The Police Commissioner Compol Quatre should take action against this officer and ask that the lady is handed a public apology in the papers and compensation for trauma and fear of equal right and protection which is enshrined in our constitution of the day!
No to Sexual abuse by the state official yes to justice!
No to Sexual abuse by the state official yes to justice!
Where the Commisioner of Police. Let's see if you are a real Commissioner. Investigate whether the lady is speaking the truth or SP
Dogles is innocent. Morgan should also do his duty as minister of internal affair. Birds of the same feathers. We'll wait and see that the only thing one can do in Seychelles these days and at the nothing happens
I want family of this women kas zot liki for them to stop.Those uneducated policeman with no A level.
How many time i have said those bulle in our country are main bandits on the island.How can they fight crime when them self are criminels walking free all time when they commit a crime like they kill this guy in coustdy at Beau Vallon. Those bastatd must be punish for their crimes like every criminels shame on Seychelles police try and do this with my sister.
There are too many problems with the police;don't know where to start.
First off, the force is nowadays composed of ignorant retards and savages who do not understand that their main duties are to serve and protect people.
who in their right mind would want to join the police today? NO ONE except those uneducated 'donner grenn' who has no other employment option.
Government should set higher standards. we need educated people in the police. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry should be allowed to simply walk in and be allowed to intimidate people with their unprofessional and nasty behaviour.
Stop playing politics with the police because it is this attitude that encourages this kind of attitude. The police should not be above the law. And they should know they are here to protect the public not government or politicians.
The articel was about police are here to fight crimes but them self are committing crimes.Did you read this articel or are you blind communist.
Is just like with the drugs they put in exibit after they bring it back on streets.
To the asshole at 8.46pm
What article are you referring to?
You seem an ideal candidate to join the present police force because you are the exact ignorant shithead with a big mouth and the intelligence of a pea that they are looking for.
Before you start calling people communist or blind, remove your head from your asshole and realize that people are free to comment here.
It is your patronizing attitude that is so fucking communist because you think you are so clever and know it all when in fact your comments show your utter ignorance.
Here is the point you missed.
You know why the police frame people with drugs like you are saying? DO you know why they commit crimes when they are here to fight crimes like you wrote?
It is precisely because they don't not know what is their role. They think they are here to protect sppf and its politicians and as long as we have this mentality the police will remain corrupt because they know government will turn a blind eye to their actions so long as they remain loyal to the politicians.
I hate to think what will happen in Seychelles if the likes of you had power in your hands. You are just another divisive fuck. If Christopher Gill has the likes of you supporting him, I am beginning to understand why he has 10 followers.
It was a mistake by me! i mean this articel is about police sexual arrassment by top police officer,not about who they protect.No
We all they have been protected lost of PP escobar in the last 20 years.
Why you always blame Christ even this comment was not from him?that make us see Christ and members
are a pain for you in your ass.
I live in the EU but i wish Christ and SFP all the best and the best for Seychelles.
"Why you always blame Christ even this comment was not from him?that make us see Christ and members
are a pain for you in your ass.
I live in the EU but i wish Christ and SFP all the best and the best for Seychelles."
Thank you for this comment and your support, Seychelles Freedom Party does not fabricate news or sell any paper to make money in acquiring justice or to ask that a problem be solved by unmasking it; We also suggest ways and means by which we hope that the impending s can be dealt with!
Such as in this case, we allowed the police commissioner sufficient amount of time from the day the recording and complaint was received to react on this when we referred this lady to internal affairs of the Seychelles police force, until today all the lady had received was a direct apology from the compol and a promise to look into the matter not to resolve but to look!
The Lady stressed that this be resolved quickly as she was at risk since the SP is of high rank and may try something on her again, the same commissioner proposed two weeks time yet this case straight forward involved the authentication of the text message direct confrontation of his officer a suspension pending the investigation and the finding to be made public and action taken as appropriate which in this case provides a morality issue thus permanent relieve of duty and public apology with compensation is in order.
The delay was necessary given to the police of Seychelles in order to protect the image and the rule of law yet until today they are still investigating on an officer which office is next door to Alice!
We have now loaded this video because we fear for the safety of Lucy and we are taking steps and forwarding this to the local authorities as well as the unhcr with the amnesty international!
SFP Also apologies to Lucy because we did not have a registered party for the last 18 years at hand to tackle or prevent such actions as we are handling at present. Too long has the country been asleep on important matters at hand it is time to shake a leg or in the long run tension will build up SFP will continue to do the right thing an expose without taking a single cent for it. We believe in seychellois/e that craves Democracy freedom and regime change god bless all of them. Sesel pou seselwa!
Seychelles is broken under PP.Our police forces represent the State of -the Nation after fourty years communism.
-The pertetrator is this case should immediately be suspended and place in custody.
-The victim and(witnesses)if any,should be provided protection immediately.
-Victim must be given psychologic helps.
-Rapid court proceeding.
-perpetrator given the highest sentence possible.
-Governemnt should compensate the victim.
In our country under Pp thugocracy Police is a sub institution at the service of the dictator not serve as the gaurdians of society but the communism party members and ilks and themselves.
The cultural traits of our police officers are base on the old communsit methology which has as prime objective to subjugate the population not protect them.Since Pp forced its on power in 1977,our police forces have not stop falling apart-professionals were put aside and replace by cronies often without qualifications nor experience.
The power of a police force is to enforce law not to rape it.
Seychelles institutions are broken.The government have lost control over its gang members,we would need a complete change of regime and bring about the best Seychellois experts and professionals in oder to polish off those staints left beihnd by PP police state .
And finally ,waht you suppsoed to be Scully and all those Irishmen duty here PISSY?To train and professionalize our police forces or to pocket thousands of dollars monthly on Seychellois back and enjoy a quiet holiday on our shores?
Time for regime change.
Another job well done, thank you SFP. This is just the beginning, because if I may say so; 'there are many more cases like that in this country'. Hopefully others will come forward and make their complaint, share their pain and make their voices heard.
If they have gotten away in the past just because they wear uniform, THINK AGAIN, because SFP is here to expose them.
A job well done Mr. Isaac, keep it up.
God Bless all loving freedom Seychellois.
Clair D'Lune*
8.50AM post from me.Jeann D'Arc
Pissoff you say dont bring police in politic,that mean for you let police continue do sexual harrasment and continue to be corrupt and abuse the law?
Simplest solution change the Commissioner. He is NOT fit to be in this position. He himself is uneducated so how can one blame othersw. Joel Morgan and hopeless minister. He protect him because Quatre is his stooge.
Where are the SNP in all these commotions? How come they are not helping with the procedure of human right in this country?
Clair D'lune*
Who are SNP. All who quit SPUP,SPPF and you name it. Same feather different colours. Can one trust them. Rene in his early days were like father. Shouting to no vail but he planned the coup d'etat otherwise he would not have gain power.Anyway we were not wrong not to elect him. See what he did to Seychelles. Back by a 100 years where we should have been forward by that much.
It is not by changing the police commisioner nor the minister that will change things.All those persons form part of whole lead by the butcher.Waht nees to be change is the regime.
A PP crony said Mr Aglae exposed PIERRE in order to make a career as politicain.Mr Aglae doesnot need to expose nor to be part of anything to be politician,all Seychellois can be a politicain should one wants,doing politics is not reserve to a few PP crooks.Secondly Mr Aglae would ahve surely made a rapid career asd politican by staying as member of NDP or jion SNP those Pp stooge parties then in two ,three years from now he would have been multi-millioniare like RAM and PIERRE.Mr Aglae simply used to be stooge and if Mr Aglae ambition was to make a rapid politcal career dictatorship only offers that.In a democracy,a political career is never achieve becuase a person wants it,in democracy it the people who make any politican career a sucesss nor not.In other words,in democracy it is the people who makes and breaks politician.
Morgan does not prtoect Quatre becuase he is his stooge but simply they are a gan of thugs who knows each others crimes thus make it almost impossible for one ganster to expose another ganster member.IWithin a gang be politcal gangsters,drug amfias etc that most often how things work -discretion is the rule ,the contary will be one illimination.
Jeanne D'ARC
Politic is a dirty game. Never trust a politician, especially the modern ones. Politicians are all businessmen looking to fill their pockets. Ask Mancham, Rene, Michel, Ramkalawan, Pierre, Gill and others.... They will all tell you they are working for the people - they are all working to fill their own pockets without a care for The People of Seychelles. It is very rare to end up with a leader like Ghandi!
Not only Ghandi! I would like to hope that their are still some honest people among us.
It is quite alright for people to fill up their pocket after days of hard work, how else can one feed his/her family? However James and Albert have gone too far with their greed. They are not only filling up their pockets but also their young whores, their ex’s and their army of kids that they have all over the world. These SPPF idiots’ humps like rabbits and breed like one. This useless regime has been sucking of our country like leeches, feeding of our sweat and blood for bloody thirty five years. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is time to change and move forward.They are nothing more than fraud.
I am not saying that Christopher and mates are Saints, but so far Christopher is one of the best. The Seychelles Freedom Party, don’t only talk and make noises like some does; they are dedicating, and devoting to bring justice into this country. WORKING OVERTIME IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE IS WHAT THEY DO BEST!
Unlike some, talking without actions, it is useless to brag and then do nothing.
Slowly and surely the people will see reality for what it is, Seychelles will not get very far with communist regime. If the people wait for those other useless opposition party to do something, our situation will worsen. My personal view on this situation is that other opposition has been slack, and are not doing what should have been done. Then again why should they, if they are being well paid to lay low and just brag and brag to fill our head with nothing more than just possibilities. BLOODY HELL, WE WANT TO SEE ACTIONS FROM ALL THE SO CALL OPPOSSISION PARTY. BEAR IN MIND THAT COWARDS CANNOT BE LEADERS. (If anyone has proof of other opposition party accepting bribe, they should contact SFP)
Jesus didn’t drop his cross and hide away just because it was heavy and painful; he carried out his pain till the end. Mr Hoarau did not accept bribe and didn’t lay low just because he was thrown in jail battered and bruised or given life threatening; only death could stop him. This man fought for his country and fellow citizen till his last breath.
The only way to change is to unite; this has been Christopher’s idea from the very beginning.
So far and by far SFP is the only one on their feet day and night doing what should have been done a long time ago. THANKS GOD FOR ‘SFP’ WE CAN NOW SEE SOME LIGHT.
God Bless Our Country
Clair D’lune*
Clair D'Lune, there is a saying that says once bitten, twice shy ! I strongly believed in DP at one time, moved on to SNP, now I trust no one, I leave it all to our Lord to look over us and protect us from these greedy and corrupt politicians. Some of these politicians are so corrupt that they have sold what never beloned to them in the first place. They are worst than daylight robbers. They should all be jailed and the keys thrown away ! It is very sad to see our people in this current state of desperation, cost of living rising by the day - but the politicians finds it alright to flaunt their SUV's, Chateau and Foreign travels !
I understand with what you are saying, but we have to use our common-sense in supporting the right party. Obviously we cannot support SPPF, they have already put us in depth, selling our children future and killing our people. The rest aren't doing anything, just talk that is all. SFP is the only one truly working their butts off. I also believe in 'Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera'.
Clair D'Lune*
I cannot wait for us to have the fibre optic internet facility soon. I hope SFP will video and post more examples of crimes that exists under the watch of JAM.SFP should use the opporunity to broadcast daily 10 minutes clips to educate the population.
don't you think you guys can also make a difference? lend a hand and make our country better, support s.f.p in their movement....give them pictures and videos so they continue the good job
will the naked pictures of Sarah and Tifrence daughter be any help?
Shit Stirrer
wahahaha be wi zwer sa bann bon dil anvoye
With fibre optic you might have other possibilites for instance, an" on -line TV station",thus stop PP policy of putting astronomic high price for a licence which is a simply aim at discouraging and impeding those that opose PP not to have alterantive or producing their own Tv station etc....( PP press control)it is cheaper, can be operational 24 on24 hours,etc..its advantage is immense.
Jeanne D'Arc
Wait till we get fibre optic before uploading Ti France naked. The cable will float to the surface all the way to Tanzania when the picture is uploaded, if Parti Lepep have not forgotten to nail it to the ocean floor.
la detri zot menm la.....
Pp does not have the choice,optic fibre is needed and an obligation in todays^world in regard to doing business and dealing on wordl markets rapidly and efficently. Thus though Pp knows the damage it could do to its thuggish system ,economic needs and the use of modern technology make it inevitable.Pp at first tried to dealyed and even refused it but reality has forced them to accept it.
Jeanne D'Arc
Just a point aside the above issue.
PP wants to deal with the abuses of casualty service.In other words people aksked for ambulance when they do not necessary need it.For pp the best solution to deal with the problem is having police present at hospital doors.
I think the simplest way to deal with the problem and without the nned to put axtra police offisers at each hospital gate ,is to simply made those abusing the service pay for the cost of the service they ABUSED.And that simply by send them a bill which they have to pay within a defined deadline through the bank.And i asure you after being presented with a fat bill to pay t those who are now abusing the service will never repeat it again. Moreover,to avoid those people to abuse hospital services ewhen they do not need it Mitzy can start using a "hotline system"wherby patience can call in advance and consult a medical expert by phone to see if there is a necessity to come to see a doctor or not.Furthermore,the medical expert on ther line with the patience can even advise him or her on what to do as alterantives.for instance,going to procure some tablettes at a pharmacy etc...
Jeanne D'Arc
JD, You have suggested some very good points to help reduce the abuse of ambulances and health system. However, we have to understand why we are in this mess. It is simple, the majority of people who vote for SPPF are uneducated and do not do an honest days work to earn a living.Over the past 3 decades these people abusing the system have been made to rely on SPPF for everything, hence they feel it is their right to expect Mitzy Health Service to be at their beck & call 24 hours a day. Instead of calling a hotline - they should call their local SPPF branch to assess if they are worthy of an emergency ambulanced. Basically, the way it should work is simple, if you are an SPPF sympathiser the red carpet will be laid out for you, no expense spared. On the other hand educated people usually does the right thing and will not abuse the health knowingly. You suggested a fine for abusers of the system. Unfortunately, such fine will only end up at their local SPPF branch to have it wiped off !
Very good point.Thus a change of regime seems to be the ultimate solution.
Jeanne D'Arc
I do not usually agree with Jeanne d'Arc. But I can see her point that an SNP government is needed to make changes.
Today there i sonly one single party that can make a change namely SF. SNP,NDP,;SPUP,SPPF whatever their names are the same thing under different names.
When candidate OBAMA ran for the presidency,he used a folksy idiom to describe J.Mccain pretensions as a new force of change in Washington.That's not change(Mccain is talking about).That just calling the same thing something different.But you know you can put lip stick on a pig,it's still a pig.You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change;It's still going to stink.Obama words can be used to descirbe SNP,NDP,BUOLLE and other obedient stooges.
Jeanne D'Arc
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