Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Christopher Gill Said "Boycott it is Rigged" SNP Said You Sit Behind A Computer That's Your Boycott Today SNP Abstain From Assembly And Publish On Blog. Now That's The Way To Go With Gills Ideas When You Run Out Of Them! Someone Say Amen!!

Boycott when to save face got |Barra to Cross!

Following the publication of a second set of proposed amendments to the Constitution for the purpose of setting up an Electoral Commission, the SNP wishes to state its position clearly.
The revised amendment proposes that the Electoral Commission shall be made up of 5 persons to be appointed by the President from a list of 7 proposed by the Constitutional Appointments Authority (CAA).
The SNP finds that this is worse than the first proposed amendment, which was withdrawn, in the sense that the President, a political figure, the leader of a political party and in all probability a candidate in the future elections, will have the sole authority to name the Electoral Commission. This process cannot ensure independence and is very likely to lead to a Commission which is under the control of the President and therefore cannot be acceptable.
The appointment of other Boards by the President, for example the SBC Board, has not given any example of fairness and balance meeting the requirements of democracy. The SNP therefore seeks the necessary safeguards for an Electoral Commission to be truly independent and to have all the means to undertake the mandate of organising free and fair elections effectively.
The whole process as proposed, from advertisement, applications from interested persons and nominations will be meaningless without a non-political method of appointment to ensure a Commission in which the interests of all political parties will be taken into account.
The SNP deplores the manner in which the Constitutional Amendment has been brought, withdrawn, revised and presented again without any attempt at consultation and reflecting the wishes of only one political party.
Where was SNP when Dhanjees Right's were Violated? Who Gave to Ignore Order??
The appointment of an Independent Electoral Commission is only one of the issues that need to be considered in establishing a fair electoral process. Among other issues which are of utmost importance are the independence of the state-funded media, the control of campaign financing and the prevention of abuse of state offices and resources.
Was It Fair On MSR An Opposition When SNP Stayed Silent??

The SNP does not accept that these issues will be left to the Electoral Commission to consider after its appointment. It believes that there should be an agreed program of electoral reform which will encompass all the requirements for the democratic conduct of elections.
Who Said This MSR????
The SNP believes there should be a process of consultation involving the existing political parties as the principal stake-holders together with representatives of civil society. It reiterates its proposal for the formation of an Electoral Reform Commission comprising of  representatives of political parties, religious organisations, civic society and international organisations concerned to discuss the various issues and set out a program of reform.
The ending of the Boycott was an act of treason and SNP Sold Out Just As did D.Pierre!!

SNP Secretariat July 05, 2011


Anonymous said...

Never a day goes by without Gill's men engaging in an anti- SNP bitchfest.

Anonymous said...

The Bitchfest was started by the SNP political whores, who do not know if they are coming going, or collecting the money for their trade.

Piss off!

Anonymous said...

The biggest crosser is Gill. Perhaps you mean cross-dressers.

Anonymous said...

I listened to dialog en direk yesterday and seeing Christopher Gill I thought we were in for a hot debate, but I was so disappointed, because he said nothing significant. I expected the sppf stooges like Brassel Adeline to beat about the bush and go round in circles without touching the real issues, I expected Mr. Gill to have the courage to call a spade a spade, to denounce James Michel and the sppf legacy which has brought such degradation in our society, but he also sat on the fence and moved away from the real issues. The question about why crimes have increased tenfold in the country were never answered or addressed by any of the participants, they preferred to avoid the question and jump from one topic to the other. They kept looking for reasons that don't exist, instead of facing stark reality staring them in the face. What a bunch of cowards, that is the reason why this social renaissance advocated the that buffon James Michel will never work. Give the devil his due, I am sure if Wavel had been a participant he would have spoken clearly and without fear (like he always do) and would have placed the blame squarely where it belonged.

Brigitte said...

He never????? Am shocked,
Is there a link that we can check it out??

Anonymous said...

What was he doing on SBC ? What happened to the boycott, Gill ?

Anonymous said...


I represented the Trade in this round table, not a political party.

If you listened, you would know what I said.

1. Drugs and Rehab- 12 patients at Mon Royale and 6 at Sant D'acceuil, we need to open SMB HALL and Budget for 500 patients at a time and declare a state of emergency on drugs.3500 addicts, which officially has never been mentioned on SBC.

2.I mentioned that The SHTA had a program in place that actually brought crime down, by 20% but the Police under the Irish scrapped it. We spend money each month on security patrols, which they will not permit a similar program on Mahe.

3. Minister Morgan has said tha the knows the 25 ESCOBARS and has information on them, so since he lacks resources to catch them apparently, I said he should think out of the box and go meet them personally and ask them to stop importing drugs. Meet with them until they all stop, bring additional members of his cabinet and civil society with them until the pressure bears down on them.

If I could get this message across on a panel of 15 people with the mic doign round robin without a clear focus by the lead reporter, I think we did a good job under the circumstance.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Gill is a sell-out ! Already, he is deserting the boycott claiming he has several hats to wear. Which hat are you wearing today ? Shouldn't we be told ? Is it the hat you normally talk through on STAR and here ?

Anonymous said...

Gill bannla i araze akoz oun kraz grenn escobar ki finans parti lepep ek snp parey.

Ramkalawan i per akoz i osi fim staff, Jean Francois ti fer deal ek ti nella corgat pour donn staff manrmay pour rebel pour li, anthony derjaque i friends avek en ta dealers, Bernard George i pass son letan pey ziz pour fer dealers walk menm defann bann dealer sppf.

Eski ou war zot pe al attend case pti malere parey gill ek isaac i fer pour donn sipor moral?? Larepons se non akoz zot pli vo mye al ankor pour dealer drog parey ti nella ki ti ganny pyen dan lakaz ek son shit apre i dir zot tin set li up.

Zan francois ek son lantouraz in kontribyen pour corgat vin parey i ete ozordi en ghetto paradise pour lapoud users.

Ramkalawan menm nicette kin fek mor i ganny trouve kot percy samson tan an tan pe al kolekte zot mwenza, Gill kontinyen al dan bann debat enportan ek kas zot ek mosyon direk menm si mari kler inn esey koup ou parol, e brassel per ou met blanm lo gard.

Sa lisyen kin train pour dil ek drog si ou anmen li dan pick up letour mahe mon kwar en ta gro minis ek mna bankal pour disparet ouswa pran retret.

Si misel i serye i devret konmans kot danny faure ek leopold payet avan apre jean francois ferrari ek Ramkalawan.

Anonymous said...

Gill is a sell-out. Boycott. SBC.

Anonymous said...

YOur comment give us an insight of how communist think and meddle everything to together,Chris had alreday to you,i repeat hie was on SBC as a ordianry citizen not as a politcain.This should be an example for Pp for it show quality of leadership,it shows that he can differenciate his activities from private,politic,which a dictator can do; If Michel would think this way and has the ability to differencate between private and state we would probably not be in this mess .

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

STHA members elected me as an executive to their committee to fight crime and help the Police.

This meant that I had to get involved in drug treatment issues aswell.

Now SHTA is made up of all sorts of people. If I played politics with the crime issue, I would be letting the people that voted for me down.

We do not need to play politics with crime and drugs, just state facts and the message will be highly effective.

Crime and Drugs does not look to see if you are SPPF SNP MSR SFP DP NDP Boulle Supporter, to call you as a victim.

It only ignores you if you are an PL Escobar.

If you SNP people cannot say or do anything right, close your office, go home, and sit on the sidelines and watch us erase PL Communists out of the history books of Seychelles.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

Gill, this is a load of rubbish. You were supposed to boycott SBC, not find excuses why you should be allowed to collaborate with Parti Lepep.

What this means is that your business interests make you an unreliable politician.

No excuses. Boycott SBC. Gill is a sell-out.

Anonymous said...

According to Gill's logic, SNP should attend the National Assembly when it is discussing crime and drugs ? Gill, you are unreliable.

Anonymous said...

It is not easy in this country we live in, but we need to maintain our stance and ensure that each and everyone of us have strong values and can at the end of the day, feel that we have brought more hope for our future.

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain

The Time Is Now

Anonymous said...

Gill is a sell-out.

He wants SNP to boycott, but he happily collaborates with PL.

Gill is unreliable. He says one thing and does something else.

Anonymous said...

SNP Pathetics-

I was on SBC representing the SHTA on an issue that concerns the Trade.

I have worked very hard on drug rehab and fighting crime for years.

Go on with your Boyocott. I will support you as long as you Boycott.

Just stop crying like a bunch of babies. You are totally pathetic. Get on with it.

The curse of Jean Francois Ferrari is upon SNP.

The curse of priest millionaire is not far.

If I were you, I would stay silent, like a log.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

No collaboration with Parti Lepep, even if it is to protect our business interests. Stop the collaboration.

Anonymous said...

SNP needs to stop taking money from their pay master called parti lepep.

SNP pa pe fer akonn diferans ouswa ensit okenn sanzman dan sesel zot la zis pour `kolekte en saler pour fer zot ris lo ledan bann inosan. Pli gran lensilt ki zot in fer avek lepep seselwa se pran lide christopher gill e met li an pratik ler tou keksoz tin fini ganny detri.

Ozordi zour zot still pe attend lasanble menm met en ranplasan pour david pierre e dir lepep ki zot pe boycott apre, sa parti ver in fini komans degrengole e pe esey kraz gill pour li met lide devan pour zot servi.

En pti mesaz pour jean francois ek ramkalawan, Gill pa pe donn bann ipokrit ek traizon ankor lide. Akoz gill pe al anrezistre en vre parti pour lopozisyon seselwa. Pran enpe retret bannla pansyon pour zot in set non??

Anonymous said...

So Gill has started betraying the boycott even before he has had a party registered. Will the real sell-out please stand up ?

Anonymous said...

They have already stood out and that is by selling out to michel.

Sorry JFF nice try but Pierre as taken his big pension and so will you after parliamentary.

Gill will not because he is a real opposition unlike what snp stands for now tell me will the real sell outs please resign!!

Anonymous said...

SNP Pathetics-

You sound off mantras of hate and jealousy over me as if I am some sort of object to you.

You avoid addressing issues in a serious manner, because you are incapable of serious debate.

Now, showed due respect for you all by advising you that I attended this SBC show on behalf of the SHTA. At the SHTA I have a 2 year mandate. Did you expect me to betray the mandate like St.Ange your next leader has? Did you want me to do what David Pierre did? Or Davidson Barra?

I will carry out my duties and use my ability to expose the fallings of government anytime when it concerns crime, drugs, and abuse of power.

Why don't you sort out your weak party, which is made up of salarymen and get serious.

I feel sorry for SNP, because we get so many ex -SNP who want to join SFP. It tells me the fall out is deep and it shows that they have lost confidence not just in Mr. Ramkalawan, but also in all other potential leaders in SNP.

The Bible says the arrogance of a man will destroy him and make it difficult to inherit the Kingdom of God.

On Earth SNP is so arrogant, it will not even inherit the Kingdom of Earth, let alone State House or the respect of the people.

Please change course, I beg you.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

You did a sell-out and collaborated with PL by appearing on SBC and discussing crime on their terms.

Anonymous said...

SNP Pathetic-

SBC is not a political branch of government. The National Assembly is.

We all ask SBC to be more independent and allow opposing views. When they do,you call my attendance a sell out? You are really lost.

You will notice that SBC had us in an audience. That is not right either.

The Trade has not been an audience in fighting crime, we have been at the forefront, when the Police was falling apart.

There are many problems with SBC style which we saw, but did not have time to address. For example, they have two journalists heading one interview session. If that is not communism, I do not know what is. They seem to watch over each other to prevent any independent journalism. The panel is too extensive to allow ideas to flow succinctly. Hence, perhaps your complaints may originate from that point. The issues discussed are too wide spread and should be narrowed. One session for Police. One session for infamous NDEA. One session for Prison. One session for Prisoner reform. One sesssion for drugs and one session for prostitution.

Get real man, your country is collapsing and you are pussy about like a pathetic loser.

Change your ways SNP - Pathetic, I beg you again.

You can start by taking steps to unite the opposition.

Seselwa Unite!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!

Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

You called for a boycott of PL. Then you take part in a programme for their mouthpiece. There is no excuse for that, Gill.

Anonymous said...

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