After voting to approve Cybercrime law, Chiz files bill to fix big 'mistake'
The online news portal of TV5
MANILA, Philippines – After acknowledging his "personal oversight"
in having supported the controversial Cybercrime Law, re-electionist
Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero on Tuesday filed a petition to junk the
law's notorious provision on online libel.The online news portal of TV5
On Twitter, Escudero posted a digital image of the bill (SB 3288) he authored and submitted before the Senate on Tuesday. The senator says he wants to repeal Section 4 (c) (4) of Republic Act No. 10175, or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. After endorsing the law, the senator now says he agrees with legal experts and outraged netizens that the law's provision on libel would harm Filipinos' constitutional right to freedom of expression.
Escudero also filed his candidacy before the Commission on Elections for a second term as senator on Tuesday.
"A strong media could give great service to the Filipino people in providing an effective mechanism of complete and fearless transparency over the excesses of government in the exercise of its powers and prerogatives," Escudero wrote in a preface to the bill.
Section 4 of the Cybercrime Offenses would penalize "the unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future."
Escudero, who chairs the committee on justice and human rights, said it was a "personal oversight" that he allowed the law to pass without taking note of, or challenging, the controversial clause. He declined to expound or explain to media how he managed to overlook the law's dangerous provisions.
Legal experts have also assailed how the law would prescribe higher and harsher penalties for libel when committed online, relative to libel proved over traditional media. Others also note that the law would allow people to be charged twice over, offline and online, and also theoretically redefine - or erase - the very concept of retroactivity; even old posts, as long as still live on and online even in archive form, can still be treated as posts active in the present. Such possibilities, experts say, could potentially harm people's rights against double jeopardy and retroactive laws.
Critics are also up in arms over the Cybercrime Law's Section 19, which empowers the Department of Justice to block sites and links deemed "prima facie" violative of the law's defined "content-related crimes".
Escudero's bill would seek to fix the libel provisions, but is silent on Section 19. With Karl John C Reyes,
As kids we all enjoyed bedtime stories.My favorite was CHICKEN LIKEN(chicken little),who while scratching around the yard when something fell on her head.Chicken licken thought the sky was falling.She became paranoid.
The story of Chicken Liken illustrates the angst,hysteria and apranoia of Pp ruling regime.The sky(pe)is always falling whenever dictator Michel the Butcher wants to tighten the screws on news and information reaching the public without its control.
Seychelles^Chicken likens are so paranoid that they find it necessary to pass(or attempt to pass)an arbitary law (in the sttoged Assembly that passes laws faster than a Chinese factory can crank a T-Shirt)to impose ,in the first place ,politcal censorship on independent press,jouranlists thus use such an arbitary law as a means to increase repression and restrst free expression.With the later Pp hopes to completely radicate its exposure so that it can continue in silent without fear its atrocities on the people of Seychelles.
SEychellois though is determine not to let Chicken liken drag them into the Foxhole of Foxy Woxy.No Pp will not let you drag us back inot the prison of the past.
Stop taverstying the country's law now.Pp wants to do what N Korea,China,Emirates,Cuba,Zwibabwe and what in the past Gadafi,Mubarak,Ben Ali did namely tshut dowm independent press in order to discretely continue its crimes,theft,on the people.
Morever,those goons in the Assemlby must know that they are making thmselves conplice of Pp tyrannic regime with its crime on Seychellois and to cover up the atrocites of Pp like in the case of Marucs whose Father rejected the so called panel who was mainly composed of Pp apologists sent to fake invidences).Those goons must know that rubbering stamping one-man WILL doesnot law make.
Finally to all those goons in the Assemlby ,i would advise them to always keep this qutoe from Shakepseares in thier little brain"Lawless are they that make their WILLS the law".
Time for regime change!Time to get Pp thuggs to justice.Time for Seychellois to get their millions of stolen wealth back from Pp thugss.
Jeanne D'Arc
As kids we all enjoyed bedtime stories.My favorite was CHICKEN LIKEN(chicken little),who while scratching around the yard when something fell on her head.Chicken licken thought the sky was falling.She became paranoid.
The story of Chicken Liken illustrates the angst,hysteria and apranoia of Pp ruling regime.The sky(pe)is always falling whenever dictator Michel the Butcher wants to tighten the screws on news and information reaching the public without its control.
Seychelles^Chicken likens are so paranoid that they find it necessary to pass(or attempt to pass)an arbitary law (in the sttoged Assembly that passes laws faster than a Chinese factory can crank a T-Shirt)to impose ,in the first place ,politcal censorship on independent press,jouranlists thus use such an arbitary law as a means to increase repression and restrst free expression.With the later Pp hopes to completely radicate its exposure so that it can continue in silent without fear its atrocities on the people of Seychelles.
SEychellois though is determine not to let Chicken liken drag them into the Foxhole of Foxy Woxy.No Pp will not let you drag us back inot the prison of the past.
Stop taverstying the country's law now.Pp wants to do what N Korea,China,Emirates,Cuba,Zwibabwe and what in the past Gadafi,Mubarak,Ben Ali did namely tshut dowm independent press in order to discretely continue its crimes,theft,on the people.
Morever,those goons in the Assemlby must know that they are making thmselves conplice of Pp tyrannic regime with its crime on Seychellois and to cover up the atrocites of Pp like in the case of Marucs whose Father rejected the so called panel who was mainly composed of Pp apologists sent to fake invidences).Those goons must know that rubbering stamping one-man WILL doesnot law make.
Finally to all those goons in the Assemlby ,i would advise them to always keep this qutoe from Shakepseares in thier little brain"Lawless are they that make their WILLS the law".
Time for regime change!Time to get Pp thuggs to justice.Time for Seychellois to get their millions of stolen wealth back from Pp thugss.
GILL, you must give a promise not to delete messages in future so that the boycott, which is very successful, can be lifted.
You must do that on WEDNESDAY.
Jeanne D'Arc
bougla! Mon tande i tinn al met en ta gris laba arpan ver.
Labitid bann Isaac. Zot ti bez bann Chenard dan fiol anba latom!
why not put a rope around your neck?
The dawn that has started enveloping PP thugtocrats is ever slowly swallowing the darkness of Pp dictators and tyranns.The best days of dictstors are long gone.These are the desperate days of a deperate regime playing its alst end game by restoring to desperate measures.Those thugs are now beginning to understand the meaning of Gandihi's message"there have been tyrannts and murderers,and for a time they seem invincible but in the end they always fall".
PP thugtocrats have convinced themslves that censoring free expression and free access to information would silence the crying voice of the people.But lybian and Tunisin recent history shows that in the 21st century any attempt to slince the mass create a timing bomb that when explode reduce the mud palaces of tyraany to rambles.I hope the butcher uses his street cleverness not to repeat Gadafi mistakes.
Waht does Pp paranoid means for the people?it means that Pp thugtocrats have become afraid of the people and fearing to death of their fate.As to we the people are starting to see a flickering light in the dark tunnel of tyranny,a beacon of light pointing in the direction of freedom while Pp consumes itself.The tables are turning in plain view and pp is beginning the last chapterof the the end game being written.
We will keep this momentum and will in any case allow Pp to transport thier fears to us.
Time for change,time to take back our land from PP thugs and foreign benefitors.
jeanne D'Arc
beginning to see the last chapter
The last chapter of Gill's SFP.
You calling for a boycott but beware of those olive branches and the freedom drums that have been long silent.Should Pp change its way,Should PP restore direct flight to Europe,should pp stop robbing the people ,should pp not give Seychellois abck their country ,i can asure you sooner than alter Pp will see Seychellois circling its palace of mud and illusion and they would realise that Seychellois are serious when the demand their country back.
Jeanne D'Arc
Should pp not
While Seychellois has understood its right to give itself a law for fighting cybercrime,it is vital that this law should not obstruct freedom of inforamtion and freedom of expression stipulated in our country's constitution.
The vague law as currently drafted undermines guarentees in the seychelles constitution of freedom of speech and obstructs freedom of information as well as violates the Interantional Covenant on CIVIL and POLITICAL Rights(ICCPR)to which Seychelles is a state aprty"Everyone shall have the right to freedom of seek,receive and impart inforamtion and ideas of all kinds".
Morevoer,this vague law makes cybe stalking a crie to take or distribute pictures or photographs of any person without his consent or knowledge.Yet,citizen journalism of this kind pratised by bloggers is based on precisely this sort of activity.Free lance journalists and actvists increasingly turn to Internet for information and open debate.Hnece,this arbitary provision is yet another tool to suppress dessident and be the basis for prosecuting an<yone invovled in an organization,movement ot politcal party that the rogue regime deem hostile because of the group's criticism of the ogvernment an of its policies.
Oppose PP arbitary and unillateral reppressive law aim at silenting oppostion.
jeanne D'Arc
Your boycott has helped increase more registration at DOCKLAND.It is not having any effect on SFp but chasing away the twenty supporters RAM still had : by the end of the year RAM will find himself alone,which means he must be thinking of quiting politics for What?I do not know for it is difficult to see what he could do better than being a salve of false communist ideology.And for the fact that he was recruited at a very age by Pp communist,indoctrinated for years by his father.His love for Pp communist accentuate when his parent decided to have a second son called ZONM LIB,from that day RAM started his pilgrimage to Mao's moasuleum which changed his life completely and convinced him that the teaching of K .Mark,Moa,Castro,Kim ill sung,Stalin were the real anf true teaching of GOD.FRom this day RAM has been faithful to his communists mentors .He would do anything for them even acting as fake oppostion in an attempt to co-opt real opposition.
Sahme on you RAM.
Jeanne D'Arc
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