Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Seychelles Freedom Party Press Release 25.09.12

Press Release

Further to the Government of Seychelles, recent cabinet resolutions, the Seychelles Freedom Party takes credit for being at the forefront of Four (4) of the Six (6) resolutions passed.

The First resolution passed involves the Public Finance Management Bill, being proposed by Government which will enhance accountability and transparency in management of accounts of ministries, which the SFP welcomes and says it is only regrettable, that it has taken so many years to achieve an understanding of the need for accountability when dealing with the money of the People of Seychelles. In that time, Hundreds Millions has been lost to corruption as the Swiss National Bank declaration infers that $2.1 Billion has been deposited into their accounts by Seychelles Citizens.

The Second resolution to improve citizen ID through biometric is welcome by the SFP and we believe this will reduce voter fraud instances when applied to the voting process.

The Third resolution involves the creation for Human Rights Treaties Committee to allow Government to put in place the mechanism for filing country reports on Human Rights as per international treaty obligations, an issue SFP has been at the forefront on while all other parties went to sleep. This is welcome.

The Fourth resolution by Cabinet is the creation a of technical Committee on Human Trafficking, another issue which SFP has been at the forefront on and used the internet to expose the practice of Human Trafficking in Seychelles, by Arab visitors. This allegation was initially denied by Government. SFP welcomes the creation of a technical committee which in and of itself, accepts that we do have a problem.

SFP regrets that the Cabinet has yet to pass a resolution on the need to establish direct flights by Air Seychelles, to our main primary European markets. We are also disappointed to see that Cabinet has yet to address the fact that 60% of all the tuna caught in our waters, is processed in Mauritius. SFP believes that these's Two issues must be dealt with in order that Seychelles can re-establish  growth  in its economy, which is under-performing at this time, to the detriment and suffering of all Seychellois and our investors alike.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Excellent Job SFP!This could explain why some members of the fake opposition are getting mad of SFP they were informed about those laws and for them is a disadvantage for it further reduce and expose their theft ,which might force them to find a life instead of sucking Seychellois blood.It must be pointed out that without SFP exposing the regime and keeping pressure on them nothing would have been done and the status qou would have stayed.

Again great job SFP!

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

SNP do not fight for ordinary Seychellois but for their own pockets and ego.
The only information we get from SNP is a press release by Wavel every month where he repeats what Gill have been saying for years.
SNP is dead and the left over supporters that they have are just plain stupid and blind.

Anonymous said...

I hear you loud and clear, brother. Silence is golden.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Bunch of losers and crooks all of them.

SFP has made them look like babies crying because they lose elections all the time yet give credibility to SPPF all the time.

Thank God SFP came along and Gill did not give in to them. It shows he is solid and no ones fool.

Congratulations for a very good work all of you.

Anonymous said...

I hear you brother. Nou pa pou zanmen les tonbe.

Anonymous said...

Banla annou al bunjie jump.

Servi "wire"

Snp sa.


Anonymous said...

Local boats owners are in rage ,they are concern by the destruction of our eco sytem by foreigners as well as prohibition of access to public beaches by some foreigners who have decided that they are above our law and have even a right to make their own laws in regards to public beaches.Even St Ange seem to favoured his foreign friends by saying "certain isalnd becuase of their cliental beaches are then literally close for locals.But i would remind St Ange that Seychelles is before anything for Seychellois and having access to all our beaches is a constitutional regards of who is a guest on theses islands or not.And No ministers ,no foreigners will redefine our laws in our place.

All beaches are the property of the people of Seychelles,and Seychellois have a legitimate rights to access any beaches anywhere at all time of their island.Foreigners woh feel they cannot respect our constittuion as well asd Seychellois should simply leave our land for in the first place we did not bring them here.
they are.

There is excuse,no expalination no anything to tell us St Ange-Beaches in Seychelles are constituionally public and it will stay like that until the people of Seychelles decdied otherwise.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

is a constituional rights regardless of who is on the island.

Anonymous said...

Cabinet pass resolutions on 4 of 6 issues that SFP was driving down their throats.

Bravo SFP.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Good! I get to kill two birds with one stone!

Anonymous said...

Foreign Donors' v/s seychellois people.

Though SFp watch,its constant exposure and the fierce oppostion of a bulk part of the Seychellois population on the way foreign aid money is thrown to Pp thugtocrates and the havoc is causing to our already improvish people,Foreign donors are doing little to tackle their own role in the underwriting governement aid misuse and abuse even though they recognize "civil and political rights" to be central to socioeconomic development.Huddled together in PP-istan the poverty pimps have collectively resolved to continue to their usual "aid Business" in seychelles becuase braod economic progress overwieghs individual freedom.

aid officials continue to tell us that their aid is not being Distorted.They refuse to carry independendt monitoring/investigations into the notorious fact their handouts are used to prop up and fortify a one-man,one-party dictatorship and not helping neither National development nor the already improvish people of Seychelles.

The foreign donors in chauvinistic view seem to beleive there are two social classes in Seychelles.One consists of the alrge mass of poor,improvished,and espendable masses who will not amount to much.the other calss consists of the tiny elites(thieves) who maintain a lavish lifestyle for themslves and lord over the masses by amnipulating the millions given to them to strengthen their chokehold economic and politcal interests in seychelles.

In a perfect world foreign donors could be prosecuted for being accenssories before and after the fact to the crime of first-degree"democricide",gross Human rights abuses and for aiding and abetting Pp Kleptocracy.

When confront with the truth about the misuse and abuses of aid money as has been well documented by SFp Huamn rights advocates in past/recent articles,they wlll play it down(nothing to it9ignore it(donot worth commenting9,rationalize it(we have got to work with the thuggish governemnt-thus the three-day window dressing workshop conducted by a World Bank memeber for Pp illiterates in the doggy Assemlby-which was an insult to Seychellois for it is useless),and wax legal about it(there is a soveiregnty issue)and to fool the people occassionally they would not hesitate to come out public,put on a show and pontificate as usual about democracy,rule of law,accountability and the rest of it.after all is said and done,they go right back to business.

We are calling once again on Foreign Donors to simply stop feeding Pp beasts.Stop fianacing the pp crimials in their astrocites now.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Jeanne D'Arc September 28, 2012 9:55 AM
"In a perfect world foreign donors could be prosecuted for being accenssories before and after the fact to the crime of first-degree"democricide",gross Human rights abuses and for aiding and abetting Pp Kleptocracy."

In your perfect world USA and Western Europe would be classed as rogue countries for their accessoriers before and after the facts...

Anonymous said...

By whom?Rogue communist states N Korea,China,Cuba,Zimbabwe,Belarus?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Grow up man,stop playing schoolyard bully.When you cannot anwer question,when you cannot defend your master's fail policies .Since you have lost recognition from the people you hoping bullying will make you get back attention and has convivnced yourself that bullying is a way to be popular or get what you want.But i am afraid to tell you that bullying is whack,meaningless is a sign of weakness,get on the right track .Grow up,be useful to society dog.

By being a bully ,you show everybody how an inferior coward you are.

Keep on barking .

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

After ST Ange has played deaf ears on the call of SFP to operate Direct flight from and our main tourist market *EUROPE",at last St Ange has come to accept this reality that Direct flgiht between Seychelles -Europe is needed should we want to bring back our tourism industry on track.

So the question to St Ange what action would he take to solve this problem ?Well,St Ange can simply ask PP to get bakc Air Seychelles operation to Europe and stop putting Khalifa interest before that of Seychellois.Note that Seychelles ogvernemnt still hlds 60 percentage of Airseychelles as.majority shareholder there is no reason why PP cannot make this happen unless Pp thinks that in a jion venture the minority has more say which seems to be the case at the moment.Mr D'Offay ,a recognize proffesional in this field said"more money should be invested to promote our Land abraod"all businessmen persons in the ifled would agree with him .But the important thing is that any more money for publicity which is necessary is used to developed over important market in countries that Seychelles has done little in the last three decades namely,Northern Europe(Sweden,Norway,Holland,Danemark)as well as Australia not in TURKEY (in regards to tuorists potentital)for the later while i agree produce good and cheap products is not a countiry that produce tourists :traveling as Toursit is not necessary part of TUrkish tradition statistic shows that.

Mr D^Offay also trusted of the important of sustainable tourism development which is a must for a small island state as ours.But Sustainable toursim development come by developing Medium and Small tourism establishemnt not More five star hotels for the later has damaging consequences of the enviroenment(e.g Port Luanay,Raflle Praslin)show,other incovenience such as import of cheap labour,commodities importation,Fiancail leakage,more trash,the use of water,electricty,destory job creation for our locals etc... while Medium and Small establishment reduce the above incovenience and are much more beneficial for the country.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Private secotor needs to take over Tourism and remove from government.


It is done in Hawaii, many other countries.

It can be done here and it must be done, before more damage is done.

Anonymous said...

10.oo Am

I totally agree with you and that in fact applies to most economic sectors of a country's economy be it tourism or lese.
Should the private sectors have more control on the sector things would be much better for they would look at what best for their industry than taking dicision base of politcal interests which is the case now under Pp.Governemnt as such can accompanied,support,become a faciliator.etc... but the strategy ,master plan etc.. must be mainly influence,developed by those in the sectors not governemnt.

Jeanne D`^Arc

Anonymous said...

85% Seycehellois has been poisoned by PL false promises and propaganda, so I guess that's make SNP as well. Wamka has been schooled by JAM and now he has become a false professor himself, schooling his supporters or may be I should use the word brainwashing. I don't know how to change this direction that we have taken our country, but I do know that 4 more years of this will end any chance of recovery.

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...

I am saying that 85% have been bought by PL, this is truthful. It is why SFP are working day and night to rectified the mistakes of said fake opposition. Keep on rolling on the floor with laughter because sooner or later you will lose your balls to foreigners.

People of Seychelles needs to wake up from these illusions of false promises.

1* fake opposition has no balls no stance.

2* they are also lack of reality and have no solidarity what so ever.

As for SFP are the people's mountain of hope, they have achieve a lot more that all fake opposition put together, SLOWLY BUT SURELY THEY ARE WINNING THE TRUST OF THE PEOPLE.It will be not in a day or two but it is happening.

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...

PP thirty-five years of broken promise,broken faith,broken country,broken contract ans nothing will change as long as those thugs keep holding on to power.
Waht is encouraging though,is that new angry and hungry generation of Seychellois no longer fear pp gang of old frailing crooks and their thirst for freedom is accelerating the fall of PP at a pace unthinkable for the Butcher and apologists.Proof,look at RAM is hides behind his laptop at Arpent Verte and blog insulst,redicules of this blog.(seychellesreality),He desperat actions might nerve others but we must always keep in mind that each time he fools himself by writing shit on this blog is a sign that he is falling into incognito.

Keep on the pressure on Pp and apologists.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

The hidden truth has taken a while to unfold, slowly it will all come out and bite some in the face.

SFP has awakened the pits of hell,and the red devils are not happy.

I am not worried about Ram, as it is PL who are holding Seychelles hostage. Once PL crumble so will all fake opposition et voila.;

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

with what? baton ek grand kuto?

Anonymous said...

You should take Seychellois seriously and again i would remind you-beware of those bearing olive branches!It a natural reaction when people are made victims to resist oppression.They might react fast,slowly,even take decades but when they do decide to take their rights into their hands they allow succeed.They did it in Lybia,Tunia,Yemen,eGYPT,iRAK ETC.. AFTER DECADES of being victimized and there is not reason why Seychellois should be no different taking into consideration the gravity of the atrocities being committed by a gang of old frailed crooks on them ,their country,and the future of their children as well as sovereignty.

Time wake uP .Time to get Pp state terrorists to montagne Possee.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

We want competitiveness and all Airlines that want to fly to our shores and help increase tourism arrival are welcome but the problem with those Arab Airlines(Etihad/emirate)which belong to the same person is conducting a strategy with the help of Pp thugs to completely destroy other lines including our own National Airline(air Seychelles)to fulfill Khalifa's dream of having the biggest Airline in the world and not protecting Seychelles interests and its main industry which is tourism.

As soveiregn state which depend mainly on tourism Seychelles governemnt should exercise their responsibiblity by protecting national asset (in this case our Antional Airline)and ensure that any contract with firegner airlines do not affect our tourism industry but instead support it.The actual policy conducted by Khalifa and supported by Pp thugs is detrimental for our tourism industry thus our economy,It must be change,regulate,adapt etc...

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Bahhaahhaa these cunts are back in town. And I thought you had all dissapeared in to thin air like you should. Its been nearly a year Gill and you still look like a fat slop Gill. Whatever happened to leading the country? Didn't quite work out? Have you stiill got that faggot pilot working for you. What an ugly bastard he is too though he really turned out much better than his mother who looks like some vampire on heat. Why the hell did you get rid of your last page, it was really great seeing everyone gang up against you and rape you on your own wall. You are a walking topsy turvy joke of a man. Can;t you go back to Guam??