No sooner than the Swiss National Bank (SNB) confirmed that
$2.1 Billion has been deposited into their accounts by Seychellois citizens,
the Aljazeera news station ran a gross expose of a solicitor, assisting a
couple of undercover reporters that posed as diamond movers, to launder
millions of US Dollars from Africa and Seychelles.
The solicitor Mr. Charles Lucas, was caught literally red handed, drafting documents, advising on a fraudulent scheme to defraud the state, hide money through numerous companies and accounts and cost out services to move as much as $ 1 Million through the cleaning cycle at a time.
Charles Lucas On Aljazeera Giving Money Laundering Crash Course
The solicitor Mr. Charles Lucas, was caught literally red handed, drafting documents, advising on a fraudulent scheme to defraud the state, hide money through numerous companies and accounts and cost out services to move as much as $ 1 Million through the cleaning cycle at a time.
Declan Barber Head of FIU Featured In Report Aware But Only Active When Report Aired
Stop The Sleaze in
How many companies has this man set up to do exactly what he
said he would do on the Aljazeera expose? The FIU must move fast now, to
suspend this man’s license, seize operation of all companies he has registered,
audit every single one of them, freeze all assets held in banks and file
necessary warrants to stop this sleazy practice that has now placed Seychelles
reputation in disrepute.
The A Team Caroline Abel, Pierre Laporte and Steve Fanny
Minister of Finance
Pierre Laporte Talks Big, But does Little Walk
As soon as the Aljazeera report expose` came to broadcast,
which included a young Francis Chang Leng in the film, ex- Central Banker,
Minister of Finance Mr. Pierre Laporte, ran to SBC called a press conference to
do damage control over what was quite possibly the end of his career forever
and ever, as a finance man internationally. It is over for this man.
Pierre Laporte will never be able to threaten PL with a walk
out to join up with World Bank or IMF ever again if they do not do what he says.
He may as well start looking into the district branch offices for office space.
This single expose` condemned Laporte to PL Communist party politics eternally.
Mr. Laporte put on his “Laurel and Hardy Show” act of course.
Here are some things he highlighted: 1.
It is a small group of people doing this (why don’t you stop them and
cancel their offshore license and lawyers bar?)2. We have done a lot to stop money laundering in Seychelles (What
have you done?); 3. The Aljazeera report
damages Seychelles unfairly (what have you done to prevent it from being
the case?); 4. We are holding a meeting
with FIU and SIBA to deal with this (FIU is Declan Barber and James Michel,
SIBA was Steve Fanny all these years who now holds what post?) Answer: Principal Secretary to Minister of
Finance Mr. Pierre Laporte, the same guy that just took a second salary as
ex governor of Central Bank, and Fanny has information on every single company
formed offshore doing laundering on shore, with people like ZEN Offshore and people like Charles
Lucas the shameless lawyer in the Aljazeera expose`.
Aljazeera Journalist Doing Laporte And Declan's Work In Less Than A Week
Promises Last Month To
Deal With $2.1 Billion
Just last month, Minister Pierre Laporte promised us on SBC
to look into the missing $2.1 Billion declared deposited into the Swiss
National Bank by its Central Banker. Mr. Laporte has done nothing on this to
A word of advice for savvy Mr. Laporte: stop using SBC as
your stump to try to fool the people of Seychelles. We are not all idiots.
Particularly those in Seychelles Freedom Party and to a lessor extent those in
PL. In the end, all Seychellois want a solution and full unfettered explanation
into this $2.1 Billion missing, and we want money laundering in Seychelles to
Charles Lucas Appointment at Human Right Commission Alongside President James Michel In Same Shirt As Aljazeera Filmed Him In Money Laundering Report
Now Mr. Minister, what are you exactly going to do?
Stop playing with the future of the people of Seychelles.
Hang the culprits or hang yourself. Which one is it going to be Mr. Laporte?
We will bring in BBC next, if you do not smarten up…..then
CNN. We have done it before; we will do it again if you remain on your stump
taking us for fools.
Charles Lucas The Shameless And Most Wanted In Africa Was Aloud Free Until Aljazeera Stroke Report
Seychelles First!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All
Freedom Loving Seychellois!
Never mind about the article.
A picture is worth a 10000000000 words.
Why do you think Charles Lucas is on the Human Rights Commission? To make sure no cases are ever brought that's why! Why do corrupt individuals use Charles Lucas in Court, because he can pull strings not because he is a good Lawyer. The bullshit he spewed about the Al Jazeera film is just laughable.
This is a very grave episode. It calls for the Minister of Finance to immediately come to our National Assembly to explain why he failed to take any action, since he was aware of the illegal activities in our offshore industries. He must also tells the citizens why he has failed to obtain a list of depositors in the Swiss National Bank, when this is readily available for him to do. He must stop fuzzing, failing which the people of Seychelles can only draw to their own conclusion.. Why and Why??
The Minister said he had information of such activities yet he failed to act?
I believe the Minister should resign if he failed to act.
These people have ruined Seychelles reputation over night.
In one short moment SIBA and 20 years of working for offshore development has been destroyed over night.
What else will James Michel ruin for Seychelles out of stupidity?
It is time for Michel to go. Retire, enjoy the Arab money you plundered off our blood. Just leave alone to sort out the mess you created.
Member of human rights laundering money?
Is this a joke or what?
Governor of Central Bank becomes a Minister of Finance? What planet do you live on man?
This makes me SO angry (so should every Seychellois that loves and cares for their nation) to see such morons raping and defiling our beautiful Seychelles from right under our noses and scrutiny!
Shame on the leaders of this nation that sit back and do nothing to condone such disgusting acts. The person that commits the crime and the one that condones it are both as guilty as hell and both should be held accountable for it.
Shame on you Mr Lucas! Your actions are disgraceful! You should remove and fold up your robe and vacate office like yesterday!
Thank you, Mr Gill... I applaud you for your perseverance and tenacity in exposing the "sins" in the camp and the PL government's tolerance and acceptance of those sins!
I wait and see. It's your call, Mr President? What are you going to do about this?
If Michel does not move to deal with this we should take to the streets
More undercover journalists will be send to Seychelles to expose this illegal government involvement in illicit drugs,money laundering and human rights abuses.This illegal government of Seychelles cannot carry on in such a manner .Enough is enough.IT has been going on for too long and there come a time when action is necessary in order to stop these illegal acts.The time is now!
Gary Tall,
Kingston Upon Hull,
United Kingdom.
The morale degradation in Seychelles seems to be endemic in our society. Readers would recall that only a few short years ago a very similar situation was reported in the United Kingdom Sunday Times, when an official from the government - by the name of Jolicouer was caught red handed by the investigating reporter. Jolicoeur attempted to launder money on behalf of the Seychelles government. He even told the reporters " Do not worry about the legal side, the judges are our own people, only wearing legal robes".
This was a terrible embarrassment for us world wide. The illegal activities had not gone away, but they have now resurfaced.
When I discussed this issue with my fellow Seychellois in town yesterday - they are all horrified.
Shame on us.
There will be no hiding place for people who has committed crime against the Seychelles people.
Then I'll see how far you will get with your "guessing games"!
I heard that Jean-Paul Isaac has many videos of corrupted politicians and that is why michel has ordered his silence by armed forces.
He only has porn videos filmed "en misouk" on the beaches katiti derriere vouloutye en mem tan ki i pe bez son sik!
...ek ti Johnny-Le-Gay...
Soon it will be play on You Tube!
Pissedoff its not funny your joke!the real issue is corruption in Seychelles by communist like you, you are tying to avoid the real issue,but we will none of your bullshit.Soon you will see video of Michel on YouTube.
Have none!
Will it be on mature porn section?
Mr. Lucas is a major SNP supporter and we call GOS and Antony Derjacques Chairman of the Bar of Seychelles to look beyond party politics, and deal with this shameless slim that has placed Seychelles in great disrepute.
We have two important celebrations coming up soon this month.
Can one of you gran savan tell me what they are?
Pissedoff Le Rouge.
Why don't you tell us ?
Lucas is one of Ramkalawan's lawyers.
So this explains the shame.
Lucas is one of Ramkalawan's lawyers.
So this explains the shame.
Derjacues head of the bar will protect him of course.
Id derjaques protects this sleaze then Derjaques must resign/
Christ was not joking when he allegedly said : "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"
That message is clear and unambiguous and is the base reference to the .0001% who own most of the wealth of this country. Disdained or not, Seychellois have a right to know the names of their countrymen holding Swiss or other foreign bank investments.
Out of all the Offshore companies approached only Premier and Zen offered to 'Launder' the money, so THEY ARE GUILTY! It matters not what political party they support.
The SNP lawyers along with PL lawyers have been laundering money for years.
No political color should be considered when money laundering is concerned if GOS is serious about the issue
They have been dealing in drugs also for years now not only money laundering!
We have two important celebrations coming up soon this month...
1. President F.A. Rene's birthday.
2. Mercenary Kick Ass day November 25th
All SFP should give thanks tomorrow parce que Monsieur Rene ti delir bann fanmiy Isaac ek Konmetat zour i ti liber Sesel from sa sernwar ki tonton Gill ti kit nou ladan ler i ti vol nou l'endepandans leventnefzenmilnefsanswasantsez.
Levenseknovammilnefsankatrevenenn zot ti anvoy Mike Whore...and his band of degenerates pou "walk all over us" but nou ti tir zot liki ek lanmen one time! Zot ti bezwen highjack avion pou retourn en katiti lo mem bor sa bann liki fascist!
I annan bokou pou nou selebre sa mwan...sirtou zot dan biro SFP!
Give thanks bann bezer ungrateful!
Pissedoff Le Rouz
For his brithday we will give him a rocket in his ass for murdering Seselwa 1977 thisman have blood on his hand, if he will going in his grave we will celebrate for this we dont dont give a fuck.About mecernary we will also not celebrate because they did not free us from oppressor and from this MURDER call France Albert Rene.
Ti Johnny-Le-Gay is that you sneaking around anonymously?
How's your love life bougla?
Le friz sont encore enfle?
Or maybe iln'y a plus des friz?
Pissedof Le Rouge sa!
Our thema is about money laundering in Seychelles we are not interesting about Rene brithday Piss you are tying to avoid real debate like always donkey.Tell Savy to send him torti sale for his birthday he like eating this poor creature.
Torti and Kitouz is good food. The best you monkey.
Must have been your "gran pye" dan le'o who went down to the gran blan with a chicken under his arm to exchange for a zaret pwason sale because he "didn't have any bouyon" for his children's evening meal!
I guess Mr. Lucas lucky shirt wasn't good enough to save his BAD ass this time.
I am not surpised that Lucas was caught in fragrant delico.Pp regime is known to be made of thieves.The cancer of corruption is deeply embbedded in the marrow of Seychelles body politics.
The fact of the matter that culture of corruption is the modus aperandi in the Seychelles body politics.
Laporte seems imcapable of intimidating PP thieves by making public statement with the sternness of a school martinet.RThough,he berated with the coarseness of a drill sergeant and taunted like a school yard bully.Pp thugs,are not impressed for theft has become endemy ,they have convinced themsleves that is normal.Pleading for transaprency and issuing moral exhortations against corruption .money laundry and theft ,will have no effect ofn the
To plead the virtues of accountability ,trnsparency and good governance from the Butcher and Co.is like preaching scriptures to a gathering of heathens.
Now,if Laporte wants to really walk the walk instead of just takling the talking he could simply:ask or force for an Anti-money alundry indepeedent organization.with power to investigate any governemnt officals including their ministeries etc... plus an Indendent judiciray with the power to go against any fficals and the rest without impedement.
As to theU$2,5 billions,waht Laporte has to do,and have a right to do ,is simply contact the Swiss governemnt and he will be handed over the list,just as many countires such as France,Uk,Lybia,Tunisia.Ex-Zaire etc.. have done.Simple as that.
As we await Laporte to act instead of darking ,we will continue to expose Pp and gang of thieves.
Jeanne DÂrc
3 years for a joint and a slap on the wrist for corruption, money laundering and theft. Shouldn't these guys be placed in custody until the court decide to hear their case like the regular criminals?
I think he should and he lawyer license suspended for what is clear is that there is no doubt as the film showed that He committed a crime act.There are others dito as Lucas that should also be investigated such as Cheif-of the Army who Laporte publicly decalred he illegally pocketed SR 6 million ruppees without explanation and the rest.But,we should not be surprise that Pp thieves are never dealt with according to law ,they have a licnesed to steal,rob and committed any crimes they wish without being sanctioned.
As we are talking about PP scam and its incapacity on conducting investigation etc... Iwould alos like to say a word on Coc De Mer poaching taking palce on Praslin wihhc probably Pp will never find who is dehind that criminal act.for PP is searching for the wrong criminals--Pp is pt utting new law,tags etc.. on Seychellois who have Coco de Mer palms on their land and being presented as the ones behind the theft.
Howver,waht is cealr to see and understand,is that the poaching has to do with YOUNG COCO DE MER NUTS not dried ones which would be right to consider that it is ami at local markets and not necessarily for export.The criminals looking at the amount of nuts stolen semms to have all thetraits of persons who knos the place thus locals.
Now,waht could PP police do.Well,if they were highly trained and professioanl with modern tools they could once get on the crime scene collect maximum ividneces left by the tiheves.For instance,finger print left on thr hull of the nuts ,foot print ,even DNA which could be recorded and be used to comapre with other DAN etc.. collected on other crime scene which could help trace back to the coco de mer thieves.In the case, of DNa,once police would collect it on the crime scene,it could matche with DNa of potential,or ex-offenders to see if no one of them are involve.Moreover,if DNA is found,and criminal not identify ,then the authority could do as in amny case invovling crimes on minors by asking all men to gather to the police station or elsewhere that therri DNA can be remove then compare with thosee in police possession.If (men who are probably behind the theft)cannot be amtched with any locals then it is to be considered that the tiheves come from somewhere else.thus help police orient themsleves etc..etc...etc...
A spiecial unit only trained and with sniff Dogs( could be set up to deal seriously with those thieves.
Jeanne D'arc
as many cases involving crimes on minors in western countries
Laporte and Fanny both wearing golden expensive watches( ref:photo above).Being members of Pp is a lucrative business.
Lawyers have become key palyers in money laundery becuase they are exempt from a governemnt repuirement to report suspeced tansactions.Moreover,Lawyers like LUCAS,who exploit the privildge of their profession and trust of society's to money laundery should be punished severely.Not only harsher punishement should be given to lawyers invovled in such illegal deal but the court should treated money laundery more seriously.
Jeanne D'Arc
Parti Lepep promised to deal with criminal severely and that's exactly what we expect with a little help from some concerned MPs. :)
Steve fanny is the main culprit in all this scandal as he was the CEO for siba.e parey UN pit sourri son figure.
We have heard a few MPs raising their voice on important issue in the Pp Assembly,but the problem while some raise up those issues they never ask for follow up,meaning asking for refroms,putting in place indepedent audit commission and indepedent judiciary to fight corruption and money laundering,no words on Chief-of -sTaff of the Army theftno one open their mouths and support Laporte in his attempt to recover our 2,5 billions in Swiss banks etc..etc..
They all seem to raise issues in the Assembly when the opposition, especially SFp and independent press bring up those concenrn to give us the impression that they are working hard to get things done and change.
One should always remember that in a one-aprty dictatorship ,those who form part or work for the rogue regime are in their majority collaborators,supporters,apologists etc.. of the rogue system they serve.And in a one aprty state,corruption is practiced at its extreme and profilerate rapidly wihout control for there are no democratic,independent institutions to bring the rogue regime to account as it would in a democratic society.
Without,SFP,for instance,Seychelles today would ahve been totally sold out,billions more would have entered Swiss Banks,Crimes committed by Pp would have been swept under the carpets and so on...thus,to get things done seriously,only a regime change from didctatorship to democracy would provide instituions,organizations etc... that would reduce corruption,money laundery,state crimes,state terrorism etc...no in a one-party kleptocrcy .
Jeanne D'Arc
Suspension of 2 licenses, as reported, should only be the BEGINING of the process of investigation. It is not a punishment. It is only a denial of access to more profit. Contrast that with a young Seychellois stealing a neck chain getting 2 years jail (worth perhaps Rs.200). Imagine the amount that has been stolen from our offshore industries, and the worldwide damage done to us. Not only a jail sentence is essential but also recover the amounts gained as a result of the proceeds of criminal activities. Insofar as the "investigation" is concerned. The magnitude of the crimes demand that the "investigation" is undertaken by an INDEPENDENT investigating team. Besides, the Minister of Finance may not be sufficiently qualified in investigating techniques to reach the desired impartial conclusion. The whole world would not be impressed if the Minister is allowed to investigate himself or members of his own department. This is the overhaul desire of most of the citizens who discussed the issue in our little town.
Cher Ti Johnny-Le-Gay
Were you that shifty eyed little waiter serving lemonade tou our elderly at Statehouse?
Petition the MPs!
America America break the neck of this aparthied in the paslestine!
Let Banki Moon know our feelings about all the injustices in Gaza. Why is Mancham so quiet on this issue. It is all a conspiracy for the mighty Zionists to drive out the small Palestinians out of their homeland.......We need justice in this world... Justice for the poor Seselwa who are robbed daily and justice for the Palestinian who have to sacrifice their lives against the barbaric Zionists....Justice for the weak and oppressed.
Gill what have you got to say on this matter - I suppose you will support the yanks and Zionists
You could also cry out :stop PP state terrorism on its people. STOP the sell of our patrimony to Arab despots.
Jeanne D'Arc
Leverter pissedoff guys!
Is the boycott still on, its getting boring here. I get more news on People On Line...
Is boring then go n play with youreslf!
UN chief are not coming his afraid of facing SFP Q and the coco de mer Michel promise him as a present is still not dry.That why Michel gave him a call to stay back home and concentrate on the midelleast problems!Kin moon ok my good freind i will come and visit you when my coco de mer is ready.
Sfp supporter Johnny
Piss i'm back i was busy on the ground like always!
James Richard Marie oumanman mancham, akose ki ou pas Al met lape Gaza? Al fair reconciliation e ou avar gayne UN lot tit lapeau latet rekin..
On Moon Cancel Visit to Seychelles-
This is indeed an unfortunate event.
SFP will write to Mr. Moon and ask him to make it a top priority to reschedule his trip to Seychelles.
While PL wants to put on a show on the plight of small island states, we at SFP would like to deal with issues of lack of democracy, lack of transparency, money laundering in Seychelles,selling of passports internationally and sale of arms to Rwanda by small island states.
ICC should not neglect small island states and allow corrupted leaders to walk about the world free from facing justice.
In the spirit of love and harmony, I am certain Mr. Rene and Mr. Michel, along with Mr. Mancham, will support our appeal to Mr. Mooon.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Will you get to see Mr Moooon ?
Prison for pirates on Praslin? After a coupelof years those pirates will be Praslinios terorists.Connunist is not enough your distruction you making on Praslin?were is place on Praslin to built prison for pirates we should not take order from UN we should decide what best for us.UN there are lots of bigger country in Africa with more land why dont built prison there,communist only want this money from Moon, dont care after want will happen on th island with those terorists talking about piracy but never heard UN talking public on corruption in Seychelles not a word have been mention about corruption.
Sfp supporter Jonny
Peoples on Praslin looking for land to bulit houses those kouyon want to give UN our land to built prison for Somalie pirates this suck.
Will you get to see Moon,if Gill dont see Moon to face SFP when he visit Seychelles,because Pp have choice another tactic with diplomatic hide them Derosche island.
It will be like home away from home for those Somalian prisoners that's why Bankiboy wants the prison on Praslin, non Ti Johnny-Le-Gay?
La ki wa ganny galan en?
Yury Fredotov is another UN bureaucrat who wanted a free holiday in the sun. And Joel Morgan a deal-maker minister who is ready to chase any possible source of money. The raison-d'etre as always is Piracy, the Seychelles Government is willing to build prisons all over the country to please UNODC. 'Piracy' itself starts to sound like an old scratched record so the emphasis is now on Prisoners and Prisons! This Government has a nag for building island prisons, the Long Island prison is still there remember?
Hey St. Ange! another theme for your brochure "Just Seychelles- Where Prisoners sweetened Honeymoon"
Piss you have got my message no?
I hope Israel drop a nuclear bomb on these Palestians.
And no I do not belong in SFP, I am not Chris Gill, nor anyone affilicated with SFP. I just want the Jews to be able to live in peace for once.I want the Jews to be able to enjoy the land God gave them.
Sorry! We dont need this now,we are on our domestic problems ,this you can say to Ki Moon next time he visit Seychelles, just right now his having a press conferance with the Jews and facing Q from proffersional journalist,next time he put his foot on our shore he will face Q.
Sfp supporter Johnny
No children of God would build a Nuclear Bomb to destroy the world! I am not affiliated with any political party either.
Jews live in peace all over the world.
The real JEWS!
wants to force the people to love him.Like Gahdafi he thinks the people love him for his crimes.And since no citizen vonluntarily praise him for his failures ,then he fabircate an artifical situtation whereby we can fool the people and sue it to prop up his own image.Like,Kim of N Korea,FAR and PP first hijack the wlders annaul celebrate and turned it into FAR birthday party.It seem FAR did not get the awited praise at Statehouse so he dcided to hold anthoer party at Grand Anse. aim at protrating himslef as a DEAR loving leader(Kim style),the divine and semi -god that has given us all that exist as if it do not belong to us.FAR ant to be praise like KIM and probalby thinking of building a MOSULEUM in order that Seychellois he terrorized,robbed,turn to slvaes etc.. can come and worship him for his crimes ans as liveing god on earth.
Pp should stop abusing the degnity of our elders,stop using tax payers moneyop up FAR for we do not love and never will.
Jeanne D'Arc
hijack the elderly annual celebration
Very body is praising Pp for the so call leading role in fighting.Can any PP apologists explain or clarify to Seychellois wHat leading role Pp is playing in fighting piracy?Is making an illegally deal with EU,NAto,US to cater Pirates captured outside our EZZ in our Country thus puttining our security at risk a leading role?PP is Un,Eu and others not sponsoring PUNTALAND govt. to take and jailed prites there?Why not ask kenya to do so,etc..?
As to the prison Pp want to build on Praslin,i want PP to know that Praslinois will not accept any prison on Praslin to put their security at risk and any attempt by PP to doso will met massive street prtoest which would be the beginning of a poeple revolution.Praslin has a legitimate rights to have a say in waht taking place in their country,any prison to cater ofreign terrorists would need the apporval of Praslinois thuse a refernedum must be hold ,esle we will screw Pp ass once and for all.
Prison on Praslin if we accept it will also means setting up a miliatry camp undewr thze guise of ((Security reason)Which real purpose owould be to protect Arabs that have started to colonized Praslin after they have bought everything on Mahe.After Raffles.La reserve hotel was sold to Arabs and robalby more sell outs is on the way.
We will stop you PP.
Jeanne D'Arc
Our Elderly people are forced to dance to entertain FAR for a piece of cake and lemonade. FAR though cant even stand up on his own. Stop abusing our 3eme az ! PL know this is the last birthday, that is why they are celebrating nonstop and he will be burning in hell by this time next year. Our elderly will regain their dignity from next year and no more indignities on 16th November. They can abuse Mancham but leave our elderly people alone.
Like in N Korea people are forced to dance,chant,poraaise the dictator that enslave them.
STOP abusing our old people rights Pp.
Jeanne D'Arc
Bous liki ou manman don Zandark. You didn't comment last year when your mother was there flaunting son vye fes ek FAR!
I agree that the PL government should not use the tax payers money to celebrate Albert's birthday but to say that elderly were force to attend the party is beyond the truth.
Jeanne D'arc its good you mention about La Reserve Hotel around 50 Pralinios are employed by Jenny at La Reserve now when it will full in Arabs hands more Praslinios will lose their jobs suffer more just because of this crooks communist who just have kaka dan la tete.Arabs will bring more foreign workers on our shore.Its a matter of time when Pp will take us surious.
Sfp supporter Johnny
Jeanne in tous ou kote i fer mal piss li chien! Jo gran parasit,commumist crooks are born to force peoples do things they dont want to do!Far force his agents to kill peoples right at the begining of the coup 1977.
Funny! CAPITALIST are doing the same thing all over the world. There are no COMMUNIST in Seychelles, all I see are greedy CAPITALISTS hiding behind a corrupted regime.
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my grandpa/ma will never go to the elderly party,though,they think that our elders should have such a celebration for the hard work they done for their country.My grandparents would not go because they can afford to sponsor by themselves their birthday parties.Secondly,They would not pariticipate in a party supposedly for the elders hijacked by FAR to force our elders to worship him for his crimes on our nation.My grandparents refuse that their rights are abuse by a ailing tyrannt with blood on his hands.They are very religious and beleive that God is the almight and not a self-name semi-god like Tyrannt FAR.
Stop wasting tax payers money Pp.Repect the huamn rights of our elderly:you have robbed them,slaved them,make them the poorest of the poor,sold their patrimony,at least now in their old days You can give them some peace of minds PP.
Jeanne D'arc
God is the almighty not a self-named
What is those kaka camel from Qatar are doing at State House what they have got inSeychelles is not enough they dont have enough oil they also want our oil.Because of this oil liki pou sal put in mind PP.
Suddenly bloggs such as Make Money Online, Make Money have appeared on this blogg.
I believe we should pre warn bloggers to beware of such bloggs, most likely scams to get unsuspecting individuals to get involved. I believe the Editor of this site should get spot these and get these bloggs deleted.
After Pp has literally sold them all govt. owe land of Mahe,they came to finalize the colonization of Praslin ,the amount of Expats they would imported from QATAR to Seychelles.
Jeanne D'Arc
Pp says it is spotting Somali pirates on the way.I like that Pp tell us that,because it raises the question,what is PP wating for to set up a Naval base in the region to tackle and deal with those pirates as soon as the enter our EEZ,instead of letting them spread and roam around our vast EEZ making it impossible to control their attack?Having a base there ,our coast Gaurd could already get prepare to deter them,and should any pirates enter undetected and kidnap our nationals like the last two Sey. fishermen near our Inner islands,the coast guard base on the outter island could chase them on the way back to Somali and the probably that CG stop them before getting to Somali would be much more consequence.A Coast Gaurd on the Outter island ,apart from fighting piracy,could also prefrom their other duties namely fight illegal fishing,oil spilling ,drug trafficking,conduct more effective rescue at sea(remeber the Cruise incident-having a coast guard in the region would have allow the govt to perfrom much rapid and effective rescue.
Buy more Patrol boats for our CG PP-including at least one which can carry a helicopter,train our poeple PP,and stop making as if you the world police of the sea while you have done very little to deal with the problem of piracy if not nothing.For fighting priacy in our EEZ is our govt. responsibility and duty not something extraordinary or special unique to our CG any nations under such cerconstances would do the same,it is an Nat army duty ).
Ohh one more thing-in the recnt Sey Hostage relaesed Morgan told us the Pp gvot did not pay ransom and after the hostage takers refused to free our Seychellois fishermen ,he literally odered one of his contact gruops in Somalis to literaaly free them(which means by force),Strange expalantion in indeed from Morgan.For Morgan wants to make us beleive that His so call contact gruop would put their lives in jeopardy to free our Nationals for FREE.In other owrds Morgan thinks putting the risk of our Hostage by paying a gruop of Ex-somali pirates conduct a miliatry without knowing their effectiveness etc...Morgan statement is rediculous for any persons with a good brain would understand that the most logic thing to do is not pay a gang of Armed men we do not know to do the job but simply ue the money that he suüpposedly paid ahis contact persons to the hostage taker for it is safer and most effective than paying an intervention by peoopel we do not know their efficity.
PP Paid ransom-if it did not pay ransom then if we beleive Morgan that his contact persons liberate our ohstages by ofrced then those contact persons who did the mission pocket the money instead of hostage takers.Tge altter is most unlikely took place because of therisk.
Nad fianlly Maybe the gruop of Somali PP sees coming is Morgan contact persons ,paid to come into our waters to give us the impression Piracy have no0t been reduced but rather increasing which is a myth.
Jeanne DÂrc
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
Make Money Online is run by Gills.
Nation Pp mouth piece tells us Somali pirates are on the way and our fishermen must watch out.The strange thing about this commet in Nations is that PP gives us details on thier position thus the question Why not apprenhend right now Pp?Are you waiting that te Cg lost their trace which will make a hostage taking more probable in order to Sell the ighting against piracy to Ban Ki-moon?
Maybe it is MORAGN conatact persons in Somali.Rmeber Morgan told us that no ransom was paid in the recent hostage release but rather that his contact peronson(ex-somali pirates )was asked to literally conduct a military intervention to rescue our sey.hostage which of course it is a lie.For know country or persons with good brains would ever asked a private army it does not know the effectiveness to conduct a military action that could put the hostage lives in jeopardy.And it will be stupid to bleive that A gang of foreign armed men would act in our name for FREE.(then if Morgan did not pay the hstage taker ransom then he paid his contact persons).
Morevoer,According to Interantional statistic of 2012 piracy activitives would be further reduce by the recent Kneyan miliatry intervention that has chased pirates out of their base and now on the run.Only Pp wants the world to beleive that piracy activities has become worse than when it first started,only to fool Interantional communitties and Ban Ki-moon believe things are getting worst.
if pirates do not come voluntarily then you could count on MORGAN to take contact with his so call contact perosns in Somali to conduct some actions in our EEZ then PP call sell it to UN,NATO etc...
Jeanne D'Arc
Make money online are run by Pp mafia Pissedoff they involed in every dirty bussiness on the island.
MAKE MONEY ONLINE by on Union Estate web.LUCAS can always help you if you have problem.Or maybe Boulle Khalifa's lawyer specialize in sell out could help too.
In fact,any Pp members could help ,they all experst in corruption,embezzelemnt,etc...
Jeanne D'Arc
Hi Mr. Gill, great article. keep up the good work, ignore the negative attacks. Be strong.
Pat on one's own back again Totof?
SFP will always ignore negative attacks from crooks.And that there is attacks ,is a sign that show SFP leadership is on the right track,and that those who attacking SFP are the same who robbed our freedom in 1977,the same who are now facing corruption,money launderying charges,they are same who 30 years ago were all poor that by emptying and reserving thmeslves form the people coffers are now multi-milionaires,they are the same illegally selling out our patrimony,the same who participated in Rwuanda's genocide,the same who have Banked U$2.1 BILLIONS OF OUR MONEY IN SWISS BANK,the same who recently Aljazeera exposed in Money launderying etc..etc..
The quality of CHRIS(or traits of a genuine leader) that differenciate him from all others and tacitly recognize by the people are:Competency ,personal characters and genuine concern of others.,Real leaders take decisions and take actions-PROOF of that--Whne CHRIS think there is a need and concenrn to inform the world on important issues going on in the country He make it public and act upon it--Like sending letters to international institutions etc...And when a leader demonstrates competency,concern for others,and admirable character,then people say "i like what that person is doing.I am going to follow him"that is what exactly is happening that make PP;SNP,DP,etc.. jealous for they all would have liked to be love by their people .Thus when a person is jealous of another person success often negative attacks,lies and all sorts of imaginary scams are invented by his haters to try an discredit him.But a real Leader often ignore those craps for he knows they are lies just like the people do,and it is the only tool crooks have excuse of their own failures .
Jeanne D'Arc
And you must be his evil twin!
Come along fellows- lets focus on serious issues, and cut the personal attacks.
If you thought the personal attacks were a way to slow us down 3 years ago, why would you fellows be using the same attacks and strategy today, when we ignored you for three years?
We can ignore you for another 3 years. Add a zero to it aswell.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Of course nobody expects that the PP criminals, SFP exposes and making them sweat would ever say something positive on SFp.It would then be a kind of confesssion for them.
You have seen them all united,synchromized to defence LUCAS, crime (a Pp member and close friend of Michel), for the crime he committed.They have find the culprit namely Al Ajzeera who is simply execising its right to provide the large public with inforamtion.Pp even tell us that the fact that Al Ajzeera made this scam public worldwide,this will damage our country's reputation.Well,PP unfortuantely you have been damaing our country's reputation by your decades of crimanl actives a long time ago.Your participation in RUANDA genocide,Theft committed on foreign investors Like US NAtional Mr .Lee,Chang-leng scam with Lehmann brothers,Human trafficking,etc...
Al Ajzeera is not blame PP,your criminal activies is the source of the image damage on our country not Al Ajzeera.Stop your criminal activies PP,in order to restort our country's reputation.And one of of restoring our image aborad is by dessolving PP crooked govornment,conduct either new election or put in place together with Opposition a provisional unity governemnt in order that it can polish the tarnished image PP has given our Country.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissedoff,One more thing,Al Ajzeera in fact has just helped SFP made PP crimes wordlwide known.For SFp has been long exposing PP crimes by writting to Interantional institutions of various crimes being committed by Pp thugs.Al Ajzeera has simply give us a boost.
On streets Seychellois are happy by the job delivered by SFP,and has become even happier after Al JAzeera LUCAS crimes.While they also think this will have a daming effect on our country,they also think it was necessary and hope now that Pp and gang have been undressed and standing naked ,those crimnals would hopely change their way and simply stop their crimnal activities and stop using and abusing our institutions to commit their crimes.
Thanks Al Ajzeera for helping SFp make the world know what for a crooked system we have in place.
Jeanne D'Arc
A fascіnating ԁiscuѕsion is worth cοmment.
I do think that you should publіsh more about this issue, it maу
not be a taboo matteг but usually peoρle ԁo not speak
about theѕе subjects. To the next!
Kind гegards!!
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This poor man has been framed. He is not the only one doing this illegal act. This is a PATHETIC attempt of uncovering the truth. Uncover by letting the ones caught up in it suffer? Go read some ethics for gods sake.
If Lucas want to save his ass,he can talk and tell Seselwa who were involed with in him of being corrupt all those years.I'm sure he know them all and were they are hanging.
It's not that easy to convince criminals to come clean
It's not that easy to convince criminals to come clean
Paskitani navy in our EZZ Zako bring also Taliban navy liki ou manman zako blan this have nothing to do with pirates just to watch there illegal fishing from paskistan in our water that pirates dont screw them when fishing illega in our water.
Paskistani can even fight taliban terorist they want to fight piracy.
Michel is bombarding seychelles with more muslim terrorist. Since he is an illeterate he thinks when they come with their sucide bombs they won't exterminate him. Get this into your thick skull illiterate James Alix Michel:
muslims shows no mercy when they exercise their holy duties according to unholy koran. They kill all in their path. You are not happy with arab terrorist now you bring in pakistani, where will seychellois take cover when our small island goes up in flames from their bombs.
This guy soon will be in his grave he will left Seychelles in shit after his gone this Michel just dont care we have to overthrow him before he bring more terorist and arabs on our shore.I will like terorist to put a bombs in his ass for him to stop bringing.
I just wonder what those political is doing just watching what going on cowade mankind.
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Isn't Gary Tall, SFP ambassador to the UK an offspring of a Pakistani?
No. He is the child of a Freedom Loving Seychellois.
Wasn't Hasanali his dad?
You my friend, you must be the child of a tortoise!
5.20 PM
Hasanali the Seychellois Michel butchered.
Gill, we don't know what happened to Hassanali. For all we know, He could have gone back to Pakistan to fight the Soviets inn the Afgan wars back then!
The fact is; Hasanali was a FABRIKE! And you HATE FABRIKES YOU TWO-FACED SON OF A BITCH!
There is no hatred here, we just want to see our immigration department implement the law they have pledged to abide to..
Mr Hasanali is of generation of persons who grew up under the Coco nut palms of Seychelles many decades ago,before even the devil gave the green light to create the Butcher ,when we were still a Brit.colony
.Mr Hasanali ,like many others are part of this mix that gave birth to our Nation.That the natural blender that made us what we are.And we have no intention of letting the butcher change it into his fantasy land call New Seychelles made up of Arabs,Russians,Somali pirates and so forth,which is nothing than neo-colonialism.
Did Michel murdered him because of his roots?
Jeanne D'Arc
We failed to create a truth commission in 1993 for whatever reason; that is why we do not have answers to all the questions. All those who participate in the patching up the 2nd constitution to appease the SPPF regime are guilty of aiding and abetting.
there are many offshore agencies in the Seychelles, some of these are harbouring money laundering companies and boiler room fraudsters.. its time something is done about this..
I have evidence showing that boiler rooms are operating from the Seychelles and hiding behind secrecy laws using nominated agents. Can a good investigative jouenalist contact me..for more info and the full story..
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