MR. Louis D'offay Seychelles Hoteliere Tourism Association Chairman
Welcome to yet another issue of the Seychelles Tourism Industry Newsletter!
We are coming out with this issue as our industry looks sadly at a situation where a lack of concerted effort is so apparent. We were all informed that Turkish Airlines intended to start their Seychelles flights at the same time as they were launching their operations into the Maldives. Why are we still dragging our feet and letting the other tourism destinations of our region get the better of us?
Turkish Airlines are now firmly established
with their Maldives schedule and we understand that they are set to
increase their frequencies. Their arrival has brought a review in
applicable tour operator fares to Maldives. A win win situation for
Maldives. But the question we are all asking is why is it taking so long
to develop a Bilateral Agreement with Turkey and thereby giving them
the necessary landing rights for an immediate start? Who is punishing
Seychelles and the Tourism Industry?
Paris and the need for a direct flight will
continue to be a stumbling block between the whole tourism trade and
the Minister responsible for Transport. Times are not easy and as we
follow the news of codeshare between Air France and Etihad we fail to
understand why Air Seychelles is not thinking of Seychelles just for
once. Abu Dhabi will remain the Hub for Etihad, but please make
Seychelles the base for Air Seychelles. Today we could be benefiting
from that Air France/Etihad cooperation because that cooperation could
channel our Air Seychelles passengers into Paris to board a direct
nonstop flight to Seychelles. Four flights to South Africa pushed the
industry at large to run to push the South African market and to
promote twin center in the Americas, especially in Brazil and Argentina.
Even Air Seychelles supported the Tourism Board’s David Germain in his
endeavours to promote Seychelles. Safari in South Africa and beach in
Seychelles, two countries in one holiday was taking off, but now S.A.
Tour Operators are telling us that the four flights announcement was
but an industry’s invention.

The country is losing face. Brazil
Operators have programmed Seychelles, our local DMCs have all gone to
Brazil and Argentina at their own cost to be ready when the four
flights kick in. We feel our job is done, but where are the flights?
Minister Morgan is the Chairman of the Air Seychelles Board of
Directors and the Seychelles Government nominees on that Board are in
majority numbers and yet they are failing Seychelles. This is sad and
Hotels, Guest Houses, Hotel Staff, Tourism Academy Students, yes the
Trade in general should take note that the tourism industry is being
let down.
The Boat Operators meeting on Praslin raised
many shortfalls by two Ministries. Poor state of roads, unlicensed
boat operators, jetty management on Praslin & La Digue, thefts on
Praslin right in front of the Police Station anchor point, unfortunate
state of Curieuse island and its lunch serving area and corruption
with Marine Park entrance fees where illegal boat operators enjoy
special arrangements. The Ministry of Tourism has also been asked to
relook at operating modes between big consortiums and the small
individual operators and to work with the Transport Minister to get an
Inflight Magazine in the Domestic Air Seychelles flights and Tourism
Activity Boards at Domestic Terminals on Mahe & Praslin and Ferry
Terminals on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue to promote licensed tourism
operators on Praslin, La Digue and Mahe. It was noted by all the boat
operators present that it was disappointing that only one Minister
turned up for that Praslin meeting with the little people of Praslin.
Where have we reached in our plight to save
Praslin & La Digue Tourism? We all know that the cost for visitors
on our Domestic Air Seychelles and on the Ferry is today not helping,
but it is more a hindrance. The difference in applicable rates and the
rate for the 15minutes flight remains remedy against a visit to Praslin
at the detriment of Praslin and La Digue. The Tourism Board needs to
advertise the schooner rides and state their rates. Going back in time
seems the only recourse to consolidate our industry.
But all is not bad. Congratulations to
Michel Gardette and his Team at Fond Ferdinand. Your new Nature Reserve
was needed and everyone in the Industry will support and promote your
spectacular Coco de Mer park. With your stated applicable entrance fee
of Rupees 50 until end December and then Rupees 100 from January is
encouraging and it tells us that you have heard our plea to help keep
Seychelles more competitive. Such new natural attractions will also
help increase the yield of our country from its tourism industry. The
more attractions and activities we have for our visitors to spend their
holiday budget on, the better our country will be.
Minister Joel Morgan For Home Affairs & Transport
Planning Authority and the Tourism Industry
are heading in different directions. We hear of projects but we are
still not consulted. Today we see hotels being built on top of hotels
to make our very own Costa del Sol style of environment. No respect for
the country’s environment is today so apparent in so many new hotel
and self- catering establishments. Tiled walls on the road cannot suit
the charm and authenticity of La Digue for example. Foot print of new
establishments is a new vocabulary, but not applicable to everyone.
Unfortunately we see a destruction of what Seychelles stands for, taking
place under our very own eyes on a daily basis. We pray that the
practice that enabled the Cerf Island Jetty to be constructed is not
reappearing again.
Enjoy the read of your industry’s newsletter. Forward it on to friends, family and associates.
On behalf of the SHTA, I will also take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and festive Christmas!!
I thank you.
Louis D’Offay
It is clear from the statements of Mr. D'offay that the Tourism Industry is still suffering from lack of cooperation between rulers of kingdoms to make it run well for all of Seychelles.
Air Seychelles is on an independent mission to increase Etihad market share in the region and Asia. Mr. Ball seems to careless what future Tourism in Seychelles has. This is a mistake in attitude and approach. Without Tourism succeeding, Air Seychelles cannot be viable. It must partner up in a serious way.
Minister Morgan in charge of transport could do much more to streamline his ministry to work with Tourism.
Tourism minister, needs to get more serious as well. Carnival is not a full year program. So many wasted trips and folly ideas in one year on tourism promotion is a waste.
Trips to Brazil, un programmed, St. Kitts useless, dream markets like South Korea and China bouncing in his head with more wasted trips and with that, wasted money and loss of time for Seychelles to get her house in order.
It's about time for a little negative feedback from a credible seselwa to re-adjust the nation's business.
David Pierre sounds as if he is apologising for criticising the budget as "leader of opposition in the national assembly". His heart was not in it. SBC put a mic in front of him, they see him as part of the government.
Louis Doffay should let a younger and more innovative mind lead the way like Mr Payet of Le Duc. He has clearly lost touch with reality and for us in the hotel industry it is clear that he is looking after his own hotel interests only and not of the industry. Louis Doffay is too political and has been from his communist days when he terrorized us on Praslin as a militia. For those Seychellois who have worked for him will tell you that he is a dictator and thinks of himself only. He is the wrong man to represent us. Sorry Mr Louis letan gran blan in depase....
D'offay has exposed the weaknesses of the Tourism Industry.
By attacking him and calling for someone to replace him does not change the fact that what he has said is true.
It is about time someone speaks out.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
I have said that but it is Gill who defends Doffay who gave Alain St Ange to Parti lepep.
Why are you defending man who has failed the tourism industry ?
Does Doffay still think Ton Karl is proud of Alain St Ange minister of tourism ?
Sorry fellows
St. Ange is his own man and responsible for his own actions.
Blaming D'offay for St. Ange is like blaming me for not paying child support for JRM's children.
Get real.
Everyone in life is responsible for their own actions.
When St. Ange goes to Brazil, they do not stamp D'offay's passport on entry.
When Ramkalawan gets a pension of 34,000.00 per month, does that money make it to the Anglican Church fund.
No Mr Gill,half to his wife and the other half to G.T.J.Nothing goes to the church.
Sa kinn soz son soz ya soz limenm!
You mean Gail Talma
You mean Gail Talma
old news.
father stop screwing us in Gods name.
What is the big deal if Wavel had an affair with Gail T ?
Just as normal as your mother screwing other married men like Mancham, Joubert and Rene whilst still married to Peter Gill.
Just as well she did otherwise you would not be around to keep us entertained.
This is not Gangam style but island style.
How is sweetheart Jonny Le Gay?.
Zot depi Fader y bandi.Tou sa koser kouyon qi y kos Gill y a pe faire son bandit ec sa femme.
Fader ine ler pu ou al konfesser ec per Marcelin.Zot sov nou pays!
sesel ine degoutan.Zot pariel un ban zanimau.Pa manc lontan pu zot manz son piti!
pa mank lontan pou zot tou bez dan boyo!
My Mother was not a priest millionaire.
That is the big deal.
My Mother was not a priest millionaire.
That is the big deal.
In those days there was no TV and no DSTV.Nor was there mobile and camera.
What a person did was between them and God. There was not even a pension of 34,000.00 per month to pay for the ass.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
How much PL pension does your arse get ?
None. The 3,000 you reference is voted by SNPL in a secret vote that hid the facts from SBC.
SFP is against this pension that pays ex ministers and ex MNA. In the case of SNP it is a pay off near 2 million per year and 20 million in 10 years.
The whole party has been bought.
Worse, the leaders knowing they have been bought, now try to sell Seychelles to Arabs actively and they say Sesel Pou Arab .
They try to sell Sesel to South Africans and say Sesel pou SUD Afriken!
People of Seychelles have had enough of your games.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
In spite of the various pronoucements made by the Minister of Finance, whereby the auditors have discovered illegitimate activities in our fiance, etc.. the new list of Internationa Corruption Index show that in Seychelles corruptions are getting worse. It is now ranked 52 in the world.. Can you believe this for a small country like ours, where the word "paradise" is frequently used to describe our islands? But the poorer people in our society suffer the most, through corruptions. What are we doing about that?
How much PL pension does your FAT arse get ?
34,000 per month.Haif goes to my wife and kids and half to G.T.J.
Mon fes in gonfler,mon li kou ine entrer,mon lebra ine vin tipti,mon pos ine plin.Viv Sesel.
There you go again, finally an admission.
My 3.000 rupees pension that PL monkeys gives me each month is not even enough to keep my ti Johnny-Le-Gay in the gay style he is accustomed to.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
I work for air Seychelles for more then 12 years and I am sad to see how people like Louis Doffay are always attacking our airline and Kreol spirit. He never has a good thing todo and say about us. He also together with Other peoples says to bring more Arab airlines and this is why we no longer flying to London and Paris. Louis Doffay ase bez defas e aret fer politik avek mon lasyet manze. Ou dan byen azordi avek ou lotel etc... Pli gro SPPF ti ou memn. Ler ou fini renpli ou pos e ou GRA parey en gro koson la ou kraz sa ki reste. Bez aranz ou don.
Gran mersi Peggy pou vin tir nou dan sa lager pansyon!
Louis D'offay is not attacking Air Seychelles as the airline does not exist anymore.He is attacking Etihad for not having direct flights from Europe to the Seychelles.The creole spirit is dead,dead with debts a few months ago.Blame James Michel and your ex boss David Savy for the collapse of Air Seychelles and the tourism industry not Louis D'offay.
Reply to Peggy
First off- there these losers go again, using my name to post a comment. One does not go lower then that in life. Of course, you can try to steal my shoes and fit it to your feet. Only the lowest human would steal the shoes of another person.
Is this what NYS and paid informant school produced for Seychelles?
On the matter of Air Seychelles.
The comment by Peggy to call the comment by Mr. D'offay to be an attack is wrong and highly polemic.
Air Seychelles is a key player in Seychelles, be it under Mr. David Savy or under Mr. Cramer Ball.
Under Mr. Ball it is basically Etihad. 49% plus full management and a number of leases from minority shareholder,basically make it a sell out. Wake up !
This argument on Creole spirit is pure rubbish. We are concerned with the bottom line of what Air Seychelles/Etihad does to pick up the Tourism Industry. This affects the bottom line of Seychelles as a country and the quality of life of every single Seychellois.
When you see Mr. Laporte scratching his head to make ends meet, it is because this single issue has not been handled and government has dropped the ball.
Instead of fixing the numbers, why do we not fix the problem that causes the low numbers?
Instead of switching plane brands from Boeing to Air Bus when Etihad has the largest order of Boeing 787 in the world, why did we not streamline what we had?
Instead of being reduced to a regional hub airline, why did Air Seychelles/Etihad not partner with the trade to make Air Seychelles the No.1 carrier of visitors in the region? It can be done and it is the only real way forward.
Flying to Hong Kong to help Etihad est a route under code share arrangements does not make us a regional No.1.
Passing blame on Mr. D'offay for commenting as a Trade leader is offensive and childish.
Is this what Air Seychelles produces after 12 years?
No wonder we are in a mess.
The question is what are we going to do to clean up the mess?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
God are we not tired of seeing pictures of St Ange!!!!!!
Gill and Isaac are not. Sell-outs.
Any news on Ramka's pension increment and Christmas bonus?
Why don't you call him to find out? Better off, call your MNA. :)
Peaceful demonstration is not a crime!
We do not care if Ramka steals 34000 a moth or he steals 40,000 a month.
We care that PL stops stealing from Seychellois and stop makingus suffer while you make life easy for foreigners and Ramka alike to stay silent.
Ramka can replace himself withsome one else as he propsoed to an SFP he thought was SNP, the next guy will be tasked with protecting the 20 million pay out to SNP and we will deal with the sell out.
SFP are everywhere, even in you underwear Ramka!
Please do not scratch.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seslewa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Pierre Laporte increases Ramkalawan pension by 6% or 2040.00 per month or 24,480.00 per year extra for doing nothing.
Monthly goes to 36,040.00.
Sell out on auto pilot!
SNP should shut down.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Our Party Leader is telling the truth the main reason is that they put these guys on welfare and make them pointless.
During the era of Albert Rene this dictator would, every birthday calendar of his give a raise to the social security of seychellois as a ploy everyone would look toward the birthday but not the 5th of june.
today no albert but we remain under james michel. James Michel would allow pensions and fat cat salary so that we would get total silence from those on the payroll such as ramkalawan and pierre.
What shocks me is that pierre thinks we are fools he claims he will not support the budget because it does not do just for the people of seychelles. Yet he knows that PL will eventualy approve this alongside he will be gifted more money for his collaboration to give credibility to a one party state assembly.
Note that it is confirmed that he is going to be holding a district party for this december and according to the one at mont fleuri the organizer and former bodyguard to ramkalawan is giving invites to people asking them to bring an extra ten persons so free drinks and food while the budget to cause more suffering is given credibility by david pierre fake opposition leader and spawned from the SNPL clan.
shame on fake oppositions.
i salute and defend what you said, however i disagree with your comment. where were gill when ram was struggling during the opening of the multi-party? if HE was in his shoes HE would do the same thing.
what were you doing le-douz-avriy-mil-nef-san-kat-re-ven-douz? i know it,but this is another story! until now good luck in your neuro program.
viv le senk zen mil-nef-sen-swa-senn-di-set.
jems errr jemsbon-de-ze-ro-7.
I will not be able to answer the question on behalf of Christopher Gill but i can assure you if i was of age or born during the time i would be dead.
It is said the Ramkalawan was an informant who sold out the people that wanted to press for freedom i believe it was called the MPR back then.
What i can tell you though is that during my days as a common man in seychelles as still i am today though politics makes one a public figure availed to scrutiny and critics i saw no change.
All i have seen is credibility being given over and over again while the people of seychelles put their beliefs in false policies advocated by fake oppositions at the peoples costs.
MR. Gill i say Christopher Gill has made history with the bold move of boycott and many more, i have been around many fake politicians or those who claims to be intellects yet what they say is and i quote " if we attack this or criticize that then we would taint Seychelles and when we take over their will be nothing left to govern, a perfect example is ralph volcere's piece on the money laundering issue where he agrees absolutely with pierre laporte. Reason has it he said so because this sector would go down if we expose it and people will lose money."
But i say Seychelles will never die nor will people be out of a job for long on the contrary i say we start over clean and accountable. If we are waiting for politicians that remains silent in fear of killing sectors though corrupted because people will lose jobs then we are not worthy to govern.
Air Seychelles is a perfect example. They only reacted when it was too late while gills column always was making us aware.
SFP will not destroy SFP will bring the broom and where there are many we will vacuum, we then will restock and rebuild with qualified and trained seychellois.
Again i'm not attacking your views and hope you will respect mine too. now show me or tell me a politician in the world who is not a liar or a thief.they all the same, they lied between their two front teeth, they will promise to build bridges even though there are no rivers and a bunch of shit! can you show the proof of the ram the informant and the mpr since you are sooo good of providing the evidence. in 2013 i think you should take over gill position cause he is doing more talking than action. (think about it)i can't wait to see you start the vacuum machine.
jems....errr jemsbon-de-ze-ro-7
Zmaes Bond007
You say I am doing more talking then walking?
What do you mean exactly?
Be precise in your vague attack, add credibility to your statement by using your name.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
My name is Wavel John Charles Ramkalawan. Isn't your name Christopher Mancham?
SFP has done walking than talking than other fake political party have done in the last 15 years.
And my name is WInston Leonard Spencer Churchill! :) We can be what we want to be in this virtual world. In the real world things are different, we need IDs.
Ramkalawan Priest Millionaire-
My name is Christopher Gill, not Christopher Mancham.
You however, are starting to look like Wavel Johnny Charlie Mancham.
Pathetic, disgraceful sell out!
The easy way has with it many thorns in your derrier my friend.
It seems your flock has gone to line up for Christmas turkey using their pensions.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Why is your name not Christopher Mancham ?
A turkey will be left for the real turkey -- Jean-Paul Isaac.
Hi iz not ze Christopher Mancham because he is not sure what part of him iz ze Mancham...
Ooops...so sorry forgot to sign off!
Izaaq can you make rosbif with turkey?
Mwan je n'est sais pas parce que je mange que du poisson sale
Monsieur Gill will you please stop attacking your opponents if they are against your political views. You are and look like a monster when you do that and if you don't stop you will blow up our new FIBER OPTIC CABLE and PAPA NOEL will not have time to fix it at that time.No wonder you don't want to let JPI to take over because he can do a better job then you.
Remember Mickey passed away on the 9 th Dec. did you pray a little?
M piss lichien!
I do not need a day in the year to live with the premature death of my Father Mickey Mancham.
I live with it every day.
Do you need one day a year to remember?
If so I wonder why?
Christopher Gill
Hi Guys...read the arricle about Doffay and your replies.
Just curious...do people choose a destination becasue of an airline or because of the destination? Do people say let us go to Maldives because Turkish flies there?
Basically the airline is not the determining factor.
Although, it is an elemnet further down the ranking order, that effects how you get there, your duration and your final cost.
Travellers want the best price first of their totel holiday experience. Usually the main component is the groud portion at the destination.
Air Seychelles can double daily every day till the cows come home. If our costs passed on to the customer do not go down, who will bother searching for the wholly grail direct flight?
The only way Air Seychelles can even begin to lower its prices or get daily frequencies, it has to become competitive and lean. It appears to be doing that.
I suggest the local market does the same, by first understanding the basics of aviation strategy and commerce.
Also understand that Seychelles cannot live on its name alone. There are millions of beaches in the world, and there is a world outside our islands and minds where people are facing recession and economic meltdowns. Dont you think we should adapt?
Doffay and others like him need to make their organisations so attractive that because of demand, Air Seychelles , Etihad and all the other airlines have reasons to justify their extra frequencies or direct link.
By the way, with all the number of seats flying into Seychelles today, connecting from so many origins in the world, is more needed? Are they always full? Or is it because Air Seychelles doesnt fly direct that is why they are not full?
Guys please work from the inside out and find the main issues.
Hope i contributed to the debate.
SFP is very quiet about the drug haul and Escobar.
They make big issues about small and petty issues but this one for some reason they would like to disappear . Why Mr Gill. Friends of yours.????
Cheers, sounds like a saleman for snake poison.
Reply on Drug bust on high seas-
SFP's position on this matter is as follows:
given the lack of full and verified information to be provided by the NDEA, we await a full disclosure of all material facts and await NDEA;
we note that NDEA as a practice sensationalizes busts and raises market values of seizures in the past. This is bad practice and we encourage NDEA to abandon this poor practice born out of lack of proper/sufficient education of its leadership to be handling such work;
it is also bad practice and not responsible nor is it professional to declare a arrest, but not name the persons implicated nor provide their pictures to the press at the time of arrest.
SFP hopes NDEA will sort itself out and conduct itself more professionally so the Public is not engaged in a guessing game until the evidence is lost at Police Central or NDEA office.
SFP maintains a zero tolerance on drug trafficking.
SFP trusts that the PL arrest all culprits in drug trafficking, which includes their own people, and not isolate drug busts to the opposition camp.
NDEA is reminded that the culture of drug importation was started by the very government it works for.
Don't blame SFP for that, many of us we were not even born back then.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill was scratching his back side because he was going to get bad news. not superstition. His back side was not dirty because Jean Paul Isaac is paid to wash it.
Reply to "Cheers', peddling Snake Oil"-
Cheers, who appears to be indeed pedalling snake oil has said the following in defence of the Air Seychelles new strategy advocated by Mr. Cramer Ball:
1. "travellers want the best price...the main component of which is the ground portion of the destination";
2. "Cheers', pedalling snake oil" cunningly ask us , " do people choose a destination because of an airline or because of a destination"; the implication of this statement by Cheers, as if, it is obvious truth, is that the airline is not at all a factor in choosing a destination.
Cheers' arguments are cunning indeed. But they are very false and self serving as well.
Here is the reason:
Holiday travellers Cheers, decide on a destination first. But that decision is not absolute as you seem to think in your mind. Most people pick a place to holiday as a first option, then they will have a second option and even a third option. They will look into the airline rates, frequency of flights, convenience of flight in relation to their holiday time for the year, and then they will decide on a hotel, once they have a flight they can afford in terms of time and money.
Without convenient flights at a reasonable price, in relation to market alternatives,holiday makers will opt to forgo a first choice, for a more convenient and realistic second choice. This is what has been happening since Air Seychelles pulled out of Europe. We have the statistic to prove that.
While there are many sun sea sand holidays in the world, we do know that Seychelles is the first choice in national beauty for an island. This means we are losing out to 2nd and 3rd choices because of poor flight arrangements.
The rates on the ground are irrelevant if potential visitors cannot get here in the first place, in a reasonable amount of time, and they do not have to lay over in some hub location for as much as 2-3 total days in a 14 day holiday.
The argument that Cheers advocates is to look inwards, improve your properties, drop prices, and more visitors will come. This is a red herring.
Why? Seychelles had the European market growing. Since Etihad stepped in, it has been contracting. So this red herring falls to the sands of our beaches.
Additionally as STB rightfully promotes, Seychelles has a varying levels of hotel services from self catering establishments to five star properties. So travellers are free to choose and bargain their way. The prices in Seychelles are no different today from any other island destination, in spite of the difficulties of doing business in Seychelles.In my view the hotel industry has done its part.
If Air Seychelles with new shareholder cannot be a real partner to Seychelles Tourism, it should reflect why it exists.
We do'nt eat Red Herrings in Seychelles.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
The ONE time when Izaaq the master photographer/filmmaker/journalist didn't show his face to record the suspects in handcuffs being escorted in court by NDEA!
Where were you mon ami? Hiding somewhere you little toe rag?
This is one scope that was too big for little Izaaq to handle!
Till today we still haven't seen that video recording of Volcere as promised.
Did someone nip you in the bud?
Hi, c'est moi, je suis back from Christmas shopping overseas!
Mr. Mancham in his address to the conference in Mali apologised why the President of Seychelles did not attend the conference.
One wonders, when did Mr. Mancham get appointed to represent us overseas. or anywhere else? Who appointed him? When and Why?
We can guess why, ut surely that tells us something, does it not?
Oooo-la-la mon amie Pissedoff...sa-va? Moi ici dans mon petit maison tout pres de cest pie orange lapo fin est an bonne sante. A c'est moment la, il a beaucoup famiy pti johnny qui vienne o vacanse aux Seychelles. Zot ti pe march dan bazar cest matin cherche un paqet macro et un petit fruit-a-pen. Zot parle franse an franswa et angle dan nannen et lo bout la lang.
Moi Je vas xmas shopping a eden island bien ouvir par monsieur VP FAURE.
You do your shopping at Eden ialand,me i gonna do my in Europe and have a nice Ski holiday in Switzerland.
I gonna have a white christmas!
Why didn't Gill sign off message at 11.12 ? Spend PL pension on skiing in Switzerland.
This message is not from Gill zako stop blaming for every shit it was me Johnny!
Sfp supporter Johnny
Johnny have his bussiness i dont live on pension like you zako.You been living on pension seen years.
Gill skiing in Switzerland?????
La liki manman pe al pase dan colinn montagne La Suisse!
I can just see that image in my head; A fat guy and his zako on skis coming down the Swiss slopes!
Commetant please, please, please, draw that cartoon for me!
Mwan Pisse!
What businesses does Ti Johnny-Le-Gay have?
I didn't know that Gaying was a thriving business?
Wa fer mwan Pisse!
I have two boat on Praslin i do charter with tourist and my girlfriend is a Swiss more its not your bussiness.You still think i 'm Issacc one day you will know who is johnny.
Sfp supporter Johnny.
"You still think i 'm Issacc one day you will know who is johnny."
December 14, 2012 3:17 PM
Are you saying that Isaac is Gay?
In any case it does not matter to a Swiss woman whether you are gay or not. They like a bit of bi!
Tell us how she straps you with all that leather and dog collar after which she rams that you-know-what up your you-know-where then she brings her brother to join in!
Every creation of god have a end only you and this regime think there will be never end for his regime.i want to wish all loving Seselwa a merry christmas and a happy year.
Piss ceja when am back,I 'm going there also not only for ski, to try and find the names of those VOLER who had made our coffer empty and have a account in Basel Switzerland.
Sfp supporter J
True...SFP'S end is nigh!
Sorry...forgot to sign;
Not SFP supporter P
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