bernard Georges, your man who worked for the Boss of FIU, James Michel;
3. Ferrari at the time, who is a coup player, who returned to the opposition to try to foolishly make money off opposition, as he has taught Ramkalawan so well;
As I said, if I fooled SPPF, you were fooled as well, then that just makes you dumber then SPPF, which is what I thought all a long.
I think you should go back to making shoes and preaching the good word that you forgot, but leave your pension. We are counting this pension to see what 34,000.00 per month has amounted to since 2008, then the people of Seychelles will know why in defeat, and failure, you stick around like Bernique to a rock
I make no excuse for my action, I explain myself as dutifully as possible. You SNP Pathetics, so arrogant that you are, because you went to NYS all of you, and harbour deep insecurity for your incomplete education unfortunately, cannot like a man, use your name, answer the questions.
Why on earth, did God put you here, if only to give SPPFPL credibility?
I suggest you shut down your dying party, before it turns orange as well.
What happened to your blog anyways?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
We are here, we will remain here to make you squirm.
ReplyDeleteGill lives in a world of his own, separate from reality .
ReplyDeletePp know how to signed but they have a problem with mathematic.
ReplyDeleteReply to "Blessing"-
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words of encouragement, it lifts me up higher then my enemies who cannot answer a single question.............can fly.
A country cannot be built if questions are not answered.
A country cannot succeed if leaders hide behind ANONYMOUS, and fake profiles.
This is a total shame.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Anonymous profile -- Jeanne d"arc.
ReplyDeleteGill is squirming.
ReplyDeleteWho says they are the leaders ? Gill is squirming.
ReplyDeleteIt's always the "leaders", because that is how it is.
ReplyDeletePissoff jeanne d 'arc,johnny those guys will take time for to know them.They are not Gill and not Jp.They are making you keep on gussing worried and getting paraniod.
ReplyDeleteReply to last comment-
ReplyDeleteFreedom Loving Seychellois do not attack people and hide their name behind ANONYMOUS.
Freedom Loving Seychellois do not curse people and hide behind ANONYMOUS.
Freedom Loving Seychellois do not use FAKE PROFILES such as for example, Ler Sesel, Gren Wi, Murbarak the Gorilla, Beer Bottle, and so on.
They use their name, because the Lord says that evil must be confronted head on, not on the side, or thru the back gates of STATE HOUSE.
All these fake profiles, are Collaborators to a regime. They can be in the opposition as well, as we know it, but they are collaborators just the same, because they help the PL keep power, by keeping the opposition divided. They do this by fooling the simple people whose heart has it in for change.
They ask us to trust them, but they sell our dreams for comfort and pensions, perks, special scratch my back favours.
Ignore them, for they are the weakest and poorest example of Seychellois.
At times, we even delete what they say, because Collaborators do not merit our respect.
They are TRAITORS to "Sesel Pou Seselwa"!
They will sell us, anytime, for money, like a professional Paid Informant would.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill now tell us about your relationship with Danny Faure?
ReplyDeleteReply to Danny Faure-
ReplyDeleteI know Ralph Volcere and Ramkalawan meet with him regularly, as does PDM leader Pierre, and Spongebob.
This is what I know about Faure.
I also know there have been reports he is tied in to drug traficking in Seychelles, since he controlled customs and ministry of finance.
All drugs crosses a border and subject to Customs.
I also know he is a serious man in as much as he wants to see the back of James Michel.
Since he dedicated his marriage to France Albert Rene, he will have Rene's support to see the back of James Michel.
I do not meetin with any ministers, in private or any PL leadership. This is SFP policy. All meetings must be held in public or open forum.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill are you saying that Danny Faure is dealing drugs with his cousin Samson?
ReplyDeleteMICROBIOME :) :) :)
Smoke is coming from your troufes after ti Johnny-Le-Gay ignited it with his stick!
ReplyDeleteLaverite is that Gill is squirming.
ReplyDeleteSquirming from pleaseure of Ti Johnny-Le-Gay's stick?
ReplyDeletePathetic fools keep on threading none sense about SFP. Pathetic fake opposition with nothing better to do.
ReplyDeleteAccepting bribe just for them to come and vomit their pathetic ignorant thread.
Get over yourselves useless fools, it is not Mr Gill who is squirming, its yourself useless fools, it is your mother, your sisters, your daughters scrapping & slavering from Indians, Arabs and Chinese to be able to put food on the table.
Blessing to SFP!
Reply to Gill Squirming
ReplyDeleteThose of you who childishly say Gill is squirming, do not know Gill.
Gill will face truth as it comes, why don't you lift the veil of coward Collaborator from your eyes and do the same?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
ReplyDeletejEANNE d'aRC
Those who are squirming are St Ange,Mitzy and the rest they are fidget, and cannot sit still,for their SFP has become like a MORPION under their balls.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
Laporte as well as Caroline Adel are celebrating the one percent decrease in inflation as if we are out of the woods.Inflation whic hwas at 8.7 was redcued to 7.8 percent(round up the figures eqaual one percent)is not a success for it is mainly achieve by the reduction on fuel which is only blip thus has a temporary effect only for prices on other commodities such as cooking oil,sugar and so on keep rising.
ReplyDeleteAs to umemployment it has run out of control.
NB; this too,Fish price has increase for Seychellois while tax on imported fish for five star hotels have been reduce.,Seychellois must pay more , foreigners less while the later are making millions of profit and kept all thier revenues abraod and contributimg at zero percent in our econom).While we begging for money PP takes decision that make us lost money by gifting those invovle in fianacial leakage to benfit further while destryong Seychellois businesses..
Pp.Laporte and Adel continued reliance of generating growth of the bad growth mix has yield the feedback of persistent high inflation ,which is a reflection of slower productivity growth in the economy.
In order for our country to consider an economic revival inflation should be at ,at least 2.5 to 3 percent which is a health figure for an economy which also have an effect on employment,economic growth and stable fiancial market.
Voodoo economy PP jsut won't succeed.
Jeanne D'Arc
Coroline Abel eski e UN famme oubien UN zomm? Eski UN dimone ki konen e capab clatifie.merci.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about her looks too lately. She looks strange! I wonder if the perks are having some strange effects!
ReplyDeleteStick to Abel's policy please.
ReplyDeleteHer pale face is a result of those IMF infusions she taking in.Low Growth,High inflation and stubborn unemploymemt.She promised us economic recovery we having instead stagflation.And PP ,Laporte call that economic success.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
At least i kaple pli byen ki ou ek ou fanm.
ReplyDeleteLaporte deplores his frustration by corruption by the level of corruptoin prqactices being perpetrted by i ministers.While we must beg the world for money ,Pp thugs keep serving thmeslves for peoples' money.You understand why there is 2,5 billion dollars missing in our coffers namley PP isa gang of thieves.
Time to get rid of those monkeys.
Jeanne D'Arc
ReplyDeletePp is copying or was influecne by Arab despots for instance,it is know nthat in Bahrain recent riots police fired at close range on innnocent citzens and it has been concluded that they wwere mercenaries made up of ex-colombian,S Africa and other ex army persoanls.In Saudi Arabia it is known that the King afraid of a revolution by the majority did the same and here in Seychelles Pp seems wants to do the same.But we will not let PP illegal import foreigners to brutalize Seychellois,Pp will deport his mercenaries or we will come and show both Pp and merceniares the door way.Note that mercenaires are not protested by UN under the Un charter of prisoners of war for they are concidered criminals.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D'Arc
YES! You forget to mention the Al-kaeda mercenaries sponsored by UK, KSA, QATAR, US and the UN fighting in SYRIA.
ReplyDeleteOnly allegation from few dictators and thier apologists afraid that the same happen to them.
ReplyDeleteJeanne D`^Arc
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