Tuesday, September 25, 2012

True story of Chenards and Isaacs' relation and history!

Louise, Francine and Nancy were the last three sisters of the Chenard Family who occupied their family’s home. After a period of illness, Louise passed away, and Francine after a while also departed this world! This left miss Nancy on her own and after a while, she decided to move to South Africa to spend her remaining days. 
As the Chenard sisters had no children, thus no heirs, the family estate was to be sold, and therefore left in the hands of Mr. Bernard George in the capacity as Executor. After the land had been sold, whatever small debts that the family had was to be settled by the Executor, and he also had to give a sum of money to Ms Marie, as well as myself; Ms Anne- maria Isaac as compensation for their long years of service. 
The estate which is situated at Chenard Estate, Plaisance, was sold to Mr Kimkoon, better known by many as “Tai Tai”. As the promise was made by Ms Chenard, my mother; Marie and I expected that we were going to receive our compensation, but nothing came. I went to see Mr George, but that was all in vain and a waste of time. I therefore made use of the channels and avenues that I knew of at that time, to try and get what was rightfully my mother’s and I. I even saw the Ex-President; Mr France Albert Rene, and to him Mr George swore that we would receive our compensation, but it never happened! My mother passed away, without seeing a cent of her work’s worth! After that I got tired and stopped pursuing Mr George. Due to some recent development that was brought to my attention, I gave Mr George a call this Saturday on his office number. 
He was in a hurry to talk to me, and once I mentioned the Chenards to him, I could tell from his voice that he was not very happy as he commanded me not to mention the Chenards to him. Therefore I told him that I would pursue with what he now owed me instead of the Chenards, and that I still had my papers and witnesses, and that I would take him to court if I had to, he told me to go ahead and take him to court, and immediately hung up on. I took care of the Chenards and even had to leave my children in the care of my mother and sister, as I even had to sleep with them, to tend to their needs even during the night. 
Up to this day, I am still the one who pays a visit to their resting place, and I make sure that their tombs receive a coat of paint every November for ‘All Saints’ day, which is also the birthday of Ms Francine Chenard. I believe that the time has come for my family and I to receive what is rightfully ours! I will post photos of the Chenards and proof that I worked for them. Stay posted as there are still more to come! How can I not mention the Chenards when there are so much to be said about them!


Anonymous said...

What for a thief!Where is the money Bernard?How many more Seychellois have you robbed Bernard?I hope the this thief is not the lawyer of the owner of Moyenne island passed away this year.For he will sold it and pocket the money for himself as he has demonstrated in Chenards case.As the saying goes"once a thief ,always a thief".Moreover,
It must be a shame for all those respectful lawyers doing their jobs with sincerity.

Shame on you Bernard!

Jeanne D'Arc

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Bernard George arete voler!

Il faut rendre à César ce qui appartient à César ; et à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu.

These Seychellois maids have given so much of their time and effort into serving other people and sometimes for very little pay. And when it is time to rip their rewards people like Bernard Georges sings abracadabra and tu aurais tu aura pas! Voler, voler menm! Vol sa ki plis malere ki ou enn pli gros pese enkor. Fer honte!

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...

I hear you loud and clear, bruv. Silence is golden.

Anonymous said...

Bernard George est quelqu'un qui ne se soucie pas des sentiments d'autres êtres humains. Il pense seulement lui-même. Aussi longtemps qu'il peut visser et arracher de l'argent à d'autres gens il continuera de faire ainsi. Les remerciements que SNP n'était pas capable de gagner des élections ou bien il y aurait eu plus de corruption.
M. George a vendu beaucoup de terrain de la part des gens vivant à l'étranger où il a volé la plupart de l'argent. Personne ne dit un bon mot dans les égards à ce gars, dans Seychelles ou à l'étranger. Il est aussi mauvais que son patron.

Anonymous said...

Silence is golden, golden.
But my eyes still see.

Talkin' is cheap
People follow like sheep.
Even tho' there is nowhere to go
How could they tell, he deceived them so well

Pity they'll be the last to know.

Anonymous said...


North Las Vegas, NV

Reply »
Report Abuse
Judge it!
Nov 21, 2007

Having lived in Seychelles for 20 years as a US tracking employee who married a local with two kids born there I can truthfully say it is a beautifull country but very expensive to live. The average people are some of the best I have ever known. Problems are with the ruling elite that have created the largest debt per capita in the world, who continue to line their pockets at the expense of the people of the country. Legal rights are routinely ignored myself I have had my ocean front land stolen by the lawyer Bernard Georges one of the longest practicing lawyers in the country after cancelling the sale. The sale was fraudulented at one tenth the value and sold for worthless local currency the rupee that is and cannot be exchanged for forex without 2 to 3 times the official rate. For 10 years I have tried to settle this but can not and have tried every avenue. Seychelles is by far the most beautifull country in the world but with all the blatant corruption by the ruling empowered SPPF
who can to power by the gun. It is one of the most expensive countries in the world and getting more so. The currency is worthless and cannot be converted without a open Democracy that is not modeled after China, Russia or Cuba the people continue to suffer. It is one of the prices they have paid after losing Englands protection. Resources are squandered on a large military they cannot afford, for what to keep the country free from democracy if so mission accomplished. The only hope is to let all the Seychelles people in the world vote but the rulers who came to power by the gun will never allow that. For a country surrounded by water and sand it is iiegal to use it which is silly. With 12 ft of rain a year there are constant water shortages and desalination plants even America can not affort that when all that is needed is to replace the leaky rusting pipes so 50% of the water is no longer lost. The decent people of Seychelles deserve better I pray one day they will get it. I have fond memories of my 20 years there before the reefs died off like in most of the world. Those of you with true freedom should cherish it and wish it on this beautifull country.

Anonymous said...


North Las Vegas, NV

sure I did but I had a car stolen, a boat stolen twice, 3 outboard engines stolen, defrauded of 3 properties by Bernard Georges the 3rd one was ocean front Machabee that was 10 years ago and was never paid for it H2206. Non of this was ever resolved. Even when my home was broken into and the cops found the theives and recovered the alcohol they kept and consumed it that is justice. I had 3 friends girlfriends killed there and no one was ever convicted.---- we bought your fuel all those years and per our agreement we were to get duty free fuel yet Seychelles gov never once honored that promise or agreement. We were your cash cow that never cost you a R we paid our way and much more. Were it not for foreign aide you would be more of a basket case than you are now with non existant forex. You can't even repair your water pipes instead spend millions of $ on desalination plants with yucky water. But you can fill in all your bays and sell it to foreigners and you will still be broke and the people still suffer. The rule of law does not exist thre only a perverted, socialist and communist version of it. More than half don't like it and many of the rest are brainwashed over the years. Germany was like that after their reunification but most of the previous generation was lost communist/socialist rule brainwashes countries, look at France, Russia, Cuba, China and others. Your country is up for sale no matter what it does to your lifestyle or the people. You were blessed with all Gods beauty and the great people minus the pols. Yet look what you have become the nation of Seychelles has become a begar nation and adicted to aide as many are to the heroine cancer continually victimized for what? To live there it is a crime of greed and pols putting are seen as putting themselves above the needs of the people. Clean up the corruption, replace your water lines and give the dignity back to the people the 1st is probably not doable but the 2nd is but most likely won't be done. The same toilet flushing sound is still being heard since the guns overthru Jimmy's democracy in 1976 and you are still paying for it, over and over again. He had planned for offshore banking etc and now you have it except for the decades of delay. But at least back then you could get forex unlike now. God bless the good people and punish the greedy self serving pols that victimize them thru greed and corruption. There is a saying you can't take it with you, but maybe they know better.

Anonymous said...


North Las Vegas, NV

Jusr rememmber there is no protection once you buy any property using a lawyer like Bernard georges like I did got my land stolen given away and our money became his. I used the law and was punished for it, now 10 years later it remains the same. You have courts and lawyers but they can do whatever they wish and after the fraud it is over. I was deprived of my ocean front property by using a lawyer, losing our rights, money and property. Propety that is now on the market for 40 times what I was not even paid for this after I with drew the sale.
This is what can and does happen to investor I am living proof of this.

Anonymous said...


North Las Vegas, NV

What about Bernard Georges he is also spiritual stole our ocean front property at Machabee after we canceled the sale. Not much hope when lawyers prey on their clients, steal their land and fraudulant the sale. As a country you have no legal system that is functional and I know what I speak having been defrauded 3 times. I was stupid enough to buy property there hope this is a warning to others lest they also lose land they bought and paid for. There is no justice to be had I know I have been trying to get it for 10 years. Pretty place but very expensive and now it is being sold to foreigners, soon you will be a minority in your own country. Sad as the people are basically very nice and friendly. But without laws no one is safe.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Georges works for SPPF.

He is Ramkalawan's right hand man.

Jerk offs!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting story and repeated across Sechelles Seychelles 200 year history.

Still !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Il faut rendre à César ce qui appartient à César ; et à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu.

Stolen money is bad karma.

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...


It seems that most people who are SNP orientated are also tradition-orientated of SPUP.
Perhaps this explains the battle for (kaka dan ton latet boycott)

For this reason I have written this poem that I blogged last evening. I have written this poem for awareness among us younger generation population.
Teens at my age do not understand politics (unless it’s something parents discuss at home like mine do) so I hope through poems or songs will get the message through to them. I believe that it is never too young to show interest and to participate in one’s country welfare and human rights.

By this I most emphatically do not mean that there is any claim to its liturgy being a direct descent of SNM. (Seychelles National Movement)

There are many people from democrat and SNP who seem, very obviously, to have some tragically change of heart and mind by crossing and crawling into SPUP bank account of blood money.

They are the sorts who will do anything for cash and fake prestige (if you may call it) and who also like to demonstrate their blood tarnish fortune, and also their evils hungry powers etc..

Some may feel somewhat (like Bullet, Wavel and Chow) envious of such people. Yet they should not feel that way, for these powers that these people have are from misery, pain, tears and blood of our Seychellois brothers.

It is for that reason that my parents, uncles, aunties and the rest of my family have become full supporters of SEYCHELLES FREEDOM PARTY.

Therefore as a sign of my birth right, I take upon myself the right to choose the party I can trust and believe will put people’s welfare, and the success of our country first before pleasures of foreigners.

Henceforth it is the reason why I chose to be SFP supporter. I hope they accept me. I may be fifteen years of age but I have a mind of my own to see that this country needs change and needs it fast.

My name is Lisa Marie, I live in Sydney Australia with my parents and my two other siblings.
Writing this in library class got to go before I get caught.

@ The leader of SFP, Mr Gill, I will rewrite this poem for you at my lunch break so you may use it in your papers.
Keep well, and stay focus
regards Lisa Marie

Anonymous said...



You can try to boycott
or do what you wanna do
SFP will always be here
and change will happen
whether you like it or not

you may try denying SFP of their right
you may also curse them if you wish
but SFP will remain strong as ever
and change will happen

If you want to become
the most despised creatures
by all mean the choice is yours
but SFP will always demand justice
and change will happen

You may become SFP’s enemy
you may scream ‘BOYCOTT’
as many times as you want
SFP are not worried about your petty boycott
they aim high

So go where you will
scream at the top of your lungs
your lungs may collapse
SFP will still be here
their love for Seychelles is unchanging

Abuse others, abuse yourself, abuse SFP
SFP are the people’s voice
their determination is unchanging

SFP is not about to give up their right
just because you say so
they might criticized you (for the moron that you know you are)
but they will not fail the country

no matter what you do or say
no matter how many times you scream ‘BOYCOTT’
SFP will not hide or run
SFP is here to stay
determination runs in their veins
ever stronger

tomorrow if you should change your mind
they will forgive and accept you
because they are genuine people
who wants best for our country
the welfare of our generation is important to SFP

So rest assure that change will happen
whether you like it or not


Anonymous said...

Letter is forgery.

Bernard Georges was in the position to commit the forgery.

Sick people.


He should be disbarred.

How many of these forgery has he done in his time in Seychelles ?

Anonymous said...

Berarrd both a lawyer and a public figure has a responsibility to clear his image already tarnished by past dubious actions such as participating in Pp's sell out of our land to Arab)should simply explain himself and just give Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar.Secondly,he should be made to accuse himself publicly for his theft in order to whitewash his image.lastly,as being Candidate in several fake Presidential Elections,he has a responsibility to prove to them that he is not crook then people can have trust in him.

For the above reasons i then ask beranrd one more time this simple question.where is the money ?

The people need explanation Bernard,Come out clean!

jeanne D'arc

Anonymous said...

Cher Barabas,
for his share of the money stolen by Bernard. your thief friend.

Anonymous said...

Bernard George, leten lesglavaz inn fini. Give this man (Jean-Paul) his money.
Stop being a Jackass, you cannot take stolen money to hell with you, it will just burn.

Australia 8:32PM

Anonymous said...

Eoula Australi, ou deal ek ou bann aborigine laba e pay zot zot compensation pou zot later vole en nou nwa deal ek sa ki pou nou isi! OK?

Anonymous said...

en kantiter aborizine sesel aussi deal ec zot la ba arpent vert!

Anonymous said...

zot ine fini tomber.Y rester zis pou anter zot.

ine ler pou zot aret servi sa term "Pa les tombe".

Anonymous said...

Lekel Bernard?
Sa gran voler arpent vert?

Anonymous said...

Piss na pa ban la! piss alone.grazy bums you write all comments yourself you answer yourself.Nou pa melange avek demon parey ou.

Anonymous said...

In many cases, the word of mouth had been used as a contract between two parties. In Isaac case, i believe a signed contract would have more weight to it. Mr. Georges is betting that Mr. Isaac does not have enough resources to battle him in court. I was wondering if it would be possible for all the people that has been robbed by Mr. Georges to get together and file a class-action against him.


Anonymous said...

In that case if he doesn't have anything concrete to substantiate his claim why the hell does he have to post one whole blog to make this claim and accuse George of fraud and theft?
It boils down to what we have been saying all along - Isaaq is a retarded pillock and if I were George I would sue his sorry arse off for slander!

Anonymous said...

And he had to humiliate his mother in the process!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

George is one that we know is guilty of fraud,corrupt and theft,there are more than one,to many to mention.

Anonymous said...

I can see you are working overtime to try and stop us from telling the TRUTH! Instead of boycotting, you are spending more and more of your time on the blog.

Next time try something that makes sense!

Anonymous said...

San mem mon tann welele lari bazaar! Dimounn pe lager Laverite. Napa asez pou partaze?

Anonymous said...

His boycott son kanmi son kanmi his got nothing to say,this how many fake politicians do on the island.

Ghurkass we give them until the end of the year to leave Seychelles and go back were they belong,we have said No to Ghurkass seen the begining when Pp mention about bringing foreigners boots on our shore,but Pp want to please Mr Khalifa.

Sfp supporter.

Anonymous said...


Annex to September 27, 2012 5:29 PM





Anonymous said...

La Gogue dam is the same one know!for how long it will stay 80%capcity? problems its not how full La Gogue is,it can be 80 % to 100% capcity but when dry season will come it will 0% capacity.Pp the problems built more dam to store water when we have run season.

Anonymous said...

So what,why you dont detect billion that PP have stolen and still continuing.

Anonymous said...

Bernard George a thief, John-Paul have all the right to claim his mother's sweat and hard labour. He has everything to be proud his mother worked very hard, stayed awake with these old ladies while they were sick, now ladies like John-Paul's mother heaven's door is wide open to welcome her. Because what she earned was from hard work and honesty, not by blood tarnish money pass down by murdering dictators and fake opposition. KISS MY PINK EYE. I AM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD SO GO AND GET YOURSELF LOST OR JUMP OFF A CLIFF.

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...

ou osi ou gran voler, sa akos ou sutir Bernard George. Work like everyone stop taking blood money from murdering dictators then you will know true value of hard working like John-Paul's mother did. kuyon

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...

So how do you know that the Isaacs were promised money from the Chenards? What proof is there?

Anonymous said...

Any court will do, for as long as it is not in power hungry court!

Clair D'Lune*

Anonymous said...

Why did the Seychelles Police Force choose the National Day of Peace to celebrate police brutality? Is this a sign of disrespect for victims of police brutality on our shore, is it a BOYCOTT of peace or is it just pure ignorance?

Isaac did the right thing, he threw the first punch. Now it is up to Georges to decide if he wants to fight back.

I think SNP should insist that George clear up the matter, otherwise, he should withdraw from his executive position in the party. If not, then we can say that SNP is responsible for all the shady deals that he has conducted and continue to administer.


Anonymous said...

Your brother and acting Dictator( or future dictator in the waiting) Faure gave a bla bla speech at the UN that most members attending the Assembly felt asleep.He made us the laughing stock of the world when he said"Seychelles will work to be a non-permanent memtber of the UN in 2017 because its committement to RULE FO LAW".He must have been thinking that the world is ignorant as him to say such nonesense.He then of course bla bla on climate change while we all know that the incovenient truth about seychelles today is that Pp dictatorship presents a far more perilous threat to the survival of Seychelles than climate change.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

We will keep your comment on Danny Faure, but he may cancel your pension for it (540,000.00 and counting).

All the Korean and Chinese we will delete.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...


Your use of Korean language, Russian, Mandarin, exposes you are a Collaborator sell out.

Neither is part of our national language and all show an open invitation as the PL do to say:

"Seychelles For Everyone But Seychellois".

You only have to write in Ghurka now.

I take this opportunity to thank all the 5000 viewers who have ignored this moron in the last Four (4) days.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party

Anonymous said...

This Boyo cot is just a distraction to protect Bernard Georges as a crook that he is from swindling the assets of Chenard family and not paying their debts.

Georges was Tai Tai's lawyer for years.

Georges was Chenards lawyer for years.

A gross conflict of interest that merits disbarring him.

The fraudulent signature is another cause for dis barring him.

SNP tries to protect Georges because he is the go between Wavel Ramkalawan and James Michel.

Anonymous said...

The guy is beaten,exhausted by the way SFP turns them upside.He cannot fight with ideas and words ,so what he is left with is bullying like a street orphan.He seems to be calming down for at a last he realises that everybody takes him for an idiot and that hurts him too ,he who think by bullying would become someone.

Or he can try Mao's SHAOLAN dialect ,like PP, to call Pp and communist CHina realtionship 8NATURAL),for Pp thinks we have more in common with Chinese because PP say so than with French,English the two nations on whihc our culture,tradition,religion,alnguage etc.. is derived.So He can go as far as saying we part of China after failing to artificailly made us part of Emirates.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

And George was the lawyer of Khalifa in the illegal Sell out of our patrimony by PP.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Georges was Khalifa's lawyer. We all forgot about that little detail.

La Misere plot for Scr. 1.0 ?

Barbarons Trioan plots on the mountain side- how much land did Georges sell as Notary there?

Barbaron beach side, the whole 10 acres or so after Barbaron hotel to Chateau D'eau boundary, all sold to Khalifa with Goerges Notary?

Forgot about that little detail.

Selling our patrimony, then acting like you support Sesel Pou Seselwa!

No wonder you are Boyo cotting this blog.

I encourage any one with any issues on crooked lawyers to come forward.

Expose them.

If the bar does nothing to them, the CJ will have to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Those persons had made up the mind,they are not coming back to Sullivan's garden anymore.You should instead adapt yourself to the new reality or you would sink down with pp.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Total page views now 134769.

Anonymous said...

No Pissedoff
You cannot deny truth by lies like you doing,the lost in SNp.NDP camp should have tipped you of this fact.And you know waht it keeps growing at constant pace.For RAm or Voclere to attract suchan amount of bloggers,supporters would be you be like pouring water in the sand .But donot be distrubed by it,it is simply the good quality job,seroussness,determination of and so forth of SFP that makes it happen.The epople ahs simply find at alst a party that speaks the same language as them,they find themslves in SFP.Donot be jealous but instead change your way ,stop playing clown in Ppüs comedy show and by doning so i an sure the people will recognize you to.

Jeanne D'Arc .

Unknown said...

Ramkalawan and his fake Boycott has finally been flushed off seychelles Reality enjoy followers!

Anonymous said...

He probably had received Foulkes's book on Glenny Savy corruption "the Greenwashing".He is busy reading it, worry his name can be in it too.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

This guy who want to be Seychelles next president sweaering all day on this blog. what future seselwa will have with politician like him.

Sfp supporter

Anonymous said...

RAm is just not fit to be president as he himself said five years ago for he is a counterfeit leader without prospectives,nothing to offer.How can a slave free others when he is himself in captivity?

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Pissdoff et pas grand Pissdog et un grand cou et grand stupido et mal civilise.

Anonymous said...

Droger ban communist crack baby that you and your fake party have let them imported from Asia transit in Dubai and dont forget your family at Anse Cosionlasion Praslin they are the main canabis farmers on Praslin seen a long time dont ask for it you will get it back every time.

Anonymous said...

Isaac why don't you tell your mother that Bernard gave you a substantial amount of money from the Chenard Estate which you used to fund the white elephant better known a SFP?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


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